Y&R Transcript Monday 7/9/18

Y&R Transcript Monday 7/9/18


Episode #11442 ~ Nikki and Sharon lose control; Kyle's digging results in trouble; J.T. is on the loose.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nikki: We know the truth.

Sharon: Do we?

Nikki: I killed J.T. We buried his body.

[ Both scream ]

Hilary: So come clean. What's the real reason you left boston? What is with all of the secrecy?

Neil: Nate was in a relationship. She was the love of his life.

Hilary: And what, she dumped him? No surprise there.

Lily: She didn't dump him. She died. A year ago today.

Summer: I mean, kyle, I don't really know what choice you have. You may never find out if you're a chancellor or not.

Kyle: Unless I dig up phillip myself.

[ Shovel scraping ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Shovel thunks ]

[ Shovel thuds ]

Kyle: [ Breathing hard ]

[ Shovel thudding ]

[ Metal clangs ]

[ Metal scraping ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Metallic thunking ]

Esther: Come on! Yes! Yes, yes. My emergency is -- there is an intruder at the chancellor estate! Hurry! Please!

Nikki: [ Gasps ]

Sharon: That -- that was... that was J.T.! You saw him, didn't you?

Nikki: [ Breathlessly ] Yeah. Oh, my god! He is alive! He's alive. Oh, my god. If we saw him, he saw us. How long do you think he's been watching?!

Sharon: He knows what we did. And he waited all this time just to let us see him. That was a warning.

[ Nikki exclaims ] That was a threat. How did he get past security?!

Nikki: Maybe the same way as he did the night he attacked victor. Maybe he's headed to the main house right now to finish the job! Oh, my god!

Mariah: Okay. What if... what if we move segment two to segment four, and make segment one a double?

Hilary: We didn't get permission to run that music video, which means that we can't stretch. At this point, I think we should just toss the whole show and start from scratch.

Mariah: I'm sorry, what? No. No, we are not tossing, because we've been at this all night. What we really need to do is go home, get some sleep, and then we're gonna wake up in the morning, and everything's gonna become oh-so-clear to us.

Hilary: Tempting. But devon's out of town, and shauna crashes out early, so.

Mariah: What are you talking about? That's perfect. You're gonna have the place all to yourself. It'll be quiet. Get some good night's sleep. And besides, the baby needs some rest, too.

Hilary: Okay. You're right. Let's go home.

[ Gasps ]

Mariah: What was that?

Hilary: [ Gasping ] Uh... a cramp...

Mariah: What's going on?

Hilary: A cramp.

Mariah: How bad is it?

Hilary: I don't -- I don't know.

Mariah: On a scale of 1 to 10.

Hilary: I don't -- I don't know.

[ Breathing hard ] That felt... that felt different.

Mariah: Different bad? Different good? I mean, is there really such a thing as a good cramp?

Hilary: I got to -- I got to check online.

Mariah: No, don't do that. Doctors hate when you do that. Don't diagnose yourself.

Hilary: "Cramping during early pregnancy can indicate problems."

[ Sighs ]

Mariah: Come on. You can never listen to that internet junk, all right?

Hilary: "But it is normal more often than not."

Mariah: Okay! See? Great! Everything's fine. All is well.

Hilary: I thought you said i shouldn't go by this stuff.

Mariah: No, I said don't diagnose yourself. But that doesn't mean I can'T.

Hilary: [ Groans ]

Mariah: Okay. Okay, okay.

Hilary: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: All right. There are online services for doctors. You can talk to them. Okay, here. Just take your pick.

Jack: Evening.

Summer: Jack, hi. I thought you were with dina tonight.

Jack: I was with dina until she fell asleep, and then I made a brief appearance at billy's birthday party. I was hoping to see you there.

Summer: Well, the festivities were winding down, and I try not to be the last person to leave.

Jack: Ah.

Summer: Which for me usually means heading out by 4:00 A.M.

[ Jack laughs ] But genoa city is no belize.

Jack: No, it is not.

Summer: Ooh.

Jack: I was kind of hoping to see kyle there, as well. I was hoping to catch up with him.

Summer: Oh, no. He was there. He just left around the same time that I did. Hopefully to sleep it off.

Jack: Oh? Did he indulge? How much?

Summer: Kyle was upset that you had to give up the bid to have phillip chancellor's body exhumed. I mean, we all know how much it means to you to find out who your biological father is.

Jack: And you would understand that better than most. But right now, access to that grave is a dead issue.

