Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/8/18
Episode #11419 ~ Victor considers calling a truce, Billy reveals a secret project, and Nikki pushes Sharon too far.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Devon: All you did, lily, was attack her till the very end.
Lily: It was an accident. Do youeally think that i wanted her dead?
Michael: You could be charged with two counts of vehicular homicide.
Nick: How would you feel about moving away from here? I want something of our own. Off the ranch, in a different part of town.
Jack: What's billy done now?
Lauren: Well, he went behind my back and he ordered a very expensive feasibility study.
Billy: What I'm trying to pull off for jabot requires total secrecy.
Kyle: From everyone? Even ashley?
Billy: Especially her.
Phyllis: Have I told you how seriously hot you are when you do a chore?
Billy: [ Chuckles ] You mean that thing I do with heaving breathing?
Phyllis: Oh, you're calling that a chore?
Billy: No, that is bliss. Pure bliss.
Phyllis: Good save. What do you say we stay home this morning and play hooky again?
Billy: That is tempting, but I got to head to work.
Phyllis: Okay. I won't take that as an insult.
Billy: Don'T. It's a, uh -- a big day.
Phyllis: Oh. So it is involving your top-secret project?
Billy: That, among other things.
Phyllis: Mmm.
Billy: Mmm.
Phyllis: I am really turned on by this corporate intrigue. Give me a hint, please.
Billy: Nope.
Phyllis: Oh! We are back together. We shouldn't be keeping secrets from one another.
Billy: Oh, I'm sure you have one or two secrets you're keeping from me.
Cane: Can I get you something to eat?
Lily: I can't eat. 20 years in prison...
Cane: It's not gonna happen. It's like michael said, that is the worst-case scenario, and you have a clean record. And you went voluntarily to the police and you confessed, all right? That has to mean something.
Lily: Yeah, only if they believe me.
Cane: And why wouldn't they believe you?
Lily: Because the way that paul looked me, just like devon. Like he thought I knew I was guilty of running the red light the whole time and was lying. Like the only reason why i confessed was because of shauna's outburst.
Cane: It is my fault 'cause i never should have kept the truth from you.
Lily: [ Sighs ] No, cane. You were just looking out for me and for our family. I just really hope that my confession can give devon the closure that he needs.
Cane: You see? The fact that you were thinking about him at a time like this, sweetheart, says everything about the kind of person that you are.
Lily: Because it's all I can think about. It's what I've cost him. And no matter the consequence that I suffer, it is nothing compared to the pain that devon is facing.
Kyle: Your text was vague.
Ashley: Yeah, I think it's best we keep our communications non-specific.
Kyle: No electronic trail that we're working together to oust billy.
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: Any developments?
Ashley: Well, I'm more convinced than ever that we're gonna regret whatever billy has done with the money he took from r&D.
Kyle: Do you have enough board members lined up on our side to make a move?
Ashley: Listen, traci's gonna hate being put in the middle of her siblings again. Now that phyllis is back with billy, I can only assume that she's gonna take his side.
Kyle: Actually, I'm not so sure phyllis is 100% loyal to billy.
Ashley: Why do you say that?
Kyle: She's gone against him in past board votes.
Ashley: And?
Kyle: And she'll probably side with lauren, who's her actual boss and who pays her salary.
Sharon: Hey. Thought you could use a top-off.
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: Thanks.
Sharon: I don't really know how to say this, but mariah told me about what happened after we left hilary's funeral.
Cane: Look, if you're gonna criticize, please don't --
Sharon: No. Not at all. Quite the opposite. It was a horrible accident. It could have happened to any of us, and I'm just so sorry it happened to you and your family.
Lily: Thank you for saying that. There is some relief, though, now, telling paul everything. Although, now the whole town will know what I did and think that I wanted to harm hilary.
Sharon: Lily, you didn't want to harm anyone. What you are is very brave. You risked everything to tell the truth. Most people are not that courageous.
