Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/14/18
Episode #11425 ~ Nick makes a chilling promise; Charlie is smitten with Shawna; Billy presses Phyllis to make a change.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Hilary: Good news -- I'm living with devon and shauna. Bad news -- I'm living with devon and shauna.
Summer: If there's anything that this last year has taught me, it's that when you want something, you have to go get it for yourself.
Phyllis: Is it your conscience, aware that maybe you should be doing something with your life?
Summer: I feel so welcomed and loved in my own home, which you're a guest in, by the way.
Billy: I am in love with your mother. She's the only woman for me.
Summer: Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?
I award temporary custody of christian newman to his grandfather, the plaintiff, effective immediately.
Sharon: How can I help you?
Nick: Arbitrator said her judgment is temporary. It's just temporary.
Sharon: That's because it is. We can fight this. We'll gather resources. We will make a plan.
Nick: That takes time. Time my son doesn't have. Because it doesn't matter how hard we fight tomorrow or the next day. Today I have to put christian in victor's arms.
Hilary: Make sure you get the permit for the shoot, and if you have any trouble, just let me know. Okay. Bye.
Devon: Hey. I'm late for a meeting. But my dinner got cancelled tonight, so I'll just order something for shauna and me.
Hilary: Or we could eat together.
Devon: I thought you had dinner tonight, too.
Hilary: Uh, I just got a text. We might have to reschedule.
Devon: Okay, well, then, yeah, just keep me posted.
Hilary: I will.
Devon: Okay. Have a good one.
Hilary: Hi, um, this is hilary curtis. Yeah, I hate to do this, but it is crunch time here at the studio, and -- yes, yes, I am so sorry for the last-minute notice. Yes, thank you. Thank you. Okay, I will -- I will see next week. Next week, dinner? Okay. Okay, yes. I will call you then. Thank you. Bye-bye. Hey.
Shauna: Hey. I heard devon leave. So, it's just us girls in the house, huh? Are you working? 'Cause maybe we could do something.
Hilary: Actually, I have an idea. Come on. Let's get out of here.
Summer: Hey, roomie.
Billy: What brings you by?
Summer: Well, you did tell me to try to work things out with my mom.
Billy: Yeah, and she doesn't happen to be in the room right now, so...
Summer: But you are, and so am I.
Phyllis: Hey, summer, honey, what's going on?
Summer: Hey, I actually came to see you, but billy's open-door policy provided a bit of a detour.
Phyllis: Okay, well, come on over to my office.
Billy: Can I speak to you for a second, please?
Summer: Take your time.
Phyllis: Ooh, you look intense. I love intense. Real estate listings.
Billy: It's time, okay? I mean it. The sooner we can get off of summer's turf, the better.
Phyllis: Why? Why? What's the hurry?
Victor: Kindly prepare a room. We're gonna have a new addition to our household, okay?
Nick: Do you know where his backpack is?
Sharon: Um, are you taking him out? Because isn't victor coming later?
Nick: Oh. [ Chuckles ] I'm not, like, running away with him. I mean, I certainly would like to.
[ Sighs ] It's just a beautiful day outside, you know? I'm gonna go, uh, I don't know, climb some trees, throw some rocks, check out some ducks. Be together while we can.
Sharon: Can I come, too? Not because I think you're gonna run off, but because I love you. Both of you.
Nick: Yeah, let's go. Can you hold that? All right, let's do it.
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Billy: Look at the kitchen in this one.
Phyllis: Since when do we cook?
Billy: Okay, then look at the pool in the backyard, come on!
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Because it's warm enough to swim, what, 75 days out of the year?
Billy: Honey, I'm a C.E.O. You're a high-level executive, okay? And we live with your adult daughter. She's technically our landlord. It's not the natural order of things. And there are certain other natural things that I miss doing all over the house, whenever the mood struck.
Phyllis: Okay, well, that's what hotel rooms are for.
Billy: How is that a solution?
Phyllis: Because it's fun and it's sexy.
Billy: Why can't we be fun and sexy in our home?
Phyllis: Honey, you know where I stand on this. Summer might not even stay in town, okay?
Billy: Okay, but why can't we get our own place, regardless if she stays or goes?
