Y&R Transcript Friday 6/1/18
Episode #11416 ~ Billy takes charge, Nikki confronts Abby about Arturo, and Kyle makes waves.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Billy: Welcome to the new era of jabot.
Jack: We need to make sure it's the shortest era in jabot history.
Kyle: For me, this is where the opportunities lie. I'm not quitting.
Jack: It's just me. I got it.
Arturo: We're not together anymore. Nikki, you ended things with me. Moving on was never gonna be a problem for either of us, right?
Nick: I cannot believe I was this close to coming back and working with you. You haven't changed, and you never will!
Sharon: What has victor done now?
Ashley: I have to say, this C.E.O. Transition went a lot smoother than I think anybody anticipated.
Billy: I guess it's true what they say -- you never forget how to ride a bike.
Ashley: Any reason why you sidelined my business plan in favor of your own?
Billy: Look, ashley, i appreciate you wanting to help, I do, it's just, you know, i have ideas of my own, and...
Ashley: And you're the C.E.O. And you know what you're doing. On that note, I spoke to an advertising contact who said you pulled the media buy promoting jabot sunscreen.
Billy: Birthday suit. Yeah. Launch is still going as planned.
Ashley: Why would you pull out of national advertising? Now you have to pay penalty fees, billy.
Billy: We're just changing our marketing ideas, that's all.
Ashley: I think you can give me a sneak peek considering I am the one that developed the product.
Billy: And now you work for the competition. Come on, I can't risk our big summer launch, okay? No disrespect.
[ Telephone rings ] One second. Yo!
Kyle: It's kyle. I need to see you, like now.
Billy: I'm in the middle of a conference.
Kyle: I'm all for freshness and being noisy and all, but this new marketing strategy of yours, it's so not cool!
Billy: Trust me. I'll talk to you in a sec. Bye.
[ Sighs ] Where were we? Well, you wanted a sneak peek.
Sharon: Oh, hey! I'm glad you're here.
Mariah: Hey! I was actually just heading out.
Sharon: Oh. Can it wait?
Mariah: I need to be at the athletic club for a live taping of "the hilary hour," I cannot find my damn car keys! Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What would I do without you?
Sharon: That's funny you should ask. I might be leaving town.
Mariah: Oh! Uh, that's great! You deserve a vacation. Give me all the details when i get back 'cause I got to run.
Sharon: Nick got a job offer in san diego and he wants to move there. With faith, christian, and me.
Jack: For you.
Phyllis: Thank you. It's been too long.
Jack: I will treat you to a skim latte anytime.
Phyllis: So... how are things with you, you know, since you left jabot, moved out of the family manor?
Jack: Just sorry I waited so long.
Phyllis: Ah. I see.
Jack: Look, I treasure my years at jabot. I always will. But it was time for a new challenge. Starting a new company from scratch.
Phyllis: What is you're building?
Jack: Well, I'm looking for that perfect deal, but investors are biting.
Phyllis: Really? Like who? Kelman thomas? Fredrickson & associates? Hamilton-winters? Jack, come on! It's me. Tell me the truth. Start-ups are where it's at right now, and I love the process. The research, the pitch meetings, juggling offers...
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: I've had nothing but "no's" so far. And rejection's all part of it. But, eh, one rejection in particular really stung.
Nikki: Hey, abby. You got a minute?
Abby: Hi. Yes. Of course. What's up?
Nikki: I saw you up on the roof deck earlier with arturo.
Abby: And, what, you think me kissing a single guy I happen to like in a semi-public place, what, you think that cheapens the newman name?
Nikki: Not at all. It's just that, until rather recently, arturo and I were sleeping together.
Additional sponsorship provided by...
Sharon: It's a non-profit in san diego. They fight homelessness and help stabilize disadvantaged families. It's the same thing that nick's been doing here, only much bigger.
Mariah: So, why would he move across the country to do the same thing that he does here? Is he that tired of the winter weather?
Sharon: Uh, no, it's not the ice and snow that nick wants to get away from. It's victor.
Mariah: Wait. I thought that they had fixed things, and he just got that new job at newman enterprises. It seemed like at the memorial day party that it was a done deal. How did it go to hell so fast?
