Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/29/18

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/29/18


Episode #11413 ~ Devon romances Hilary, Ashley comes home to a surprise, and Victoria is blindsided at Newman.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Jack: You and I agreed. We were gonna leave our jobs at jabot and start a new cosmetics company.

Kyle: You assumed I would go along with your plan.

Devon: It should be pretty soon that we know if you're pregnant or not, right?

Hilary: Yeah, any day now. Fingers crossed.

Devon: Fairy godmother like yourself deserves some magic in her life.

Nick: It's definite.

[Crying] I'm not his father.

Sharon: I just don't understand this pull you feel for newman enterprises. Not after how hard you worked to separate yourself from victor.

Victor: I'm celebrating the return of my son to newman enterprises.

Nick: This says I'm coming back as C.O.O.

Victor: Victoria went in a different direction, okay? The job is yours.

Victoria: Once the last sale closed, we would be completely out of that sector.

Victor: Uh-huh. So you think the new technology is that disruptive?

Victoria: Within 10, maybe even 5 years, the whole industry will be going bye-bye, so I think we need to divest while we still can.

Victor: I agree. So why don't you put those companies on the block next month.

Victoria: Great. I'll contact legal and have them get started on the contracts.

Victor: You've done excellent work, you know. I'm proud of you.

Victoria: Thank you.

Victor: I'm glad you're finding your stride again, sweetheart. Working for the good of the company, you know, instead of fighting imaginary foes.

Victoria: I know it's not enough for me to just say that I'm a team player. I know it's gonna take some time for me to show you. But I'm thrilled that nicholas is coming back to work with us, and having him in the mix again.

Victor: So am I. I have high hopes for his return.

Sharon: Hey, there.

Nick: Hey. How was class?

Sharon: Well, I got an "a" on my last quiz.

Nick: You go, girl.

Sharon: I'm so glad everyone knows about us now. We don't have to sneak around.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] That is pretty cool.

Sharon: Okay. You want to talk about it? What's been making you so quiet ever since the pool party?

Nick: [ Sighs ] You know what, I had such a good day with faith. Let's not do anything to ruin it.

Sharon: But we're here now, and we're alone. I'm listening. So... what's bothering you?

Nick: [ Sighs ] It's dad's job offer. Yesterday at the club, he told me what my role would be at newman. C.O.O. Second-in-command.

Sharon: That was victoria's job, wasn't it?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I know.

Sharon: So what are you gonna do about it?

Kyle: Good morning.

Ashley: Hi. Same to you.

Kyle: Take the red-eye back?

Ashley: I did, and I got a fantastic night's sleep for the first time in a long time.

Kyle: Always a plus.

Ashley: Yeah.

Kyle: How was your spa getaway?

Ashley: Very therapeutic.

Kyle: Hm.

Ashley: How are things around here?

Jack: Eventful. I quit jabot.

Mariah: If I didn't tell you before, I had a great time at the barbecue.

Devon: You did, huh? Even though neil and I put you to work on a holiday?

Mariah: Ah, your caterers bailed. I was happy to help. And seeing hilary actually slinging burgers, I mean, that must have been the entertainment highlight.

Devon: Yeah, she does have a way of surprising you. There's a whole other side to hilary that people rarely get to see or give her credit for.

Mariah: I haven't heard you talk about hilary like that since...

Devon: Well... [ Sighs ] Mm. Things are evolving with us. Evolving into what, exactly, I'm not sure.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ]

Hilary: What is tickling you?

Phyllis: Oh, you have got to check these out. This is from the barbecue. Someone posted these pictures online. There are some great ones of you. Seriously. Glam girl, national tv personality rocking her apron and tongs, running the grill.

Hilary: Yeah, not to mention me sweating up a storm. Ugh. It was so hot in front of that grill. I mean, look at me. My hair is a mess.

Phyllis: Come on. You're beautiful and fabulous, and you know it.

Hilary: It was pretty fun.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Hilary: And devon did seem to appreciate it.

Phyllis: Really? And how did he show this appreciation? What are we talking about, here?

Hilary: Well, devon and I are back together.

Phyllis: What?! Seriously? That's awesome! Congratulations!

Hilary: Thank you.

Phyllis: Yeah!

Hilary: At least, I think that we are.

Phyllis: Oh, come on. Given how attentive he's been to you lately? I don't see how you could doubt it. I mean, the way he was looking at you at the new hope dinner, you know, it was just -- it was so obvious how he felt. I was saying to myself, "it's just gonna be a matter of time before those two are a couple again."