Phyllis: Because if we move out, I cannot keep my eye on her. I mean, the girl has questionable judgment.
Billy: You don't say.
Phyllis: She needs guidance.
Billy: Then you can do that a from a respectable distance.
Phyllis: No! No. Distance is a terrible idea. I need to be right there in her face so I don't have to worry about her making life-changing mistakes.
Billy: Okay, phyllis, she is a grown woman.
Phyllis: She is a kid.
Billy: No, she is not.
Phyllis: Uh, she is. And she needs a mother. And her mother needs you.
Billy: So I can't talk you into something shiny and new and far, far away?
Phyllis: Of course you can, but once things settle, okay?
[ Exhales sharply ]
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Summer: Make sure you stop by the sample room 'cause that is the best part about coming here.
Shauna: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Shauna! Nice to see you. I'm so glad you two have met! Shauna here is a real go-getter. She's focused and smart. She's always look at the horizons. You know an opportunity when you see it, don't you?
Shauna: I try.
[ Laughter ]
Hilary: And you've probably noticed that phyllis is just as driven as I am. That's why I brought shauna here, to see you in action. See, she is learning all about tv production at gc buzz and music at lp, but I thought that it was time for her to get a glimpse of the corporate world. So can she shadow you for a bit?
Phyllis: Sure. I'd love that. Maybe tuesday's pitch meeting. That's a fabulous opportunity for marketing. That's great. You can come next week.
Hilary: I was kind of hoping for today. You know, I know it's probably time for you to clock out, but maybe you guys can go for dinner, you can talk about climbing that corporate ladder!
Phyllis: Well, you know what, today is not gonna work, but next tuesday, my offer still stands.
Hilary: What about you? Do you have some time to chat with shauna about your days as an intern?
Summer: Um, yeah, uh, I'm so sorry, I'm actually all booked up, too. Yeah. But, you know, you better be careful, or else shauna's gonna think that you're just trying to ditch her for the night.
[ Laughter ]
Sharon: Nick, um, there's another bench over there by that tree.
Nick: You know what, maybe today was inevitable. Maybe victor was gonna win, no matter what.
Sharon: Um, well, it's -- it's one battle, you know? This fight isn't over.
Nick: Yeah, but I was doomed before I went into that room. I'll be doomed in the future, too, unless something changes.
Sharon: Maybe nikki will get victor to see --
Nick: It's not about my mom or you or my dad. This is about me.
Sharon: You did everything you could today.
Nick: Did I? You know, my dad went for the jugular. I didn'T.
Sharon: Because you're a better man than he is.
Nick: Yeah, that's what decent guys do, right? They put their principles before their kids. I could have had brittany go after my dad the way michael went after you. The arrests, the convictions... constantly betraying the family and putting us all in danger with patty williams and chloe mitchell.
Sharon: You know, most of that would have been hearsay.
Nick: Not the convictions.
Sharon: Those were in the court documents, in the public records, just like everything that I've done. But victor has a standing in the community, I don'T.
Nick: It's not about the details. There was a reason that my dad won and I lost. And it's all about me. And I have to change if I'm gonna get my son back for good.
Hilary: Everything okay?
Shauna: Neveah's going on a date and rayna has to pack for camp. Nobody can hang out. I could try charlie, but...
Hilary: But what? If you want to hang out with him, don't do that thing where you wait for him to come to you. You do the asking.
Shauna: Don't worry, I'll figure something out tonight.
Hilary: Don't worry?
Shauna: Summer may have been kidding when she talked about you wanting to get rid of me, but... it doesn't mean she's wrong.
Hilary: Devon said that he might be free tonight, so i just -- I wanted some one-on-one time with him.
Shauna: Because I'm always around.
Hilary: No, no, it's not that.
Shauna: Except it is. You said you wanted to take things slow, but with me around, slow is turning into never.
Hilary: Listen, I don't want you to feel like you're in the way or anything.
Shauna: Because you're too nice for that.
Hilary: [ Scoffs ] No one has ever called me too nice before.
Shauna: You took me in when you have all this other stuff going on. I never should have become your problem. I'll find someplace else to live.
Hilary: Sit back down. Right now.
Summer: Look, I know hilary's your friend, but pushy much? I barely even know her, and she wants me to entertain her little teenage friend?
