Y&R Transcript Friday 4/13/18
Episode #11381 ~ J.T.'s confession leads to a shocking turn of events.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Victoria: I scrapped my vacation with the kids because J.T. And I broke up.
Sharon: I'm throwing a girl'' night for victoria. Surprise! It's tonight! To the most fun we can have in one night.
Mariah: Yes!
Phyllis: Cheers!
Sharon: All right!
Mariah: Whoo!
J.T.: I came here to apologize.
Victoria: I'm done with you. Get the hell off of my property.
Victoria: I've been covering this up for months, and i just -- I don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to lie. I don't want to lie anymore.
Sharon: You don't have to lie, victoria. You can tell us.
Victoria: The real reason that I broke up with J.T... it wasn't simple. [ Sighs ] Or civilized. It was a nightmare. J.T. Abused me. [ Sniffles ]
Nikki: What? Victoria... tell me what he did to you. All of it. I need to know.
Victoria: I know you were worried about the way that he spoke to me. And you mentioned that to him.
Nikki: And you said it was nothing.
Victoria: Yeah.
Nikki: Yeah, all those criticism, the loaded little comments. I know there was more than what I just heard.
Victoria: Mom, it just felt like I -- I couldn't do anything right in J.T.'S eyes.
[ Sighs ] He knew exactly how he wanted me to behave, and everything that he said to me was so that I would... do things a certain way. But... it wasn't just words.
[ Cellphone rings ] It's him.
Phyllis: Wait. Whoa, whoa. He thinks he can call you? Wh-what, say, "my bad"?
Sharon: I am so sorry, victoria.
Victoria: It's okay. I'm fine. I am.
[ Sighs ] Just...the way he treated me was exhausting. I never knew which J.T. Was gonna walk through the door. And covering it up was very tiring, too. Sometimes it felt like all of my energy was devoted to him. And, honestly, I think that was part of it for him. That my every waking thought would be about him.
[ Scoffs ] Pleasing him. Avoiding him. Standing up to him. Backing down from him. I wasn't me anymore, and I -- I felt like my whole life revolved around him. But that's over now. I'm done. And I'm saying it out loud, which means... he can't control me anymore.
Sharon: Victoria, put the phone down. Just don't look at it. You need to disengage.
Phyllis: Or she can text him back and tell him where to shove his phone.
Victoria: Mom's right. He thinks that I'm gonna listen to him, and that he can talk me into taking him back again, but it's not gonna happen. I'm not giving him any more chances. Not after everything that he's done.
Victoria: This is victoria newman. Please leave a mess--
J.T.: God...
Cane: Hey. Don't take this the wrong way, but you look a little rough around the edges.
J.T.: [ Chuckles ] Cane, seriously, not now, all right?
[ Sighs ]
Cane: What's going on?
J.T.: Well, uh... this time yesterday, I was in hawaii with victoria and the kids on a vacation, and I was planning my future. And now I'm sitting here wondering what the hell went wrong. Victoria broke off our engagement.
Cane: I'm sorry. I take it you didn't see this coming.
J.T.: No. I mean, we had some issues, but... it was nothing I didn't -- I didn't think we'd be able to work through.
Cane: Listen, you can tell me to mind my own business, but what kind of issues were you having?
J.T.: Bad decisions. But... they were out of love. Out of a good place every time, hand to god. But I guess this time it's, uh -- it's a little too much for victoria to overcome.
[ Sighs ]
Victoria: I know it doesn't make any sense.
Sharon: Relationships are complicated, and love is far from easy.
Nikki: Sweetheart, you know I'm always here for you. For anything. No matter what.
Victoria: I just didn't want you to know. I didn't want anyone to know.
Nikki: You didn't feel you could talk to me?
Victoria: And tell you what, mom? That I was w-weak? That I was a victim, and that for months, J.T.'S love meant more to me than my own self-respect? I was ashamed. I don't want anyone to judge me.
Sharon: No, victoria. No one would have done that.
Victoria: Everyone told me that it was too soon with J.T., And that I needed to slow things down. But what was I gonna say? That you were right and I was wrong? I was the C.O.O. Of newman enterprises, and this man, who claimed to love me, was -- he was bullying me and belittling me. And I let it happen.
Phyllis: I'm just trying to understand here -- did you pretend it wasn't happening? Did you ignore it? I mean, what does something like this even look like?
Victoria: I told him that it had to stop. And that it wasn't okay. And we argued.
[ Sniffles ] We slammed doors. And then he would apologize, and I would wonder if I overreacted. And I convinced myself that i wouldn't let it happen again.
