Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/8/18
Episode #11398 ~ The Abbotts' night to shine ends in disaster.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Traci: I really feel like we need to do something to keep her memories alive. Maybe we could make a video with her.
Charlie: Just hit record, and you're in business.
Abby: Only this card has the crazy story of dina and her lover.
Ashley: We've got to get rid of it. We don't have a choice.
Kyle: So if you'll hand me back the memory card, I'll be on my way.
Victor: I will keep this.
Kyle: No.
Victor: Consider this a goodwill gesture.
Abby: You thought of everything! You even rented out a theatre to show our family's film in. How incredibly awesome is that?
Sharon: I want you so badly. Every time I'm around you, every nerve in my body is on fire.
Jack: So, how was your dinner, mother?
Dina: Oh, it was delicious! Mamie certainly outdid herself. Well, you be sure and tell her how much I enjoyed it.
Traci: Of course.
Dina: And that other young man, uh, the handsome young man...
Abby: Kyle?
Dina: Is that his name?
Ashley: Yeah, that's, um, jack's son.
Dina: Oh! Really? Well, how nice. Well, where is he?
Jack: He had a business meeting, but not to worry, he will definitely be there for the main event.
Dina: Main event?
Jack: We just talked about it over dinner? The premiere of your big film?
Abby: You know, you remember when you sat in front of the camera for all of those hours and you told me about your amazing life.
Dina: It sounds exciting. Who's in it?
Jack: Only the biggest star ever.
[ Laughter ]
Dina: Ooh! Well, I can't wait.
Jack: Hey, we should all get going.
Traci: Let me help you.
Dina: Oh, thank you. And I know the perfect gown for a gala like this.
[ Laughter ]
Jack: You guys don't have to get ready?
Ashley: Yeah, we'll be right there in one second.
Abby: Yeah.
Jack: Okay.
Ashley: I thought this night was never gonna come. Finally, the movie is finished and ready to be seen.
Abby: Missing one very crucial scene.
Ashley: Yeah, we're showing the right version of this film tonight.
Abby: Yeah, uncle jack would be crushed if he knew that john abbott wasn't his biological father.
Ashley: What jackie will never know, will never hurt him.
Neil: My man victor. I see you haven't slowed down any since I saw you last.
Victor: [ Grunting ]
[ Panting ] You tell that to all the naysayers who thought I was down for the count.
Neil: Well, you know what, i think you should tell them yourself. The sooner, the better.
Victor: What did you have in mind?
Neil: Multi-platform pr blitz. Okay, here's what I want. I want a photographer to come in and document your progress.
Victor: [ Exhales sharply ]
Neil: I want the public to see this, you know? Your determination and will. Here.
Victor: What's this?
Neil: I want them to see newman enterprises the same way they see you. Stronger. Better than ever. Here, you want that water?
Victor: Yeah.
Neil: Cool.
Victor: When do we get started?
Neil: I'm all over it first thing in the morning. Tonight, I have a special event that I have to attend.
Victor: Oh, yeah? Sounds important.
Neil: It is, it's a big night for my grandson, charlie. He helped put together a documentary film all about dina mergeron's life.
Victor: Oh. Yeah, I heard about that.
Neil: Yeah, the abbotts, they want to honor their mother and grandmother. They want to preserve as many memories of hers as they can before it's, you know, too late.
Victor: Yes, yes. It's just tragic, what happened to dina.
Neil: It sure is. Fortunately, charlie, he's got some excellent footage.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Neil: You know, jack is having the film screening at the heritage theatre tonight.
Victor: Oh, okay.
Neil: Our whole family's gonna be there.
Victor: Oh, boy!
Neil: Yeah, along with all the abbotts. Victor, it's gonna be a hell of a night, let me tell you.
Victor: If you say so yourself. That's right.
Cane: Wow.
Lily: [ Giggles ]
Cane: Uh, wow!
Lily: Uh, you already said that.
Cane: Yeah, but, you see, it bears repeating.
