Y&R Transcript Friday 8/3/18
Episode #11416 ~ Nick fights temptation, Devon issues an ultimatum, and Paul is suspicious of Victor.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Nick: It was what it was.
Phyllis: And we are two single, consenting adults.
Nick: And this will be our secret.
Hilary: And shauna is so special, devon. She'll need someone.
Devon: I'll be right there for her.
Lily: Look, I will carry the guilt of what I have done for the rest of my life, but please, do not let this tear us apart.
Nick: I decided to create something new.
Nikki: By using J.T.'S identity, by attacking newman enterprises?
Victoria: Nick is clearly out of control, posing as J.T. And making us think that he's alive.
Phyllis: It's not like nick knew we thought a guy dug himself up from the dirt. As far as the rest of the world knows, J.T. Is on the run, hiding from the cops, and he played into that. He was gaslighting us without even knowing it.
Victoria: He tried to kill my father twice. And nick knows what he did to me. To make us think that he's stalking us, it's horrible. Why? So he could attack newman enterprises and steal our accounts and our staff for dark horse?
Sharon: Victoria, I've had the same thoughts. Nick's suddenly so aggressive. He's always trying to push forward. It's an issue for us.
Phyllis: Well, nick fought fire with fire for the sake of his family, so just be grateful and don't complain.
Nikki: All we're really doing right now is dwelling on the panic over J.T. But it's over now. We don't need to worry anymore. We can relax.
Phyllis: Nikki's absolutely right. J.T. Is dead and buried right where we left him, so let's just move on with our lives. Billy.
Billy: Ladies. What's up?
Phyllis: Well, we're just here for nikki.
Nikki: Yeah. Another charity project.
Billy: You know, I have to say, I thought this convo would be one-and-done, but here you are, saving the world. You should get matching superhero capes.
Sharon: Just trying to do what we can.
Billy: And I'll leave you to it.
Victoria: What were you thinking?
Sharon: Yeah, you can't just blurt things out like that.
Phyllis: Billy didn't hear a word, all right? Everybody just take a breath.
Nikki: This is a reminder that we have to always keep our guards up. This evening is gonna be with us forever, so that means we have to be careful forever.
Victoria: Well, at least billy didn't stay any longer than he had to.
Phyllis: And you just had to point that out, right?
Victoria: It isn't a comment on your relationship.
Phyllis: Of course not.
Victoria: But clearly there is tension.
Sharon: I'm sorry that you two haven't worked things out yet.
Nikki: Oh, what's going on?
Phyllis: Thank you so much for adding fuel to this fire.
Sharon: That was not my intention. I really do hope that you two find your way back, and soon, like nick and I have. After what happened to hilary, we realized that staying together and putting in the work is all that matters.
Nikki: However, since you and billy did fall apart, I must ask the question -- what unforgivable thing have you done now?
Neil: Hey. Devon.
Mariah: No, it's me. Why do you look so busted?
Neil: Game face. Ain't happening, though. No? I didn't want this to be the first thing that devon sees when he walks through the door, that's all.
Mariah: Yeah, I understand. That would be not easy for him.
Neil: I hope he takes all the time he needs, though, you know? Meanwhile, I got to keep it pushing, make the decisions devon can'T.
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Neil: Yeah, I appreciate that. Okay, I'll let devon know. In the meantime, thank you, and I will send someone over. Okay, bye. Hey, uh, mariah?
Mariah: Yeah?
Neil: Listen, I need to ask you something. The kids, they're not interning today, tessa quit -- I need to ask a favor.
Mariah: Um, actually, tessa said that she was coming back. She just had to take care of some family stuff.
Neil: Really? Well, that ship has already sailed, okay? She resigned. We can't hold positions open indefinitely on the off-chance that she might change her mind.
Mariah: You're right. I totally understand. You know what, why don't you just text me the address, and I'll pop right over?
Neil: Sure, I'll do -- hey. I didn't expect to see you today.
Mariah: Um, I'm gonna go.
