Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/5/18
Episode #11440 ~ Jack resorts to extreme measures; Billy takes a gamble; new information emerges about J.T.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Billy: This is basically like a five-star hotel on the water. I spared no expense. This is gonna be the party boat to end all party boats.
Neil: I see you've met my godson.
Hilary: Godson?
Neil: Dr. Nathaniel hastings, but we just call him... "nate."
Billy: I'm a gambling addict.
Summer: Okay, well, I just thought that you said after the last game, you were done.
Billy: Bailing you out, yeah.
Summer: I just want you to know that I have your back, and I'm not gonna go blab to my mom.
Jack: Is that my father?
Dina: Yes, jackie. Phillip is your father.
Jack: I'm gonna sue jill, get the dna to prove mother's claims. I'm putting your grandmother on the witness stand.
Kyle: Should do a walk-through beforehand so she'll know what is expected of her.
Jack: A dress rehearsal. That's a great idea. Thanks, son.
Jack: Mother having a good day?
Kyle: She spent most of it working on that big jigsaw puzzle abby gave her. The nurse said she was kind of quiet, low energy. But then simon and garfunkel really cheered her up.
Jack: On vinyl?
Kyle: No, by the pool.
[ Chuckles ] Squirrels. Dina feeds them. Then she took a nap.
Jack: Good. Good. I want her rested and relaxed and focused.
Kyle: It's tough to predict how she'll be, ever.
Jack: You're supposed to be on my side in this.
Kyle: I am. You need definitive proof that phillip chancellor's your father, or not.
Jack: Be positive. If he is, you are his grandson.
Kyle: It's not that I'm apathetic. I want you to learn all you can, for both of us. I'm just wondering if there might be a different way in, one that doesn't involve dina testifying in court. The process is stressful enough as is, you factor in her issues...
Jack: That's why we're doing all this preparation. We're having a rehearsal so that she knows what to expect. Hey, she could have fun!
Kyle: At a mock trial?
Jack: It's not ideal. None of this is. But jill gave me no choice. I'm just asking mother to tell the truth.
Kyle: I hope she can.
Jack: Well, we better get started sooner rather than later. Where's ashley?
Kyle: Not here yet.
Jack: You're kidding me. She knows what at's stake for me. If she can't muster up enough interest, at least she could fake it. It's a weeknight. What's she got going on that's so damn important?
[ Doorbell rings ]
Neil: That was fast.
Ashley: What did you expect? "Ash, S.O.S. -- Got wind of huge newman enterprises story about to go wide, potential major damage here. Can't wait till tomorrow!!!!!" Five exclamation points.
Neil: Okay, it literally can't wait, no exaggeration here. Listen to me, my contacts at multiple media outlets claim they got it from a highly credible source. It's about to be published across all platforms.
Ashley: What is it?!
Neil: I'm waiting for someone to send me the link.
Ashley: You have no idea what the story's about?
Neil: Okay, given the number of hacked newman documents that are out there, I'm bracing for anything, you know? I figured I'd give you a heads up on this.
Ashley: I'm very, very grateful. God knows the newmans are telling me nothing.
[ Computer chimes ]
Neil: Okay, okay.
[ Computer chimes ] Whoa! Here we go. Thank god!
Ashley: [ Gasps ] "Federal agent investigating victor newman vanishes without a trace."
Neil: "What happened to J.T. Hellstrom?" Why do I already know exactly what theory they're pushing here?
Summer: Mom's on another fenmore's trip, and this is how you're gonna pass the time -- watching trashy horror movies?
Billy: How do you know it's trashy?
Summer: Because I've seen it, and, I mean, come on, the maid of honor's the one killing everybody.
Billy: Wow! Come on, you did not just do that.
Summer: Oh! You're not at that part yet. Sorry.
[ Screaming on tv ]
Billy: Thank you.
Summer: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ruin it. Why don't we just go watch a new movie at the multiplex? My treat.
Billy: Yeah.
Summer: I just cashed a paycheck so, yes, I can afford it.
Billy: That's very nice of you, but I got plans.
Summer: Plans to...?
Billy: To meet people.
Summer: Okay, am I still getting the cold shoulder because I needed you to bail me out of the poker game? Because I thought we cleared the air on that.
Billy: No, all right? We're fine. I just -- I really do have a meeting.
Summer: Okay, be all mysterious and cryptic. Whatever.
Billy: Look, it's with finance people, all right? It's boring -- nothing that would interest you.
