Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/21/18
Episode #11364 ~ J.T. and Victoria's relationship takes an unexpected turn; Devon and Hilary reach an agreement; Victor sets a trap.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Cane: Devon wants to have a baby with hilary? That's a horrible idea.
Lily: I'm calling on behalf of hilary curtis. I'm her personal assistant. No, she won't be going through with the insemination after all.
Victor: Given the severity of what happened, I think it is generous that we kept you on. Ashley wanted to see you gone.
Victoria: How could mac suddenly demand full custody?
J.T.: Victoria, you don't want to do this, trust me.
Victoria: The more that i know, the more that I can help you.
J.T.: Mac is doing this because of you.
Christine: A probe points to victor's involvement in highly illegal price fixing practices on a global level.
J.T.: I've arranged for access to the ranch, and I've checked out what kind of safe victor has in his study. It's crackable. Yes.
Victor: I want you to follow him. I want you to tap his phone. I want to know who the hell he's in contact with. Exercise caution. This guy's in the security business. He knows what he's doing.
Victoria: I am so not looking forward to when word gets out about this ridiculous and quite frankly embarrassing demotion. I called the car service. I thought we could ride in together.
J.T.: Uh, I'm actually not going in.
Victoria: What? Why?
J.T.: I got outside meetings.
Victoria: Um, well, could you delegate or, I don't know, postpone them? You know what today's gonna be like for me.
J.T.: Well, you know, I got a job to think about, too.
Victoria: Right, and I'm not implying that yours is any less important, I just -- I mean, I could really use your support today.
J.T.: You're victoria newman. You don't need me or anybody else, all right? You can get through this.
Victoria: I know.
J.T.: Good, because it's better if I don't go in there holding your hand. Just go in there, show them who you are and that they can't mess with you, okay?
Cane: Okay, well, now that we've been approved by the swedish government, I can start casting that video piece the client wants.
Billy: Well, I love sweden and casting -- why don't you throw some of that my way? I know what I'm doing. Just ask your wife.
Cane: Lily did say that when you went up there, you, uh, wanted to help her screen models. But they were male models, right?
Billy: I don't recall. When it comes to business, i don't see gender.
Cane: Right. Right. So, uh, did you happen to notice hilary acting like she owned the place?
Billy: No, hilary wasn't up there. Why would she be? She has her own studio.
Cane: She wants to get on lily's nerves. She probably thinks that undermining the new modeling agency would be a real laugh riot.
Devon: So, michael's office sent it over this morning.
Hilary: That was fast.
Devon: I told him we were on a time crunch because we need to agree on custody and a few other details as soon as possible, and he knows we need to sign this before we start the procedure.
Hilary: Which, with any luck, will be happening very soon.
[ Cellphone rings ] It's the doctor's office. Hilary curtis. Reschedule what? No. No. I -- I'm sorry, I -- I haven't canceled any appointment.
Cane: Okay. All right, thanks.
Charlie: Hey, guys.
Billy: Hey, man.
Cane: Hey. What are you doing here? Why didn't you go to school?
Charlie: Teacher prep day, remember? And I'm interning for hamilton-winters.
Cane: Have a seat. So, uh, how's it going up there?
Charlie: It's cool, except for a little recent weirdness.
Cane: What, because of hilary? Because I heard she's made herself quite at home.
Charlie: No. Working for mom, actually. Hilary's awesome. She even wants me to be her own personal intern. And I know mom will hate that idea, but ever since you brought sam home from the hospital, you and hilary have been kind of like friends. I was hoping you could put in a word for mom before she lets personal stuff spoil this for me.
Billy: And what brought on the offer from hilary?
Charlie: She just sees how serious I am about wanting to learn, you know, and be more than just an errand boy.
Cane: You do realize that that is basically the job description of an intern, right? And that's what you'll be doing for hilary. So you would basically be her unpaid personal servant.
Charlie: I don't expect hilary to make me a producer or anything, but any experience on a syndicated tv show that does live recordings, it's perfect for my résumé. I don't need to learn how to take orders from mom.
