Y&R Transcript Friday 4/6/18
Episode #11376 ~ Nikki and Jill fight for the spotlight; Ashley is suspicious of Kyle; J.T. is backed into a corner.
Provided By Suzanne
"Previously on The Young and the Restless"...Jill: Two dried-up old lushes.
Kay: Forgive me, chloe.
[ All gasp ]
Esther: Oh, no! No, stop! Hands off my cake!
[ All shouting ] Stop it! Stop that!
[ Shouting, screaming ]
Nikki: Well, jill, you don't really need to have any concerns because I am planning a beautiful centerpiece -- "katherine chancellor garden."
Hilary: Was that simone?
Devon: Yeah.
Hilary: It's wonderful that such a down-to-earth woman is so cool with our arrangement.
Devon: I haven't told her about that.
Hilary: You did have sex with your ex-wife.
Kyle: Long story short, I'm the only one that can sit that desk, thanks to that pesky "blood abbott" clause my dad stuck in.
Paul: Well, if it wasn't jack, can you tell me who else had a motive to come after victor that night?
Victoria: J.T.'S not the kind of man that would lose control.
Dr. Mosely: It sounds as if things have escalated since you two got together.
Victoria: It can't get any worse. It has to get better.
J.T.: You mean everything to me. To be here, with you, like this.
Victoria: J.T.
J.T.: Yeah?
Victoria: I have to be honest with you.
Nikki: This waiting is making me crazy. The doctor said that they would be here with an update soon. How many hours have we been here?
Nick: Too many. I'll go try and get an update.
Nikki: Thank you. Excuse me. Miss, can I help you?
Jack: And kyle was having none of it.
Billy: Ashley and I are prepared to make him the shortest-reigning C.E.O. In jabot history. We even brought abby for backup. We weren't gonna take no for an answer, but then kyle proceeded to school us on this damn amendment.
Jack: You don't have to go on there. I wrote it.
Billy: Listen, man, I'm sorry, I hate coming here with bad news.
Jack: No, no, look, i appreciate you coming by. My son has obviously talked to an attorney. He was schooled by the best.
Billy: Well, it's only temporary, right? You'll be out of here soon enough. We'll keep eyes on him while he's in your office. I mean, how much damage can he do? Bluster aside, he's just a kid.
Jack: When he was here, he didn't sound like one. I heard the mustache behind every word.
Kyle: No assistant of mine is gonna pay for their plane ticket here. Not when I'm the one asking you to leave new york. I don't want to hear it. I'll send the jet to la guardia.
Ashley: Well, at least he treats his assistants well.
Abby: Too damn well.
Kyle: Toss the rest of my stuff in a suitcase. And yours, too. I want you sticking around for a while. All right. All right. See you soon. Ladies. Come right in. I was just wrapping things up with new york.
Ashley: Yes, we heard. You don't skip a beat.
Kyle: Can'T. Take two seconds to like a post and you miss a million-dollar opportunity.
Abby: Oh. #Paranoiaisthenewnetworking.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Love that. I might have to use that. And I'm glad you're here, too, ashley. I have a minor request. Extended hotel stays, they're such an unnatural and twisted way to live.
Ashley: [ Laughs ] Don't be embarrassed, I'm sure housekeeping has seen it all.
[ Laughter ]
Kyle: Like daughter, like mother. You two should do a podcast.
Abby: Mm.
Ashley: Mm. [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Anyway, I'm at the athletic club, and it just doesn't feel like home.
Abby: It's a matter of taste, really.
Kyle: Exactly. So I was thinking I could move into the family home. You must have some guest rooms free, right? Ashley?
Allergies with sinus
congestion and pressure?
Devon: [ Clears throat ]
Hilary: What a pleasant surprise.
Devon: This is what I call "synergy in action," having a hamilton-winters production creating content on one of the community projects we sponsor.
Hilary: Well, even if your company didn't donate to the new park, I know you'd still be at the dedication ceremony. Katherine chancellor was your grandmother.
Devon: Yeah, she was part grandma, part fairy godmother. And, yes, I love the fact that gc continues to honor her legacy.
