Y&R Transcript Monday 3/19/18
Episode #11362 ~ Nikki makes a confession; Paul pressures J.T.; Billy receives an intriguing invitation.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Devon: Lily is launching a new modeling agency.
Lily: Yeah, as part of hamilton-winters, and I can't wait to get started.
Mattie: Not only are you gonna be surrounded by singers and producers, now you're gonna be surrounded by gorgeous models.
Nikki: How fabulous.
[ Giggles ]
Paul: Time is running out. Chris and her department of justice friends can't warrant continuing this operation for much longer.
J.T.: I told you I'd do it, and I will. I won't let you down.
Victor: Chess is more than a game, it's more than a metaphor for life. It's a strategy. Teaches you how to think about what you want and how to get it. Now, surround yourself with strength, and you will be protected.
Victoria: J.T., Please call me back. I know you're still upset with me, I know. Dad gave me a chance to stay at newman, but it comes at a price, and do you think maybe you could just come home?
[ Sighs ] I really need to know what you think.
Victor: Vigilance is key. You must always be prepared for a stealth attack.
Paul: Oh, look who finally made time for an update.
J.T.: It's not easy getting away.
Paul: Nobody said it was gonna be easy. You've had weeks, J.T. In case you forgot, I need proof that victor was involved in global price fixing. His head of security should have enough clearance.
J.T.: Look, victor newman doesn't know how to cover his tracks? I mean, come on, paul. We both know he does. That's why I'm even in this loop 'cause you and christine and the authorities couldn't find anything, so now it's on me.
Paul: That's your argument? That we're failures? So what you're saying is if you get proof and we are able to make a case, you get what you want -- a job with either my department or the feds -- you're still gonna be spouting off on what failures your superiors are. Well, let me tell you something. This is my job, to get you to do yours.
J.T.: I just need more time, okay?
Paul: You've had plenty. And the longer this drags on, the more chance there is of us getting exposed.
J.T.: Just let me --
Paul: I don't want to hear it. This operation is done. I'm pulling the plug.
J.T.: No, you can't do that!
Victor: Some players are more valuable than others, okay? Keep them close. You only sacrifice them when and if it serves your cause in the end.
Phyllis: Well, look who can't seem to get enough of sharon's coffee. And here I thought she was serving it up at home.
Nick: Okay, I don't want to listen to this right now.
Phyllis: Okay. I will back away slowly. Or we could sit together in awkward silence. Your choice.
Nick: I have a lot of my mind right now, okay?
Phyllis: Okay. So, come on. Talk to me. You can do it. Talk to your buddy, your pal. Your confidant.
Nick: Fine, but I'm not giving you any details.
[ Inhales sharply ] There's something going on with my mom right now, and I'm just trying to wrap my mind around it.
Phyllis: Oh! Nikki's young, hot lover? That's crazy, right?
Billy: Hey, hey!
Lily: Hey.
Billy: There she is, the big boss lady.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: So you're opening up your own modeling agency, i hear.
Lily: I am, yeah. It just -- it happened really fast. I just realized I have to be in control of my career.
Billy: Well, I hear that. It's better to work with your own family than the newmans.
Lily: Yeah.
Billy: I don't know if you've noticed, but they have some issues over there.
Lily: No!
Billy: Yes, I know, shocking, isn't it?
Lily: Yeah, so, now I don't have to smile pretty for the camera or take orders I don't agree with. I get to call the shots.
Billy: Music to my ears.
Lily: Yeah.
Billy: Let me buy you a mimosa to celebrate.
Lily: Oh, I would, but I'm doing a casting call. I'm setting up my roster today, so I'll be drowning in models.
Billy: Okay, well, then we'll have a champagne rain check.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: Congratulations.
Lily: Thank you. I'll see ya.
Billy: See you. "Drowning in models."
J.T.: Look, paul, you and i both know something this big, nobody's just gonna hand me the evidence on a plate.
