Y&R Transcript Monday 8/6/18
Episode #11417 ~ Victor enlists Nate's help, Summer amps up her pursuit of Billy, and Devon takes action.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Billy: Even if phyllis and i are done, and I'm not saying we are, I'm not hooking up with her daughter.
Kyle: There was a guy here, upstairs.
Summer: Who?
Kyle: I said I don't know.
Summer: I'll just figure it out myself.
Billy: What's happening behind those closed doors is great for jabot.
Phyllis: How great?
Billy: You're gonna have to trust me.
Nick: How would you feel about moving away from here? This place is all about dad. I want something of our own.
Tessa: If you don't hear from me for the next little bit, it's for safety -- yours, crystal's, and mine.
Devon: My wife is gone and my child is gone, and I think the only justice for them would be for you to go to the police. So are you gonna do the right thing, or are you gonna make me do it for you?
Lily: Hey.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: I just left you at the house.
Cane: Yeah, when you rushed out because you were avoiding me again. Sweetheart, listen, you can't do that, okay? We have too much we have to talk about.
Lily: Cane, I don't want to do this.
Cane: Sweetheart, please just hear me out. Please.
Mariah: What's the point? It'll just be a mess by dinnertime.
Sharon: [ Sighs ]
Mariah: I'm sorry I scared you. Mom?
Summer: You know, you can look at me. The power of your thoughts aren't quite strong enough to make the towel drop. I didn't know that you and mom were back together.
Billy: You gonna pout about it now?
Summer: Not pouting. Just curious. Are you back here because it's what you really want, or because it's easy?
Billy: Oh, you think being with your mom is easy? And what makes you think that i want someone easy? 'Cause I don'T. I want someone with excitement and fun, intrigue. Someone that's not predictable. And that is your mom.
Summer: Are you trying to convince me about that, or yourself?
Phyllis: Honey. No more parading around like that. House rules. Look who's back.
Summer: Yay.
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Mariah: Okay, let me rephrase. Not is something bugging you? But what is bugging you, and how can I help?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] My emotions are all over the place. And, no, I haven't stopped taking my medication or done anything. It's nick.
Mariah: Wait, I thought everything was back on track.
Sharon: Yeah. Me, too. I mean, it is. Nick's back on the marriage train. Almost full-force. It's a little overwhelming. In a good way.
Mariah: Well, what are you afraid of, remarrying nick?
Sharon: No! Of course not. I love him. Being back with nick has always been my dream. It's just this new energy and enthusiasm he has, it'S... it's still an adjustment for me, and at times, a scary one.
Mariah: Is it the wedding or his new company? I mean, it's all of it. It's moving ahead so fast. I mean, can I keep up?
Mariah: Look, nick needs time to adjust to the new company, and after the wedding, things will settle down.
Sharon: He wants us to move.
Mariah: From this house?
Sharon: From this home. Our home. The place where we started our lives together. He wants to put this place in the rearview mirror.
Phyllis: Can I pick you up some breakfast on the way into jabot?
Billy: What? We're not carpooling?
Phyllis: No, actually, I have a quick appointment, but maybe by the time I get back in there, you will have declassified your super-secret project and tell me what it's all about.
Billy: I will, in due time, gorgeous. But in the meantime, for your patience, I will allow you one more secret. So, go ahead, ask me anything.
Phyllis: Only one secret, huh?
Billy: Look, I'm dying to tell you, I am, and I will. Soon.
Phyllis: How soon?
Billy: I have to have this up and running by the time ashley gets home from berlin.
Phyllis: Really? Why?
Billy: So she doesn't mess it up.
Cane: I'm just glad you made your usual pit stop and didn't take any unexpected detours. Like going to the police station.
Lily: If I don't tell them i ran the red light, devon's gonna do it for me.
Cane: Neil would not let him do that.
Lily: He is a grown man, and he's suffering. I don't think my dad can stop him.
Cane: All right, all right. What we need is a well-thought-out plan that is not impulsive.
Lily: Yeah, like me being the cause of someone's death.
Cane: It was an accident, okay? And you giving yourself up is not gonna bring hilary back. Sweetheart, you are too important to too many people. Especially me.
Lily: I am thinking of you guys. I want my family to have a mom that doesn't back down from tough decisions. And if I knew what the right one was, I would have done it already.
Cane: I know this is torturing you, but please think about this carefully. And, please, don't do anything until we discuss it. Will you promise me that? Will you promise me? Okay.
