Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/7/18
Episode #11418 ~ Ashley comforts Neil, Lauren surprises Jack, and Lily makes a painful decision.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Phyllis: No more nights and days apart. I want you home because I love you.
Summer: They are not happy. At least my mom isn'T. Or have you forgotten about how she entertained her overnight guest practically 10 minutes after they broke up?
Jack: Your mom and I are fine.
Summer: I mean, I still think that she's crazy for throwing you over for billy.
Ashley: Apparently, our C.E.O. Has developed a pet peeve about me looming over his shoulder.
Kyle: You can't do much of that in berlin.
Ashley: Thankfully, I know how to delegate.
Kyle: Me?
Cane: You're gonna sacrifice your sister to make up for losing your wife and your baby?
Devon: Yes. Watch me.
Lily: I have to go to the police, and I have to tell them I ran the red light and that it's my fault. That I caused hilary's death.
Neil: Hey. I really wasn't expecting to see you back here for a few days.
Ashley: I wanted to give you this. Mm. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.
Neil: You have no idea how good it is to see you.
Ashley: I can't imagine what you and your family are going through, losing hilary so unexpectedly.
Neil: Actually... it's gotten worse.
[ Cellphone alarm rings ]
Cane: [ Sighs ]
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Good morning.
Cane: How'd you sleep?
Lily: Pretty good, actually. My first decent rest in a while. I guess what they say is true -- confession's good for the soul. Hey. Are you mad at me?
Cane: No, baby, I'm not mad at you. I'm just mad at the situation because I'm scared what's gonna happen to our family.
Lily: [ Sighs ] Cane, I have to go to the police and tell them that I caused the accident.
Cane: Sweetheart. You don't even remember running the red light.
Lily: Charlie was in the back seat.
Cane: Right.
Lily: He said that he saw me do it. He wouldn't like about that.
Cane: He wasn't driving the car, was he?
Lily: I was arguing with hilary, and I wasn't paying attention. If that's what charlie and shauna said happened, then i believe them. And so does devon. And if I don't go to the police, he's going to. It's just -- it's better if I do this voluntarily.
Cane: There's got to be another way we can do this.
Lily: Look. I appreciate how worried you are.
Cane: I'm not worried, I'm terrified.
Lily: Well, you know what, I'm relieved because I have felt so guilty. And now that I know what happened, I can do the right thing.
Cane: So you think putting our family at risk is doing the right thing?
Lily: We have gotten through much worse, all right?
Cane: Okay.
Lily: We can make it through this.
Cane: We don't know what the police are gonna do. We don't know if they're gonna arrest you, if they're gonna lock you up, put you in jail. Are they gonna put one of those ankle things on you?
Lily: Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We haven't even talked to michael yet.
Cane: Someone's got to think of this, sweetheart, because you're not doing it.
Lily: That is not true, okay? I have done nothing but think things through.
Cane: If that were the case, you would realize the best thing we can do right now for our family is for you to say nothing.
Ashley: So you're saying that hilary and lily were arguing when this happened?
Neil: You know, it's crazy, but lily got distracted just for a split-second.
Ashley: That's all it takes.
Neil: Yeah.
Ashley: She must feel awful.
Neil: Both my kids are crushed. You know, devon, he can hardly think straight. I don't know, they -- they used to be so close, and now they're really far apart, you know?
Ashley: I'm sorry to hear this. As a parent, I know you. You're trying to be strong and you're trying to be the rock for everybody and somehow remain impartial even though both your kids are going through such agony. I don't know how you're doing it.
Neil: Sometimes, neither do I.
Lauren: [ Sighs ]
Michael: Just who I was looking for.
Lauren: Hi.
Michael: You want to do lunch later?
Lauren: Yeah, I'm totally in, if you let me pick the place.
Michael: Sure, where you thinking?
Lauren: Hmm. Hawaii. Paris. Maybe for a month or two.
[ Sighs ] Honest to god, michael... honest to god, I can't wait to get away from this place, and i am not talking about a vacation.
Michael: I know you're not.
