Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/31/18

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/31/18


Episode #11458 ~ Cane protects Lily, Summer turns on the charm with Kyle, and Abby questions Arturo about his past.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: You want to handle public relations for us?

Abby: You have to admit, the whole naked heiress thing was inspired branding. You're just talking like you see a future with us.

Arturo: I'm in this. So, uh, I guess that's up to you.

Shauna: I'm keeping this huge secret from her, acting like I had no idea your mom ran that red light.

Kyle: Want to tell me about the guy upstairs?

Phyllis: I'm assuming that you don't want to hurt your uncle, either, so you're gonna keep this to yourself. Am I right?

Nick: We both made mistakes. There's nothing to dwell on.

Sharon: And nothing is going to stop us from getting married and living a long, happy life together.

[ Door opens ]

Nick: I -- I thought you were upstairs with christian.

Sharon: I thought you were asleep.

Nick: No. I came down here to make your favorite blueberry pancakes.

Sharon: Great minds.

Nick: No way.

Sharon: Yes, way. The chocolate croissants you love so much. And they're still warm.

Nick: Mmm! Butter and chocolate.

Sharon: Mmm. There's nothing better.

Nick: I could live on these.

Sharon: I know you could.

Nick: So you drove all the way into town to surprise me.

Sharon: And you snuck downstairs into the kitchen, you set all this up, to surprise me.

Nick: Yeah, well, I don't want to sound corny, but I woke up this morning thinking about hilary. You know, last week, she was running around, business as usual. Tomorrow, she's being laid to rest. And... it just reminds me how important it is to show the people that you love how much they mean to you.

Sharon: I don't think that's corny at all. I did what I did for the very same reason.

Lily: [ Slamming keys ] God!

[ Sighs ]

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Hey.

Cane: You all right?

Lily: Yeah. I just -- I-I -- I came in early to check on devon. But I don't think he's coming in.

Cane: And that's what's got you so frustrated?

Lily: Well, isn't it enough? I mean, think about what he's going through. Hilary and their baby, killed. It didn't have to happen.

Kyle: Is billy joining us?

Phyllis: Uh, he has meetings outside the building all day, so I'm borrowing his office.

Kyle: Does he know that?

Phyllis: Let's talk about jabot-fenmore's synergy project. There are a couple aspects I'd like you to focus on.

Kyle: Yeah, we should probably hold off on that, don't you think? Billy's feasibility study -- about closing some underperforming stores. Once it's complete, a lot could change a fenmore'S.

Phyllis: Billy undertook that study on his own, without consulting lauren or me. Jabot has a minority stake.

Kyle: 49%. Big enough to give billy the right to gather data and make some recommendations.

Phyllis: Lauren's 51% gives her final say. We can forget about that study for now.

Kyle: I can. Can you? Going after fenmore's is heavy-duty. Talk about finding the perfect way to retaliate for kicking him out.

Phyllis: One thing has nothing to do with the other. Billy and I are fine.

Kyle: Sure. Long as he doesn't find out about that other guy who spent the night with you.

Phyllis: You're bringing this up again because why?

Summer: Hi. Sorry I'm late. Or maybe I'm just in time?

Phyllis: Do you have any questions about what I want?

Kyle: You want me to set up in-home studies on eye-makeup application. Sounds fairly straightforward.

Phyllis: This is ethnographic research. And you don't have to limit your venues to people's homes. Women put their mascara on in the car, on the train, in the bathroom at work. I want our researchers to follow the respondents throughout their day. Record any interactions they have with eye makeup.

Kyle: Got it.

Summer: Marching orders received.

Phyllis: You're up next.

Summer: What's my assignment?

Phyllis: Secondary research.

Summer: On?

Phyllis: Future fashion trends. You should be able to find what you need online to get you going. And when you write your report, please be sure to cite sources.

Summer: I don't get it.

Phyllis: What don't you get?

Summer: Well, when I walked in, there was definitely tension between you guys. So, no way that it was about fashion and makeup.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] All right, lookit. Kyle brought up billy's feasibility study, and, uh, was talking about the potential of stores closing. So, um, you know, that's not good. That sparks rumors, and it gets people worried about their jobs. And there's no place for rumors around here. Especially the kind that could do real damage.