Sharon: These are the homes in and around genoa city nick wants me to take a look at.
Mariah: Wow. It's fancy.
Sharon: Tell me about it. Nick dove into this house hunt full-throttle.
Mariah: Well, let's think about who's driving nick.
Sharon: Victor.
Mariah: Right. We still live on his ranch. Sure, we can deadbolt him out or lock the windows, but we're still on victor's compound, and that has to eat at nick.
Sharon: Especially now.
Mariah: Nick knows that you cherish this house. But when it comes to his dad, he's trying to be strategic and practical. You know, if I were nick, i would have made the same moves against victor and looked for another house in a different hemisphere. Have you taken a real look at any of these listings?
Sharon: Some of them. I mean... they're all beautiful. They're each really impressive in their own unique way. Mm. You know, I just -- this has been my home longer than anywhere else. That's why I have this connection to it. And some realtor can't just swoop in and duplicate that.
Mariah: Nick's imagining a new phase in his life with you, in home that you both can love, and finding that takes time. I mean, I can't see him putting a deadline on that, can you?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] A few weeks ago, I would have said no. But nick's changed. Otherwise, there wouldn't be this.
Mariah: So that's it? He's just made up his mind, it's a done deal?
Sharon: Well, I'm sure he has his reasons, like you said. This is the new nick -- assertive, dynamic, protective. But I liked the old nick. And I miss him sometimes. I mean, I do realize they're actually the same person and I'm not really making any sense. You know what, I'm gonna get a grip. No worries.
Mariah: You are making sense, you are. But I just want you to remember that life with the old nick, it wasn't perfect.
Sharon: Far from it, right?
Mariah: Which is why you're not trying to get back something you lost or pick up where you left off. You're trying to create something different. And it might not look familiar or feel familiar, but a new romantic adventure should be different and better in every way.
Sharon: I'd settle for a different ending. A happy one for a change.
Mariah: How about happy? No ending. Because it's what you and nick deserve.
Devon: Yeah, I'm actually already here right now, so whenever you want to have the messenger stop by, I'll have this ready for him. All right. Perfect. Yeah, we'll talk then. All right, take care. Sir. Hey. Could I get a coffee, please? Thank you.
Mattie: Hi. Can I have a large green tea to go, please? Thanks.
Devon: Hey, mattie.
Mattie: Oh! Hi, uncle devon.
Devon: Hey. You're here bright and early.
Mattie: Yeah. [ Chuckles ] You know me, I like to get a head start on things. I get anxious if I feel like I'm falling behind, or if there's a chance I could fall behind.
Devon: With that mindset, you'll be running your own company pretty soon.
Mattie: [ Chuckle ]
Devon: Why don't you have a seat, join me? I won't keep you very long. I know you're anxious to get upstairs.
Mattie: Yeah, um... what about you? Are you gonna stop by the office? I mean, since you're already here.
Devon: Yeah, no, I -- I'm probably gonna work from home today.
Mattie: Right. No, I totally get it. I just figured I'd ask.
Devon: Yeah, I'm in the middle of working on a project, and all my paperwork is there, so...
Mattie: Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Devon: Do you want to order some breakfast? You can take it upstairs with you.
Mattie: Oh, I -- I would, but I already grabbed a bite to eat at home.
Devon: Okay. Hey, when, um -- when school starts back up, are you gonna be able to still help you at hamilton-winters?
Mattie: Definitely. I love it here, and my guidance counselor said it looks awesome on a college application.
Devon: Oh, good.
Mattie: Mm-hmm.
Devon: That's very good. I'm surprised there's still classes at your school that you haven't already taken and aced.
Mattie: Tell me about it.
Devon: Well, I won't you hold you up any longer. I know that you're eager to be the first one in there.
Mattie: Yeah. Can't help it. [ Chuckles ]
Devon: Will you do me a favor, though?
Mattie: Sure.
Devon: Will you take this and put in an envelope because I'm having a messenger come by to pick it up.
Mattie: Yeah, uh, no problem.
Devon: Thank you.
Mattie: Can I ask you something?
Devon: Yeah. Of course you can.
Mattie: Were you gonna drop this off on your own, or did i bail you out of possibly having to run into my mom?
Devon: That's pretty direct.
Mattie: Sorry.
Devon: Don't be sorry. It's -- it's a good quality to have. Um, to answer your question, I'm just doing what I think is best for everyone right now.