Phyllis: Well, if you don't ask, you don't get. Hilary gave it her best shot. Actually, I think shauna's a little young to be following you around anyway.
Summer: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, sure, 'cause, I mean, she would learn so many sordid things from me 'cause I'm such a bad influence, you know?
Phyllis: I didn't say that.
Summer: And yet I heard it anyway.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] What i meant was... I'm very happy that you came to see me today.
Summer: Well, full disclosure, it was billy's idea, but I'm glad I came, too.
Phyllis: Good. Then you know what, why don't you come with me, hang out in the fenmore's wing, and you can observe?
Summer: What, and shadow? Like shauna? Oh, yeah, how about I just follow you around all day, and then I'll have a tea party with mr. Ears right afterwards?
Phyllis: Okay. How about we cut out a little bit early and grab a drink at the bar? You like the sound of that?
Summer: Yes, well, that sounds much better, but actually, my cash flow is at a bit of a temporary halt right now.
Phyllis: How is that even possible?
Summer: I left my card at the club.
Phyllis: Okay. All right.
Summer: Or at a bar. I think?
Phyllis: You think?
Summer: Relax. It's not a big deal.
Phyllis: It is a big deal, and the fact that you don't recognize that... I see. I got you.
Summer: What?
Phyllis: You didn't come here to see your mother at work. You came here to push her buttons. Like an atm.
Nick: I have left newman enterprises so many times because being victor newman's son, it's just... it didn't fit. I couldn't be as vicious or as brutal as him.
Sharon: That's not your game.
Nick: No. See, my dad doesn't care who he hurts. He just constantly takes. He always has. Even when he loses, he somehow finds a way to turn it into a win.
Sharon: So, I don't understand. Are you saying you want to be like him now? Because that's not who you are. The goodness inside of you would never let that happen.
Nick: Look, I am not perfect. But I'm not nearly as decent as people think I am. I'm not as vicious as my dad. You know, I'm the guy who stops to think about what I do. I don't react. I'm not 100% committed to anything, and that is what happened in the hearing today. I was outmatched. My dad came to win, and i didn'T.
Sharon: It's not a football game.
Nick: No, it's not. This is my life. There's a reason he won and i lost. It's something inside me. It's the way I think or I act or I feel, and I have to find it and change it. So I've become the person who will never lose again.
Shauna: Charlie's writing back.
Hilary: Good, that's, um... that's great. Can you just put the phone down, just for a second, so we can figure this out?
Shauna: That's what I'm trying to do.
Hilary: No, no, not about tonight. It's about this. About you and me. Look, I messed up.
Shauna: Yeah, by saying i could live with you.
Hilary: No, by not telling you straight out that I just -- I needed some room. There's a part of me that's just a little embarrassed by how complicated things are with devon. I mean, how old am I? And then the other part is... I felt guilty. What kind of a person just ditches a teenager? So I thought to myself, you know, if I had something legit for you to do, then maybe i wasn't acting selfish. My mind is just so messed up and twisted, you don't even know.
Shauna: It's because you're so smart.
Hilary: No. I'm selfish. But I'm also responsible for you now. I can't just call myself your mentor anymore. I'm supposed to look out for you. I'm supposed to make your life better, not harder.
Shauna: None of it's your job. It all just happened by accident because my family's so messed up.
Hilary: [ Sighs ]
Shauna: If charlie's mom hadn't figured out that I was crashing there...
Hilary: Ugh, lily. That woman. She's -- she's fine. She'S...great. She's also probably part of the reason why I asked you to move in. I wanted to show her that I'm not just all about myself.
Shauna: Why shouldn't you be? You deserve everything you have.
Hilary: I do, but you also deserve a whole lot more than you have. So maybe I can spread a little of what I have to you. My home, my time, my honesty. That's why you can't leave. Okay? Because I have to get this right. And I always get what I want, so... right now, that's you staying put.
Shauna: I don't want to make you feel guilty.
Hilary: No, nobody makes me feel anything. Yeah, they try, but it never works. If I feel something, I own it, and this is on me.
Shauna: So, all of this is so you can spend some time with devon tonight?
Hilary: Eh...
[ Laughs ]
Shauna: It isn't right for it to be a whole thing. If you need to be alone with him, I should just know.