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Lily: I just -- I don't think I'm gonna get any work done today. You know, if I'm feeling this confused and upset, think about how devon feels. I just -- I just want to go to him, you know, and talk about the accident, and tell him how sorry I am, and how responsible i feel.

Cane: Sweetheart, just dwelling on this crash is not gonna do you or anybody any good, okay?

Lily: I know, but I want to go see him, you know? He shouldn't be alone. Especially when hilary's funeral is tomorrow. I mean, th-that's got to be killing him.

Cane: Do you want me to come with you?

Lily: No. I -- [ Sighs ] You've got a company to run.

Cane: All right, listen, I have a very capable team that can function without me for a day, okay? Listen, besides, being with you right now is more important.

Lily: Thank you for always looking out for me.

Cane: Oh, baby. I always will.

Sharon: Did you see mariah when you were cooking this morning?

Nick: I think she was up and out of here before daybreak.

Sharon: Hm. Well, sometimes the best opportunity to get out and think about things is when the city's just waking up. You know, it's quiet. There are not so many distractions. And mariah has a lot to work out.

Nick: Yeah. Tessa's gone. Hilary's gone. She must be feeling pretty lost right now.

Sharon: And yet she did an amazing job with the tribute show yesterday. You know, whenever things get tough, mariah always seems to find this inner strength. There are times i really envy that.

Nick: Well, I think you're really strong, too.

[ Knock on door ] Door's open!

Abby: Good morning!

Nick: Hey. What brings you by?

Abby: Sorry. I-I know it's early. I probably should have called. But I am so excited about my new job, I wanted to show you the pr ideas I've been working on.

Nick: Uh, all right. Let's take a look.

Abby: Yeah.

Sharon: I'll be back.

Abby: This is all very rough, very preliminary.

Nick: Abby, I really like what you did here.

Abby: Really?

Nick: Yes. Obviously I made the right choice bringing you on board.

Abby: Well, thank you. I-if you want me to go over any more of this in detail, I totally can.

Nick: No, no, no. Just e-mail it to me. I got a lot of work to do today. And pretty soon you're gonna be up to your ears in work. And it's beautiful outside. Go and have some fun.

Abby: Are you giving me the day off?

Nick: Yeah. You've obviously been putting in a full day's work of top-flight thinking already.

Abby: Well, thank you. I will take you up on that. Um... [ Chuckles ] I'll see you guys later.

Nick: See ya.

Abby: Bye.

Sharon: Well, you just made your sister a very happy woman.

Nick: I like making the women in my life very happy. One in particular.

Phyllis: I will absolutely fill you in. Don't give it one more thought, lauren. Okay. Bye, now.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: Did billy's feasibility study come up? What's your take on how to keep people from hearing about it and getting all panicky? Like you said, one little indiscretion, and the whole thing could blow sky-high.

Phyllis: Okay, why don't you leave that to me, all right? Fyi, I am headed to chicago for an overnight business trip. Lauren needs me to fill in and meet some vendors.

Summer: Oh.

Phyllis: I'm gonna go home and toss a few things in a bag. But will you start on that research for me, please?

Summer: Yeah, sure. Safe travels, okay?

Phyllis: Oh, thank you.

Summer: Yeah.

Phyllis: Good luck. Just go ahead and shut the door when you leave, sweetie.

Summer: Okay. Bye.

Phyllis: Bye.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: "One little indiscretion"? What the hell, kyle?

Kyle: You thought that was me alluding to you sleeping around?

Phyllis: If you feel some childish need to keep bringing this up, that's fine. But do not pull that crap in front of my daughter, or you will regret it. And I will make sure of it.

Abby: Mmm. How did you...?

Arturo: I saw you were running low.

Abby: Well, thank you. You are a true gentleman.

Arturo: De nada. You know, you have been one really hard lady to get ahold of lately. I was beginning to take it personally.

Abby: I'm sorry. I've just -- I've had a ton of stuff going on. I started this new job with nick, and I've been crazy busy trying to get up to speed.