Sharon: You know, they are so good at apologizing, abusers. A-as if they really do want to change. I hear it every day on the crisis line.
Victoria: But just think about it. Think about... how sweet J.T. Was in public. I mean, think about how much you liked him.
Phyllis: Obviously sometimes I have terrible taste in men.
Victoria: Well, who would believe me if I said the charming, wonderful, charismatic J.T., Whom everyone adored, was -- was abusing me?
Nikki: Me. I would believe it.
Victoria: I know, mom. I know. I know you tried.
Nikki: [ Voice breaking ] I just didn't realize how awful it was for you. But now that I know...
Victoria: And then mac came back to town, and she tried to warn me.
Phyllis: Wait a minute. He pulled this crap on mac? What is it with this guy?
Sharon: She was so worried about you, and that's the only reason why she and I spoke about it that day.
Phyllis: You knew about this, too?
Victoria: Sharon only knew what mac told her. And I basically told her to butt out and mind her own business.
Sharon: And I should have pushed harder.
Victoria: No. There was nothing you could do. I had to want things to change.
Phyllis: Here's the thing. You are a smart, powerful, wealthy, flat-out gorgeous person. What in the world could J.T. Find to criticize in you?
Victoria: All of it. Everything. Uh -- my clothes. My tone. How much time I spent at work. How I was with the kids. What I ate.
Nikki: Honey, you are everything that phyllis said, and more. And no one -- no one -- should put you down.
Victoria: But he didn't make it a put-down at all. He made it like it was a helpful suggestion, like he was the only one who cared enough to tell me the truth.
Phyllis: Yeah, but this isn't like a girlfriend telling you you've got spinach in your teeth.
Nikki: Phyllis, I'm going to respectfully ask that you shut it.
Sharon: He made you depend on him. His opinion was more important than yours.
Victoria: Yeah. That's exactly right. Any decision that I-I made, I had to run past J.T. Not because he told me to, but because I respected his judgment more than I respected my own. I needed him. But it was -- it was more than that. I just really needed for us to be okay. And -- [ Scoffs ] And we were. Sometimes there were days and moments that were perfect. I mean it. They were wonderful and real, and I told myself... I just had to do better. I had to make sure that all we had was good days. So that's why I agreed to marry him. Even after we got into an argument where... ugh. Well, where things, um... they got physical.
[ Sniffles ]
Nikki: What did he do to you?
Victoria: We had an argument. It was about billy, I think. J.T. Just felt that I was too attached to him. And then it was about dad -- again. And, um, you know, we both said things, and it got heated. And he grabbed me by the arm and he wouldn't let me go, so I -- I hit him.
Phyllis: Finally. Thank god.
Nikki: Phyllis.
Victoria: And then...
Nikki: Then what?
Victoria: And then --
Nikki: Just tell me.
Victoria: He grabbed me by the throat...
Nikki: Oh...
Victoria: ...And he shoved me against the wall. I thought that he was gonna hit me, but... I closed my eyes, and he punched the wall right next to my -- my face instead.
Nikki: Oh, my god.
Sharon: And nobody -- no one else knew?
Victoria: Well, no. I-I covered my bruises. Mom... and then I wore his ring.
Phyllis: I can'T. What would make you want to stay after that?
Victoria: I don't know. I honestly don't know. Because I loved him. Because he loved me. Because I-I thought I could fix things. I did. I-I thought I could fix things. You know, if I acted the right way, and I -- and I behaved the right way, that -- that things would be good again. I know -- I know how this sounds. I do. Trust me. If I -- if I hadn't lived it, I probably wouldn't understand it, either. I mean, you see women on the news all the time. All the time. "Poor thing. How could she stay?" I guess it's because leaving, it feels like failure. And it's like a puzzle. It's -- it's like a really interesting puzzle. You just have to fix it and make things wonderful again. Because bad days are -- they're really, really bad. But the good days, they were... they were miraculous. Like, the very best day of my life, ever. And how could I give up those moments after they had already cost me so much? And he was -- he'd always, always been such a-a good man. So I felt like if things had gone wrong, then I would just find a way to make them better again. I called that therapist, sharon. The one whose name you gave me. And we went, and we saw her. And J.T. Said all the right things. And, yes, I know -- I know. I was stupid enough to believe him.
Phyllis: I-I didn't say that. I -- I wasn't thinking that.
Sharon: You know, we've all, at times, thought with our hearts in-instead of our heads, victoria. We've all just wanted someone or something that wasn't good for us at some point. You didn't do anything shameful. You didn't do anything wrong.
Victoria: I would never want dad to know about this. What would he think?
