Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/2/18

Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/2/18


Episode #11460 ~ Victor surprises Nikki, Neil struggles to keep the peace, and Nick makes amends with Victoria.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: I need to know who is on my team. Because make no mistake -- this is happening. And I would rather do it with you than without you.

Victoria: I want it in writing that I will take over when you step down.

Victor: I can think of no one better qualified to run newman real estate division than you.

Phyllis: You make it easy.

Jack: While billy...

Phyllis: Doesn'T. Is billy ever gonna change?

Charlie: Look, I saw my mom run the red light, too.

Shauna: Does she know?

Charlie: She can't remember.

Cane: No one can know about the red light. Not the cops, and not lily. Do you understand this? You don't say a word.

Shauna: You caused it, lily. You're the one who ran through that red light. And hilary is dead because of you.

Devon: Is what shauna said true? Did you cause the accident?

Lily: No! [ Stammers ] I don't know.

Devon: She just said you ran a red light, lily.

Lily: I couldn't have.

Shauna: You keep claiming you don't remember what happened.

Lily: Because I don't remember!

Shauna: I do. You caused the accident.

Cane: Shauna, shauna, I know you're upset, okay, but you're mistaken.

Shauna: I know what I saw.

Cane: You're exhausted, okay, so maybe just -- charlie, take her upstairs and just -- just lay down for a little bit and relax, okay?

Charlie: Yeah. Come on.

Devon: No, no, no, no, no. Shauna's not going anywhere. You're gonna stay right here and tell me exactly what happened the night of hilary's accident.

Nick: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Summer: Yeah. You thought I wouldn't?

Nick: Well, you know, your kids get old. They, uh -- they get busy. They move to mumbai.

Summer: Well, I will always have time for you. And I don't think I have any plans to move to india.

Nick: Good to know. On both fronts.

Summer: So, anything special that you wanted to talk about?

Nick: Well, you know, how's your mom doing? I know hilary's funeral is today.

Summer: Yeah. She, uh, was having a tough time when she was getting ready today, but she's doing that strong thing that she does.

Nick: It's gonna be a hard day for her.

Summer: Well, it's really sweet that you're worried about her, but mom's strong, so she'll be okay.

Nick: I always worry about the people I care about. That includes you.

Summer: Oh-kay. Well, here comes the real reason why you wanted to talk to me.

Nick: No.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Okay. There is something I would like to talk to you about.

Summer: Oh, yeah?

Nick: Yeah. I just really -- I don't want to see you miss out on a good deal, kid.

Summer: Oh, is there a sale at fenmore's I didn't know about or something?

Nick: [ Chuckles ] I am talking about joining my team at dark horse. Now, I know I told you I wasn't gonna make you choose between your mom and me. But every company needs a supergirl.

Summer: Pfft. Pulling the dad card. Now that is low.

Nick: Oh, yeah.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Is it working?

Summer: Dad, you know that i would love to work with you, I just... I don't know. I think that fenmore's is a really good fit for me right now. I'm pretty hyped about the synergy project I'm working on with jabot. Fashion and cosmetics, there's really no better fit for me.

Nick: Well, now that jack is on board, we will be branching into those areas eventually. Plus, my offer comes with a seat on the board.

Summer: I mean, it's tempting. Very tempting. I just... I don't know. I like where I am, and i like the people that I work with.

Nick: Okay. I know that billy is making jabot -- and fenmore's by extension -- a fun place to work. But, summer, I assure you, that is not going to last.

Summer: Why are you so sure that billy's gonna fail?

Nick: Because he always does. And when he does, he's gonna bring everyone down with him. And that includes you.

Victoria: This is really impressive, mom. You've acquired some prime commercial properties for newman.

Nikki: Thanks. Your brother's not the only one with connections in the real-estate world.

Victoria: Wait till he finds out that you're beating him at his own game.

Nikki: Oh, don't think that way. My goal is not to hurt your brother. It's to help newman enterprises.

Victoria: Well, you have certainly done that.

Victor: Well, good. You're both here.

Victoria: Yes. I was just telling mom how happy I am to have her on our team.

Victor: That makes two of us.

