Y&R Transcript Friday 6/8/18

Y&R Transcript Friday 6/8/18


Episode #11421 ~ Nikki is blackmailed, Summer cramps Billy and Phyllis' style, and Hilary takes on a new challenge.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: I went to see my mom to try and convince her to get dad to drop this custody suit.

Sharon: She's not gonna help you as long as I'm in the picture!

Summer: What, there's not even one part of you that's glad to see me?

Kyle: I'm not interested.

Summer: If you really think that you are a changed man, then you've got to be kidding yourself.

Phyllis: Now she's sleeping with married men, stealing cars, and calling me ancient.

Devon: Cheers to my new roomie.

Hilary: Shauna is gonna move in with devon and me.

Abby: You and arturo and me.

Nikki: Well, you know what, maybe he just has a thing for rebellious blondes.

Abby: You've hit the newman trifecta. Step-mother, daughter, granddaughter. Looks like you could use this.

Abby: Oh!

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: [ Chuckles ] Is it safe to come out?

Kyle: Ha, ha. Funny.

Abby: Hey, I didn't want to catch you in the middle of another promotion for your birthday suit.

Kyle: Hey, give me all the grief you want, but these disappearing swim trunks worked. Sales are great.

Abby: Between you and me, was it on purpose or not?

Kyle: What do you think?

Abby: Knowing you, totally intentional. Grabbing a lunch hour swim?

Kyle: Yep. You too?

Abby: I'm off work for the day.

Kyle: How'd that happen?

Abby: I'm in the dog house at work, so they're giving me very little to do. I decided to clear my inbox at the office, and I figured i could do whatever I wanted with my afternoon.

Kyle: Guess you won't be doing it with the guy you went to miami with. What's his name again?

Abby: Arturo.

Kyle: Yeah, what's the deal? You took a trip with him, and then dumped a drink on his head.

Abby: Well, he totally deserved it.

Kyle: No forgiving and forgetting?

Abby: No, I mean, gosh, I'm sure he's forgotten all about me and moved on.

Victoria: You know, he looked out for me, turning down the C.O.O. Job when he found out that dad lied about me being okay with it.

Nikki: Well, your brother has always been a man of integrity.

Victoria: Well, I wish i could say the same thing about dad. Using nick's son to pressure him is just not right. Mom?

Victor: Did we have an appointment?

Sharon: You know I called half-a-dozen times trying to get in to see you.

Victor: I'm a very busy man.

Sharon: And when I couldn't get past your gatekeepers, i realized in order to have a face-to-face, it was gonna take an ambush, so here I am.

Victor: I think your time would be better spent helping nicholas prepare for the arbitration hearing.

Sharon: Make it go away, victor. Please. Before you do damage that can't be undone.

Billy: Still doesn't look or feel right. Let's revisit it, and try and give me a mock-up by this afternoon.

Phyllis: That meeting with lauren was the opposite of fun. Now, for the opposite of the opposite of fun.

[ Clicking tongue ]

Billy: Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. We're [Clicks tongue] Not alone.

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? It's lunchtime.

Billy: Yeah.

Phyllis: I figured she'd be out of the house by now.

Billy: Out of the hose? She's not out of bed.

Phyllis: What does she think this is, spring break?

Billy: Just give her a little bit of slack, okay? She's coming out of a crappy relationship.

Phyllis: With a married man!

Billy: That's the crappiest of crappy. Look, just let her get her bearings, okay? If she's still sleeping in like this in a couple weeks, then you can kick her butt.

Phyllis: You stop being so reasonable. You're making me look bad in comparison.

Billy: Oh, no, no, no. You could never look bad.

Phyllis: Okay, stop saying sweet things when I can't show my gratitude in the manner in which I'm accustomed. Okay, you know what we need?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Yeah. We do need that. We do need that. But, first, we need a place.

Billy: You want to move our lunch meetings to a hotel?

Phyllis: Yes. That may need to be a serious consideration, at least until my daughter can remember what an alarm clock is for.

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Hilary: [ Sighs ]

[ Keys jingling ] Hey!