Mattie: Best for everyone, or for yourself?
Phyllis: Knock, knock.
Nikki: Oh, it's you.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm fabulous. And yourself?
Nikki: What do you want, phyllis?
Phyllis: Well, I was looking for victoria. This is still her office, yeah?
Nikki: Reed is in a musical festival up in maine, and victoria and the kids decided to go visit him for a few days. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Phyllis: I see. So you're temping.
Nikki: I work at newman now.
Phyllis: Wow. You and victor. The executive power couple. Okay. Well, since victoria is on vacation, I will give you what i came to give her. An apology.
Nikki: Oh! Really?
Phyllis: I may have been out of line yesterday after we all spoke to paul.
Nikki: Oh, I don't doubt that. But refresh my memory.
Phyllis: I made a joke about victor, letting him take the fall for J.T. To get the four of us off, and it was insensitive. We're in this together, all of us.
Nikki: Oh, yeah.
[ Scoffs ]
Phyllis: What?
Nikki: I find that hilarious coming from you. The member of our little club who went to sharon weeks ago and suggested that the two of you play innocent while my daughter and I go down for murder.
Lily: Yes, it's booked. I will scan the contracts and e-mail then back signed by both models. Yeah, I'm uploading their zed-cards now. Thank you.
Mattie: Hi, mom.
Lily: Hi.
Mattie: With tessa gone, I'm usually the first in the office. It's kind of my thing.
Lily: I had business with london, and it's much later there, so...
Mattie: Only six hours. I mean, you didn't have to rush over to the office so early.
Lily: Well, they booked two models, and I just wanted to finalize the details.
Mattie: I was worried. Dad and I came looking for you, but you raced out.
Lily: Sorry, sweetie. I just -- I've had a lot on my mind.
Mattie: On all of ours. This is all so messed up and confusing and hard. Everyone's sad, crazy emotional, of course. But we all know it was an accident. Nothing anyone could have imagined or wanted, including you. You -- you get that, right?
Lily: I do. Thank you.
Devon: We have nothing to talk about.
Cane: That is not true.
Devon: Well, nothing's changed, so I have to go.
Cane: All right, listen, i know you're angry and you're in pain, but all you're gonna do is hurt your sister and your dad and your niece and your nephews. That's all you're gonna do.
Devon: Well, you know, your credibility on this whole matter is shot and it's been since you found out the truth and decided to bury it.
Cane: All right, you would have done the same thing.
Devon: You don't know what i would have done. You have no idea what I would have done. So let's sticks to facts. Two lives, the most important ones to me, are gone. My dream died with them.
Cane: I'm sorry about that.
Devon: My life was torn away from me, and you want me to forget about that so that your life can go unchanged?
Cane: So you're gonna sacrifice your sister to make up for losing your wife and your baby?
Devon: Yes. Watch me.
Billy: Have the powerpoint done by the end of the week, please.
Summer: I will jump right on it. Come to you with any questions?
Billy: No, go to your mother. I'm swamped.
Summer: Okay.
Billy: At your own desk. I got a lot going on here, and i do not need the distraction.
Summer: All right, well, i never wanted to be a distraction like earlier. I'm sorry about the towel thing, by the way.
Billy: Just don't let it happen again, please.
Kyle: What are you sorry about?
Summer: What are you, lip-reading now? It's none of your business.
Kyle: Mm, this is getting interesting.
Summer: Grow up. It was just some dumb, minor thing that happened at my apartment, which billy moved back into last night.
Kyle: How do you feel about that?
Summer: Like I give a --
Kyle: As long as they're happy, shouldn't you be, too?
Summer: They are not happy. At least my mom isn'T. Or have you forgotten about how she entertained her overnight guest practically 10 minutes after they broke up?
Kyle: I wish I never told you about that now.
Summer: Yeah, well, you did, so someone needs to protect billy before he gets messed around by her, and I would be doing him a huge favor if I told him sooner rather than later about her little sleepover.
Kyle: Or doing yourself a favor because that'd free billy up.
Summer: Wherever did you get that idea?
Kyle: You're not subtle around him. Admit it. You're into him.
Summer: So I can't be attracted to the same person just because my mom got there first?
Kyle: Not enough guys in town for you, so you pick your mom's? What could ever come out of that, except trouble? It's the definition of a non-starter.
