Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/11/18
Episode #11379 ~ Nick meets Victor's mystery visitor; Jack and Billy join forces; Lauren tests Phyllis' loyalty.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Nick: I messed everything up when I kissed you.
Sharon: I kissed you back. And you didn't mess up a thing.
Kyle: Lauren's all-in. That leaves us only one vote short -- phyllis.
Nikki: An attempt was made on your father's life.
Nick: Whoever did this is probably the same person who attacked dad. It could've been that dark-haired woman that came out of dad's room the other day.
J.T.: I'm not gonna let you ruin everything I've worked so hard for. I still have the upper hand while you're in here, and I plan to use it to my advantage. All you have to do is say yes, and we can take off tonight, and we can leave all this crap behind us.
Victoria: Yes. [ Laughs ]
J.T.: Yeah?
Victoria: Yes! Yes, let's do it.
Nikki: So, anyway, I hope you won't be too hard on victoria or me, since I did approve of her plan. But our daughter felt that you would prefer a newman in charge, so she took over for you in your absence. Now, how the press got ahold of your memo announcing her demotion, I have no idea. What, darling? Okay. I am assuming that you want to see victoria? Well, you're gonna have to wait just a bit longer, 'cause once that memo was leaked and the firestorm began, J.T. And victoria just decided to get out of town till things cooled off, so they packed up the kids and off they went to hawaii.
Reed: Dad, this view is awesome.
J.T.: A deluxe oceanfront with wrap-around lanai? Only way to go, man.
Victoria: Okay!
[Singsong voice] The kids are in their swimsuits!
[ Normal voice ] I cannot wait to get to the beach.
J.T.: I can already tell you guys this is gonna be just the break we needed.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] I got to say, it feels good to get away. I cannot wait to go swimming in the ocean. Oh, and I thought -- oh, here it is -- we could charter a catamaran and go snorkeling all day. Oh, we should also rent one of those helicopter rides...
J.T.: Okay, wa-- whoa, whoa.
Victoria: ...Where you tour the island? The kids will love that.
J.T.: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We came here to relax, okay? Look, I'm not even wearing a watch.
Victoria: Ahhh. Island time. Okay.
J.T.: You know it.
Reed: I can't wait to get down to the beach and just chill.
J.T.: See? That's the spirit. That's what I'm talking about. You know, and, uh, to do this the right way, I think we should completely go off the grid. So cellphones off and put away.
Victoria: Aw.
J.T.: That means everybody.
Reed: Oh, ma-- really?
J.T.: Come on. Really. Yeah. Give it.
Victoria: Yeah, but --
Reed: [ Sighs ] All right.
J.T.: Give it up. Give it up.
Victoria: Uh...
J.T.: Thank you. What about you?
Victoria: Oh, well...
J.T.: You in?
Victoria: What if there's a change in my dad's condition and mom needs to get ahold of me?
J.T.: The doctor said he's stable. It'll just take time for him to recover.
Victoria: Yes, but what if he suffers a setback?
J.T.: Babe, we deserve to take a break from everything going on back home, okay? Just consider it a mental detox. And if something serious happens, they can just call the hotel.
Reed: Yeah, mom. Dad's right. You need a break.
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
J.T.: Ahhh. Yes!
Victoria: [ Giggles ]
Reed: There you go.
Victoria: And... [ Laughs ] Ta-da!
J.T.: Yeah! There it is.
Victoria: Okay.
Reed: I'm gonna go change.
J.T.: Come on. That wasn't so hard, was it?
Victoria: Oh, no.
J.T.: I'm proud of you.
Victoria: Thank you.
Phyllis: Well, with jack out of commission, I got to keep my eyes on kyle, you know. He's a little machiavelli-in-training. Got to keep sharp.
Billy: Well, here's a second option. You could play hooky and stay here with me.
Phyllis: Ah, as tempting as that sounds, I got a better idea. Why don't you come to work with me?
Billy: And do what? Hang out at jabot all day?
Phyllis: Well, you are a man of leisure as well as an abbott. You know, you're a board member. You won't be getting in the way.
Billy: You didn't come up with this just on the fly, did you?
Phyllis: No. My 3:00 A.M. Brainstorm. You know? But I mean, hey, you can keep tabs on kyle, and I can get some -- gasp! -- Actual work done.
Billy: All right. Sounds like a plan. Maybe I can convince you to take a long lunch with me.
