Y&R Transcript Friday 4/27/18

Y&R Transcript Friday 4/27/18


Episode #11391 ~ Victor meets with Arturo; Hilary suffers heartbreak; Victoria makes a painful decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Kyle: This man from the country club -- he's a friend?

Dina: Oh, yes, indeed. Very good one. If I could only recall his name, it would solve a lot of questions.

Victor: Where were you the night I was attacked?

Sharon: Aaaaah!

[ Breathing heavily ]

Nick: Sharon. What? What's wrong?

Reed: I need to get out of town and leave genoa city for a little while and --

Victoria: Leave and go where?

Reed: I found this boarding school in new hampshire. Say the words. Can I go?

Victoria: [ Crying ] Okay. Okay. You can go.

Reed: [ Sighs ] No, no.

Victoria: Hey!

[ Chuckles ] What do you think, huh?

Reed: I think you better know somebody else named reed.

Victoria: Honey, come on.

Reed: Come on, mom. I'm serious. Whatever you've got planned here, I -- count me out.

Victoria: It's a going-away party for you.

Reed: You could have at least asked me first.

Victoria: Oh, really? Like you asked me about going away to boarding school?

Reed: I did, and you were cool with it.

Victoria: You went to billy, and you made all these arrangements without talking to me about it. I could have said no. I wanted to, but I didn't, because I knew it was what you wanted.

Reed: Okay.

Victoria: [ Laughing ] Okay.

Reed: Okay. I'll come to your stupi-- I'll come to your party.

[ Both chuckle ] But no tears, okay?

Victoria: What?! Me, cry? No.

Reed: You're so totally gonna cry.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Maybe just a little bit.

Reed: So, who's coming to this shindig?

Victoria: I'm hoping everyone in the family.

Reed: I know one person that won't be here.

Hilary: Hey.

[ Sighs ] So, you're just gonna ignore me now?

Devon: Yeah.

Hilary: Devon, we're gonna have a baby together.

Devon: Oh, I know, and, thanks to you, the whole world knows it, too.

Hilary: Okay. I didn't intend on blurting it out like that. Just [Sighs] I wanted to share our good news with people that care about me.

Devon: Mm-hmm. I think the only person that you had in mind when you made that announcement was simone.

Hilary: I assumed that you had told her.

Devon: No, you didn'T. You prayed I hadn't because you want to break us up. And what better way than to announce on national tv that you're having my baby?

Hilary: It's not my fault that your girlfriend broke up with you because you decided to become a father.

Devon: She didn't break up with me.

Hilary: I thought you just --

Devon: I know what you thought. I'm gonna talk to her, and I'm gonna smooth out this whole mess.

Hilary: So, she might still call it off?

Devon: Well, you better hope she doesn't, because if she does, I'm gonna hold you responsible for it.

Hilary: [ Scoffs ]

Dina: [ Chuckles ] Oh! Hello.

Kyle: How's my favorite beautiful lady?

Dina: [ Chuckles ] Aren't you charming? And familiar. I know you.

Kyle: Very well.

Dina: Oh, y-you were here the other day.

Kyle: I hadn't seen you around the club, so I figured I'd swing by, maybe take you for a bite to eat.

Dina: Oh, well, how nice.

[ Chuckles ] I'll get my purse.

Nikki: Are you ready for reed's party?

Victor: I'm not going.

Nikki: Why not?

Victor: The doctor said no. He advised against it.

Nikki: So now you're suddenly listening to the doctor?

Victor: I thought you would be ha-happy.

Nikki: Would you like me to give reed a message for you?

Victor: He was here earlier, and I told him... how I feel.

Nikki: Did you tell him that you love him?

Victor: I love him very much. He knows that.

Nikki: Well, it never hurts to hear it.

Victor: You're going to be late.

Nikki: Okay. Well... all right, darling.

[ Smooches ] I'll see you later, okay?

Victor: Okay.