Kyle: [ Breathing hard ]

[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Sighs ] Okay.

Nikki: Victor's not answering his cell.

Sharon: There's no sign of J.T. Now.

Nikki: Yeah, 'cause he might be at the main house!

Sharon: You can't go there yourself.

Nikki: I have to warn victor, sharon!

Sharon: No! Nikki, no. If J.T. Sees you out there... what if he knows it was you that night?

[ Floorboards creak ]

[ Both gasp ] Oh! Oh, that's --

Nikki: What was that?

Sharon: It's nicholas.

Nikki: You don't know that for sure, sharon. I mean, J.T. Used the upstairs bedroom window that night at victoria's, when we --

[ Stairs creak ]

[ Both yell ]

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Mariah: All right. Home, sweet home. And the doctor said that everything was normal. Well, not you personally. But...the baby was.

Hilary: Yes, yes. I heard him. Go and see my ob tomorrow if the cramps continue.

Mariah: Yeah. So for right now, I guess it's just kind of like growing pains.

[ Chuckles ]

Hilary: Thank you for making sure that I got home safe.

Mariah: Oh, yeah. Any excuse to drive that fancy car of yours.

Hilary: And you only mocked me once or twice.

Mariah: Oh, no. I mocked you way more than that. You were just too preoccupied to notice.

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Come on. If I didn't make fun of you, you'd take it as a bad sign.

Hilary: That's true. Never thought I'd be grateful for all that snark. You didn't have to see me all the way to my front door.

Mariah: Oh, well, I did it for devon. He's not here. He'd want someone looking after you. Even if it is me. So, before I go, do you need anything else?

Hilary: Uh, I have water, I have crackers, and, like you said, a quiet house all to myself. I'll be fine.

Mariah: Well, get some sleep. And please, please remember my loving kindness at work tomorrow.

Hilary: I doubt it.

Mariah: It was worth a try.

Summer: You know, I'm surprised, jack. I know that you hit a road block, but you're not gonna keep fighting for this dna test?

Jack: The judge turned down my request. And, yes, I was going to sue jill for the right to exhume phillip's body, but my ace in the hole there was my mother's testimony.

Summer: And your mother confirmed that phillip was your dad?

Jack: Since then, her memory and her mood have been shaky. At best, she's an unreliable witness. At worst, I'm putting that poor woman up on the stand. She's confused. She's addled. And I-I can't do that to her.

Summer: Well, michael's your attorney, so, I mean, he'd be careful, right?

Jack: True. But what about the opposing attorney? He browbeats her on the stand or pontificates with the judge about her alzheimer's, her diminished capacity. She's a proud woman, dina. The idea of her being up there on the stand, not knowing what's going on or what is asked of her, and... I can't do it. I won't do it. Besides, I'm just grasping at straws, anyway.

Summer: You're a good person, jack. And a good son.

Jack: Think my father would say differently.

Summer: Is that true? Or did he just expect a lot from you? I mean, maybe it felt like judgment, but that doesn't mean that's what it was. A-and in my case [Scoffs] My mom really is judging me, but it could be different for you.

Jack: Odd to think about, that. I do know that, dealing with kyle... sometimes a parent's intentions are misread. Maybe you're right. Maybe all my father wanted was for me to reach my highest potential. And that's what I want for kyle.

Summer: Yeah, speaking of, um, kyle and I chatted a little bit at billy's party. And I know that he did some jerk things when he first came to town, but...he really is on your side, jack.

Jack: You know what, kyle and I are in a pretty good place right now. We had some rough patches there. We somehow managed to get through them. It was pretty hit-and-miss for a while, but... I have learned that there's real comfort in a parent and child patching things up and moving forward.

Summer: [ Smacks lips ] Is this a message about me and my mom?

Jack: Would I ever do that to you? So, how hungover is kyle gonna be tomorrow?

Summer: I would say more than just a little. Yeah. I-I think it was the booze that made him a little...you know.

Jack: A little...? No, I don't know. Tell me.

Summer: Well, I think that kyle was just really worked up about the whole dna fight, that he started saying some really out-there things, and --

[ Cellphone rings ]

Jack: Hold on. Hello? Wait. You did what?

Nick: Mom? What are you doing here? It's so late.

Nikki: Nicholas, you scared us half to death! We thought J.T. Had broken in!

Nick: Why would you say that?

Sharon: Because he's here, nick. J.T. Is on the grounds. We saw him.