Phyllis: Ah. Maybe you can. Shall we?
Billy: We shall.
Phyllis: All right.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. Hi.
Nick: Good morning. Billy.
Billy: Hey. How are you?
Nick: Uh... can I come in?
Phyllis: Sure. Yeah.
Billy: Yeah.
Phyllis: We have a few minutes, absolutely.
Nick: I know you probably have to get off to work and stuff but, uh...
Billy: Actually, I got nowhere to clock in to, so...
Nick: Oh. I thought you were at chancellor?
Billy: No, I quit. It's A... long story. What's up?
Nick: Oh. Um... well, I was kind of hoping to talk to phyllis alone.
Billy: Right. Okay. Uh... yeah. I -- I'll just...
Phyllis: All right.
Billy: ...Meet you at jabot, I guess.
Phyllis: Okay.
Billy: Okay.
Phyllis: The coffee's cold, so I will start a new pot.
Nick: Cool.
Victoria: Make sure you listen to your brother. While I'm not there, he's in charge!
J.T.: Come on. Reed's great with them.
Victoria: Put the sunscreen on them!
J.T.: He's great with them. They'll be fine. Come on.
Victoria: [Laughing] What -- it's the ocean, J.T.
J.T.: I know. But reed is very responsible. And -- come on. And he's also, uh, a great swimmer. So, they're just gonna build sand castles. Don't worry about it.
Victoria: Okay. You're right. You're right.
J.T.: Yes. I am right. So come here. I want you to relax.
Victoria: Ohhh.
J.T.: I want you to not think about work or ashley or your dad.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Yeah.
J.T.: [ Sighs ] Hey.
Victoria: Hm?
J.T.: Wouldn't it be great if we could never go back?
Victoria: [ Laughs ] That's a wonderful fantasy.
J.T.: Well, let's make it a reality.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] What?
J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, we can, uh -- we can travel. We can fly from place to pl-- or -- or sail. I have always wanted to sail. Wouldn't that be fun?
Victoria: Well, now I know you're really dreaming.
[ Laughs ]
J.T.: So what if I am? All right? We'll, uh... we'll just disengage. Become the people we used to be. We'll go our own way.
Victoria: Mm. You know, J.T., As wonderful as that sounds, it's really not very practical.
J.T.: What are we holding on to? How much money do we need before it's enough money? I mean, we have plenty. So what are we working for? So we can end up in some hospital bed like your father?
Victoria: My god. You're serious. You want to leave home?
J.T.: Home is where we make it, victoria. So let's -- let's disappear together, you and me and the kids. Let's do this.
Billy: Morning, sunshine.
Sharon: Hey, you. What are you drinking?
Billy: Oh, I think I'll dare to be different today and go with a black coffee. To go, please.
Sharon: You maverick, you.
Billy: Yes, I know. So, um, I was thinking, I have an extra gaming console, so I was wondering if nick wanted to borrow it while he was staying at your place.
Sharon: Oh. So, you heard how delighted i was when I found nick at your place playing video games and drinking beer with phyllis when nikki was searching all over town for him.
Billy: Are you saying that with a little hint of sarcasm?
Sharon: Actually, no. That's how they "bonded" when cassie died. Playing video games at phyllis' house. Because it was simple and uncomplicated, unlike the hell we were dealing with at home. I used to like video games, I guess, sort of, when I was a kid. Now I loathe them. Anyway, when I walked in and found those two there, I-I -- you know what, I'm sorry. Just forget this. That's not what you came here for. Sorry.
Billy: Well, don't be. It is actually why I came here. Nick showed up at our place this morning wanting to talk to phyllis. Wanting some advice. Me, I was cordially un-invited.
Phyllis: Seriously? You and sharon?
Nick: No, there's no "me and sharon," all right? You're jumping to conclusions.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Nick: But she had a date that -- I don't know. She met him online or something, and, uh, it kind of bothered me.
Phyllis: It bothered you because why? Because he was creepy or he was giving off a bad vibe?
Nick: No, I never even met the guy. But sharon came home from her date, she said he wasn't her type. That was the end of it.
Phyllis: For her, maybe.
Nick: Look, it kind of threw me, you know? She got all dressed up. She looked, uh... she looked good.
Phyllis: For someone else. Just not you. Okay. So it's not that you're jealous of this particular guy --
Nick: Who ever said I'm jealous?