Neil: Thank you. Yeah. Thanks. Lily. You don't need to be here today.
Lily: Dad, I can't just sit at home.
Neil: Well, then, why don't you go out, take the day for yourself? Anywhere but here. You know I don't want you and your brother getting into it. He's in a bad state of mind, and nothing good can come of that.
Devon: Hey. You going somewhere?
Shauna: It isn't right for me to stay here. Not after everything. You probably can't even stand to look at me.
Devon: You really think that? Shauna, I -- I don't feel that way at all. I made a promise to hilary.
Shauna: No one expects you to keep me around because of that.
Devon: Shauna, what about the promise I made to you?
Shauna: This was never your idea. Me, here? In your house? It was hilary. She was my mentor. She took me in. She made me feel smart and important and special. She's gone. You don't have to pretend you want me around.
Devon: Nobody's pretending, certainly not me. I know it was originally hilary's idea, but of course i want you to stay here.
Phyllis: Nikki, I'm curious. When billy and victoria broke up a dozen or so times, did you assume that billy was innocent, too?
Nikki: Oh, we're talking about you now.
Phyllis: Yeah, but I'm not the one who's out of control right now. He's lying, he's reckless, and doesn't play by the rules" kind of way, and victoria knows exactly what I mean.
Victoria: I do. I'm sorry that's happening -- for both of you.
Nikki: Well, since you're the one who has been feeding billy's reckless streak since when you were married to jack, I just have to wonder if you're completely blameless in this.
Sharon: Regardless of how it started, the fact is billy wasn't there at hilary's wedding when phyllis needed him.
Nikki: Sharon fighting your battles for you now? That's fascinating.
Phyllis: Is it a battle, nikki?
Victoria: Mom, please. We both saw billy's behavior at the club.
Nikki: Yes, we did, and when things started to get ugly between billy and nicholas, phyllis was standing right there. Coincidence?
Sharon: You were there when he punched nicholas?
Phyllis: Yeah, the boys both got in some pretty good hits.
Nikki: Oh, this amuses you.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, can't you tell? This is my happy face.
Victoria: Look, obviously nick is out control with no end in sight.
Sharon: Even though nick was pretending to be J.T., It doesn't mean that J.T. Isn't really out there. We all thought it was possible. We were all terrified for a reason.
Phyllis: That doesn't mean it was rational. J.T. Is under that insane sculpture. He's not going anywhere.
Sharon: If you're so sure, then why did we all think it was possible?
Nikki: I have to say that i did really believe that he was out there, alive. Maybe it was wishful thinking. That way, I wouldn't be guilty of killing him.
Phyllis: Well, that's too bad because you did. And we're all guilty of something. So we have to accept it, find a way to stuff it down, and live with it.
Paul: Well, what a coincidence! I was just thinking about all of you this morning. Mind if I join you?
[ Sighs ] Excuse me. Sorry, were you discussing something important?
Devon: You know, hilary and i don't -- I don't think that you know half of everything we went through over all these years. Hilary and I were always connected, even when we were apart, and you even called us out on it a few times when we met you and you would ask us why we wouldn't just get back together?
Shauna: [ Chuckles ] It was obvious how you both felt.
Devon: It was also obvious how hilary felt about you. When hilary knew how much time she had left, after our wedding, we talked all night. And you know what she told me? She told me that she was gonna be leaving me with a child after all. And she was talking about you. You were right there at the top of her mind in those moments because she loved you. I don't know if she ever said those words to you, but I know for a fact that she felt that way. And that should make you feel very special. Because hilary didn't just give away her love to anybody. She was very picky. Which puts you and me in a very exclusive club, I think. She loved us. And we love her. And I think that right now, we need each other more than ever. So... I know that you already packed your bag, but I talked to your parents, and they said they are more than fine with you staying here. I called them.
Shauna: You did?
Devon: Yes, I did. You know where you were even planning on going?
Shauna: I don't know, but with hilary gone...