Lauren: [ Sigh ] This crick in my neck, it feels like it's never gonna go away.
Michael: Come here. I hate to see you this stressed. Mwah!
Jack: Hello there.
Lauren: Hey!
Jack: Something wrong?
Lauren: [ Sighs ] Yes. Your brother. He has me exasperated.
Jack: Oh? What's billy done now?
Lauren: Well, he went behind my back and he ordered a very expensively feasibility study.
Jack: Wait, feasibility of what?
Lauren: Looking into whether fenmore's should continue to own and operate the same number of brick-and-mortar stores. And soon he'll be pushing to close the under-performers.
Jack: Wait, that's outrageous.
Lauren: Not according to billy. He think it's fantastic business practices. Can you imagine him with no experience trying to lecture me about how to run a retail chain?
Jack: Okay. What do you care? Let him be a jerk. You are in the majority stakeholder. You can tell him to pound sand.
Lauren: I wish you were still here. I mean, you and I had our differences, but at least you were reasonable.
Michael: And a little respect goes a long way.
Jack: It's just a matter of boundaries. Billy doesn't have any. I'm afraid he is sticking his nose in places it doesn't belong these days.
Billy: I'll be nodding off at my desk all day at work, but last night made it all worth it.
Phyllis: This whole "breaking up and staying away from one another" really wasn't working for either of us.
Billy: Not so much, no.
Phyllis: No. Mnh-mnh. You know what, I say we get rid of these coffees, and I'll make us a pitcher of mimosas, have a proper celebration.
Billy: I can think of better ways to do that.
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Ashley: Is there any way that this can be contained? I mean, does the news have to come out?
Neil: Well, right now, only a handful of people know, you know? Lily's thinking about going to the police, unburdening herself.
Ashley: I guess that's the responsible thing to do.
Neil: Well, ashley, she doesn't really have a choice. I mean, devon's threatening to go to the police and tell them if she doesn'T.
Ashley: Do you really think that he would turn his own sister in?
Neil: I think he's grieving, a lot, and he's in a really bad state, you know? I just hate the thought of my daughter opening herself up to criminal prosecution. I mean, maybe if we give it a couple more days, devon will realize that's hilary's unfortunately not coming back.
[ Sighs ] Then again, maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.
Ashley: I hate to say it, but either way... enormous, enormous ramifications for your family and probably for your business, too.
Neil: I'll tell you, though, devon and I, we created hamilton-winters so it could be our legacy. If lily's actions get out there and the public turns against us, ooh, boy, this could all be for nothing. Anyway. I am so touched that you came by.
Ashley: We both have very busy work days, I get it.
Neil: Yes, we do. Yeah. Did I saw you look beautiful? Hey, listen, thank you so much for listening.
Ashley: Of course, and if you need me, call me, anytime.
Neil: I will. Absolutely.
Ashley: Okay.
Neil: Yeah.
Ashley: Bye.
Neil: Bye.
Ashley: I mean it, call me any time.
Neil: Hey, you know I will.
Cane: I just don't see what possible good can come from you going to the police, that's all.
Lily: And what happens when devon turns me in, hmm? Or shauna. What are the police gonna say then? I mean, this is a no-win situation, and the longer i wait, the worse it'll be.
Cane: Okay, then you need to stand up to him so he can't force you into confessing to something you may not have done.
Lily: Hilary is dead because of me.
Cane: [ Sighs ]
Lily: So you can either stay here or come with me, but either way, I am talking to the police.
Lauren: It's the wild west since billy took over. He's reckless, fickle. A whole lot of style with very little substance. I mean, gloria can't even keep track of him. Case in point -- it's after 9:00 A.M. Where the hell is he? A C.E.O. -- Ugh. Okay. I'm gonna stop. I'm gonna stop. Otherwise, I'm gonna be venting all day long.
[ Sighs ] What brings you by? Please tell me you've come to save us all.
Jack: Actually, I came by to check on phyllis. She's having kind of a rough time of it since hilary's death.