Arturo: Yeah, you -- you look extremely busy.

Abby: [ Laughs ] Well, nick was nice enough to give me the day off. I would have called you, but I figured you were working.

Arturo: I was. Till I drove by and saw your car in the lot. Figured I'd take a chance and come up. If you're taking the day off, I might as well, too. Perks of being the boss.

Abby: Well, then, pull up a lounge chair and I'll fill you in on my new gig.

Kyle: What?

Summer: Everything okay between you and my mom?

Kyle: Why wouldn't it be?

Summer: Things seemed very tense in there, and it seemed like it was about more than work. So...? What's going on?

Kyle: You're imagining things.

Summer: Okay. Wait. Kyle, um, I actually need your help with something. Please.

Kyle: With what?

Summer: Well, this whole fashion research thing. Spotting future trends. It's not really my thing.

Kyle: Yeah. Ditto.

Summer: Come on. You're in cosmetics, which means you are way more plugged in than I'll ever be. So can I pick your brain a little? Please?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I guess I could spare some time.

Summer: Thank you.

Kyle: Your office or mine?

Summer: Well, billy is not here today, and my mom left a little while ago, which means there's no one to answer to, so technically we can leave work whenever we want. So I was thinking the pool deck? You know, you and I haven't been alone since we went skinny-dipping together. Come on.

Nick: What are you doing?

Phyllis: I saw you sitting here by yourself. You've been on my mind today.

Nick: Same here.

Phyllis: Are you waiting for someone?

Nick: No. Just had a meeting. I'm returning some e-mails, then I'm gonna head off to the office. How are you doing? I know how close you were with hilary.

Phyllis: It's been rough.

Nick: I bet.

Phyllis: How's the new company?

Nick: [ Sighs ] It's, uh -- it's phenomenal. Closing deals left and right.

Phyllis: It was smart of you to bring jack on board -- if not to stick it to billy and victor.

Nick: Yeah. Uh, billy is not my favorite person right now. But you're right about jack. Putting dark horse together is a lot of work, and he will definitely help. You know what, you can never have too much expertise around, so if making a move is ever something you're interested in, maybe we should talk.

Phyllis: Given our recent history, I don't know if that's such a good idea. Too much temptation.

Nick: Temptation as in, uh...

Phyllis: You know that's not what I meant. What happened between us, that was a one-time thing.

Nick: Right. So what are you saying?

Phyllis: We could play word games all day. But I actually have to talk to you about something important. Something you need to know. That's why I tracked you down here, the real reason.

Nick: Okay. Hit me.

Phyllis: Our little secret isn't so secret anymore kyle knows. He was there.

Abby: This is how

Abby: This is how a picnic should be. In the shade. By the pool. No bugs allowed.

Arturo: Nice.

Abby: Mm.

Arturo: Next time, we go to that park at lake delaney, take a little detour through my neighborhood. I will take you to the best spot ever. It's a bodega. They have these incredible cuban sandwiches.

Abby: Mmm. Sounds yum.

Arturo: You've tried them?

Abby: Cuban sandwiches? Yeah, of course.

Arturo: No, no, no, no, no. Not like this place. All right? They put their own spin on it. It's unbelievable.

Abby: Sounds delicious.

Cane: Hey. Sorry to interrupt.

Abby: Cane. Hi. Um, you remember arturo?

Cane: Yeah. How you doing, mate? Good to see you.

Arturo: Can't complain.

Abby: Uh...

Cane: Yeah. I mean, that's all right. I just came to get lily a smoothie, and wanted to say hi.

Abby: How's she holding up?

Cane: Not well.

Arturo: Sorry to hear that.

Cane: Appreciate it.

Abby: Please give her my best, and tell her I'll give her her a call.

Cane: Yeah, I will. Okay. Anyway, it's good to see you.

Abby: Um, well, where were we?

Arturo: Cuban sandwiches and our next picnic.

Abby: Mm. Yes. So, tell me what else we'll tour when we're in your neighborhood.

Arturo: Mm... you get to see my church. St. Dominic. It's pretty cool. You can see the spire from any direction. My friends and I get together once a week there, and we play soccer.