Sharon: Nick found out that victor's generous offer was less of an olive branch and more of a way to stick it to victoria, to pit him against his sister. And this was a big wake-up call for nick. He is sick of all the games. He wants a life without them.
Mariah: And he wants you to go with him. Which is cool, for you, for both of you.
Sharon: Well, to be more accurate, he wants me to want to go with him.
Mariah: So, a few weeks ago, when you guys decided to get back together, I was under the impression that you guys were gonna take your time and make sure you do this right. And unless I'm missing something, it seems like that idea was totally tossed out. I mean, not the "doing it right" part, but the taking your time.
Sharon: Yeah, I know this seems the opposite of careful and slow. It's only been a short period of time, and moving to california together is a huge commitment.
Mariah: But if committing to each other is the ultimate goal, then... this could be a big win. Why wait in the long, torturous line when you can just... board the main attraction? I mean, who wouldn't say yes to that? Have you? Have you said yes?
Sharon: No! No. I-I don't want to rush into this, not without weighing the positive and negative.
Mariah: So, uh, what are your positives? Well, if nick and I do set out on this adventure, we would be in this equally, and it would be comforting and thrilling to know that we both have the same vision of our future together. And then we would go out there and create that life for ourselves, day after day.
Mariah: And I wouldn't be in any of those days. And you wouldn't be in mine. So I'm just gonna put that in the negative column.
Sharon: Well, that is the negative column. You have made a life here for yourself and a name on the "the hilary hour." I mean, I completely understand if you're not ready to walk away from that, but I want you to know anyway, if nick and I do decide to do this, you are welcome to come along. The day that we leave or any point after that.
Mariah: You don't have to say that. I wouldn't expect --
Sharon: No, I am dead serious. Mariah, you're my daughter, and no matter where I am, you will always have a home with me, with your mom.
Mariah: If only you knew how much I wished as a kid I would hear somebody say that to me. I don't know what else to say except "thank you." And I should probably get up right now and go to work, but because I love you and I care about you so much, I need to be honest with you.
Sharon: Sure. Please, go ahead.
Mariah: I would never, ever stand in the way of you squeezing as much joy as you possibly can out of this messed-up world, and I wish that I could just send you on your way without thinking something is wrong. But something is. You're not telling me the whole story.
Sharon: I don't know what you mean. A fresh start for me and nick. That's all this is about.
Mariah: Yeah, but you guys have spent the last two years busting your butts to achieve just that. You both gave yourselves a fresh start a long time ago, and you made great lives here. You pursued a degree in something that you're passionate about. You spend hours and hours volunteering to help people in crisis. You run a business. And you're telling me you and nick are just gonna abandon all of that? You're gonna uproot two kids and move 2,000 miles away? Because victor is the man that he has always been? No, I'm sorry, it doesn't make any sense. So whatever you're leaving out, you can just tell me later. I love you.
Jack: I went into that meeting with neil and devon with no expectations of special treatment or favors or anything.
Phyllis: You must have expected something or why bother? What was it?
Jack: I thought I'd get some credit for all I knew about the cosmetics industry, all the time I put in, the product I'd sold, but now these days, that doesn't count for much unless you have a slew of shiny patents or a celebrity spokesmodel to go with them.
Phyllis: Hilary is my best friend. We talk. A lot. So I know a bit about hamilton-winters. They do not have bottomless reserves. Devon just sank a chunk into his music label and streaming service, plus, they just bankrolled lily's new modeling agency, and they are funding the new hope foundation with nikki.
Jack: And you're telling me this why?
Phyllis: Because a new cosmetics company with no existing or upcoming products, that is a gigantic investment and risk, even if jack abbott is at the helm.
Jack: You don't need to soothe my ego. Neil and devon just made a giant short-sighted mistake, and I'm looking forward to the day they admit it.
Phyllis: You see that? You do not need john abbott's dna. He gave you something much more valuable. He taught you drive and determination, and it's gonna be a matter of time before you cook up something incredible.
Jack: I'll mark your words.
Phyllis: Well, you're not gonna have to because when things start taking off, I'm gonna make you eat them.
Jack: So, how are things in your world?
Phyllis: Fine.
Jack: Everything all right at work?
Phyllis: Fabulous.