Neil: "Experienced investigator and security expert, hellstrom was recruited by genoa city chief of police paul williams, a former colleague, and his wife christine, genoa city district attorney, both assisting -- thank you very much -- in a federal probe of C.E.O. Victor newman, long suspected of global price fixing among other alleged deceptive business practices. Hellstrom, newman's former son-in-law returned to newman enterprises as head of security earlier this year, working undercover to gather evidence for mr. And mrs. Williams to justify a federal indictment." Wow.
Ashley: "Hellstrom..."
Neil: Yeah, yeah. Skip to the end.
Ashley: Okay. "...Has apparently fallen off the planet. Despite rumors, there have been no confirmed sightings of him, and sources close to the family indicate he's had no contact with his three children. Genoa city medical insiders describe victor newman's recovery as "miraculous." Now, with substantiating evidence, a federal indictment, and the ex-son-in-law who turned against him all looking, day by day, less likely to materialize, it seems as if the notoriously ruthless billionaire's luck is only getting better." Wow, indeed.
Neil: Yeah, uh -- mm. Hold on one second here.
[ Clears throat ] Yeah, uh, victor. Neil again. Listen, go online, web-search your name, turn on a news channel, and please, please, please call me. Thanks. There's no evidence in there beyond circumstantial. It's just, you know -- it's wild supposition.
Ashley: Making a wildly compelling case against victor. Objectively speaking, this is very difficult to dismiss.
Neil: What are you saying?
Ashley: We both know that victor's gone to great lengths to get where he is today, and he has done a lot of questionable things along the way.
Neil: This we know, but did he really get rid of J.T. Permanently? I mean, that article is a clear implication that he has.
Ashley: Well, you know what, I skipped over the whole "marco annicelli" part. Does that name ring a bell?
Neil: I can't believe they brought him up.
Ashley: Okay. "The convicted drug lord also disappeared without a trace when his association with victor newman began to unravel." As frightening as this is, it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Neil: And newman enterprises is headed straight for it. Come on, come on, come on. He's not picking up. We're gonna manage this, though.
Ashley: Yeah? Well, we might, but please just admit it. You are as freaked out about this as I am.
Nate: Hey, neil, much love for the hospitality, man, but there's an extreme shortage of bath towels up here.
Ashley: Well, your new girlfriend has a very deep voice.
Neil: What are you talking about?
Ashley: What is --
Nate: Ashley?
Ashley: Nate?
Neil: Surprise.
Ashley: [ Laughs ]
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Ashley: Mm, it's so good to see you.
Nate: You, too! I know!
Ashley: How long has it been? 7 years.
Nate: Well, it might as well have been 7 minutes. I mean, you haven't changed a bit.
Neil: Here you go.
Nate: Thanks.
Ashley: What's going on with your mom?
Nate: Well, you know she was offered a permanent position with the cdc.
Ashley: Yes, and she turned it down because she's so committed to doctors without borders. So, basically, she's a saint.
Nate: I'm extremely proud of her.
Ashley: Well, the feeling's mutual, believe me. So, how are you? What's going on? Are you here for anything exciting? How long?
Nate: Um, I'm on a sabbatical, figuring things out, I guess.
Neil: I convinced nate to, uh, you know, come and chill with the family a bit, that's all.
Ashley: Nice. Well, now that you're here, we have to get in some quality time. I have your mother to answer to.
Nate: Yes, and I do, too. So please let's do that. Please.
Ashley: Okay, I'll give you a call and set something up.
Nate: Okay.
Ashley: Good to see you.
Nate: Good to see you, too.
Ashley: Got to get back home.
Neil: Okay. Hey, listen, um, I'll keep you posted if -- excuse me -- repercussions commence.
Ashley: If?
Neil: Right.
Nate: It's great seeing ashley again, you know? Bet you two are gonna be swamped with newman enterprises and victor.
Neil: It's in our job descriptions, man.
Nate: Yeah, okay. Before my shower, I was online and couldn't miss what's being called "a mounting crisis." I mean, victor's health -- both physical and business-related... neil, come on. The company's under attack, and he may have misplaced a spy he claims tried to kill him...
Neil: Ooh, man, you got to be careful of that interweb. It's full of that "fake news" that you've heard so much about.
Nate: Yeah, but still, it seems like not the best time to join team victor.
Neil: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but, uh, don't doctors focus on curing sickness and leave the judging to others?
Nate: Point taken. Feel free to correct me now, but you could do without your pr fee from newman. Not to mention the hit your career and rep will take when "crisis" turns to "big ugly scandal." So, I mean, why stick around for that?