Victoria: We were just getting ready to go over a list of potential pr firms that I've compiled --

Victor: Sweetheart, that can wait, okay? You're done for the day.

Victoria: Dad, it's early. We still have a lot of work to do.

Victor: That's all right. It can wait.

Nikki: What's going on?

Victor: I have a surprise for you. Something that's far more important than what's going on here.

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Nick: I can give you a hundred reasons why you should stay far away from billy.

Summer: I'm good, dad.

Nick: We could start with the gambling.

Summer: I'm pretty sure that you made it very clear to me and everyone else at the athletic club the other day what you think of billy as a person and as a C.E.O.

Nick: Good. You were listening.

Summer: You're wrong about him, dad. Yes, billy may have slipped and gambled the other day again, but that's what addicts do. Just like grandma and her drinking.

Nick: That is not the same.

Summer: How? Grandma got her life back on track just like billy. Billy stopped gambling.

Nick: For how long?

Summer: You may have known billy longer, but I know him better. I work with him every day. He has done some really amazing things at jabot.

Nick: Oh, yes. I heard about the yacht and the popcorn machine.

Summer: Okay, it is more than that. Billy has brought some really incredible energy there, and I look forward to going to work every day. And for the firs time, I'm proud of what I do.

Nick: Because of billy?

Summer: Him, and because of the project that I'm working on with kyle, yeah.

Nick: Why don't you tell me about that?

Summer: Nice try, but you know that I can't give details. But, I mean, it's gonna be really sweet once it comes together, and I want to be there once it does.

Nick: I admire your loyalty. You know, your drive. You have matured. It's good to see.

Summer: Thanks.

Nick: You seem like you're a lot more grounded than when you first came back to town.

Summer: Thanks. I mean, I guess that's what happens when you figure out who you are and what you want. I mean, hey, I could say the same thing about you. With your new company, and your wedding coming up.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I know you're not sharon's biggest fan, but I'm hoping you can be happy for me.

Summer: Of course I can. I mean, I see how much you love her. Your relationship's the real deal. Unlike mom'S.

Nick: Why do you say that?

Summer: I don't know. She just doesn't seem as into billy as she was when I first got back into town. I feel like something's happened.

Nick: Like what?

Summer: I don't know yet. Oh, sho-- my gosh. Grandpa's gonna kill me. I have to go.

Nick: Meeting dad?

Summer: Yeah. It's a family thing.

Nick: Oh, it's okay. I know how much your grandpa means to you. I wouldn't do anything to take that away from you.

Summer: Thanks.

Nick: Just please remember that all your grandpa's love and generosity comes with strings.

Summer: Thanks, dad.

Nick: Love you.

Summer: Love you.

Nikki: Um... I think the restaurant is closed.

Victor: Well, to everyone but us.

Victoria: What's going on?

Victor: I bought the entire dining room.

Victoria: Oh. Well, the table's set for four.

Victor: Summer will be joining us. I have a celebration for the three of you.

Victoria: What's the occasion?

Victor: Nothing more than to remind all of you how lucky I am to have the three of you in my life.

Jack: You know what, we should go.

Phyllis: No. No. No. No, not until I hear what shauna has to say.

Jack: Phyllis --

Phyllis: I'm not leaving.

Cane: Look, I know you've been through enough today, okay, so just let this go for now.

Devon: And we're gonna ignore what shauna just said?

Cane: I know you have a lot of questions.

Devon: Well, she seems to have all the answers, doesn't she?

Cane: Maybe she's in shock. Okay? Maybe she just wants to blame someone for what happened with hilary and the baby.

Shauna: The only person i blame is lily. It's her fault that hilary's dead.

Cane: This has been a really traumatic day for everyone --

Shauna: I know what I saw. You ran that red light.

Lily: No.

Shauna: The truck that slammed into you had the right-of-way.

Lily: That can't be true.

Cane: That might be what shauna thinks she saw. But she was upset that day. Because lily said some really harsh things to you, and everything was moving fast, right?

Shauna: None of that is affecting my memory.

Cane: Okay, then you're making it up 'cause you want to alleviate your own guilt. Or maybe you just want to hurt lily. Is that what you're doing?

Shauna: I am not the one who's lying here.

