Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/30/18
Episode #11414 ~ Victor and Nick argue about a family secret, Traci gives Jack some tough love, and Hilary sends mixed signals.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Ashley: Please don't make this about you like you always do.
Jack: My god, I'm living in this house with strangers.
Devon: My gut and my heart tells me that this is gonna happen, that you and I are gonna be raising a child together.
Shauna: Did you have fun at my prom?
Charlie: Well, there's one thing I didn't get the chance to do.
Nick: I love you so damn much, and I wish this time could have worked out, and I really thought it could, but I'm done.
Victor: You're not christian's biological father.
Nick: I know. And that changes nothing.
Nick: For you to use christian's paternity as a weapon to get back at me...
Victor: How long have you know that adam was christian's father?
Nick: How long have you known?
Victor: Please answer my question.
Nick: Before chelsea left town, she...
Victor: That's putting it mildly, isn't it? Hmm. So you stumbled on this information and you decided to keep it from me, is that it?
Nick: There was no way I was gonna give you that kind of ammunition.
Victor: What are you afraid of, son?
Mariah: Hilary! Come on! Let's go! We got a show to do! The crew is over at the club roof deck, and theo wants to go over some blocking for tomorrow's show. I told them we'd be there, so let's go. Hilary? Hilary! Hey! Damn it. Where are you? You're never late when it's time for your close-up.
Jack: Remember that drink order. We may be seeing each other so much, you'll start to think of me as family. Come to think of it, the way my mother got around, we may actually be family.
Devon: Hey.
Mattie: Hey!
Devon: How are my favorite niece and nephew?
Mattie: Your only niece and nephew?
Devon: That's details.
Mattie: Charlie.
Charlie: What?
Mattie: Aren't you gonna say hi to uncle devon?
Charlie: Hi, uncle devon.
Devon: Yeah, hey, hi yourself, charlie. What's so fascinating in your phone, man?
Mattie: He's dying to hear from shauna but refuses to make the first move. I guess he figures he can use the force to make her text him.
Charlie: Ha, ha. Look, she hasn't reached out to me since the barbecue. Is that a bad sign?
Devon: Well, she hasn't heard from you, either, right? That's obviously not for a lack of interest.
Mattie: Text her already!
Devon: Yeah, man, I agree with mattie. I know you want to seem cool and not too eager, but in my experience, relationships go a bit smoother when the man takes the lead.
Mattie: Mm.
Devon: That's not a throwback. It's just human biology.
Charlie: Well, that's just it. Usually, you know, when it comes to women, I run the show. I know exactly what to say and when to say it, but... with shauna, it's weird. I'm completely off my game with this girl, and I have no idea why. Maybe you can help me figure out what to say, just make sure she's interested.
Devon: Mm. No. I'm not gonna do that.
Charlie: Why not?
Devon: Because, charlie, you need to be yourself, and you need to just say how you feel.
Mattie: Uncle devon's right. But we can give you feedback.
Devon: That's right, but whatever you text, just make for sure it comes from you.
Mattie: Mm-hmm.
Charlie: Okay.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: I'm so glad you're back.
Traci: It's wonderful to be home.
Kyle: I wish I could stay and chat, but I need to get to jabot. Let's plan a dinner one of these nights while you're in town? Do some serious catching up.
Traci: Uh, hold on just a minute, buster. You're not going anywhere.
Kyle: As much as I'd love that, billy's expecting me at the office.
Traci: Kyle. Work can wait. You and I have not had a proper talk since you've come back from new york. And I've heard a few things that I find a little...disturbing, and so I want answers straight from the source. Honey, where do you stand with this family?
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Nick: Don't play innocent with me. We both know that you are not above using christian as one of your pawns. I mean, you've been doing it this whole time. That's why chelsea was okay with you having a relationship with the boys. You've been holding this secret over her head this whole time.
Victor: Are you protecting chelsea now? The woman who took connor away from his family?
Nick: All right, it's your turn now. How long have you known the truth?
Victor: For a while.