Neil: Well, victor and his family, they're -- they're close friends of mine, you know? And like you said, they're suffering a lot. They're under attack. Hey. I don't cut and run. Never have, never will. Neither does my company. You know? But we're not the ones who hired you. You don't work for us. So if you feel a storm is brewing and it's making you reconsider working for victor as his private doctor, then you can bail, man. I mean, you should. No pressure from me. No hard feelings later. You know, being here with the family is -- well, it's the main reason that I asked you to come here. And that's the truth. So -- oh, no! Ugh!
Nate: What?
Neil: I invited the family to come over tonight, a "welcome back" party for you, man. I'm -- oh, I forgot all about it.
Nate: Listen, if you need to postpone it, it's cool. You have a lot going on.
Neil: Well, being victor's publicist, that's a given.
Nate: Okay, then I'm up for a party.
Neil: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: Let's celebrate you getting me out of boston.
Neil: Yeah.
Nate: And none too soon, either.
Neil: I knew that you'd be glad you came.
Nate: [ Laughs ] Yeah. Yeah. I thought I was handling things, but, uh... but what I really needed was to get away.
Neil: You're exactly where you should be. Especially today.
Nate: Yeah.
Billy: I'm out of here. Don't wait up.
Summer: And you said you were going where, again?
Billy: I didn't say. I've got a meeting with potential clients and that, you know, you wouldn't be interested.
Summer: Okay, except that i am very interested now, since earlier you said they were finance people.
Billy: Does it actually make a difference?
Summer: Just enough for me to know that you're lying.
Billy: Look, summer, I am a busy man. I have a company to run, all right? So...
Summer: Okay, then why are you acting like a child just trying to sneak out for the evening? You don't need to worry about covering your butt for my benefit. Okay? I don't have a problem with what you're doing. I just want to come along.
Billy: I told you --
Summer: No, okay, I have been at a poker table with you before. So I know the look in your eyes. You're on your way to a game, and you really ought to bring me 'cause I'm kind of your good-luck charm. Plus, I can help you out. I can be your voice of reason.
Billy: Now you're stretching it.
Summer: Okay, just try me. I owe you. Plus, if you say no, I'll just follow you and show up anyway.
Billy: All right, on one condition. You are a spectator only. You do not play.
Summer: I have a feeling tonight's gonna be big.
Kyle: I'm glad you're here. Dad's dead-set on having dina testify about his paternity. I think she's gonna need all the support we can muster up.
Jack: Splendid. We are all here. Kyle, could you please fetch your grandmother? So, I wasn't sure you were gonna make it, what with newman enterprises' latest scandal. That's some new headline. "Mustache makes federal agent disappear?"
Ashley: Okay, I'm well aware.
Jack: Okay. This whole mess falls on your lap, I'm sorry, but you can't fault me for enjoying a tiny morsel of karmic satisfaction.
Ashley: I understand that you're driven, just please be gentle on our mother, okay?
Dina: Oh, a visit from my jackie!
[ Laughs ] Oh, how marvelous.
Jack: Oh, it is when I see you.
Dina: Oh, thank you.
Jack: So... you understand what we're trying to do tonight?
Dina: Oh, yes, kyle filled me in. I understand you have questions about your dad.
Jack: Exactly. Here, have a seat.
Dina: All right.
Kyle: She's in a terrific mood.
Ashley: Well, you're good with her.
Jack: Well, looks like mother has plenty of good days ahead.
Ashley: Hopefully enough for her to identify your biological father.
Nate: Ahhhhh!
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Neil: Hey! Sam is all tucked in, but just in case.
Lily: Thank you, and cane sends his love. He's working late.
Nate: What happened to you two? You're seniors in high school already.
Charlie: Yeah, well, if mattie had her way, she'd graduate early.
Mattie: I had to pump the breaks. Too much pressure on charlie.
Charlie: I think it's cool you and mom have known each other since elementary school.
Lily: I know, right? And now my shy, sweet little cousin is this big-time doctor.
Mattie: You and aunt olivia are my total role models. No offense, mom.
Lily: That's okay. None taken. Actually, why don't you help nate fix a plate, and then you can tell him how you aced ap chemistry.
Nate: Would you?
Mattie: Of course.
Nate: All right.
Charlie: She's been counting the minutes so she can bring up her science fair project and ask you for your undergrad transcript.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Neil: Hey, sweetheart. You told me that cane is dealing with a lot more than usual. What's -- what's going on?