Devon: Hey, hey! I am wiped, but it is good to be home.

Hilary: I missed you. You hungry?

Devon: No, no. I ate on the plane.

Hilary: But st. Louis -- st. Louis was good?

Devon: Oh, st. Louis was fantastic. It was fantastic. It was worth it, man. I found this artist, and she's gonna redefine soul. I mean, she's incredible. There hasn't been a voice like hers since aretha.

Hilary: Okay.

Devon: Let me show you something.

Hilary: While you do that, um, we need to talk.

Shauna: There's something wrong with the fan in my bathroom. I hit the switch, but --

Devon: Hi. Is that what we need to talk about?

Hilary: I was gonna call, but I thought in person would be better.

Shauna: Should I give you guys some time to talk?

Devon: That's a good idea.

Hilary: Good idea.

Nikki: You remember my friend arturo.

Victoria: Yes. It's very nice to see you again. Um, I'm due back at work, so... please have my seat, arturo.

Nikki: Oh, darling, you don't have to rush off.

Arturo: I didn't mean to interrupt.

Victoria: No, you didn'T. Not at all. I'll call you later. Bye.

Nikki: All right. Please. Victoria knows we're not involved anymore. I don't know why she felt compelled to leave.

Arturo: Well, I was hoping to get a minute with you alone. It seems like we're overdue for some catching up.

Nikki: Well, that sounds rather serious. This is about abby.

Arturo: Why would you go behind my back to her the way you did? I mean, what did I ever do to you to deserve that?

Abby: First hit -- my step-mother admitting that she cheated. Second hit -- that she slept with a man that I'm interested in. You're not surprised.

Kyle: That nikki newman would cheat? I wouldn't put anything past her, but I can't figure out why victor would keep her around, though.

Abby: Well, I guess he was cheating, too. According to nikki, they were experimenting with an open relationship at the time. It's gross, right?

Kyle: Yeah, but if everyone was consenting and in the know, then why are you ticked at arturo?

Abby: Because he conveniently forgot to mention it to me?

Kyle: [ Scoffs ]

Abby: Whoa, you think that he had a right to hide that from me?

Kyle: No, I'm not defending him, but when you're into your ex-lover's step-daughter, I mean, how do you broach that subject? Like, ever.

Abby: Uh, he could have found a way.

Kyle: So you're done with him?

Abby: Well, if I had any doubt, it was kiboshed when i saw him flirting with summer.

Kyle: Maybe they deserve each other.

Abby: You're still bitter that she cut you loose to hook up with luca.

Kyle: No bitterness. I don't even think about her.

Abby: I hope that's true.

Kyle: Do I look like I have summer on the brain?

Phyllis: We should head back to the office.

Billy: I'll be right behind you. And let's think about getting our own place.

Phyllis: You know, we go through the hassle of finding a new place, and then in two weeks, she gets bored and she moves on. I say we stay here and just see how things shake down. Meanwhile, you reserve a nice hotel room for next time.

Billy: Top of my to-do list.

Phyllis: Good. Yeah!

Billy: I'll see you in a bit.

Phyllis: Okay.

[ Door opens, closes ]

Billy: You're not alone.

Summer: Yeah, well, I heard the door close so I thought i was.

Billy: That was your mother leaving. I've just got one more thing to do before I go, but you might want to put some clothes on.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Okay, well, if this wasn't my place, you might have a point, but... you are the guest here. Hey, is there no more coffee?

Billy: In the cupboard beside the stove.

Summer: Thanks.

Billy: You know, you may be right about the guest thing, but I still don't think that your mom would appreciate this.

Summer: I'm sorry, but when did my mom become so tame? You know, the old phyllis would have made anyone's life hell who told her how to dress.

Billy: Your mother has not changed.

Summer: Yes, she has. I mean, all she's done is criticize me and judge me since I've gotten back.

Billy: Judging you for stealing a car, get arrested, and having an affair with a married dude.

Summer: You're starting to sound like her.

Billy: Oh, no, I'm not judging you. I've done worse. It would just be great if you could get along.

