Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/12/18
Episode #11380 ~ Victoria reveals the truth about her relationship with J.T.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Victoria: Oh, my god. It's exquisite.
J.T.: I love you.
Victoria: I love you, too.
J.T.: You treat me like an outsider. It's clear you don't trust me.
Victoria: That's not true.
[ Grunts ]
J.T.: Stop it!
Victoria: We are not getting married anymore. I'm gonna take the kids and I'm going home.
Victoria: Honey. Reed. Would you, um, take the kids upstairs? They're exhausted and they need to take a nap. Hannah's on her way. I need to get to the office.
Reed: Okay, jet-setters, who wants to fly upstairs?
Johnny: Me!
Katie: Me, too. Piggyback!
Reed: All right, hop on. Come here, bud.
J.T.: My heart was in my throat when I saw you come down that aisle. I vow to honor you and to love you for the rest of my life.
Reed: Mom! I know you didn't want to say anything in front of johnny and katie, but you haven't -- you haven't explained anything since you suddenly decided to cancel everything. We didn't even get to spend one night.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.
Reed: [ Scoffs ] Well, what about dad? We just left him there.
Victoria: I know. Look... your dad and tried. We hoped that we could work things out, but... can you just trust me on this, please?
Reed: If you're not gonna tell me, maybe dad will.
Victoria: No. No, no, no. No, don'T. No.
Reed: What is your problem?! I can't even talk to my own dad now?
Victoria: Look... I did what I did for a reason, and you just need to understand that.
Reed: This is my vacation, and I'm not -- I'm not spending it here with you.
Victoria: Don't go! Not until I have a chance to explain to you what happened!
Reed: Forget it. I understand what happened. I'm spending the night at rick'S.
Victoria: Reed.
[ Door slams ]
Reed: [ Sighs ] Just a coffee to go.
Sharon: Uh, shouldn't you be drinking pineapple juice on a surfboard?
Reed: Mom pulled the plug on the whole thing, and, uh, what she says, goes, so...
Sharon: Hmm, well, what about your father?
Reed: I guess he's still in hawaii. Not answering my calls.
Reed: Thank you.
Billy: Hey, man. What are you doing here? Flight get cancelled?
Reed: No, the whole vacation did. It was beyond a disaster.
Billy: Talk to me. What happened?
Reed: Mom did it again. The wedding's off.
Ashley: Did you even leave?
Victoria: Plans changed and I'm back.
Ashley: Okay, well, I have a quick question for you.
Victoria: I would like to avoid any arguments. I'm sure my dad will be able to let us know soon enough who he wants to fill in for him. In the meantime, I'd like to stay as productive as possible, if you don't mind.
Ashley: Fine, we can call a truce. Um, I have a security question, and I need to speak with J.T.
Victoria: Yeah, well, that's not possible.
Ashley: So, is this you being productive? I don't have time for gameplay.
Victoria: I'm not playing games.
Ashley: If you don't tell me where J.T. Is, I'll just track him down by myself.
Victoria: You're not gonna find him.
Ashley: Are you acting this way because you think I leaked that memo regarding your demotion? Is that why you're trying to provoke me?
Victoria: No, that's not what I'm doing!
Ashley: Well, then why -- victoria? Oh, damien, um, can you come back in just a little bit? Thank you.
Mariah: Well, I got what you asked for, although, I do not get what would require a bag full of fresh organic limes. Oh! A margarita emergency. Did something phenomenal/devastating happen since I saw you at breakfast?
Sharon: Not to me, but since she's having major man troubles, I'm throwing a girls' night for victoria.
Mariah: Victoria newman?
Sharon: No, beckham. Yes, newman. If she's reeling from a breakup, this surprise is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Mariah: Okay, but you're not a doctor, and you and victoria aren't exactly friends. She doesn't really seem like the kind of "surprise party" gal. I know I'm not. And I'm not even a type-a control freak corporate chick.