Paul: That's why you were there in the first place -- to dig, to find something concrete!
J.T.: I'm doing that, and I'm gonna keep doing that.
Paul: You're not listening.
J.T.: No, there is -- there is corruption at that company on a massive level.
Paul: And you know that how?
J.T.: Same way you do -- in my gut. Look, I don't have the same access I had last week, okay? This situation with victoria killed that. But I'm gonna get her refocused and back on track. I'll put all my energy into it. I'll search newman tower top to bottom if I have to.
Paul: You don't even know if there's any evidence there at all. I mean, victor has other offices. He prides himself in being untouchable.
J.T.: Yes, but he also prides himself on being in control. That means things in writing, contracts signed by all parties, no matter how shady those parties are.
Paul: You have no indication that those contracts even exist, and if they do, where they might be.
J.T.: Paul, how many investigations did you know exactly where to find the evidence? None. That's why they need guys like us to find it. So I'm telling you, I just need one more shot at this, one more chance. I'll make it happen.
Paul: All right, fine.
J.T.: Thank you.
Paul: But you got to move fast, and be careful because if this things goes sideways, the authorities are gonna deny any involvement in our arrangement. You'll be on your own.
Victoria: Thank god. Where have you been?
J.T.: Out. I had things to take care of.
Victoria: "Things." Things like avoiding me? Look, I'm not trying to nag you, I just -- I think we should talk.
J.T.: All right, let's talk. Um, anything new with your father?
Victoria: Actually, yes, there has been a recently development, but I think that we should talk about us, don't you?
J.T.: What about us?
Victoria: I need you. I'm really sorry that I lied to you about my plan with jack. I -- I really think I just convinced myself that I was trying to protect you. But if I can't tell you about something, then I probably shouldn't do it. I realize that now.
J.T.: Well, now that everything's out in the open, if you can promise not to do it again...
Victoria: I do. I promise. Please accept my word.
J.T.: Let's move on.
Victoria: Really? [ Sighs ]
J.T.: Yeah.
Victoria: Thank you.
J.T.: All right, what about your father, though? I mean... he doesn't like getting played, and I don't know what's gonna be worse, the fact that you lied to him or the fact that you thought you could pull one over on him.
Victoria: Well, my father gave me an ultimatum. He wants me to accept a demotion or I have to leave the company, and I'm really not sure how to respond.
J.T.: Are you saying you would actually leave newman?
Victoria: Do you think that would be a mistake?
J.T.: I think it'd be an overreaction on both your parts. I mean, look, your father wants to put you in your place, but that's not gonna last forever.
Victoria: You're the one that told me that if I draw the line with my father, then maybe you and I can really start our life together. Maybe this is that chance. We've had issues with dad in the past. Maybe if I'm not working at newman, don't you think you'd be a little more comfortable?
J.T.: Don't make this about me, come on. This is your job, this is your career. But I will say this -- drawing the line doesn't mean walking away and giving up like a wounded victim. I mean, come on, that's not the victoria I know. She's a hell of a lot tougher than that. So you stay, show him your worth, and get what's yours.
Victoria: I really can't believe you're saying this. I thought that you would want for me to leave.
J.T.: No, you deserve to be there, okay? So ride it out. Show him you can take it, and I'm sure things will get a lot better, probably sooner than you think.
Victoria: Do you know something that I don't?
J.T.: I know I believe in you and I have faith in you. That's what I know. Ugh. Look at this blast from the past. I just got an invitation from walnut grove.
Mattie: I've set up the sign-in table, bottled water, and organized their modeling cards in alphabetical order so they're easy to find.
Lily: Perfect.
Charlie: She's cranked up to 11.
Lily: No, it's good. It's what we need, everyone working together -- oh! Hey. Billy, what are you doing here?
Billy: Hey, I -- I just realized that I forgot to talk to you about the walnut grove centennial bash.
