Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/7/18

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/7/18


Episode #11420 ~ Sharon makes a painful decision, Lily worries about Charlie's decision making, and Jack questions Dina about her past.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Jack: You're the only parent I have left. I'm not gonna take that for granted. I'm jack.

Dina: Why are you doing this, pretending to be someone you're not? Get out of this house immediately, or I will call the police.

Jack: I know I am still the man that john abbott raised, but something is missing.

Shauna: I don't know how much longer you can keep stashing me in your room before somebody figures it out.

Charlie: Hilary will have a solution.

Shauna: I'm worried that hilary would have the same reaction your mom would.

Nick: My dad can hire a whole dream team of lawyers, I don't care. He is not taking christian away from me.

Sharon: Your lawyer thinks that victor is gonna use my past to try to harm your case.

Sharon: Morning!

Nick: Morning!

Sharon: Where is everyone?

Nick: Mariah took faith to breakfast, and christian is with monique.

Sharon: Mm. Sorry I slept in.

Nick: Well, you had a pretty restless night.

Sharon: I couldn't stop thinking about victor threatening to take christian away from you.

Nick: That is not gonna happen.

Sharon: It could if he's able to use my past to win custody and claim I'm an unfit mother.

Nick: We are gonna prove that's ridiculous.

Sharon: I have a better idea.

Nick: What?

Sharon: Don't let him use that strategy.

Nick: Sharon, I -- I can't stop my dad from playing dirty.

Sharon: I can.

Nick: How?

Sharon: By taking me out of the equation.

Nick: What -- no, you're not suggesting...

Sharon: I have to leave you, nick.

Lily: Charlie, are you still here? Honey, you're gonna be late for work! Charlie! Okay, come on. You have to get up. You're gonna be late.

[ Gasps ] Shauna!

Sharon: This makes sense, nick.

Nick: It makes no sense.

Sharon: Well, if you think about it --

Nick: I don't want to think about it. You're not leaving.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] This may be the only way that you can keep christian.

Nick: I can't ask you to do that.

Sharon: You're not. I'm offering. So will you let me, please? For you and christian?

Nick: You would really do that? If I said the word, you would sacrifice everything and walk away?

Sharon: In a heartbeat.

Nick: You're amazing.

Sharon: I know. So, will you let me?

Nick: No. I'm not letting dad win.

Sharon: You just have to let him think he won, just for now. In the end, I promise you, you'll have everything you want.

Nick: I don't know.

Sharon: This could work, nick. Just remember your ultimate goal. Keeping all of us together.

Jack: I am at the house right now. No, no. It's just a short visit. I miss you, too, traci. I just need a little space right now. Tell you what, next time you're in town, give me a call and we'll get together, all right? I love you, too, sis. Yeah. Bye.

Dina: Darling! Darling! You're back!

Jack: I am. How are you?

Dina: Jackie! So much better now that you're home. Oh! Oh!

Jack: It's good to be back.

Dina: Yes. You know how much I love your sisters, but... this house is just not the same when you're not here. I've missed you, jackie. So much.

[ Giggles ]

Jack: I've missed you, too.

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Dina: Do you remember the picnics we used to have down by the lake?

Jack: Remember? We'd spend all afternoon under that big elm tree down at the water.

Dina: Oh, my, and you loved climbing it, way too high. And you just scared the life out of me.

Jack: I'm sorry, mom.

Dina: Oh, sweetheart, you were just being a boy.

Jack: No, I mean, for the terrible things I said to you the other day. I didn't mean them.

Dina: What are you talking about?

Jack: I said some angry, hateful, hurtful, unpleasant things, and I'm sorry. I hope you'll forgive me.

Dina: Oh, sweetheart, there's so little time that we can be like this, and I don't want to waste a minute dwelling on past mistakes. Let's move on, hmm? Enjoy today.

Jack: Yeah, you're absolutely right.

Dina: Good.

Jack: What do you want to do? Should we go to the garden, take a walk? Should we sit on the patio?

Dina: Ugh! Boring! I am dina mergeron, and I want to do something dangerous and fun.

Jack: Oh? What do you have in mind?

Dina: Well, maybe you could put the top down in your car and we could see how the day goes.

[ Chuckles ] I'll be ready in five minutes!

Jack: Wow.