Cane: Sure. I'll talk to your mum for you.
Charlie: Thanks, dad. I'll, uh, see you. I got to go.
Cane: I'm not guaranteeing you anything, though, okay?
Billy: Kids.
Cane: Kids.
Hilary: Okay. Okay. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. All right. Bye-bye.
[ Scoffs ]
Devon: What'd they say?
Hilary: They were able to reschedule for later the same day.
Devon: Oh, good. That's perfect. Should we get back to this, huh?
Hilary: I just don't see how this could have happened.
Devon: It's probably just a mix-up in the doctor's answering service.
Hilary: But I didn't cancel it, and I don't have an assistant. Well, yet.
Devon: What?
Hilary: I think it's high time that I had one. Don't you think?
Devon: I think that this agreement should be our priority right now.
Hilary: Well, we'd be dealing with business matters while raising a child. Might as well get used to it now.
Devon: Maybe I should put in the contract explicitly worded that the mother of our child should not expect nor receive preferential treatment at work.
Lily: [ Laughs, coughs ] Sorry. That was -- that's better.
Ashley: This is a surprise.
Victor: Yes, well, I came to tell you personally that, uh, victoria has accepted her demotion. Hopefully that means that you will return to newman enterprises now that you've gotten what you've asked for.
Ashley: I asked for her to get fired because she deserves it.
Victor: Well, I can't do that. She has contributed too much to the company.
Ashley: She's your daughter.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: Okay, so now that she has stepped down, I think you should make me C.O.O.
Victor: That position will remain vacant.
Ashley: So what exactly will victoria's role be?
Victor: She will get some kind of a senior executive position.
Ashley: And I hope that it's one below me.
Victor: You rarely will have the same jobs to do, okay? And totally different responsibilities.
Ashley: Yeah, that's not good enough for me.
Victor: Mm. What do you want, some title?
Ashley: I don't care about a title, but obviously if there's a decision that has to be made and victoria and I disagree, i need to be the one that has the final call, if for no other reason than that we show the staff how the hierarchy works.
Victor: Well, let's put it this way. On the rare occasion that the two of you work together, victoria will answer to you. All right? That satisfactory?
Ashley: I accept that.
Victor: Okay.
Ashley: Thank you.
Victor: Well, I'm glad we finally agree. There will be no publicity about your return. Nor any talk of victoria's new position. Saved for an internal memo from me to the staff. So no mention of you returning to newman right now. Nor any mention of victoria's demotion.
Ashley: Right, okay. May I ask why?
Victor: There's been so much damn bad publicity about our company and our family that I am from now on going to control the pr myself.
J.T.: Yeah, and we realized we didn't have katie's little bunny, you know? I think she was playing with it somewhere around here, and, you know, she was upset about it all last night.
I've been cleaning all morning and it hasn't turned up.
J.T.: Yeah, you know, she might have been in the living room. She likes to play this hide-and-seek game with her animals. But don't worry about it, I'll see if I can find it.
Of course. I'll be upstairs.
J.T.: Okay, thank you. (Vo) make her day with
Devon: Well... what do you think?
Hilary: I think we should go ahead and sign it.
Devon: Huh?
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hey! I didn't expect to see you so soon. Hi.
Cane: Uh, I was hoping that we could have a word with hilary.
Hilary: About what?
Lily: Yeah, why?
Cane: Apparently, it turns out that she told charlie that she would like him to be her own personal intern.
Devon: You said that?
Lily: I cannot believe that you would try to use my own son against me. Wait, what am I saying? Of course you would.
Hilary: Charlie is just trying to get something out of his time here, you know, like real-world experience.
Cane: Instead of what, going to school? Are you behind his sudden lack of interest in applying for college?
Hilary: [ Scoffs ] I am proud of my degree. I worked my butt off to get it, and I am glad that I did. Come on, you know that I would never discourage any child from getting an education, yours included.
Cane: Yeah, well, it's hard to know where you would draw the line, isn't it?