Lily: Oh, yeah, I got the save the date card ages ago.
Billy: So, did you rsvp?
Lily: I've been a little preoccupied recently, so... charlie, is the camera set up?
Charlie: Yeah, it's ready to go.
Lily: Okay, and backup batteries?
Charlie: They're on standby.
Lily: Okay.
Billy: So, what do you say? Come on, you never know who's gonna be there. Raul. Brittany...
Lily: Mac?
Billy: I don't think mac will be there, but...
Lily: Yeah, considering things with J.T. It's funny how you can be so close to somebody, and then they're just out of your life.
Mattie: The models are lining up.
Lily: Uh, okay. Here we go!
Billy: Okay, yeah. Go get 'em, tiger.
Lily: Thanks! And, yes, I will be at the walnut grove party. I'm sure there will be lots of drama.
J.T.: So, they throw a party, make a fuss, tell you, "you want your name on the bulletin? Write a check." "You want your name in the gym? Write an even fatter check." You know what, they couldn't even find me. That's why they sent it so late. It's a bunch of garbage.
Victoria: No! No! You should go. This might actually be fun.
J.T.: What, a bunch of aging gen-xers talking about the good old days and covering their bald spots? No, thanks.
Victoria: But these aren't random people. I mean, these are your old friends. And who knows -- who knows who might be there.
J.T.: Yeah, well, colleen won't be. [ Clears throat ]
Victoria: I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry.
J.T.: But on the flipside, mac might just decide to show up, which is perfect reason for me not to go.
Victoria: Okay, well, I have an idea -- why don't I go with you? I'll be your buffer. So if you don't want to talk to anyone, you don't have to. Come on. Go, J.T. Show them you. You're so sexy and wonderful and successful, and you don't have a combover.
J.T.: Mm.
Victoria: Not yet, anyway.
J.T.: Yeah.
Victoria: Come on! Give your old classmates a thrill.
J.T.: [ Sighs ] Thanks, but no thanks. Let's just leave the past where it belongs, huh?
Nick: I know that my mother didn't tell you about her new...
Phyllis: Hot young stud?
Nick: Come on.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] All right, that was cruel, if accurate.
Nick: I know she didn't talk to you about her personal life. So what's up?
Phyllis: It's not like I was slinking around looking to score dirt. It just landed in my lap. One night, a smiley nikki was at the club, and she was heading up the stairs with an extremely attractive man. The next day, she was coming down the stairs in the same clothes with an even bigger smile, ergo...
Nick: Okay, stop whatever it is you're doing, and just give me the facts, please.
Phyllis: Well, her smile was a fact.
Nick: I mean, I'm trying not to think about my mother doing the walk of shame.
Phyllis: Well, she didn't look ashamed to me.
Nick: Are we friends? Seriously, are we friends? Because right now, I'm not feeling that.
Phyllis: Well, it's not like she was flaunting it, okay? Your mom was pure poise and class, just in yesterday's clothes.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. I just -- I don't know. I don't know what she was thinking.
Phyllis: Your parents cheated, you cheated, I've cheated.
Nick: I -- I know that. I know that, and it's not the point.
Phyllis: Do you have any idea who this guy is?
Nick: I know exactly who he is! He's arturo rosales, the contractor for the rainbow gardens renovation.
Phyllis: Oh. Good with hands? Check.
Nick: Really?
Phyllis: What? Your mom's happy. I saw the woman. She's legitimately serene and calm and happy. And it looks like she's doing very well with victor, that they're getting along.
Nick: Yeah, well, my dad is gonna kill arturo, and he's gonna punish my mom in some way.
Phyllis: So then victor cannot get wind of this, which means you're gonna have to help your mother keep this secret.
Feel the clarity
of non-drowsy
Lily: Okay. The table looks great. We have to make sure that we get them all through, and please be careful how you treat the models. I don't want anyone to feel like it's a waste of their time. I've been there.
Mattie: Got it.