Michael: Yeah. They'd gotten very close.
Lauren: Yeah. Phyllis took the morning off.
Jack: I hope she's okay.
Lauren: I assume so. Rumor has it that she and billy got back together. Again.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh! These berries!
Billy: It's like eating jam.
Phyllis: Really! Hit me again. Mmm!
Billy: This is the life, isn't it?
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Hey, listen, if this is an invitation to play hooky again today, twist my arm because I am desperate for a break.
Billy: I know you are. You've been through it lately.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. So, is that a yes to a spontaneous mental health day?
Billy: What do you got in mind?
Summer: Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Kyle: I was just reading this fascinating article about men over 40 and all the prostate problems they have. Did you know they have to pee all the time?
Summer: Oh! Well, it sounds a little like the interesting article that i read about 20-something-year-old guys and how they just can't get dates 'cause they're so transparent and lame.
Kyle: Man, oh, man, you really stuck it to me good. How will I ever recover?
Summer: Oh, ha-ha. Are we done now? Because I am starved, and I'd like to order something then get some real work done.
Kyle: Sure you can get your mind off seducing billy long enough to think about business?
Summer: Like I keep telling you, I'm just --
Kyle: You're looking for a fling. With your mother's boyfriend, for god only knows what reason.
Summer: Um, because he's hot and they're doomed anyway?
Kyle: Billy's taken. Why doesn't that seem to register with you?
Summer: I like my men with no strings. Why doesn't that register with you? Okay, once I find out who my mom slept with while they were on their temporary break, then billy will be ripe for the taking.
Kyle: Yeah, if you prefer unavailable men. Why are you on such a mission to pry billy away from your mom? What difference does it make? Unless you're kidding yourself and starting to actually fall for the guy.
Summer: No, billy is lousy at relationships. Just ask victoria. He shouldn't even try to make commitments. Once this thing flops, he will swear off anything real or meaningful, which is where i come in. The day that you were at my apartment and mom's hookup was upstairs. Which, by the way, what did his clothes look like?
Kyle: It was a pile of men's clothes. I don't remember anything distinct about it. Not that I'd tell you.
Summer: Okay, well, this is too good of dirt to get wasted. I'm not letting it go.
Kyle: Yeah, dirt on your mother.
Summer: I'm not out to get my mom. If anything, I'm doing her a huge favor. I want her to wake up. Because if you're hopping in bed with someone else the minute that you break up, that's not true love.
Kyle: True love's a crock. Isn't that your mantra lately?
Summer: Okay, just -- how would a detective solve this? My mom's phone. My mom's phone! Once I figure out who she's been talking to, that'll give me a solid lead. Later.
Kyle: Wait, wait, wait. We haven't finished our meeting!
Summer: Sorry!
Lauren: Well, what I think about billy really doesn't matter. Phyllis was miserable without him, so I guess I'm happy that they worked things out.
Jack: Yeah, I don't know why she would take him back. He doesn't begin to deserve her.
Lauren: Well, you're gonna have a hard time convincing her of that.
Michael: Has a bit of a mind of her own.
Lauren: [ Laughs ] Just a tad.
Jack: Yeah, I still say --
Ashley: Well, hello!
Lauren: Hi!
Jack: Ash, when did you get back?
Ashley: Ugh, so early this morning, it was still dark outside. I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation.
Lauren: No, no, no. We were just gossiping, actually.
Ashley: Oh?
Jack: Apparently, billy and phyllis have reconciled.
Lauren: Yep, apparently.
Ashley: Oh.
Michael: I'm glad she's not alone now.
Ashley: Yes. I just came from neil'S. Very sad about hilary.
Jack: Which is another reason phyllis doesn't need a man in her life who's only looking out for himself. He was a no-show at hilary and devon's wedding. He left the funeral early knowing how much she was counting on him. Boy, if he can't be there when she really needs him, why are they even together?
Ashley: Well, because phyllis... I mean, she's madly, wildly in love with him, and... those are the only reasons she needs.
Jack: She's making a big mistake. He's only gonna hurt her again and again.