Hilary: Don't blame me if your son's got a problem with --
Devon: All right. Listen. Guys, how about this? From now on, charlie will be my personal intern. Okay? I will decide what he does and doesn't do. Is that a solution we can all live with? If not, you can take it up with me, all right?
Victor: Ashley has graciously agreed to return to work next week.
Victoria: Good, then I guess it worked out the way you wanted.
Victor: Yeah, but this will make no difference in your day-to-day responsibilities and activities. But in order to avoid any future problems, ashley from now on will have the superior position. It was the only way that she agreed to come back to work.
Victoria: Are we done?
Victor: Not quite. I need you to make peace with ashley.
Victoria: I've already apologized.
Victor: I want you to take her to lunch and avoid any future problems. Is that clear?
Victoria: I understand that i am receiving such extreme measures because you're afraid of bad pr, you're afraid that ashley is going to leak this to the press.
Victor: That, for your information, is also in your best interest because you certainly wouldn't want the world to know that you were demoted, would you?
Victoria: I really don't -- all right, fine. Consider it done.
Victor: Victoria. I know this has all been very difficult for you and, I must say, difficult for me. But what you allowed yourself to do with jack and ashley abbott is really rather unforgivable. I mean, it has consequences. They were out of character. For the businesswoman I know you to be. Which made me look at some other decisions you have made lately, namely you moving in with J.T. So quickly.
Victoria: That has nothing to do with it.
Victor: Sweetheart, I know that you were once married to J.T. I know that you're very close. You share confidences. But let me ask you something -- you two have been apart for a while. Do you really know what he has been all about?
Victoria: Where is this coming from? I thought that you and J.T. Were getting along just fine. It seemed like you were last night.
Victor: Well, there are a number of assignments I want him to do, and I don't know if I can trust him.
Victoria: You can. I promise.
Victor: Oh, really? You know that he was away in poland for a while. Do you know what he was doing there?
Victoria: I know that it wasn't the happiest time for he and mac.
Victor: And that's all you know?
Victoria: I don't know many details.
Victor: That's so uncharacteristic of you. Not knowing what you're getting back into?
J.T.: Hmm.
[ Door closes ]
Nikki: Oh! J.T., What are you doing here?
J.T.: Hey, nikki, you know, katie had her little bunny with her last night, and we realized it didn't make it home. The poor thing cried herself to sleep.
Nikki: Oh!
J.T.: Yeah.
Nikki: Well, did you ask the staff?
J.T.: I did. Nobody's seen it. So I, you know, figured before i go buy a lookalike, I might as well give it one more shot, you know?
Nikki: Yeah.
J.T.: This crazy thing -- ah! [ Laughs ]
Nikki: Oh!
J.T.: Thank god. One naughty little bunny, found here. Crisis averted, huh?
Nikki: Well, that's a relief.
J.T.: Yeah, you're telling me. All right, well, I'll see you soon.
Nikki: J.T., Um, could I talk to you for a second? About victoria.
J.T.: Uh, yeah. Sure. What's going on?
Nikki: Well, um, she's having a rough time at work, and, um, I'm just hoping that you're able to give her the proper amount of support.
J.T.: Of course. Victoria knows I'm there for her.
Nikki: She's a very strong, accomplished woman who happens to be a little more sensitive than she likes to let on. Um, do you mind if I say something to you? I've -- I've just noticed that sometimes your remarks can seem...overly critical.
J.T.: Has victoria said that?
Nikki: Please, um, try to take this in the spirit in which it was intended. I'm -- I'm just trying to help, just from one person who loves her deeply to another. Sometimes somebody from outside the relationship can see these little things, you know?
J.T.: Absolutely, yeah, and thank you for telling me. I appreciate it.
Nikki: Well, no problem. Thank you.
J.T.: See you later.
Devon: Hey. Should we get back to the contract now?
Hilary: In a minute. You know, I really resent the accusation that I would brainwash charlie out of going to college. So instead of looking for a scapegoat, why don't you guys become a little more aware of what's going on with your kids?