Lily: That's what mattie said.
Sharon: She's right.
Cane: Thanks. You see that? Not everyone thinks badly of you.
Lily: Yeah. It makes me feel like maybe it's possible that devon could forgive me.
Cane: I hope so.
Lily: Well, I better get going. I'm miles behind on my day.
Cane: All right, do you need me to come with you in case you need a middle man when you talk to him, or...?
Lily: Thank you, but no. If I'm gonna make things right with devon, I have to do it on my own.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Bye.
Cane: Bye. I love you.
Lily: Love you.
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Neil: Do you want to talk?
Devon: No.
Neil: Okay. No problem. No pressure.
Devon: Actually, I do want to talk. I do. I had a dream about hilary last night, as usual. She was on my case about something. About my clothes or about being late or something like that, and I never thought that I would say this, but I actually miss her giving me grief. And then I woke up with a smile on my face, and I was getting ready to turn over to tell her, and for that moment, that, um... for that short moment, I thought that she was still here, like the accident never happened and like we never lost our baby and like I never lost her. And just for that little bit of time... just everything in the world seemed like it was okay again. It's been days, and it still feels like it just happened.
Neil: Those feelings don't just go away. I mean, after many years, you still feel it, man. You got to embrace the good memories, you know, and the life you both shared. And you keep living your life for your child. And for hilary.
Victor: How are you feeling this morning, darling?
Nikki: Mm! Much better.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Thanks to you arranging for nate to give me extra care.
Victor: Mm.
Nikki: And I also love the family gathering we had the other day.
Victor: [ Chuckles ]
Nikki: So nice to spend time with summer and victoria.
Victor: I agree. Summer's the only grandchild I get to see these days.
Nikki: Well, you know faith will be coming over frequently when she comes back from camp.
Victor: I'm sure she will. I'm looking forward to it. Christian, however, is another story. Lives right here in genoa city, and I get the feeling he may as well live halfway around the world.
Nikki: Instead of saying this to me, you should be telling nicholas this. I mean, why not be honest? Tell him you miss your grandson.
Victor: Do you think he cares?
Nikki: Well, you've tried manipulating him to get what you want, intimidating him, provoking him, and none of that has worked. Why don't you just tell him the truth? Be honest. That may be what he wants to hear.
Phyllis: Lauren apologizes. She's running late.
Nick: No problem.
Phyllis: She is eager to discuss jabot's stake in fenmore's and the possibilities of you buying it out. But while we wait, I have some exciting news. Billy and I reconciled. He moved back in.
Nick: Well, that is great. Billy's not my favorite person, but if you're happy, then I'm happy for you.
Phyllis: So, we're both back with the people we love.
Nick: We both have good reasons to forget about our night together.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: I'm so sorry I'm late. Oh, am I interrupting something?
Phyllis: Nope. Not at all.
Nick: No, just, uh, you know, some summer stuff.
Lauren: Well, okay, good. Then I'll go right into my pitch.
Nick: Actually, that is not going to be necessary. Lauren, you know I have the utmost respect for you, but i have changed my mind about investing in fenmore'S.
Lauren: What? Nick, we spoke about this just the other day.
Nick: I know. There was a time when I thought it would be a good idea for dark horse to partner with fenmore's, but I just don't want to get into any other business right now other than real estate. For the time being. I just don't feel like diversifying until I get our core business solidified.
Lauren: [ Sighs ] Well, yes, I understand, of course, but --
Nick: And there was no guarantee it was gonna happen anyway. We can't force billy to sell jabot's interests in fenmore'S. And now that billy and phyllis have reconciled, I highly doubt he wants to unload phyllis' employer.
Lauren: Are you sure about that? That billy's committed to fenmore's?
Phyllis: Honestly, we don't -- we don't talk about it. We try to keep work out of our pillow talk.
Lauren: Okay. Well, thank you so much for being straight with me, and if anything changes, please, i would love to explore the possibilities.