Devon: Well, somebody is.

Shauna: You think it's me? You don't believe what I'm telling you?

Devon: I don't know what to believe right now. But I also don't know why you'd lie about something like this.

Charlie: She's not lying. I'm sorry, mom. She's telling the truth. You didn't see the red light. The accident was your fault.

Nikki: Well this has been lovely.

Summer: Yeah, you can never go wrong with bling. And this wine is amazing.

Victor: [ Laughs ]

Victoria: Well, it should be. It's an '89 château margaux.

Victor: Yeah. It was perfect for our celebration, you know.

Victoria: [ Giggles ] You still haven't told us what it is that we're celebrating.

Victor: Life. Okay? The fact that I am here celebrating it with you, spending it with you.

Nikki: Ooh. What brought this on?

Victor: You know, when I heard the news of what happened to the winters family, just incredibly tragic how hilary died.

Nikki: Yes. It reminds us all how fragile life can be.

Victor: Yeah. Wasn't long ago that I was in the hospital fighting for my life. But I had a chance to come back, you know, and spend my life with all of you. I love that.

Nikki: We are so grateful for that.

Victor: So am I, my sweetheart. In spite of the fact that my son nicholas tried everything in his power to destroy me and our company. In spite of J.T.'S attack.

Victoria: I vote we move past that.

Victor: I and newman enterprises will move forward.

Nikki: I hope you're planning on letting us do that with you.

Victor: Well, sweetheart, you already have. Unbeknownst to you, unbeknownst to all of you, newman enterprises is beginning to recover from the blow that nicholas has dealt us. And that is mostly due to you, my sweetheart. You were the driving force behind that.

Victoria: Thank you for saying that.

Victor: You know that i appreciate it enormously, and that I admire you, okay?

Victoria: Well, I hope you always feel that way, dad.

Victor: Yes. Despite the fact that some of my children and grandchildren have turned their back on me, I'm a lucky man. I'm lucky to have your unwavering support and your love. That means a hell of a lot to me. Much more than you realize. So let us drink to that. You all hold a very special place in my heart.

Victoria: Cheers.

Summer: Cheers.

Nikki: Cheers.

Devon: Lily, tell me you didn't do this.

Lily: I -- I --

Devon: Just please tell me that you didn't do it!

Neil: Devon, try to stay calm.

Devon: I don't want to stay calm right now, neil. I would like answers.

Neil: Okay. We all want answers. Charlie, tell us what you saw.

Charlie: Um... we were in the car. And it was mom, me, and hilary. And we were looking for shauna. Well, I was. Um... mom and hilary were arguing. And things got heated. And...um...

Neil: And? And what? Go on, charlie. Mom turned her head to look at hilary and ran the red light. And then the truck...

Devon: Hm. I held hilary in my arms while she died. This is like going through that again. You know that?

Lily: Devon, I don't -- I don't know what to say. I -- I didn't know. I'm -- I'm so sorry.

Neil: Hey. Come on. All right? Come on, family. This is a heavy revelation. It's very deep. But it doesn't change the fact that hilary's death was an accident.

Devon: Charlie, shauna, why didn't you guys say anything before?

Charlie: Don't blame shauna, uncle devon. Okay? She wanted to say something. But I-I begged her to keep quiet.

Shauna: I just couldn't do it anymore. Not with hilary gone. And lily acting all sad, like she cared about her.

Devon: And, charlie, why would you put her through that hell?

Charlie: I --

Cane: It was because of me. I asked charlie not to say anything.

Cane: Okay.

Devon: So you've known from the start?

Cane: Charlie told me what he saw at the hospital.

Lily: Cane, you should have told me.

Cane: Baby, I can explain.

Devon: There's not an excuse for making the kids lie like that. If shauna had never spoken up, you weren't gonna say a word.

Cane: I knew the truth would come out eventually.

Devon: And in the meantime, you're gonna let them go through hell? How you gonna do that to shauna and your own damn son?

Lily: And -- and to me! I had a right to know! Cane, I lied to the police!

Cane: You didn't lie to the police. You told them exactly everything you remembered.

Lily: But it wasn't the truth!

Cane: I was just trying to protect you.

Phyllis: Protect her?