Billy: You want to take out
Phyllis: Yes! Take it for a spin on the lake. Come on, it'll be heaven. We got to make sure she's in tip-top shape, you know, before you bring people aboard and host corporate events.
Billy: I really have been a terrible influence on you, haven't I?
Phyllis: The worst. The absolute worst. Are you a little bit tempted?
Billy: I am unbelievably tempted. Unfortunately, today won't work.
Phyllis: Really? Damn.
Billy: My secret project is about to come to fruition, and it's time-sensitive, and I need to wrap it up with a nice big bow before ashley gets back from her trip.
Lily: Morning, everyone.
Mattie: Hi, mom.
Neil: Hey.
Charlie: Hey.
Lily: Um, is devon here? I wanted to speak to him.
Neil: No, he's working remotely today.
Lily: Oh. Sorry I missed him.
Neil: Yeah, I think it's best to give your brother some space right about now.
Lily: I actually -- I didn't want to crowd him. I just think I have something to tell him that he'd want to hear. I actually want to tell all of you, and, um... I hope when I do that you'll support my decision.
Charlie: Should we be worried?
Lily: I'M... telling the police today that I'm to blame for hilary's death.
Lily: Well, don't all talk at once.
Neil: Okay, I can understand why you feel this way, given devon's ultimatum. That doesn't mean that I have to like it.
Charlie: This is a bad idea.
Mattie: What choice does she have? And I don't just mean because of uncle devon. Mom taught us right from wrong. She's stepping up, and I'm proud of her.
Lily: Thank you. I mean, now that I know the truth, I -- I don't want to live a lie, you know? It's not the person I want to be. And, plus, this is the only way that devon will forgive me. So whatever the circumstances, you know, I was careless on the road and ended up costing hilary her life.
Charlie: Will you talk to her? There's got to be another way.
Neil: Charlie, what? Come on. Your mom has made her decision. It's obvious that she's given this a lot of thought. I understand that.
Lily: I just know that whenever I've tried to run away or hide from my mistakes, they get worse. You know? Lies and secrecy never make things better.
Charlie: But this was an accident. It's not like you meant to ignore that red light.
Lily: I know. Of course I didn'T. And I'm really hoping the police will see that, too. But I took my eyes off the road, and there are bound to be consequences.
Charlie: Like what?
Lily: [ Sighs ] I don't know, you know, I'm sure I'll be arrested for running the red light, maybe go down to the station for booking, probably meet in front of a judge to be arraigned. And then... you know, I'm sure I'll be out on bail before you two come home from work.
Mattie: Arraigned for what, exactly?
Lily: I don't -- I don't know the charges. I'm not a lawyer.
Neil: You hired one, though, right?
Lily: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Michael's meeting me here soon. I don't -- I don't know what he has planned.
Neil: Okay, what about cane? How does he feel about this?
Lily: He agrees with charlie. He doesn't want me to go down this route.
Neil: And, what, he's letting you face this alone?
Cane: Lily's right. I don't agree with her decision, but I'll always stand by your side.
Ashley: I hate to break things up, but I can pretty much hear my inbox calling.
Jack: Yeah, I'd like a word with you first.
Ashley: Okay.
Lauren: Nice to have you back, ashley.
Ashley: Thank you. It's nice to be back.
Jack: Can we go in here? All right.
Lauren: Okay, so if hawaii and paris are out, how about top of the tower, 1:00-ish?
Michael: Oh, I'm sorry, we're gonna have to do lunch another day. I have to be with lily when she talks with the police.
Ashley: So, what's going on?
Jack: It's billy. He's gambling again.
Ashley: Sorry to hear that.
Jack: Wow, you look every bit as shocked as I was.
Ashley: Billy's will power is not one of his strong points. What do you think triggered it?
Jack: The job, sitting in that chair. Instead of the usual vodka, he's now drunk with power.
Ashley: Again, not shocking.
Jack: Well, he's been having a grand time of it, throwing money around like there's no tomorrow. Apparently being reckless with his own funds hasn't been enough of a rush for him lately.