Lily: Oh, please don't act like it's beneath you to pull something like this because we all know it isn'T.
Cane: And until you have some experience, don't lecture us about parenting.
Lily: And I really pity the poor child that's gonna have you as their mother.
Hilary: [ Scoffs ] It was you.
Lily: What are you talking about?
Hilary: You know damn well. You hate the idea of me having devon's child so much that you tried to sabotage it.
Devon: Hilary.
Hilary: She canceled my doctor's appointment! You did, didn't you?
J.T.: [ Sighs ]
[ Knocks on door ]
J.T.: Ugh, what do you want?
Billy: My kids.
J.T.: [ Sighs ] They're out with hannah.
Billy: Well, they're staying with us tonight.
J.T.: What, victoria didn't call you?
Billy: No, she didn'T. But, then again, your boss is a very busy lady. I'll wait. So, the walnut grove centennial. You excited about the big ol' high school reunion?
J.T.: Well, I'm excited to skip it.
Billy: What? I figured, of all people, you'd be stoked to relive the glory days, mr. Most popular. You were a rock star, almost.
J.T.: See, that's why I don't need to go to that reunion and hang around with guys who 15 years later are still doing the same stupid things.
Billy: Yeah, we all had vision of our future, but then again, fate has its own plans, for everybody. So, what?
J.T.: I love my life, man. I got a great woman, and I still got goals. Big ones.
Billy: Why don't you save those for victoria? Unlike me, she might actually care. Maybe.
J.T.: [ Scoffs ]
Ashley: Hi! I hope I haven't kept you waiting long. It's just kind of last minute, but I got here as soon as i could.
Victoria: Thank you. Before you come back to work, i thought we should sit down together.
Ashley: Well, that's a great idea. I want to make sure that your transition goes as smoothly as possible.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Oh. Well, it won't be much of a transition, per se. My duties and my responsibilities won't really be changing that much.
Ashley: Well, you'll be answering to me, but yeah.
Victoria: Mm, on the rare occasion that we're tasked with the same project.
Ashley: Can I be perfectly frank with you? I've always admired your competitive edge, victoria. Up until the point where it becomes resentment. And then I think it becomes a weakness that really hinders your ability to manage effectively. So I'm hoping that you're going to address it. I mean, for the good of your own career and certainly for the good of newman enterprises.
Victoria: Everything I do is for the good of newman enterprises. It always has been.
Ashley: Mm. Well, I hope you can now see that there's a difference between what is a real threat to newman enterprises and what you perceive is a threat personally. Because, frankly, the way that you've been dealing with me, it's very much like that conniving little girl who was so desperate to break up the marriage between me and her father.
Victoria: Well, I can assure you that I am no longer an insecure child.
Ashley: Well... I'm only referring to your actions since I've been at newman. The facts.
Victoria: Oh, the facts. The facts. I'm so glad that you're so eager to look at the facts because there are a few that I'm not clear on, and I think that they would help me to manage more effectively.
Ashley: Okay, by all means.
Victoria: Why don't you start by telling me why you really left jabot. What was behind your big fallout with jack?
Ashley: That has nothing to do with our current situation.
Victoria: You know, I think that you would agree that women in business sometimes have their intelligence underestimated, and at the very least, I wouldn't want us to fall into that same trap, would you?
Ashley: No, I would not want that, either, at all.
Victoria: So you can see how it would be hard for me to ignore certain other related facts.
Ashley: Such as?
Victoria: Well, such as the bond that you've always shared with jack and the crisis with your mother's health that you've both been involved with, and the lengths that he is willing to go, obviously, to get you back to jabot and to him.
Ashley: I don't deny any of those things. I do have to question the relevance to our current situation, us working together.
Victoria: I'm only bringing it up for the good of the company and for your own career.
Ashley: That's very considerate of you.
Victoria: Well, you know, you're the one that pointed out that we do have a history, but that goes both ways. It helps me to see past this carefully composed exterior of yours into the heart of what's really going on here.