Jack: I guess billy hasn't made any colossal blunders, or I would have heard about it by now.
Phyllis: Actually, he's killing it, and you don't have to take my word for it. He is spearheading a new national product launch today.
Ashley: Is there some reason why our nephew and senior jabot executive is all painted up like a mardi gras float?
Billy: I think it's more entertaining for you and the board and the world to watch it play out in real time. Starting with a live broadcast on gc buzz this afternoon with special guest C.E.O. Billy abbott.
Ashley: Well, I, for one, will be riveted to the tv. Good luck.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Let me get a look at you. Yeah! Love the hashtags. You look good.
Kyle: You forgot the one on my back that says #kickme.
Billy: Come on, no complaining. At least you're not wearing a tie.
Kyle: Since this was your brainstorm, you should be willing to strip down and let marketing shoot you as a prototype.
Billy: Kyle, this is an amazing opportunity for you. I mean, think about it -- this is golden. It's direct marketing to our young female demographic. And you're in the field, up close and personal, interacting directly with our customers and potential customers.
Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You expect me to go out in public like this?
Billy: Of course not. Don't be silly. Take your jeans off.
Abby: You. A-and arturo?
[ Scoffs ] This is a joke, right? 'Cause if it is, I got to tell you, nikki, it's really not one of your best.
Nikki: Abby, does this really seem like something I would joke about? I'm not trying to be spiteful or undermine you. I just felt that it was wrong to withhold the facts if arturo hadn't gotten around to mentioning that.
Abby: No, he definitely hasn't said anything.
Nikki: Yeah, when I saw him kissing you, I knew I had waited too long.
Abby: Okay, this -- this whatever it is with arturo -- is it over, on a break, by appointment?
Nikki: Finished. Done.
Abby: Since when, today?
Nikki: About four weeks ago. In fact, I could probably tell you the exact date.
Abby: No, no, no, no. That's okay. I-I don't need any exact details. Nikki, you are married to my father. Don't you feel incredibly uncomfortable sharing this secret with me? Because I know I feel very uncomfortable. Victor has known about this all along. We had an arrangement. But if it makes you feel any better, he was seeing someone, too.
Abby: Oh, my god. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. It just got worse. I'm sorry, nikki, but no one wants to hear that their dad and his wife are swingers.
Nikki: [ Laughing ] Oh, my god, swingers? No. No. Far from that. And when your father came home from the hospital, we mutually agreed to close this open marriage.
Abby: So this...thing with arturo, it wasn't serious?
Nikki: No, it never was. It's just two consenting adults having a little fun. But then when your father was seriously injured, I ended it. My decision.
Abby: And arturo was fine with that?
Nikki: We both were. It was uncomplicated. But then he started to develop an interest for you, and that's what bothered me. I specifically asked him not to pursue that -- far too close to home.
Abby: Wow. [ Scoffs ] This -- this is a lot to process. I feel like my mind is gonna explode. You. You and arturo and...
[ Laughs ] ...And me.
[ Sighs ]
Nikki: Well, you know what, maybe he just has a thing for rebellious blondes.
Abby: Ah, with exhibitionist pasts.
Nikki: Listen, it's better than a passion for the other two things I have in common with you -- our last name and our bank accounts. Sweetheart, please be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt. That's the only reason I'm telling you this. Take care. Oh, hey, mariah!
Mariah: Hi. Can I talk to you for a second?
Nikki: Yeah, sure!
Mariah: What do you know about sharon's possible relocation plans?
Nikki: Relocation? What do you mean? Move from her house? Do she and nicholas want to be closer to town?
Mariah: Yeah, kind of, but the town is san diego.
Nikki: What?
Mariah: Nick got some job offer in california, and sharon says that that's all there is to it, but I don't really believe her. Except I couldn't stay and grill her and demand answers because I have to tape this live sunscreen spectacular for jabot literally right now. You know what, just please forget I said anything. Please.
Nikki: No, no, no, no. Mariah, wait a minute. You have to tell me!
Mariah: I can'T. I'm sorry. Bye.
Billy: Excellent. And how do you like your new summer home?
Hilary: I am loving it. It already feels like a brand-new show. Oh, and we have a new title. "Gc buzz: Summer in the city."
