Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/19/18

Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/19/18


Episode #11450 ~ Nick starts a new chapter; Mariah and Tessa share a warm moment; Hilary and Lily clash.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: J.T. Never came back to town. You'd be amazed at what you can accomplish with an expensive wig and a mask and someone else's identity. Everything has changed because of what I've done.

Sharon: It has. Because, nick, right now, I don't know if I even know who you are anymore.

Nick: I want to create a new legacy for this family. A company that embodies everything that newman enterprises was originally supposed to be. And I want all of you to join me. Come work at dark horse. Help me make my dream a reality.

Lily: Charlie and shauna were alone in your apartment with your permission. Devon having a baby with you is the worst idea he's ever had! You have no business being a mother!

[ Telephone ringing ]

Hilary: You've reached hilary and devon. We are otherwise engaged. Please leave a message.

[ Answering machine beeps ]

Shauna: Devon? It's shauna. Are you home from your trip? You're not answering your cell. I was hoping -- call me. Please call me.

Neil: Ahh.

[ Jazz music plays ]

[ Volume increases ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Music stops ] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? I'm listening here!

Nate: Listen, if I'd have known you were gonna play your music this loud, I wouldn't have moved in. I hate jazz.

Neil: I bet you do. I have realized that anybody who's not smart enough to understand jazz hates jazz.

Nate: Smart enough? You want smart music, get yourself some rap, okay?

Neil: Rap? That noise?

Nate: Noise is that atonal self-indulgent cacophony on that turntable. Now, rap, that is poetry.

Neil: Oh, man. Oh.

Nate: It's radical. It's -- it's world-changing.

Neil: So is this right here. My man, listen and learn.

Nate: [ Sighs ]

[ Jazz music playing ]

Nikki: This is so unexpected.

Summer: Did you have any idea that he was planning anything like this?

Sharon: Not at all.

Abby: How did you manage to pull this off with no one knowing?

Nick: Okay. It's clear you all need some time with this. It's understandable. So do that. Go home. Put together a list of the pros and cons. Think about how this can affect your future, and also right now. And I may be biased, but I can guarantee you, the benefits of joining dark horse will far outweigh any cons you can come up with.

Summer: So, when do you need an answer?

Nick: Tonight.

Abby: Well, that doesn't give us much time.

Nick: I need to know who is on my team. Because make no mistake, this is happening. And I would rather do it with you than without you.

Neil: Jazz is mathematical in its precision.

Nate: If you call sliding up and down a scale in every direction "precise."

Neil: Oh, really? So, do you call spouting out random verse "art"?

[ Urgent knocking on door ]

Nate: Oh, another jazz critic coming to complain, no doubt.

Neil: Yeah, okay. And all I wanted was to spend a quiet evening at home

[Singsong voice] With my music. Ha--

Shauna: You have to come to the hospital. Something awful happened.

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Cane: You know I've been working on my technique for this family's game night, and you and your brother are gonna get crushed.

Mattie: Yeah, charlie may not want to be my partner.

Cane: What are you fighting about this time? Where is my phone?

Mattie: Did you leave it in the car?

Cane: [ Sighs ] I must have. Um, will you do me a favor? Call your mom and see what she and your brother want for dinner.

Mattie: Yep.

Cane: Victor.

Victor: Cane. How are you, man?

Cane: How are you? Good to see you.

Victor: So, any truth to jack abbott making an offer to chancellor industries?

Cane: No, it's just a baseless rumor he's glommed onto.

Victor: Based on phillip chancellor perhaps being jack abbott's father?

Cane: Jack could not be more wrong.

Victor: Really? Is there proof?

Cane: Irrefutable. So phillip chancellor isn't jack abbott's father, and chancellor is still in jill's capable hands.

Victor: I see.

Mattie: Hi, mr. Newman.

Victor: Hello, mattie. How are you?

Mattie: Good. How are you?

Victor: Thank you.

Mattie: Uh, mom's not answering the phone.

Cane: Uh, if you'll excuse us, I have to figure out what I'm feeding my family.

Victor: Nice to see both of you.

Cane: You too. Take care. Hey, nikki. How are you?

Nikki: Hi. How are you?

Mattie: Hi, mrs. Newman.

Nikki: Hello.

Cane: [ Sighs ] All right.

Mattie: You know what mom and charlie like.

Cane: All right. We'll go with their favorites. We can't go wrong, huh?

Mattie: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: What's happened now?