[ Door closes ] This is victor newman. I w-- I want you to come to my home immediately.

Reed: Oh, hey! Look who made the guest list.

Billy: Yeah. I guess your mom's not quite as upset with me as I thought she'd be, after helping you plan your great escape.

Reed: No, she's furious. But I'm grateful. I need to get out of G.C. For a while.

Phyllis: Fresh starts are billy's specialty.

Billy: Yeah. I've had a few, so come to me when you need any help, right?

Phyllis: I don't know about that.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] What are you talking about? Who else is gonna teach him how to get through boarding school?

Victoria: Me.

Billy: [ Laughs ] Your mom's hilarious.

Victoria: You're not the only one who went to boarding school, billy.

Billy: You're right, and I'm sure katie will benefit greatly from your experience one day.

Victoria: That's a little chauvinistic, don't you think?

Billy: I am all about female empowerment, trust me. I'm just saying that there's things that he needs to know that are not on your bandwidth.

Phyllis: Oh. We should let them talk.

Victoria: Okay, fine. Just keep it pg, please.

Billy: Ooh, that's gonna be -- pg it is.

Victoria: Okay.

Reed: Why, thank you.

[ Chuckles ]

Victoria: Have you heard anything new about J.T. Or the investigation? Please don't tell me there's something new that we have to worry about.

Phyllis: No. Just the opposite. I think with reed leaving, it's gonna be good for everyone.

Victoria: Meaning what -- one less loose end that we have to worry about and I should ignore the fact that my son doesn't get the chance to mourn his father?

Phyllis: I'm not gonna tell you that I understand what you're feeling, because i don'T. I was just saying that I think reed leaving is gonna make it easier for you to move on.

Victoria: I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that.

[ Crash ]

Sharon: Aaaaaah!

Mariah: Sorry. Sorry. I -- minor accident in the kitchen. I didn't kill anybody this time.

Sharon: What?

Mariah: I-I broke a plate. It was an accident. Sorry.

Nick: Sharon, are you okay?

Sharon: Um, I'm fine.

Nick: I heard you scream.

Mariah: Yeah. She freaked out because I dropped a plate.

Sharon: I didn't freak out. I was startled.

Nick: You're shaking.

Sharon: Because my adrenaline is pumping. That's what happens when something catches you off guard.

Nick: Huh. That seems to be happening a lot lately.

Sharon: You're making a big deal out of nothing, both of you.

Nick: I mean, last night, you had that terrible nightmare, and now this. Are you sure nothing's on your mind?

Sharon: I reacted to a bad dream and a loud noise. There's nothing unusual about that. It's called "human nature."

Mariah: No, I'm with nick on this one. You've been acting wonky lately. What's going on?

Hilary: Thank you. Thank you for squeezing me in.

Dr. Chasen: I was surprised when my assistant said you were coming in -- and that you were pregnant. After you missed your insemination appointment, that was the last thing I expected.

Hilary: Yeah. I'm sorry about all of that. There was a bit of a scheduling mixup. But I couldn't wait a whole month to conceive, so I went the traditional route, and... it worked.

[ Chuckles ]

Dr. Chasen: Well, I'm glad you came in today.

Hilary: Okay. So, I've done some research on how to maintain a healthy pregnancy, and I've taken a few notes. Now, I've already cut out raw fish and alcohol and caffeine, and any meat that I eat will be fully cooked and lean, of course. Oh, and I got these -- these vitamins. I've already started taking them. And I want to book my first ultrasound.

Dr. Chasen: Okay, hilary. Slow down.

Hilary: [ Chuckling ] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm a little excited.

Dr. Chasen: I can see that. But you know what? We're just gonna take this one step at a time, starting with this appointment.

Hilary: That's why I'm here. I want to do everything right. I don't want anything to mess this up.

Sharon: I don't know what i can do to convince you there's nothing to worry about.

Mariah: Okay, fine. You don't want to talk about it? I will carry on with my day.