Hilary: How can you know when I don't even know?
Shauna: You ready to speed up this whole "take it slow" approach?
Hilary: No, my history with devon, it's so complicated. Trust me, it can just -- it can make your eyes bleed. Seriously. No. We need to be very, very careful.
Shauna: Careful went out the window the second you got pregnant. [ Chuckles ]
Charlie: Hey.
Shauna: Hey. Charlie.
Charlie: Um, you get my text?
Shauna: Oh, yeah. The boss said I had to put my phone down. But I'm still looking for something to do tonight.
Charlie: Well, I mean, I'm right here, so...
Shauna: Good. But I'm gonna need your permission for what I have in mind.
Summer: No, I did not come here today to talk about money.
Phyllis: You sure about that?
Summer: You mentioned going for drinks at the club, and i just thought it was smarter to mention now that I lost my card rather than wait till we got there and then ask mom to buy my vodka for me. So, yeah, there was reasons other than cash.
Phyllis: And what are those reasons?
Summer: I already told you -- billy.
Phyllis: His advice for us to bond?
Summer: Yeah, I mean, I just thought that we were gonna spend some time together.
Phyllis: Because you can't spend it buying clothes.
[ Cellphone rings ] I have to take this.
Summer: About the spending money, mom...?
Phyllis: This is phyllis.
Summer: Got a minute?
Sharon: Christian fell asleep before I tucked him in. Um, what are you doing?
Nick: Christian needs his things.
Sharon: Do you have to send all of them? I mean, you do have visitation.
Nick: How often is that gonna be?
Sharon: I don't know, but if all of christian's toys are at the main house --
Nick: His bed is here. His toys are here. His sisters are here. The ranch is filled with matching fabrics and antiques. It is a place to visit, not to stay.
Sharon: We could order matching items and have them sent.
Nick: Well, he's going today, so he's gonna need something familiar there when he walks in.
Sharon: Christian knows the main house. It's not scary or foreign to him.
Nick: This is his home.
Sharon: Let me help you. Nick. Nick!
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
[ Door opens ]
Devon: [ Sighs ] Hello? Hilary? Hilary!
Shauna: Perfect timing.
Devon: Hey! What are you guys doing? Did hilary put you to work?
Shauna: [ Scoffs ] I'm not cinderella. I am the fairy godmother.
Charlie: Yeah, this was all shauna's idea.
Shauna: And I had to talk hilary into it. Did you know she's stubborn?
Devon: I've heard, yeah. Yeah, what is with this setup?
Shauna: It's to thank you for letting me stay.
Devon: Hey, you don't have to thank us.
Shauna: Yeah. I do.
Charlie: She's stubborn, too.
Devon: Yeah, I'm figuring that out. Uh, where is hilary?
Nick: You weren't home.
Victor: What's this?
Nick: Well, you just got custody of a little boy, so i wanted to make sure you got some of his things.
Victor: Well, christian is not here, so there's no need for his things.
Nick: Sorry if I'm interrupting your celebratory cocktail.
Victor: There's nothing to celebrate, son. This is something that had to be done.
Nick: Oh, that's right, champ. Win at all costs. No matter what it takes. Even if that means ripping a little boy away from his home and his parents. And now that you've done that, yeah, it is time for some tequila.
Victor: Who are you doing this for?
Nick: You are about to have a little boy come and live with you, dad. Why aren't you home getting things ready?
Victor: Because I have a staff.
Nick: Oh, that's right. You have a staff. That's the kind of hands-on guardian you'll be.
Victor: Look, I thought i would give you some more time with christian.
Nick: Oh, so you're doing me a favor? Thank you. Now let me do you one. I'm gonna tell you about the kind of boy you're gonna be looking after. This right here -- this is his favorite action figure. He likes to take that in the bath with him, all right? But if you do that, make sure you dry it off because it gets waterlogged, and then it'll mildew. This is his favorite book. I've read it to him at bedtime 6,000 times. I know every single word of it. And this is his stuffy. Now, you're gonna have to wash it from time to time, and i don't mean you. I mean somebody on your staff. But if that happens, do not tell christian about it because he'll cry for like an hour. And I know you're not gonna be able to stop him or make him feel better.