Nikki: I've been trying to call your father, but he's not answering.

Nick: Where'd you see him?

Sharon: That window, right there.

Nikki: Ohh! Why isn't victor picking up?!

[ Sighs ] Victor, I'm with sharon. We're at her house, and we just saw J.T. He's outside, and I'm so worried that he's coming for you. Please call me.

[ Sighs ]

Jack: [ Sighs ] That was kyle. He's been arrested for digging up phillip chancellor's grave.

Summer: Oh, my god.

Jack: Was that the kind of "out there" thing that he mentioned at billy's party?

Summer: I -- I swear, I thought that he was joking. Are you sure that he did it? Because maybe he mentioned it, and someone misunderstood him --

Jack: No. There's no misunderstanding. As depraved and insane as it is, he did it.

Summer: Oh, my god. I-I am -- I'm so sorry. I-I should have said something or tried to stop him. I just -- I honestly thought --

Jack: He's being arraigned in night court. I'm heading there now.

Summer: Okay. I'll go with you.

Jack: No -- do whatever you want to do.

Summer: This night's finally about to get interesting.

Hilary: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighing ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Nate: What are you doing banging on the door this time of night? Neil's asleep.

Hilary: I don't need neil, okay? I need you. I need -- I need a doctor.

Nikki: Victor is still not answering. What if he's fighting with J.T.? Victor's not up to full strength yet. J.T. Could overpower him. On the other hand, victor is so furious with J.T. That he has vowed to destroy him. I-I-I really don't know which one could do more damage, but they could both end up dead!

Sharon: Okay. Or maybe victor is asleep and J.T. Left the grounds and everything's gonna be okay, for tonight at least, I hope.

Nick: All right. I'm going up to the main house.

Sharon: No! Nick, you can'T.

Nick: No. Call ranch security. Tell them to meet me there. Tell them that you saw J.T., And I'm out looking for him.

Sharon: No! I mean it. You're not going out there. J.T. Is too dangerous. We will call security --

Nick: Sharon, my son is up there. There is no way I'm not going up to the main house.

[ Doorknob rattling ]

Nikki: [ Exclaims ]

Nick: Shhh! Sh, shh.

[ Lock clicks ]

Mariah: [ Gasps ] Oh, my god! What the hell is going on?!

Kyle: Thank you. I mean it. If I had to stay in a cell all night, I'D... not really sure why you came along for the ride, though.

Summer: [ Laughs ] Are you kidding me? I would never miss that. You, in front of a judge, acting all humble and apologetic. I just wish I was there for the actual arrest. Except I would have been trespassing on chancellor property, and probably would have been arrested for accessory to -- wait, what was it again? I'm so sorry. The list was so long. Was it interfering with a burial ground or a cemetery, or criminal trespass --

Kyle: Did the courthouse feel like home, since you've been arrested recently?

Summer: Oh, that. No, those charges were dropped.

Kyle: Oh, by your married ex-boyfriend? How romantic.

Summer: I don't think jill will be so forgiving of you.

Kyle: Dad will handle jill. That's always been your thing. I'm sure if you turn on the charm, the charges will go away.

Jack: You're enjoying this? The fact that you dug up a grave?

Kyle: It was only what you were planning to do.

Jack: No, with the law behind me, using the proper people through the proper channels. Not digging up dirt in the middle of the night! As for jill, that's on you. You made this mess, you clean it up.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Kyle: Who's here this hour?

Summer: Oh! Maybe it's the press. If you had a little dirt smudged on your face, those pictures would be golden.

Jack: It's not the press. It's the beginning of your apology tour. Esther, thank you so much for coming by. Esther, my son has so much he wants to say to you. Don't you, kyle?

Mariah: Okay. Okay, well, we just, um -- we have to stay calm and wait for the cops to get here, right?

Sharon: We didn't call the cops.

Mariah: What?! Why not? J.T. Is wanted for attempted murder! This is not an "us" thing. This is a cop thing!

Together: No!

Mariah: I-I don't understand. J.T. Is dangerous. We know he is. He could be armed!

Nick: Well, paul is the reason J.T.'S here in the first place. We are not trusting the police on this one.

Mariah: 911 is not the chief. It's whoever's in a patrol car and gets here fast enough.

Nikki: It will all lead back to paul eventually. And he and J.T. Have a long history. Anything could happen. As much as I respect paul, he created this whole situation by sending J.T. To spy on victor. So, no. We will handle this on our own, within the family.