Lily: It's jack abbott. He's just so determined to prove that phillip chancellor is his real father that he's suing jill for the right to exhume his body.
Neil: Say what? Wow, that is a lot more than usual.
Lily: Yeah, cane's furious, and I can't even imagine what jill is going through. I'm sure her cardiologist isn't very happy.
Neil: Yeah, well, I wish there was something I could do. I don't know, jack is obsessed with finding answers.
Lily: No, I know, and I get that. I mean, I know you guys are close, and he's always been good to me, but there has to be another way.
Charlie: Hey, I think one of us might need to save super-doc from too-many-questions-girl.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Lily: Well, I'm sure that he is willing to answer any questions mattie may have.
Neil: Oh, look who it is!
Devon: We're here!
Neil: [ Laughs ]
Devon: How you doing, man?
Neil: Good to see you.
Shauna: Hi, mr. Winters. Thanks for inviting me.
Neil: So glad to have you.
Devon: Good to see you, dude.
Neil: Good to see you, too. Come on in, man.
Mattie: And if I choose johns hopkins for undergrad, does that hurt or help getting into medical school there?
Nate: Um, I'm not precisely sure how it works nowadays, but with your enthusiasm and your grades, you certain have many options. Actually, pardon me, I need to say hi to your uncle.
Mattie: Okay.
Devon: Nate! My man. How you doing?
Nate: Good. You?
Devon: It's been a long time.
Nate: Yes.
Devon: I'm good, I'm good. I've heard nothing but incredible things about you and your career.
Nate: Same here, same here. Congratulations on hamilton-winters.
Devon: Thank you.
Nate: It, uh, must be fulfilling running a company with neil.
Devon: Oh, it's phenomenal. This guy's the best right here.
Nate: Yeah, he sure is.
Neil: Thank you. You're the best, too. You know, lily's modeling agency is a hamilton-winters joint, and so the greatest thing of all is that those two people over there, the twins, man, they're working as interns.
Nate: Sounds like this thing is already a dynasty. More power to all of you.
Devon: Hey, we're getting there. It's a concept that we've both had from the start, though.
Neil: You know what it is -- you create something that will make a difference, then keep it up and hand it down for the future of our family.
Nate: I respect everything about that, and I wish you guys good luck, but how can you fail?
[ Knocks on door ]
Devon: Hey.
Hilary: Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late.
Devon: That's okay. You're forgiven. Mwah! Let me introduce you to the man of the hour here.
Nate: We've already met.
Neil: Nate has his pick of options. Right now, he's enjoying an open-ended sabbatical.
Lily: Thank you.
Hilary: Is that the medical term for a paid vacation? Nice work, if you can get it.
Mattie: He earned it. Do you know how many years of school it took for him to get to where he is? How many hours a day he has to work?
Charlie: Hey, chill, mat. I think it was a joke.
Nate: Here's my diagnosis. Mattie's given serious thought to a medical career.
Charlie: She has been since kindergarten.
Lily: Yeah, and she has the grades to make it happen.
Mattie: [ Chuckles ]
Shauna: So, why leave boston to come here?
Nate: Um, to be closer to family.
Shauna: Not that your family's not fantastic.
Nate: But...?
Shauna: They've been so nice to me.
Nate: But...?
Shauna: I just can't imagine leaving an exciting city like boston to come stay here.
Neil: Um, it took a whole lot of persuasion from his godfather, you know, to get nate to agree.
Nate: Yeah. So, shauna, what's going on between you and charlie? Because I'm getting a serious vibe.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] They're just hanging out, having fun, right?
Hilary: Shauna raised an interesting point about nate relocating here for his time off.
Devon: Well, if offered, would you take a job here in genoa city?
Nate: I'd, um... I'd definitely consider it.
Lily: Well, you'd need a refresher course after a year off. I mean, who wants to see a rusty doctor?
Lily: I'm gonna go check on sam.
Hilary: Oh, sam's here? I would be happy to go check on him.
Lily: Uh, no. No need.
Neil: Well, um, how about refills? Drinks, maybe dessert? Something, right?
Devon: Yeah.
Hilary: I'm good, thanks.
Nate: [ Clears throat ]
Hilary: Uh, quick question for you. I'm pregnant, and I have this rash right here. What do you think?
Nate: I think you wouldn't be interested in my rusty opinion.
Summer: Club soda, 'cause i know you like to keep your head clear. Especially when there is a $10,000 buy-in and no limits.