Phyllis: I-I'm just saying -- okay, you don't want her to date at all, right, period?
Nick: I have no right to feel that way.
Phyllis: I warned you about moving in with her.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah, you did.
Phyllis: And yet you ignored my warning.
Nick: Like so many other times throughout the years.
Phyllis: Look. [ Sighs ] Despite sharon's many faults, she is a beautiful woman... in a simple, bland kind of way, if you're into that thing. But if you want my advice, I say run for the hills as fast as you can before you fall in that trap again.
Nick: Too late. We already kissed.
J.T.: You have enough money to last several lifetimes. What's stopping us from making hawaii our home? Or -- or -- or a place just like this and start fresh?
Victoria: What about my family?
J.T.: What -- what about me and johnny and katie? I thought we were your family.
Victoria: Billy is never gonna be okay with me taking his kids away. And, I mean, it's not fair to johnny and katie to keep them away from their father. If anyone should understand that, it should be you, I think.
J.T.: Okay, do you remember the therapy session where you admitted that the biggest obstacle you have in your life is your screwed-up relationship with your father? Yeah? Well, I think it would be good for you to put a couple thousand miles between you and him, especially when he finds out how you -- you know, you took over newman, you pushed ashley to the side and disobeyed his direct order.
Victoria: Okay. I know. I know that my father and I have issues, but I still love my dad. Pulling up stakes would mean being separated from mom and nick and abby.
J.T.: All of whom are rich enough to come visit us whenever they want.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] It's not the same.
J.T.: No, you're right. It isn't the same. That's the whole point. Look, you're under so much stress at newman, I don't even know how you make it through the day. But we can put all that in the rearview mirror, and we can just learn to enjoy life again.
Victoria: You make it sound so simple, but it's not.
J.T.: I'm sacrificing a lot for this to work out for us. I mean, my career, my -- my family in D.C.
Victoria: I never asked you to give up either of those things.
J.T.: You didn'T. You're right. I-I offered. Because I think it's what's best for you, and I think it's what's best for the kids in the long run. And I think we can both agree that victor has way too much influence over reed.
Victoria: You're making a very compelling argument for leaving genoa city, but for me, the good there still outweighs the bad.
J.T.: Well, what about what I want? I mean, doesn't that matter? You know, I haven't heard you say one time about trying to visit my kids in D.C. Or spending time with them as a couple. I-I think you're being incredibly selfish, trying to --
Victoria: Wait a minute. I have been waiting for you to suggest that we go to D.C., Once your divorce is final and things settle down. I want to get to know your kids better. But instead, on some random whim, you want to move a couple thousand miles away. If anyone's being selfish right now, it's you.
J.T.: I'm gonna get some air.
Allergies with sinus
congestion and pressure?
Phyllis: You know, it's not the hooking up that worries me.
Nick: We didn't hook up.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] It's christian.
Nick: What do you mean?
Phyllis: Is she after you or is she after "sully"? The baby who she thought was hers, who she kept even after the truth came out? I mean, she might think that she can swap you in for dylan, you know, and then she's gonna have her dream family back, boom. Now that sharon knows that adam is christian's biological dad, she may think she has as much of a right to raise him as you do.
Nick: Look, when everything, you know, blew up with chelsea and she took off, sharon was there. You know, she tried to help. She offered us a place to stay until I could get my head on straight. I was a mess. But I never saw it as anything other than a good friend showing compassion.
Phyllis: What about now? Has your opinion changed?
Nick: Look, finding out sully was christian was a real low point for us. But sharon worked really hard to get my trust back.
Phyllis: But a little voice in the back of your head has been nagging you. Wondering if all this compassion that's coming from sharon is really about getting that little boy back.
Nick: No. I can see why you think that, but it's complicated. Sharon has been totally appropriate with my son. She gets it, that me and sage are his parents.
Phyllis: I think you're underestimating sharon's ability to play the long game. If she can entice you into something more permanent, christian comes along with that package, too. Sage is gone, and she becomes his de facto mom, and she doesn't have to share him with anyone else.
Nick: No. No. Sharon's starting to date again. She's not making a play for me.
Phyllis: Has it occurred to you that this so-called date was just a way to make you jealous?
Billy: Well, now that victor's out of his coma, do you have any idea why nick would need to speak to phyllis one-on-one like that that could be so urgent?
Sharon: You're asking the wrong person.
Billy: Really? I mean, you -- you live with the guy, don't you?