Sharon: She's a person, and she's hurting. My "I'm fine" party really helped me a great deal to get over scott. So, you know... besides, it's not the booze, really, it's the company.
Mariah: Okay, then why do we have enough tequila and limes to obliterate a sorority house?
Sharon: Because victoria is a type-a control freak corporate chick. So some cocktails might help her relax a little bit.
Mariah: Fair.
Sharon: However, we do have to invite people.
Mariah: Okay, well, let's make a list of victoria's friends.
Sharon: Perfect!
Mariah: All right.
Sharon: Okay.
Mariah: Does victoria have any friends?
Sharon: Yeah. Neil! And billy.
Mariah: Okay. Oh! Devon.
Sharon: Nick!
Mariah: Any girls?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I don't think so.
Mariah: All right, well, girls' night is a wash. We tried. So key lime pie and some shots later at our place?
Sharon: Yeah, not so fast. This just proves my point. Victoria needs women in her life who she can count on.
Mariah: Who are you calling?
Sharon: Hi, abby! It's sharon. I'm throwing a girls' party tonight for your sister. Oh. No, I did not know that victoria did that to your mother. Uh, so can I put you down for a "maybe?" Hello? Abby?
Victoria: I'm so sorry about that. I'll let you go back to work.
Ashley: No, work can wait. I think you need to take a little breather.
Victoria: Thank you.
[ Sniffles ]
Ashley: So, I -- I know that your father's doing better. I'm assuming this has to do with J.T.
Victoria: Yeah, you might as well know. Everyone will soon enough. I scrapped my vacation with the kids because J.T. And I broke up.
Ashley: I'm sorry. I really -- I'm sorry, I really am. Well, maybe the two of you will make up. I mean, it's happened before, right?
Victoria: No, we won'T. That's a definite. And he definitely will not be coming back to work here. We're done. That's your cue for you to say "I told you so."
Ashley: Oh, I'm not gonna be doing any of that. I'm not in any position to blast anybody about mixing business with romance. My track record is not that great, and it never turned out very well for me. I could give you a list, but then we'd be here a long time.
Victoria: You know, you're being awfully nice to me. I'm not sure if I like it.
Ashley: [ Laughs ] Well, don't think that means I'm gonna forget the attempt to subvert your demotion. Especially if you keep accusing me of leaking that memo about it.
Victoria: Oh, I know. I know you didn't do it. It was J.T.
Ashley: Are you kidding? Why? Why would he do that?
Victoria: He was trying to humiliate me and manipulate me into leaving town with the kids. He thought that one leaked e-mail would make me embarrassed enough to forget about the company and my family.
Ashley: Wow. He didn't know you at all.
Victoria: No, he didn'T. I'm victor newman's daughter. With all of the good and bad and complicated that entails, that means that I am not a quitter. Not when there's something worth fighting for, and that relationship was definitely not worth fighting for.
Ashley: You know, victoria, i think that your ability to be resilient is... one of your finest qualities. I know it is mine.
Victoria: Thank you. I agree. On both counts.
Ashley: Well, then, you know, you have to understand why I'm not gonna back down from a position that's rightfully mine.
Victoria: I would expect nothing less from our chief innovation officer. Now, if you will excuse me, i have a mountain of work to get done.
Ashley: Yes. I will let you get to it. And you have an awful lot to prove.
Victoria: Well, you and the rest of the company are gonna watch me do just that.
Feel the clarity
of non-drowsy
Mariah: You know, maybe we should just admit defeat. I mean, as thoughtful as this was, we can't show up there alone, just the two of us. That would be totally sad. That might make her feel worse, realizing how unpopular she is with her own gender.
Sharon: I'm not ready to give up yet. In fact, I think maybe we're in business.
Mariah: Wait. You, me, and her mom? That might be even sadder!
Sharon: Nikki! Hi. You look adorable. I love your outfit.
Nikki: Uh, thanks. What is it you really want?
Sharon: It's not what I want. It's what your daughter victoria needs.
Nikki: Okay, I came in here for tea, not riddles. Victoria's in hawaii, so...