Summer: Sure. I'm down. Whenever she is.

Billy: Okay, then maybe you could meet her halfway?

Summer: Do I really have to?

Billy: [ Sighs ] You could do it for me.

Summer: All right. For you, billy.

Victor: Just keeping on walking in this direction, and you run into the elevators.

Sharon: I know my way around here inside and out.

Victor: Implying what?

Sharon: That I know you, or at least I thought I did. This custody battle, it's beneath you, victor. Nicholas and christian are father and son in every way that matters. Why would you try to come between them like this?

Victor: Don't pretend you are here to support nicholas and christian, okay?

Sharon: I don't care if you try to drag my name through the mud. All the bad things I've done are already a matter of public record. I have nothing to hide. I've already owned that. So, yes, this is about nicholas. A good man who's taken body blow after body blow for the last few years, and now for his own father to keep this on him, it's just beneath you.

Victor: My family is slipping through my fingers. I've lost adam, I've lost connor. For all intents and purposes, I've lost nicholas, as well. I'll be damned if I allow the same thing to happen with christian.

Sharon: You're making a move to san diego sound like you'll never look any of us in the eye ever again.

Victor: You're moving 2,000 miles away, for heaven's sake. That means a loss to me. I can't just go and see christian or my family. You're gone. All I have left is the next generation. And I'll be damned if I stand by and watch them being taken away from me, as well.

Hilary: Before you get into all of the reasons why this is a bad idea, I agree.

Devon: You do?

Hilary: Shauna running away from her aunt's place, it was a mistake. It's just -- it's just more complicated than that.

Devon: Because her brother's in rehab?

Hilary: Her parents, they were almost relieved when shauna stayed behind after they moved because they didn't want to have to worry about her, too. The harsh truth is, she doesn't belong with them, okay? At least not now.

Devon: Maybe her aunt isn't as bad as you think she is.

Hilary: It's bad, devon.

Devon: And having her move in here is the only thing you can do?

[ Scoffs ]

Hilary: This is -- this is the best place for her.

Devon: Well, is this what you really want? I mean, you just got here. You're still settling. You and I are still finding our way.

Hilary: I can't tell you how much I was looking forward to being here with you. Alone. But shauna -- there's not a lot of options, and trust me, I wish that there were.

Devon: I wish you would have discussed it with me.

Hilary: Okay, you're right. You're right. And I would have, but you were gone, and just telling you over the phone, it seemed wrong. It's always better for us to work things out face to face. Isn't it?

Devon: I know you're trying to do the right thing.

Hilary: I am.

Devon: I'm just not convinced that this is the right thing for us.

Kyle: You two rode in together? I hope, for your sake, she wasn't driving.

Summer: How are you, kyle?

Kyle: I'm excellent. Heard you made bail. Are you even allowed behind a wheel until your case is settled?

Summer: No, normally i wouldn't be, but the judge said he'd make an exception if i happened to see you in a crosswalk, so...

Billy: What's going on here? What's up with the hostility?

Summer: Oh, no, not hostility. Just no patience for jealous exes.

Phyllis: Summer? I didn't realize you were gonna be here today.

Billy: She's actually here to see you, right?

Summer: Yeah, can we talk?

Phyllis: Sure.

Billy: You can use my office.

Phyllis: Okay.

Kyle: The guy whose car she stole was married.

Billy: Jealous?

Kyle: Curious. And amused. She's back in town, what, five minutes before she lands in jail?

Billy: Well, maybe you two should get back together. You can help her see the error of her ways.

Kyle: Life's too short.

Phyllis: So, what exactly got you out of bed today?

Summer: I am on a mission.

Phyllis: Okay.

Summer: Well, it was billy's idea, and he thinks that you and I need to get back in sync, and lucky for you, I know just how we can make that happen.

Shauna: Where's devon?

Hilary: Uh, he -- he went to the office.

Shauna: You don't sound like that's a good thing. He doesn't want me here.

Hilary: Only because I sprang it on him without any warning, okay? He will come around. Don't worry.

Shauna: You're just trying to make me feel better.