Abby: You like soccer, too?

Arturo: Wait a minute. You follow the sport?

Abby: Uh, yeah. I did go to boarding school in europe when I was younger.

Arturo: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: Yeah. That's where I learned to play soccer. And when you live there, you kind of just --

Arturo: Can't help but get hooked.

Abby: Exactly. I am a huge real madrid fan.

Arturo: [ Inhales sharply ] Ooh. Wow. Um... geez. Um... I'm sorry, but, uh, this, us, it's -- it's never gonna work.

Abby: [ Laughs ] Excuse me?

Arturo: I am liverpool all the way. You crushed us in the champions league final.

Abby: Oooh, yeah. 3-1, baby. Woot, woot!

Kyle: You two look like you're having fun.

Abby: We sure are, yeah.

Kyle: Heard you went over to the dark side.

Abby: Uh, it's called dark horse. And, yes, your information is correct. Today is my first day.

Kyle: Huh. Nice office. Love what you've done with the place.

Abby: Well, I finally have a boss who appreciates what i bring to the party. This is my reward.

Kyle: An afternoon off.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: I'm jealous. Enjoy.

Abby: Bye. Does this place seem a little...

Arturo: Crowded?

Abby: Yes.

Arturo: That is exactly what I was thinking.

Abby: Let's get out of here.

Arturo: Let's go.

Nick: What the hell happened? When you say kyle was there, like -- when was kyle there?

Phyllis: All right, relax. I'll explain. He saw your clothes on the floor.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: So he deduced what was going on. Now, he doesn't know it was you upstairs, so he may think he knows something incriminating, but that story's gonna die with me.

Nick: Why am I just hearing about this now?

Phyllis: I thought I had a better handle on the situation.

Nick: Okay, but this is as far as it goes with him, right? Or is he a loose cannon?

Phyllis: Time will tell.

Nick: I'm worried for you. I mean, if he says one word to billy...

Phyllis: I'm glad that you're back on track with sharon. That you're looking forward to your wedding. What happened with us is not going to threaten that. Now, as far as me, you know, we were both unattached at the time, and what we did was technically our business.

Nick: You think billy will see it that way?

Summer: Sorry it took me so long. I realized it was gonna be a little warm up here, so I went down to the boutique and bought a swimsuit. Does it fit okay?

Kyle: Uh... pretty much.

Summer: Now, I realize it's not really work attire, but when in rome.

Kyle: Uh... right. Work. We did come here to brainstorm that assignment phyllis gave you.

Summer: Yes. And I intend to show my gratitude.

Kyle: Gratitude.

Summer: I give a little, you give a little. That's what makes the world go round, right? Now, let's get started.

Cane: Is, uh, devon upstairs?

Lily: Yeah, we just wanted to spend time with him.

Shauna: Devon's with neil at the funeral home. Prepping for tomorrow.

Cane: Oh. Um... how's he doing today?

Shauna: He just lost his wife and child. He's dealing with a lot.

Lily: Look, shauna, I -- I know that you're upset, okay? We -- we all are. And I just -- I know how you feel.

Shauna: Excuse me, but you don't have the the slightest idea how I feel.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nick: Thirsty?

Phyllis: Yep. I'm off to chicago today, and you can get on with your day. Thank you very much for the listen. Felt good to talk.

Nick: Yeah. Me too. Uh, keep me in the loop on our new friend kyle. If he's determined to hurt you, phyllis, I'm not gonna let him get away with it.

Phyllis: You've gotten into enough fights for the week with the abbotts. I'm curious, though. Were you serious when you told billy that you wanted to buy fenmore's right out from under jabot?

Nick: Ah. Just... blowing off steam. Trying to get him to shut his big mouth.

Phyllis: Well, that's how good ideas start, you know. They pop into your head in the heat of the moment.

Nick: Oh, yeah?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Look, if you're serious about going national, I think you could do worse.

Nick: There's a reason dark horse is focusing on real estate. Acquiring land, developing properties, both commercial and residential, it's -- it's what I know, instinctively, you know? I don't know a lot about fashion and that other stuff.