Billy: Well, for the next couple months, you'll actually be above the city.
Hilary: And over the moon that you will be the guest who will be helping me launch this new format.
Billy: Well, the pleasure is all mine. I'll see you soon.
Phyllis: Hilary?
Billy: Sounding totally amped about her new live show, that we'll both be there, and about life in general, I think.
Phyllis: Well, it must be her new pregnancy buzz, which is really her body convincing her she can live without caffeine for nine months.
Billy: Well, the hormones are definitely kicking in. What has it been, a couple weeks since she announced live on the show that she was pregnant?
Phyllis: Yeah, it seems that way, but you have been so busy being head honcho, like today, the day you make sure birthday suit is the only sunscreen everybody's talking about.
Billy: Well, we'll see about that. The nationwide marketing blitz kicks off in three minutes.
Phyllis: Tomorrow, your family, your employees, the entire industry are going to know that today is the day billy abbott truly began to run jabot. I am so proud of you.
Billy: So proud that you'll drive us to the athletic club? I can finish up here, you can grab the car?
Phyllis: Are we in that much of a rush?
Billy: I don't want to show up last-minute. Hilary will be a wreck.
Phyllis: Okay. We can get out of here once i change.
Billy: What are you talking about? You look smokin'. Just wear this.
Phyllis: Oh, let me show this option. You tell me.
Billy: All right, all right. I mean, if we're too early, you know, we'll just be in the way.
Jack: I-I'll pass. I helped create this product. They sent me enough to keep a nudist colony sunburn-free until labor day. What the hell is going on here?
Kyle: Part of jabot's social media campaign for birthday suit. We're posting photos with current and potential customers and handing out samples.
Jack: And your role in this? Or do I not want to know?
Kyle: Supervising street team coordinator.
Jack: Wow, it's a good thing you stayed on at jabot. You know, you keep working at this level, billy may let you pop out of gloria's next birthday cake.
Billy: Okay, here we go.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Billy: Perfect. There's hilary and mariah, and they don't look too freaked out. Just in time.
Phyllis: And do you want to go over your talking points?
Billy: No, I think I'm good. Birthday suit's vibe is hip-casual, so...?
[ Cellphone rings ] It's kyle. I'm gonna take this. He wants to check in. Hey.
Hilary: It's not jabot's birthday suit. It's birthday suit by jabot. Can you please get it right?
Mariah: I know. I will. It's just been a weird day, okay?
Hilary: Okay. We will -- we'll talk later. Hey, you!
Phyllis: Hi!
Hilary: Welcome to the "summer sizzle."
Phyllis: Oh, good.
Hilary: This is fun, isn't it?
Phyllis: Completely. Did you speak to devon?
Hilary: Yes. And he didn't really get it at first. He thought I was giving him bad news.
Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Then what?
Hilary: And then he responded better than you and I could have hoped.
Ashley: So your S.O.S. Text was about arturo? I thought you guys had a great time in south beach.
Abby: Oh, yeah, we did. And then arturo met me on the roof deck earlier today, and... he kissed me.
Ashley: Oh, what's the problem with that?
Abby: Nikki saw us.
Ashley: Honey, is there a point to this story?
Abby: Well, then she cornered me and proceeded to tell me that she and arturo had just ended a fling of their own only a few weeks ago.
Ashley: What? You mean arturo, as in the one that -- your arturo? That one?
Abby: Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Ashley: And nikki?
Abby: That was my exact reaction. Mom, why can't I have one simple uncomplicated relationship?
Ashley: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did nikki say that she was actually cheating on victor?
Abby: No, it's much, much worse than that. She said that she and dad had opened up their marriage. Yeah, and he had been seeing someone else, too, and she was fine with it. But now apparently their arrangement is over. I don't know. I think I'm gonna have to have therapy for the rest of my life because of this trauma.
Ashley: I don't blame you, but, um, you know what happened when I first joined newman? Nikki was trying to persuade me to rekindle my relationship with your father, and I thought the whole thing was very strange, but now...it makes more sense.
Abby: What do I do about arturo?
Ashley: Well, you answered that yourself, honey. Why would you want to go into this relationship when it's already got so many complications?