Lily: So you like it, hmm?
Cane: Uh, I don't like, i love. I love you. I love this dress. I love you in this dress.
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: Hey, uh, do we have time to go upstairs?
Lily: No! My god.
Cane: Well, the kids aren't here yet.
Lily: They're not here yet. They'll be here any minute. And I got us a table, come on.
Cane: So, uh, what's keeping them? Oh, I know -- mattie couldn't figure out what she wants to wear.
Lily: Uh, actually, it's charlie holding them up, mr. Always-assume-it's-the- woman.
Cane: He rented a tux. All he's got to do is put it on.
Lily: Well, I guess they gave him a clip-on bow tie, which supposedly is a fashion no-no. So he went back for the real deal.
Cane: Well, what can I say? The kid's got style, and he's going to need it if he's gonna make it in hollywood.
Lily: Oh, can you imagine? Our charlie being a big director with stars and going onstage to get an award.
Cane: Uh, why wait? Ta-da!
Lily: [ Gasps ] Oh, my god. That is adorable. Charlie's gonna love it!
Cane: Yeah. Well, he worked really hard on this project, and I want to let him know I'm proud of him.
Lily: Yeah. Oh! Hi! You guys made it.
Cane: Hey. You look beautiful.
Mattie: Don't blame me. Charlie spent the last hour checking himself out in the mirror.
Lily: Of course. Well, you look handsome.
Charlie: Thanks.
Mattie: If his ego's this big now, imagine what'll be like if he become a famous director someday.
Cane: Ooh!
Charlie: No, don't worry, i won't forget all the little people that helped me along the way. That's if I can remember their names.
[ Laughter ]
Cane: I think he means us.
Mattie: He better not mean me if he wants my physics notes.
Nick: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: You know what, will you excuse me for a second? Order yourself another drink. I'm just gonna make a quick call. Kyle, what are you doing? I'm at the club with kendrick. Where are you?
A mother's love is
[ Panting ]
Nick: Okay. So, uh, chinese or pizza?
Sharon: That's what you're thinking about right now?
Nick: I mean, I worked up an appetite.
Sharon: That's true. That was quite a workout.
Nick: Yeah. You okay?
Sharon: Yeah. Are you?
Nick: Does this look like a face with any regrets?
Sharon: I just didn't think...
Nick: That this would ever happen again?
Sharon: It just seemed like the universe was trying to tell us that we weren't meant to be together.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] What does the universe know?
Sharon: Yeah. Sometimes you have to just follow your -- your instincts.
Nick: Well, I'm glad you did.
Sharon: Yeah. Now that things are out in the open with us, things don't have to be weird. We can be normal.
Nick: Yeah, let's do normal. So, chinese or pizza?
Charlie: What's taking them so long with the food?
Lily: Charlie, relax.
Mattie: I thought being late was a statement.
Charlie: Look, I have to make it to the theatre on time.
Mattie: Wouldn't want to spoil your grand entrance.
Charlie: I'm not worried about me, dummy. I just -- I want everything to go right for ms. Mergeron tonight. Her whole life is gonna be up on that screen. I hope I did a good job for her.
Mattie: Wow. When did you grow up?
Charlie: Do you really have to come tonight? Does she really have to come tonight?
Lily: Yes.
Cane: Yes.
Charlie: [ Sighs ]
Abby: Ta-da! How do we look?
Jack: Wow! Like movie stars.
Ashley: Thank you.
Abby: Well, you look very dashing yourself, uncle jack. For a second, I thought it was brad pitt.
Jack: Must be the hair.
Ashley: Is traci still with mother?
Jack: I think she and traci are arguing over what dress she should wear.
Ashley: Mm, I hope that's all there is to it because mother seemed a little out of sorts earlier.
Jack: Seeing herself on the big screen is gonna do her a world of good. She'll hear herself telling those stories, and memories will come flooding back.
Ashley: This is important to you.
Jack: I know she wasn't always there for us, ash.
Ashley: She's our mother.