Mattie: Here are the contracts you asked me to copy. One for you, one for uncle devon, and an extra one, just in case.

Neil: Okay, cool, let me see. Yeah, but -- what are -- what are these?

Mattie: A couple... a few typos and grammatical errors I caught. I just had a really good english teacher, and they drilled that stuff into us.

Neil: Okay, very nice. I appreciate your attention to detail.

Mattie: It's no problem.

Charlie: Nah, don't let her fool you. Those are the kinds of things that keep mattie up at night. "Oh, the horrors of a misplaced semicolon!"

Mattie: At least I know what one is, charlie.

Neil: Do not listen to that guy over there, okay? A good presentation is very important.

Charlie: Well, mattie's not the only baller when it comes to presentation. I've been checking out the hamilton-winters website. I'm thinking about adding a vr element.

Neil: What kind of virtual reality are we talking about here?

Charlie: Okay, like, see the new artist we're pushing?

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: We could provide a link on the website, and you can view his next performance in vr.

Neil: I take it that's better than just watching a video?

Charlie: Yeah, it doesn't even compare. When you're watching in vr, it's like you're there with the artist and the crowd. It's a totally immersive experience.

Neil: Mm-hmm. Okay.

Mattie: Wow, that's pretty cool.

Neil: Yeah, I agree. I'm impressed, man. I am. Hey, I tell you what, why don't you do a mock-up for me? I want to take a look at it, all right?

Charlie: Yeah. I'm on it.

Neil: Okay, and maybe mattie can help.

Charlie: Sure. You never know when you might need a grammar freak.

Neil: [ Chuckles ]

Charlie: Uh, hey, mom. What's going on?

Lily: I had the same question when I found shauna in your bed.

Sharon: This could work, nick. We could beat victor at his own game.

Nick: By splitting up?

Sharon: Just until you get custody of christian.

Nick: [ Scoffs ] Okay, so, what are you gonna do? Move out of your home?

Sharon: Or you and christian could get a room at the athletic club, or whatever. You just have to show victor that I'm no longer in christian's life.

Nick: Well, you should be. You raised that boy for almost a year.

Sharon: Yeah. But I'm not his mom. And I knew that, and I lied about it. Do you know how michael is gonna make that look? Do you know how he's gonna make me look?

Nick: Is that what you're worried about? Michael ripping you apart on the stand?

Sharon: No, I couldn't care less about that. I just want to give you the best chance of proving that christian belongs with you.

Nick: Well, maybe he doesn'T.

Sharon: Of course he does.

Nick: I've been thinking about it, you know, maybe he would be better off with someone else.

Sharon: Why are you saying that?

Nick: It's just -- ever since I found out that adam is christian's father...

Sharon: Okay, wait a minute. No, no, no, you're letting victor get into your head. You are that little boy's father. I know that, you know it. Even adam knew it. And the judge is gonna know that, too, if we don't let victor used me as a distraction. We're only gonna be apart for a little while. Trust me, it'll be worth it.

Nick: But it'll never be the end of it. Let's just say we do this. Then we get back together. Dad's just gonna come after us again.

Sharon: Okay. Let's just take one step at a time, okay? Call michael and tell him that you broke up with me.

Nick: No. No. I'm in this once and for all.

Sharon: Nick!

[ Door closes ]

Dina: What a magnificent day! Oh, the warm sun and the cool breeze. Now, all we need is to find a well-positioned table, and then let's have a drink.

Jack: How about that one right there?

Dina: Ooh! It's perfect.

[ Chuckles ]

Jack: There you go.

Dina: Ahh, thank you.

Jack: And how about a drink? Some iced tea?

Dina: Iced tea?

[ Laughs ] Honey, this is a mint julep kind of day.

Jack: All right. Could I get two mint juleps, please? You know what, make mine straight bourbon.

Dina: [ Giggles ]

Jack: So...

Dina: So...?

Jack: Is this exciting enough for you?

Dina: Oh, yes, indeed, it is. It has such a young vibe.

[ Chuckles ]

Jack: Must be why it's such a hot spot.

Dina: Well, your father always preferred the country club.

Jack: You and he spent a lot of time there.

Dina: Mm-hmm. I remember the first formal we went to, and it was new year's eve. I guess I turned a few heads back then.