Nick: Sure.
Lauren: But however I do it, I am more determined than ever to extricate fenmore's from jabot. So goodbye.
Phyllis: Goodbye.
Nick: Bye.
Ashley: Exactly --
Billy: Aww. Waiting for me?
Ashley: Hey. Just going over some work.
Billy: Yeah, anything in particular?
Ashley: Secret project, just like yours.
Billy: Is that right? I didn't realize you and ashley had become so chummy.
Kyle: Oh, you know, us abbott bastards need to stick together.
Ashley: [ Laughs ]
Billy: We all need to do that.
Ashley: Hey, uh, we need to have a talk, but not here. Do you mind?
Lauren: Yeah. Let's go.
Neil: Hey. Look who it is. Come here. Good to see you, babe.
Lily: Hi.
Neil: Hi.
Lily: Devon, can you look at me?
Devon: [ Sighs ] I'm trying to, but you've really let me down.
Lily: I'm sorry, okay? But I wanted you to know that i told paul everything, and you were right, I had to tell the truth.
Devon: Okay.
Neil: Hey. Do you know what you're in for legally?
Lily: Uh... no, not yet, but I'll -- I'll deal with whatever comes.
Neil: Okay, look, I'm very proud of you for doing this, making that decision, but I'm also very concerned about the repercussions that this may have.
Lily: Devon, you still haven't told me what you think.
Devon: I mean... are you looking for an "attagirl," because you're not gonna find that from me.
Neil: Devon...
Devon: I'm not going to congratulate her on something that she should have done in the first place.
Lily: I would have done it in the first place if I had known. But I didn't know that I ran the red light until shauna told me. I mean, you're acting like I was lying, but I -- I wasn'T.
Devon: Whatever you say, lily.
Lily: Devon, please!
Devon: Actually, you know what, let's -- let's go with that. Let's say that -- that you found out for the first time when shauna said what she said. You still should have gone to the police of your own volition.
Neil: Hold on a minute, that's exactly what she did.
Devon: She did it after i warned her that I'd go to the police if she didn'T.
Neil: Oh, come on, man. This is --
Lily: Dad, it's fine. It's fine. Listen. I was caught off-guard. Okay? But I did the right thing. And I was really hoping that you could forgive me.
Devon: I probably could have if you would have taken out your phone and called the police immediately after you found out the truth.
Lily: I was confused and -- and upset.
Devon: You were late. Shauna's the one with the real moral compass, not you. She couldn't keep herself from doing the right thing, whereas you, on the other hand...
Nick: Hey, what's wrong?
Sharon: Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about school and that I should go home early to study. Are you, uh, done with your business with phyllis and lauren? Or are you just after more coffee?
Nick: Both, please.
Sharon: Short meeting.
Nick: Yeah, it didn't take long to tell lauren I wasn't interested in fenmore'S. Dark horse is all about real estate. Speaking of which... what do you think about that?
Sharon: Oh. Hmm. That's a wonderful house. For someone else.
Nick: What's wrong with it?
Sharon: It's just too big. You know? Our house at the ranch has so much more warmth, you know? It feels like a real home. Not a cookie-cutter mega-mansion like this one. How would I even take care of that much square footage?
Nick: I would hire people to help you.
Sharon: A house that's so big it requires a staff. That sounds like something your father would want.
Nick: Look, this house is 100% eco-friendly. It comes equipped with solar panels. My father would never be into something like that.
Sharon: Maybe not, but i still just need our house to be a home, something that's a reflection of us.
Nick: Fair enough. The perfect home is out there for us somewhere, and I'm gonna keep looking until I find it.
Ashley: So, I got the sense that the two of you might be up to something, lauren.
Lauren: And why would that concern you?
Kyle: We might share a common agenda and should compare notes.
Lauren: Well, billy hasn't come out and said this, but the way that he has been conducting the feasibility study, I can only assume he's planning on cutting fenmore's loose. And I plan to beat him to the punch.