Victor: A notification from my real-estate division. It seems newman enterprises has lost another three deals to some start-up company I've never heard of.

Nikki: Is it called, by any chance, "dark horse"?

Victor: How'd you know that?

Nikki: I just came from a meeting with nicholas. He's in business now. As dark horse.

Victor: How the hell did he get the financing?

Nikki: He's been raising funds from venture capitalists all the while we thought he was soliciting donations for charity. And now, with all that money, he's going after you.

Nick: So, what do you think?

Sharon: Are you asking me if I want to work for you in this secret company you've created, or are you wondering if I'll forgive you for impersonating J.T.?

Nick: I'll take an answer to either. I was really hoping you would be more excited for me.

Sharon: I want to be. Look at this place. I mean, obviously you've put a lot of work into securing this building, staffing, bringing in new clients. And keeping it all completely hidden from me.

Nick: That last part. That's why you're bothered.

Sharon: You lied to me.

Nick: I laid out exactly why I had to do things the way I did them.

Sharon: We're engaged. I'm not working for a competitor like all the other women you invited here tonight.

Nick: I apologize.

Sharon: But you would do it all again.

Nick: To launch my new business without tipping off my father? Absolutely.

Sharon: And you can't understand why I might be upset by that?

Nick: Sharon, it's not like you haven't lied to me before.

Sharon: Oh, that is a lousy excuse for not telling me about your plans.

Nick: Look, can we just focus on what's good about this and... just celebrate?

Sharon: I'm not in the mood.

Nick: Okay. How about this. From this point forward, there are no more lies, no more evasions.

Sharon: How can you be so flippant about this?

Nick: How can you not be more excited for us? I'm gonna make the newman name mean something again. Once companies see what my intent is, they are gonna want to be in business with me. It is simple as that.

Sharon: You say that. But your actions don't line up with it.

Nick: If --

Sharon: I -- I love you. Okay? That hasn't changed. But right now, I don't like you very much.

Nick: What do you want me to say to that?

Sharon: I don't know. Maybe this is my fault. Maybe I had some vision of what our reconciliation and rebuilding of our lives together would look like, and... this just isn't it.

Nick: What's wrong with this?

Sharon: You're not you. Maybe I didn't take into account how much you've apparently changed.

Nick: Look, I haven't changed so much as I have... righted my course. I have put up with far too much from my dad for too long. And when he took christian from us, that nailed it. I needed to prove something to him -- and to me.

Sharon: Like this?

Nick: Look, if I can make dark horse work, then we can have it all. And you won't have to worry about how I got us here.

Sharon: I'm already worried.

Nick: Sharon, if you don't want to be with someone who would go to these lengths to protect his family, then maybe you're engaged to the wrong man. I hope that that's not true. Because I want to marry you. And this time, I want it to be forever. But I need you to be proud of me. Proud of what I'm doing. Look, I've thrown a lot at you tonight. Just think about it. You'll see that I'm right.

Neil: Hey, hey. Charlie!

Charlie: There was a bad accident.

Neil: Yeah. Shauna told me. Are you okay?

Charlie: Yeah. But mom and hilary...

Shauna: They were both rushed here in an ambulance.

Nate: Has anyone come to talk to you, tell you how they are?

Charlie: No. But... I could see. It was bad.

Neil: Has anybody come to check on you?

Charlie: I'm fine.

Nate: Have you been examined by a doctor?

Charlie: Yeah. But I was in the back seat. I walked away without a scratch. All that flying glass and not one cut.

Neil: Where were you going?

Charlie: [ Sighs ]

Neil: What? You weren't in the car, but you know what happened, don't you?

Shauna: Hilary and lily got into this huge fight.

Neil: Where?

Shauna: Hilary's place.

Neil: About what?

Shauna: Charlie and me being together.

Nate: You were alone with charlie together at hilary'S.

Shauna: I was upset, so I ran out.

Neil: A-and -- and then what?

Charlie: And then mom, hilary, and I, we got in mom's car and went looking for shauna.

Shauna: I was right across the street from them when the crash happened. This truck came out of nowhere.

Neil: Okay. Okay. Listen. We have to find out what happened with lily and hilary. And I-I don't want to leave these two kids alone, you know what I'm saying?

Nate: You know these kids. I know hospitals. Stay with them. I'll get us some information.

Neil: You bet. Hey. Did you call your dad?

Charlie: He's not answering at home or his cell.