Mariah: And do what? Make a citizen's arrest? Guys, this doesn't make any sense. J.T. Tried to kill victor. And according to you, he's on the property. I can't believe you're just okay to do nothing.

Nick: We're not doing nothing, all right? You're gonna stay here with them and lock the door, where it's safe. Call security. Let them know that I'm out there looking for J.T., Too.

Mariah: Oh, what, you and your poker? That's a great idea.

Sharon: Nick, wait. Okay. J.T. Is dangerous, and he's unpredictable. If you see him, don't engage. Just let security deal with it. And, please, don't do anything crazy.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nate: [ Sighs ] This isn't how it works, okay? If you have an actual emergency, you call 911.

Hilary: No, this isn't an emergency.

Nate: Then why are you here?

Hilary: Because you're a doctor.

Nate: Who was asleep.

Hilary: [ Sighs ] I'm worried, okay?

Nate: Well, I'm sure your ob has an after-hours number.

Hilary: I spoke to someone online.

Nate: What, like in a chat room? That was smart.

Hilary: No, he was a doctor on one of those -- those websites. He said that cramping is a normal part of pregnancy.

Nate: Then, again, why are you here?

Hilary: Because I want a second opinion.

Nate: Are you still cramping?

Hilary: No.

Nate: Well, then my second opinion is go back to bed.

Hilary: I can't sleep, okay? My mind is racing...

Nate: What, so you decided to wake me up? Look, I thought I made it perfectly clear that I am not your personal doctor, no matter how close the apartments are. Besides, there is nothing wrong with you.

Hilary: Do you know how many first pregnancies end in miscarriages? Well, I do. And those statistics are in my head all day long. This baby is so wanted. I practically willed it into being.

Nate: Well, does devon know it was all you? Because I'm sure that's gonna be news to him.

Hilary: Devon wants this baby as much as I do. But he is across the country scouting acts. And I don't want to make him as worried as I am. Bottom line -- I had a symptom that scared me. And yes, I am capable of fear for this child, for this pregnancy. So excuse me if I need a little professional reassurance.

Nate: Which you already got off the internet. So from where I stand, all you wanted was more attention. Maybe that's why devon needed to get away. Because life with you, it -- it must be exhausting.

Hilary: You do realize that i am carrying your cousin, right? But if that's how you treat family.

[ Scoffs ] You know, I can't wait till devon comes back so I can tell him about this. I'm sure that he would be thrilled to hear how kind, and how helpful you were to me and his baby.

Nate: Okay. I'll give you a quick once-over. After that, you are on your way.

Hilary: Fine. Thank you. That's all I was asking for.

Nate: [ Sighs ] I was in a great dream I'd love to get back to.

Jack: I called esther as soon as I learned what you had pulled. She couldn't sleep, so I asked her to please come over here. She was gracious enough to oblige because I promised her you would make it well worth her while.

Kyle: [ Stammers ] I'm so, so sorry, esther. You have no idea how -- how embarrassed and ashamed I am by what I did. And -- and the fact that i scared you --

Esther: I was terrified. And shocked. It's like a horror movie. The thought of what happened to that poor man's grave -- I can't even stand to think about it.

Kyle: Honestly, for me, too. When I keep replaying what I did and -- and why I did it, I just -- I can't even begin --

Summer: Uh, spoiler alert. Heavy drinking was involved.

Kyle: No, I will not blame the alcohol. I got it into my head that I had to fix things for my dad. I had to make the dna test happen one way or another, and if that meant grabbing a shovel and digging into the dirt myself --

Esther: No, no! No details, please.

Kyle: There's no excuse for my actions tonight. I was irrational and disrespectful to -- to you, and to the chancellor family. I-I know now what I did was wrong, even if I told myself I was doing it for all the right reasons. For family. For my dad. Who might never forgive me for what I did. Even if you do. You have the best smile, esther. That's what I remember about you. And the fact I did something to take that away, I-I'm so sorry, and so ashamed. You have to know.

Esther: Well, I -- I'm just thankful that the police got there before you du-- before mr. Chancellor was disturbed. When the police showed up, the -- the second they did, it was like I woke up out of a bad dream. When I realized what I did, I-I -- I...

[ Sighs ] I was just trying to find out who I was. And, in a way, I did. At least, I know now who I don't want to be. A guy who -- who goes off half-cocked. I'll pay to fix the mess in the backyard. And I'll put in the labor myself, if that helps.