Hilary: Well, I've been immersed in research about her for the past two days, and I'm ready to go deeper to capture the spirit of who she was.
Devon: Really?
Hilary: Yeah.
Devon: I didn't expect you to spend this much time on a bonus report.
Hilary: Well, of course. After all, she's gonna be our baby's grandmother.
Simone: Hello! [ Giggles ]
Devon: Hey. You look amazing.
Simone: Hopefully I sound the same way. Hi, hilary. Mwah.
Hilary: Um, are you guys gonna be recording something later?
Devon: That's right, and you're gonna be the one doing the recording.
Hilary: Come again?
Hilary: Well, your camera op, anyway, because simone is doing a song at the ceremony.
Hilary: Is that so?
Devon: Mm-hmm, and I want to make sure the whole performance is captured.
Hilary: Oh, yes, of course. My camera won't miss a thing.
Devon: Good.
Victoria: Before I got home and we ended up like this... I -- I decided that I was gonna end things with you.
J.T.: What?
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
J.T.: What? Why would you do that?
Victoria: I just thought it would be the smartest move. Not just for us but for our kids.
J.T.: [ Scoffs ] You know who used to make phony excuses like that? Mac. But I didn't realize you guys were still in touch. What, are you best friends now?
Victoria: I've had zero contact with mac.
J.T.: Well, then, it was billy.
Victoria: Stop. I didn't talk to him.
[ Sighs ] I went back to see our therapist today.
J.T.: Our therapist. Oh, well, then you don't need any help sabotaging us. Yeah, you're doing just fine by yourself.
Nikki: We waited all that time to hear that?
Nick: It could be worse. At least his condition is stable.
Nikki: Yeah, stable, but critical. Every hour that he doesn't improve is another hour that he might not -- he...
Nick: Hey, mom...
Nikki: [ Cries ]
Nick: When's the last time you ate?
Nikki: Oh, I don't know, i had some coffee.
Nick: Mom, you can't do that.
Nikki: All right, all right. I'll eat. I just -- I can't eat right now. I have a pit in the bottom of my stomach.
Nick: Okay. Well, eat soon, okay?
Nikki: Yeah.
Nick: Look, uh, you know, i mean, they're breaking ground on katherine chancellor garden soon.
Nikki: Oh, my god, that's today! I can't go! What if something happens here?
Nick: It's only a few blocks away. They'll call us if necessary. Dad would want us to be there, you know, to honor katherine.
Nikki: Yeah, he would. I know he would. He misses katherine, too.
Nick: Then it's settled. We're going.
Nikki: All right, but I'm coming right back.
Nick: Of course. You say the word, I will run you right back here.
Nikki: Oh, my god, there's gonna be press there. I look terrible. I'm gonna have to stop somewhere and get myself presentable.
Nick: We'll find a ladies room. I think you look beautiful, as always.
Nikki: Listen, uh, before the doctor came in here, you said you saw a woman in here?
Nick: Yeah. A dark-haired woman, like this tall. I only saw her from behind. You didn't notice her?
Nikki: No. I have no idea who it was.
Esther: I thought they were gonna delay the dedication to mrs. C.'S park.
Jill: Apparently they just couldn't wait, so the contractor and the landscape architect are on hold. And I am gonna be delivering a short speech in katherine's honor and breaking the first chunk of ground.
Esther: You really think nikki's gonna like that?
Jill: Oh, nikki, she'll be busy at victor's bedside. You know, besides, the way I see it, I will be doing nikki and in fact the whole town a favor by infusing a touch of class into the ceremony.
[ Chuckles ]
Ashley: So you can see what a complication it would be to introduce somebody new into mother's living situation. I mean, we just finished installing more deadbolts on the doors.
Abby: Yeah, we overhauled the whole security system. New access codes, silent alarms. But, really, the way that dina is now, interacting with new people, it's hard on her. And her condition and her moon, it changes from day to day.
Ashley: Minute to minute, really. It's completely unpredictable.
Abby: And her doctors made it very clear that we cannot disrupt her routine with new people in the house. It really unsettles her.