Jack: But she's our mother. I want tonight to be just wonderful for her. Which reminds me, I've got one more little surprise for her.
Abby: Ooh! Tell us!
Jack: Well, it wouldn't be a surprise. Rest assured, though, it will make this evening more of a night to remember.
Traci: Not if mother isn't there.
Jack: What does that mean?
Traci: She was okay when i took her to her room, and then suddenly, she just wasn'T. I have never seen her change so quickly.
Allergies with sinus
congestion and pressure?
Victor: I understand that congratulations are in order. You have another grandchild coming.
Neil: Look at you. I guess you watched "the hilary hour," huh?
Victor: I'm informed, you know.
Neil: Yeah, you are.
Victor: I may have been out for a while, but I'm informed. I didn't know that hilary and devon had reconciled.
Neil: No, no, they haven'T. They made a mutual decision to both be parents, that's all.
Victor: Really? Does devon know what he's getting into?
Neil: Yes and no. I mean, that's what I asked him. I got to be honest. You know, he feels like he's ready to become a parent, a father, he's ready to share what he's learned about the world with his son or his daughter.
Victor: Oh, boy. [ Chuckles ] Don't we all. Anyway, I just hope that his children don't judge him as harshly as mine have judged me.
Neil: Come on, in my humble opinion, your kids respect you a lot.
Victor: I'm not so sure about that, neil. Sometime I wonder, you know? Whatever you say about jack abbott, however much i despise that S.O.B., He respected his dad. He wanted to be like his dad. He admired his father. The tragedy of jack abbott's life is that he can never be his father. Now, you go on. Don't want you to miss this important film.
Neil: Remember -- keep pressing, all right? I will see you later.
Victor: You know I will.
Neil: Yes. Take care!
Victor: See you, neil.
Kyle: Hi.
Billy: Oh, that's all you're gonna say? Hey.
Kyle: Where's kendrick?
Billy: Probably halfway to chicago right now. He had to catch the last train out.
Kyle: But what about the meeting?
Billy: You mean the meeting you're an hour-and-a-half late for?
Kyle: Sorry about that. There was a huge accident on route 72, closed down the lanes. I was stuck, man.
Billy: Couldn't call, couldn't text, or anything?
Kyle: It's that stretch of road where there's no signal. Once I finally got back into range, my battery had died. Look, I'll call kendrick, explain what happened.
Billy: No, you're not gonna do that.
Kyle: Why not?
Billy: Because I already reached a tentative agreement with him. Nothing on paper, but we shook on it.
Kyle: Great. So no harm, no foul.
Billy: Because I saved your butt.
Kyle: I said I was sorry. Look, once the paperwork's signed, I'll get in touch with kendrick and explain what happened.
Billy: Just table it for now, okay? I have to get ready for dina's screening tonight.
Kyle: Me, too. I wouldn't want to be late for that. I know how much it means to dad.
Billy: It means a lot to all the abbotts.
Kyle: Of course. I've gotten pretty close with my grandmother since I got back in town. I want this to be a special night for her.
Billy: Yeah, we all do.
Kyle: It's different for me. I've always kind of been on the outside looking in.
Billy: Your choice.
Kyle: The move to new york was. But my mother took me away from genoa city when I was a kid, and when we moved back, she moved in with victor and... it's all in the past. I'm here now. And I want to be a part of the abbott family.
Billy: Well, you're not exactly off to a great start, are you?
Kyle: I'm hoping to change that tonight. Once dina movie ends and the whole family gives her a standing o, I want to be right there with all of you.
Billy: Well, then, we should go because we're both gonna be late.
Kyle: See you there.
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: Here. Here. There, that better?
Dina: I -- I need help.
Jack: No, we're all here to help you. That's why we're here.
Dina: No! Mommy! I want my mommy to tuck me in and read me a story.
[ Sobbing ] I -- I want... I want daddy to sing me to sleep. Where is my mommy? Where is she? I want my mommy!
Jack: Let me -- let me see if I can find her, okay?