Jack: Oh, you're still turning a few heads. I don't know if you saw, people are watching you right now.

Dina: Really?

Jack: Well, yeah, they're looking, wondering who that glamorous woman is behind the dark glasses.

Dina: Oh, well, that is my signature trademark.

Jack: Oh, don't I know -- on the golf course, at the tennis court, at the pool, in the dining room. You always had your shades on.

Dina: [ Chuckles ] Well, you want to know why?

Jack: Uh, to add to the mystery?

Dina: No, that's because i didn't want anyone to know how dull I found country club life.

Jack: Oh, come on, you seemed to thrive in it all.

Dina: Oh, all those silly rules about how to dress and how to act -- well, I showed them.

Jack: Tell me something -- how did dad -- how did john react to your breaking the rules?

Dina: Well, I never really told him anything about it. I felt it was better that way.

Jack: Do you remember, mother, what you said about john abbott not being my real father?

Dina: How could I forget? I feel such terrible guilt about it.

Lily: You know, I have given you so much freedom, which i thought you were mature enough to handle, but obviously you're not.

Charlie: Look, you're making way too big a deal out of this.

Lily: If it's not a big deal, then why hide it?

Charlie: Because I knew you'd freak out and turn it into some major thing!

Lily: Because this is a major thing, charlie!

Neil: Lily, come on. Take a breath.

Lily: If I hadn't gone home to get the files I forgot, you will still be lying and sneaking around!

Shauna: It isn't charlie's fault, mrs. Ashby.

Lily: Yeah, you're right, and I'm gonna call your parents about this, too.

Charlie: Mom, you can't do that!

Mattie: Grandpa's right, let's all just chill.

Lily: Oh, I'm sorry, are you a part of this? Did you help them keep their secret?

Mattie: What?! No, I didn't!

Charlie: Mom, mattie didn't know anything about this.

Lily: Well, I don't know who to believe now.

Mattie: Now I'm getting blamed for this?

Neil: Everybody calm down!

Lily: No, I will not calm down. This is a serious issue!

Charlie: You're being ridiculous.

Lily: I'm being ridiculous?! Don't you dare speak to me that way!

Mattie: Mom!

Cane: Hey! Hey! Hey! What is going on?

Charlie: Oh, my god, you dragged dad out of work for this?

Lily: Yeah, of course I did!

Cane: Of course she would! She found a girl in your bed. Of course she's gonna call me.

Neil: If everybody can just take a breath and relax, we can have a calm, rational conversation about this.

Charlie: Yeah, well, mom's the one flipping out.

Cane: Hey!

Lily: Because your actions have consequences!

Cane: Right, and you need to understand that before you get yourselves in trouble.

Charlie: That's not gonna happen!

Lily: Okay, I hope you used protection, then.

Charlie: Geez! Mom!

Lily: Well, did you?!

Charlie: Nothing happened!

Shauna: It's true, charlie and I, we didn't do anything.

Cane: Okay, but you've been staying in his room?

Shauna: Yes, but he was just trying to help me, I'm sorry.

Neil: Hey. I got a great idea. Talk. Calmly. Oh, and try listening to each other, please.

Nikki: So -- oh! Here, this is my son, nicholas.

Nick: We need to talk.

Nikki: Honey, I'm having a meeting right now.

Nick: Now. Excuse us.

Nikki: Oh, I am -- I'm so sorry. Family emergency. I will call you, and we can follow up on what we were discussing, all right? I'm so sorry. What are you doing? That was a possible six-figure donation that you could have cost us.

Nick: Did you know that dad is planning to use sharon's past to try and get custody of christian?

Nikki: We really haven't discussed the specifics of the case, no.

Nick: It's because you don't' want to hear all the dirty details about how my own father's trying to rip my son away from me.

Nikki: Listen, for the record, I am on your side regarding the custody issue.

Nick: But you don't have a problem with dad telling michael to put sharon on the stand and try and destroy her, to make her out to be an unfit mother who kept a child who wasn't hers?

Nikki: Well, I don't know what to say, nicholas. Those are the facts.

Nick: Mom, she was terrified of losing a child that she loved. She made a mistake, and she regrets it. Is that so hard for you to understand?

Nikki: No. No, it isn'T.