Hilary: Really?

Phyllis: Yeah. And let's not forget about the baby, okay? He's excited to be a father. That's a 180!

Hilary: Yeah. No. I can't -- I can't deny anything that you're saying.

Phyllis: Then why don't you seem convinced?

Hilary: Well, lately, we've been discussing where I'm gonna live -- you know, once we know for sure that the baby's on the way. I thought that devon would have asked me to move in with him by now, but he still hasn'T.

Phyllis: That may have been slightly premature.

Hilary: I suppose. But I haven't told you this yet. After my promposal show, devon set up this private little prom night just for the two of us.

Phyllis: Aww!

Hilary: I know. I know. It was so sweet. And then, when we were dancing, I thought we were gonna kiss.

Phyllis: "Thought" meaning you didn't?

Hilary: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know where devon's head is. So I just -- I put my head on his shoulder, and I couldn't see his face, but... my heart was so in it.

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Sighs ] Oh. It's mariah.

Phyllis: You should probably take it.

Hilary: Yeah, probably. Hey. Talk to me.

Mariah: So, devon wants us to tape the show today from the athletic club rooftop. Sort of a "kickoff to summer" theme.

Hilary: Are you joking? What about the show that we just prepped? We're going to tape in like four hours?

Mariah: Relax. I already called the guests and told them we've been pushed to tomorrow.

Hilary: Okay, and can they all still make it?

Mariah: Yeah. Didn't seem to be a problem. They all seemed to understand. You know, "that's show biz" sort of thing. So, devon wants us all to meet on the rooftop in a half an hour to go over the new script.

Hilary: Unreal.

Mariah: Can I tell him you'll be there?

Hilary: Well, of course. I am a professional.

Mariah: Okay. I'll let him know. Bye.

Devon: Thank you. Thank you.

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Victoria: I am so glad that you persuaded nick to come back to the company.

Victor: So am I. That way, we can all work for a common goal.

Victoria: I can tell how happy that makes you.

Victor: It does. Nicholas spent many, many years creating distance between us, you know. Asserting his independence. Flitting from one project to the other, none of them worthy of his skills.

[ Exhales sharply ] When I was in the hospital, I saw him in a different light.

Victoria: You could hear us talking. You knew how worried we were about you. It was something that we couldn't really be sure of at the time.

Victor: He came to my bedside every day. He was unguarded, and he talked about his deep feelings for the family and for me. And then I heard a lot of love and respect in his voice, and his belief that I would fight back and survive, you know?

Victoria: He was right. You did. You know what? Nobody's more relieved than nick.

Victor: Your brother has shown a strength of character that I wasn't sure he possessed. And I'm going to reward him for that.

Sharon: There's a reason why you're troubled, nick. I'm surprised you would do this to your own sister.

Nick: Well, it's not like I'm taking anything away from her.

Sharon: Are you sure about that?

Nick: Dad let me think that victoria's accepted the fact that she's not gonna be C.O.O. Again.

Sharon: And what does victoria say about that?

Nick: I haven't talked to vick.

Sharon: Well, why wouldn't she want her job back after how hard she's worked to get there? She's stuck it out victor. She put up with all of his crap. She was loyal to him all these years, something that victor supposedly prizes.

Nick: Some of the stuff that vick has pulled, like trying to get rid of ashley, that's not who vick is. It's no surprise that dad doesn't trust her right now.

Sharon: Okay, so that one mistake wipes out everything else she's accomplished? How is that fair?

Nick: Fair or not, this is where we are.

Sharon: Nick.

Nick: Their relationship hasn't been the same since the truth came out, and then dad demoted her.

Sharon: So you're about to let victor put you right in the middle of that? How can you possibly think that's a good idea?

Nick: Well, my hope is that, by stepping in, I can help ease some of the tension. You know, help victoria repair some of the damage that she's done to their relationship. Then, when she's ready, she can come right back into the C.O.O. Job if that's what she wants.

Sharon: While you leapfrog over her into the C.E.O. Spot, never mind the fact that she's earned it.

Nick: There's nothing set in stone, all right? The point here is that vick and I are supposed to band together, not compete with each other.

Sharon: Well, I love the fact that you are excited about your future and you want to help your sister. But this is victor we're talking about. Don't overestimate the power of your good intentions.