Phyllis: Jack and abby do, though. You know, and lauren's got a lot of good brick-and-mortar stores. Plus she's the best in the business.

Nick: That's true.

Phyllis: Yeah. You know, she might be open to the deal. And I don't think I'm talking out of school when I say she's more than a little disenchanted with jabot these days.

Nick: Well, you do realize we just circled back to us working together, which, as you pointed out, isn't an ideal situation.

Phyllis: It's all about keeping a proper balance.

Summer: Here you go. It's nice to have my apartment to myself for a change.

Kyle: For one night.

Summer: That's enough for what I have in mind. Hey, thanks again for all those great ideas for my research assignment. You know, the least I could do is make you something to eat. Show how grateful I am.

Kyle: Wow. You're really laying it on thick. Ever since I told you I had nothing to say about what phyllis and I were discussing, you've been working me over, hoping I'll crack.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Yeah, kyle. That's exactly what I was doing.

Kyle: Least you admit it.

Summer: Yeah, because you know what? You've been lying through your teeth, saying that all this tension between you and my mom has been because of some stupid feasibility study when I know that it's because of something more, and I deserve to know why.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] You can think that all you want. Doesn't mean you'll find out from me. Now, what have you got to eat around this joint?

Lily: I know that you and hilary were close. So I understand if you need to vent. You know, it -- it's fine. You don't have to say anything. Just know that you're not alone, okay? We are all struggling.

Shauna: Some more than others.

Cane: Hey, hey. That's not fair.

Shauna: It's not like you ever liked hilary all that much.

Cane: Let's not say something here we're gonna regret, okay?

Lily: No, it's fine. It's fine. Look, I -- I get it. I know that hilary and i were at odds a lot. And we got into it that day. You know, I just -- I got upset because she allowed you and charlie to be together unsupervised, and -- and that's what started all of this.

Shauna: [ Snorts ] Right. I forgot. Everything's my fault.

Lily: No, I --

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, that's devon. I have to get this. Devon, hey. I'm glad you called. I've been so worried about you.

Cane: Okay. So, uh, why are you being like this with lily?

Shauna: Because I know what happened. She blew through that red light and caused this accident. And now she's totally gonna get away with it.

Shauna: I told charlie I saw the accident from the side of the road. And I've kept my mouth shut for his sake, not lily'S.

Cane: Fine. But you need to keep this between us. No one can know about the red light. Not the cops, and not lily. Do you understand this?

Shauna: Like she doesn't already know.

Cane: No, she doesn't already know about it, okay, and I don't need more guilt dropped on her.

Shauna: All you adults ever talk about is how important it is to tell the truth --

Cane: This is not up for debate. I'm not gonna debate this with you. You don't say a word. Okay?

Lily: Okay. I love you, too. Bye. Shauna, I-I wasn't implying that any of this --

Cane: Babe, I think everything that's been said has been said, okay, so... she's obviously overwhelmed. Maybe we should just leave her alone for a little bit.

Lily: Devon didn't say when he'd be back.

Cane: You know, I think maybe it's best, you know, that we just go now.

Shauna: Yeah. Maybe it is.

Lily: [ Sighs ] I never meant to imply that she contributed to hilary's death.

Cane: Listen, she has a lot to process, okay, so maybe we should just give her the time to figure out what's important. Come on. Let's get out of here.

Abby: [ Sighs ] What a perfect day.

Arturo: Yeah.

Abby: And the company is not bad, either.

Arturo: Are you just saying that to get on my good side?

Abby: Well, isn't that what people do on dates? You're on your best behavior trying to impress the other person?

Arturo: Hmm. To what end?

Abby: So there's another date, I guess.

Arturo: Then you want there to be one?

Abby: If you're asking if I want to see you again, the answer is yes.

Arturo: Why?

Abby: [ Laughs ] Are you fishing for compliments or is this a serious question?

Arturo: No, I mean, I just... I guess there's a part of me that, you know, wonders if you taking up with me is, like, a way of saying "screw you" to your family. I mean, don't get me wrong -- if you are using me, I still get to hang out with a beautiful, fun girl, so it's a win-win.