Sharon: Uh, as housemates. Nick lives his own life. I live mine. And his relationship with phyllis is really none of my business.
Billy: Yeah, I get that. You have a child with someone, you're forever connected, whether you're with them or not. I understand that.
Sharon: What's your point?
Billy: [ Scoffs ] It's just phyllis, she can be very protective about nick. Evident with the way that she acted when, you know, she felt that chelsea was up to something.
Sharon: Okay. And?
Billy: Nothing. Nothing, I guess. Although I have to say, I'm kind of surprised that you're this nonchalant about it.
Sharon: What can I say? Things change. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over nick wanting to see phyllis.
Billy: All right. Well [Clears throat] What do i owe you for the coffee?
Sharon: It's on me today.
Billy: Thank you very much. I'll see you.
[ Curtains clatter ]
[ Drawer rattles ]
Victoria: There must be a phone here somewhere.
[ Door opens ] You locked the drawer. I can't get to my phone.
J.T.: I knew you couldn't resist. That -- that's why I locked them away, just to help you keep your promise.
Victoria: I know you want me to relax, but I can't do that until I text my mom and make sure my dad's okay. Unlock the drawer, J.T.
J.T.: No. I'm not doing that.
Victoria: What do you mean, "no"? I'm not a child! I'm a grown woman. You can't make decisions for me.
J.T.: I'm not doing that. We agreed as a family to put those things away and relax. Besides, I just came from the beach. Johnny and katie are taking turns burying each other in the sand. Reed has never looked so relaxed. Look, I-I think it would do you a world of good. Take a book. Go down there on the chaise and just read.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Victoria: Do you mean to tell me that you kept your phone while you locked mine away?
Phyllis: Hey. Have you seen billy?
Lauren: Hi.
Phyllis: He said he would meet me here later.
Lauren: Uh, no, I haven'T. But, actually, I have something fascinating to tell you.
Phyllis: Really? I'm all about being fascinated.
Lauren: I met with kyle yesterday, and he told me that he was gonna take jabot public.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] My god. Is he trying to go to war with jack?
Lauren: Well, unless michael can convince a judge to let jack out of jail, I don't think he's gonna have much of a say. And even with his proxy, I don't think there's gonna be enough board votes to circumvent it.
Phyllis: Jack tried to take jabot public once before.
Lauren: Oh, yeah. I remember that.
Phyllis: Yeah, and victor was waiting in the wings. He swooped in, and he acquired the company. He told me all about it. He said it nearly destroyed him and john.
Lauren: Yeah, it was a very rocky time for the abbotts.
Phyllis: This cannot happen, lauren. Kyle is taking advantage of this entire situation just to screw over his dad. We need to stop him.
Lauren: Uh, well, I mean, you can try.
Phyllis: If you vote against it, me, jack, traci, ashley --
Lauren: Whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't think I'm gonna do that.
Phyllis: What are you talking about?
Lauren: If jabot goes public, it could be the answer to my prayers. I could make enough money with the ipo to buy back my stake that I sold to jack. And before you start in on john's legacy... remember, fenmore's is my legacy from my father. And if I have the opportunity to be independent again, oh, you're damn right I'm gonna do that.
Nick: So, vick's in hawaii?
Nikki: Yeah. It was very last-minute.
Nick: She didn't mention anything about a trip. What is it, dad?
Nikki: Go ahead. What is it? "J"... J.T. Yes. Um... it was J.T.'S idea to go to hawaii. And reed was on spring break, so the timing was perfect.
Nick: Does dad know?
Nikki: Why they chose to leave town out of the blue? Yeah, I explained everything to him.
Nick: Look, dad, I know you're probably upset at vick for, uh, the way she treated ashley, you know, but she was facing a crisis. I know her heart was in the right place. Here. Have a drink. She needs this time to decompress with her family and fiancé.
Nikki: Oops.
Nick: D-dad, it's okay. It's okay. I'll get it.
Nikki: Um... yes, actually, I think they were rushing the wedding. But, um, hopefully by the time victoria gets back, you'll have recovered enough to tell her that yourself.
Nick: All right. Uh... I should probably take off.
Nikki: Okay.
Nick: Dad, whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it, all right? You look a lot better than you did. I'll check in with you later.
Nikki: All right, darling.
[ Smooches ]
Nick: You hang in there.
Helen: Will you give this gift to victor newman for me, please?