Sharon: Uh, that's the thing. See, she's not. She cancelled the trip and came straight home.
Nikki: After just one day? Why would she do such a thing?
Sharon: I don't have all the details, but either way you slice it, it's a bummer. So we're throwing a small but festive get-together tonight at victoria's -- it's girls only -- to cheer her up.
Nikki: This all seems very strange. I have to wonder what you're really up to here, sharon.
Mariah: No, no, no. She's -- she's not up to anything. I swear. This is done with the best intentions. So would you please just come? Victoria would be very happy if you did.
Victoria: Excellent. I'll have legal draw up the paperwork. Great. Yes, I will give my father your best wishes. Well, I can see from a look on your face that you've already heard the news.
Billy: I ran into reed downtown.
Victoria: You have so much going on. I don't expect you to help me pick up the pieces or play shrink or anything like that. Especially since you warned me more than once.
Billy: I only want you to be happy.
Victoria: Oh, I am. I am happy. I made the right choice.
Billy: Just in case, if you, uh, want me to take johnny and katie for a few days, I can do that.
Victoria: Thank you. That would be nice, actually. I could... I could use a little time to myself, I think. Do you think that maybe you could wait, though, until after dinner? Because I'd kind of like the break the news to them that J.T. Is not coming home, you know, without --
[ Voice breaking ] Without traumatizing them.
Billy: Come here. You'll nail it. You always do.
Kyle: Hello.
Ashley: Hello. You really have no shame.
Kyle: I take that as a compliment.
Ashley: You would.
Kyle: I'm here to see dina.
Ashley: Kyle, abby and i already explained why you inserting yourself into dina's life is problematic. And the fact that you ignore that doesn't change how we feel.
Kyle: Isn't it a little petty and mean to deny an elderly woman a little fun? She enjoyed my last visit way more than she liked your maid service.
Ashley: So now you're gonna ridicule an alzheimer's patient?
Kyle: I'm only pointing out that you sound a tiny bit jealous.
Ashley: Whatever charm you expended was wasted because dina's not on the board. So she doesn't have a vote that you can manipulate.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I know who's on the board. My only agenda was bonding with my grandmother while I still can. And the aunt ashley I remember would have understood.
Ashley: That was before nephew kyle sank his greedy claws into grandpa's company.
Sharon: Awesome teamwork earlier.
Mariah: What are we high-fiving?
Sharon: Well, recruiting nikki to the party.
Mariah: You know, nikki doesn't make it a party. She doesn't even drink.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Billy: Sharon. Hi.
Sharon: Billy, um, I have a small favor to ask.
Billy: Uh... I don't think victoria's gonna be up for a girls' night.
Sharon: Oh, don't worry, she will be. I want to give a night she'll never forget.
Billy: Well, I have the kids tonight, so I'm out.
Sharon: Like you were ever in? It's girls' night.
Billy: Okay, so, what's the favor?
Sharon: Oh, right. Um, I was wondering if you could tell me if phyllis has any plans tonight.
Billy: Phyllis?
Mariah: Phyllis?
Sharon: That's what I said.
Ashley: So, kyle, dina's sound asleep. Do you want anything else?
Kyle: Since you asked, yeah. I'd like for my family to stop treating me like the enemy.
Ashley: I'd love to, but you need to back off with this ill-conceived power play to take jabot public.
Kyle: Since when is a massive infusion of cash bad for business? Come on, ashley, you get that, don't you?
Ashley: It's not good when you leave jabot vulnerable to a hostile takeover, kyle. You said yourself that I always put jabot number-one, and I do. And this plan of yours worries the hell of out of me.
Kyle: How worried can you honestly be? You took a job at newman enterprises.
Ashley: And you know why i had to leave.
Kyle: You don't get to have it both ways! Rooting for both companies, come out equal winners?
Ashley: If this dream of yours to take jabot to new heights involves victor newman being your secret weapon, you're gonna end up the loser here.