Ashley: And that would explain him buying that luxury yacht that jabot can't afford and doesn't need.
Jack: If he bought it. I think it's just as possible that he won it in a poker game. What?
Ashley: Will you excuse me for a second? I need to check with accounting. I'm suddenly very curious about how billy is using company funds.
Phyllis: Billy! Honey! Have you seen my scarf?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Michael: Well, everything you've said corroborates the truck driver's statement, that you were at fault.
Lily: Shauna and charlie were eyewitnesses.
Michael: Yes. Charlie inside the car, and shauna... a few yards away by the side of the road.
Cane: Right, and the key point, though, is that lily doesn't remember running the red light, and it's not like she had a big epiphany once shauna blurted out what happened.
Michael: Good to know.
Lily: So, what happens now? Do we go down to the station together?
Michael: No, I asked paul to meet us here to avoid you having to walk into a police station.
Lily: Oh.
Cane: That should work in our favor, right? Because you two are old friends.
Michael: Mm. Uh, let me make something very clear. When paul walks in that door, he's no one's friend. He is the chief of police with a job to do.
Cane: Okay, we got it. Okay.
Michael: It is extremely important that you allow him to do that job and not go out of your way to do it for him. Do you know what I mean when i say that?
Lily: Yeah, I -- I think so.
Michael: Just to make sure everybody's on the same page, you keep your answers simple. Don't elaborate. Don't fill in the blanks. If paul asks you a question that you're not sure how to answer, just ask to speak with me in private.
[ Knocks on door ]
Lily: Okay. Come in!
Michael: Paul. Thank you for handling this personally.
Paul: Not a problem. Should we get right to it? Um...
Michael: Uh, cane, would you mind?
Cane: Um, is it all right if I stay?
Michael: I'll fill you in later.
Cane: Okay. All right. I'll be outside, all right?
Paul: And close the door on the way out? Thank you. Shall we? Have a seat. All right. Do I have your permission to record the interview?
Michael: By all means.
Paul: All right. I am with attorney michael baldwin with his client, lily ashby, meeting at her office. Lily, I understand that you have new information regarding the car accident that resulted in the death of hilary curtis-hamilton.
Lily: Yes. The statement I originally gave the officer was incorrect. At the time, I believed what i was saying, but I've come to find out that I was mistaken.
Paul: What does "come to find out" mean?
Lily: Well, I've learned some new important information that i want to add. Um, the -- the truth is... is that I ran a red light that caused the accident, and I'm the reason that hilary is dead.
Michael: Lily. I'm sorry, I'm gonna stop you right there. Um, may I speak with my client, please?
Paul: I think you better.
Summer: Hey, jack.
Jack: Hey!
Summer: Hey, uh, can I talk to you for a second? I kind of wanted to talk to someone.
Jack: By all means. Have a seat. What can I get you to drink?
Summer: Nothing. Thank you. I just don't know if anyone told you yet, but mom and billy are back together.
Jack: I heard.
Summer: Yeah. Those two are just so wrong for each other.
Jack: Oh, your mother has made up her mind.
Summer: You know, I used to think that I wanted mom and dad back together, but... I don't know, I think the older I've gotten, I've realized that you're the best man I've seen her with.
Jack: You mean that.
Summer: Yeah. I mean, you guys were amazing together. You brought things to the relationship that, you know, dad was lacking, and billy's just not even in the same league.
Jack: Thanks. I kind of think the same way, but your mother has her own opinion.
Summer: Well, I think she's just being stubborn and doesn't want to admit that she made a huge mistake leaving you for billy.
Jack: I've been stubborn a time or two myself.
Summer: You're not over her yet, are you?
Jack: Between the two of us, no. No, I never stopped loving her. I was angry, hurt for a very long time over that affair, wouldn't give us a second chance. But recently, when she ended things with billy, I suppose i had some hope that maybe we'd have another shot at it after all. I was there for her when she needed me, billy was nowhere to be found, and... I just felt like she was giving me signals.