Nick: Excuse me? Excuse me! I'm victor newman's son, nick newman. I saw you coming out of his room the other day.
Helen: Sorry, you must be mistaken.
Nick: No, I know it was you. Why deny that?
Helen: Did they suddenly change the rules? I don't understand why I can't go in.
Nick: Who are you? And why would you come back here? Did you find out my dad was coming out of his coma, so you came back to finish the job?
Helen: I would never do anything to harm victor.
Nick: I don't believe you. No, no.
Helen: [ Sighs ] Can you please take your hand off me? And who are you calling?
Nick: The police. Paul williams, please. It's nick newman.
[ Phone ringing ]
Paul: Yes? All right. Put him through. Hey, nick. What's going on?
Nick: I think I found the person who tried to kill my dad. You need to come down here to the icu and arrest her.
J.T.: This phone is for emergencies only. I knew one of us had to stay connected. And I also knew I wouldn't be the one checking my phone -- hey! Give me back my phone.
Victoria: Not till i text my mom.
J.T.: You're not doing it from my phone.
Victoria: Stop telling me what to do. I made a perfectly reasonable request.
[ Sighs ] Why are you texting paul so much?
J.T.: Look, paul is my friend -- I've known him for years, okay? It's not that big -- look, I-I'll tell you what. Just give me my phone back. I'll give you yours. And we can just call this whole detox thing off. It's -- it's not that big a deal.
Victoria: You're not talking to paul about sports or grabbing a beer. This is all about my dad. The chief of police has been texting you for months about "getting the goods on victor"? You're working for him, aren't you? You're looking for evidence to take down my dad. (Vo) dogs have evolved,
Phyllis: Finally. Hello.
Billy: What did kyle do now?
Phyllis: Only inform lauren that he wants to take jabot public.
Billy: Does jack know?
Phyllis: I haven't talked to him yet today, but when he finds out, there will be a clear explosion across town that we will hear. Worse yet, lauren here is in favor of it.
Lauren: [ Scoffs ] It would be strange if I wasn't for it, don't you think?
Billy: Well, of course, because if stock prices go up, you have enough cash to own fenmore's outright again.
Lauren: Mm. Handsome and smart. You should hold on to him.
Billy: Yeah, I try.
Lauren: You know, I thought I'd be okay working under another company's umbrella. But I hate it. I mean, it was my lifeline when I was desperate. But I really miss being in charge of my own destiny. Now, jack is not gonna like the way I vote, but he's gonna understand it.
Billy: I think you should think about that vote long and hard, because kyle is playing a very dangerous game.
Lauren: I don't think he's playing. He's pretty confident in his plans.
Billy: I'm sure he is. 'Cause he's at that age, right? He's got the charm and enthusiasm of a guy who was born rich and good-looking that's never been tested from the outside world.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Who does that remind me of, nephew?
Billy: Oh, yeah. Me, right? I had a soft, cushy upbringing. I was all full of myself. And where did that lead me? To make a bunch of stupid decisions, getting involved with the wrong people. And right now, I am lucky to be alive.
Lauren: Well, if it will make you feel any better, kyle is sorting things out so there won't be a repeat of what happened with victor years ago. There will be safeguards to protect jabot, so there won't be any problem with outside predatory investors.
Phyllis: And you believe him? He and victor are thick as thieves.
Lauren: Honey, look, i understand why you despise him, but for me, it's far more complex. You know he paid my son's ransom and brought him back from the middle east. And when chelsea scammed me, he reimbursed me.
Phyllis: Occasionally -- occasionally, he will resemble a human being, but I still cannot believe that you are okay with him and kyle taking over jabot.
Lauren: No, no, no. You are making all sorts of assumptions here.
Billy: Based on recent observations.
Lauren: Okay. You look at it from my point of view. This window with kyle could be my one opportunity to buy back my company. And if I let it go, I will never forgive myself.
Billy: Okay, well, if you ladies will excuse me, I'm gonna run.
Lauren: Going to see jack?
Billy: You read my mind.
Phyllis: I hope our plans still stand for later.
Billy: I'll be back.
Lauren: You know, I'm glad we talked this through. A word to the wise -- you work for me, remember?
Phyllis: What do you mean?
Lauren: When kyle convenes the board, I expect you to approve jabot going public. For the good of fenmore'S. The company that signs your paychecks, right?
Helen: Well, as I told you, I was delivering a present to victor newman. I have no idea what else happened to him.