Ashley: I don't understand. Why are you taking such a drastic step?

Jack: In a word, billy. I'm not gonna stand by while he dismantles the company our father -- a company john abbott built.

Ashley: Look, I have accepted that billy's not gonna run jabot the way that we would. And it's caused me some moments of frustration, but "dismantle"? Don't you think you're exaggerating just a little bit?

Kyle: I'd like for us to give billy a chance. He's just getting started.

Jack: I've seen enough to know I want no part of it. Do you know he has pulled vive riche from the classic line? Yeah. One of jabot's oldest products. And why? For money to remodel the office and buy popcorn. Hell, he's turned the office that was supposed to be mine into a "nap pod." What is this, kindergarten?

Kyle: When it's crunch time and our execs are putting in 70 hours a week, it's a way for them to stay sharp and push through. There's a proven benefit. Unlike vive riche, which has been a money-loser for years and weakens our brand. Look, build a display case in the lobby. Do a nice tribute to the legacy products. Give our visitors a history lesson. But we shouldn't be making decisions based on sentimentality.

Ashley: He has a point.

Kyle: Billy's making some other good changes, too. He's planning on renovating the company gym, the employee break rooms, and the cafeteria -- things that will attract the younger employees that we want to recruit and retain.

Kyle: This is about making jabot relevant, something we should all be in support of.

Jack: Are you finished defending billy at my expense?

Kyle: Look, that's not what I -- [ Sighs ] Look. It's not like we have a lot of options. Thanks to your addendum to the company bylaws, there's no one else who can step in and take charge if billy screws up.

Ashley: Okay. Okay. I think what we need to do is focus on getting billy to change the bylaw.

Kyle: I doubt he's planning on bringing that up for a vote any time soon.

Jack: You know what, either way, it's not my problem anymore.

Ashley: Do you want me to see if there's anything for you at newman?

Jack: That's a joke, right?

Kyle: Dad's starting his own cosmetics company.

Jack: Yeah, that was the goal. I was gonna start a business with my son. But once again, he went behind my back and made other plans.

Hilary: Ugh! Uh... [ Scoffs ] Where is mariah and the rest of the crew?

Devon: Well, actually, we're not gonna be taping up here today. Although that would be a cool idea.

Hilary: You changed the venue again?

Devon: No. I just wanted to get you up here.

Hilary: Oh.

Devon: Yeah. It was all a ruse to surprise you.

Hilary: Well, you've certainly done that. So, what's the surprise? Besides you in one of your hottest looks?

Devon: I thought that you deserved a day of pampering. As a thank-you for helping make the hamilton-winters barbecue such a big success. So I just wanted to reward your hard work. Boss' prerogative.

Hilary: Well, aren't you sweet. So, what's on the agenda?

Devon: Well, I have closed down the entire rooftop for a private party.

Hilary: Uh-huh.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Hilary: How private?

Devon: How private? Just you and me.

Hilary: Well, thank you for telling me before I chewed you out and really embarrassed myself.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Hilary: Uh...

Devon: There you go.

Hilary: A swimsuit?

Devon: Yeah. I had mariah pull it from wardrobe.

Hilary: [ Sighs ] I can't -- I can't believe that you did all of this.

Hilary: I just -- I -- I can't help feeling like this is wrong somehow.

Devon: It's wrong? What, you and I having a good time together?

Hilary: Well, you know, ignoring work. We had a day off yesterday.

Devon: No, you didn't, actually. You didn'T. You worked very hard. You were promoting hamilton-winters as a positive force in the community.

Hilary: Well, when you put it that way.

Devon: Listen, the work will get done, the show will go on. But I just wanted to keep those good feelings going. And also, I thought that a little r&r would be good for you if you're pregnant. But we're not gonna think about that today, all right? No worries whatsoever.

Hilary: Sounds delightful.

Devon: Yeah?

Hilary: Mm.

Devon: I know that it's hard for you to come down from work mode. So after our swim, I've arranged for something that might help you with that.

Hilary: Yeah?

Devon: This way.

Kyle: I never agreed to walk away from jabot. You just assumed.

Jack: Is that so?

Kyle: Starting a new company is risky, dad.

Jack: Not if you know what you're doing. I have decades of experience in this business. I have hundreds, if not thousands, of business contacts, of industry relationships.

Ashley: Look, I think this is a great idea, jack. Starting your own company makes perfect sense. I mean, I considered starting my own company when I left. I think the point is, keep all your options open, right? I mean, don't shut out anything.