Abby: Well, that's a very interesting theory, but that's not how I operate. You should know that. I think I started falling for you when you drove me up to the abbott cabin. I was worried about my uncle jack, and you saw how concerned I was, and you dropped everything. We were just friends. But you went above and beyond.

Arturo: And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Abby: See? There you go again, making me melt. I can't believe that you're not taken already.

Arturo: Well, I have not met the right woman. And I'm not willing to settle, so...

Abby: Have you ever been serious about anyone?

Arturo: Once. But it didn't end well, so...

Abby: How come? Or is that none of my business?

Arturo: I, uh... I like to be spontaneous. Grab joy wherever I can find it.

Abby: And she wasn't that way?

Arturo: Heh... I need a woman that will dance with me in the park just because I ask her to.

Abby: Oh, well, do you have anyone in mind?

[ Laughs ]

[ Music playing ] Okay!

Arturo: You ready?

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Arturo: Here we go.

Abby: Oooh!

Arturo: Uh-oh.

Abby: [ Laughing ]

Tan skin, red lips

your hair beneath the night sky

the way you move is like an ocean

Abby: Whoa!

Yeah, yeah

show me previews

of what you want to do tonight

I'ma put a plan in motion

Yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah

[ Singing in spanish ]

You make me sing

Nick: Hello to you, too.

Sharon: I thought you said you'd be working late.

Nick: I couldn't do it. It's just too beautiful outside. I was just sitting at my desk. I couldn't focus at all.

Sharon: So you decided to come home.

Nick: With one small detour.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] What is this?

Nick: Do I need a reason to get you a gift? Open it.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] Nick! It's too much.

Nick: No. It's not too much. This is my way of telling you I love you, which I don't do enough.

Sharon: You say it all the time.

Nick: Well, I like decorating you. So sue me.

Sharon: It's beautiful. Thank you.

Nick: You're welcome. Could we talk wedding for a second?

Sharon: Sure. Okay.

Nick: All right. Now, I know things have been crazy around here with me trying to get my company off the ground. But we are behind in our preparations. You know, we have to pick up the pace if we're gonna have a big fall celebration.

Sharon: So the bracelet is your way of telling me to get it in gear?

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Is it working?

Sharon: Nick, I hope you realize, I don't need a big, splashy event. I'd be happy if we just got married here at the house. Or even something smaller than that. A trip to hawaii, maybe. Private wedding on the beach.

Nick: As romantic as that sounds, what I want is something big. Something that tells the world "this is it." A lifetime commitment. No more breakups. No more indecision. We are crazy happy and in love, and to me, that means a big, glorious celebration that really makes a statement. I mean, as grand and as memorable as we can make it.

Kyle: A jar of olives, some leftover chinese, and a freezer full of half-eaten pints of ice cream. Something tells me we're ordering pizza. Uh-oh. What happened to miss perky?

Summer: Look, kyle, when I first came back to town, I got the feeling that you weren't completely over me. And I used that to go after what I wanted because it seemed easy.

Kyle: Good plan. And thanks for thinking I'm so shallow.

Summer: I don't, okay? And I know that you are nursing a grudge because of how things ended. But that doesn't erase the fact that, when things worked between us, it was pretty amazing.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I'll go along with that. Where are you headed with this?

Summer: I don't -- I thought that I could toy with you, remind you of how things used to be. Just get you all hot and bothered. I just didn't expect that it would happen to me.

Kyle: I "turn you on" again? Is that it?

Summer: You never stopped. Like back at the pool. We were really clicking. You were so cute and sexy and... kyle, this is not what I want to be feeling right now.

[ Sighs ] Okay? Just -- you know what, do me a favor. Just go and eat somewhere else on your own. I will make it up to you another time. Because right now, I just... I just want to be alone, okay? I want to be alone, and I want to take a nice, cold, long shower.

Abby: Do you want to come in?

Arturo: Mm... depends who's home.

Abby: Why? Are you worried about

interrupción número cuatro?

[ Both laugh ] Well, my room is very private, and I have a working lock.