Billy: Just makes it more interesting. And so does she.
Summer: What, you've been up against her before?
Billy: Sinead. She's one of the best. We've exchanged heaps of cash.
Summer: A rivalry. That's nice.
Billy: Not very. We're talking serious mutual damage. Sinead.
Sinead: Bill. Haven't seen you in ages. I thought you retired to the slow lane permanently.
Billy: No, not quite. What brings you back up here?
Sinead: Heard you were playing again. Couldn't resist.
Billy: Well, I'll try to make it worth your while.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jack: In this game, we're going to ask you the same kind of questions you'll be asked in court.
Kyle: We want you to feel prepared.
Jack: Kyle's gonna act as my lawyer, and ashley's gonna pretend to be the chancellors' attorney.
Dina: And who are you?
Jack: Well...
Dina: I mean, who are you playing, jackie?
Jack: No, no, no. I -- okay. I'm the judge. I'm the judge, okay? So you speak openly and freely, all right?
Ashley: Just tell the truth, simple and clear.
Dina: Mm. All right, I'm ready.
Jack: Okay, this court is now in session. Your name, please?
Dina: Dina mergeron.
Jack: Ms. Mergeron, do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Dina: Well, of course. I have nothing to hide. Not anymore.
Kyle: Were you married to john abbott?
Dina: Yes.
Kyle: During that time, you had a son named john abbott jr. Is that correct?
Dina: Yes.
Kyle: Was your husband, john abbott, your son's true biological father?
Jack: Tell us what you told me. Remember what you said?
Ashley: Jack, no prompting, okay? You're supposed to be impartial.
Kyle: That's kind of the whole point, right?
Jack: I just want her to know it's okay.
Dina: Jackie, you're the judge. You're not supposed to help. And I don't need any. No, he wasn'T. Now, let's keep going on, counselor. I haven't had this much fun in years.
Hilary: That's why you blew me off. Hunger? You couldn't possibly treat all of your patients like this.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Well, the thing is, you're not my patient. You are a woman at a party asking me to make a flip diagnosis for free.
Hilary: And you are a grumpy neighbor. Okay, look, this is -- this is my first baby, okay? And you wonder about everything. I mean, look -- look at my ankles. They are so swollen. Is that -- is that normal during the first trimester?
Nate: [ Clears throat ]
[ Sighs ] Swollen ankles are common, but not this early, okay? Maybe you just have fat ankles. Or "cankles." [ Chuckles ] That's the medical term.
Hilary: Well, I have a spectacular show idea -- pregnant women in the workplace and everything they have to deal with.
Devon: Mm, I like that.
Hilary: Mm-hmm.
Nate: Yeah, it's interesting, but, I mean, you'll have a baby nurse. You'll have a full-time nanny. All the perks. Not to mention at work, you're the star. You call all the shots, unlike the average mom-to-be.
Devon: Mm, nate's got a decent point.
Hilary: [ Scoffs ]
Mattie: You could make a show about real people.
Hilary: And what am I? An android?
Mattie: You could interview people like dr. Hastings who witness women's everyday struggles and know what the challenges are.
Lily: That's actually a great idea. You should have nate on
gc buzz.
Charlie: Hey, isn't it true you made the olympic swim team?
Nate: Yeah, undergrad. Undergrad, I had a swimming scholarship and I was at the olympics trials, yeah.
Neil: Yeah, the man focused on his medical career.
Hilary: Such a sacrifice.
Shauna: What distance did you swim?
Nate: 50 and 100. Butterfly, freestyle. You a swimmer?
Shauna: Not like that.
Charlie: But she's good. I like diving.
Nate: Yeah, I did that, too.
Charlie: Maybe, um... maybe nate can give us some pointers.
Nate: Anytime.
Devon: My cousin's a pretty impressive guy, huh?
Hilary: He swims in water. He doesn't walk on it. I'm sorry, okay? I'm just not -- I'm not buying it.
Devon: Not buying what?
Hilary: This whole "dr. Perfect" routine, okay? He's just a guy from boston with an attitude.
Devon: Why is it agitating you so much? He's a family member, and this is a welcome-home party. Probably has something to do with victor. Can I get you something else to drink?
Hilary: No. No, I'm good.
Devon: Okay. Excuse me.
Hilary: I see the looks between you and neil when your so-called "sabbatical" comes up. He jumps in and makes an excuse about you "here to see family."
Nate: And...?
Hilary: It's wearing thin. So come clean. What's the real reason you left boston?