Nick: And you confronted adam?
Victor: Uh-huh.
Nick: So you've been sitting back and waiting for the perfect time to spring this on me, to inflict maximum pain.
Victor: I kept it from you to protect you and my grandson.
Nick: Oh, there it is -- "protect." Your favorite word. You know, I use it, too. But when you use it, you really mean "to control."
Victor: Think back for a minute, son. I had many an opportunity to use this against you, but I didn'T. Do you know why? I didn't want to inflict any more pain on you.
Nick: Until now.
Kyle: I'll admit, when I came back to genoa city, I wanted to prove myself, jump right in, show dad and everyone else that you shouldn't just ship me off and forget I exist.
Traci: Is that when you sort of made the deal with victor? Did he promise you that he was willing to mentor you? Kyle... I'm not blaming you. I know that victor has his ways.
Kyle: I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I'm just sick of feeling like an outsider in my own family. Of course, now, I'm more on the outside than ever.
Traci: Well, you and your dad are in the same boat. But this should not be about proving yourself, not anymore.
Kyle: I see that W. But I've tried mending fences, but he keep spinning out all over the place.
Traci: I can hear how defeated you sound, but, honey, don't give up on your dad. Maybe you're what can keep him from spinning. Maybe you're a rock to anchor him down.
Kyle: I'm not walking away. I'll keep trying to get through to him.
Traci: Maybe we both can. Is he still home?
Kyle: Haven't seen him this morning. Dad? You up?
Traci: Oh, kyle, hold on. It looks like jack left a note. Oh, no...
Kyle: What's it say?
Traci: Short and sweet. "Forward my mail to the club. Jack."
Kyle: Whoa. Dad moved out?
Traci: [ Scoffs ]
Mariah: There you are!
Hilary: Mariah! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that?
Mariah: Where did you run off to? We're supposed to be at the club working on the live show.
Hilary: Yeah. You don't think I know that?
Mariah: Well?
Hilary: Well, I am a very busy woman with a lot of other things to deal with than holding your hand through pre-show prep, okay?
Mariah: I don't need my hand held, but it would be nice to discuss what we're gonna do when we're on location and that little red light turns on.
Hilary: Okay, you know what, before we dive in, I need to make a very important phone call.
Mariah: Okay, yeah, sure. Take your time! It's like it's a live broadcast, or anything!
Hilary: Hi. This is hilary curtis. Yeah, I need to see the doctor today. It's urgent. There's no openings? At all? Okay, I can -- can you get me on the waiting list? Because I am very, very flexible with time. You can? Okay, perfect! I will be right there. Thank you.
[ Sighs deeply ] Okay.
Mariah: Do you have the time now?
Hilary: Time? Oh, yes, um, tomorrow's show. Um, the theme is summer, just like the fib that you told me to get me over there earlier so that devon could surprise me.
Mariah: Yeah. I know all that. You two like the concept so much that you're making it reality. But what I don't know is what we're doing. I mean, are we scrapping the guests that we already have and just starting entirely new? I mean... are you listening to anything I'm saying?
Hilary: Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Of course.
Mariah: What's your deal?
Hilary: Excuse me?
Mariah: You were all smiles when you came back from pampering with devon. What happened? Now it's like your a million miles away.
Hilary: Nothing happened, okay? I'm just in work mode.
Mariah: Yeah, no, I-I'm very used to that mode. It's usually a lot of shouting and dictating, not moments of deep reflective thought. Was it the date? Was it a bust?
Hilary: No, we enjoyed every minute. You know, it couldn't have gone better. Now, can we just focus? I'm gonna go and get my notes so I can answer any of your dumb questions.
Devon: Did he press "send" yet?
Mattie: I practically had to sit on him.
Charlie: [ Sighs ] I don't understand what's going on. Why isn't she texting me back?
Devon: Give her a second. Give her a second to digest what you texted her. Which I think was perfect, by the way. It was direct but friendly.
Charlie: I don't know, do you think I seem too needy? Maybe I came on too strong or something like that?