Abby: Yeah, and it hasn't even started yet.
Ashley: Exactly.
Abby: We were just becoming good friends, and then -- and then he kissed me, and then...
[ Scoffs ] And then this.
Ashley: Well, maybe it's better this way. It's easier to walk away, right?
Abby: [ Sighs ] What? [ Laughs ] Wow. Hmm. I'm good, thank you.
Ashley: I -- okay. Thank you.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Ashley: Hello there. So, this was billy's, um, big idea for a marketing campaign, huh?
Kyle: The street team and i have been posting on social media at all our stops, and the results are snowballing. Over 100k already. And we have tons of other teams in key markets nationwide, and the buzz is paying off big-time. We're going viral.
Abby: Mm, well, are these other teams invading upscale establishments? Because I am stunned that club management hasn't thrown you all out on your barely covered butts.
Kyle: Except devon hamilton owns this place, as well as the
gc buzz, which is sponsored by jabot, and where billy's appearing live later today to promote birthday suit.
Abby: Mm.
Kyle: It's a weird synergy, yeah?
Ashley: Very weird synergy. So, billy canceled a huge magazine ad buy that would have reached millions to roll the dice on people liking some posts?
Abby: You know, I got to say, it does feel young and exciting.
Kyle: I know, right? And, fyi, the jabot board member, formerly known as "the naked heiress"...
Abby: Mm.
Kyle: ...Is more than welcome to join our promotion.
Abby: You know what, I think I'm gonna pass. Besides the conflict of interest with brash & sassy, the heiress has been exposed enough for one day.
[ Chuckles ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jack: Hey.
Ashley: Oh, so you're not moving back in.
Jack: I'm merely picking up a few things I left behind, though, I am kind of curious if you've seen the latest stunt pulled by the new C.E.O. Of jabot.
Ashley: Oh, I've seen it. I've seen it, yeah, in the flesh, so to speak.
Jack: Oh, boy. Phyllis says billy has a whole slate of promotions for birthday suit.
Ashley: Mm-hmm, including a guest spot on gc buzz live today.
Jack: Well, I guess that's slightly more dignified than an army of graffiti-tagged swimsuit models invading social media. Or am I getting something wrong? Am I missing something?
Ashley: I think you're missing jabot more than you want to let on. In spite of the fact that you don't have the top position anymore.
Jack: Seems to me that happened to you.
Ashley: You know that my situation was different, and i think you know why.
Jack: Fair enough. I don't want to start a fight. I'll get my things and I'll get out of here.
Ashley: Oh, no, please stay.
Gc buzz is about to be on. Don't you want to watch it with me? We can see how much our brother can embarrass the company in one day.
Jack: Fine. You talked me into it.
Ashley: Good. You, um, want to share my popcorn?
Jack: [ Sighs ] Why the hell not?
Phyllis: Look at all these likes and reports. It's going crazy!
Billy: Two hours in, and we're killing it. Look, I know you were apprehensive, but come on, man, you did terrific.
Kyle: Can't lie. It's shaping up to be a major success.
Phyllis: Of course you're into it now. You're the latest social media star.
Kyle: If I'm trending, jabot should use it for all it's worth.
Billy: Yeah? Any suggestions?
Kyle: Let hilary interview me instead.
Billy: Yeah.
Phyllis: Shocker.
Billy: No, I'm good, thanks. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Kyle: Maybe two abbotts are better than one. And, besides, you really want to let all this go to waste?
Phyllis: It's only an hour show minus commercials.
Kyle: Suit yourself.
Hilary: 90 seconds to show time. You ready?
Billy: Ready to make history? Count me in. Let's go.
Nikki: Mariah?
Sharon: What about her?
Nikki: She is the one who informed me that my son and grandchildren are planning on leaving genoa city. Do I get a call? Do I get a sit-down to discuss this very upsetting news face to face? Of course not because you knew how I would react. Well, congratulations, sharon. You nailed it.
Sharon: Would you please relax? Do you see a moving van out there? Does this place look packed up? No, because nick and I are still figuring things out. And if we decide this is what we want, before we leave, we will explain the situation to everyone and take the time for proper goodbyes.
Nikki: Sharon, just cut the act, please! It's you and me now. So I want you to tell me what this sudden life change has to do with J.T.