Kyle: Can you tell me about your relationship with the father of your son?
Dina: Yes. I know it sounds like a cliche, a husband married to his job and a lonely unfulfilled wife. And my life did feel so empty. And then this -- this man, this lovely man, he saw it.
Kyle: So you knew each other socially.
Dina: Yes, and we started to talk. And it may seem simple, but it felt like an eternity since i had that.
Kyle: You became closer.
Dina: I promised myself we would stay just friends and not cross the line, but...
Kyle: Then things got more serious.
Dina: Clearly.
Kyle: Were you in love?
Dina: Yep. He made me truly happy.
Kyle: And this man's name?
Dina: Phillip chancellor.
Ashley: Okay, I think maybe we need to call a recess.
Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We should take a break.
Dina: Well, how did I do, jackie?
Jack: Perfectly.
Dina: I did?
Jack: You were perfect, mother.
Dina: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: How is my life any concern of yours?
Hilary: They are my family, too. Okay? And you are lying to them.
Nate: Where do you get off --
Hilary: Calling you on it? I can tell that you're hiding something. See, people -- that's my business.
Nate: Yeah, cashing in on other people's misery.
That's your business. So, please, stay out of mine.
Shauna: You shouldn't yell at her. In case you don't remember, she's pregnant.
Nate: How could I forget with her broadcasting non-stop? On and off the air.
Shauna: For a doctor, you have a real bad attitude. Where did you practice, in a prison?
Lily: Shauna, that is not acceptable to say.
Hilary: Okay, no, she was just trying to stick up for me. Okay? It's fine. No harm done. We can all just take a step back. You've seen the truth behind this super-doc act, and it explains plenty.
Lily: Okay, hilary, that's enough.
Hilary: You have probably burned every bridge in boston with this bedside manner, and that's why you are sad and single.
Neil: Uh, hilary, a word, please.
Hilary: No, why don't you go have a word with your house guest? No smart woman would put up with this egotistical jerk.
Nate: I'm done.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Dina's acing that home version of the courtroom game.
Jack: I would say she is a very sympathetic, very compelling witness, wouldn't you?
Ashley: I had my doubts, but if she can repeat what she just said in front of a real judge...
Kyle: Dad has a good chance of winning the right to exhume phillip chancellor.
Jack: Thank you both so much. This has been one exhausting roller coaster ride.
Kyle: For me, too, dad. Maybe the end's in sight.
Ashley: You know, I think we need to finish things up with her while --
Jack: Mother? Mother, you feeling all right?
Dina: Where am I?
Jack: You're at home, mother. We were just playing a game, remember?
Dina: Who are you, and why did you bring me here?
Jack: Whoa, whoa. I'm jackie. I'm your son. We were talking about my father.
Dina: Men. Men, you are always up to something. Sophia! Oh, sophia, thank god. Please, sophia...
Ashley: Nobody's gonna hurt you.
Dina: Help me get out of here, please.
Ashley: Nobody's gonna hurt you. I promise you.
Dina: Don't let anyone hurt me. Not them.
Ashley: We won'T.
Jack: I would never do anything to hurt you. I promise.
Ashley: It's okay.
2 of clubs.
Jack of diamonds.
Billy: I'm all in.
Neil: Since you drove the guest of honor away, I think it's time for you to leave now.
Devon: Okay, I'll go with you.
Hilary: No. Not until you tell me what set him off.
Neil: Besides you?
Hilary: He is a diva, okay? With some kind of problem that goes way beyond me. What is with all of the secrecy?
Neil: Fine. I didn't want to get into this for the obvious reasons, but someone leaves me no choice. Nate was in a relationship, a very serious one. She was the love of his life. They were about to become engaged.
Hilary: And what? She dumped him? Well, no surprise there.
Lily: She didn't dump him. She died. A year ago today.
Hilary: And I am the bitch who hated on the guy with the dead girlfriend. Wow. Fantastic. Thank you, guys, for the heads up.
[ Door opens ]
Devon: Hilary.
[ Door closes ]
Dina: What is it that they think I've done? Why can't they leave me alone?
Ashley: It's okay.
Jack: Thank you. Thank you for trying to help me. It's over. You don't have to do any more. So close. I'm dropping the lawsuit. I can't put her through any more. It's over.
Sinead: We've been here before, bill.
Billy: Now that you mention it...
Sinead: I'm not gonna let you take all of it. Not without seeing your hand. I'm all in, too.
[ Keys jingle ]
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