Nick: If someone was trying to hurt one of your children, wouldn't you do whatever was possible to protect them?

Nikki: Look, I feel for sharon, all right? But that doesn't mean I think she's good for you.

Nick: She was willing to walk away from me and christian, willing to give up her family to make sure I wouldn't lose my son.

Nikki: Mm-hmm, and you wouldn't let her.

Nick: Of course I wouldn'T.

Nikki: That was exactly what she was counting on, nicholas.

Nick: Why do you always think the worst of her?

Nikki: I worry about what sharon could cost you, and you need to start thinking that way, too.

Nick: What's that supposed to mean?

Nikki: Oh, my god. Custody battles are hell. They are ugly, they are dirty, and if you have any chance of winning this one, you need to start thinking like a newman.

Jack: How's the mint julep?

Dina: Oh, boy, it tastes just like the ones I used to have with --

Jack: With my father?

Dina: How did you find out about this? My secret.

Jack: You remember? You told abby.

Dina: Did I? Well, I felt so terrible lying to john and you all these years.

Jack: You know what, I'm glad we can finally talk about it. I don't know a lot about your life back then, when you were first married to john.

Dina: Well, I treated you and john and the other children so badly.

Jack: We all got through it. Look at us now. We're all here in genoa city. We've been able to heal some old wounds...

Dina: Well, you deserve to know what happened to john and me back then.

Jack: Only if you want to talk about it.

Dina: John was a wonderful man. He was a great husband and a great father. And I guess the only thing he loved more than his own family was his business. I mean, that's how it felt.

Jack: Is that why you turned to other men?

Dina: I realized john needed much more than what I could give him. I mean, hosting those dinner parties and the charity luncheons, oh, I was so bored. I wanted something exciting, so I...I looked elsewhere.

Jack: And that's when you met my father.

Dina: As I say it now, it all sounds so awful, so tawdry. But it wasn'T.

Jack: I'm not judging you. That was a long time ago. What's done is done.

Dina: Can you ever forgive me?

Jack: Oh, I've already done that. There is something I want to know, though. Who is my real father?

Dina: You know, the past is a funny thing -- sometimes a distant memory, and other times crystal-clear.

Jack: Like it just happened yesterday.

Dina: I can see it now. At the country club. The restaurant where we had lunch and the tennis courts and the pool and the way it shimmered in the sunlight.

Jack: That's where you met my father.

Dina: Oh, he was so handsome. He smiled at me. And when I asked him why, he said because I looked so sad.

Jack: Were you sad?

Dina: Yes. And so lonely. But he saw me. And that was just the beginning.

Jack: Of your relationship.

Dina: Oh, we spent so many afternoons laughing, just talking. And then one day...

Jack: It went further.

Dina: He slipped a piece of paper in my hand, and the stardust inn was written on it.

Jack: And that's where you met him.

Dina: Mm-hmm. Oh, the first time, it was so... magical. And then after that, we couldn't stop seeing each other, and... we met each other regularly. Me and...

Jack: And...? Who was he? Tell me his name. Mother?

Neil: Hey! Jack, good to see you. Hi, dina.

Dina: Do I know you?

Neil: Uh, yeah, I'm one of jack's friend. My name is neil. It's a pleasure. Good to see you out. You look beautiful, by the way. It's a really beautiful day.

Jack: Neil, we were in the middle of something, if you don't mind.

Neil: Oh, yeah. Okay, no problem. No problem.

Jack: Thanks.

Neil: Yeah. Bye!

Dina: Bye. Where were we?

Jack: You were about to tell me who my father is.

Dina: Oh, I was?

Jack: Yes, you were, and it would mean so much to me if you could remember his name.

Dina: I know it would, and i so very much want to tell you, but I -- I just can't remember.

Jack: Maybe you can remember something about how he looked. Was he tall, short? Did he have fair hair? Was he darker?

Dina: I -- I just don't know.

Jack: So maybe you remember what he did for a living.

Dina: I don't know!

Jack: Did he have a family of his own? Was he also married?

Dina: I'm not sure! I don't remember! My memory isn't good anymore!

Jack: Mother, it's okay.

Dina: No, it's not!

Jack: I didn't mean to upset you.

Dina: I wish I had never said anything to abby! I took your father away from you and left you with nothing!