Nick: Yeah. I got to take off, too. Vick's throwing a going-away party for reed. In fact, why don't you come with me?

Sharon: Oh, I'M...not sure that's a good idea.

Mariah: Why? I thought you guys were best friends since the bonding party.

Sharon: I'm sure this is a family thing.

Nick: Sharon, you are family. And the more people supporting reed, the better.

Mariah: Yeah! You should go. Get out of the house. Be around people.

Sharon: Fine. Okay. If it'll prove to both of you that I'm okay, I'll go.

Victoria: Thanks for coming, mom.

Nikki: Oh, of course. I'm sorry your father couldn't make it. He won't admit it, but I have a feeling he's feeling a little vulnerable these days.

Victoria: Yeah, well, it's probably for the best. The fewer people I have to keep our secret from, the better.

Nikki: Yeah. How you holding up?

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

[ Voice breaking ] Every time i look at reed...

Nikki: Oh, honey, I know.

Victoria: I can'T.

Nikki: Honey, I know how you feel.

Phyllis: Brave faces, ladies. People are watching.

Nikki: Phyllis, hi. It's so good to see you.

Billy: Wow. You really did bond at that hen party or whatever it was, didn't you?

Nikki: Well, she shared a lot that night.

Billy: So, when's the next little get-together? Can I come?

Nikki: [ Laughs ] I don't know. We're still recovering from the last one.

Phyllis: A lot of margaritas and tequila and -- and -- and liquor and hangovers.

Billy: Mm. And the three of you and sharon? After all those years of catfights -- wow. There's hope for us all.

Nikki: Excuse me. I want to go say hi to reed. Hey, sweetie.

Reed: Hi.

Nikki: Going-away present.

Reed: Is it a car?

Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Yeah.

[ Laughs ] Ohh. I'm gonna miss you so much.

Reed: Hey. I told mom no tears.

Nikki: I know. Sorry.

Reed: I'm gonna miss you, too. I'm gonna miss everybody. I was just starting to get used to being here, but... with dad gone...

Nikki: I understand.

Reed: Mom doesn'T. She doesn't want me to leave.

Nikki: Honey, no mother wants their children to leave, but victoria wants what's best for you. We all do.

Reed: Yeah. That's what grandpa said, too.

Nikki: Yeah. He said that you came by the ranch.

Reed: I did. We had a good talk, I think. Um...I felt bad for laying into him about dad, and I told him i was sorry, but I don't know if he accepted my apology or not.

Nikki: Reed, your grandfather can be very forgiving when he wants to be.

Victor: Have a seat.

Arturo: I, uh, hope there's no problems with the new hope project. I've kind of already got enough on my plate.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I'm sure you do. Where is nikki and the rest of the team?

Victor: This meeting is just between you and me.

Feel the clarity of

Abby: Hi.

Dina: Hi!

Abby: Uh...are you two headed out?

Kyle: I'm taking dina on a little excursion.

Dina: Yes, to the country club, where we first met.

Abby: Do you mind if I steal your date for a second?

Dina: Oh, well, be quick about it.

Abby: Are you sure taking dina out all by yourself is a good idea?

Kyle: I've dealt with spunky ladies.

Abby: This is very different.

Kyle: I can handle it, abs.

Abby: Look, I'm just gonna pop in to reed's going-away party for a few minutes. When I get back, we can take her out together.

Kyle: I appreciate the offer, really, but I got this.

Abby: Kyle, look, I know that you're eager to help.

Kyle: It's not just that. I want to get to know my grandmother, and I want her to get to know me. I think I can give her a perspective on this family nobody else has.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] That's what worries me.

Kyle: It's all good. Trust me. Ready to hit the road?

Dina: Honey, I'm all yours.

[ Chuckles ] Bye.

Reed: So, how many boarding schools you get kicked out of?

Billy: None. I never got caught.

Reed: Huh. Pretty cool -- for an old guy.