Neil: Okay. I'll take care of it.

Mattie: Everything's here.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Cane: Ugh. That's probably your mom, craving thai now instead of chicken francaise.

Mattie: It's grandpa neil. Hi! Y-yeah. He's -- he's right here. He needs to talk to you.

Cane: Hey. What's going on?

Mattie: Dad?

Cane: Okay. We have to go.

Mattie: Okay.

Victor: So this business of his, dark horse, does he really think he can compete with me?

Nikki: He's already started. He has cut deals with other companies who are, and I quote, "happy to be doing business with a newman who doesn't come weighted down with extra baggage."

Victor: Baggage our son was only too happy to burden me with. Now I understand why some disloyal employees slithered off.

Nikki: I certainly don't approve of his methods, but you must have some appreciation for nicholas' talents, or you wouldn't have wanted him back on board at newman.

Victor: Sweetheart, he's gonna fail. I'm gonna see to it.

Nikki: Victor, this doesn't have to be a war.

Victor: My darling, you know it's a war of his making.

Nikki: You're still recovering. Listen, a-a corporate battle is just unnecessary stress. There's got to be another way to heal this rift.

Victor: Yeah, there is. You go to him, you tell him to fold up shop while he still has a chance.

Abby: Look, nick should have been 1,000% more sensitive to your feelings.

Victoria: Thanks. But he's more focused on his own agenda, which includes making me think that my ex, who put my father in a coma, is on the prowl.

Abby: Well, I'm sorry. And that was wrong. But don't let that cloud your judgment about the big picture.

Victoria: Believe me, I know what the big picture is.

Abby: Well, don't let that stop you from seeing what nick is trying to accomplish. Back me up. Starting a new company, it's very exciting.

Nick: Thank you. I'm glad to see you are discussing this and not dismissing it. My goal is to bring us all together, not pit us against each other.

Victoria: It doesn't feel that way.

Nick: You know, vick, I admire how quick you are to defend dad, particularly after he went behind your back to try and promote me over you.

Victoria: I haven't forgotten that.

Nick: And, abby, I --

Abby: Okay, you don't have to remind me how I was treated at newman. But victoria keeps reminding me about loyalty, and... well, newman's a family business.

Nick: So is dark horse. And the difference is, unlike dad, I want us all to reach our potential. And you can do that with me. If you make that leap, I promise you, this family is going to be stronger. We are the future. And it's time we start acting like it.

Summer: Okay, well, my situation is a little different.

Nick: I know. I get it. You just started your job, and you like it. I already told you, I'm not gonna make you choose between your mom and dad. But, summer, this is a chance for you to get in on the ground floor of something that could be special. Something that could be yours someday. This is an opportunity for us all to get out from under dad's shadow.

[ Cellphones buzzing ]

Victoria: Did you guys get this, too?

Abby: From nikki?

Summer: Yeah. She wants me to drop what I'm doing and meet her right away?

Victoria: She wants us to meet.

Nick: At the club. Sounds like mom made her decision. Are you coming?

Cane: Neil! Neil.

Neil: Hey.

Cane: What's going on?

Neil: Hey. Listen. We don't know anything more than when I called you. Lily and hilary are in the er being assessed. That's what's going on.

Cane: Hey, charlie. Come here. Oh, I'm glad you're okay! All right. Okay.

Charlie: What about m-mom and hilary?

Neil: Nate's seeing what he can find out right now.

Cane: [ Sighs ] Thank god. Hey, thank you for bringing neil here.

Charlie: We -- we tried to call you.

Cane: Well, we're here now. That's all that matters. So, what happened with the other driver?

Charlie: The guy in the truck?

Charlie: Yeah, yeah. Is he being treated?

Charlie: He wasn't injured.

Cane: Well, wh-where are the cops? Why aren't they here? Has he been taken into custody?

Neil: I'm not sure.

Cane: I'm gonna go find out what happened.

Neil: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Cane: Neil, I need to see who's fault this is.

Neil: You need to be here for your kids right now, okay? No one knows anything. Plenty of time to find out details about what happened after we find out what happened with lily and hilary. You hear me?

Cane: Okay, okay. Okay. Okay. You're right.

Nate: I got us some info.

Cane: [ Stammers ] How is she? How's lily?

Nate: She's conscious. No serious injuries.

Cane: Oh, thank god!

Neil: Good. Very good. That's great.

Cane: Yeah.

Shauna: And -- and hilary?