Lily: Um, billy?
Billy: Hmm?
Lily: We love having you here, for no reason.
Billy: No, I just, you know, I had a little bit of free time on my hands. I wanted to see the ashby gang in action.
Lily: Oh, my god. This is because I said "model casting," and here you are. You know what, once a modelizer, always a modelizer.
Billy: No. No. No, that's actually not true. At a certain point, it becomes muscle memory. I didn't want to climb the stairs and hang out in your office, but old habits die hard. I can go. I should go.
Lily: No, you know what, don'T.
Billy: Really?
Lily: Yeah, I mean, it might have been a reflex, but you're here now, and I would love to have your feedback.
Billy: Again, really?
Lily: Sure. Why not?
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Well, it's time to get reed.
J.T.: Oh, yeah?
Victoria: This should be fun.
J.T.: Get him from where?
Victoria: The ranch.
J.T.: [ Chuckles ] More, uh, boot camp with victor?
Victoria: No, this time, they're playing chess, but the minute I walk in the door, it's gonna be about me giving dad an answer to his ultimatum, which is gonna determine the rest of my life.
J.T.: Okay, all right, this is not a decision to make under duress, so I'll get reed, and that way you can talk to your father when you're ready.
Victoria: You would do that?
J.T.: Well, look, you know where I stand. I think you should be at newman, and given time, I think you'll get there.
Victoria: I'm not so sure.
J.T.: Which is why I'm gonna get reed. Okay? But do me a favor -- don't make any life decisions while I'm gone, all right? Nothing without me!
[ Door closes ]
Phyllis: So, let me understand -- your concern with nikki is leading up to how pissed off victor would be if he knew.
Nick: He's gonna be very pissed off.
Phyllis: All right, well, just relax. Once the novelty wears off, this whole sidepiece fun thing will be over.
Nick: You just can't help yourself, can you?
Phyllis: Not really. But I'll change the subject. That'd be great, right? How are you? I mean, other than this. And you and christian?
Nick: Well, let's see. He, uh, asks about connor and chelsea every day. I know it'll eventually fade, you know? Kids can adapt. But it's hard, you know, 'cause I see in his eyes that he just doesn't understand or he doesn't know why he has this aching feeling inside.
Phyllis: It's heartbreaking, is what it is.
Nick: Yeah, it's every day. But, you know, it is what it is. It's just me and christian now.
Phyllis: Technically, but sharon would like to step right in, I imagine.
Nick: Oh, come on. Look, she's a friend, all right? That's it. She's not gonna be christian's new mommy, if that's what you're implying.
Phyllis: Oh, she's not his mom, says you, but sharon might have other ideas.
Nick: And this coming from you.
Phyllis: I am not interested in playing happy family with you, okay?
Nick: You don't seem to have a problem telling me where i should be living or who I should be hanging out with.
Phyllis: I have my concerns.
Nick: They are noted, so you can back off now.
Phyllis: Okay, considered me backed -- or "offed." But what about you? And I tread lightly with affection. You know, how are you with christian's paternity? You know, now that it's sunk in, would you rather that you never knew? Because I warned sharon.
Nick: It -- [ Sighs ] It hurts. Still. And it may never get better. But I needed to know. I mean, what really kills me is I promised adam that I would look out for connor, and I can't do that now. But I can look out for my brother's other son. I can love the christian the way I always have. And maybe that's what adam always wanted anyway, you know? That's why he asked me to look out for connor, so that I would step up if I ever found out about christian.
Phyllis: Adam was a mess, but he was smart enough to know that you are the best father for that little boy. He trusted you with both his sons, and that is no small thing.
Nick: Christian and I are gonna be just fine. We're gonna come out of this, and he is gonna always be my kid. And, according to you, your boyfriend and sharon, no one else will ever find out about this. If I can trust that...
Phyllis: You can. I swear to you.
Nick: Then I guess the secret left town with chelsea.