Ashley: Uh-oh. What do you think you see?
Victoria: I see a very angry, bitter woman who's intent on using my family's company, even taking it over if she thought that was possible.
Ashley: Victoria. Your father has made it very clear that he has no plans to retire anytime soon. So, once again, I have to question the relevance.
Victoria: In brief, I'm watching you.
Ashley: Please do. Watch. And learn. And also, prepare a summary with projections for the cofas project. I'll need it on my desk my first day back. Excuse me. Can we have menus?
Feel the clarity of
Lily: I don't even know your doctor's name, okay? She's just trying to deflect and create sympathy so that she can get what she wants.
Hilary: It's not just what i want. Your brother wants the same thing. And you can't stand it. You would do anything to keep me from having devon's child.
Lily: I think it's a terrible idea, okay? And I told devon that. I'm allowed to have an opinion on things that affect the rest of my brother's life.
Hilary: She did this!
Cane: Prove it.
Devon: Lily knows that this is my decision and that my mind is made up. So it would be pointless for her to do something like this, and she knows that.
Hilary: Woman up. Admit what you did.
Devon: Hilary, you rescheduled, you got another appointment the same day. So whatever happened, the problem is now solved, all right?
Hilary: This time.
Cane: Let's go get some lunch.
Lily: Yeah. That's a great idea.
J.T.: You know, you really got to shift out of this hovering mode. Victoria doesn't need you pretending to look out for her.
Billy: Who says I'm pretending, you or vicki?
J.T.: All right, you know she's with me now, right?
Billy: Yeah, but we've got children. That's never gonna change.
J.T.: Well, you just love using that as an excuse, don't you?
Billy: An excuse for what, J.T.?
J.T.: For whatever hold you like to think you have on her. I mean, I don't know what the hell you think it's gonna accomplish. But I will tell you this. You're what's wrong with her.
Billy: "What's wrong with her?"
J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, this keeping her in the past, holding her back. You know, you and her father. And you know what, I'm sick of it, man. In fact, I think it's time for you to go. Let me get your coat. You know, and next time, text me. I'll bring the kids out to the car. Hey. That's my private mail.
Billy: So private you leave it laying on table here.
J.T.: It's none of your business.
Billy: [ Sighs ] If the man that lives under the same roof as my kids is being accused of being an unfit father, you're damn right that it's my business.
J.T.: You got no idea what's going on.
Billy: I'm starting to piece it together pretty quick. See, you roll into town and you're here for, what, five minutes? You're already living under vicki's roof. You get a nice high-paying job from her. Someone impartial looking at this from the outside might get the notion that things might not be as cool as you claim, like maybe you're trying a little too hard to grab onto something, especially after mac cut you loose. Filing for full custody of the kids. Yeah, mac, the sweetest, most caring person that I know -- if she thinks you're a deadbeat father, then who am I to argue?
Victoria: Oh! Damn! I didn't call you.
Billy: It's all right. We were just talking about the walnut grove reunion.
Victoria: Oh, yeah! That! You know, I've been trying to convince him that he should and reconnect with old friends. Nobody's keeping score.
Billy: Even if they are, who cares, right?
Victoria: Right.
Billy: I was just about to leave. I'll text hannah, ask her to drop the kids off at my place.
Victoria: Thank you.
[ Door slams ]
J.T.: "Nobody's keeping score," huh?
Victoria: Well, I didn't mean anything by that, just --
J.T.: Because if they were, then I wouldn't do so hot. That's what you meant, right?
Victoria: That wasn't meant as a put-down.
J.T.: Well, it was. Maybe I'm a little touchy because billy comes in here, rambling on about how, um, you're my boss and you gave me job, again.
Victoria: I don't even know why you care what billy thinks anyway.
J.T.: I don't, you know? I expect him to talk trash. But I don't expect it from you.
Victoria: What?
J.T.: Oh, yeah, no, I ran into your mom this morning. She gave me a surprise lecture about how I'm too critical.
Victoria: Mom told you that i said that to her about you?