Neil: Yeah. Is she okay?

Nate: It's not good. She's -- she's critical.

Mattie: What about hilary's baby?

Nate: They're, uh -- they're doing everything they can to save both of them.

Cane: [ Sighs ] Has devon been told?

Neil: I've been calling him. He's not answering. You know, he must be in mid-flight. I'm gonna try him again.

Cane: Okay. Okay. It's gonna be okay.

Sharon: Am I wrong to be upset about this?

Mariah: No. No way. It's like nick has been body-snatched. Creating this mystery business, and then expecting you to be like, "oh, yay, honey! Thanks for the lies lately." And impersonating J.T. Without even thinking about how victoria would feel.

Sharon: Oh, and not only victoria. Nikki and I, we -- you know, we were both very frightened by the idea of J.T. Coming back into town to do more damage.

Mariah: Wow. That J.T. Impersonation really got to you, huh?

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Just...take my mind off nick. Tell me some good news. How's the show going?

Mariah: Well, I have some un-work-related news. About tessa. We decided that we're gonna try and make something work.

[ Claps ] You're not excited.

Sharon: I'M...just surprised.

Mariah: Yeah. Me too.

Sharon: How did this happen?

Mariah: Actually, funny enough, it was kyle who pushed us together. Can you believe it? So, what do you think?

[ Scoffs ]

Sharon: I know you've been hoping for this secretly for a long time.

Mariah: Mmph.

Sharon: Just take things slow, honey, okay? I mean, there's no reason not to, right?

Mariah: Yeah, aside from me wanting this to happen for, like, forever, no rush at all.

Sharon: But that's exactly why you need to be careful. See, you're full of anticipation, and that can blind you to certain things. You need to know who you are really getting involved with.

Mariah: "Really know"...? We're back to talking about nick, aren't we?

Nikki: Hello, everyone. Thanks for coming. Please sit down. I wanted to gather all of us together [Sighs] But it needed to be on neutral ground so that we can all meet as equals. To have it at the house or the office would have sent the wrong signal.

Summer: And exactly what kind of signal are you sending?

Nikki: This is a newman family summit.

Nick: It's too late for that. My plans are in place. I have no desire or need to meet with dad.

Nikki: Can you please hear me out before jumping to conclusions? Now, as far as your new venture goes, the way you went about it -- I fear that that would cause too many problems between you and your father. And then no one wins.

Victoria: You're right about that.

Nikki: And more importantly, what we would lose is each other, our family, and I don't think it has to go that far. I think that we can certainly take the energy that nicholas and victor both are putting into their animosity, and we can make a positive out of it.

Abby: How would that work?

Nikki: Well, it wouldn't be easy. But I suggest the two of you become partners.

Mattie: Mom!

Cane: Hey.

Mattie: I want to hug you but I don't want to hurt you.

Lily: I'm fine.

Cane: Hey. How are you?

Lily: Hi!

Cane: Are you okay?

Lily: I'm okay. I'm a little bruised, but I'm fine. Are you okay?

Charlie: Yeah. I'm good, mom.

Cane: Doctor, tell me. How is my wife?

Dr. West: Mrs. Ashby was very lucky. She escaped with fairly superficial cuts and bruises. Nothing serious. We checked for a concussion and she's clear.

Cane: Okay.

Lily: What about hilary?

Dr. West: I can't give that information out.

Neil: Excuse me, doc. My name is neil winters. My son has listed me as a medical contact for hilary and the baby.

Dr. West: Yes, mr. Winters. I'm sorry. Ms. Curtis wasn't so lucky. But we're doing the best we can.

Nate: Ah, this hospital's best obviously isn't good enough.

Dr. West: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

[ Sighs ] What are you doing here?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Mariah: Hey.

Sharon: Oh. Thanks, honey.

Mariah: Just so you know, I spiked that tea with a little bit of whisky.

Sharon: I could probably use it. I appreciate you looking out for me. And I'm sorry for not being more enthusiastic about you and tessa.

Mariah: Don't sweat it.

Sharon: Well, you've been wanting this for a really long time, and I should be thrilled for you, not letting all this drama with nick color my reaction.

Mariah: Hey. I know that you're happy for me.

Sharon: I am.

Mariah: But, really, how upset are you at nick? Honestly. I mean, is it really that bad that he wanted to start his own business and become a success?

Sharon: I guess not. Nick did apologize for not being honest with me. But there is something to be said for knowing the person you're with right down to their core.