Billy: Hey!

Reed: [ Laughs ]

Billy: Okay, you listen to me. I'm gonna tell you one thing, all right?

Reed: Okay.

Billy: Full house always beats two pair.

Reed: Okay.

[ Doorbell rings ] Um, more guests.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

[ Door opens ]

Reed: Hey.

Nick: Hey! Is this where the party is?

Reed: Unfortunately. Um, hi.

Sharon: Hi. I hope you don't mind me coming. Nick insisted.

Reed: Okay. I guess it's cool.

Sharon: Um, well, I'm not sure everyone else will feel that way.

Nick: So, you ready for the big move?

Reed: Yeah. Yeah. Billy was just giving me advice on how to survive boarding school.

Nick: Oh-ho-ho. Okay. Well, if you'd like some advice where you don't get expelled, then I'm your guy. I'm just a phone call away, man.

Reed: All right. I got you on speed dial.

Sharon: I'm gonna go and get a drink.

Nick: Yeah. I'll be there soon.

Sharon: Take your time.

Nick: New hampshire?

Reed: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: So, no one told me that this was gonna be a reunion.

Victoria: Well, maybe that's because you were not invited.

Phyllis: Uh, yes, I was, by billy, and it wouldn't be a problem if my ex-mother-in-law from hell didn't greet my like i was her long-lost buddy.

Nikki: Excuse me?! You and sharon shouldn't even be here.

Sharon: Nicholas invited me to come.

Nikki: [ Scoffs ] Right. And the word "no" is not in your vocabulary when it comes to my son, is it?

Phyllis: Okay, that's it. That bitchiness we need to show the world. Just keep it up.

Sharon: Well, nikki shouldn't have a problem with that.

Victoria: Or you.

Phyllis: The last thing we need are people to be suspicious -- the four of us acting like bffs.

Sharon: We'd have to be meryl streep to pull that off.

Phyllis: Sharon, no one's really interested in your opinion, all right?!

Victoria: Shh!

Phyllis: Even though you give it all the time! I'm just getting things rolling. That's all.

Sharon: Well, next time, don't enjoy it so much.

Victoria: Enough, okay? Enough! This party is supposed to be about reed. Remember him -- the boy who thinks his father abandoned him?

Devon: Hilary and I conceived a child. That's it.

Simone: That's a lot, devon.

Devon: I understand, and I'm not taking it lightly. But it doesn't mean anything has to change between us.

Simone: I don't think you can imagine how parenthood is gonna change your life.

Devon: Well, you're right, 'cause I've never been a parent.

Simone: You need to prepare yourself for what it's really gonna be like to have a kid.

Devon: You know that hilary and I are gonna be sharing those responsibilities.

Simone: Well, I'm not talking about the physical demands or how it's gonna affect us -- even you and hilary. I'm talking about you and the deep and loving bond that you're gonna have with your son or daughter. You should have that. I want you to have it.

Devon: And I absolutely want it, too. But that's not something I'm gonna have to deal with for another nine months, which gives us time to figure out if what we have going on is serious, you know?

Simone: And if it is?

Devon: If it is, then I'm gonna make it work... somehow.

Simone: [ Chuckles softly ]

Hilary: It says here that i need to have two to three servings of fruits a day and three to four servings of vegetables and 1,000 milligrams of calcium.

Dr. Chasen: Hilary...

Hilary: I mean, I will do everything I can to make sure that this baby is healthy.

Dr. Chasen: ...I have the results of your blood test, and I-I'm afraid I have some disappointing news.

Hilary: Don'T. Don't tell me that there's a problem...with the pregnancy.

Dr. Chasen: I'm sorry. You're not pregnant, hilary.

Hilary: What?

Billy: You know, up until last week, the only thing those four shared was a last name.

Nick: Yeah, and it's not like, uh, "once a newman, always a newman" is our family motto.

Billy: Who would have thought that a little girls' night out would turn in to a breakfast club, huh?