Devon: I know. This place seems... it seems a bit empty. And wrong. I keep thinking that hilary's gonna come through the door one day.
Shauna: Bigger than life, telling us how it's gonna be.
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Shauna: You know she's already in charge up there.
Devon: Oh, without a doubt. I want you to know that it was a very brave thing you did yesterday, telling the truth about the accident.
Shauna: I should have told you before.
Devon: Well, you were put in a position you never should have been in. It wasn't on you.
Shauna: You're being so nice.
Devon: I'm also being a little selfish, to be honest, because it helps having you here. And if you were to leave now, I... I would prefer you didn't, okay? I mean that. Hilary was worried about the people she was leaving behind, and she told me that I can't shut down and I can't let go of my dreams, and I know she was talking about you, too. Okay? We're gonna get through this. We're just gonna take it one day at a time, and when we come across any rough patches... we're gonna have each other.
Phyllis: So, once again, nikki has gathered this motley crew for the sake of charity.
Paul: So, what is the mission this time?
Phyllis: Park upgrades.
Sharon: Clothes for the homeless.
Victoria: Mom always finds different ways for people to contribute.
Paul: The park?
Nikki: Well, I do own it. It should be a show piece for the county.
Paul: Well, I've been wanting to check in with all of you and see how you're handling things.
Nikki: What things?
Paul: J.T. Being spotted, then him suddenly disappearing again. Can you tell me anything about that?
Phyllis: I assumed that you were on the trail, since he was wanted for attempted murder. Did you really lose him after all that?
Paul: I'm hoping you all weren't too anxious. I mean, knowing that he was coming back, no idea what he was after.
Victoria: It was horrifying. J.T.'S not the man that I knew. And to think of him out there, vengeful and angry, wondering if he was gonna come after my dad or me again, it was awful.
Paul: I have to ask, victoria. Have you seen J.T. Again?
Sharon: Why would you say that?
Paul: Well, because she was less than forthcoming about seeing J.T. That night during the party. So, yes, I do have to ask.
Victoria: I haven't heard a word from him. In all honesty, if I had, you would be the first to know.
Phyllis: Absolutely.
Nikki: Whatever victoria may have felt for J.T., I mean, he tried to kill her father.
Phyllis: Which is exactly why he needs to stay wherever the hell he is -- far, far away from here.
Sharon: The reality is... we may never know where J.T. Went.
Paul: Well, actually, I have a theory about that.
Neil: Now is not the time to force the issue. Lily, go do something. Go to a spa, get a massage, take the kids shopping. Do anything today.
Lily: Yeah, you want me to hide.
Neil: I want you to give devon some space.
Lily: Dad, I didn't run that red light on purpose. I didn't even know it happened! Otherwise, I never would have hidden that from devon.
Neil: I know, I know, I know. It was cane's dec-- listen, I understand all that.
Lily: I can't believe that he would ask that of charlie. We have spent 17 years teaching our kids about honesty, and he asks him to lie? It's not okay, and I need to talk to devon.
Neil: What about devon? What about what he needs? I'm telling you now, that comes first. He's lost so much. Come on, lily.
Lily: I can make things right. I just need to talk to him.
Neil: Yeah.
Mariah: Hey. Here you go.
Neil: Thanks. Hope it wasn't too much trouble.
Mariah: Yeah. Whatever I can do to help.
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Devon: Hey, where are we on the detroit deal?
Neil: You don't need to worry about any of that. I got it.
Devon: I got it started, so I'd like to follow through.
Neil: All right, I respect that, devon, but today you should just relax. Take the day off.
[ Cellphone rings ] Excuse me. I -- I got to take this call. Neil winters.
Lily: Devon.
Devon: M?
Lily: Can we talk?
Devon: I'm prepping for a meeting, lily.
Lily: You can't just pretend like I'm not here.
Devon: I have a job to do, and so do you. Who did this?
Lily: Did what?
Mariah: It wasn't lily. We thought that --
Devon: You trying to erase my wife from the office?