Ashley: Okay, I was afraid it might be something like that, and I can only advise you -- please don't be too hasty.
Lauren: And what do you know that I don't?
Ashley: Well, including kyle's brief stint, jabot has had three C.E.O.S in the last year.
Phyllis: Which means what?
Ashley: Things change.
Phyllis: I don't want to speak for lauren, but I have no issue with billy as C.E.O.
Ashley: You're taking steps to sever fenmore's from jabot. You're already making moves against him.
Phyllis: I'm making sure my boss explores her options.
Ashley: Mm.
Lauren: Don't let your rekindled romance cloud your loyalties.
[ Telephone rings ]
Billy: I'm busy.
Summer: Okay, well, you're gonna want to hear this. I'm at the club, and so is lauren and ashley and kyle, and I don't know, it looks like they might be conspiring against you.
Billy: Because they are, and I already know about it.
Summer: Okay, well, then you know that my mom is with them.
Billy: I'm sure your mother is just saving face with lauren.
Summer: I don't know about that. I mean, you guys just got back together, and who knows what she's been plotting while you were broken up. I mean, maybe she forged some alliance and she can't get out of it? Billy.
Billy: You may be right about that one.
Summer: Okay, so what are you gonna do about it?
Billy: Sending a group text to everyone. I want to meet here at the office.
Summer: Okay, well, I'll expect details. Bye.
[ Cellphones chime ]
Ashley: Looks like we all have an unscheduled meeting with billy.
Kyle: Interesting timing.
Neil: Hey. Okay, look. I know that you're in a very emotional place. Understandably. But I am advising you right now to take a little step back.
Devon: And do what?
Neil: It wasn't that long ago that you had a very similar situation happening, okay?-You wrecked your own car after having a heavy confrontation with hilary.
Devon: So you're gonna compare that? You really are? When I had my accident, I was the only one that was hurt, and I almost died. When lily ran the red light, two people died, she walked away completely uninjured, and now you're facing a fine or community service, or what?
Lily: 20 years in prison.
Neil: What did you just say?
Lily: That's what michael said. My sentence could be up to 20 years.
Neil: 20 years? Are you kidding me? Is michael on this thing? Is he exploring every option there is to make sure that you don't spend a day in jail? I mean, it's not like you were driving drunk or driving recklessly.
Devon: I disagree with that last part. Her mind wasn't on what she was doing. She was focused on arguing with hilary. That's why she ran the red light. To me, that's the definition of reckless, right?
Neil: What are you talking about? This -- this is your sister here.
Devon: I can't get behind a slap on the wrist for the person who's responsible for my wife and my child's death.
Lily: So then what's it gonna take for you to forgive me? A year in jail? A decade? Two decades?
Devon: I don't know, lily. I don't know how to answer that. Hilary is dead forever. So two decades for her life, for my child's life -- do you think that's fair?
Nikki: I went by crimson lights. They said you had left early. What, to study?
Sharon: Partly. And I had a conversation with lily. It shook me up.
Nikki: Oh, yeah. I've heard rumblings.
Sharon: Figures. Between you and victor, you know everything. Anyway. Hearing how she confessed...
Nikki: Made you feel guilty about J.T.
Sharon: Unlike lily, we can't blame it on a lapse in attention. We were fully aware and conscious when we broke the law, hid what we did, and we didn't confess to anyone.
Nikki: What lily did was an accident.
Sharon: You didn't intend to kill J.T.
Nikki: No, but I deliberately hit him over the head with that poker.
Sharon: Which the police might have bought as self-defense to protect victoria if...
[ Sighs ] It does no good to rethink it. We're not about to run to paul and tell all at this point. Anyway, I need to study. Why are you here?
Nikki: I would like you to help me negotiate peace between nicholas and victor.
Sharon: No.
Nikki: Don't say no without hearing me out. Now, listen. I mean, chelsea has taken off with connor, faith is at camp, and victor is missing christian more than ever.