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: You know what? We should get together -- me, you, jack, victor. Maybe lightning will strike twice.

Nick: [ Laughing ] What?

Billy: No? Temporary insanity. What are you gonna do?

Nick: Yeah. You know, it's -- it's ironic, this friendship that came, uh, once vick realized what kind of person J.T. Really is.

Billy: Yeah. It's pretty cool that your two ex-wives have put away their differences for your sister in order to support her in this time.

Nick: Got to give them props.

Billy: If there was a buddy of mine going through that much pain, I'd invite him for a few beers, maybe play a little pool, and ignore the rest.

Nick: Sounds about right.

Billy: Right?

Nick: Yeah.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Billy: Let me get that.

Nick: Yeah.

Abby: Hi!

Billy: Hey, abby.

Abby: What is that about?

Sharon: You giving reed advice?! You're hardly an expert on young men -- unless you count the time you tried to seduce kyle!

Phyllis: What the hell?

Sharon: I'm just playing by your rules -- hating on each other so no one gets suspicious.

Phyllis: Okay. Dial it down a few notches.

Sharon: Just keepin' it real.

Nikki: Well, if that's what we're doing, why don't you tell me why you're here? Are you using reed's party as a way to get close to nicholas?

Abby: Hi, ladies! Am I interrupting?

Victoria: No. Of course not. Hi.

Abby: Well, I hear I missed a big girls' night.

Phyllis: Oh, just the uzh -- little alcohol, lot of laughter.

[ Chuckles ]

Abby: Really? Well, I'm sorry I missed it. Next time you throw a killer party, count me in.

Victor: I've been going over the budget of the new hope project.

Arturo: I-I didn't realize you were so involved.

Victor: When nikki is passionate about something, I get involved.

Arturo: She cares deeply about the project. You know, nikki and I will be spending a lot of time together. You don't have a problem with that, right?

Victor: I just...don't like the numbers. Perhaps you are providing some other services that I don't know about.

Hilary: I, uh... took the home pregnancy test twice, and both times -- both times -- it came back positive.

Dr. Chasen: I know, and -- and that can happen in cases like this.

Hilary: Like what?

Dr. Chasen: Well, you had what's called a chemical pregnancy.

Hilary: Well, what does that -- what does that mean?

Dr. Chasen: It's where the egg is fertilized, but then it just doesn't implant in your uterus, so your hcg levels were elevated, which rendered the false positive.

Hilary: Is there something that... I could have done?

Dr. Chasen: No, no. This is just your body's way of telling you that this wasn't a viable pregnancy. But it doesn't mean you can't conceive in the future.

Hilary: But there's no -- there's no baby now?

Dr. Chasen: I'm sorry.

Hilary: [ Sniffles ] Devon's gonna think I made the whole thing up just to tear him apart from his girlfriend.

[ Sighing ] Oh, gosh.

Billy: Hey. You okay?

Reed: [ Sighs ] Um...yeah. I just...keep expecting my dad to walk through the front door. I know it's stupid.

Billy: No. It's not stupid at all, man.

Reed: He could at least send a text, though. I mean...

Phyllis: He's not breathing. There is no pulse. His body has already gone cold.

Reed: ...How hard could it be for him to get a burner phone? He was a cop, a P.I. I mean, he knows how to stay off the grid.

Billy: Listen, man, your dad has a lot of problems, okay? But he loves you. And I think he'd be really happy that you're pursuing music.

Reed: Why couldn't he tell me that?

Victoria: This is reed's father. He deserves a decent burial.

Reed: I have this fantasy that, one day, I'll be playing in some dive bar and... look up, and he'll be sitting there, right in the front row, big smile on his face.

Sharon: We should at least consider going to paul and telling him everything -- for reed's sake.

Dina: [ Chuckles ] Oh, I love this place.

Kyle: You know what I love?

Dina: What?

Kyle: The way you say my name.

Dina: Really?