Victor: You're making a scene, son.
Nick: This is what you fought and won. It's time collect the prizes.
Phyllis: Wait, wait. Hang on. What is this?
Billy: Summer's short, so...
Phyllis: She left her card at the club, or the bar. She already tried to hit me up and I said no
Billy: Seriously?
Summer: I never technically asked you for money.
Billy: No, you just acted all pitiful because you couldn't afford to buy your mother a drink. I apologize. I did not know that she already hit you up.
Summer: I did not come here to talk about money.
Phyllis: I want to believe you. I want to believe you because i am so pathetically desperate to be close to you again. I would like to buy this whole "I want to hang out with you, mom," but you know something? Everybody who works here earns a paycheck, except for you. Because there are people on standby to give you money and to loan you a sports car. You are the 1% of the 1%, so congratulations!
Summer: I'd change, but then what would you have to bitch about?
Billy: All right, let's just step back here for a second, okay? Your mother loves you. She wants to spend time with you, and she does not want it to be about money.
Summer: Okay, mom, let me ask you a question. Exactly how close were you with your mom at my age?
Phyllis: I wasn'T. For many reasons. And this is me trying to do a better job at that.
Summer: Okay, and this is me just trying to live my life. Okay? That's it! I'm not trying to do anything to you. But I am sorry that I am such a disappointment. I'm sorry. Oh, and, uh, here. Almost forgot. Hey! It's summer newman. Hi, I'm good. How are you? That's good. That's good. Hey, do you have a minute to talk?
Devon: You guys are like clockwork.
Hilary: Wow, this looks beautiful. I didn't know that you knew how to cook.
Shauna: Cooking shows are my thing, but when it's just me, I don't even bother. I mean, popcorn is a meal. But the kitchen you have in there...
Charlie: Hey, dessert's plated up on the counter, ready to go whenever you're done with this. What do you think?
Shauna: Yep. Time to go.
Devon: Where are you two headed off to?
Shauna: We have plans. We're gonna be gone for a while, as in, we'll be out late. And don't touch the dishes. I'll do them when I get back.
Hilary: Okay. [ Chuckles ]
Devon: Thank you guys.
Hilary: Thank you.
Devon: Now, tell me -- how much of this was you?
Hilary: This was all shauna.
Devon: Really?
Hilary: Really! It was. Okay, it didn't come out of nowhere. Shauna and I, we had a moment earlier. I'm not used to sharing my space. It went from me alone in a hotel room to three of us here. And I may have tried to, um, pawn shauna off on phyllis just to get a little breathing room, and I wasn't very subtle, and i hurt shauna's feelings. But we talked it out, and shauna cut me a break. She is halfway between being a kid and a grown-up, but you can already see how much sense she has.
Devon: So shauna set all this up 'cause you were hungry?
Hilary: Because she knew what I really wanted.
Devon: Mm-hmm. And what was that, exactly?
Hilary: To be alone with you.
Nick: These are his favorite socks. Don't pull 'em on too tight, and I mean the person who's actually going to be dressing him, because he doesn't like his toes to be crowded. Keep these bandages in his backpack at all times because if the wind blows too hard, he likes to put one on. He thinks they're his tattoos. Are you getting all this, or do you need me to write it down for the person who's actually going to be watching my son?
Victor: Are you done?
Nick: He's a person, dad! Christian has this whole entire life that you are demanding to take over, so I'm trying to help you out. It's called parenting. It's that thing that you didn't do with me when I was growing up. But you hired a lawyer, so you're gonna get another shot. But I love that boy more than anything, dad. He's got cares and dreams and hopes and memories. He is an actual person. But, to you, he's just another power play, a way to keep me in check. But if you screw this up, I am gonna make you pay for it.
Victor: So you think by threatening me, you can solve this situation?