Hilary: You don't know devon, okay? He is the kindest, most generous man.

Shauna: Right now, he's probably thinking that I should head back to my aunt's and try to make things work.

Hilary: No. No. All he said was that he needed to think. Okay? Let's see what happens when he does.

Shauna: I should just go to a shelter.

Hilary: No. No! I promised that I would look out for you. Okay? I want you here. I would be scared to death if you were just out there on your own.

Shauna: You know, I never saw myself having a life that was good. Or happy. Until I met you. You make me feel like I'm capable of becoming something. Of achieving something. You know, when I look at you, I think, if she made it, maybe i can, too.

[ Laughs ] It's kind of hard to put into words, but... I really need that in my life right now. I need you, hilary.

Hilary: No matter what devon decides, I'm gonna give you a home.

Neil: Yeah, man, I knew a lot of this going in, since I was there when lily busted charlie and shauna.

Devon: And none of my family thought to tell me that hilary was turning my place into a youth hostel?

Neil: Put aside how surprised you were for the moment. You have a problem helping this girl out?

Devon: Not at all, neil. This is about more than just offering a bed to someone that needs a place to sleep. This is a kid, and she's a good kid, but she comes pre-packaged with a lot of needs.

Neil: Temporarily.

Devon: Whether it's two months or two weeks, shauna being in my home is gonna require a commitment from me, and this is gonna sound selfish...

Neil: Go ahead. What? Get it said.

Devon: Well, I'm not ready for my life to change that drastically right now.

Neil: [ Laughs ] Your life, my friend, is gonna change drastically in the next 8 or 9 months.

Devon: I understand that. I'll be a father, then, but i will have had time to prepare for that and warm up to it, whereas this shauna situation just fell in my lap overnight, and she's a teenager, no less.

Neil: Okay. I get it. It is asking a lot.

Devon: It's asking a whole lot, neil, and between work and a baby on the way, I think that it's too much.

Neil: Mnh-mnh. Look at me. No. No, you're barking up on the wrong tree. I'm the wrong guy to complain to.

Devon: What happened to "get it said?"

Neil: Well, I was just waiting to hear your excuses before I set you straight, man. I cannot believe that I have to point this out to you. Who stepped up for you when you were a teenager and you were in need, huh?

Devon: You and dru stepped up, but --

Neil: You're damn right we did, and you think that was easy? No, it wasn't easy. You caught a lucky break, man. You know it and I know it. You had a loving family that set you in the right direction.

Devon: Absolutely, and I'm not ungrateful for that.

Neil: Okay, so what's keeping you from, you know, paying it forward?

Devon: What's keeping me, it's a timing issue, neil. I would like to do it after we have the baby, when I have a chance to --

Neil: Stop! Stop! This "inconvenient" excuse that you got, mnh-mnh, it's not gonna fly with me. Neither is this "I'm not ready" routine. A whole village raised you to be a good man, and today, that's all that teenager needs you to be.

Nikki: Arturo, please, wait. I didn't get to tell you my side. It wasn't jealousy.

Arturo: I didn't think it was that.

Nikki: Or spite.

Arturo: Or that, either.

Nikki: Well, then why are you so upset? When I saw you with abby, on more than one occasion, i decided that before things got more serious, she deserved to know the whole story.

Arturo: Only you left out some important details. Like how the time I spent with you was special to me. I mean, you're an intelligent woman, you're compassionate, sexy... I mean, maybe most of all, honest, so...

Nikki: Well, nothing I said to abby was untrue.

Arturo: It's the way that you did it. And if you really felt abby deserved the whole truth, you could have easily come to me first and said that.

Nikki: Well, I am so sorry if you felt blindsided, but you could have avoided this whole thing if you had been honest with abby in the very beginning. That works both ways, you know. I mean, what's wrong with a little transparency?

Arturo: That is an interesting comment, I mean, coming from a woman who suggested we keep our affair quiet, despite your "open" relationship.

Nikki: All right, well, you have your point of view and i have mine, but I don't want there to be any animosity between us when we're working together.

Arturo: There won't be a problem for me there.