Dina: Okay.
Jack: Okay? Oh, boy, she is completely out of reality. I don't know what to do.
Ashley: We don't have a choice, jack. We have to cancel the screening.
Jack: [ Sighs ] (Vo) dogs have evolved,
Nick: Yeah, so I'm meeting up with arturo at the site. He's got some ideas on how to hook up the exterior, and then i can meet you at the tile store. Yeah, cool. All right. Love you, mom.
Sharon: Did you, uh, check on christian?
Nick: Uh-huh. He's still asleep.
Sharon: Good.
Nick: So... uh, how about dinner?
Sharon: Uh, you know, it's just gonna be us. Faith has play rehearsal, and mariah just texted me she's working late.
Nick: Sounds like takeout, then.
Sharon: Sure. Whatever you want is fine with me.
Nick: Well, you know me, I'm up for anything when it comes to food.
Sharon: Okay. Pizza?
Nick: Yeah. Pepperoni and --
Sharon: And mushroom. Zelati's!
Nick: I know the number by heart.
Sharon: So do I.
Jack: Yes. Could I speak to the manager, please? Sure, I'll hold.
Traci: This is all my fault.
Ashley: Honey, no, it's not.
Traci: I should never have taken her to the park today. It was just too much. I knew she had this very big evening ahead.
Jack: Mr. Riggs, this is jack abbott. I may have some bad news about that. We -- we've had a bit of a family emergency. I'm afraid we may have to cancel tonight's festivities.
Dina: What are you talking about? Answer me!
Jack: Mr. Riggs, let me call you right back. Mother.
Dina: Yes?
Jack: Here, have a seat. Come on.
Dina: I don't want to sit down. Why were you canceling the premiere of my film?
Ashley: We thought that a big night out would be too much for you...
Dina: Nonsense. This is a film about me. I'm starring in it! It's my time in the spotlight, and there is no way any of you will ruin it.
Abby: No, no, that's the last thing that we would want to do.
Jack: Mother, we were just worried.
Dina: Well, I'm worried, too, about how to accessorize this lovely gown. And once I do that, we can be on our way.
Jack: I'll call the theatre.
Ashley: Okay, and abby and i are gonna help you pick out some jewelry.
Traci: And I'll get all of our things.
Dina: Wonderful. That sounds lovely. You know, I just want to look my very best tonight.
Ashley: You're going to look gorgeous.
Jack: Mother, you're gonna be tonight's shining star!
Ashley: It's going to be a night to remember.
Jack: A night to remember.
Lily: All right, we'll be right back.
Charlie: Don't take forever.
Mattie: You can check your tie while we're gone.
Cane: Hey. Hey. It looks great.
Charlie: Oh! Thanks.
Cane: No, seriously, I'm impressed 'cause you know the guy who invented that couldn't tie the first tie, right?
Charlie: Yeah. I found a video online showing me how to do it.
Cane: Oh, really?
Charlie: Mm-hmm. I even saw one on how to change a dirty diaper.
Cane: Oh, and you watched it?
Charlie: It was lame, though. I could make one way better. Hell, I could make a whole series on how to take care of your kid brother.
Cane: That's not a bad idea. Why don't you come up with a proposal?
Charlie: And do what with it?
Cane: You could pitch me, and if it's sound, I'll back you.
Charlie: Seriously?
Cane: Yeah, seriously. I believe in you, you know that, right?
Charlie: Yeah. You're a pretty okay dad.
Cane: Eh, well, you know, I haven't always been.
Charlie: It's in the past. Look, you're here now. I'm glad.
Cane: Me, too.
Kyle: I know, I know. I'm late.
Jack: No, no, it's all right. We're running behind schedule. In fact, the whole thing almost got called off.
Kyle: Wait, what?
Jack: I'll explain it all later, but the good news is, everything's back on.
Jack: I better get changed, then.
Jack: Before you go, I have a little something for you.
Kyle: It's not my birthday, dad.
Jack: Go ahead. Open it.