Devon: Charlie, read it back to me.
Charlie: [ Sighs ] "Hey, shauna, hope your week's been good. Do you want to go out with me again sometime?" "Go out with me again?" That just -- god, that sounds so lame!
Devon: That doesn't sound lame. It sounds like you're a guy that going after it. Women will find that very attractive.
Charlie: So you don't think i should have said "hang out" instead out "go out" to make it seem more casual, you know?
Mattie: Oh. We're deconstructing texts now.
Charlie: I don't know. Are we?
Mattie: Will you stop agonizing about this and put your phone away before you drive us both insane?
Devon: Listen, guys, I have to get to the studio, but keep me up to date, and good luck, charlie.
Charlie: Yeah. Thanks.
Mattie: Have a great rest of your day.
Devon: Thank you. You, too.
Charlie: [ Sighs ]
Devon: I'll see you guys.
Charlie: See ya.
[ Sighs deeply ]
Mattie: Chill. Out.
Victor: If you refuse to take over at newman enterprises, then so be it, okay? It makes me sad, but you will not cut me off from my grandson. He's adam's only son that is still here. He will be the future of newman enterprises.
Nick: Christian's future is juice boxes and toys. When he's old enough, he'll choose his own path. But I'm not gonna decide that for him, and neither will you.
Victor: You underestimate the child's genes. I hope that he grows up to be as ruthless and as strong as adam was.
Nick: So you don't think I'm as ruthless as adam? You're gonna hold that against me?
Victor: You've got to understand. You cannot cut christian off of what is going to be his! Off his legacy. I mean, noah -- I don't think he has the hunger and the desire to run a big empire of this size, for heaven's sake. Nor does summer. She's soft-hearted. Look at her parents.
Nick: You don't know how happy this makes me. The last thing I want in this world is for you to try and mold any of my kids in your image. I want them to be nice, compassionate, decent human beings who prioritize people and not making money and destroying their enemies. I cannot believe I was this close to coming back and working with you. But, see, you did me a favor. You showed your hand. You tried to use one of my kids to force me into lying, and you know what that tells me? You haven't changed and you never will. I am out.
[ Door opens, slams ]
Traci: Jack.
Jack: Well, hello there! Did you bring my mail?
Traci: What are you thinking? Moving out?
Kyle: It's one thing to leave jabot, but to leave our family's home?
Jack: I hate to be the one to point this out, but I'm no longer family, never was. Neither are you, by the way. You seem to be forgetting that.
Traci: Okay, you can knock that off. First of all, it isn't true.
Jack: Oh, but it is.
Traci: And that is pure self-pity, and I won't stand for it.
Jack: [ Sighs ]
Traci: All these years, jack, of caring for each other and pulling together and having each other's backs... none of that has gone away.
Jack: That may be true in your lovely fantasy world, traci, but from my recent experience, I know just how fleeting that "caring" can be.
Kyle: I realize you're dealing with a lot right now, but I really hope you're not about to get on my case about staying at jabot.
Jack: I would think you would be thrilled that I am moving out of the house. You will have no one on your case about anything, and I will not have daily reminders of my own son's betrayal. All part of my effort to move on, to stop trying so hard to make my father proud.
Kyle: Then make someone else proud. Yourself! Your family! Me! I'm trying to make up for my mistakes. Help you in any way I can. Dad, we're in this together.
Jack: Your kind of help is all talk. Nothing behind it. So thanks, but no, thanks. You two can toddle along now.
Mariah: Hey there!
Devon: Hey.
Mariah: I thought you'd be at the location.
Devon: Um, yeah, theo has everything pretty well in hand.
Mariah: Yeah, I told hilary that he wanted to do a blocking rehearsal.
Devon: Oh, no worries. You guys can walk through it before the show tomorrow.
Mariah: Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if tricking her into meeting you there earlier was the best idea.
Devon: Why do you say that? Because we're scrapping the next five shows to do a live summer kickoff week?