Summer: Maybe I don't want something permanent or boring. Stale. Let the other girls lose their dignity to fight for something with a fairy tale ending. I prefer casual, mindless, and hot. That way, it's no romance, no strings, no whining online posts.
Kyle: Mm. So cynical. I don't buy it.
Summer: Yeah, well, I don't care. I'm practical. Take my last boyfriend, for instance. The sexiest feature about him was that he wasn't available. So I have spent all of zero seconds rehashing our breakup. No crying about what could have been, no sleepless nights missing his touch. So depressing. No thank you.
Kyle: And now you want billy because it could never be anything but cheap and meaningless.
Phyllis: You make accusations like that, and you decide to make a phone call?
Nikki: Only one. Yes, security. I need to have someone removed from the executive wing.
Phyllis: You're being ridiculous.
Nikki: So you didn't say that to sharon.
Phyllis: I might have been thinking out loud.
Nikki: Let me ease that overactive brain of yours. If the body is found, and the trail leads back to girls' night, I will take the blame. All of it. I was protecting my only daughter from a psychopath, and I will never apologize for that. Things got out of control. Choices had to be made, and i made them. No one else. You and sharon were there by-chance. Yes, you helped victoria and me get through a hellish night, as friends. Like you cared. It meant a lot. And I really didn't enjoy being reminded that the only person that you really care about is phyllis.
Victor: Well, hello, phyllis. What are you doing here?
Nikki: Tell him.
Phyllis: Just a little charity business, victor.
Phyllis: I pitched nikki. She passed. That's all right. She wasn't interested. That's okay, some of us aren't capable of vision, I suppose.
Mattie: I need to make some deliveries for grandpa and uncle devon.
Lily: Yeah, that's okay. Go ahead.
Mattie: So, can you tell me what's gonna happen with everything?
Lily: Um... not yet. It's, uh... it's complicated.
Mattie: Okay, um, well... I'll always be grateful and proud that you're my mom.
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: Devon, listen, we're not done, okay?
Devon: I'm done.
Cane: You don't want to put lily in this position.
Devon: Well, she needs to own up to what she's done.
Cane: So you want her to walk into a felony charges for an accident she didn't mean to cause?
Devon: You ever consider maybe she did?
Cane: Are you kidding me?
Devon: No.
Nate: Guys. Please.
Cane: Well, you need to --
Nate: Don't make things any worse.
Cane: Well, tell your cousin to back down, then.
Devon: I'm not gonna let hilary's death be forgotten. It matters.
Cane: No one's disputing that, not even lily, okay? 'Cause, you know, that's what he wants to do. He wants to make her pay and wreck my family in the process.
Nate: You know he's not going to give up protecting lily. Is this really the fight you want?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Sharon: Thank you.
Mariah: Yeah. You drove last time.
Sharon: No, I'm not thanking you for the ride. For listening to me all morning, letting me vent. It was a really good talk. I feel better.
Mariah: Awesome. Well, if you're having any doubts...
Sharon: I just want nick and me to be... really great together. Amazing. If that means that I have to accept some big changes, I will. You won't mention this to him, will you?
Mariah: What? No way. I've got your back.
Sharon: I know. It always really helps, talking to you.
Mariah: You know, I'm good at more things than just talking.
Sharon: Do you ever plan any weddings? Because I need to find a maid of honor dress for my daughter. She's a tv host.
Mariah: [ Gasps ] I love her! And you know what, she's going to love the dress, as long as she has final say.
Sharon: Are you saying you don't trust my taste?
Mariah: No...
Victor: I suspect phyllis is using these joint charity ventures with you to take advantage professionally?
Nikki: [ Scoffs ] How unlike you.
Victor: If she's becoming a pest, you call security, all right? Without hanging up.
Nikki: You really do know everything that goes on around here.
Victor: Nothing has changed. Sweetheart, I know you're doing a wonderful job, you really are. But I don't want you to stress yourself too much, okay?
Nikki: Well, thank you. You're very sweet.
Victor: Because I know stress has caused that recent ms flare-up. Right?
Nikki: It was just a minor discomfort.
[ Sighs ] It is stress, but not job-related.
Victor: Does it have to do with my battle with nicholas?
Nikki: It has something to do with it. I wish you didn't feel that you had to go to war.
Victor: Sweetheart, the term "war" implies that two equal powerful adversaries are facing each other and battling it out. Nicholas is not a worthy adversary. He doesn't have the power. I'm more concerned with you and I rebuilding newman enterprises.