Kyle: What a disloyal thing, for victor newman's self-proclaimed number two to say about him.
Ashley: Okay. You can go now because I'm done taking jabs in my own home from someone that was never invited here in the first place.
Kyle: That's fair. I'll admit, I sometimes don't know when to shut up.
Ashley: Mm. Yeah.
Kyle: I didn't come here to insult you or argue, ashley. I seriously believe that this is the future of jabot. The train's leaving the station. Next stop, major profits for us all. So, please, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Ashley: This is where I jump off. I'm already starting to feel the motion sickness kick in.
Phyllis: Absolutely, johnny and katie can hang with us for a few days.
Billy: Oh, thanks, babe. You're the best.
Phyllis: Any idea how you want to entertain them tonight?
Billy: Well, I'll handle that, but I have something else in mind for you.
Phyllis: Do you now? I hope it's not doing your laundry.
Billy: How does an impromptu but very fun girls' night in sound?
Phyllis: What's the occasion? Who are the girls?
Billy: It's for victoria.
Phyllis: Steep dive on the fun level.
Billy: Sharon is organizing it.
Phyllis: Fabulous. Am I gonna have to carpool with christine williams?
Billy: Come on, just hear me out for a second.
Phyllis: What is she doing? Does she get extra credit, you know, for counseling everyone when a girls' night becomes a smackdown?
Billy: No, this is the legitimate, okay? She really wanted to ask you because she thinks that you can bring a much-needed strong energy to it.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Come on. I went along with you when you had nick drop in for surprise video gaming.
Phyllis: That is different. Nick is normal.
Billy: I just --
Phyllis: You really want me to do this, don't you?
Billy: Yes, I do, because i think it would be really good if you and victoria could get along maybe just a little bit more.
Phyllis: Oh, really? Okay. Well, you know what, yeah, I got something to put in the wishing well. Yeah, a quarter! It's at the playground around the corner. Go ahead.
Billy: And why don't we make a wish for victoria? She's going through a rough time right now.
Phyllis: You're too damn considerate, you know that?
Victoria: Dinner's almost ready! Squiggly pasta with your favorite sauce! Who's hungry?
Katie: Me!
Johnny: Me!
Victoria: Good. [ Chuckles ] You guys have been such total angels with all this traveling. I have a big surprise for you. You're gonna spend a couple of nights at your daddy's house starting tonight! Yay!
Johnny: Yay!
Katie: Yeah!
Victoria: I'm so proud of you. I promise we're gonna take a real vacation soon, okay?
Johnny: With J.T.?
Victoria: No, um, honey, it's just gonna be us and reed. But, you know, you'll still see him with your brother every now and then. J.T. Is not gonna be living with us anymore.
Katie: Why? Is he mad at us?
Victoria: What? No. He's not mad at you. You guys are perfect. It's just that mommy and J.T. Decided that this would be best for everyone. Okay? It's nobody's fault. I promise.
[ Chuckles ] Come here. Give me a hug.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Sharon: Hey, victoria!
Mariah: Surprise! Hi!
Victoria: What are -- what are you doing here? What's going on?
Sharon: Wait, hold on a second, these are so heavy!
[ Grunts ]
[ Giggling ]
Victoria: I -- I don't understand. Oh! You brought me tequila.
Sharon: And not only that, remember when I told you I was gonna throw you a girls' night? Well, surprise!
Mariah: Oh, you do have a margarita preference? Salt, no salt?
Victoria: I like salt, but, um, do you think that maybe we could do this a different night? Like, next week, or maybe...
Sharon: Oh, no, no, no.
Victoria: I'm just -- I'm worn out, I was gonna go to bed.
Sharon: Victoria, victoria, the night is still so young! And, besides, we can't cancel now. The others will be here soon.
Victoria: Others?
Ashley: Thanks for stopping by.
Billy: Yeah, of course. Can't stay too long. Hannah's at the apartment with the kids, but what's going on?
Ashley: I wanted to speak with you briefly about what kyle's trying to do at jabot. Have a seat.