Jack: No, no, no. That's not true, mother.

Dina: We were going to run away together, your father and me, when we found out I was pregnant with you.

Jack: So why didn't you?

Dina: Well, he didn't want me to leave john and break his heart.

Jack: So you stayed.

Dina: Mm-hmm. Your father thought it was the right thing to do, and maybe it was. But, you know, son, I can't help wondering what might have happened. How our life might have been with the three of us. You, me, and... you deserve to know, but i just -- I just can't remember.

Jack: Mother. Mother.

Dina: I can't!

Jack: It's okay.

Dina: No, it's not okay. But, you know, there's one thing I can tell you. You -- you were born out of love.

Cane: Okay, well, uh, we spoke to shauna's parents.

Shauna: How's my brother?

Lily: In rehab, like you said.

Cane: And it looks like they're gonna be in colorado for a while.

Shauna: I'll get my stuff from your house and go back to my aunt'S.

Lily: They had no idea how unhappy you were there.

Shauna: I didn't want to bother them.

Mattie: You shouldn't have to stay with your aunt if things are as bad as you say they are.

Shauna: I'll deal with it.

Cane: Well, we told your parents to focus on handling your brother, and we will deal with things on this end.

Shauna: What do you mean?

Lily: It means we are going to find a solution that works for everyone.

Nick: If "thinking like a newman" means getting whatever i want, no matter who it hurts, then I'm out.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Oh, honey. You have such a good heart. But it's all right to make choices that are good for you.

Nick: Like when you walked away from dad?

Nikki: Like when I came back on my own terms.

Nick: Oh, come on, with dad, it's always his terms. You know that. Look at what he's doing with me, saying "either play ball or I'm taking your son away from you."

Nikki: Look, I already said that I think what your father is doing is wrong.

Nick: This kind of crap is why you left him.

Nikki: No, it's why I stay. I see him, nicholas. I see him in a way that no one else does. And you know his history. But I live it every day. I breathe in the sadness and the profound loss that he has never gotten over. And that drives everything he's done.

Nick: That's why he goes to such insane lengths to protect his family.

Nikki: Well, that's one of the reasons. Another reason that he will never admit is that he is desperately trying to protect himself. The thought of losing another child or grandchild is too much for him to bear.

Nick: You know this is not the way you treat people you supposedly love.

Nikki: This is all he knows.

Nick: Well, I don't want that kind of love for me or for my kids.

Nikki: Nicholas, please try to understand what I'm telling you.

Nick: No, mom. No. If you're not gonna help me, that's fine, but just hear this. If dad goes through with this, if he tries to trash sharon to get my son, he is gonna find out how much of a newman I am.

"The young and the restless" will continue.

Jack: I'd say it's a little early for that, but I'm a step ahead of you.

Nick: What's the occasion?

Jack: I had a day with my mother -- a good one. Thank you.

Nick: Oh, well, then, cheers.

Nick: Cheers. What has you drinking so early?

Nick: Mm. Also a day with my mother. Mine, not so good, though.

Jack: Nikki a little ticked off that you're back to working with the mustache?

Nick: I guess you haven't heard. I'm not going back to work at newman.

Jack: What about the big announcement? "My own flesh and blood carrying on my life's work" speech.

Nick: Yeah, you know, I was all-in, ready to go back to the family business again. But then my dad, uh... you know, he, um... well, nothing's changed.

Jack: [ Chuckles ] I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the irony of it all. I want my mother to be back to what she used to be, and you want nothing more than a new, improved victor.

Nick: Yeah, sorry about dina.

Jack: Yeah. It's pretty tough watching little parts of her slip away. I mean, I had a great day with her today. There were moments where I felt like I was with the mother i always knew. Anyway, that's why I kept pressing for answers. I need answers to questions before all the answers slip away. I need to fill in the blanks.

Nick: Uh, blanks in her life?

Jack: In my life.

Nick: What do you need her to tell you that you don't already know? I mean, you don't have to -- you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

Jack: I'm just a little surprised you haven't heard.

Nick: Heard what?

Jack: Why I'm not at jabot anymore, why I no longer live in the abbott house.

Nick: I just assumed you had, like, a falling out with your family.

Jack: Yeah, something like that.