Jack: Phyllis --

Phyllis: Who was protecting hilary? Right? Who was protecting hilary when lily ran the light? You two have never given a damn about hilary. And she had the right to know what your wife did to her. You knew she was dying, and you kept the truth from her!

Jack: Phyllis, let's go over here.

Phyllis: How dare you?!

Cane: [ Exhales sharply ] I didn't want to hurt anybody. I just didn't want things to be worse than they already were.

Lily: Hilary died. How could things possibly get any worse?

Cane: I was afraid your brother wouldn't forgive you.

Devon: [ Scoffs ] Well, you know what? You were absolutely right about that.

Victor: Dessert, anyone?

Nikki: We would like to say something first.

Victor: Uh-oh.

Summer: Oh, no. Don't worry, grandpa. It's all good.

Victoria: Mom, why don't you start?

Nikki: Gladly. My darling, victoria, summer, and i want you to know how grateful and proud we are being a part of your family.

Victoria: We all know that you can be demanding and overbearing, and sometimes very opinionated and unpredictable. But at the center of all of that, what remains true is the love that you have for us. And that's way more valuable than any gift that you could ever give us.

Summer: Yes. I totally agree. And we all know how much I love shiny things.

Victor: You certainly do.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] Um, but seriously, grandpa. You don't always make things easy, but you make them matter. From every chess game to every horseback ride to every lecture, you were always there. 100%.

Nikki: I think what we're all trying to say is that we love you and appreciate you as much as you do us.

Victor: Well. That means a hell of a lot to me, much more than I can tell you.

Phyllis: You tell devon I'm on his side.

Jack: It may not come to that.

Phyllis: Oh, it already has.

Jack: Tell neil if he needs anything at all to call me, all right?

Nate: I will.

Phyllis: Don't forget to give devon my message.

Nate: Thank you.

Neil: Devon. Devon, come on, man. Lily feels terrible about causing that accident.

Devon: You know how I feel? I feel like somebody ripped my heart out of my chest, that's what I feel like.

Lily: Devon, I never, never meant for this to happen.

Devon: Well, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't try and drive in the state you were in, right?

Cane: None of this would have happened if hilary hadn't let shauna and charlie hook up at your place!

Devon: Is that right?

Neil: Okay, hey --

Cane: That's right!

Neil: Take a breath! Right here, right now. Before we say something that we're gonna regret. Now, I know that emotions are -- are really raw right now. But we got to find a way to come together as a family.

Nate: Neil is right. Times like these, we need family. Even if you can't even see that right now.

Devon: The only person I want to hear from right now is lily, so can everybody else get the hell out?

Cane: No.

Neil: I really don't think that's a good idea.

Lily: No, it's -- it's fine. Devon and I need to talk.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nikki: Well, it's a shame that summer had to leave.

Victor: I know. I'm very impressed with her work ethic, you know.

Nikki: Another newman woman with a head for business.

Victor: Mm.

Nikki: Before you know it, little katie's gonna be sitting behind a desk.

Victoria: No, don't give dad any ideas.

Victor: Well, wait a minute. When you were that age, you came to the office with me.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Oh, my god. I got to go.

Victor: You do?

Victoria: Yeah. I -- I-I promised the kids I wouldn't be late, and I'm gonna pick them up something on the way home.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: All right, honey. Well, give them a kiss for me.

Victoria: I will. Mwah! I'll see you later. Dad, this was lovely. Thank you.

Victor: Bye, my sweetheart.

Victoria: Okay.

Victor: See you soon, okay? See you tomorrow.

Nikki: Talk to you later.

Victor: All right.

Nikki: Well. [ Sighs ] You ready to head out?

Victor: You know, why don't you and I take a stroll through chancellor park?

Nikki: Wouldn't you rather take a stroll at the ranch?

Victor: Well, normally, yes. But, I mean, you love chancellor park. Why don't we go there?

Nikki: I do. It's -- it's very special. But, victor, you've gone to all the trouble to rent out the restaurant, and --

Victor: Sweetheart, I have --

Nikki: ...We're here all alone, we should enjoy that.

Victor: Yeah, but I have the restaurant all afternoon. I mean, why don't we go across the street to the park, then we can come back?