Ashley: I'm sorry. It's unfortunate that you didn't get the chance to get to know your grandmother like abby did. It's unfair.
Kyle: Ironic, too, if you think about it. Me, a full-blood abbott being barred from the family mansion by someone with abbott-free dna who now works at newman enterprises.
Billy: I do have some good news, though, as far as finding victor's attacker. The gcpd have agreed to give michael all the information they have. So he's gonna sift through the forensics and the information and hopefully it'll lead him down the right road.
Jack: Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
Billy: Come on, jack.
Jack: Don't get me wrong, i appreciate your support. You have jumped in like a champ, but I -- it's eating me alive being locked up in this place, powerless to do anything, including getting through to my own son.
Billy: Kyle's not going anywhere. He'll listen to you soon enough. You guys have fought before.
Jack: Somehow, we can usually work through it, but, I don't know, I don't have a good feeling about this. It's like victor flipped the script in this active campaign of his to turn kyle against me, and I can't fight it when I'm locked up.
Billy: Well, michael's working around the clock to get you out of here. And so am I.
Jack: Thank you.
Billy: If victor was coaching kyle, it just means we have to work even faster.
Kyle: You're still here.
Ashley: Yes. Kyle, I wanted to make sure that you understand that that, uh, "blood abbott" clause only pertains to jabot. It doesn't apply to the family home.
Kyle: I was making an observation, not voicing my true feelings. When I voted for the amendment, I had no idea you weren't an abbott.
Abby: My mother is an abbott.
Kyle: I know. Look, we're all on the same side here, and I don't want you two to stay mad at me because i objected to billy taking over. His track record isn't bursting with loyalty to jabot, not enough to be running this place.
Ashley: Well, you think that you are the only one that should be running this place. That's obvious from the bulldozer that you rode into town.
Kyle: When you're a new arrival to a situation and you have a job to do, you have to come out strong. Carve your own way. Right?
Ashley: You might have a point. Go on.
Kyle: All I ask is for a little patience from both of you.
Ashley: Well, um, that sounds fair. Anyway, I'm sure you have work to do.
Kyle: I do. Abby, could you stick around for a minute? I promise. When it comes to this family's legacy, I always have the best intentions.
Victoria: I don't want you to leave if you're still upset about this.
J.T.: Well, how am I supposed to feel? You know, I thought we agreed not to let complete strangers dictate our lives.
Victoria: No, you decided that we should stop going to therapy. I didn't want that. I still have issues that I need to work on.
J.T.: Well, work on them with me. Work on them with the guy who loves you, who would lay his life down for you.
Victoria: I need an objective opinion.
J.T.: [ Scoffs ] She had you leaving her office ready to break up with me. I mean, how is that objective? I mean, unless, I don't know, you were looking for, you know, an excuse, a reason to bail on us.
Victoria: I wasn'T.
J.T.: Well, then why lie to me about where you were going?
Victoria: Well, if I told you the truth, we both know how you would have reacted.
J.T.: How, by stopping you? By using physical restraint? Like the controlling, abusive monster that mac makes me out to be? Well, I'm not that guy. I'm not your father.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ]
J.T.: [ Sighs ] I shouldn't have said that.
Victoria: No, that's okay. It's a valid point. The therapist even brought it up. She said that maybe I was projecting the dynamic that i have with my father onto my relationship with you.
J.T.: I feel bad that this is hanging you up, okay? But I think if you take a deep look at this, you'll realize that victor is the one who's controlled you in every aspect of your life for years. Way before I met you.
Victoria: I know that, i know. My relationship with my father is complicated and it's dysfunctional, and maybe I need to deal with how that's affected me. Maybe that's the thing that's keeping me from being happy.
J.T.: Yeah, I think if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize that victor is the emotional abuser here. He is the one you need out of your life.
Devon: Ladies, I would like to introduce you to simone burch. Not only is she lp's hottest new artist, but she's agreed to be a part of this important event. These are my friends jill and esther.
Esther: Hi. It's so nice to meet you.
Simone: Devon's told me wonderful things about you.