Nikki: And as far as the personal aspect, we have differing points of view, as well.

Arturo: That we do. Another difference is you got what you wanted. As for me, the damage is done.

[ Scoffs ]

Billy: This is good. This is good. Summer and her mom needed to talk. They need to do this. I mean, the atmosphere around the apartment's been...fragile.

Summer: I'll handle it by myself, then.

Phyllis: Do not give me a tantrum. You asked, I said no.

Summer: No, "no" I can handle, but you act like I asked you for the moon, or something.

Phyllis: Well, you didn't get arrested for driving around on the moon, so...

Summer: [ Scoffs ] I am sorry that I lost my temper. Just like I can ask, you can refuse. That's up to you, okay? But if there's anything that this last year has taught me, it's that when you want something, you have to go get it for yourself.

Phyllis: [ Scoffs ]

Billy: What was that? She came here to play nice. What happened?

Phyllis: She came here asking for a new fancy sports car to replace the one she got busted in. And she'd like me to write the check.

Kyle: Some things never change.

Billy: Well, at least she didn't seem mad when she left.

Phyllis: Mm. Hope that lasts.

"The young and the restless" will continue.

Abby: Um, excuse me. Do you mind?

Arturo: Oh, I'm sorry, i didn't realize I was in your way. I was actually waiting for your drink to be empty so that i could avoid getting another dousing.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Arturo: Are you still really pissed? I mean, you have every right to be, and I totally deserved that cocktail shower. I won't argue that. But you got to know, I was never after your money. I mean, that's just not me.

Abby: Really? Well, I have plenty of reasons to back off from where this might have been headed, okay?

Arturo: What, like me dancing with that girl who turned out to be in your family?

Abby: She's my niece.

Arturo: How was I supposed to know that?

Abby: Well, why were you dancing with anyone after you told me --

[ Laughs ] You know what, just forget it.

Arturo: [ Sighs ] As for nikki, I, um...

Abby: Why are you still talking?

Arturo: I just want to let you know that I take 100% full responsibility for that one. That's -- that's on me.

Abby: You do?

Arturo: Yeah, when I found out that you two were related, I should have come clean, and I didn't, and you found out in the worst way possible.

Abby: Why didn't you just tell me?

Arturo: Because I didn't want to jeopardize what was starting up with us.

Abby: You didn't want to jeopardize things with a little honesty?

Arturo: I figured that it'd be easier to drop this particular bomb once things were more solid between us. Obviously I figured wrong, but wrong enough to erase all the good? Like, haven't we been clicking? Wasn't miami a blast? Hey, I just want another shot.

Abby: I'm sorry... ...but no.

Victor: You must be a little careful hugging me because i still have some pain, you know, from the tumble down the stairs.

Summer: Oh, yes! I feel so bad that I wasn't here when you were recovering from that.

Victor: [ Sighs ] But all of your video chats and e-mails made me very happy.

Summer: Well, I'm really happy to see you back on your feet again. I mean, honestly, I don't even know why we were worried. Nothing keeps victor newman down.

Victor: You got that right. There's still some people around here who need to learn that lesson, you know? How long are you going to be here now?

Summer: So long that you might get sick of me.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] What brought this on?

Summer: I missed genoa city. And, you know, me sticking around means the added bonus of hanging out with you.

Victor: I'd love that. You know, I'd love that. Some of my children and grandchildren don't quite share my enthusiasm for family, you know.

Summer: I do.

Victor: Now...

Summer: You heard.

Victor: Yes. Tell me all about it.

Summer: Yeah, it's just a very long and boring story that just makes me look bad, so I'd rather skip it. But it will all be resolved soon, and I promise not to embarrass the family any further.

Victor: Is your mom supportive?

Summer: She'S...getting used to having me around again.

Victor: She's hardly one to cast stones.

Summer: Yeah, well, mom is just doing what she thinks is right, you know? Even if it forces me to spend a lot of money and time on ride shares.

Victor: What does that mean?

Summer: Well, I asked mom to help me get a car again, but part of her punishment was saying no.

Victor: That isn't fair.