Nikki: I-I really would rather not.

Victor: Why not?

Nikki: Just a little tired.

Victor: Okay. Is that all you are? Just tired?

Nikki: Yeah. What else would it be?

Victor: Well, why wouldn't you want to go to chancellor park with me? I mean... are you worried about it or what?

Phyllis: I mean, how do you not see the red light?

Jack: It sounds like there were mitigating circumstances.

Phyllis: Yeah, like lily is a lying, judgmental bitch.

Jack: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: And cane? Covering up the truth for her? I mean [Stammers] These two make me sick. I-I-I really want to go back over there right now --

Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That family's dealing with quite enough. Let them work this out themselves.

Phyllis: How do you work out the fact that hilary's gone?

Jack: I don't know. I watched traci and billy deal with devastating losses. I had no answers for them, either.

Phyllis: I thought about screaming and yelling and throwing things. That might help.

Jack: Well, you can always come downstairs to my suite and scream and yell, and throw as many glasses as you like.

Phyllis: Don't tempt me. I might take you up on that offer.

Jack: Friends don't let friends grieve alone.

Phyllis: It just hurts.

Jack: I know.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] When devon told me that hilary was... you know, billy, he... he really picked the worst time to go awol. Thank you for being there. I don't know how I would have gotten through these past few days without you.

Jack: At least billy showed up at the funeral.

Phyllis: That, I thought, was a turning point. And then he left the funeral early to go to the office, and my hopes were smashed.

Jack: Well, there is a long history of abbotts burying themselves in their work to avoid their problems.

Phyllis: Yeah. If that's where he went.

Jack: What, you don't think he went to the office?

Phyllis: He's just -- he's just being secretive, you know, he's being evasive. And I just... I can't shake this feeling that he left to go gambling.

Jack: Well, there's only one way to find out.

Phyllis: Go to jabot.

Jack: Put your fears to rest.

Phyllis: Or not. [ Sighs ]

Jack: Phyllis? I hope he's there.

Lily: Devon, there are no words to make up for this.

Devon: You're absolutely right.

Lily: I shouldn't have gotten in the car, you know? I-I-I -- I shouldn't have been driving.

Devon: But you were driving. You were driving, and you took your eyes off the road, right?

Lily: I mean, I-I -- I must have. That's what charlie said, you know... I don't know. I just -- I-I-I was arguing with hilary, and she just made me so furious --

Devon: Oh. So, like cane said, this is her fault?

Lily: No! That's -- that's not what I'm saying.

Devon: What are you saying?

Lily: I don't know what I'm saying. It just -- [ Stammers ] It was a blur, okay? We -- we were here, we got in the car, you know, we were arguing, and -- and then --

Devon: Hm?

Lily: I just -- I... I took my eyes off the road for one second, and that must have been why I didn't see the light.

Devon: So this is all just coming back to you?

Lily: Yes. I-I swear.

Devon: That's real convenient.

[ Chuckles ]

Lily: No! Devon, I -- I tried to remember, okay, but it kept coming back the same, where, you know, we -- we were fighting, and then the truck hit us, and everything in between was blank.

Devon: Okay. Well, you know, maybe you blocked it out.

Lily: Why would I do that?

Devon: I don't know. Maybe you -- you didn't want to remember what really happened, so that way you wouldn't have to admit what you did.

Lily: Please don't tell me that you think that I --

Devon: What? That you -- you did it on purpose?

Victoria: Well, I'm surprised to see you here in the middle of the afternoon. I thought you were all about business these days.

Nick: I had a meeting with a prospective client.

Victoria: One that you poached from newman?

Nick: I'm sure dad talked about it at his little get-together for loyal family members.

Victoria: Yeah, some of us more loyal than others.

Nick: I bet dad used the opportunity to really solidify summer's allegiance to him.

Victoria: You know, it wasn't like that. It was actually very lovely. But if all you're gonna do is tear down dad and me, then i will see you later.

Nick: Vick, wait. There's a lot more I want to say to you.

Phyllis: [ Rattles door ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Lock clicks ] Billy.

Billy: My name on the door, yeah.

Phyllis: I didn't think that you were -- or anyone was...