Esther: No, no, no, no. Let's just leave that to the gardening team. But, kyle, I -- I want to thank you for your apology. And I will talk to jill, and see if I can convince her to just let all of this go away. Okay?

Kyle: Thank you, esther. You have no idea how much that means to me.

Esther: Well, I think it's time for bed, and, uh... so get some rest, everyone.

Jack: I'll walk you out. Thank you, esther. Thanks. Good night.

Esther: Good night.

Jack: Oh, don't be too pleased with yourself. Esther always tries to see the best in everyone.

Kyle: I was sincere.

Jack: Yeah, and sober, from all I could see. Can I assume you would never be this reckless without booze in your system?

Kyle: The crazy things a guy does to impress his dad.

Summer: Oh, yeah. Happy belated father's day. This one is really for the books.

Jack: Summer, I'm gonna call you a car, okay?

Summer: Or I can just stay here and wait while you two hash things out.

Jack: Summer.

Kyle: Summer.

Summer: All right. Well, good luck, wild man. I will see you at work tomorrow. We can compare mug shots. Bye.

Jack: Bye.

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Hilary: Uh, well?

Nate: From what I can tell, you and the baby are both fine.

Hilary: And the cramping?

Nate: Absolutely a normal part of pregnancy. Listen, there's a lot going on in there. But if you're still worried, call your ob, okay? Make an appointment tomorrow morning. They'll understand.

Hilary: Thank you.

Nate: You're welcome.

Hilary: I know that I was probably just overreacting, but... devon's in seattle. And [Sighs] My imagination just -- it's on overdrive. You know, which is usually a good thing because of what I do, but... anyway, thank you.

Nate: You're welcome. Now, you and the baby should both go get some rest --

Hilary: I also -- I... I wanted to apologize. For yesterday at neil's party. Neil told me that it was the anniversary of your girlfriend's death.

Nate: He told you that? Hmph.

Hilary: Yeah. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you. You know, being a doctor and not being able to save her.

Kyle: I did it for you. The whole night. The shovel. The grave. Even the arrest. It was all for you.

Jack: When did I ask you to desecrate a grave? Or torture esther or get yourself arrested? And, by the way, that's public record now, if anybody wants to dig that up. Did you think about that? How the press might handle this? I can see the headlines now.

Kyle: And it would still be worth it if I could help you.

Jack: Oh, come on.

Kyle: Look, you're in pain, dad. It's true. You know it. It's every day. Every second. You've always been the toughest guy I know. But this thing, not knowing your bio dad... I'm watching it beat you. You're looking for answers you may never get, so why wouldn't i try to help you find those answers?

Jack: Maybe this isn't about me at all. I mean, you are aware by now that ashley's coming back to jabot as the C.O.O. -- A position you wanted. Why wouldn't you want to prove that you and I are chancellors? That way you could have a chance at a C.O.O. Position over there instead. Is that why you rolled up your sleeves and jumped in the grave?

Kyle: Maybe there'd be a job for me at chancellor. Unless you want to give ashley that position, too.

Jack: Is that really what this is about, that I sided with my sister for a job that you wanted?

Kyle: You know I'm ready for real responsibility at jabot. An upper-level exec. I've been busting my ass since i left genoa city. Not like billy, who's only C.E.O. Because of the damn clause. Not ashley, who ditched jabot, worked for your sworn enemy, and came waltzing back in. I stayed. I worked. I paid my dues. I'm the reason birthday suit is flying off the shelves, not billy. No matter how much of my thunder he tries to steal. This is a family company, and I am family. Blood or not, I deserve that C.O.O. Title.

Jack: Kyle, you're smart. You're clever. You're creative. I owe this to my sister. I had to do this. Yeah, you put in your time in new york. She's put in all those hours for years. And her little detour at newman, that wasn't her fault. That was my fault. No. I kept her from getting the top spot. With my ego and my damn blood-abbott clause. Don't you see? I had to set things right with my sister. Surely you can understand that. Kyle, you have time on your side. Yes, birthday suit was a great success. And that launch was just the beginning for you. You're gonna blow us all away. But with time and experience, there's gonna be a spot in the c-suite for you.

Kyle: Maybe sooner. Because of what I found tonight. Look at what I found in phillip's grave.

[ Lock clicks ]

Sharon: What did you find?

Mariah: I hope you didn't have to use that thing, because that poker is no joke.

Nick: Dad's not at the house.

Nikki: What? Well, where could he be, then? Was there signs of a struggle?