Sharon: Wasn't even sure you'd show.

Nikki: Well, as much as i don't like it, we do seem to be joined at the hip lately. Is this about...?

Sharon: This has nothing to do with J.T.

Nikki: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: I spoke to victor, and he wouldn't budge. No matter what I said or what argument I brought up, he refuses to set aside this senseless battle! And you know how it'll all turn out. It'll be all this bluster and delay and ill will. Nick is that little boy's father. Period!

Nikki: Much ado to accomplish nothing.

Sharon: So you agree with me.

Nikki: Sharon, I don't want my son or my grandson or my husband to be dragged through this. Did you really think you could change victor's mind?

Sharon: Well, I had to try. Well, now it's your turn, and you better not fail.

Shauna: You're going out?

Hilary: Uh, I'm gonna go and find devon. You know, he said that he needed time to think, and I get that, but he's been gone for a while, so...

Shauna: And that's not a good sign.

Hilary: I'm gonna find him, and we are gonna talk some more. Okay? Smile.

Devon: Hey.

Hilary: Oh. Hey.

Neil: Hello.

Devon: Shauna...

Shauna: Yeah?

Devon: This will be your key, and I'll have another made for me.

Hilary: Thank you.

Phyllis: Seriously? You come home from a long day, and some clown's in your parking spot? I'm calling management. I'm having them towed.

Summer: Sorry. I should have texted you. That ride's mine.

Billy: You bought a car?

Summer: Bought? No. When grandpa heard that I didn't have a car of my own, he very thoughtfully let me take my pick from his fleet.

Phyllis: How did he hear about you being rideless?

Summer: Can't talk. I've got plans. Sorry!

Phyllis: Why do I feel like i was just played?

Victoria: Did we have a meeting?

Victor: Since when do I need an appointment to see my daughter? You know, I just spent some time with summer. I'm so happy to have her back.

Victoria: Oh, how nice.

Victor: Something on your mind?

Victoria: You know, dad, i don't know anyone who is as good as compartmentalizing as you are. You want to chat blissfully about spending family time with summer, and then you treat the rest of your family like... never mind.

Victor: Like what?

Victoria: Chess pieces. What are you trying to do, are you trying to punish me by going behind my back and offering the C.O.O. Job to nick? I have been knocking myself out, continually outrunning the pack around here, doing everything that you want me to do, and then some, and this is how you treat me.

Victor: I've always praised your work. You're very good at it. But you've made the egregious mistake of teaming up with jack abbott, of all people, to undermine ashley.

Victoria: Once.

Victor: One of my senior executives.

Victoria: How long are you gonna make me pay for that?

Victor: I love you. But you disappointed me. Are you thinking of quitting now, or what?

Victoria: You know, it's crossed my mind once or twice. But I'll stick it out here.

Victor: What would you have done had nicholas accepted the job offer?

Victoria: I would still be here. Because I have something to prove to myself, and, while I'm at it, to you.

Victor: I like to hear that.

Victoria: Well, you should be careful, dad. You can only push your children away so many times before they stop coming back.

Neil: Okay, let's toast. To shauna.

Devon: To shauna.

Hilary: To shauna!

Neil: Cheers, everybody.

Hilary: Cheers!

Devon: Cheers. [ Chuckles ]

Shauna: This is so cool.

Hilary: Mm, and this sparkling cider is exactly what we needed.

Devon: And now that I have a pregnant woman and a teenager in the house, I'm gonna have to keep it on tap.

[ Laughter ]

Neil: Hey, y'all, I wish i could stay and finish that, but I got to run. I'm glad this whole thing worked out.

Devon: I'll walk you out. Hey, man.

Neil: Yeah.

Devon: Thank you for putting things in perspective for me.

Neil: Come on, man. I'm very proud of you.

Devon: Thanks. Love you.

Neil: Love you, too. Talk to you soon.

Devon: See ya. All right, guys. I have one thing left to talk about, and that's logistics.

Shauna: Well, since I'm the one putting you guys out, I'll take the sofa, and that way, you guys can both keep your rooms with no hassle.