Kyle: But why?
Jack: Those were your grandfather'S. He gave them to me a long time ago, and it's time I passed them on to you.
Kyle: Dad, I...
Jack: Just wear them with pride. Wear them in honor of your grandfather. He was a great guy. He was the best of the abbotts. We all are trying to live up to his legacy, all trying to live to his example. Sometimes we mess that up. But we never stop trying.
Kyle: Dad...
Jack: Go ahead.
Kyle: Thanks.
Jack: I can't wait to see them on you.
Kyle: I better get changed.
Jack: Oh, that reminds me. I got one more surprise I got to get ready.
Kyle: Need any help?
Jack: Nope! All set. Th real tea leaves,
Kyle: Dad really nailed it with the red carpet.
Billy: Yeah, it's a nice touch.
Traci: It is. Oh, I thought phyllis was gonna be here tonight.
Billy: She's actually with victoria at that conference in canada.
Abby: Isn't that weird for you? Your ex and your current palling around?
Ashley: Shh! Shh, shh, shh! Here they come!
Billy: Dina, right here!
Abby: Dina! Beautiful! Here!
Dina: Oh, my! Oh!
Kyle: Hold on! Give me eyes!
Traci: Ici! Ici, s'il vous plaît!
Jack: All right, all right! Excuse me! Everybody, everybody! Ms. Mergeron has to get to the premiere.
Dina: Yes, I do!
Abby: One more! One more!
Ashley: Gorgeous, darling.
Dina: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, how lovely. I'm thrilled. Thrilled beyond words.
Abby: I would like to say something before we leave. Dina.
Dina: Yes, dear?
Abby: Thank you so much for opening up to me, for sharing your stories, and for telling me about your amazing, wonderful, empowering life that you led.
Dina: Wow.
Abby: That you still lead.
[ Laughter ]
Ashley: Yes, and now we all get to see it, too.
Dina: Well, I must say, my life has been very, very interesting. And also colorful. But we're not gonna talk about that tonight.
Jack: I think that's a good idea.
[ Laughter ]
Dina: Well, let's go!
Ashley: The limousine! Yes, it's here!
Jack: Let's get this show on the road.
Dina: Oh, this is wonderful. I can't wait.
Jack: Watch out, world. The abbotts are coming!
Dina: Coming through! Oh! Isn't this lovely?
Jack: After you, my dear.
Lily: Hey, dad!
Mattie: We just finished dinner.
Charlie: I didn't think you were gonna make it.
Neil: Beautiful, beautiful people here. No, listen, I'm sorry, I had a late meeting.
Charlie: No, it's cool. I'm just glad you're able to see the movie.
Neil: Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss it for the world, man. I know how hard you worked on it.
Charlie: Couldn't have done it without you.
Neil: What? I really didn't do anything.
Charlie: It's what you said, the other day at crimson lights. It helped bring everything together.
Neil: Well, if you'd have shown me that sneak preview i asked you for, then I might know what you're talking about.
Cane: Yeah, well, you know what, he wouldn't let us see his masterpiece, either, right?
Charlie: I got to build up the hype, bro.
[ Laughter ]
Neil: Yeah. Where's our boy devon?
Lily: Oh, he went to detroit for a last-minute urgent meeting.
Neil: Right, right. That's right. The hathaway deal. I know he's been working on that. A lot of people's jobs depend on it.
Lily: Yeah, but charlie texted him about arranging a private screening already.
Neil: Good man. It's a shame that he's gonna miss tonight.
Lily: That's fine, at least hilary won't be there to ruin charlie's big night.
Well, here we are again.
Yes, here we are again. Good night.
Good night.
Sharon: Wow. They had so much sexual chemistry, without even touching.
Nick: You wouldn't think that was possible.
Sharon: It's hard to ignore what's right in front of you.
Nick: You got a little...
Sharon: What? What, here?
Nick: Other side.
Sharon: Oh.
Nick: Little lower.
Sharon: Did I get it?