Billy: Well, whatever he's doing, we will fight it and block it.
Ashley: He seemed pretty confident when he popped by earlier. I mean, I -- I tried to voice my concerns, but he just dismissed them, and then he basically called me a hypocrite. And he has a point because I did leave jabot and go over to the "enemy."
Billy: Well, I would say that jack didn't leave you much choice in the matter.
Ashley: Now jack's not at jabot, either. So have we left our father's company vulnerable to a hostile takeover from victor newman? Kyle's a lot more comfortable with victor than he is with anybody named abbott.
Billy: Well, victor just woke up out of a coma, okay? He can barely speak or move, let alone take over anything.
Ashley: And that worries me even more. Because kyle is going full-throttle with this ipo scheme, which means he could be relying on funding from business allies in new york. He could even be planning on double-crossing victor.
Billy: I wouldn't put anything past that little snake. But if you're right about that, does that leave us rooting for victor?
Victoria: Welcome to my surprise party.
Nikki: Well, thank you, darling. Um, I thought this little soirée was victoria's idea.
Victoria: It's okay.
Sharon: She signed off on everything but the date!
Victoria: Mom, I'm warming up to the idea. I actually think it would be a nice distraction. So, um, who else is coming?
Mariah: Well, it's, um... it's just us.
Sharon: Yeah! Just us.
Victoria: Oh.
Sharon: That's all we need.
Mariah: Yeah. And of course, margaritas.
Victoria: Yeah. Wow!
Mariah: So with salt for you, without for you.
Sharon: Mm, sweet! These look delicious.
Victoria: Oh, wow, mariah, these are really good.
Sharon: Mm.
Mariah: Mm. You know, I'm still experimenting, but... yeah, it needs more triple sec. I'm gonna make a virgin one for you.
Nikki: No salt, thanks.
Mariah: [ Clicks tongue ]
Nikki: [ Clicks tongue ]
[ Doorbell rings ]
Victoria: Oh, who else is coming?
Victoria: Phyllis!
Phyllis: Good evening! Hi.
Victoria: Hi.
Phyllis: I heard there'd be margaritas!
Sharon: Phyllis! You made it!
Mariah: Splendid! Now we won't run out. Thank you!
Sharon: Well, I would like to declare that girls' night is officially on!
Mariah: Yeah, it is. Whoo-whoo!
Phyllis: Mm!
Victoria: So, um, what should we do? Did you have anything specific in mind?
Sharon: Um...
Nikki: Well, um, you and i could take a walk and you could tell me about hawaii. I did leave you a voicemail but you never called me back.
Victoria: That's okay, mom. We can talk here. For those of you who don't know, J.T. And I, we broke up.
Nikki: What?
Phyllis: Okay, that's why...
Mariah: I'm really sorry to hear that, victoria.
Sharon: How are you doing?
Nikki: Honey, are you all right?
Victoria: I'm -- I'm fine. No regrets. Moving forward.
Phyllis: Can you tell us what happened?
Victoria: Well, it's really not much of a story. J.T. And I, we gave it our best shot, but when we got to hawaii, we -- we both had a mutual moment of clarity and we just decided to end things. But nobody came here for a pity party! I didn't, I know that! Come on, let's have some fun!
Mariah: Yes! And, you know what, let's drink to that. I got them all set up right here. Alcohol-free for you. There's another for you, victoria, and that one, phyllis, is extra salty, just like you.
Phyllis: Hey! Thank you.
Sharon: All right, well, a toast to victoria and to the most fun we can have in one night.
Mariah: Yes! Cheers!
Victoria: Cheers.
Phyllis: All right! Cheers!
Sharon: So, um, nikki, how's victor?
Nikki: On his way to a complete recovery, thank god.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] That's, like, super wonderful.
Victoria: Yes, it really is. How about a toast to my parents? I am so grateful that I can take heart at the way that you two have made it work all of these years.