[ Knocks on door ]
Victor: Come on, dr. Hastings.
Nate: Your assistant said I'd find you here.
Victor: She was right. Darling, do you remember olivia and her little boy nate?
Nikki: Certainly.
Victor: Well, her boy nate has become one of the preeminent doctors in america. Or so he likes to remind me.
Nikki: Well, my goodness. Congratulations, doctor.
Nate: Thank you. It's a pleasure.
Victor: So, I have hired the doctor to take care of both of our medical needs 24/7, okay?
Nate: Well, more like 18/6. I need a few hours for the gym.
Victor: [ Chuckles ]
Nikki: Yeah, you got to give him a break, victor, every now and then.
Victor: I'll let you both get acquainted. And hold nothing back. All right, doc.
Nate: All right, sir.
Victor: I'll see you later. Thank you.
Billy: Can I help you find something?
Kyle: I mislaid this report i was working on. Thought it might be in here.
Billy: A report? About?
Kyle: Cosmetics. What else?
Billy: You're a terrible liar, kyle. You were digging.
Kyle: Exhibiting professional curiosity. Shared by most of the company since our C.E.O. Has locked us all out of whatever major thing he's working on. Why keep it from your trusted lieutenants?
Billy: Including you? The red-handed spy? What I'm trying to pull off for jabot requires total secrecy.
Kyle: From everyone? Even ashley?
Billy: Especially her. Now hit the bricks. I got a lot of work to do.
Cane: Hey, um, is devon home?
Shauna: He's working.
Cane: [ Chuckles ] Of course he's working. Um... maybe I could talk to you instead, is that okay?
Shauna: About the accident?
Cane: You know, I'm glad that that's what you called it because, shauna, it was -- it was absolutely unintentional. Look. I understand why you said what you said at the funeral, I do. You know? Because it is really traumatic, holding conflicting information, I know this.
Shauna: I know what I saw. Lily ran a red light. You've calmed way down since you found out I knew and told me to keep my mouth shut.
Cane: I'm just trying to protect my wife. That's all I'm trying to do. You know, she's the mother of my kids, you know, your friends mattie and charlie.
Shauna: Now I'm their friend?
Cane: What, don't you think so?
Shauna: You don'T. You think I'm a bad influence out to corrupt the perfect twins.
Cane: Hey, I said some harsh things to you before, and I'm sorry.
Shauna: That's what you wanted to say to me? For real?
Cane: You came clean to devon, but you don't have to mention this again. Will you please just let the adults handle this?
Shauna: Because you all know way more than some troubled kid.
Cane: I don't think you're troubled, I don'T. I think you are smart, and i think you know how to protect yourself.
Shauna: I told the truth. So it's out there in the world. No taking it back.
Cane: I'm not asking you to take it back.
Shauna: Then what?
Cane: Shauna, I'm just trying to protect this family that you are now part of because if you go to the police and you tell them you all of a sudden remember that lily ran a red light, they are going to hassle you because they're gonna think that you were withholding information. Now, I know you can blame me. And I deserve it. But the police are gonna get suspicious of you. And I just don't want to jeopardize the future that hilary wanted you to have. Do you understand that?
Shauna: I'm not sure. Do you even care one tiny bit what happens to me? Or just to your wife? I can tell you what I think.
Victor: Are you all done?
Nate: I reviewed nikki's medical records, and we'll take it from there.
Victor: Doc, before you go, how is devon holding up?
Nate: Better than most after something so catastrophic.
Victor: Okay. You convey both of our regards, all right?
Nate: I'll do that.
Victor: Okay. Thank you for coming by.
Nate: All right.
Victor: Thank you.
Nikki: Oh, dear. Hilary curtis. It really makes one think.
Victor: Yeah. It certainly does. A very bright, beautiful woman here one day, and now gone forever.
Nikki: Another reminder how precious life is.
Victor: Yes, sweetheart, it is. That's why I hired the doctor to take care of your medical needs, okay?
Nikki: It was sweet of you to arrange that. Very considerate.
Victor: Well, I need you to be feeling great all the time.
Nikki: Oh, you do?
Victor: Oh, yes. Because you and I are about to regain our position --
Nikki: As genoa city's premiere executive power couple?
Victor: Now you have got it.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: And I will dare anyone to try and take that away from us. Okay?
Nikki: Okay.
Kyle: Hey.