J.T.: Yeah, but you thought it would never get back to me, did you?
Victoria: No, because i didn't say anything like that. What, you don't believe me?
J.T.: Why should I? I mean, you lied to me about the whole plot with jack.
Victoria: Okay, listen, I am being punished enough for that. I am. Ashley's agreed to return to the company as long as I'm her subordinate. And after getting that cheerful news, dad insisted that I take her to lunch where she continued to rub it in my face, and I had to just sit there and take it.
J.T.: Well, maybe if you had come to me in the first place...
Victoria: I'm coming to you now.
J.T.: No. No, no, no. No. What, am I supposed to forget about everything? The lies, the deception. You know, maybe that works for other guys. Maybe billy, but not me.
Cane: You feeling better?
Lily: Ugh, god, dealing with that woman literally sucks the moisture out of every cell in my body. If you hadn't pulled me out of there, I would have been a dried husk on the floor.
Cane: I think you're a little more resilient than that.
Lily: So...
Cane: Mm.
Lily: About hilary's doctor appointment...
Cane: Yeah, you canceled it.
Lily: I know it was stupid.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Lily: And pointless and petty. And I'm sure devon knows I did it. I made so much noise, I'm surprised he didn't call me out in front of hilary.
Cane: Well, he doesn't do drama. And I think he knows you're upset because you're concerned about him.
Lily: I was just trying to buy him some time, you know?
Cane: I know.
Lily: To wake up and smell that bitch's poison coffee.
Cane: [ Chuckles ]
Lily: Put it off until next month. I mean, she can't possibly keep up this "changed woman" act for a full 30 days, can she?
Devon: [ Sighs ]
Hilary: I just want you to know, without a doubt, that i did not try to talk charlie out of going to college, okay? And for lily to just assume that I would be an unfit mother -- I'm sorry, it just...upset me.
Devon: It's okay. Lily is entitled to her feelings, and you guys have a hell of a history, so, you know, this is a major decision, but it's my decision and it's my life, and lily understands that now.
Hilary: So, are you ready? Should we...
Devon: Well, there's one thing that this contract does not address, and we need to work that out before we sign it.
Victoria: You know, I have had a really rotten day of dad and ashley tag-teaming me with the humiliation and the reprimands, but I am not wrong about her. She will hesitate to hurt the company, even if nobody else wants to hear it, that's fine.
J.T.: And you want me to take you into my arms and tell you everything's gonna be all right?
Victoria: Don't you want to?
J.T.: I do. See, that's the problem. I mean, every time there's an issue, instead of solving it for real and moving on, we just rip each other's clothes off and end up in bed for three hours.
Victoria: That's not what I'm talking about.
J.T.: No, it's not that it's not great, 'cause it is. But at the end of the day, nothing -- nothing -- has changed.
Victoria: What hasn't?
J.T.: Well, for instance, this pattern that you and billy have, this little routine the two of you fell into.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Wow. We're co-parenting two kids.
J.T.: No, this is different. This is not the way divorced parents behave. There's an intimacy. And it just reinforces this idea that he has, that everybody else is temporary and he's the only permanent fixture in your life.
Victoria: I'm telling you, i don't feel that way! At all!
J.T.: Oh, vick, but when he's around, you don't draw any boundaries, you just -- you just let it go. And your family. You know, your family -- you let your family dictate way too much, like how you feel about me.
Victoria: I haven't said one negative word about you to my mom and dad or to nick. On the contrary. I have just told them how good you are for me and how much you care about me. All I've done is defend you and accept everything about you!
J.T.: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: You know what, that's the problem right there. I think maybe I've been a little too accepting.
J.T.: Oh, what the hell does that mean?
Victoria: Meaning I have questions, but I don't push you. I don't push you by demanding answers from you.
J.T.: Wow. "Don't push me?" No, feel free. You ask me anything you want to ask me.
Victoria: Okay, I will! I will ask you! What happened with your job in warsaw? What happened to your marriage to mac? Why is she pursuing sole custody? I'd like to know.