Paul: Well, you're not a relative. You're not a newman employee.
Helen: [ Sighs ]
Paul: So, why did you want to see him? What kind of gift was it?
Helen: Are you going to arrest me? Do I need a lawyer?
Paul: I'm just asking a few questions --
Jack: Helen? What are you doing here?
Paul: You two know each other?
Jack: Helen is jabot's chief chemist.
Paul: Oh. And maybe also your accomplice?
Jack: What?!
Helen: What?! Oh, for god's sake. Is this some kind of sick joke?
Paul: Since jack as locked up, maybe he asked a trusted employee to lend a hand to get rid of victor.
Jack: I don't want victor dead. I want him to recover so he can tell the world who actually did this to him. It sure as hell wasn't me!
Victoria: You've been lying to me ever since you got back to genoa city. Have you been working as a mole for paul and christine this entire time?!
J.T.: [ Sighs ] Look, they convinced me that victor had been involved in -- in crooked deals all over the world. They said there was evidence out there, and that it was up to me to find it. But after months of searching, without finding one shred of incriminating evidence, the investigation ended.
Victoria: Is that why you wanted to get back together with me? So you could use me to get into newman?
J.T.: No. No. Not at all. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Look, I-if this were about a case, I would have broken things off as soon as the investigation ended.
Victoria: Oh, gee, how romantic.
J.T.: You wanted honesty. I'm giving you honest. Paul and christine, they knew that I lied to protect your mom, and it was either help them or be prosecuted myself. And depending on how i performed, there was a job waiting for me with paul or with the fbi so I could do these kind of cases for real.
Victoria: You betrayed me and my family because you wanted to re-live your glory days of being a detective?
J.T.: God, you don't even know me at all, do you?
Victoria: I'm starting to think that you're right.
J.T.: The other part of the deal -- paul told me that if victor went down, you, as C.O.O., Could be arrested as an accessory. So part of the reward, a part of the discussion I had with paul was convincing him to only focus on victor and not you. I know you love him. I get it. But that man is bad for you. How many years are you gonna spend as his emotional punching bag? And you and I both know that if nick came back to newman enterprises, victor would kick you to the curb in a second. You know that. I saw how much strain you were under at that office. That's why I had to get you out of there. I tried a million things to get rid of my acne.
Victoria: Was it you? Did you leak that memo to the press?
J.T.: I did it for you, not to you.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ]
J.T.: Look, I-I did it because I love you so damn much, and I see how being under victor's thumb has damaged you. It's -- it's broken your spirit. It's changed who you are. The -- the victoria I know would never plot against ashley. She would never be that insecure. And I know you can't see it, but I can see it. I've seen the change, and so has everybody else. So, yeah, that's why I did it. That's why I wanted to pry you out of that company. I wanted to get you the hell out of that place, that prison you call an office.
Victoria: You are unbelievable. Did you ever think for one minute how much harm that would do to my reputation?
J.T.: Yeah, I did. And, at the end, I thought it was worth it.
Victoria: In what universe is my being publicly humiliated a good thing?
J.T.: How many times has victor humiliated you? And yet you keep going back for more. But now, thanks to me, you don't have to deal with that any more. You don't have to deal with 80-hour work weeks and wondering if you're gonna see your kids that night. No -- [ Stammers ] Now there is no reason not to stay here in hawaii. This is a life that I've created for us. And all we have to do is just reach out there and grab it together.
Billy: So, how'd it go? Tell me michael convinced the judge to grant you bail?
Jack: I'm still considered a flight risk since jabot has a private jet. Add to that, paul's out questioning my head chemist, helen wallace.
Billy: What?
Jack: She made the mistake of visiting victor in the hospital. And don't ask me how she and the mustache even know each other.
Billy: That was my next question.
Jack: Nick is apparently on a hair trigger and demanded that paul bring her in. Before I know it, paul is accusing me of conspiring with helen to unplug the great man's ventilator. Can you believe that?
Billy: Do-- [ Sighs ] Helen came out of state to take over ashley's job, right?
Jack: Yeah, why?
Billy: Not saying that you hired her to bump off victor, but [Sighs] I mean, why would she visit him? What's their connection?
Nikki: Hey, paul.
Paul: Hi.
Nikki: So, um, was nicholas right? Is this mystery woman the person who tried to kill victor?
Paul: Well, after talking to her, I really don't think she had anything to do with that.