Mariah: And that's how you know nick. You guys have been together on and off a dozen times over the years.

Sharon: Maybe there's a reason for that.

Mariah: Okay. I'll cop to not being pleased as punch when you and nick started inching your way back towards each other. But sometimes, when you get a second chance with somebody that you thought it was over with for good, you just can't take it for granted. Even hilary says that.

Sharon: You listen to hilary?

Mariah: Yeah. Sometimes I do. When she's not being all about herself. But the point is this -- just because something's different doesn't mean that it's bad. Sometimes it's better.

Victor: Well, for once, nicholas and I are in agreement. I don't see any value in a partnership, either.

Nikki: Why can't you give this idea a chance before completely shutting it down? We are trying to preserve our family, something that we all value. What is so outrageous about finding a way to move forward, all of us?

Nick: I agree. I want to make the newman name something we can all be proud of again. And I promise you, I'm going to make that happen.

Victor: You're gonna be a contender?

Nick: Hell, yeah, I am. All those deals I struck.

Victor: Mid-level deals, son. That includes the employees you pulled from my company. Now they're gone.

Nick: Well, I have more support than you realize.

Victor: Really?

Nick: Yeah. Got a call from noah on my way over here. Apparently you made him a rather substantial offer to remain at newman.

Victor: And?

Nick: He chose me. I'm sure you'll be getting his resignation at some point today.

Victor: So what, pray tell, will noah be doing for you?

Nick: He's going to help set up an office in london for dark horse.

Victor: He has a hell of a lot of experience, doesn't he? So. Anyone else?

Summer: Okay. I'd just like to say that I hate how all of this is going down. But, dad, I just got to be honest with you. I just started working at fenmore's, and to jump ship for the first thing that came along, even if it's something this amazing, would be wrong.

Nick: I'm disappointed. But I promised you i wouldn't make you choose between your parents.

Victor: There will be more disappointment, son.

Abby: I'm in, nick. I want to do this.

Dr. West: Dr. Hastings. I was hoping I'd somehow avoid working with you ever again.

Nate: And why would that be, dr. West?

Dr. West: Oh, you know. You're rude...egotistical... arrogant.

Nate: An accurate assessment. But I'm also the best at what I do. And the one doctor you want in your corner in a crisis.

Dr. West: If needed. Which you aren'T. I've got this.

Nate: Do you? Why isn't hilary in surgery?

Dr. West: We're attempting to stabilize her. Once that's done --

Nate: I'll to have a look at her chest x-ray.

Dr. West: As I just said --

Nate: She could have an aortic bleed. And while you're attempting to stabilize, she could wind up dead.

Dr. West: Who do you think you are?

Nate: I'm hilary's doctor. And intend to save her life, and her baby'S.

Neil: Nate, do you really think this is the best course of action --

Dr. West: You don't have jurisdiction at this hospital.

Nate: Wrong again, west. I put in a call to the hospital administrator, who happens to be a former colleague and very dear friend. She took care of everything. So move over, doctor. This is my case now.

Abby: I know you're upset, dad. My leaving newman probably feels like a stab in the back.

Victor: That's a good choice of words.

Abby: Probably because those words have been circling my head for the past year. That's how I felt at newman. Passed-over. Like my accomplishments were minimized. Like I was never really taken seriously.

Summer: Wait, abby, can you really just leave? I mean, don't you have a contract?

Abby: Well, I'm sure my dad doesn't want me working somewhere where I'm miserable and feel undervalued.

Victoria: Oh, abby, you have so much to learn. You think you can be handed everything without having to earn it.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] See, now you'll get a chance to see how wrong you are. Nick has given me a chance to truly prove myself, and I'm taking it.

Victor: And you?

Nikki: [ Sighs ] It saddens me that that's even a question. No woman wants to choose between her husband and her son. But there's no choice. I'm standing by my husband.

Victoria: Well, um... I guess that leaves me. But since I'd like to take some time with this big decision, I'll hold off for now.

Victor: Doesn't seem you have much of an executive team.

Nick: Actually, that is not true. In addition to noah and abby, who I'm sure are going to make amazing contributions to my team, I do have one final announcement. One last board member.

Jack: Hey, nick.

Victor: This is a private meeting we're having.

Nick: I take great pleasure in introducing dark horse's executive consultant and board member.

Nikki: You and jack are working together?

Jack: It all went down earlier today, yes.

Nick: I'm calling it dark horse.