Sharon: And would love some time with his grandson.
Nikki: You could talk to nicholas.
Sharon: And just, what, convince him to get over the way that victor's been treating him?
Nikki: Victor really needs to see him.
Sharon: You know what, it's always about what benefits you and victor, but what do nick and I get out of it? Nothing! No deal. I'm not doing it.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Neil: Hey. There are some things we need to discuss.
Devon: If it's about --
Neil: This is about business. Okay, look. I don't care how upset you are with your sister. Here in this office, we need to conduct ourselves professionally. You leave your personal issues outside that door. Within these four walls, it's about business as usual.
Devon: I can accept that.
Lily: So can I.
Neil: Okay, good. You ready?
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Okay, our company has completed moving its data to the new server farm.
Devon: And when will the access codes be changed?
Lily: That'll be by the end of business today.
Neil: Also, gc buzz. Despite my initial inclination to sell it, I'm gonna respect your wishes and keep it going.
Lily: Well, we can't ignore the fact that the popularity of hilary's show was due to the banter between hilary and mariah.
Neil: Which is exactly why i think we should consider finding someone new to partner with mariah, even if mariah now is the lead host.
Devon: I'm open to that.
Neil: Good.
Nikki: Are you telling me you don't think that you and nicholas would benefit from peace in this family? Don't you remember how happy he was when he reconciled with his father, when victor almost died?
Sharon: What about everything that's happened since then?
Nikki: Well, maybe they'll never be as close as they were then, but they can at least be civil, and faith would be so happy.
Sharon: Don't try to manipulate me by using my daughter.
Nikki: You know I'm right, sharon.
Sharon: You know what? You're being very selective, choosing to overlook all the things that victor did to create this rift.
Nikki: If you would just listen to me...
Sharon: No, nicholas has made up his own mind about his relationship with his father, and I am not going to try to change his mind.
Nikki: Oh. So you're holding a grudge.
Sharon: After he used my mental health issues against me in the custody case... gee, um, yeah, I guess I'm still a little pissed about that. I'd be more than happy to remove victor from my life.
Nikki: Wow. So this is all about your selfishness.
Sharon: No, no. Once again, this was nick's decision, and it wouldn't do any good for me to try to change his mind anyway. His hatred for victor grows stronger every day.
Nikki: Well, I find that hard to believe.
Sharon: Really? You need some convicting? Nick wants us to move off the ranch and into a new home.
Nikki: What? But you love this house.
Sharon: You know, it's taking me some time to get used to the idea. Maybe mariah would live here, if she wanted. At least that'll keep it in the family.
Nikki: Listen, sharon. If you help me with this reconciliation, none of the family will ever have to move off the ranch.
Sharon: I'm not going to encourage nicholas to go groveling to his father.
Nikki: You don't think he'll listen to you?
Sharon: I respect the man i love too much to ask that of him. Unlike you, who has forfeited her independence once again to play the role of mrs. Victor newman, the woman behind the man. You know, I'm proud of nicholas for standing on his own and not backing down.
Billy: Thank you all for coming. There have been plenty of rumors flying around, so I wanted to call you all in and get everything out in the open.
Lauren: Well, I'm gonna save you some time, billy. I'm not gonna let you use your feasibility study against fenmore'S. These stores are my family's legacy, and they are as important to me as jabot is to you.
Billy: I understand. That is not what this is about.
Ashley: Then why are we here?
Billy: My infamous secret project, of course.
Phyllis: You're gonna finally tell us what it is.
Billy: I am thrilled. I am proud to announce jabot's latest venture. Ladies and gentlemen, jaboutique.
Lauren: You can't be serious.
Billy: I most definitely am. I'm launching a chain of small boutique stores dedicated exclusively to jabot products.
Ashley: This is still in the planning stages, though, correct?
Billy: No, we are way beyond that. I've already signed leases in key sites in 30 cities across the country.