Jill: Well, it's our pleasure to meet you.
Devon: If you'll excuse us, I'm gonna check the final schedule.
Jill: Not a problem, take your time.
Devon: Thanks.
Esther: I'm just happy his date's not hilary.
Jill: Ditto. Thank god she's just here as a reporter. Look at her.
Devon: Jill, you ready to begin?
Jill: Absolutely. Oh, and, devon, I must say, katherine would have adored simone. There you go.
Hilary: Devon. Devon!
Jill: Hello, everybody, and thank you so much for coming out for this very special event on this glorious wisconsin day! I'm jill atkinson, and I was katherine chancellor's closest friend.
Nikki: Oh, I think you mean her closest enemy. Introducing fresh step clean paws,
J.T.: Hey. I thought you might want some tea.
Victoria: Thank you.
J.T.: How you doing?
Victoria: I should be asking you that, if I've been dumping all my psychological daddy drama on you.
J.T.: No, come on. It's -- it's a good step. It's a huge step, admitting that there's a problem. And I'm gonna help you get over your father's influence the same way you have helped me realize how happy I could be.
Victoria: Thank you. Thank you so much for all your understanding and your love. I honestly don't know what i would do without you.
J.T.: I'm not going anywhere. I mean, unless... that's not what you want. If you're having doubts, I won't push.
Victoria: I'm not. I don't want to take this off.
J.T.: I don't want you to.
Victoria: I'm just not ready to get married yet. Listen. I am still crazy about you for all the reasons that I fell in love with you in the first place. Your rebellious streak. Your passion. You can be creative even though you're in a high-stress corporate job.
J.T.: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Yeah, but, you know, most of all, it's you have this unshakable core of decency. When you care about someone, you're all-in. You are the kindest, warmest, most empathetic man I've ever known in my whole life. That's why you're such a good father. And we have chemistry, a connection. That goes without saying. All of those things, they've -- they've never changed for me.
J.T.: Then what has?
Victoria: My commitment to making it work this time. That's why I think we need to keep up with the counseling.
J.T.: [ Sighs ] I know. See, I just -- I don't know. We know what our problems are, and it's up to us to fix it.
Victoria: Yeah, I know, and we will. It's non-negotiable. Look, you said you want to prove yourself to me and be the best man that you can be and you want to give me what I need, but this is what I need.
[ Sighs ] Can you do this for me? Please, please, do this for me. Really?
J.T.: Yeah.
Victoria: Yeah?
J.T.: Yes. Yes, I can do it for you. Absolutely. I'm putting everything I have into our future. It's gonna work.
Nikki: Thank you so much, jill, for being my warm-up act.
Jill: No, no, no. It's all right. Don't trouble yourself. We've got everything in hand.
Nikki: Fabulous! Well, then I can take it from here.
Jill: No, honey, we are good. Look, there's a seat right by nick. Just sit down, make yourself comfortable. We don't want to add to your stress.
Nikki: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I insist. You go ahead.
Jill: Victor is in the icu. You are going through hell. Don't tax yourself.
Nikki: The only thing that i find taxing here is the disgusting way that you are upstaging me!
Jill: Everybody, let's have a huge hand for the wonderful nikki newman and her generous assistance in making this beautiful park a memorial for katherine chancellor.
[ Applause ] There you go!
Nikki: [ Laughs ] Well, I have to say that I was more than just an assistant in this venture. While jill was off traipsing around the world holding koala bears and surfing in bora-bora, I purchased this property. I did it in honor of the late, great katherine chancellor.
Jill: Oh, and it was so sweet of you! I have a vision for this park, too, and it's my contribution as the woman who knew katherine the best.
Nikki: The only reason you knew her best was because you were so busy insulting her.
Nick: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, everyone, let's give it up for jill and nikki!
Nikki: Nicholas. Nicholas --
Nick: Mom. Mom. Come on. Devon?
Devon: Hello, everyone. I am katherine's grandson devon hamilton, and I'm very honored to be here today to celebrate her life, and in the spirit of my grandmother, i would like to present a song from a very talented artist who's always very close to my heart, as well. Simone burch.