Neil: No, no, no, no, no. Never. Devon, I was just trying to make things easier for you, that's all. Come on.
Devon: Because you think that pretending hilary never existed is doing me a favor? That might work for you. I'm really surprised you even showed your face in the office today.
Mariah: Okay, you know what, we're going. You and me, we're leaving. Now. Yeah.
Devon: I --
Mariah: Come on.
Paul: Of course, it's just a theory, but J.T. Was clearly on his way back to genoa city. What if he made it all the way to victor, and someone or something stopped him?
Nikki: Paul. Do you honestly believe that victor did something to J.T.?
Paul: I didn't say that.
Nikki: No, I know you didn'T. You chose your words very carefully, that's what I'm asking you now. Do you think that my husband did something to our grandson's father? Because I read that ridiculous
hashtag article, too, but i didn't follow it up with accusing my husband of a crime.
Paul: Nobody's accusing victor of anything. Although, he did go on tv and threaten J.T.
Victoria: Because dad was angry.
Paul: Past-tense? All better now?
Nikki: [ Scoffs ] This is ridiculous.
Paul: So you think it is impossible that victor could have scared away J.T., Or J.T. Had some kind of an accident? Again, I'm just following a theory to the logical conclusion.
Nikki: Well, you can follow your theories straight to --
Sharon: Okay, paul, we know that you're only doing your job.
Nikki: Except it seems that you're a lot more concerned for J.T.'S safety than his crimes. But I guess that sounds about right, seeing as it was because of you that J.T. Was even in our home the night victor almost died.
Victoria: Mom. Please don't do this. We both know that dad's not responsible.
Paul: He told you that?
Victoria: There's nothing to be told. Let's say that J.T. Was on his way back to town, and maybe this was just an act to keep me on edge and under his thumb without ever showing his face.
Paul: And then what? He just vanished?
Phyllis: Well, clearly he's more resourceful than we thought. Go on, keep grilling victoria's family. They've been victimized once before, why not compound the problem?
Paul: Look, I'm sorry if i upset either one of you.
Paul: My only goal is justice. For everyone involved. Ladies.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Sharon: Was that meant for us?
Phyllis: Paul's just trying to rattle us.
Nikki: It definitely was.
Victoria: He certainly did that.
Phyllis: Well, it's gonna pass. Someone's gonna jaywalk or knock over a doughnut shop and paul will move on. Although, I'm pretty happy that victor would get pinned with J.T.'S death.
Nikki: Don't even joke about that.
Phyllis: Who's joking? Okay. If you'll excuse me, I've had enough fun for one day.
Victoria: Wait a minute. She wasn't serious, was she? I mean, she wouldn't --
Nikki: Is this something we need to worry about?
Sharon: Maybe we do.
Phyllis: Hey. It's me. Can you meet me at my place? I need to talk to you about something important.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Mariah: All of that happened at your place. After I left the funeral. When shauna said what she said, lily had no idea.
Devon: Lily ran a red light. And no one was supposed to know because lily can do no wrong. And all I keep thinking about is hilary at the hospital, saying that lily was right, that she had no business being a mom and she wouldn't know what to do or be able to take care of anyone when I know that that was the telling hilary before she ran that red light. But you wanted to know why there was tension between lily and me, so now you do.
Mariah: I'm so sorry. For all of it. Is there a way you can fix --
Devon: I don't even want to talk about it anymore, mariah. I really don'T. I appreciate you wanting to help, but you can't fix this. So let's talk about something else. Let's talk about tessa. She just left a note and took off, or what?
Mariah: Uh, tessa's life is complicated, and she needed to go deal with things.
Devon: So what does that mean for you two? Is she coming back?
Mariah: I think she'll be back. She will. She, um... she promised. And don't worry about the office. I'll pick up the slack while she's gone. And as for hilary... you can't avoid this topic. And I know that I can't fix anything. But I can be here to help you and support you. Knowing that she didn't have to die, that it didn't have to happen...