Ashley: Wait, did you say 30 cities?
Billy: All in hip, happening, high-traffic retail areas. If everything goes according to plan, we'll be open and ready to run by the holiday shopping season.
Lily: Hey. I would love to help you find a new co-host for mariah. It's right in my wheelhouse.
Devon: Really? You're responsible for hilary's death, and now you're angling for her job.
Neil: Devon, come on.
Lily: That's not what i meant.
Devon: How low can you actually sink, lily?
Lauren: You can't be surprised that I'm unhappy about this. I mean, surely it hasn't escaped you that these jaboutique could steal customers from my fenmore's cosmetic counter. It's direct competition.
Billy: Fenmore's is a department store selling a large variety of items. Jaboutique will be exclusively jabot-branded cosmetics. It is a rapidly expanding area of retail, and we need to be a part of it.
Ashley: But you knew it was risky, billy. That's why you decided to do it when I was in berlin.
Billy: I've been working on this for a while, but, yes, it has come together in the last few weeks.
Ashley: How convenient, when I wasn't here to question you. You didn't even send me an e-mail.
Billy: I understand you're put out by this, but I had to work alone and in complete secrecy to stay ahead of our competitors and get it to market as quickly as we have.
Ashley: I, as C.O.O., And the rest of the board, should have been involved in such a major and risky decision, billy. Opening up a new chain of cosmetic stores -- on a whim, by the way -- is gonna cost a fortune. Money that obviously you took out of my r&d fund.
Kyle: I have to agree with ashley. We all should have been allowed input on this.
Billy: I appreciate that, kyle, but I didn't think your 2 1/2 minutes of managerial experience would benefit me here.
Kyle: It's not a half-bad idea, billy, but it's a huge undertaking which shouldn't be rushed.
Lauren: Isn't this what you presumably wanted your feasibility study to determine? That brick-and-mortar doesn't make the money that it used to?
Billy: Yes, some stores in some sectors have been struggling. But the emotional retail experience is booming. It is trending. And the venues in which we have leased the spaces are in upscale specialty malls where people look at shopping as an event, a lifestyle, a social experience.
Phyllis: I think it's an interesting notion. He's obviously done his homework, as well.
Billy: Thank you, phyllis. Look, people do not see our products as simply functional. They want a personal experience. They want to buy into the idea of a better life. They want to put down their devices, they want to touch, they want to smell, explore on a visceral level before they buy something. They want to participate in demonstrations and makeovers. They want to photograph it. They want to film it. They want share it across their social platforms. That kind of immersion in a product is exactly what builds complete and total brand loyalty. Really. I thought I'd get a little bit more out of you. No love at all for this, huh?
Ashley: I think you just caught us off-guard. And I applaud you for trying to do something different. However, 30 stores is just too much of a risk, billy. Okay? I'm gonna call legal. I'm gonna try to get us out of those leases. But I'm very grateful that you asked for feedback.
Nikki: All this talk about me not having independence -- look at you. You're willing to leave the house that you love just to please nicholas.
Sharon: You know, I've had about enough of -- what?
Nikki: [ Exhales sharply ]
Sharon: Nikki?
Nikki: [ Inhales sharply ]
Victor: Gotten into any more fist fights lately, son?
Nick: No, but if you're looking to start one, I'm good to go.
Victor: If I want to deliver a blow against you, I'd go to the authorities. Accusing you of impersonating J.T. Let's see how many crimes you committed. Computer hacking, credit card fraud, burglary -- it goes on, doesn't it? Ever wonder why I didn't go to the authorities?
Nick: I already know why.
Victor: Mm.
Nick: Your reputation as king of the hill would take a serious hit if everyone knew how easy it was for me to dupe you.
Victor: You couldn't be more wrong, son. In spite of all the acrimony between us, you're my son. And as my son, I love you.
Sharon: Okay, is it -- is it your ms? Uh, what can I get you? You want some water? Or I can make some tea.