Kyle: Say it now.

Dina: Uh...

[ Chuckles ] Mm. Um... I-it's gone. And I just had it on the tip of my tongue.

Kyle: I'm sure it'll come back. Just give it a minute.

Dina: Oh.

[ Breathing deeply ] Well, it -- it starts with a-a "b"... or -- or an "r" or an "S." No, no, none of them! Why can't I think of it?!

Kyle: It's okay. L-let's talk about something else.

Dina: No. I know your name. It just -- it just won't come to me.

Kyle: It's not important.

Dina: Well, it is to me!

Kyle: Dina, dina, dina. Take it easy.

Dina: [ Sighs ] What's wrong with me?

Kyle: Nothing. Nothing's wrong with you. You're a beautiful, smart, amazing lady.

Dina: [ Chuckles ] Who can't even remember your name.

Kyle: Names are overrated. I just want to spend time with you...

Dina: [ Chuckles softly ]

Kyle: ...Get to know you better.

Dina: Oh. You know... you really are a darling man. And I'm so glad you're in my life.

Sharon: I just want to say how sorry I am.

Reed: For -- for -- for what?

Sharon: You're leaving town, and I feel like I'm partly responsible.

Reed: Why?

Sharon: What I mean is... when we talked the other day at the coffeehouse, maybe I could have given you better advice -- said something that would have convinced you to stay.

Reed: Um...[Chuckles] That's nice, but, uh, this really has nothing to do with you.

Sharon: No, I know. I'm -- I'm just...sorry you're going through this.

Reed: Okay. Um... thanks.

Victoria: Reed, there's someone else here to see you/

Reed: Oh, yeah? Who's that?

Mattie: Uh, me.

Reed: [ Chuckles softly ]

Devon: [ Laughing ] I guess i can.

Simone: [ Laughing ] No.

Devon: I can.

Simone: No!

[ Chuckles ]

Hilary: Hi. Uh, devon...

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: ...Can we talk -- privately?

Devon: Is it about your pregnancy?

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: Well, I made it clear that I'm not gonna let that interfere with my relationship with simone, so anything you have to say, you can say in front of her.

Hilary: I understand. But this only involves you and me.

Devon: Well, simone and i don't keep secrets, so...

Hilary: Please, devon?

Devon: Hilary, you can say it, or you can go. It's your choice.

Hilary: Fine. I just came from seeing my O.B., And...

Devon: Is there something i should know?

Hilary: No. No. I just -- I wanted to keep you apprised.

Devon: That's it?

Hilary: Yep. That's it.

Devon: Okay. Thank you.

Hilary: Okay.

Reed: I, um... wasn't expecting you.

Mattie: Your mom invited me. I hope it's okay.

[ Chuckles ]

Reed: Yeah. Um, listen --

Mattie: Reed --

Reed: C-could I go first?

Mattie: Yeah. Okay.

Reed: I made a mistake -- two big ones. Um... I should never have driven drunk. It was selfish, and it was stupid.

Mattie: Yeah, I-it was.

Reed: That's what I like about you -- no bull.

Mattie: Thank you?

Reed: You're a good friend, mattie. I should have seen that when you came into the court and defending me in front of the judge. Screw-up number two on my part.

Mattie: I shouldn't have just shown up in court the way I did.

Reed: I was being a jerk.

Mattie: I jumped in, thinking that I knew what was best, and i know this may come as a shock to you, but I'm not perfect.

Reed: Mattie... don't change, ever.

Mattie: You don't think i need to loosen up a little?

Reed: No. You're amazing. The way that you focus on what you want, push yourself to do better, be better -- I mean, you made me want to turn my life around. So I am. I'm gonna do things right this time. Maybe one day I can come back and show you I'm not a complete loser.

Mattie: Reed, I never thought that.

Reed: I need to do this -- go away. I'm gonna miss you, though.

Mattie: I'm gonna miss you, too.