Mariah: Yeah. That, too. It's a lot of extra work. But I was talking more about... hilary. The weird way she's been acting.
Devon: What do you mean by "weird?" I thought her and I had a great time there, actually.
Mariah: She claims that's the case. I'm just...not sure I believe her.
[ Cellphone rings ] I got to take this, sorry.
Devon: It's cool.
Mariah: Mariah copeland.
Devon: Hey, excuse me, can i borrow your boss real quick? Thanks, man. Hey.
Hilary: Hey.
Devon: Are you okay?
Hilary: Yeah. I'm great.
Devon: Yeah?
Hilary: Thanks.
Devon: Why would mariah think you're not great?
Hilary: Because she has no clue how to read people. Devon, don't listen to her. Okay? She's imagining things. Now, I -- I have to scoot.
Devon: You have to scoot? Where you going?
Hilary: I have an errand to run, but, um, if anyone needs me, just let them know I won't be long, okay?
Kyle: Dad. I made mistakes. And I hate that you feel betrayed. But as strange as it sounds, everything I did was to prove to you that I've been paying attention. That I want to use the lessons you taught me to follow in your footsteps. I shouldn't have gone to victor. I realize that now. But I needed someone to take me seriously.
Jack: If victor did that, which I doubt, he only did it to get to me.
Kyle: Maybe so. But that's not what I wanted. I'm sorry, dad. Please, just... don't let me be the reason you turn your back on everything you care about.
Traci: Kyle, honey, would you give your dad and me a little time alone? I know there are a lot of things that you need to be doing.
Kyle: Yeah. Okay.
Traci: Okay.
Kyle: See you soon. You too, I hope.
Traci: Well, that was pretty harsh on kyle, blaming him for all of this.
Jack: That feeble excuse for his actions is the sorriest example of an apology I've ever heard.
Traci: And I can't believe that you don't see the parallel. Here's a son who is trying everything he can think of -- even being a little bit reckless -- just to make his dad proud. Come on, jack. Like father, like son.
Nick: Grandpa's out of our lives, bud. It's for the best. I want you to grow up to be the person you're supposed to be, live the life you were meant to live.
[ Doorbell rings ] This might be your ranch, but this is sharon's house, and you are not welcome.
Victor: You and I are not finished.
Nick: Oh, we're absolutely finished.
Victor: Really? You think my grandson's paternity is immaterial? Think again, son. You're wrong. You try to keep that boy from me, I will take you to court and fight for his custody.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jack: Look, I want to believe kyle, but even at my worst, I did not collude with john abbott's sworn enemy.
Traci: Jack, daddy didn't really have any sworn enemies, although, you did manage to find other ways to push his buttons.
Jack: I meant what I said to kyle. We shouldn't be living under the same roof together.
Traci: Okay. I don't ask you for things very often, but I am asking you now. Please. Reconsider making this move.
Jack: Traci...
Traci: Do it for dina's sake. Jack, you're the one that brought her home. She is deteriorating a little each day. She needs you. And making a move like this, so abruptly, I'm afraid of what it will do to her condition.
Jack: I'll visit her, i promise.
Traci: That's not enough!
Jack: It's gonna have to be enough. I got a lot of issues to work through, several of which have to do with our mother. If it weren't for her reckless promiscuity...
Traci: All right. All right. I can see that you have a very good reason for wanting to have a little distance. But it cannot change the fact that this house has been your home for almost all of your life. Even when you lived somewhere else, this house was your home. And don't give me any more of this nonsense about not being family. Biology be damned. Just because we share one parent, ashley is no less my sister, and you and billy are no less my brothers.
Jack: I know you mean every word you're saying. I know your heart is in the right place. Things have changed for me.
Traci: Okay. Okay. They may have changed. But our memories haven'T. Jack, you know every nook and cranny of that house. When we were kids, we used to play hide and go seek, and you were the reigning champion.
Jack: Yeah, I was the oldest so I had more time in the house. I had an advantage.
Traci: But that's just it. That's what makes it so special. You, our big brother, was taking his time to entertain us? You were always making sure that we didn't notice that mother wasn't there.