Nick: Well, again, I mean, you know, if you don't want to talk about it...

Jack: No, you know what, the truth's out there. You might as well hear it from me. I have learned recently that john abbott is not my biological father.

Nick: What? Man, I -- I did not expect to hear that.

Jack: Yeah, I never expected to say it, but that's why I'm asking all these questions.

Nick: Yeah, you want to know who your real dad is. I mean, who wouldn't?

Jack: I feel like I'm chasing a stranger. I don't know who this guy is. I don't know anything about him. All I know is we share the same dna.

Nick: That's a pretty strong connection.

Jack: Yeah, a fact that can't be ignored, but he wasn't there to watch me grow up. He didn't encourage me in my losses and cheer me on in my victories. Never taught me the ropes, how to be a good student, how to be a good tennis player, a good man. Never knew anything about my hopes or dreams. Never was the guy who was there for me, no matter what. Yeah, I want to know who this guy is because, well, he's responsible for my being here, but my real father? I can't call him that. A real father is someone you share life experiences with, someone you have ties to beyond blood. I guess I've always known that. I'm sorry, am I rambling?

Nick: No. No, a lot of what you're saying makes sense.

Shauna: Great. So, two people who I'm pretty sure hate me now are deciding what's gonna happen to me.

Charlie: They don't hate you. Okay? They're just a little mad. At both of us. They're cool.

Mattie: Yeah. Usually. I mean, mom's just really freaked out you two were sharing a room.

Charlie: Yeah, and she got dad going.

Mattie: Yeah, that's never good. Yep.

Shauna: What's going on?

Charlie: Did you guys decide anything?

Cane: Come here.

Charlie: What's up?

Cane: Listen, I want you to be honest with me, okay? Are you and shauna having sex?

Charlie: No. Look, I already told you. We slept in the same room, but she was in the bed and I was on the floor.

Cane: Okay, so all you did was sleep?

Charlie: You really don't believe me?

Cane: Listen, charlie, you had a girl sleep in the room with you, okay? So it's not unreasonable of me to think that something happened. But if you tell me it didn't --

Charlie: It didn't!

Cane: Okay. I believe you.

Mattie: Believe me, I know charlie can screw up sometimes, but he wasn't doing what you think.

Lily: And how do you know that?

Mattie: Because we're twins. And even though he thinks I'm a lame nerd and I think he's a dumb jock, we tell each other everything.

Lily: Even this?

Mattie: Everything, mom. Charlie likes shauna, and he saw that she was in a bad situation and he wanted to help her. You raised us like that.

Lily: I know. I know that you and your brother are good kids.

Mattie: And we are so lucky. We have you and dad and each other. And shauna -- she doesn't have anybody right now. And we can help. So shouldn't we?

Cane: Yeah, mattie, we should.

Lily: Why don't you tell us about your aunt?

Shauna: I don't want to say anything bad about her.

Cane: Then why were you unhappy staying at her house?

Shauna: I just felt like i was in the way. Not welcome.

Lily: Did she say something to you?

Shauna: I heard her asking my parents how long I had to stay with her, saying that I wasn't her responsibility and she had her own life and, well, you know...

Lily: Anything else?

Shauna: I had to sleep on the couch, so no privacy. And there was hardly ever any food in the house.

Charlie: Look, we can't make shauna go back there.

Mattie: You wouldn't want me in a situation like that.

Cane: No, I wouldn'T.

Lily: We just have to come up with a viable alternative, okay?

Hilary: Uh, what -- what's going on?

Lily: Shauna has been staying in charlie's bedroom.

Hilary: And you let her?

Lily: Obviously cane and i had no idea, and clearly, you didn't know about the situation, either.

Cane: Yeah.

Hilary: Shauna, what -- what is this all about?

Shauna: My parents took my brother to rehab and dumped me at my aunt'S.

Charlie: Who sucks as a surrogate parent.

Lily: Charlie, no.

Cane: It's a bad situation, okay?

Hilary: Why didn't you come to me?

Shauna: I tried. You were busy.

Lily: Well, hilary's had a lot on her plate these days.

Shauna: I get it. It's okay.

Lily: You know, when you agree to mentor someone, you should probably be there for them.

Hilary: I have been. Shauna, despite what is going on in my life -- work, the baby, the move -- I don't want you to ever think that I bailed on you. Okay? Nothing can be further from the truth.