Phyllis: Are you serious? Come on. Victor and nikki, to the perfect loving, super-duper couple.
Victoria: What is that supposed to mean?
Phyllis: Come on, why don't we take a better look at that relationship and just see it for what it is?
Nikki: Phyllis...
Phyllis: Nikki, come on! Be straight with us! I mean, isn't that one of the codes of girls' night, you know? "In tequila veritas," or something. Just come on! Tell the truth!
Victoria: What is she talking about?
Mariah: I don't know. Don't look at me.
Victoria: Mom?
Sharon: Um, cupcakes, anyone?
Nikki: Okay. Victor and I have an open marriage.
Mariah: [ Gasps ] What? Are you for serious? Like, how -- how open?
Phyllis: Like wide open.
Mariah: What?
Nikki: In her trademark tacky style, phyllis is referring to my occasional male companion.
Mariah: [ Gasps ]
Victoria: Your what?
Sharon: Her...boyfriend?
Phyllis: He's more like a boy-toy, but he's incredibly hot.
Mariah: Is he?
Victoria: I'm really having trouble processing this.
Nikki: Now, darling, you don't need to worry about this for a moment, okay? I actually prefer this arrangement. Not that it would work for every relationship, but what your father and I have is deep and time-tested, and when he ended up in the hospital, I dropped everything to be at his bedside, even my "boy-toy." And your father should always come first, always.
Sharon: Thank you for that, nikki. You see, everyone? This is the kind of positivity that comes from women being open and celebrating together.
Mariah: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: Would anyone else like to share something?
Mariah: Mm-hmm. I would. Me. I'm gonna tell you something. I don't need any relationship to be happy. I don't need one, 'cause I'm more than good on my own. So I don't need one. I don't need open or closed or male or female.
Phyllis: "Male or female?"
Mariah: Yeah, yes, so, I'm gonna tell you something. I -- I kissed a girl. I did. I did it right on the lips, and I liked it. I really liked it.
Victoria: That's good! That's good for you, mariah.
Mariah: Yeah!
Victoria: I mean, if you want something, you should go for it, right? It's hard enough to find true love these days.
Phyllis: Yeah, absolutely.
Mariah: Yeah. It didn't really end up being true love. It was more like a lie... ...that felt true. So true.
Sharon: You know what, it's good. This is good to be, um, honest and candid. This is good for you. It's good for everyone.
Mariah: If you say so.
Phyllis: No, I think sharon's right. I think it's good that we're all just so candid. Except for when we pretend that we, um, have invited our ex-husband and his son into our home and it is perfectly innocent.
Sharon: It is.
Nikki: Really? 'Cause I have to say, I have to side with phyllis on that one.
Sharon: Then you'd both be dead wrong.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Mariah: Oh! Saved by the doorbell.
Victoria: I thought all the guests were here.
Sharon: They are. Oh, wait, maybe it's abby! Maybe she changed her mind and decided to come.
Victoria: I doubt it.
Nikki: I hope she didn't come just to lecture us.
Victoria: Relax. I'll handle it. (Vo) dogs have evolved,
Victoria: Please leave. Now.
J.T.: No. No. Not until you hear me out.
Victoria: There's no point. I mean, you've already said everything there is to say.
[ Laughter ]
J.T.: Are you having a party? What, you just couldn't wait to celebrate dumping me, huh?
Victoria: No, of course not.
J.T.: Look, I, uh... I came here to apologize.
Victoria: It's too late.
J.T.: No, it doesn't have to be. If you'll just listen to me... look, I'm sorry that things got so out of hand here and in hawaii. I got crazy. I know that. There's no excuse. But there's a reason. It's because I love you so damn much. I promise you -- listen to me. Listen to me. I promise you I will never overstep or try to control you or do anything but love and cherish you the way you deserve. All you got to do is just give me one more chance. Please. Come on, it can't end this way. Not after everything we've been through. I'm begging you.
Sharon: In tonight's spirit of honesty, I want to tell you that I did not like you making insinuations about me and nick.