Victor: Now, one thing in this game and in life is key -- never give anything away. No hints. No tells. You keep your strategy all to yourself. Nothing is more powerful than a secret. If you manage to hold onto it long enough.
Mattie: Is billy okay? He looks really nervous.
Charlie: Yeah, he has no idea what he's in for, does he?
Lily: Oh, he will find out soon enough.
Mattie: You're really tricky. How did I never notice?
Lily: I don't know. Are the models ready?
Charlie: They're all signed in.
Lily: Okay, perfect. Billy.
Billy: Yeah.
Lily: I forgot to tell you something.
Billy: Yeah, what's that?
Lily: Uh, the models are gonna be topless.
Billy: Say that again?
Lily: Yeah, so, we're adults here.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Lily: And I really need your advice. So, as my friend, can you handle it, or not?
Billy: Yeah, yeah. Of course. For a good cause, right?
Lily: Yeah. Thank you.
Billy: Yeah.
Lily: All right. Send them in.
J.T.: I came by to get reed.
Reed: I guess it's time already. Let me get my bag.
Victor: Wait, no, listen, we haven't finished yet. So kindly sit down, okay? Not even faith would walk away from a game of chess with her grandfather.
Reed: I would finish, but i know that my dad's busy, and, i mean, I've got homework piling up.
Victor: Let me give you another lesson. You will learn far more from this game of chess than you can learn from any schoolbook, is that clear? If you apply yourself.
J.T.: Yeah, he's right, actually, you know? You start something, you got to finish it, no matter what it takes. So enjoy.
Reed: All right.
Victor: All right, reed, here we go.
J.T.: Yeah, uh, I'm gonna make a few phone calls while you guys are doing this.
Victor: Thank you, J.T.
J.T.: Try not to beat your grandpa too bad.
Victor: Oh, he won'T. I'll see to that. Checkmate.
Reed: [ Sighs ] I should have seen that one coming.
Victor: [ Chuckling ] You should have. You should have. Always look at the board. And then try to think three moves ahead of the opponent.
[ Cellphone rings ]
J.T.: Hey.
Victoria: Hey, I thought you'd be back by now. Is everything okay? Is my dad giving you a hard time about me?
J.T.: Uh, no, everything is great. I'll see you soon.
Reed: I'm trying to figure out how you did it, but... I just -- I can't seem to --
Victor: What are you doing here? Today, we're out here with some surprising facts
Lily: Thank you for coming, guys. Thanks so much. Good to see you, milos. All right, take care. Thank you. Wow, quite an array of talent, wouldn't you say?
Billy: You're hilarious.
Lily: What do you mean? They have very interesting looks, not the predictable "same old, same old."
Billy: My instincts were telling me to leave, and then you pulled the whole "billy, i need your help, I need your advice" thing.
Lily: I know, you're right. You took so much convincing. Is your arm sore from all the twisting?
Billy: A little bit.
Charlie: Mom, I just packed up the camera. Is it okay if I go now? I want to see what uncle devon is up to at the studio.
Mattie: I also finished attaching all your notes to their modeling cards, so can I go, too?
Lily: I'm sorry, guys, but that was the fun part. We have figure out how who to put up for bookings, you know? It's not just pretty faces. There's a whole business behind it. Right? Billy knows.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Actually, there were a few standouts, depending on what kind of campaign you're looking to cast.
Lily: Good. See? You know what works. Might just poach you away from chancellor yet.
J.T.: Uh, well, that was newman business, you know, it didn't feel like the kind of call I should take in front of reed or the staff.
Victor: Uh-huh. I see.
J.T.: Yeah, uh, is the game over? You got to be honest with me, is reed finding his groove?
Victor: Right. You know, in situations like these, a better poker face could have changed things.
J.T.: Well, he'll figure it out, right? I mean, how he could not? He's got newman genes.
[ Chuckles ] Well, thanks for spending time with him. It means a lot.