Arturo: Hmm.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Mmph. I knew I should have put that on silent.

Abby: Ah. That's okay. You can get it.

Arturo: No.

Abby: That doesn't look good. What's up?

Arturo: They're installing some new generators at one of my jobsites, and the inspector's having a problem. I'm gonna have to get down there.

Abby: The perks of being the boss, huh?

Arturo: Hmph. I'm really sorry about this.

Abby: It's okay. I had a marvelous time today. Thank you for playing hooky with me.

Arturo: Thank you for dancing with me at the park.

Abby: Any time.

Arturo: You mean that?

Abby: Well, I do have a pretty demanding job.

Arturo: Hopefully not so demanding that we can't find the time to do it again.

Abby: Yeah. Well, we are two people who can make things happen.

Arturo: We are, aren't we?

Abby: [ Giggles ] Oooh! [ Laughs ]

Sharon: Cheers!

Nick: Cheers. To us.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Mm. So, whether we end up having a big wedding or a small one -- and I'm still not sold on the big option as much as you are -- what I'm really looking forward to is having all the people in our lives that we love sitting around here in this living room together, celebrating. Doesn't that sound great?

Nick: You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that. Not necessarily in this living room, though.

Sharon: What do you mean?

Nick: Look, this wedding is a reset for us. And why stop here? I mean, why not start completely fresh? How would you feel about moving away from here?

Sharon: Wait. What?

Nick: Yeah. Look, I know this place has been your home for years. But to me, this place is all about dad. I want something of our own. Off the ranch, in a different part of town. I will build you your dream house times 10. It'll be a place that our family can enjoy and have for generations to come. A place to build new memories. Our memories.

Sharon: Man, nick, you -- you expanded this house, and had it completely redone before our first wedding. You said it was your gift to me. You let me keep it when we got divorced. So I appreciate everything you're saying about making new memories, but... there are already so many wonderful memories here.

Nick: Look. I am trying to do what is best for us in the long run. And if we let sentimentality dictate our lives for us, then I'm afraid we're going to regret that. Look, an honest to goodness home of our own. You cannot put a price tag on that.

Summer: I've missed this so much.

Kyle: Me too.

Summer: I wouldn't let myself admit how I felt. It was so stupid.

Kyle: Come here.

Summer: Guess we can thank my mom.

Kyle: Uh... sure.

Summer: You know, whatever's going on with her got us talking again. Guess we can send her a thank-you note.

Kyle: Babe?

Summer: Yeah?

Kyle: Can we not talk about your mother right now? I'm kind of busy.

Summer: Yeah, plus, there's really nothing to talk about, anyways, right? That's what you keep saying.

Kyle: There isn'T. Not like I can tell you who was here the other night.

Summer: Wait. Someone was here? At night? Wait, was it a guy?

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Kyle, you can't just say something like that.

Kyle: There was a guy here. Upstairs. I saw his clothes on the floor when I was talking to phyllis.

Summer: Wait. No, no. Kyle, when?

Kyle: I don't know. The other night. She was broken up with billy.

Summer: Who?!

Kyle: Can we please just --

Summer: No. Who?

Kyle: I said I don't know.

Summer: You're lying.

Kyle: I told you. It's the truth.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] I'll just figure it out myself. You don't waste any time, do you, mom?

Kyle: Call me a liar.

[ Scoffs ] This whole seduction scene was just your way of using me to get dirt on phyllis. Whatever it takes to steal your mother's boyfriend.

Summer: Yeah, well, my priorities have changed, kyle. Deal with it.

Lily: What was I thinking? Shauna's in so much pain. All I did was make things worse.

Cane: You meant well.

Lily: No, you know what? She's right about one thing, though -- I had no use for hilary until the very end. She probably thinks I'm, like, the biggest phony alive, saying that I feel so badly about her death.

Cane: You are not a phony. And don't care about what shauna said. She barely knows you. Don't worry about that, okay? Tomorrow is the funeral. We have to focus on that. Baby, it's gonna be difficult for all of us. And right now, devon needs our help. He needs all the support we can give him, okay? Okay? Come here. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

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