[ Applause ]
Simone: Thank you. It's an honor to be here.
[ Clears throat ]
You're sitting kind of far, baby
come on and scoot a little closer now
Jill: I just cannot believe that you would make this day all about you. But then, of course, I can believe it totally.
Nikki: Oh, please. You think this is about you? You were merely a substitute, and your job is over.
So let's not waste it
just for tonight
Jill: If katherine were watching, and I'm sure she is, what do you think she'd say about this outrageous bid for attention by you?
Nikki: You know what she would say? She would say "I was right about that jill from the very first time I saw her!"
Jill: Oh, my god. You just can't get enough attention, can you?
Devon: Hilary.
Jill: Well, once a stripper, always a stripper.
Nikki: How dare you.
Nick: Okay, mom. Mom, let's go.
Jill: Yes, he's right! Go to the hospital, maybe they have a room in the mental ward for you.
Nikki: Oh, you would love that, wouldn't you? You could even take credit for that. In fact, maybe you could even find a husband. What do you think? Maybe you see somebody that you fancy?
Jill: Oh, that's very, very classy of you. Even from the grave, I can hear katherine begging you to honor this event with a little decorum and taste. Of course, they don't teach that in burlesque, do they?
Nick: Well, I can hear katherine talking, too. And you know she says?
Nick: You're not helping.
Nikki: "Eat dirt, bitch!"
Jill: Aah! Oh!
Nick: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.
Jill: Oh!
Nick: Let it go, let it go. Let it go.
Jill: What is wrong with that woman?
Nikki: Hello, everybody. I --
Nick: Mom? Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. Mom! Mom! Mom?
Abby: If my dad really is your mentor, I'm surprised you don't have a direct link to his condition.
Kyle: I was hoping you could keep me in the loop. I genuinely care about what happens to him.
Abby: Don't you find it odd that you have to keep telling people that you "genuinely care" about other people?
Kyle: I find it odd that people keep doubting me. People in my own family. Some of whom have left jabot for the competition. So when did I become the bad guy?
Abby: I hope that's rhetorical because I can't tell you. But I have to get going.
Kyle: Well, anytime you want to make the trip from your office tower to mine, I'm always glad to see you.
Abby: Let me guess. Because you genuinely care about me.
[ Chuckles ]
Kyle: It's true.
Abby: Yeah.
Kyle: I hope you keep the victor updates coming.
Abby: But that doesn't mean that I trust you with jabot.
Jack: Kyle fired gloria. Okay, when I get back to work, I'm gonna make it up to her, give her a promotion...
Ashley: Okay, don't do anything crazy.
Jack: Thank you for trying to put billy in as the interim C.E.O. Nobody would have blamed you if you sat there and gloated.
Billy: Hey.
Ashley: Hi.
Billy: Hey.
Jack: Hey.
Billy: So, I just came from michael's office and there's new evidence, and it could point to victor's real attacker.
Nick: They checked you out already?
Nikki: Oh, you were right. I -- it was low blood sugar. I should have eaten.
Victoria: Yes, mom, you should have eaten. You have to eat and get sleep and take care of yourself. Please.
Nikki: I know. Well, your father needs me, too.
Nick: Hey, abby. No news about dad yet.
Abby: Well, I have some about the assault, and it could be major. Mom said the police tested blood found at the ranch where the fight took place and it belonged to male, but not dad or uncle jack.
Victoria: Well, whoever it was, he could have easily been the one who attacked dad.
Simone: Hey. [ Giggles ] How are you?
Devon: You look great.
Kyle: Aren't you the first "h" in "thh?"
Hilary: [ Sighs ] Well, hello. What a delight to see you again. You know, we -- we barely spoke for more than two seconds at the walnut grove party, but I want to thank you for that mini-interview.
Kyle: My pleasure. I watch your show all the time. Okay. Not enough.
Hilary: Well, I should congratulate you on your... dramatic promotion.
Kyle: I see the gc grapevine is in full working order.