Nikki: Baby --
Victoria: That I would let something like this happen to me?
Nikki: Your father would be so proud of you right now. You're strong. You're resilient. And you cut J.T. Out of your life.
Sharon: You're safe now. And that's all that matters.
Phyllis: When you went to hawaii with J.T. After he... I mean, like, what happened in paradise that made you want to cut him loose?
Victoria: He wasn't hiding things anymore. There was no pretense. And he made it very clear that he wanted to control every aspect of my life. Every day that I was with him was a lie. And that's when I realized... that I had to walk away and never go back.
Allergies with sinus
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Nikki: Paul and christine actually hired J.T. To spy on victor?
Victoria: They expected him to find evidence of illegal business activity.
Nikki: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: More than happy to play secret agent. How many secrets can one guy keep?
Nikki: And then for J.T. To live here, get up every day and go to work and pretend to be loyal to this family...
Sharon: So, J.T. Went to work at newman as a spy, and victor had no idea?
Phyllis: Doesn't victor hire people to sniff this stuff out? What am I talking about? That's what J.T. Was hired for.
Sharon: To lock up your phone, I-it's classic. Cut off communication to isolate you.
Nikki: And for him to think that you would leave your family, take the kids away from their home...
Phyllis: Did J.T. Think that this was actually gonna fly? In what world would you leave your entire life behind?
Sharon: That's why he leaked the memo. So that you would have no job to stay for. All while your father was in the hospital, J.T. Was trying to get you away from anything and anyone who would warn you about his behavior.
Victoria: That's when i realized it wasn't gonna get any better. And it couldn't be fixed. Even if J.T. Never lost his temper again. Is that the life that I would want, knowing that I gave up everything for him?
Sharon: Sounds like romance, but in reality it's just control.
Victoria: If I loved him, he should be all that mattered.
Phyllis: Sounds like J.T. Was losing it. Irrational. Desperate. What about his life? His children with mac? I mean, was he ready to throw that all away? Why?
Sharon: If you hadn't gotten the kids and yourself away... it sounds like J.T. Felt he had nothing left to lose.
Nikki: But you did get away, thank god. And J.T. Should be giving some serious thought to staying away from you and genoa city.
Phyllis: If victor knew...
Nikki: Oh, forget victor. I know. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let J.T. Near you ever again.
Victoria: I need some air.
Cane: Okay, so, what? You guys had a fight?
J.T.: No. [ Scoffs ] Not even. It was... a disagreement -- a bunch of disagreements, you know? The difference in -- in how a guy thinks and how a woman thinks. You -- you say one thing, and she hears something completely different.
Cane: That's probably a good thing, all right? Maybe she just needs some time to cool off. Listen, I've seen what you guys have, okay? There's something there. And if you want my advice, don't give up. Just go after what you want. And if it's meant to be, it's gonna happen.
J.T.: You're right. Yeah. You know what? I'm gonna take off.
Cane: All right.
J.T.: [ Sighs ] Thanks for the talk, man. And, more importantly, thanks for the friendship.
Cane: Where you going?
J.T.: You know what, after tonight, I'm not gonna be around, but, uh, you may hear some things about me. Believe it or not. It's up to you.
Cane: Hey, hey, hey. What's that mean? Hey!
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
Nikki: My wonderful, brave girl.
[ Smooches ]
Victoria: I'm not, mom. I'm not. I stayed. I let him break me.
Nikki: Honey, you survived. You walked away. And now you're telling your story. You don't have to lie for him anymore. This isn't locked up inside of you anymore. So, whatever you may think, you are my wonderful, brave girl.
Victoria: I can only imagine what you think of me.
Nikki: Just that you can always come to me if you need help. And I tell you right here and now that I will never judge you.
Victoria: You say that.
[ Scoffs ]
Nikki: And I mean it.
Victoria: Mom, I just didn't want to admit that I was a failure.
Nikki: Angel, you failed no one. J.T. Failed you.
Victoria: You know something? He used to be different. Do you think that that person is still in there? Don't you think I should try to find him?
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Not if the good J.T. Isn't willing to come out. He's not strong enough to fight what he's become. I'm an alcoholic. That's my darkness. And I fight that every single day, because I am not willing to be that person. But J.T. Can't fight it, and he -- he's willing to be cruel and abusive, and you can't fight that battle for him. All you can do is walk away.
Victoria: I let him into my house.
[ Sighs ] I let the kids get attached to him. You know, he's always gonna be a part of our lives. But I built up my children's expectations for this big happy family. And then I took it away. What kind of a mother does that, anyway?