Hilary: No, no. I mean, you sleeping on the sofa, that's gonna get old so fast, okay? What you need is your own bed and your own room, don't you think, devon?

Devon: I do. I absolutely do. That's why I've ordered two smaller beds to replace the one in your room so you guys can share. And that way you both win. Is that all right?

Hilary: Yeah, I feel like a winner already.

[ Laughter ]

Summer: All right, I'm out of here.

Phyllis: Heading where? To do what?

Summer: I have lots of catching up to do now that I'm back in town, and a fun new car to do it in.

Phyllis: Okay, you went behind my back to your grandfather and got from him what I wouldn't give you.

Summer: Yeah, wouldn't you have done the same exact thing?

Phyllis: I've asked you to be reasonable. You haven't listened. I've --

Summer: See you when I see you.

Phyllis: I cannot believe this.

Billy: Don't let her get to you. Look, she would have been just begging to borrow our car all the time, so at least we don't have to deal with that.

Phyllis: Where is all of this positivity coming from? It's like you see the light side in just about anything.

Billy: It's a new skill that I'm honing, and I'm just getting started. You know the upside to summer going out for the rest of the evening?

Phyllis: She can't argue with me when she's not here?

Billy: Our postponed rendezvous can pick up where it left off.

Phyllis: I'm churned up inside because I have just been played by my own daughter.

Billy: Okay. Let me fix that for you. Any better?

Phyllis: Try a little harder.

Arturo: Oh, no, no, no. So now I'm getting two drinks dumped on me?

Abby: [ Chuckles ] This one is mine, and this one, you can dump on my head for turning you down.

Arturo: Well, I would never do that. Thank you.

Abby: Look, this doesn't mean that I'm reconsidering... but you did say all the right things before.

Arturo: Then why did you turn me down?

Abby: Mm. Blame it on history. Mine. I've believed in the wrong guys and I've made some bad decisions, and I'm still getting over those. I guess I just -- I don't have room in my heart to risk lusting and losing again.

Arturo: Will me trying to change your mind get me anywhere?

Abby: Bad timing all around. But, hey, at least we can part on good terms.

Arturo: Well, if you could bring yourself to believe anything I've said up until this point, please, believe me when i say that this was really nice while it lasted.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Abby: Dad. Hi! Um, how long have you been here?

Victor: Mm. Long enough.

Abby: Don't bother to warn me off of arturo. I know exactly what happened with him and nikki, so you don't have to worry.

Victor: So then subject is closed.

Nikki: I have already tried to get victor to see reason regarding this custody suit, but, as it was reinforced for you just today, once the man makes up his mind about something, there is no changing it!

Sharon: That's it? You're giving up?

Nikki: Sharon, as I have learned through decades of living with my husband, if he is determined to go on with this lawsuit --

Sharon: Then your solution is to continue putting up with your husband's behavior, even though it's guaranteed to cause irreparable damage to your son? How can you stand by and watch this travesty?

Nikki: I did not say I would passively stand by. I am simply acknowledging a reality. God knows I hate this as much as you do.

Sharon: Then what are you going to do to stop it? Seriously, tell me one thing.

Nikki: I don't answer to you. This is family business.

Sharon: Oh, are you -- are you telling me to stay in my own lane? Okay, then. You know what, I will tell you what is my business. J.T.

Nikki: [ Gasps ] And what does that mean?

Sharon: It means exactly what you think it means. Stop making excuses for how stubborn victor is and get him to change his mind.

Nikki: Or...?

Sharon: Consequences be damned, if you don't get off your butt and get victor to drop this custody suit, I'll take this as far as I have to.

Nikki: You don't mean...

Sharon: Don't test me. You won't do well in prison.

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Neil: Somewhere in those pages, you just might find your biological father.

Summer: You're turned on, aren't you?

Billy: That's not at all what's happening here.

Summer: It's okay. I think you're hot, too.

Nikki: You might lose more than nicholas. You could lose your entire family, and that includes me.

Michael: So you admit you are intent to use christian --

Nick: I didn't admit to anything! I'm tired of this.

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