Nick: You know he's gonna be all right, right?

Victoria: Do you have a crystal ball?

Nick: Don't need one. I was him, raging against the machine. Look at me now.

Victoria: Yeah, I guess you turned out okay.

Nick: [ Chuckles softly ] Do you have any idea what's going on with sharon?

Victoria: No. Why?

Nick: Earlier today, she practically lost it when mariah dropped a plate, and then last night, she had some crazy nightmare that really shook her.

Victoria: I don't know. Sharon -- [Chuckles] She's been prone to be a little dramatic sometimes.

Nick: I don't know. There's definitely something bothering her.

J.T.: Tell me why you're doing this!

Victoria: [ Screams ] Get off of me!

[ Fire poker thuds ]

Sharon: [ Gasps ]

Nick: Sharon? Hey. You okay?

Sharon: I'm fine. Um... I'm gonna take off, though. I just remembered there's something I need to take care of.

Nick: Yeah, all right. I'll drive you.

Sharon: I ordered a car.

Nikki: She has told more lies than I've had vodka tonics, and I still don't think she can hold it together.

Phyllis: If we don't rein her in, she's gonna make sure we all end up in matching jumpsuits.

Arturo: With all due respect, I don't need to look at the figures. I've been doing this for a while.

Victor: My wife is new to the construction business.

Arturo: Well, fortunately for her, I'm pretty good at what i do.

Victor: You don't like oversight?

Arturo: No, it's just not necessary.

Victor: I just don't want nikki to be taken advantage of.

Arturo: [ Chuckles softly ] From what I've seen, mrs. Newman seems to be in complete control of her life, sir.

Victor: Sometimes she uses bad judgment.

Arturo: Are we, uh, through?

Victor: Yeah, for now.

Hilary: What is all this?

Mariah: Baby stuff!

Hilary: I didn't -- I didn't order...any of this stuff.

Mariah: No, I know, but your bees have been very, very busy -- them and every baby company in the country who wants you to make a shout-out on air. That was a nice marketing ploy, by the way.

Hilary: Announcing my pregnancy wasn't a publicity stunt, mariah.

Mariah: Yeah. You were just sharing the news with a million of your closest friends.

Hilary: I was excited, okay? I was...happy.

Mariah: So are your viewers, apparently. Look, drool and dirty diapers -- they aren't really my thing, but ratings are ratings, so... hey! Maybe that's what you should name your baby -- nielsen! Nielsen curtis hamilton! It's kind of got a nice ring to it, right?

Hilary: Gimme, gimme, gimme today's script.

Mariah: Oh, yeah, sure. Oh, I threw in some baby-themed jokes, and if you want to endorse any of these products on the air, all we have --

Hilary: No, no, no. I'm not -- I'm not -- I'm not doing any of that. Um, okay, you need to rewrite it or just, um, take out any reference of "baby."

Mariah: That's gonna be kind of hard, considering we go on in five minutes. Look, this is a good thing, so just get out there, dive right in, and open with telling the viewers how excited you are to be pregnant.

[ Both chuckle ]

Hilary: [ Sighs ]

Dina: Oh, you know, I used to go out like that with my dear friend katherine.

Kyle: Mrs. Chancellor?

Dina: Mm-hmm. We were very close. But, you know, I haven't seen her in ages.

Kyle: I'm sure the two of you will reconnect one day.

Dina: Oh, I hope so, but so many of my friends have disappeared. That's what happens when you get as old [Chuckling ] As I am. Pieces of your life just... slip away.

Kyle: I'm not going anywhere.

Dina: Oh, you're such a sweet man.

Abby: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Dina: Oh, no, no, not at all.

Abby: How was your outing?

Dina: Oh, darling, it was delightful. But, you know, I'm -- I'm a little weary now. I think -- I think I'm gonna go and lie down. Will I see you soon?

Kyle: Count on it.

Dina: [ Chuckling ] Oh-ho-ho. Mm.