Mariah: Kyle. Hi.
Kyle: Sorry to hear about hilary. Your live tribute show was really special.
Mariah: Thank you for -- for watching, and for saying that.
Kyle: You and, uh, tessa have some kind of announcement coming out?
Mariah: Oh! No. My mom's wedding. Tessa and I would have to go on another date first.
Kyle: Might have a lucrative new sideline -- ladies' matchmaking.
Mariah: Yeah. Sounds like a winner. But, you know, we'd have to create a comforting persona for the clients to trust. How about... "aunt kylie, the fixer-upper?"
Kyle: Hmm. Tessa could write the alt-rock jingles for the commercial.
Mariah: See?
Kyle: Can I take you both to drinks tomorrow night?
Mariah: You can. You could. When tessa gets back from her trip.
Kyle: You let her leave town before another date? Why didn't you go with her?
Mariah: It's a long story.
Kyle: I got time.
Mariah: Goodbye, kyle.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: Sharon, I'll see you at home.
Sharon: Okay. Bye.
Cane: Shauna --
Shauna: Please, just go!
Cane: Can you please just work with me here? That's all I'm asking you.
Devon: Hey! What's going on?
Shauna: Mr. Ashby was reminding me that I need to keep quiet about the car crash.
Devon: You shouldn't be here.
Shauna: He tried to convince me that it's for my own good. I almost fell for it. Until he said that telling the police would be against hilary's dying wishes.
Devon: Wow. Cane, will you get the hell out of my house? Right now?
Cane: Sure. You know, devon might act like he cares about you.
Shauna: He does. Way more than you or your wife ever did.
Cane: But if he asks you to go to the police and back up what he tells them, he's only using you for revenge.
Shauna: And you're using me to keep lily from facing up to the truth.
Devon: You need to leave before this gets ugly, man.
Cane: This is already ugly! Look, I feel for you, I honestly do, but your pain is clouding your judgment. I need you to take a step back and think about this before you do something that you are gonna regret for the rest of your life.
Devon: Well, you know what, you should have given that same advice to your wife before she got behind the wheel of that car.
[ Knocks on door ]
Billy: Come in!
Phyllis: Want to keep hiding things, I can come back.
Billy: Maybe I should. I just caught kyle at my desk on the verge of a little snoop-and-toss.
Phyllis: Mm, well, you have, really, with your big secret, piqued everyone's curiosity.
Billy: Maybe it was you that put him up to it.
Phyllis: Oh.
Billy: I have seen you two sneaking around and whispering in corners.
Phyllis: Mm. Reunited for a whole 12 hours, and you're already throwing accusations. Do we stand a chance?
Billy: Why don't you kick that door closed, and we'll find out?
Mariah: Dinner is on me tonight. You got a busy week. Mom, it's too late. I'm already picking it up. Oh, um, I'm getting another call. Okay. Talk to you later. Bye. Hi.
Tessa: Hi! I just wanted to reach out, let you know that crystal and I are doing excellent here.
Mariah: I'm glad to hear it.
Tessa: We're safely in canada. Just a few days away from getting her settled into a new healthy life.
Mariah: And then?
Tessa: Well, I come back to gc, and you and I can focus on ours.
Mariah: Soon, I hope, because that sounds insanely appealing.
Tessa: Mm. Just like you. Ugh, I miss you.
Mariah: Same. Be safe, please.
Tessa: Buzz off, okay?
Mariah: What?
Tessa: This is private.
Mariah: Tessa, who -- who is that? What's going on?
Tessa: Just leave me alone.
Mariah: Who are you talking to? Tessa? Hello? Hello? Thank you. Hey, tessa, um, we just got cut off, and I don't really know what happened. I hope that was just some spoiled brat and their annoying parents, but please call me back and let me know for sure. Soon, please. Bye.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hey. You see devon?
Cane: Yeah. He's, uh... he's just a little fragile to have a sensible conversation. But he's your brother, so he'll come around. I think we just need to wait.
Lily: We can'T. I can'T. You have spent all day being my champion, and I love you so much for that.
Cane: I'll never stop, okay? I'm going to help you overcome this, I promise you.
Lily: You already are. You know? Your passion, your commitment. Your strength makes it easier for me to follow my heart. And... I know that doing the right thing.. I have to go to the police.
Cane: No.
Lily: And I have to tell them I ran the red light and that it's my fault. That I caused hilary's death.
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