Nikki: Hey, so, what's this all about, and why couldn't we meet at the ranch?
Nick: Because we don't need dad walking in on this conversation?
Nikki: Oh. Okay. What's going on?
Nick: You tell me. What is going on with you and arturo?
Nikki: Oh. That.
Nick: "Oh. That." That's it?
Nikki: Well, I have to say, I'm slightly embarrassed that you know about that. I mean, arturo and I have been very discreet.
Nick: Well, you haven't been discreet enough, mom. What's gonna happen when dad catches wind of this?
Nikki: Oh, don't worry about your father. We have an arrangement.
Nick: So he knows about you and arturo?
Nikki: God, no.
Nick: Then what? You have an arrangement? What is that?
Nikki: As in "don't ask, don't tell."
Nick: [ Sighs ] Why are you two even together?
Nikki: Look, you knew when we renewed our vows that it was less about classic romance and more about...
Nick: Do not say business.
Nikki: Practicalities.
Nick: Oh, well, that sounds so much better.
Nikki: Son, the situation between your father and me...
[ Sighs ] There are no ill feelings, okay? There's no roller coaster emotions. I am at the time of my life where I want peace. I want -- I want sanity. And, yes, I would like to have a different kind of companionship. Look, your father and I have separate bedrooms, we have separate social schedules. Honey, I'm sorry if you're disillusioned about that, but you have to be happy for us. This is what we want. Do you understand?
Nick: That doesn't mean you're not gonna get hurt by dad or arturo. And that's what worries me.
Reed: All right, I played, i lost, can we go now?
J.T.: Oh, come on, what's the rush?
Reed: I'm not in a rush. It's just -- with grandpa, there's no "hanging out." I love him, but everything's just a life lesson or a lecture, and it's not like I'm gonna checkmate someone in real life.
J.T.: Eh, leave that to victor. I'm sure he toppled more than a few kings in his life.
Reed: And chess just sucks. I mean it. It's boring and it's slow. And it doesn't really matter, 'cause you either win or you lose, and either way, you just got to set it up again and start over.
J.T.: Hey. Listen. Humor the guy. Play along. But do me a favor -- don't take his life lessons to heart, okay? All right, let's go. For my constipation,
Lily: Hey.
Charlie: Um, that guy seemed chill.
Mattie: This one was kind of a jerk to that one, trying to psych him out. But I'm not sure that even really matters.
Lily: No, it does matter because what you're saying isn't about how they look but what they'll be like to work with, and that's important. There's a lot of pretty faces in the world, but what really matters is are you reliable and a team player with a good attitude. So thank you both for being here. You guys were lifesavers.
Charlie: It was cool seeing you in action, you know, you made them respect you. We were impressed.
Mattie: So impressed, we got you something.
Lily: You guys.
[ Gasps ] Oh, my god! I love it!
Charlie: It's just a name thing.
Mattie: [ Chuckles ]
Lily: No, you know what, this is a family business, and you guys being here means so much to me.
Charlie: No, you --
Mattie: Oh, no...
Charlie: You don't have --
Lily: No, I do have to, okay? Because this is something that we can all be a part of. Oh! [ Chuckles ]
J.T.: [ Chuckles ] Hey. Hey. Sometimes when you're wearing those things, I feel like your chauffeur, not your dad.
Reed: Well, I needed this music. My ears were ringing from two hours with grandpa's life lessons. Could you at least try to get me out of next boot camp?
J.T.: Well, sometimes you got to suck it up, man. And sometimes your dad's got to hook you up. Okay, I'll talk to your mom, all right?
Reed: Thanks.
Victoria: Hey. So, what did I walk in on?
J.T.: Uh, reed's new love of chess.
Reed: Yeah, I -- I really learned a lot.
Victoria: Yeah, I'm just gonna assume that that's not sarcasm.
Reed: No, it was totally sincere. Yeah. Honestly. For real.