Nikki: Oh, honey. Do you think that becoming a mother suddenly makes everything perfect? Because it certainly didn't work that way for me. What your father and i have and had -- I mean, how many arguments did you overhear when you were a kid? And separations and divorces. All I could do was make sure that you and your brother knew you were loved.
Victoria: I never doubted your love for me, mom. But... [ Sighs ]
Nikki: But what, sweetheart?
Victoria: After all of the terrible things that dad has done to you and said... you're still with him.
Nikki: Well, what your father and I have is completely different from what just happened with you. And it's terrifying to know you were sucked into that. I-it -- it just makes you second-guess yourself. It's disorienting. But this is not going to define you, victoria. You will be happy again. Someday, your soul will be free and light. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But you are gonna be happy again. I promise. I promise.
Phyllis: Next time, do not ask mariah to bartend, okay? The lightweight is still passed out in the den.
Sharon: Oh, gosh. I'm so glad that she was asleep for all of this ugliness.
Phyllis: J.T. Hellstrom really turned out to be a piece of trash. Who did he think he was, treating victoria like that? Why didn't she just knee him in the groin and toss his ass out?
Sharon: She just told us why, phyllis. That kind of abuse, it's insidious. You have no idea how you would handle it, no matter how tough you want to talk. You just -- you don'T.
Phyllis: Okay. Easy. I am on victoria's side here.
[ Door closes ]
Sharon: Are you okay?
Victoria: Yes. I'm better. I am. I think I'm just gonna go upstairs and throw some water on my face and lay down for a little while.
Nikki: You should. You get some rest. And I will be here when you come down.
Victoria: No, mom, it's okay. You don't have to stay.
Sharon: Just forget we're here. We'll busy ourselves with something. We're not leaving.
Victoria: Thank you. All of you.
Nikki: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: So, when do you get into the party-planning business?
Nikki: Well, I have to say, both of you ladies really stepped it up tonight for my daughter. And no matter what I may have thought of either of you...
Phyllis: Or said right to our faces.
Nikki: I won't forget this.
Victoria: [ Sniffles ]
[ Brush clatters ] Ugh!
[ Gasps ]
Victoria: How did you get in here?
J.T.: I just want to talk to you alone. Please.
Victoria: They would never let you in.
J.T.: I know. That's why I came in from the roof of the garage. Look, I -- it's embarrassing, having to break into your own house. But pride goes out the window when you're fighting for the person you love.
Victoria: There's nothing to fight for. This is over. You need to leave now.
J.T.: Please, victoria. Look, I know you're angry about hawaii, all right? Things went wrong there.
Victoria: Things went wrong long before then.
J.T.: I know that. I know that, I-I -- I just -- I had... I had this thought in my head that if -- that if -- if we could go somewhere, a-and you could see things through my eyes, maybe...
[ Sighs ] I don't know. Maybe you'd understand.
[ Sighs ] The thing is... [ Sighs ] I don't know why it's so hard. Things used to be so easy. Look... the love is there, victoria. I want to be a good husband. I want to be a good father. I want to build a healthy, strong family. I want to be the man you deserve. But I can't do that here. This place is toxic. So, please, just -- just go with me somewhere, please, and -- and I will get all the help you think I need.
Victoria: I think you need? Like I made it up and it's all in my head?
J.T.: No. I know -- I know -- I know I need help. I know that now. But you are the only person that can help me. Our story cannot end here.
Victoria: It's already over. My life is here. Without you.
Nikki: You know, I sensed something wasn't right. I talked to victoria. I spoke to J.T. I had no idea what he was doing to her. I mean, he was crushing her spirit, really. Making her doubt herself. My daughter, that remarkable woman upstairs, who deserves nothing but the utmost love and respect... for him to make her feel less than...
Phyllis: I hear ya. If anyone did that to summer, my head would explode. Then his head would explode, because I'd kick it in.
Sharon: In the moment, you have no idea how you would handle things. You have no idea how quickly you'd react, how good your aim is, and then... violence is still violence. It's not the answer.
Nikki: Sharon's right. As angry as I am with J.T. Right now, all I feel is guilt. I mean, I wasn't able to save my child when she needed me.
Sharon: Yes, you did, nikki. You know, we can't be there every second. We can't know what's going on behind closed doors. All we can do is raise our children to be strong, aware. Not paranoid, but aware. To ask for help when they need it. To take it when it's offered. And that's what victoria did. She got away. You didn't have to save her, because she saved herself. That's the child you raised. You saved victoria by making her the woman that she is today.
J.T.: You're not thinking straight. Look, I'm opening my heart here, victoria.