Summer: Really? Like what?
Jack: She's taken him back. It doesn't matter anymore.
Summer: Well, I don't know. I just don't think you should give up hope quite yet.
Kyle: Wow. You're back. How was berlin?
Ashley: [ Sighs ] Not half as informative as the updates you've been sending me.
Kyle: Thought you should know what was going on here.
Ashley: You're absolutely right. And that video you sent me of billy fighting with nick, and then the text about billy's secret project... I'm very grateful for your support.
Kyle: I wasn't sure if you'd take my advice in coming home early, but I think it's wise that you did.
Ashley: It's clear that billy's out of control, and again, I'm so grateful that you're here to look out for jabot's best interest.
Kyle: The most closely we work together, the better I'll be at identifying ways to do that.
Ashley: Listen, given what i just learned from finance and accounting, we're definitely on the right path.
[ Elevator doors open ]
Billy: We can meet here or jump on another conference call. Let me get back to you. You're supposed to be in europe.
Ashley: Yeah, well, things change.
Billy: [ Sighs ] I sent you there for a reason.
Ashley: I think we both know what that reason is.
Kyle: Got to go.
Ashley: So, billy, do you want to tell me what you've been up to since I've been gone?
Phyllis: I can understand why you're upset. Billy should have come to you with his concerns about fenmore's and not commission a whole study without your knowledge and expect you to abide by the findings.
Lauren: Mm. Well, next thing you know, he's gonna present me with the bill from the research company and expect me to pay it.
Phyllis: Well, I don't think he'd be that brazen.
Lauren: Well, if he is, three guesses where I tell him to stick it.
Phyllis: Ah. Okay. Now that's the spirit.
Lauren: Yes. What I wouldn't give to get out of this so-called partnership and regain control of my own company.
Phyllis: Have you thought about ways you can accomplish that, or are you still in the wishing stage?
Lauren: You must be so sick of hearing me complain.
Phyllis: You're not only my boss, but you're my friend. Okay? And it kills me to see your frustration.
Lauren: I thank you for your sympathetic ear and your company, actually. Michael was supposed to take me to lunch, but he had to go represent a client.
Phyllis: Mm, anyone I know?
Lauren: Um... you did not hear this from me. But lily is talking to the police about the car accident.
Phyllis: Hallelujah. I'm glad, finally, she's telling the truth. It's a good thing, or I would have gone to them myself.
Paul: Okay, lily, I have your witness statement right in front of me. And what you said a few moments ago departs somewhat from what you told us in your initial report.
Lily: I know. I'm aware of that. But now that I know what really happened, I wanted to come forward with the truth.
Paul: Okay, so what does that mean, exactly? You don't remember running a red light shortly after the crash, but later you did?
Michael: Well, actually --
Lily: Well, I wasn't trying to conceal anything. It was just a very, you know, emotional, traumatic time for everyone.
Michael: I'm sure paul can appreciate that.
Paul: Please continue.
Lily: Well, after the accident, there was a lot going on. Hilary lost the baby, and then we found out that she was --
Michael: My client failed to stop at a red light just prior to the collision, but that's the sum total of the new information we have for you today.
Lily: I just felt really guilty, you know, but I'm seeing things clearer now, and I know that it was my fault.
Michael: Thank you, lily. That's all we have.
Paul: How long have you been sitting on this information?
Lily: A few days.
Michael: Enough time to process the information and seek counsel.
Paul: You should have come to us the second you realized.
Lily: I'm sorry, I just --
Michael: What's next?
Paul: That would be up to the D.A. I have to make a phone call.
Michael: By all means.
Cane: How'd it go?
Lily: Just hold me.
Cane: Hey.
Summer: Hey. Sorry I ran out on you before.
Kyle: No problem. So, what's your big news?
Summer: Okay, here is the call log from my mom's phone. Do you see all those calls to and from jack?
Kyle: So?