Jack: Well, thank you for that validation. Obviously someone in the family thinks I have a brain in my head.

Ashley: Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm not taking your side over kyle'S. Please don't make this about you like you always do.

Jack: What are you talking about? I'm talking about working side by side with my son to form a stronger father/son relationship.

Ashley: You were talking about leaving jabot and taking your toys with you.

Jack: Is that what you think, too? My god. I'm living in this house with strangers.

Victoria: Hi. Beautiful day out there.

Sharon: Yes, it is. After the winter we've had, it's about time. What can I get you?

Victoria: Large iced coffee, please.

Sharon: You got it.

Victoria: So, nick's new job on the executive team. I know you have reservations about it.

Sharon: Newman hasn't always been the best environment for him.

Victoria: Well, yeah. But there's -- there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then. I had a meeting with my dad, and I came away more stoked than ever about nick being back on the team. You know, ever since coming so close to losing my dad, it just sort -- it sort of changed a lot of things.

[ Sighs ] It's been a real turning point for those two. And my dad just wants his family back together again. And he's happy to have nick there in any capacity. You don't have to worry about him getting caught up in a lot of drama. Not this time.

Sharon: Victoria, I'm sorry. Nothing has changed there. Victoria is still up to the same old garbage.

Victoria: Excuse me?

Sharon: It just galls me that he sat through this meeting with you, and obviously he didn't tell you.

Victoria: Tell me what? He's making nick C.O.O.

Victoria: Are you sure?

Sharon: Yes. It happened yesterday, at the barbecue. Victor was seeking time alone with nick so he could tell him the news.

Victoria: And -- and nick accepted?

Sharon: Well, he's going to. But victor made it seem like you were okay with --

Victoria: I don't believe this.

Sharon: Wait! Don't forget your coffee!

Kyle: You're alone?

Mariah: You mean besides my imaginary friend?

Kyle: What I meant, are you expecting anyone? I didn't want to plop myself down at your table and make --

Mariah: Sit.

Kyle: Thanks.

Mariah: I helped my boss pull of a surprise, and I got a free lunch out of the deal.

Kyle: Guess that explains why you're alone. Though I am still curious.

Mariah: About?

Kyle: Yesterday. You and tessa. The way you two were looking at each other --

Mariah: We're just friends, kyle.

Kyle: I know it was more than that at one point.

Mariah: And then it wasn'T. I'm just glad things aren't all tense and weird between us.

Kyle: You shouldn't give up.

Mariah: So, what's going on in the world of big business? I'm sorry I missed you crushing that re-negotiation with neil. Heard it was epic.

Kyle: Yeah. Whatever.

Mariah: Sorry. I shouldn't give you a hard time about that. Wow. You got very quiet all of a sudden.

Kyle: Not about that. It's my dad. Lot of family stuff gong on lately.

Mariah: Yeah, I know how that is.

Kyle: Yeah. Things have gotten pretty intense. And now my dad's decided to walk away from jabot. He thought I was coming with him to start a new company.

Mariah: Wow. I mean, that -- that's great, right?

Kyle: I might have done it under other circumstances. But...

[ Sighs ] My dad's in a bad place. This feels impulsive, like he hasn't thought it through.

Mariah: Did you tell him that?

Kyle: I tried. All he heard was me turning my back on him. Siding with the rest of the family, which is pretty ironic, because I've never actually felt like I was one of them. Anyway. I have let my dad down again. What's even worse is seeing him like this. He's always been the rock. The pillar of the family. The one who held us all together. But now dad's the one in trouble, and I...

Dina: What do you think you're doing?

Jack: I'm pouring myself a drink.

Dina: You put that down! You're the hired help. And you have no business stealing my husband's liquor. And I most certainly will tell him. What's your name, anyway? Well? Answer me!

[ Doorbell ringing ]

Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep your shirt on! I'm coming!

Victoria: So, when was i supposed to find out that you had taken my job? When I read about it in the press release?

Nick: Taken your job?

Victoria: C.O.O. You said yes? Are you seriously doing this to me?!

Nick: Calm down.

Victoria: You're off running a bar, being your own man, while I'm showing up at newman enterprises every day, managing disasters, dealing with dad, and then you think you can just walk back in here --

Nick: Hey. Stop, stop. I've worked every level in that building, including C.E.O.

Victoria: Co-C.E.O.! Alongside me!