Nikki: Sharon. Sharon, I -- I just need to rest, that's all.
Sharon: Did this just come out of nowhere, or has this been happening a while?
Nikki: It comes and goes.
Sharon: Caused by...?
Nikki: Stress, no doubt.
Sharon: You know, you really have been carrying the biggest emotional burden of all of us. You wielded the poker, you would face the most serious charges if all this came to light, and you're taking care of your daughter.
Nikki: Sharon, is this supposed to be helping me?
Sharon: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for upsetting you.
Nikki: It's okay. It comes and goes. It's just my body telling me to take it easy. I'll be fine.
Sharon: Okay, well, just -- just rest for a while. Do you want me to call someone?
Nikki: No. I'm okay. I -- I have seen my doctors. Victor is very proactive. It's fine.
Sharon: Well, then tell me what I can do.
Nikki: There is nothing you can give me, sharon. I was just being defensive before, something that you and phyllis and victoria and I have all been doing, justifying our actions so we can be strong for each other. And if I had to do it again, I would do the same thing. I would still protect my daughter from that monster. But this time... I would insist that we call the police.
[ Sniffles ] And I would just trust that the D.A. Would believe that it was self-defense.
Sharon: That's what it was.
Nikki: You're right about lily. Confessing... I wish I had done that. Because the guilt of keeping this secret is eating me up.
Nick: If this is some ploy to get me to let my guard down, it's not working.
Victor: So you don't believe that I love you as my son?
Nick: No, I know you do.
Victor: Ah.
Nick: Me, mom, vick. Your grandkids. You love us all. That's a fact.
Victor: So then what?
Nick: It's the way you use our love, for you.
Victor: Oh.
Nick: You manipulate us to get what you want, when you want. That I will not tolerate.
Victor: Now, since you have shown your disdain to me, I want to show that I have told my investigators to gather as much detrimental information about you that I will use as ammunition so I can destroy you anytime I want to.
Nick: There he is. There's my dad, always full of threats.
Victor: I'm merely assuring you that I have all the evidence against you I need as insurance to assure that you will not come after me again because, if you do, I hand you over to the authorities.
Nick: Consider me notified.
Victor: Like son, like father. I will never forget that you ratted me out to the feds.
Billy: The meeting is not over. I've heard everything you've had to say, and I appreciate it. But I will remind you that I am the C.E.O. Of this company, and jaboutique is happening. Lauren, for the record, the feasibility study you're so worried about -- I did that to make sure that these stores wouldn't have a negative impact on fenmore's when they're in the same city. This is good for all of us, and I'm very confident it will be wildly successful. Just like my birthday suit campaign was.
Kyle: Right, because you did all that on your own.
Billy: I ran with a great idea when it exposed itself, and you can, too. We all can. Unless, of course, you don't want to be part of this company. Then I understand if you want to walk away. Great. Jaboutique is a go. Thank you all so much for your support. The meeting's over.
Ashley: It's gonna be harder to get rid of him than we thought.
Devon: No, I want to get the studio time for friday at 2:00 P.M.
Lily: He misunderstood. I never said I wanted the co-host job.
Neil: Okay. Why don't you tell your brother that?
Lily: Devon, I wasn't trying to say that I wanted you to make me the co-host.
Devon: You said it was right in your wheelhouse, right?
Lily: No, I -- this is a roster of my models, some of whom are very funny and entertaining, and this is how i was gonna help you find a co-host. I am not angling for hilary's job. Okay? One, it's inappropriate, and, two, I don't want it. I'm very happy here.
Neil: You know what I think is happening? This is all a simple misunderstanding. Okay? So why don't we set up some auditions, and we'll go forward.
Devon: No. I don't want lily to have anything to do with gc buzz.
Neil: Wait, what are you talking about? All right, look --
Devon: Or hamilton-winters.
Lily: Wait, I'm -- I don't understand. What are you saying?
Devon: I'm saying that you're-fired.
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