Summer: There's more. I talked to my mom first, then I tracked down jack. She told me that she leaned on him a lot when hilary died, and I got him to admit that he never stopped loving her. Even after their nasty divorce. Hello? Jack. Your dad. My mom's ex. It was him! Those two got busy, like, seconds after she dumped billy.
Jack: I hope I'm not interrupting.
Lauren: Oh, uh, no. Not at all.
Phyllis: We were just having a drink.
Jack: I understand congratulations are in order. You and billy are reunited.
Lauren: Um, I'm gonna go powder my nose.
Phyllis: I was planning on letting you know.
Jack: Oh, it wouldn't have made it any easier.
Phyllis: I was hoping that you could be happy for us.
Jack: You're serious? I wasn't happy the first time or the second. How many times does billy have to prove to you he's untrustworthy, he's not someone you can count on? Time to learn from your mistakes and move on.
Phyllis: Yeah. Your brother is a risk-taker. That's why I love him.
Jack: No matter what he does.
Phyllis: No matter what.
Billy: Is that necessary?
Ashley: You tell me. I just found out from accounting that 60% of next quarter's development budget has been reallocated.
Billy: That is correct. I did the reallocating.
Ashley: That money was earmarked for r&D. Now, how am I supposed to create new products if I don't have the proper funding?
Billy: You're great at your job, ashley. You'll figure it out.
Ashley: That's not acceptable.
Billy: Well, the decision's already been made.
Ashley: Without consulting me, your operations chief?
Billy: C.E.O. C.O.O. Remember how we discussed that one little letter and how big of a difference it makes?
Ashley: And I understand you have started gambling again.
Billy: Oh, you and big brother talking behind my back.
Ashley: We're family. Jack's concerned about you, with good reason.
Billy: I don't know what you're talking about, ashley.
Ashley: You sent me out of the country, billy, to attend to things that I did not need to be attending to so you could make questionable moves that i couldn't object to. Thankfully, I'm back in time to restore the budget to what the board approved at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Billy: You want to have a board fight? Hmm? We can rumble. But if you're trying to stop what I already put into motion, you're too late. I have big plans for those funds, and the process is already too far along.
Ashley: Wait, wait, wait. What process? What did you do with the money?
Billy: I'm launching a very exciting new project that I'm not at liberty to discuss with you at this time.
Ashley: If this was on the up-and-up, you'd be standing there bragging about what a genius you are, but you're not. You're being secretive with me. Your C.O.O. And that tells me this has to be a risky proposition and probably shady to boot.
Billy: You know what it tells me? That you and jack don't like the fact that I'm sitting in that chair, and it's all because of the "blood abbott" clause. But I am. And I know what I'm doing. So the sooner you accept that and demonstrate a little bit of trust, the better it will be for everyone.
Michael: What did christine say?
Paul: Well, uh, she advised me to get new statements from all parties involved, and then she will decide how to proceed.
Lily: Can you tell us any more than that?
Paul: I'll let you attorney fill you in.
Michael: Thank you.
[ Sighs ] "It was my fault?" "I caused the accident." "I'm the reason hilary is dead?" My god, lily!
Cane: Wait, you said that? You said that?
Michael: It's on tape. Paul has it on tape. Did I or did I not instruct you not to make his case for him?
Lily: Well, I -- I couldn't help it.
Michael: Yes! You could have!
Cane: All right, don't berate her, please. She's under enough pressure as it is. Please don't do that.
Michael: I'm sorry. I'm just a teeny bit frustrated. I should have been more clear about the gravity of your situation.
Lily: It was an accident! I mean, I'm sure they'll suspend my license, you know, give me a fine, maybe I'll do some community service, and they'll put the whole nightmare behind us! That's -- that's it!
Michael: Two people died in that accident, lily. Hilary and her unborn child. You could be charged with two counts of vehicular homicide.
Lily: Homicide?
Michael: Mm. The formal charge is "homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle."
Cane: Okay, all right, can we just cut to the chase, please? Just tell us what we're looking at here.
Michael: If the judge wanted to make an example of lily, she could be looking at up to 20 years in the state penitentiary.
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