Sharon: Nothing. Zero. I swear. Why would you think that?
Nikki: Well, because during my very brief chat with your very flustered daughter, she said that there was more behind this and you were holding back. Now, I know you and mariah are close, and the only thing you wouldn't share with her is what happened to J.T.
Sharon: You don't know what you're talking about.
Nikki: Well, I do know this. You being here is a constant reminder of your obligation to victoria, phyllis, and me, and the secret that we have to keep. You leave town, all bets are off.
Sharon: So what are you saying? You don't trust me?
Nikki: Wow, those college classes you're taking are really paying off.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Sharon: You're still here? You'll be happy to know that christian slept through your outburst. I'm just relieved that faith wasn't upstairs to hear you yelling at me.
Nikki: Are you finished yet?
Sharon: Whether I live in san diego or saskatoon, I am just as motivated to keep our secret about J.T. Because of my kids. Now, nick and I haven't made any final decisions yet, but you coming over here and harassing me without any facts to back it up, that's making california look pretty damn sweet.
Nikki: Oh, my god. You are hiding something. Mariah felt it, and so do I. So let's talk. Woman to woman.
Sharon: I would, but I have nothing more to say to you.
Nikki: Why don't we start with nicholas? Tell me, how did you convince him to look for a job 2,000 miles away? I know you're trying to manipulate him, and I want you to tell me why right now!
Sharon: You're just proving how out of touch you are with your own family. Moving wasn't my idea. It was all nick.
Billy: Thank you for inviting
me to the big launch of
"summer in the city."
Hilary: And what better place than the glamorous surroundings of the roof deck of the genoa city athletic club to kick off our new summer series of shows and announce the latest triumph by jabot cosmetics?
The revolutionary new sunscreen
called birthday suit.
Billy: In stores and the
jabotgo app today.
Mariah: Hilary and I are both
wearing a coat of
birthday suit, and, billy, i
have to say, it smells amazing,
it's so light and inviting.
Hilary: Light. "Light" is the perfect word for this product, mariah. Because although it has full spf coverage, it goes on silky-smooth. It doesn't have that heavy greasy feeling like some of the cheaper brands.
Billy: Well, I appreciate you saying that.
You know, a jabot chemist
worked for over a year to
perfect this exclusive
top-secret formula.
Mariah: Oh, wow! Who are these gorgeous creatures?
Billy: This is just one of our genoa city street teams offering free samples of birthday suit, and in other major cities across america, teams just like this are hitting the streets and giving you free samples of birthday suit directly to you.
Hilary: Wow.
Let's take a closer look at
their hashtags, shall we?
Kyle: Billy's blowing it. This is so boring.
Phyllis: Oh, you're so envious. You're being transparent.
Kyle: It's coming off as a sleazy afternoon of not very spontaneous marketing. Sounds so rehearsed, like an infomercial, and he hasn't even gotten to how waterproof it is yet.
Phyllis: Oh, just give him a minute.
Kyle: And lose how many viewers in the meantime? I can hear people reaching for their remotes. Someone's got to do something about this before it becomes a total car crash.
Phyllis: Oh!
Hilary: What price point are
we talking about?
Kyle: Well, hey there.
Billy, have you mentioned the
totally unique waterproof
aspect of birthday suit?
And how it continues to work
even after spending all day in
the pool?
Billy: I was just about to
get into that.
Kyle: Let me demonstrate.
Check it out.
Hilary: Um, billy, what is your handsome nephew kyle abbott up to?
Billy: I think he's giving me an opportunity to talk about that unique formulation that makes it completely waterproof. Because, let's be honest, you know, nobody wants to take time away from sunbathing or having fun. With birthday suit, it's one application, you're good to go. In and out of the water all day, full sun protection until the sun goes down.
Mariah: Well, I -- I think our guinea pig is ready to show off the results. So, uh, kyle, why don't you come over here?
Kyle: As you can clearly see, my hashtags haven't smudged a bit. Living proof of the product's effectiveness in water.
Mariah: Kyle. You forgot something.
Kyle: What? Oh, my --
Billy: What the hell are you doing?
Kyle: It must have slipped off when I came in.