Billy: Why are you here? I thought you'd still be at devon'S.

Phyllis: Things ended earlier than we expected.

Billy: [ Sighs ] So you came to check up on me.

Phyllis: You were acting a little weird. Like you were hiding something from me. I was worried.

Billy: That's very sweet of you.

Phyllis: I'm sorry. All right? I'm sorry that I doubted you. I just -- I've had a lot of reasons do to that lately -- I'm not gonna do this right now. I just... [ Sighs ] ...Would like to be with you. I just would like to be with you. Let's go into your office, okay?

Billy: No. What's going on in there is, uh -- is private.

Shauna: What do you think's going on over there?

Charlie: I don't know. It can't be good. I've never seen uncle devon like that.

Mattie: I'm worried about mom.

Cane: Well, that's what I was afraid of. That devon would take out hilary's death on her.

Shauna: You're saying that's my fault?

Charlie: No, he's not.

Cane: I'm just saying all of this could have been avoided, that's all I'm saying.

Neil: Not forever.

Cane: Well, how about, um, hilary's funeral wasn't the right time to tell devon about what happened, neil. How about that?

Shauna: We should have told him way before this.

Cane: Okay. I was trying to protect my family, including devon.

Mattie: Shauna's right, dad. You shouldn't have told her and charlie to keep quiet about mom causing the accident.

Cane: Mattie --

Mattie: I know that your heart was in the right place, but it was wrong. Look at what's happened. Uncle devon could be over there losing it right now.

Nate: You're right, mattie. Grief can cloud your ability to see things rationally. But your dad is right, also. Time does not heal everything, but it allows you to process the tragedy so you can deal with it in a more reasonable way.

Charlie: So you're saying... eventually, uncle devon can forgive my mom?

Neil: Let's hope so.

Devon: Can you not touch that?

Lily: I was just -- I --

Devon: What were you doing? What? You were thinking about how sorry you are? That you wish you could bring hilary back?

Lily: Yes. I --

Devon: Lily, you hated her. You hated her. You thought she was selfish and manipulative, and you told her every chance you could.

Lily: Devon, I --

Hilary: Would you like to deny that? 'Cause you standing here telling me that you wish things were different, I'm not gonna buy it.

Lily: Well, hilary did. Okay? At the hospital. I told her how sorry I was, and she forgave me.

Devon: Congratulations for that. You want me to do it now? That's what you're hoping for? "You killed my wife and my child. I'm cool with it."

Lily: I would give anything to undo this.

Devon: Well, you can't undo it. I'm sorry. Can't be undone. My wife's gone and my child is gone. The two things that I wanted more than anything in the world, and you fought it every step of the way. You locked her in an office so that she wouldn't get pregnant. The thought of the two of us being tied together by a child, it drove you out of your mind.

Lily: I know. You're right. You're right. I was --

Devon: I know I'm right.

Lily: I was awful. I was awful. But then hilary got pregnant --

Devon: And then you despised her even more!

Lily: At first. But then I accepted it, because I just wanted you to be happy. And when I woke up from the accident, and I heard how badly she was hurt, all I wanted was for her and the baby to be okay.

Devon: Oh. If you cared that much, I think you would have been a little more careful.

Lily: I will regret, for the rest of my life, that I wasn'T.

Devon: You know what I'm gonna regret? I'm gonna regret leaning on you this whole time. When she was in the hospital. Before the funeral. Telling you how grateful I was that you guys made peace. From the way you were smiling at our wedding, you'd think you were happy for us. But I know now you were probably just relieved because hilary was gonna be out of your life for good.

Lily: Devon, stop it, okay? I know that you are grieving, but these are horrible things to say!

Devon: This isn't coming from grief, lily. It's coming from what I see. You wanted hilary out of my life, and because of this accident, you got your wish.

Billy: I would really love to get together and talk with you. Maybe we can meet at the rooftop deck at the club, or the coffeehouse, or the park. Wherever you would like.

Phyllis: Anywhere but here?

Billy: Who wants to sit around a stuffy office?

Phyllis: Obviously somebody. Whose identity you're trying to keep secret.

Billy: Elevator's here.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'll take the next one. Why don't we cut to the chase. You got a poker game going on in there.