Hilary: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: You seemed shattered when my dad was hauled off by the cops in front of your cameras. But I noticed the footage didn't make it to your show the next day. I take it the two of you are still close.
Hilary: Yeah. And jabot is also the main sponsor for my show, so it's not very smart to publicize the arrest of its C.E.O.
Kyle: Ex-C.E.O. For now.
Hilary: Well, my show's young and affluent audience is jabot's ideal consumer demo, no matter who is running the company. So, uh, can I buy you a drink?
Kyle: Beauty, wit, unapologetic ambition -- it's like I'm still in new york.
Hilary: Is that a yes?
Kyle: Lead the way.
Hilary: Oh! What a coincidence. I was just talking about what we love doing together. You know, our show.
Devon: Right.
Kyle: Great seeing you again.
Devon: You too, man. Kyle abbott, this is simone burch. She's a fantastic new artist that I just signed to my music division. And also a friend.
Simone: Hi, kyle.
Hilary: Well, I'll let you two explore your "friendship."
Devon: Hilary. Make sure that the piece of katherine's garden doesn't include any of that nastiness.
Hilary: I wouldn't dream of it. All right, bye.
Kyle: I'm onto your little game.
Hilary: How perceptive of you. Is it working?
Kyle: Not yet, but if you really want to make him jealous, we have to amp this up a bit.
Hilary: Amp away.
Feel the clarity of
Jill: All right, you bossy old bat. The hospital said nikki's gonna be just fine. This is not just my fault, you know. You had to go and die and leave me down here alone, without a worthy sparring opponent. Esther, tell the chauffeur to bring the car around. And please spare me the lecture, okay? I feel bad enough already.
Esther: Why? Today was a hoot. Mrs. C. Would have loved it. You know, you're right. Every once in a while, that one can be a very wise woman.
Nick: This may not turn out to be anything, and it doesn't prove that jack's innocent. That mystery blood stain could be anyone from the house staff or a contractor doing a job.
Abby: Or the person who really attacked dad.
Victoria: It means whoever did this could still be out there. Free.
Nick: Mom.
Victoria: Mom.
Nick: What -- what is it?
Victoria: Are you okay?
Nikki: Oh, I'm -- I'm fine.
Victoria: Do you feel like you're gonna faint again?
Nikki: No. I feel better than I have in a very long time.
Nick: What happened?
Nikki: I talked to your father's doctors, and he's finally responding to the antibiotics. I mean, he might be coming back to us! Oh, honey!
Victoria: Such good news.
[ Giggles ]
Simone: So... [ Chuckles ] Is hilary always that obvious?
Devon: [ Chuckles ] That was a lot, even for hilary. Um, but I'm not gonna let her distract me so easily.
Simone: Then where were we?
Devon: I was just about to tell you what an amazing performance you gave today.
Simone: You're kidding.
Devon: No, I'm not kidding at all. You were phenomenal. It was a high-pressure situation, and you handled it with the poise and grace of a seasoned professional.
Simone: Well, that is the nicest review I've ever gotten for a song I couldn't even finish.
Devon: Right.
Simone: But thanks. I just really wish it could have been a more peaceful and fitting tribute for your grandma. She was a legendary lady, from what I've read online.
Devon: You looked her up?
Simone: Sure I did. She obviously had a big influence on your life. Not because of the money she left you, I mean the important ways.
Devon: Oh, absolutely. I -- I learned a whole lot from her, and I'd love to share the story with you one day.
Simone: I'd love to hear it.
Devon: But first, um, I want to be honest with you about something.
Simone: Okay...
Devon: You know how hilary i were married briefly, right?
Simone: Right...
Devon: Well, it was so brief that we never really got a chance to ever talk about having children, and I --
[ Cellphone rings ] I'm sorry, let me put this on silent. Oh, damn it. This is a call I've been waiting for all day. Do you mind if I take it?
Simone: Please take it. Um, we'll just pick up where we left off.
Devon: Thank you. Hi, this is devon hamilton.
Kyle: You should reconsider. You're showing all your cards.
Hilary: I got this.
Simone: Hilary.
Hilary: Yes?