J.T.: For real.
Victoria: So, ho was my dad? Did he say anything to you about his ultimatum?
J.T.: Well, I think he would consider that above my pay grade.
Victoria: Well, I care about what you think more than anyone in this whole world. And you know what, you were right before. You were. I would be totally insane to walk away from newman. Think about how many years I've spent in that tower, making money for my dad and generating jobs and income for other people.
J.T.: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: I mean, it's my family's company. And I'm his firstborn, and that job belongs to me, not ashley. So I'm gonna suffer through the demotion and I'm gonna play the long game, and I'm gonna win.
J.T.: Wow, that sounds like one of victor's boot camp speeches. But, you know what, I believe you, I think you're right. And I'm behind you.
Victoria: Thank you. Thank you for supporting me and for giving me advice that I can trust.
J.T.: Well, if you like that, you're gonna love this. I think we should spend more time with your father as a family.
Victoria: We?
J.T.: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Uh... [ Chuckles ] You would willingly hang out with my father? [ Chuckles ]
J.T.: Well, I'm not saying move into the ranch, but, yeah, dinner, you know, "pass the gravy," small talk, that kind of stuff. And don't forget the kids. When they smile, it can melt right through that heart.
Victoria: That's true. You would do all that, even after I screwed up so badly?
J.T.: I'll do anything for you, all right? I'm on your team, okay? Now it's time for us to beat victor at his own game.
Feel the clarity of
Nick: I'm really torn here, mom. I mean, should I just butt out of this, or should I tell you that I cannot stand that you are married to someone that you don't love?
Nikki: I never said that.
Nick: So you do love dad.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Life is complicated. And as you grow older, you realize that it's only as complicated as you make it.
Nick: All right, you know what, it's your life. It's your call. I will respect that.
Nikki: Well, then please do me a favor, and don't discuss this with arturo.
Nick: Trust me, this is not a conversation I want to have on the site. But, mom, if I found out about it, and phyllis did, too, you got to ask yourself -- how long are you gonna run with this? Because dad's gonna find out, an agreement or not.
Nikki: Nicholas, it's going to be okay. Don't worry. I promise you.
Nick: All right, I'll take your word for it, but if arturo gets out of hand or hurts you in any way, you let me know 'cause he'll have me to answer to.
J.T.: You said it yourself. You're a newman. Your dad needs a reminder of that, okay? You're his family. You're the heir to the throne, and I know your dad thinks he's gonna live forever, but he's not, and if he doesn't start treating you like the next in line to run the company, well, there's not gonna be a company when he's gone. Look, you are the future of newman enterprises.
Victoria: I'm gonna call my mom. I'll arrange everything.
J.T.: Oh, and, uh, one more thing. This should be at the ranch. On his turf. Let victor feel like he's in complete control.
Billy: Ah, see? Cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers.
Phyllis: Hello.
Billy: Well, well, well. Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the supermodel in my life. Mwah!
Phyllis: Gentlemen. Hi. I see you've had a long day at the office.
Billy: Mm-hmm. It's been gruesome. Let me close my tab, and we'll get out of here.
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. Not so quick. You haven't introduced me to your friends.
Billy: Can't walk away, huh?
Phyllis: Oh, well, if these were all gorgeous women, would you?
Billy: Vodka cranberry for my lady, please. Have a seat, darling.
Phyllis: Okay.
Paul: Thanks.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Paul: This is chief williams.
J.T.: Paul, it's me. Look, I've arranged for access to the ranch, and I've checked out what kind of safe victor has in his study. It's crackable.
Paul: This is a risky move, J.T.
J.T.: It's what you wanted. This time tomorrow, we'll have all the information we need to take victor down, all right? I'll be in touch when it's time.
Victoria: Dinner at the ranch tomorrow is all set. Mom worked it out with dad. She said he actually sounds excited.
J.T.: Well, that's good. I think tomorrow could change everything for us.
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