Nick: Don't make this about my qualifications, vick. And this job would never even be available if you hadn't tried to get rid of ashley.

Victoria: I was protecting the company. I don't think she's trustworthy. And honestly, I still don't think she's trustworthy. And if dad knew what I did, he would have done the same thing that I did!

Nick: You gave company secrets to jack abbott. Have you met our father?

Victoria: Are you seriously gonna rub this in my face right now?!

Nick: You know that's not what I'm trying to do. Look, dad told me you were cool with this.

Victoria: What?!

Nick: He said you had chosen a different path, and that you had made peace with never being C.O.O. Again.

Victoria: What I had chosen was that I had to earn my way back. That's what I had chosen! That -- that I was gonna be demoted, and I was gonna be under ashley. As a temporary punishment. And -- and whatever other things that dad brought up -- I-I've been smiling through all of this, when I want to just scream. I've been taking it and taking it! And then I find out from sharon of all people?!

Nick: [ Sighs ] I assumed it was dad.

Victoria: No. I-I just...

[ Sighs ] I just came from a meeting with dad where I was pitching him ideas, and I told him how thrilled I was that you were back at newman enterprises, and he just let me go on and on and on.

Nick: And he never told you that he offered me the number-two spot. It's another one of his stupid tests. He wanted to see how I would handle it. To see how you would handle it. To see if I was willing to step all over your hopes and dreams to take the prize. And were you willing to keep quiet as he took advantage of you for the millionth time.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Nick: I'm so sorry, vick.

Victoria: No. Nick --

[ Sighs ] Nick, you don't -- you don't have to confront him.

Nick: Yeah, I do.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Hilary: [ Moans ]

[ Sighs ]

Dina: There.

Jack: You know me. You know who I am.

Dina: Well, who are you? The gardener? Oh, I don't deal with that sort of thing.

Jack: I'm not the gardener.

Dina: Well, the handyman, then. Either way, you can't come in here. You don't belong in here, swilling down my husband's liquor.

Jack: Dina.

Dina: Of all the impertinence! I am mrs. John abbott. And don't you forget it.

Jack: You have to recognize me. I'm john.

Dina: John who? Abbott?

[ Laughs ] You're definitely not him.

Jack: No, you're right. I'm not. I'm not. I'm -- I'm jack. It's me. It's jackie, mom.

Dina: Why are you doing this, pretending to be someone you're not? Get out of this house immediately or I will call the police.

Victor: And you cc all the usual people, and then let me have a final look at it before you send it out.

Nick: Dad.

Victor: There's my right hand.

Nick: You lied to me. About victoria. About being resigned to the fact that she would never be C.O.O. Again.

Victor: If she still has hopes for that, she's being naive.

Nick: Seriously?

Victor: Do you realize that victoria colluded with jack abbott against me?

Nick: Who you left at the mercy of some sociopath. Do you remember that I testified against you in court? I was the one who turned you in to the feds for commercial bribery.

Victor: What of it?

Nick: Shouldn't that make you question whether I can be trusted? Maybe I should be disqualified from being C.O.O.?

Victor: That's all in the past.

Nick: Yeah, that's what I thought. Or I hoped. See, I was thinking that, at this point in our lives, after you almost died, that maybe we could put all this crap behind us. That is why I decided to come back, dad. To work side by side with you. To reunite this family that means so much to me. Not to be -- to be a pawn in this game of chess that you always play where you try and control everyone's lives.

Victor: Why are you blowing all of this out of proportion?

Nick: What about all those conversations we had about family and what really matters, and how much we mean to each other? It meant nothing to you. Nothing.

Victor: You couldn't be more wrong.

Victor: I'm not playing games, son. I'm not playing games, okay? Whatever decisions I've made, I've made them because they're good for the business, and for our family.

Nick: By misrepresenting victoria's understanding of the situation, by keeping her in the dark about giving me her job. Victoria has done so much for you. She has put in the time. She has put up with your -- your petty grievances, your grudges and your whims --

Victor: I have rewarded victoria very well, okay, but i couldn't possibly ignore her egregious lack of judgment when it came to colluding with, of all people, jack abbott. Never mind what she did in her personal life.

Nick: Are you talking about what happened with J.T.?

Victor: That's damn right. She should have walked away from him!

Nick: And because she didn't walk away from it, you see that as a weakness, which you will not tolerate, because you didn't give in to the weakness when your parents abandoned you. You re-created yourself as the victorious new man, victor newman.