Nick: I don't know. Christian's asleep in his nursery. The nanny is with him. If anything would have happened, they would have heard it.

Sharon: Thank god the baby's okay.

Nick: He is out cold. If he was awake, I would have brought him down here. I don't care what that court order said.

Mariah: So, no J.T.? That's good. That's very good. But no victor?

Nick: I have a guard stationed outside every door. I have one outside christian's room, too. If the nanny hears anyone even creak up the stairs, she's gonna call me.

Nikki: Where could your father be? If he's not at the house, where is he? Maybe J.T. Kidnapped him! Or -- or -- or maybe it's too late and he's already trying to dispose of your father's body!

Nick: Whoa! Whoa. Wh-why even go there?

Mariah: Not to be obvious voice of reason, but can we please call the cops now?

Nick: No. Let me talk to the head of security first and, uh, see what he has planned.

Nikki: Oh, victor! Thank god you're safe!

Nate: You came here because you needed a doctor. And you are in here because of the training I have and the oath I took. But let me make something perfectly clear -- I am not about to discuss my private life with you, now or ever. Mnh-mnh. It's time for you to go.

Hilary: I'm sorry, okay? I didn't --

Nate: What?

Hilary: ...Mean to --

Nate: Invade my privacy?

Hilary: I was trying to be nice. But if it came across as nosey --

Nate: That's because it was.

Hilary: If you just take a few minutes to get to know me, you would realize that I am actually a compassionate person, and a good listener.

Nate: How can that even be possible when you never stop running your mouth? I have that dream to get back to.

Hilary: [ Huffs ] You do that. I hope it turns into a nightmare!

Jack: Is that a bone?

Kyle: I sure as hell hope so. I managed to open the casket and grab it before the police dragged me off.

Jack: Wait, you -- you reached in --

Kyle: Yeah, I know. Don't think about it. Just think about the dna test we can run now.

Jack: From a bone fragment you illegally obtained? That's not admissible in court. And how do we prove that actually came from phillip's grave?

Kyle: It's not like I was digging randomly. This is a starting place. We find out what's next after we get the results from the test. Look, first we find out if you're phillip chancellor's son. And if I'm his grandson. Come on, dad. If we are related to phillip, our first move is to get our hands on chancellor industries.

Nikki: So, where have you been? Did you see J.T.?

Victor: Why would I have seen J.T.?

Sharon: Because he was here, on the property. Nikki and I saw him right outside that window.

Nikki: We were so worried he was coming after you.

Nick: Security knows. I've been to the main house. There's no sign of J.T.

Victor: What about the boy?

Nick: Christian is fine.

Nikki: I tried to call you, but I kept getting your voicemail.

Victor: Sorry, sweetheart. I had to do some damage control, all right? Ashley resigned from newman enterprises.

Nikki: She did? Why?

Victor: [ Sighs ] Let's talk about that later on.

Sharon: But it goes back to J.T., Doesn't it, and the havoc he's causing? That's why ashley left? See, this is why we have to find J.T. Now. He won't stop causing damage, going after victor or victoria or anyone else he might have a grudge against.

Victor: Sorry I didn't answer your calls when I got your text that you were here.

Nikki: Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're home.

Victor: Okay.

Mariah: So, what now? I mean, security knows, but what about the police? Apb? Last-known whereabouts? Am I talking to myself? I am. Talking to myself.

Nick: I'll walk you both back to the main house.

Victor: That's all right. I'll walk your mom, okay? You take care of your own family.

Nikki: Okay. Bye-bye. I was so worried. Knowing that J.T. Was out there, thinking he could be after you.

Victor: [ Smooching ] Sweetheart, he tried twice, and he failed both times, okay? He will not hurt any of us again. Trust me.

Nikki: I didn't think he would ever -- I mean, I-I thought he was gone forever. I didn't think he'd ever be able to hurt any of our family, but...

[ Inhales sharply ] It's true.

Victor: I'm here now.

Nikki: He's alive.

Victor: I don't want you to worry, okay? He's not gonna hurt us -- any of us -- ever again. All right?

Nikki: [Crying] I don't want to sleep alone tonight.

[ Sighs ]

Victor: You're not gonna sleep alone. I want you. I want to sleep with you, okay? Every night. Don't you know that I have missed you terribly? Hmm?

Mariah: Here you go.

Sharon: Thank you.

Nick: Look, I know you're both worried.

Mariah: It's tough not to be.

Nick: Everything's gonna be fine. All right? Trust me. You're safe here.

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