Nick: Here.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Dina: This is so exciting -- a movie about me. You know, I can't think of a more fascinating subject.
[ Laughter ] When's it going to start?
Ashley: Very soon.
Dina: Oh, good. You know, we should have done this film in cannes. It's much more glamorous than this dingy place.
Traci: [ Laughs ] Next time, mother. Next time.
Dina: "Dina mergeron: The sequel."
[ Laughter ]
Abby: Well, it would be hard to top what we're gonna see tonight.
Cane: Hey. You nervous?
Charlie: Nah. A little.
[ Laughter ]
Lily: No, it's gonna be great.
Charlie: Thanks.
Jack: Well, it looks like we're all here, so why don't we get started? First of all, thank you for coming tonight. This is a big night for the abbott family, but especially for my mother, dina mergeron.
[ Cheers and applause ] Dina is the reason we are all here. We are celebrating and honoring her life. And none of this would have been possible without the creative team whose efforts made the film you're about to see tonight. Let's hear it for abby and for charlie.
[ Cheers and applause ] Now, I was lucky enough to see a preview of their efforts earlier today, and without giving any spoilers, I can tell you -- dina mergeron has led a pretty amazing life.
Dina: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: It's taken her around the world and, fortunately for all of us, back home. This film has given me a deeper appreciation for my mother, and a fuller appreciation for the gift of life that we are all given. My life would not be the same without my family. Because I think my mother would agree... family comes first. Family is more important than anything else. Well, enough of the preamble. Let's hear dina mergeron tell us about her incredible life.
[ Applause ]
Victor: Well, it looks like I arrived just in time.
Billy: What the hell is he doing here? I'll get rid of him, jack.
Jack: Billy, I got this.
Dina: Well, what's going on? I thought we were gonna watch my movie.
Ashley: Just a little technical interference.
Dina: Oh, dear.
Traci: No, no, it's all right, jack's gonna handle it.
Dina: Okay.
Jack: You're in the wrong theatre, victor.
Victor: Correct me if I'm wrong -- this is a tribute to dina mergeron, is it not?
Jack: It is indeed.
Victor: Yes.
Jack: It is invitation only. I don't even know how you heard about it.
Victor: Mm.
Neil: I had mentioned the screening to victor earlier this evening. I had no idea you were planning on coming.
Victor: Well, now, it was a last-minute decision, but I see you have a lot of empty seats, so I don't see how my attendance would cause a problem.
Jack: We still have the fact that it's a private affair. You're not welcome here. See, if I let you in, I have to let in any bum that comes in off the street. Why don't you try the theatre down the hall? They're showing "citizen kane."
Victor: Mm.
Jack: It's a story of a wealthy old man who believe he can buy love and discovers he can'T. I think you'll like it.
Victor: I came here tonight to show my respects to your mother, dina mergeron. She's a remarkable woman, you know.
Jack: I don't need you to tell me that.
Dina: Who said my name?
Victor: Dina, it was me.
Dina: Oh!
Victor: How are you?
Dina: Well, I'm just fine.
Victor: Good.
Dina: It's victor, isn't it?
Victor: Yes.
Dina: Oh, well, I'm so glad you came.
Victor: Thank you. Sorry to barge in on you like this.
Dina: Oh, not at all.
Victor: I just remember you and I had this wonderful dance at the winter formal. So I hope you don't mind.
Dina: Oh, that's right. We did. Oh, I'm so glad you came.
Victor: I'm so glad, as well. There's only one little problem. I have no invitation.
Dina: Oh, you don't need an invitation. Stay as my guest.
Jack: Mother...
Dina: Oh, victor was such a gentleman when he escorted me to the formal, and he's a very fine dancer.
[ Giggles ]
Jack: Yes, I'm sure he is. It's time for you to leave.
Dina: Well, if he goes, I go.
Jack: Find a seat.
Victor: Is that seat taken? I guess not. How nice to see you.
Jack: Ready to get started?
Dina: I am now.
Jack: Roll it!