Billy: I'm wounded by your lack of trust.

Phyllis: So yes.

Billy: So no. Absolutely not.

Phyllis: You cleared the place out for some reason.

Billy: You want to see what's going on in there?

Phyllis: Mm.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Sorry. Just one more minute. Happy?

Phyllis: Obviously you're not gambling. But something is going on.

Billy: What's going on in there is official work. It's what a ceo does.

Phyllis: Is this about the feasibility study that you're doing for fenmore's? Is that why you're keeping me in the dark here?

Billy: It's much bigger than that, phyllis.

Phyllis: Will you just give me a hint?

Billy: What's happening behind those closed doors is great for jabot.

Phyllis: How great?

Billy: No. I'm not doing that. You're gonna have to trust me.

Nick: Thanks for hearing me out.

Victoria: Well, when have i ever been able to say no to you?

Nick: I just -- I don't get it. Help me understand it. After everything that dad has put you through, you choose to stick by him. Especially when you have other options.

Victoria: Dark horse.

Nick: Yes. The offer still stands.

Victoria: You seriously think that I am gonna come and work for you after you pretended to be J.T.?

Nick: I don't regret what I did.

Victoria: Oh, the ends justify the means. That sounds very familiar, doesn't it?

Nick: I had to draw a line somewhere.

Victoria: Well, here we are. On opposite sides of that line.

Nick: Then cross over.

Victoria: Nick, I wish you the best of luck with your company. But I'm gonna stay over here. I'm gonna rebuild newman and repair the damage that you've done.

Nick: Dad will never appreciate you the way I do.

Victoria: He already has. He's made me C.O.O. He promised me that newman would be mine one day.

Nick: That should have been the case all along, vick.

Victoria: Then you're happy for me?

Nick: I'm worried. Dad makes his promises. Then he breaks them. When that happens, just know that you will always have a place at dark horse.

Victor: I'm so glad you enjoyed the day.

Nick: When I think of how close we came to losing you...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Every moment with family is a gift.

Victor: I feel the same way.

Nikki: I just wish nicholas could have been here with us.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Well, that's his choice.

Nikki: Well, he took a stand. He decided to break away from you and start something on his own, from the ground up. I would think you would admire him for that.

Victor: He's trying to destroy his father, you know. Besides that, I admire winners. And so far he has not proven to be one.

Nikki: But he is his father's son, so...

Victor: I know what you're trying to do. But you have to reconcile to the fact that nicholas and i no longer have a father/son relationship.

Nikki: Please don't say that. I'm not gonna let that happen.

Victor: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: I am never going to give up on having my family be whole again.

Victor: I love you for it.

Nikki: I love you.

Charlie: Why couldn't you just keep quiet?

Shauna: I'm not gonna apologize for telling the truth.

Charlie: Yeah, but don't you see what happened? My uncle hates my mom.

Neil: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Charlie, it's not about shauna. If anything, it falls on your father.

Cane: Are you really gonna do this here?

Neil: Why don't you man up? Why don't you own what you did? What you always do. Which is lie. It is your default setting, isn't it?

Cane: I was trying to protect my family. That's what I was trying to --

Neil: Really? How's that working out for you now?

Mattie: Grandpa's right.

[ Sighs ] If charlie and shauna had told the truth from the beginning, uncle devon wouldn't be so angry with mom right now.

Cane: Sweetheart, there is so much more at stake here than devon being upset with your mom. Do you understand that?

Mattie: What do you mean?

Cane: If your mother is found to be at fault for this accident, she could be in serious trouble with the law. Does anybody want that? Do you want that?

Lily: Devon, if you want to blame me for the accident, then go ahead. But not for one second did I ever want hilary gone. I would never purposely run a red light, especially with my own son in the car. But maybe that's why you're saying it. Because you're -- you're so overloaded with grief that you can't even see another outcome. Look, I will carry the guilt of what I have done for the rest of my life. But please, devon, please, do not let this tear us apart.

Devon: Lily, you have your own family. You should go be with them.

Lily: You have a family, too.

Devon: Actually, you know what, thanks to you, I don'T.

Lily: [ Sobbing ]

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