Phyllis: And I regret making those. Next time, I'll be more blunt.
Sharon: Where is this even coming from? Unless you're jealous...
Phyllis: Of you cramming adults, a tween, and a toddler into your house? No, thank you. I like my space.
Sharon: Maybe you'd like to be sharing it with nick.
Phyllis: What exactly are you getting at, sharon? Just spit it out.
Sharon: Maybe my friendship with him has triggered your unresolved feelings for nick.
Phyllis: Okay. If you're practicing for some college midterms, keep studying.
Sharon: Can you believe the denial she -- mariah!
Nikki: Oh, let me guess -- bartending on an empty stomach. Poor thing.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Taste-testing every batch for quality control, but I tell you, it resulted in some amazing margaritas.
J.T.: I know it's been rough trying to... trying to fit all this passion and caring and love into the parameters of a normal relationship. But, listen, victoria, we have something normal people never get to experience. I feel it every time I touch you, and I know you do, too. Look, the stuff I messed up, i can fix it. I'll fix it. You know me. I'm gonna find a way. I always find a way. But you are what matters most to me in this world. And I'll spend the rest of my life trying to prove that to you, making sure you don't regret it. Just forgive me this one last time.
Victoria: No. There's nothing else you can say. I don't want to hear any more of your promises. Or apologies. I'm done with you. I should have been done with you the minute you grabbed my throat.
J.T.: [ Sighs ] We got past that. I -- I still hate that I let things get that far. But it doesn't mean we can't have a great life together. But you just -- you got to give yourself a chance.
Victoria: This "great life" that you think I deserve -- I'm gonna give myself a chance to find it. There's no room for your lies, J.T. Accept that, and get the hell off of my property. Goodbye.
Sharon: Mm, I'm gonna have another one of these brownies.
Victoria: Hey. Where's mariah? I could use another margarita.
Nikki: Our dear mixologist finally reached her limit. She's sleeping it off in the den.
Phyllis: Well, I spotted an unclaimed cocktail with salt, so one second, coming right up.
Sharon: Was that abby at the door?
Victoria: Yeah.
Nikki: Why didn't she come in?
Victoria: Oh, um, she couldn't stay.
Phyllis: Well, why did she drive all the way out here? She could have called you.
Victoria: I know, she just told me that she had a prior commitment, and she, uh... she didn't have any attitude problem.
Sharon: Whatever! She is missing out on a very special evening.
Phyllis: Mm.
Sharon: Not that we've solved any global issues.
Phyllis: Or even our own.
Sharon: But still, we are laughing, we're relaxing, and we're even finding some common ground. Despite some glaring difference of opinion. Owning your own choices is very powerful.
Phyllis: You know, I have to say, I can be quick to find fault with everything that sharon says or does, but tonight, she has gathered quite a fitting group. We are all women that stand up for ourselves. In our own very different and highly unique ways.
Sharon: Well, thank you for that, phyllis. I'm happy you feel that way.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: I have to say, I'm very happy to be here. Not just to support my strong beautiful daughter. Honesty can be a bitch sometimes, and frankly, I feel stronger and happier with myself having come clean.
Phyllis: [ Laughing ] Oh, i don't know about clean 'cause you need to see her boyfriend. He's hot!
Victoria: I -- I can't do this. I can't do this.
Phyllis: Oh, all right, my bad. We don't have to talk about your mom's boyfriend, that's okay.
Victoria: No, I'm -- I'm talking about -- I can't keep lying. I've been telling these half-truths all day. Oh, my god, see, there I go again. It's not -- it's not just today.
Nikki: Sweetheart, go ahead. You're with friends.
Victoria: I've been covering this up for months. And it's got to stop right now. I just don't want to lie about it anymore.
Sharon: You don't have to lie.
Victoria: The real reason that I broke up with J.T. Is not -- it's not simple. It's not -- it's not civilized. It's a nightmare.
[ Sighs ] J.T. Abused me.
Nikki: What? Oh, honey...
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