Devon: In one second, everything changed.
Mariah: It's brutal. And it's ugly. And lily is never going to forgive herself. But you can.
Devon: I'm supposed to forgive her for getting my wife and my kid killed? Or for hating the woman I love?
Mariah: Lily doesn't have that kind of hate in her heart.
Devon: Oh, mariah, you've seen the way she's judged and insulted her before. It made her crazy to think that I could love someone like hilary or want to have a life with her or have a child with her. And she would do anything to stop that from happening.
Mariah: Devon, you can't think that way about lily. She's --
Devon: I don't think, I know it for a fact. She got exactly what she wanted. Hilary's gone. She'S... it's all gone.
Nikki: You can't just say "never mind."
Victoria: If phyllis is suddenly the weak link in this group, then we need to know.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Between everything with hilary and billy, phyllis was probably just spouting off.
Nikki: Yeah, but she said something before, didn't she? What was it?
Sharon: When we saw J.T. On the video and we thought that he was coming back, that he would tell paul everything we did to him, phyllis had an idea.
Nikki: And what was it, sharon?
Sharon: She suggested that she and I say we were not in the room that night when, you know, that we had nothing to do with any of it.
Victoria: Just leave my mother and me out to dry?
Sharon: She said you would have a team of lawyers to put together a self-defense case.
Nikki: Yeah. Sure. Of course she did.
Victoria: Why didn't you tell us sooner?
Sharon: Because I said "absolutely not." And then it turned out it was nick pretending to be J.T., And you know the rest.
Nikki: Well, you all remember that she was the one who insisted the police would not believe it was an accident. She's the one who went straight to "get rid of the body."
Sharon: Yes, I know that. We all agreed to this. Willingly. We will not get through it if we start suspecting each other.
Victoria: We all knew that phyllis would be the wild card, didn't we?
Nikki: She can't help but create drama wherever she goes.
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
Nikki: So, are you all ready for your visit with reed?
Victoria: Yes. Yes. We're all packed, and we have a lot of presents to take. Not a big deal, just t-shirts and guitar picks and things like that. It's gonna be wonderful having everyone together at one time. I have to wonder who's gonna have the meltdown first. It's probably gonna be.
Nikki: Oh! I don't think so, baby. You have a wonderful week, and give reed our love.
Victoria: Okay, mom, I will, but will you keep me posted, I mean, if paul keeps pushing?
Nikki: No, I won'T. For this week, none of that exists. You just relax, have a good time, don't worry about phyllis. She has as much to lose as any of us do.
Phyllis: Thanks for coming.
Nick: Sure. What did our daughter do now?
Phyllis: Oh, it's not her. She's perfect and healthy and driving me crazy, which is fine. It's, uh, everything else. Hilary's gone, billy's being billy, and... there are other things going on. I realize that the people I talk to about things, I can't right now, and... I need someone, and you are the only person I really trust. I shouldn't have called you.
Nick: No, it's -- it's all right. When you say other things are going on...
Phyllis: I mean, what happened, happened. I promised myself that I was going to forget it and I was gonna ignore it, but it's just popping up sometimes.
Nick: I know we said we shouldn't talk about it, but... maybe we should.
Phyllis: Exactly.
Nick: I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to be here.
Phyllis: I just need to talk. I will control myself if you can.
Phyllis: I mean, seriously, now what -- I mean, now what? This spark, this neon light has left the world, and this is when you tell yourself "I'm not gonna waste one more second of my day." And I thought -- what do I do? I mean, billy is a complete mess right now.
Nick: Well, he can still throw a punch.
Phyllis: Yeah. You both can. Do me a favor -- please don't egg him on and clock him.
Nick: You still want him?
Phyllis: He's not a saint, but neither am I.
Nick: Maybe that's part of the attraction.
Phyllis: I don't know what to do.
Nick: Do you love him?
Phyllis: Yeah. But I slept with you anyway. So I either don't love him enough, or I'm just a rotten, rotten person.