Billy: Kyle.
Kyle: The sunscreen's slippery.
Hilary: Sorry about that,
ladies and gentlemen.
We had unexpected technical
difficulties, but we are back
here with you live at the roof
deck of the genoa city
athletic club.
Mariah: Um, well, hilary, you really have to give it to them. The company came up with the perfect name for their product. Birthday suit.
Hilary: [ Laughs ]
Mariah: By jabot. Available now.
Hilary: Mm-hmm.
Jack: That was a train wreck.
Ashley: [ Sighs ] I feel bad for billy. He brought it on himself, i know. I mean, I tried to help him, but he just had to have his own imprint of jabot.
Jack: Well, he sure did. Decades of building a reputation shot down in three r-rated seconds.
Ashley: I don't know how this isn't gonna hurt sales.
Jack: That makes two of us.
Ashley: Mortifying. And there's nothing we can do about it.
Jack: There might be.
Ashley: What do you mean?
Jack: If we decide to show them how to really do it.
Ashley: What?
Jack: I'm talking about filling the void together. I'm starting a new venture. How about making it a success by joining with me? I'm talking about a complete 50/50 partnership. A whole new company built from the ground up. We've never done that.
Ashley: You're serious about this.
Jack: I'm serious enough i want to start it tonight. Look, with my business savvy and your know-how, we can't miss. Okay, what's that face? I obviously said something wrong. What did I say?
Ashley: It was the part about my know-how.
Jack: Well, that's the part i meant. You're the best chemist in the business.
Ashley: Thank you, and that's the only reason why you made me the offer. Without me and my skill set, you don't have anything, right? You don't have any patents, you don't have the rights to any products, so... you don't have anything unless somebody or somebody like me makes it for you.
Jack: I'm talking about starting a new company in which you get 50%, ash!
Ashley: You're talking about using me. This isn't the first time. What's different now is that i don't trust you. And you know why. I can't go into business with somebody that I don't trust.
Jack: I'm sorry you feel that way. You -- you know, I really did come here to get these things. I thought, somehow, I might be welcomed or, god forbid, missed.
Ashley: I miss you. I miss you a lot. But I'm nowhere near ready to partner up with you.
Jack: I should have given these things to you when I moved out. They're my house keys. No hard feelings?
Mariah: That's all for this premiere live edition of "summer in the city." We once again apologize for that freak accidental wardrobe malfunction.
Hilary: A gc buzz first, and we will make sure that it is our last.
Kyle: I was as freaked out by what happened as both of you. Maybe they cut the cameras before, or...?
Phyllis: Not soon enough. It's trending. #Birthdaysuitinhisbirthdaysuit attached to thousands of screen caps of your big moment!
Kyle: How horrible and humiliating.
Billy: [ Sighs ] I should have listened to ashley. I shouldn't have canceled those paper ads. We're not gonna sell one tube of this stuff. Hey, uh, look, I don't know how that could have happened --
Hilary: Oh, well, this never would have happened if jack was here.
Billy: Um, maybe that's true, but no harm done, right?
Hilary: We just transmitted live on my brand-new summer show a full-frontal naked man! Widescreen, high definition, no less. Okay, do you have any idea how much trouble devon and I are in? Obviously not.
Sharon: Thanks for swinging by. Always a pleasure. Please leave. We're done.
Nikki: Not quite. If this move really were nicholas' idea, he would have told me about it already. It's not like him to impulsively leave genoa city like this. He has too much going on here. Way beyond family. Rainbow gardens, the project he has going on with me, new hope, not to mention he's going back to newman enterprises.
Sharon: [ Scoffs ] You really have no idea, do you? The job offer in san diego is so appealing to nick because he's not going back to newman! Not now, not ever!
Nikki: You are lying.
Sharon: You know what, if you are so convinced that I'm deceiving you and I'm keeping things from you, then why don't you clear up your confusion and go straight to the source? Ask victor why nick wants to get out of here!
Nikki: I am asking you, sharon, why --
[ Door locks ]
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Jack: You're a beautiful woman, I enjoy your company.
Well, in that case...
Jack: I'll get us a table.
Devon: Why don't you move in with me?
Victor: I'm suing you for full custody of my grandson.
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