Nick: Sharon! You home? Hello?

[ Doorbell rings ] My dad send you?

Michael: [ Scoffs ] Victor doesn't know I'm here.

Nick: Consorting with the enemy -- I don't think your client would appreciate that.

Michael: I'm sure you're right. May I come in?

Nick: Yeah. You here to try and convince me not to fight for my son?

Michael: I am confident we can put an end to this whole thing if you'd be willing to compromise.

Nick: If by compromise you mean letting my father have some influence over my son, that is not gonna happen.

Michael: He is the boy's grandfather.

Nick: And I'm his dad.

Michael: Results of the dna test you ran say otherwise.

Nick: That changes nothing.

Michael: You know I can prove that adam was christian's biological father.

Nick: I was married to sage when christian was born. It's my name on the birth certificate. We both know legally that makes him my son.

Michael: Yeah, well, that may not be enough to persuade a judge to grant you custody.

Nick: You know what, you're right. Dna, papers, contracts. None of that makes a father. It's the love between a parent and a son. It's the bond they share. It's the promise of the best future that kid can have, and christian has that with me. I am the best person to raise that boy.

Michael: Victor hired me to win custody of his grandson by any means necessary.

Nick: You talking about dragging sharon through the mud?

Michael: It's my job, nick. I'm good at it. But you can spare sharon the humiliation of publicly testifying in open court.

Nick: How?

Michael: By agreeing to arbitration. Private hearing presided over by a retired judge.

Nick: Is it one hand-picked by my dad?

Michael: No, somebody you both agree on, and the ruling will be fair. And binding. Think about it.

Charlie: Well?

Cane: Well, your mother and i agree that shauna should stay at our place.

Charlie: Sweet.

Lily: In mattie's room.

Charlie: Yeah. Sure.

Mattie: That's cool with me.

Shauna: Thanks. To all of you.

Lily: And this is only until we find a permanent living situation for you.

Shauna: Yeah, of course.

Lily: And no sneaking in and out of bedrooms.

Cane: Okay?

Charlie: Mom!

Lily: Charlie, I mean it.

Shauna: No problem, mrs. Ashby, I promise.

Mattie: Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on 'em.

[ Laughter ]

Hilary: Are you serious? So you're really just gonna take their word for it?

Lily: Uh, given that you have zero parenting experience, do you have a better idea?

Hilary: Yeah, I do. Shauna is gonna move in with devon and me.

Dina: You know, I -- I didn't expect you back again today.

Jack: Well, I wanted to check on you.

Dina: You did?

Jack: Make sure I didn't upset you too much with those questions.

Dina: Oh, no, you certainly didn'T. I just enjoyed every minute of our time together.

Jack: You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.

Dina: Well...

Jack: We had such a great day, I was worried that I'd spoiled it.

Dina: Oh, no, you didn't, darling. It was perfect. And I will treasure it as long as I can.

Jack: So will I.

Dina: Promise me something, hmm? Promise me when I can't remember anymore that you will remember for the both of us.

Jack: Yeah, I promise.

Dina: Good. Now, I'm really quite exhausted, and I'm gonna go lie down.

Jack: Yeah, okay. I'll show myself out.

Dina: Jackie... I'm so sorry I couldn't remember your father's name.

Jack: It's okay.

Dina: Well, I'll keep trying to remember because you deserve to know. And I hope and pray someday you do.

Sharon: Was that who you raced out of here to see?

Nick: No, michael came here. I went to see my mom to try and convince her to get dad to drop this custody suit.

Sharon: And let me guess. She refused.

Nick: She doesn't agree with what dad's doing, but...

Sharon: She's not gonna help you as long as I'm in the picture!

Nick: She's an unreasonable as he is.

Sharon: You need her on your side, nick!

Nick: You are the only one i need on my side.

Sharon: I don't want to be the reason why you lose your son!

Nick: You're not going to be, okay? I already talked to brittany. She agrees, arbitration is our best play. We already have a date set for next week.

Sharon: That's so soon.

Nick: Yeah. I'm ready.

Sharon: Victor's gonna be ready, too. Ready to use me to go after christian.

Nick: He can come at me with whatever he's got. I'm not giving up either one of you.

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