Victor: That's right.

Nick: And that has driven you your whole life. You have this unreal need to prove your worth, which I get. I've made allowances. I've put up with a lot. I've tried to be compassionate. And when that wasn't possible, I just created some distance, dad, to try and salvage whatever relationship we have left because you are my father. And that matters to me.

Victor: That matters to me, too.

Nick: I love you, dad. I love you so damn much, and I wish this time could have worked out. And I really thought it could. But I'm done.

Mariah: I didn't grow up in anything resembling a normal home, so my perspective is pretty messed up. I'd look at people like you and the abbotts and see this perfect, airbrushed family. And it was a totally foreign concept. I'd make fun of them. You know, the way you mock people at a party that you're not invited to.

Kyle: Defense mechanism.

Mariah: Yeah, kind of. And now here I am. Sharon. Nick. Faith. Noah. It'S... it's crazy.

Kyle: All it's missing is the labradoodle.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] It's so bizarre. How did that happen? How did I get here?

Kyle: Be glad you did. I've complained a lot about not feeling like a real abbott. Now I'm watching the family come apart at the seams, and... it hurts like hell.

Mariah: Well, you can always be a part of my family, because sharon loves to take in strays.

Kyle: Arf.

Mariah: [ Laughs ] That was terrible.

Hilary: This drink is awesome. The bartender really outdid herself. Here. Here, taste.

Devon: That is delicious.

Hilary: I can't believe there's, uh, no alcohol in it.

Devon: It's made from distilled botanicals for people who want to drink but aren't drinking. Or for women who may be expecting.

Hilary: Well, it's amazing.

[ Sighs ] You're amazing. Thank you for going through all of this trouble.

Devon: Creating an afternoon of decadence and pleasure is hardly what I call trouble.

Hilary: Well, I enjoyed every minute. The swim, the drinks, the couples massage. Are we... a couple? 'Cause, you know, sometimes, like now, I... I feel like we are, and then other times...

Devon: Um... a lot of people, like phyllis, have been telling me that I'm fighting my feelings when it comes to you. And they're right. 'Cause I've been afraid to revisit something that was so painful when it ended.

Hilary: Do you still feel that way?

Devon: Ever since I fully committed to having this baby with you, it just feels like that pain, it's further and further away. And it's like we're starting a brand-new relationship together.

Hilary: Well, um... hi. I'm hilary curtis.

Devon: Well, hello, hilary curtis. I'm devon hamilton.

[ Hilary chuckles ] It's very nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Brand-new.

Hilary: Thank you for the most wonderful day. And everything.

Devon: You're more than welcome.

Hilary: It really does feel brand-new.

Devon: You have yourself a good day.

Hilary: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Psst! I didn't mean to eavesdrop! I thought it was best not to interrupt.

Hilary: Oh, well, how thoughtful of you.

Phyllis: [ Giggles ] I am here about the wardrobe so fenmore's can send over what they need. So, um, first things first -- looks like you got an answer to your question.

Hilary: Yeah. I, uh, definitely did.

Phyllis: Okay. So you and devon are together, truly.

Hilary: We had the most blissful afternoon. I mean, devon was caring, he was romantic, he said all of the right things.

Phyllis: Great. Great.

Hilary: Dear god, I hope I'm pregnant.

Victor: The C.O.O. Job is a one-time offer. You turn it down, it will not be offered again.

Nick: I never wanted that job. It was your idea.

Victor: Oh, you would have loved to have taken it had it not been for victoria coming running to you and telling you that I had treated her badly.

Nick: That's not what happened.

Victor: Son, will you stop and think for a moment and not make another mistake like you did when you threw away half a billion dollars, for heaven's sake?

Nick: I didn't throw it away. I put it where it would do some good for humanity, instead of in some bank account where you could tamper with it or try and claw it back. Which was obviously the right decision, like turning down this job.

Victor: You must realize, whoever takes this job will eventually run newman enterprises. And it won't be abby or victoria.

Nick: You're lucky they still want it.

Victor: Maybe noah will, you know, grow into it, or perhaps christian.

Nick: Noah is his own man now, and he can make his own decisions, but you can forget about indoctrinating christian. I don't want him to have anything to do with this.

Victor: What you're really saying is you don't want him to have anything to do with me. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? You have no choice in the matter. You know why? Because you're not christian's biological father.

Nick: I know. And that changes nothing.

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