Jack: I did that because i loved my sisters. Not out of any sense of obligation. Dad taught me the joy seeing smiles on your faces.
Traci: I remember. All of it. Vividly. You would hide, and we would hunt for you for hours and hours. Even daddy couldn't find you. And the only thing that would bring you out of hiding was the smell of mamie's --
Jack: Mamie's oatmeal cookies.
Traci: Jack. You're the heart and soul of that house. Nothing will ever change that. We need you. Your son needs you.
Nick: It's my name on that birth certificate. I'm that boy's father, legally and in any other way that matters, and no one is gonna change that.
Victor: Listen to you. You wouldn't get so defensive unless you had doubts.
Nick: Oh, is that right?
Victor: You know why I kept his paternity a secret for so long? Because I was afraid this day would come. And here it is.
Nick: The day you sunk lower than I ever dreamed possible.
Victor: You are the one who's trying to rip my grandson away from me. You're the one who's preventing that boy from ever knowing who his real father was.
Nick: I'm his real father.
Victor: No, you're not his real father! Adam is his father! You know it! You're insulting the memory of your brother! You're denying his existence!
Nick: No, do you know how ridiculous that sounds? When adam thought he was going off to prison, he asked to me to look out for connor. He knew he was christian's biological father, and it didn't matter to him. He entrusted both of his sons to me. And do you know why? Do you know what he was afraid of? You! He wanted me to prevent our boys from ever falling under your influence. So I will continue to honor my brother's memory and his wishes. I will fight any move you make for my son.
Mariah: What took you so long? Everyone's left! Now we're gonna have to cram in all our location prep before the shoot tomorrow.
Hilary: Is devon still here?
Mariah: No, what did -- what did I just say? Devon's left. Everyone's left. He took off for hamilton-winters.
Jack: Trace, don't ever doubt how much I love you. I have always felt that you more than anyone in the family had everyone's best interest at heart.
Traci: Well, of course I do! Always. Including you.
Jack: Then listen to what I'm saying. I honestly think it's in my best interest to move away from that house.
Traci: No, I will never believe that.
Jack: I'm not invalidating what you're saying. I feel like a stranger in my own home.
Traci: Why? Who has done that to you?
Jack: I did. I did. All those nooks and crannies you spoke of so fondly, they're a source of heartache for me now.
Traci: Jack...
Jack: No, I can't help how I'm feeling. That house feels like a ghost house. A shadow of itself. Like it's not there -- or not like it was.
Traci: I-I don't understand. I wish that I could.
Jack: You don't have to. That's not your job. I'm about to start on a journey to the other side of the moon and back. But I have to do it alone. That's the way it has to be. I'm gonna make it through. I'm gonna make it there, and I'm gonna make it back. But I have to heal on my own terms, and if that means moving somewhere that isn't filled with memories of childhood games and mamie's oatmeal cookies and dad's fabulous family dinners, that's what I'm gonna do. And it's gonna make me stronger, not weaker. This is what I have to do for me. And I need you to believe that. I need to know who I am besides john abbott's son! And in that house... that's all I can be.
Traci: That house is not gonna be the same without you, and I am gonna miss you terribly.
Jack: And I'm gonna miss you.
Traci: Remember something. When you're ready to come home, when you're ready, the door will always be open, jack.
[ Groans, cries ]
Mattie: Ready to go home? Charlie.
Charlie: Yeah, I shouldn't have listened to you and devon. You know, I should have waited for shauna to text me first.
Mattie: Still nothing?
Charlie: [ Sighs ] What do you think?
Mattie: I think that you're overreacting and that I promised mom that I would start dinner. So I'm leaving if you need a ride. Or you can stay here and stress about this some more.
Charlie: I'll take the bus.
Mattie: All right. See you later.
Shauna: I'm so glad you're here.
Charlie: Shauna! Hey, what's up? Are you...? Shauna, what's wrong?
Shauna: I've run away. You have to hide me.