Jack: Congratulations. Not just for pulling this off, but for keeping it quiet. That's no small feat.

Nick: It's been a lot of hard work. But it's not complete yet. Dark horse needs that extra something special so that we don't just compete with everyone. We exceed them. My company needs you, jack.

Victor: How the mighty jack abbott has fallen! From running his namesake conglomerate to becoming a consultant in a fly-by-night company that is bound to fail.

Nick: Well, if you'll excuse us, jack, abby, and i have some business to discuss.

Nikki: That went well.

Cane: I need you to give me more information about the accident.

Charlie: Didn't mom tell you about it already?

Cane: No, no. She doesn't remember everything that happened.

Charlie: She's sicker than the doctor said she was?

Cane: No, no, no. It's not that. Not that. The doctor said, after a traumatic event like this, sometimes you don't recall everything. So, tell me, what do you remember?

Charlie: Uh... it all started because... shauna and I... got together at hilary's --

Cane: What do you mean you "got together"? What do you mean? Okay. Okay.

Charlie: You can yell at me.

Cane: I'm not gonna yell at you. I'm not gonna yell at you, okay? I'm just glad you're all right. So tell me what happened.

Charlie: Mom... I-I don't know. I guess she had a key or something, but... anyway, she walked in on us. And right after that, hilary came home. And hilary and mom started going at it big time, and it tripped shauna out so much she just took off. So mom, hilary, and me, we got in mom's car and went looking for her.

Cane: Your mom was upset? Was she driving too fast?

Charlie: Mom and hilary were still arguing about how hilary had let this happen.

Cane: Okay. And that's when the truck barreled into you?

Charlie: And there's something else you need to know about that.

Dr. West: You're rushing into this. You could be endangering this patient and her child.

Nate: While you're waiting for her to stabilize, she could bleed out.

Dr. West: You can't be sure --

Nate: Neither can you! I'm not about to sit around and let hilary or her baby die without doing everything in my power to save them both.

Dr. West: Why is this so important to you?

Nate: Stay or go.

Dr. West: I'm in.

Nate: When there is no way, you make a way.

[ Sighs ] Let's do this, people.

Victor: What you did was in the best interest of the family. But I got to tell you something. Sometimes it is better to let the not-so-loyal ones go off. Let them experience failure.

Nikki: Perhaps. Doesn't make me feel any less sad, though.

Victor: I know.

Nikki: Bye, sweetheart.

Victoria: Good night, mom. I love you.

Nikki: I'll see you at home.

Victor: I have to go back to work at the office. Have you given this some thought?

Victoria: Actually, I do have an answer. I would very much love to stay.

Victor: Okay.

Victoria: Would you like to hear my terms now or later?

Victor: That sounds a little bit like blackmail.

Victoria: Well, I am the last newman heir at the company. That's not small. And you say family is everything.

Victor: So what are the conditions?

Victoria: I want it in writing that I will take over when you step down. And in the meantime, I want that C.O.O. Job that you took away from me.

Victor: So much for loyalty.

Victoria: There is loyalty. But then there's also recognition.

Victor: If I were in your shoes, I'd have done the same.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] That's not a yes.

Victor: I'll have the lawyers draw up the contract tonight. Okay? Now let's do some work. Come on.

Nick: Sharon!

Mariah: She's not here.

Nick: Did she say where she was going?

Mariah: She just said that she needed some air.

Nick: She told you.

Mariah: Yeah.

Nick: Well, i sprang a lot on her. You know, she just needs time.

Mariah: That's pretty much what I told her myself.

Nick: Thank you for that.

Mariah: Yeah. Just be prepared. She hates being lied to. And it messed her up.

Nick: Do you think that --

Mariah: I can't honestly say what she's gonna do. Sorry.

Charlie: I don't even think mom realizes what happened.

Cane: Okay. Then fill in the blanks for me.

Charlie: [ Sighs ] The truck driver didn't blow through that red light. Mom did.

Shauna: Mrs. Ashby? I just want to say I'm so sorry for everything. Charlie and I --

Lily: Listen. All that matters right now is hilary. Okay?

Shauna: Right.

Cane: Hey. Thank god you're okay, and we got you back safe, baby.

Neil: Amen to that.

Lily: Any luck reaching devon?

Neil: Not yet, no. Maybe that's a blessing. You know, by the time he gets off that plane, hilary will be out of surgery, and... we'll have nothing but good news about her and their baby.

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