Nick: You know, I... I love sharon. Maybe that makes me rotten, too.
Phyllis: But you thought sharon dumped you. And billy and I were on a break, and it was just like -- it was one stupid moment, you know? I know that I'm rationalizing again. I know I am. You know, maybe this is who we are. It's definitely who we were at one time, and this was not supposed to happen again.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Maybe the genie is out of the bottle, and we cannot stuff it back in.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Which is why I said I don't think I should be here.
Phyllis: Billy and I are a complete mess, but you and sharon are not.
Nick: No, I -- I went back, I'm determined to marry her. But I'm here. You know me. I don't know, maybe it's inevitable that I'm gonna screw things up with sharon again.
Phyllis: That is the exact opposite of what I'm talking about here. Yes, we have a connection. Yes, you're easy to talk to. And we did not plan or hope for this. It just -- it feels...
Nick: It's easy. It's natural.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: We're doing it again.
Phyllis: We're talking. We're talking right now. That's all we're doing.
Nick: Yeah, no, I -- I got to go.
Phyllis: All right. Okay. I didn't -- I didn't mean that. I'm just, um... thank you for stopping by.
Nick: Yeah.
Shauna: How mad are you that I told devon about your mom?
Charlie: I'm not mad. I'm just... it was hard enough before, knowing what happened, but now things are just worse. My mom could be in serious trouble. You promised you wouldn't tell.
Shauna: I shouldn't have had to make that promise.
Charlie: For my mom's sake? For me?
Shauna: I couldn't lie anymore. Not to devon. You know I couldn'T.
Charlie: Uncle devon doesn't need to know that information right now.
Shauna: He lost the love of his life. When would be the right time?
Charlie: Never! He didn't need to know! It just made things worse for everybody, especially my mom!
Shauna: Your mom is all about the truth. And she was walking around believing a lie. She needed to know, charlie.
Charlie: I can'T... we're not...
Shauna: What? Are you afraid another truth's gonna come out?
Charlie: What's that supposed to mean?
Shauna: Your parents think we had sex, charlie. And you went along with it. You should have been honest, told them that nothing happened, that your mom walked in before it got that far. But you didn'T.
Charlie: Okay, well, if it makes you so upset, then why don't you tell them?
Shauna: I'm through speaking for you.
Charlie: You know what, I can't do this anymore.
Lily: Oh. Devon, I'm glad you're back. I really want to -- devon.
Mariah: Um, you know, since I'm filling in for tessa, there are some important questions about routing your calls that i wanted to ask you.
Lily: It's really not a good time right now.
Mariah: But it's super important.
Devon: I'm ready for that analysis.
Neil: Actually, there are some things that we need to discuss first.
Lily: What's going on?
Neil: Okay, people, look, clearly this is a difficult time for everyone here. It's complicated, and it's painful. But while we are here, it is imperative that we make hamilton-winters our sole focus.
Devon: I agree with you.
Neil: Glad to hear it. Now, there are things that we need to handle, and the most effective way to do that is together as a team. First, tessa was key in keeping this office going. We need to decide how we fill the gap while we're searching for her permanent replacement, okay? Now, next, we have to make a decision about gc buzz, and now I really feel is the right time to sell it.
Devon: And why do you feel that now is the right time to sell it?
Neil: It was hilary's passion project, that's why. Without her, we don't have a show.
Devon: You just want to get rid of it, like the photographs and like every other reminder of her?
Neil: That's not what i meant, son. Mariah said on-air that hilary was the driving force with the show. Mariah, you will always have a place with us. You are an integral part of the team, and you have a lot to offer, but as far as gc buzz goes, we can't continue --
Devon: Listen, listen, listen, listen. Neil. Hilary worked very hard on that show. A national network was trying to lure her away because of what she built up, and now you just want to tear it down and sell it off?
Neil: Okay, clearly this --
Devon: I'm not gonna let you do that, I'm not gonna let you pretend that hilary never existed.