Nick: Go on. Do it. You want to fight for custody, take me to court? Let's do it. Watch what happens. I will dig up every scandal that you've ever been involved in and hand them to the judge on a platter. The list is endless. You are a convicted felon multiple times over, and you're lucky you're not in jail right now. And if you're not careful, the judge may deem you unfit to be around any of your grandchildren.
Victor: Am I supposed to feel threatened now? Think again, son. You're no match for me.
Nick: You keep telling yourself that.
Victor: I've got news for you. You're not the saint you make yourself out to be. You lack self-insight. That's your downfall. You're not strong, son. You're arrogant. And there's a difference. I will beat you no matter what you throw at me.
Nick: You know, we do have one thing in common.
Victor: What's that?
Nick: The length we will go to, to protect our family. But when I say it, I mean it.
Victor: You will regret the day that you're taking me on, your own father, who has the money, the clout, the power... you're no match for your dad. You think you can beat me? Do you?!
Kyle: You couldn't talk him round?
Traci: Oh, kyle. I'm sorry, your father is determined to go through with this. He needs to carve out some space for himself. He needs to find his way again.
Kyle: He feels that lost?
Traci: He really does.
Kyle: Sorry to hear that.
Traci: Yes, and as much a blow as it is for all the rest of us, he made a really convincing argument for needing some solitude. So I am going to choose to believe that this is a good thing.
Kyle: Hope you're right. Because if he doesn't have his job, his home, or his family to fall back on...
Jack: Hey! Devon.
Devon: Jack!
Jack: Have a seat.
Devon: Good to see you, man.
Jack: You got a second?
Devon: Absolutely, I do. Now, neil told me that you quit jabot.
Jack: This is true.
Devon: Wow.
Jack: How are things in your world? How's hilary doing? How's the baby doing?
Devon: You know what, everything is going pretty smooth.
Jack: That's great. I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes as well.
Devon: Thank you.
Jack: Enjoy those first few years, they go by quickly.
Devon: Yeah, I imagine that things get a lot more difficult after those, right?
Jack: I may not be the best person to ask on how to be a great father or son, for that matter.
Devon: Well, I wouldn't sell yourself short. Last time you and I spoke about this, you gave me some pretty fantastic advice about fatherhood and about putting in the work from day 1, and that stuck with me.
Jack: Well, if you got some value from that, I'm happy. And, you're rht, I got to stop beating myself up. I have made it my life's mission to forge a new path. And you might just the person to help me do that.
Mariah: Drink this. Better? Okay. Now, start talking. What's going on? Those were real tears, right? Not fake ones?
Hilary: I just came from my obgyn's office.
Mariah: Is it the baby? Oh, my god, something's wrong.
Hilary: No. No, something is right. I'm pregnant.
Mariah: Yeah, I know. You've been annoyingly pregnant for weeks now.
Hilary: No, no. You don't get it. It turns out that I wasn't pregnant before, but now I... I really, truly, 100%... I'm having devon's baby.
Nick: Listening to you call me arrogant, it's hilarious.
Victor: Nothing about this is funny, son. Including what my lawyer's gonna do to your hapless girlfriend should we take this case to court. Ain't gonna be funny.
Nick: What's that support to mean?
Victor: If this case is taken to court, you're not the only one who will be scrutinized, be put under a microscope. Sharon has a rather checkered past, if I need remind you. You took her to court to prove that she was not a fit mother. Now you're living with her. A woman who let you believe that christian was dead. She raised that boy as her own. This shows very bad judgment on your part.
Nick: You leave sharon out of this.
Victor: You leave me no option, son.
Nick: You would really do that to faith's mother, drag her through the dirt again? She's just starting to turn her life around.
Victor: You're the one forcing the issue by threatening to cut christian out of my life!
Nick: If you think you can intimidate me into backing down, you got another thing coming. I am not putting my son's fate in your hands.
Victor: All right. Then we'll have the judge and the jury decide whether you have more rights as his uncle than I do as his biological grandfather.
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