Nick: No, no, no. This is not just a situation. This is war. This is my son. You are now playing this game with me with actual stakes. I have spent a year letting that little boy know that I will always be there to take care of him, and you -- you son of a -- you are making me out to be a liar. I was the one constant in his life, and you are blowing that apart. I was sitting next to your hospital bed, praying every day that you would survive, and this is -- this is my payback for my devotion? That ends now. This is the one that we do not come back from. When my son comes back to his real home, we are not gonna fall back into our old routine. This war that you started, this isn't about the business. This isn't about money. I'm gonna make sure that you never take anything from me ever again. I'm gonna be the one who's taking. I'm gonna take everything away from you that ever mattered, including family. Especially family. This is the moment where you begin to lose.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Back at the club, that was... I was so worried about you when I got there, and then... seeing you, hearing you, you know, a lot of people try to stand up to victor, and he just bats them away, but not today. Not with you. He heard you, nicholas. He heard you, and, deep down, i think victor was scared.
Nick: I know what I have to do. I know who I have to be.
Sharon: Well, you won't be alone.
Billy: [ Sighs ] You're still here. Let me guess, you're still looking for money.
Summer: Mm, okay, yes, it is embarrassing. My mom is right. I need to pull it together and get a job, and not just for the money.
Billy: That sounds like a great idea.
Summer: Okay, but it can't just be something random that I'm gonna wind up quitting in a month.
Billy: Then don't go do something random.
Summer: Okay, then maybe you could hire me.
Billy: The corporate boredom is not your scene.
Summer: Okay, but mom would be so happy, and I have a pretty decent résumé. Look, I'm not saying that I need a fancy job title and perks, just something to keep me around. And close by. 'Cause here's where I think I'd be of most use.
Billy: And when you put it like that, it's a hard no. You're gonna have to find something else.
Summer: Okay. All right, then I'll just have to go with my backup plan.
Billy: That's a great idea, which is what?
Summer: With lauren. At fenmore'S. As soon as I reached out, she offered me a marketing position.
Billy: It's just non-stop fun and games with you, isn't it?
Summer: And since I'll be right down the hall, we'll get to have even more fun and games. I love this job already.
Shauna: Did you see their faces?
Charlie: Yeah.
Shauna: We did that.
Charlie: You did it. I was, uh, just a bus boy.
Shauna: And the sous chef.
Charlie: Is that the one who follows the boss around? That's who you were -- the boss.
Shauna: I had to get it done. When two people who want the same thing can't make it happen, they need a little nudge. You shouldn't just sit around waiting for the other person to make the first move.
Charlie: So you made the first move for them.
Shauna: Not them.
Devon: When I saw you coming down those stairs...
Hilary: I saw your face.
Devon: I mean, you're beautiful every single day, but right now, you are...
Hilary: Don'T. Don'T.
Hilary: Don't what?
Hilary: Don't say I'm "glowing."
Devon: But you are glowing, though.
Hilary: Shauna was pretty cute, though. Pretending like she was making dinner just to be helpful. And then she had charlie running around looking for candles, so... I realized I should go change so that you get the idea.
Devon: I'm not that slow.
Hilary: Oh, please, you're like one of those sloth videos online.
Devon: Oh, really...
Hilary: Mm-hmm.
Devon: I've just been being careful, that's all, because you're pregnant, and we have history. And if this is gonna happen, then you and I need to be sure.
Hilary: No games. No guessing what the other person is thinking.
Devon: I'm not guessing at all right now. How about you?
Hilary: The way you're looking at me... no. I'm not guessing.
Devon: I want you to move into my room tonight... into our room. What? Is that not what you wanted?
Hilary: We said no more guessing, right?
Devon: Right.
Hilary: So I want you to stop talking and I want you to listen to me.
Nick: What? [ Laughs ] Look at that! Oh! What?
Sharon: [ Gasps ] Oh!
Nick: [ Laughing ] Oh!
Sharon: Got it!
[ Doorbell rings ]
Sharon: Oh. I'll...
Nick: Yeah.
Victor: Hi, my boy.
Nick: Okay, remember, we -- we talked about this, right? You're gonna go stay with grandma and grandpa for a little while, okay? But everyone's gonna make sure that you have a really good time, and all your special things are there. I promise you, you're never gonna be scared or lonely, okay? Never. And don't ever, ever forget how much daddy loves you. I love you as big as the world. Okay.
[ Sniffles ] You gonna say goodbye?
Sharon: Hey, buddy. I love you, okay? We'll see you real soon.
Victor: Go ahead. Sorry. It's the only way.
Nick: You remember those words. You're gonna be hearing them back.
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