J.T.: [ Scoffs ] Oh, you'd like to know? Does anybody else share that curiosity, like victor?
Victoria: See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You know, he's trying to undermine me and this whole relationship!
Victoria: I have a right to know what happened between you and mac. What are you keeping from me?
J.T.: Rehashing my crappy marriage is not gonna do anybody any good.
Victoria: You want to be my partner? Then act like it!
J.T.: What, so you can feel good about yourself and, you know, please daddy? So you look at me like I'm some kind of loser?
Victoria: That's how you're acting right now. You're acting like a pathetic, insecure loser! The only match
Devon: So, the contract covers conception, and then it jumps straight to the minute after the baby's born. That leaves out a very important nine months.
Hilary: What about it?
Devon: There's a lot to decide. Classes in prepping you for childbirth, and...
Hilary: Lamaze?
Devon: Yeah. You're gonna want to take those, right?
Hilary: Well, I haven't signed up, but I will, yeah, sure.
Devon: Good. 'Cause I want to actually go with you and learn how to be a good delivery partner.
Hilary: I would -- I would like that. But I don't want you to feel obligated.
Devon: Well, I'm gonna be in the room when the baby is born, so I need to know the right things to do, don't I?
Hilary: That is entirely up to you.
Devon: I think we can expect a shortage of support for you during this pregnancy.
Hilary: Which is why I'm prepared to go it alone.
Devon: But you're not gonna do it alone, you have me.
Hilary: If that's what you want, that would be a bonus. I'd really appreciate it. Devon, we need to get one thing straight before we sign this.
Devon: All right.
Hilary: During and after this pregnancy, whatever we do... we do it as co-parents. Nothing more.
Devon: Right. Just two friendly, platonic co-parents.
Cane: I've been thinking about what you said, about hilary, and I think you're dead on about her using a baby to get what she wants. And I bet that's what she was doing with sam when I was staying at the chancellor house.
Lily: Yeah, I know when she was with him, you thought you were seeing a different side of her.
Cane: Yeah. But obviously she was just doing it to curry favor with me in case the truth came out about what she pulled with juliet.
Lily: And now that is has?
Cane: I agree with you about devon. And I think it is the biggest mistake of his life if he has a baby with her. So... if you want to stop this pregnancy, consider it a joint effort.
Lily: Mm. [ Chuckles ]
Cane: Huh?
Hilary: I know iui is an iffy proposition and there are no guarantees, but... I don't know, I have this feeling that it's gonna work on our first try.
J.T.: Say anything you want to hurt me. It means absolutely nothing coming from someone with such incredible lack of self-awareness. It's a real great side effect of growing up in the newman bubble. Well, since you can't see what the rest of the world sees, let me tell you. Let me tell you. You know, they see a woman who couldn't hold on to a screw-up like billy abbott, who ran her company into the ground with one bad decision after the next, who faceplanted on live tv because of some cheap product she came up with.
Victoria: I don't need to hear this, I've been dumped on enough for one day.
J.T.: No, no, no, no, no. You need to hear the truth, and since I'm the only one who has the guts to tell you, I'm gonna lay it out for you beat by beat. You know, after your dad bailed you out, you know, you got so threatened by competition that, you know, you came up with some ridiculous plot to frame ashley! And you couldn't even do that right! No, so you lost your title and your dignity and your father's respect, and while you're at it, you threw me under the bus and made me look like a complete moron to the company and him!
Victoria: I don't need to hear this.
J.T.: No, no, no, no, no, no! No, I haven't even told you what I think about reed! You know, reed moves back in town, and he comes in with you, and what, instantly hits the skids, complete with a dui! So let's rehash this -- failed executive, bad mother, even worse wife, and that's not even to mention all the daddy issues you have!
Victoria: Not one word out of your mouth!
J.T.: No, no! I'm not done!
Victoria: I don't want to hear another word out of you!
J.T.: No, let's finish this!
Victoria: Let go of me! Let go of me!
J.T.: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! [ Panting ]
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