Nikki: Really?
Paul: Yeah. She actually had a very sound reason for wanting to see him.
Nikki: And what was that?
Paul: Well, nik, it's an active investigation. I'm not obliged to, uh, fill you in, you know.
Sharon: You know, I could go to victor, but he's not able to speak yet.
Paul: Then I guess you're out of luck.
Nikki: Paul, how long have we been friends?
Paul: Oh, a lifetime.
Nikki: Mm-hmm. And so you can't give me just a little hint?
Paul: Well, in light of certain other things, maybe it's not such a big deal.
Nikki: I have no clue what you're talking about.
Paul: Well, I now believe that you were telling the truth about your status with your marriage to victor. That the two of you have, um, an arrangement.
Nikki: Still in the dark here.
Paul: Follow me.
Helen: [ Sighs ]
Paul: Helen wallace, this is nikki newman, victor's wife. Nikki, this is helen, uh... victor's mistress, for want of a better word. I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about, so I will give you your privacy.
Feel the clarity of
[ Christian fussing ]
Sharon: I heard you crying. Poor sweetie. I guess you were having a bad dream, huh? Aww. Shhh. Come here, christian. Your daddy will be home soon. He'll make things all better. Should we rock a little? I know you like that. Chase all those scary things away.
Jack: [ Slams table ] Damn him! How dare he?!
Billy: What better way to push your buttons, jack?
Jack: All those e-mails to victor? He is playing right into the monster's hands.
Billy: So you're thinking history repeats itself -- a takeover?
Jack: What the hell else could it be? How long have you known this?
Billy: I found out and I came straight here.
Jack: You cannot let kyle follow through with this. You got to stop this.
Billy: Jack, I'll do what i can, but I'm one vote.
Jack: Find out what helen's connection is with the mustache. For all we know, she's part of this conspiracy.
Billy: I think that's a stretch.
Jack: Then give me another plausible explanation for her being in victor's icu room, bringing that bastard presents.
Nikki: So. How is it that you came to be involved with victor?
Helen: Look, he told me that you have an open marriage, so if that's not true, I apologize. I am not a homewrecker.
Nikki: Trust me, I have no intention of leaving my husband. And, yes, we have agreed to not limit ourselves in certain areas.
Helen: Phew...
Nikki: I'm simply looking for information.
Helen: Okay. Well, um, one night shortly after I moved here, I was having a drink at the athletic club, and victor recognized me from the press release that jack had sent out, so he came to congratulate me on my job. And then...you know, we just, um... taking up with a married man -- not my style. But victor's just -- he's so charming.
Nikki: Oh, yes. My husband can be quite irresistible. Let me offer you some information in return.
Helen: By all means.
Nikki: I am the great love of victor's life. And jack abbott is his worst enemy. So it would be wise of you to figure out exactly where you fit into that mix.
J.T.: Victoria, will you at least consider staying here for a little while?
Victoria: No. I'm -- I'm not gonna stay here in hawaii. And I'm not gonna go anywhere else with you, for about a hundred different reasons.
J.T.: Come on. N-name one that doesn't involve newman enterprises or your family.
Victoria: Mackenzie! And my mom, okay? They warned me about how controlling you -- you can be. And you didn't used to be like that. But then, ever since you left genoa city, you had this series of failures that have -- have changed you. It's changed who you are, and not for the better.
J.T.: Well, you're not perfect yourself, you know that?
Victoria: No, I know I'm not perfect. I never said I was perfect. I-I make mistakes all the time. But then I vow to do better. Your mistakes, they've just made you bitter. You don't feel successful unless you're putting other people down.
J.T.: Come on. You're saying this now, but you're gonna change your mind tomorrow. You always do.
Victoria: Maybe you're not hearing me right now, so I'm gonna make this really clear. You and I are done. We are not getting married anymore. We're not engaged. I'm not even your friend. I'm gonna take the kids, and I'm going home. And honestly, I don't care what you do.
J.T.: No, no, no. I am not letting you go. No.
Victoria: What are you gonna do?
J.T.: No. No.
Victoria: You're gonna block me now?
J.T.: I'm not gonna let you give up on us.
Victoria: You gonna kidnap me? Hold me hostage?
J.T.: If you walk out that door, when you get back, I'm not gonna be here. And no matter how much you beg or plead, I'm not taking you back.
Victoria: Great. Then we're on the same page.
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