Simone: You're probably curious, so let me clear it up for you. That display you had between you and your pal, it didn't affect devon. At all.
Hilary: Trust me, darling, i don't need to play games to get devon to notice me, okay? I just have to mention our baby.
Simone: Your what?
Hilary: I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said anything. It's not like it sounds.
Simone: So you don't have a baby with him?
Hilary: No. Not yet. Devon and I are gonna be co-parenting a child. Without any kind of romantic relationship, of course.
Simone: [ Scoffs ] Of course. I mean, you are divorced, after all. So, this baby project -- you'll be kicking that off in a doctor's office, I presume?
[ Scoffs ] Oh.
Nick: All right, uh, dad's still comatose, but the doctors are very encouraged. But they did prescribe you all something -- a good meal. So I'm gonna take us all to the club for dinner, and I'm not taking no for an answer. Come on, let's go.
Nikki: But now, look, as long as we come right back here.
Nick: Whatever you want.
Nikki: Okay.
Victoria: Are you coming?
J.T.: Uh, actually, I need to check on the software update for the newman server, so you guys go ahead and I'll meet you there.
Victoria: Okay. I tried a million things to get rid of my acne.
Hilary: I saved that girl more time and dignity than she will ever know. Thanks to your wicked brainstorm.
Kyle: No thanks necessary. I had plenty of fun. And if you need me to play another round, give me a call. Good luck and good night.
Devon: I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long.
Simone: Not a problem. Hilary helped me pass the time. Yeah, we had such a fun chat.
Devon: You did?
Simone: No. She told me you two are gonna have a baby.
Devon: Well, first of all, i want to apologize because that's not something you should have heard from hilary.
Simone: Yeah. I know.
Devon: Before my phone rang, that's exactly what I was gonna tell you. Um, hilary and I are planning on co-parenting a child, platonically.
Simone: Are you sure about that? Because she made it seem like you're doing it the old-fashioned way.
Devon: Not at all. We're gonna be taking the clinical, non-sexual route if any further attempts are required.
Simone: No, no, no. If hilary's already pregnant, that's one thing. But any further attempting in a lab or between the sheets, then you and I are done.
Ashley: I knew victor had it in him. This is fantastic news!
Abby: For uncle jack, too.
Ashley: Yeah.
Abby: Once dad wakes up, he can id his attacker and then uncle jack can go back to jabot.
Ashley: Let's not get our hopes too high. I don't want to get crushed.
Abby: Why? Did something else happen?
Ashley: Well, I got a call from steven tedaldi today.
Abby: Little old steve?
Ashley: You know him.
Abby: Yeah, granddad hired him. He's been at jabot longer than anyone.
Ashley: Not anymore. Kyle let him go today, along with most of jack's strongest supporters, no matter how long they've been there.
Abby: Wow. He's really on a rampage, isn't he?
Ashley: And I think it's just the beginning. He's not a cocky little kid anymore. Being in new york has just turned into this ruthless businessman.
Abby: Apparently, yeah.
Ashley: We can't waste any more time. We've got to get him out now.
Abby: You want to use the "blood abbott" clause against him.
Ashley: We have to. It's time to reveal that kyle doesn't have any more abbott blood in him than I do.
Jack: Finally. Some light at the end of this very long tunnel. This evidence has to exonerate me.
Billy: You're not free yet. We're still a few key steps away from that.
Jack: Okay, well, get moving. Find out who that blood belongs to and give them my jail cell!
J.T.: You know what it feels like to have everything you care about slip away? No, your ego is too big for that. Can you even remember all of the people that you screwed over? Well, I'm here to tell you about a couple of them. Colleen and me. She lost her life because of you. And when I lost her, that was the beginning of watching everything I cared about, everything I loved just ripped away from me. You took colleen away from me, and now you want to take victoria, too? And you won't stop there. Next, it'll be my kids and then my freedom! You won't be happy until I'm alone and forgotten with nothing, locked away for the rest of my life.
[ Sighs ] You left me no choice. It's either you or me, and it sure as hell isn't gonna be me this time.
[ Sighs ] You made me do this.
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