[ Giggles ]

Abby: Wow. [ Sighs ] I haven't seen her that happy in a long time.

Kyle: Just trying to help out.

Abby: Thank you. Whatever you're doing, please... keep doing it.

Allergies with sinus

congestion and pressure?

Hilary: Welcome once again to "the hilary hour." I'm hilary curtis.

Mariah: And I'm mariah copeland. We are coming to you live from our studio in downtown genoa city, where things are definitely buzzing. It seems that all of you are as happy and elated about hilary's pregnancy news as she is, and the response has been overwhelming. Who knew pregnancy could come with such swag? Not that that's why you got pregnant. We all know how much this means to you.

Hilary: Mariah --

Mariah: So, I am gonna let you tell everyone.

Hilary: Yes. There is something that... I want to say. It's not always easy, living your life in front of the camera, and I always try my best to be authentic with all of you and let you know the real me. But... sometimes there's consequences to sharing your personal life, and --

Mariah: If by "consequences," you mean a superdomeful of baby swag, then I'll take that as a tradeoff.

Hilary: Yes. Yes, I want to, um -- I want to thank all of you, everyone, for the gifts. And mariah's right. I'm -- I am -- I'm a little overwhelmed --

Mariah: Because she couldn't possibly choose just one, so how 'bout this? I'll walk you through them. There's this. It's very cute -- a bee. And this one has a wonderful message. And, oh, my gosh, look at this. Can you believe this? Can you believe how tiny your baby's feet are gonna be?

Victor: How is victoria doing?

Nikki: Uh, as well as can be expected. How was your day? Uh, anything happen that I need to know about?

Victor: I had an interesting visitor while you were -- were out.

Nikki: Who?

Victor: Your contractor.

Nikki: Arturo was here?

Victor: I-I called him.

Nikki: Well, why?

Victor: I have my doubts about his role in the new hope project.

Nikki: And?

Victor: I don't trust him with a project of that size.

Nikki: Well, I'll be the judge of that.

Victor: When it comes to projects of this size, you need advice. Fire him.

Nikki: Well, thank you for your input, victor, but I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions about everything.

Victor: If you keep him around, there'll be trouble.

Reed: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: You survived the party.

Reed: Yeah, it turned out not as lame as I thought it would.

Victoria: Did you say goodbye to your brother and sister?

Reed: About 10 times.

Victoria: Ohh. They're really gonna miss you.

Reed: Yeah, they are. I'm the best babysitter there is.

[ Chuckles ]

Victoria: I'm not sure if i want to know what that's all about.

Reed: I don't think you do. What are you gonna miss the most -- dirty socks on the ground, my music, waking me up in the morning?

Victoria: [ Voice breaking ] Everything.

Reed: Hey, mom. "No tears" rule is still in effect.

Victoria: I'm sorry.

Reed: You almost made it.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry for everything that i put you through, getting your hopes up about your dad and me.

Reed: I don't know what went down between you two, but... I get it now. You shouldn't feel guilty for him not being here. It's on him.

Victoria: I love you so much.

[ Sniffles ]

Reed: [ Crying ]

Phyllis: Ugh. Hey, why don't you grab a table? I'll be right there.

Billy: I don't know if i should be jealous or turned on.

Phyllis: Thank you for putting that image in my head.

Billy: I'll grab you a drink.

Phyllis: Okay. Make it a double.

Sharon: Could I have another?

Phyllis: Club soda.

Sharon: I can handle a glass of wine.

Phyllis: You cannot handle things sober.

Sharon: Did you see reed today?

Phyllis: You know what I see? I see nikki and victoria, you and me in prison if you don't keep your mouth shut, and I am not gonna let that happen.

Sharon: You can't force me to stay quiet.

Phyllis: In the psych ward, it doesn't matter what you say. Nobody is gonna believe you.

Sharon: You wouldn't dare.

Phyllis: Oh, I will lace up your straitjacket myself.

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