Dina: Is that true, jackie?
Jack: I hope so, mom.
Dina: So do I.
Sharon: [ Moaning ]
Nick: I can get used to "normal."
Sharon: [ Panting ] You know, I think it's just gonna take us a little time before we find the balance we're looking for.
Nick: Yeah.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Sharon: Nick, I think we should talk about... what's going on here, where this is headed.
Nick: Yeah. Okay. Let's do that. Let's talk. Uh, I'll go. Um...
[ Chuckles ] It's not as easy as I thought.
Sharon: No judgment.
Nick: No, it's not that. I just -- I don't want to hurt you.
Sharon: Well, the only way you could do that is by not being honest.
Nick: Okay. Uh, it's, uh -- it's chelsea.
Sharon: You're still not over her.
Nick: You know, look, everything's, you know, still kind of fresh -- the good and the bad -- and I'm just not ready to jump into another relationship.
Sharon: Whew. 'Cause neither am I.
Nick: Really? Wow. Okay. I thought when you said you wanted to talk that maybe you had something in mind.
Sharon: I do.
Nick: Care to fill me in?
Sharon: I'd love to.
Feel the clarity of non-drowsy
Nick: All right. I can used to normal.
Sharon: To where we're headed.
Nick: Still don't know where that is.
Sharon: Um, well, did you like the last few hours?
Nick: Oh, the movie? The pizza?
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] The sex.
Nick: Oh, that was --
[ Imitates explosion ]
Sharon: For me, too. That's why I don't think we should stop doing it.
Nick: Really? 'Cause I thought when you stopped me earlier, then you...
Sharon: No, I just wanted us to agree on what this is and what this isn'T.
Nick: Oh, well, what it is, is -- [ Imitating explosion ]
Sharon: But it's not a serious commitment.
Nick: Right. So what are we? Friends with benefits?
Sharon: Mm, yeah, I guess that is what I'm saying. With one caveat. I think that we should keep this to ourselves. I wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea, getting their hopes up.
Nick: Faith.
Sharon: She's growing up really fast, but I don't think she's ready for this.
Nick: And what about you? Are you sure this is what you want?
Sharon: Sneaking around and having hot sex with you? Mm, I think I'd rather go back to the way things were. You know, holding back, not saying how I feel, worried that a hug or an affectionate touch was giving the wrong signal. Yeah, things were a lot better then, but I guess I could make the sacrifice, you know, somehow muscle through this new arrangement.
Nick: Ah, well, it is gonna be tough.
Dina: [ Chuckles ] Where to start. So many stories. So many memories. And there's one story I never told anyone. It was the time that john and kay went skinny dipping in the old quarry junior year. And if you're wondering how i know about it, well, honey, i was there. They were hoping I wouldn't know what they were planning, but I caught them. So I stripped down, jumped in, and joined them.
[ Giggles ] I had taken both kids to the park, but ashley was upset because her father was out of town on a business trip. And I instructed her to wear play clothes. But ashley was born stubborn, and she insisted on wearing her yellow and white striped dress. And around and around and around that tree she went, paying me absolutely no mind. And jack was off playing ball with his friends. Well, jack left his friends and plopped down by the tree with his school bag and proceeded to set up ashley's little tea set. Well, that's all it took. She lit up like the sun. So happy and excited that she was having tea with her big brother. Oh, how she adored him. To her, he could do no wrong. Oh, I'll never forget the first time I saw john abbott. Ooh! He was the most handsome man i had ever seen, but all he cared about was studying and football, until I asked him to the sadie hawkins dance.
[ Chuckles ] That changed everything. I've taken john for granted more than once. And it's -- it's just all so shameful, my time spent with other men. This has nothing to do with brent or ashley. I've had multiple affairs with many consequences, but there is one that I've kept secret, and for good reason. When I was younger, I needed more than john could ever, ever give me, and I got a lot more than I ever bargained for. I'm talking about jack. Can't you see that? Jack is the consequence. Jack is not john's son.
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