Victoria: And I'm speaking from mine. I don't want to know you, J.T. I will, because of reed. But if it weren't for him, I would forget that i ever knew you.
J.T.: But you can't just walk away from me --
Victoria: Is that a threat? What are you gonna do? Huh? Tell me.
J.T.: What are you implying, that I would hurt you?
Victoria: You did before.
J.T.: That was one time. And it was both of us. You admitted that to the counselor.
Victoria: Do I have to go through this with you again? It wasn't just physical. It was verbal. It was emotional. And it was relentless. It's over.
J.T.: [ Sighs ] Mac got to you, didn't she? Mac got to you. You really think that's who i am, or are you just looking for an excuse to get away from me?
Victoria: It is who you are, J.T. That's a fact. That's why I will never be with you again. The only match
J.T.: You know, I came here thinking there might be some hope. But no. You're just back to being the same cold bitch.
Victoria: Oh, well. Really. At least I take responsibility for my actions. You're a grown man. But it's always somebody else's fault. You say you're a loser -- those are your words -- but you have to make me feel worthless so that you can feel better about yourself. But I will never let you or anyone do that to me again.
J.T.: You know what? You forget that I know you, victoria. It's just us. I know every part of you. And I know that you loved it when I allegedly "controlled" you. Hell, you were on fire. You basically told the counselor as much.
Victoria: You're disgusting.
J.T.: I didn't force you into a relationship, victoria. You invited me into your home, into your bed. But I had to do it by your rules. Yeah, no, I had to go to bed calling you perfect, and wake up doing the same thing. But let's talk about J.T.'S flaws, 'cause god knows, nobody is good enough for victor newman's little princess.
Victoria: This is about you and me, and no one else!
J.T.: No, it was always about victor. He controlled you. He -- he -- he was always around, judging. He poisons everyone. Especially you.
Victoria: My father is fighting for his life.
J.T.: Doesn't make it not true. You know, he ordered me to leave town. Yeah, he told me that if i didn't, he would ruin my career, he would make sure I never saw reed again.
[ Chuckles ] That son of a bitch told me that he would make sure mac got full custody of D.J. And becca. That is the father that you worship. Nobody will ever live up to that monster for you. You would have been much better off if he just would have died in that fall. We all would've been.
[ Opens drawer, rummaging ]
Victoria: Was it you?
J.T.: [ Scoffs ]
Victoria: Did you attack my father?
J.T.: [ Sighs ] What are you talking about? Have you lost it?
Victoria: When did he say all of that? You never told me about this argument.
J.T.: How is that the point? What, you want me to say it didn't happen? Fine. It didn't happen.
Victoria: You weren't home the night that my father was injured. You went out to get champagne, and you were gone for a long time. Were you at the ranch?
J.T.: [ Sighs ] He was spying on us. I went to the ranch to talk to him. That's it. I went to talk to him, and he went crazy! It was an accident. I swear to god.
Victoria: An accident?! You left my father on the ground to die!
Feel the clarity of
J.T.: [ Sighs ] Victoria, your father fell. That's it. He fell. There was no attack. I panicked and I ran.
Victoria: You came home. You came home with champagne to celebrate. My god. You left my dad on the ground to die, and you came home with champagne to celebrate with me?
J.T.: It was an accident.
Victoria: Jack is in a jail cell because of you. My father almost died because of you! It was you, wasn't it? You're the one who turned off his ventilator. You tried to murder my father?!
J.T.: And what about him? What about what he did to colleen? She was young, and she was perfect, and she had her whole life ahead of her. Colleen's dead, and that bastard is still here? You tell me why victor deserves to live another minute. Tell me!
Victoria: You could murder a man?
J.T.: Well, you loved me. What does that say about you? Get out of my way.
Victoria: No.
J.T.: Move!
[ Bag clattering ]
Victoria: I'm calling the police.
J.T.: No, you're not.
Victoria: Yes, I am.
[ Grunts ]
[ Door slams ]
J.T.: Stop it! Enough!
Victoria: Unh! Get away from me! Stay away!
Nikki: What?
Victoria: Get out!
Nikki: Oh, my god!
Victoria: [ Breathing hard ]
J.T.: What are you doing? Huh?
Victoria: Who are you?
J.T.: What are you doing?
[ Victoria screams ] Why are you doing this to me?! Why?! [ Slams dresser ]
Victoria: Get off!
J.T.: Tell my why you're doing this! Just tell me why!
Victoria: Stop! Help me!
J.T.: Tell me why you're doing this!
Victoria: [ Screams ] Get off of me!
[ Fire poker thuds ]
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