Neil: Devon, this isn't the time to discuss this.
Devon: This is the time to do it. This is a great time to do it, actually, and get the truth out. I think that you never really stopped hating hilary. I think that you never really stopped resenting the fact that she and I loved each other.
Neil: You know that's not true, devon.
Devon: I'll tell you what's true, and that's gc buzz isn't going anywhere. Hilary wanted you to look after the show, so we can talk about long-term plans at another time, but as of right now, I would like you to be the host, if you're all right with it.
Mariah: Of course. Whatever you want.
Devon: Okay, thank you very much. Are we good? Can we get back to work now?
Neil: Yeah.
Devon: Good.
Lily: Devon. Dad loves you, okay? He's just trying to do what's best for you and the company --
Devon: If this isn't about work, I have nothing to discuss with you, lily.
Lily: Look, no one hated hilary. Not me, not dad --
Devon: Did you not hear what I said?
Lily: I am sorry, okay? I didn't know that it was my fault that -- and now that I do, it kills me.
Devon: No, it killed hilary. I just think it makes you feel sorry for yourself.
Lily: Look, I know that you loved her. Okay? And even before the accident, I knew that you guys had something special, that you were building a family together.
Devon: And how many times did you tell hilary that she'd be an awful mother to her face, like you had all the answers and she knew nothing? All you did, lily, was attack her to the very end.
Lily: It was an accident. The timing, the night -- everything! Do you really think that i wanted her dead? Anything could have happened that night. I could have been the one that was killed.
Devon: Well, yeah, you know, there'd be more justice in that.
Sharon: What are you doing here?
Nick: Hey, I was looking for you at the coffeehouse.
Sharon: Oh, well, it's a whole thing. I came home because my meds were delivered, and then I went into the kitchen, and the refrigerator is leaking, like, coolant or water or something. I don't even -- what are you doing?
Nick: I'm just loving on you.
Sharon: Okay, why?
Nick: Because you're you. Look, I'm sorry for the J.T. Mess and for dark horse sucking up all my days, because, frankly, nothing else matters.
Sharon: I don't understand.
Nick: You are the only thing that matters, sharon. I really want to get our plans back on track for our wedding.
Billy: I'm working.
Phyllis: It can wait. I'm wrong, and I admit it. And I know now that I could actually truly lose you for good, and that's not gonna happen. So I have come to say that i won't constantly hound you about the gambling, about the decisions, but I do reserve the right to talk about it, or even argue about it. But no more ultimatums or demands. And no more nights and days apart. I want you home because I love you.
Billy: I've thought about this. This feeling. It's not right. At hilary's funeral, you needed someone, and I couldn't be there for you at first.
Phyllis: Because you don't love me anymore?
Billy: Because of my pride. I'm an idiot, but I love you, and I want you. I want us back. And I don't want to waste another second.
Devon: My wife is gone and my child is gone. And I think the only justice for them would be for you to go to the police and tell them that you're the reason why.
Neil: That's not gonna accomplish a damn thing. It was an accident. But the police will turn this girl's life upside-down.
Devon: I wonder what that feels like.
Neil: Who knows how this could turn out? Arrest, news... I mean, what about charlie and mattie?
Devon: What about my son or daughter? Lily hated my wife. She hated her. She hated the fact that we were having a child together. All you did was push and push to keep us apart, and, you know what, at the end of the day, what'd you do? You pushed her right into her grave.
Lily: You know I never meant --
Devon: You know what, I'm gonna tell you exactly what you need to do. You need to give yourself up. Because if you don't, it's gonna happen anyway. Shauna's gonna back me up. So are you gonna do the right thing, or are you gonna make me do it for you?
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Victor: I will never forget that you ratted me out to the feds.
Devon: What's going on?
Shauna: Mr. Ashby was reminding me that I need to keep quiet about the car crash.
Phyllis: You're always looking out for me, aren't you?
Jack: I will always be there for you.
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