Y&R Transcript Monday 3/12/18

Y&R Transcript Monday 3/12/18


Episode #11359 ~ Victor takes control; Hilary pushes Devon to accept her offer.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

J.T.: What can i help you with?

Paul: Heh. How about a progress report on your investigation? What have you got on victor newman?

Hilary: You're raising this baby, and sam is so lucky to have the two of you --

Lily: Do not ever mention his name.

Cane: Your visits with him are done, and you've seen him for the last time.

Devon: You want me to make a baby with you?

Hilary: You're the type of man that any woman would want to be the father of their child.

Devon: I'm not doing this. It's not happening.

Jack: Our mother's sick. She has alzheimer'S.

Victor: I did find evidence of you colluding with your brother, jack.

Ashley: Okay, that's ridiculous. You set me up and you know it. You set me up! Your own sister! I'm suing newman enterprises for wrongful termination. I'll see you in court.

Abby: You fired the most brilliant woman in business because victoria threw a fit. It took me two hours to prove that jack and victoria set her up. See for yourself.

Ashley: So, how did you father react when you showed him the evidence?

Abby: [ Scoffs ] He didn'T. You know how he gets. He's like the sphinx, only harder to read.

Ashley: Yeah, but he didn't shut you down when you made your case against victoria.

Abby: Not once. I showed him the proof. I connected the dots. I laid out the whole paper trail, and he said he needed time to consider it all. That doesn't mean I convinced him. I guess it's one thing to see how his favorite daughter screwed you out of a job. It's quite another to do something about it.

J.T.: What's the word from on high? Any more about ashley being fired?

Victoria: Well, I haven't talked to dad yet this morning, but the sooner that she admits that this is over, the better it will be for everyone. When dad makes a decision, it sticks.

J.T.: Yeah, well, generally speaking, that's true.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, ashley at least had the good sense not to show up for work today. Dad would have just had her escorted out, and even I don't want to see her embarrassed that way.

J.T.: Oh, that is really kind of you. But I guess you can afford to be magnanimous since you got what you wanted.

Victoria: No. I didn't want to be right about this. I mean, all I want is what's best for newman enterprises. And having a spy in our midst isn't it.

J.T.: Well, I got to admit, you know your dad better than I do.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Did you think I couldn't trust dad to -- to choose the right side? I mean, I knew that he would. Dad would believe me over ashley any day.

Victor: You sound very confident about that. In fact, overconfident.

Hilary: It's a fascinating idea.

Devon: It has the perfect amount of heart and edge.

Hilary: I even think mariah might be keen on it. You know, I'll pitch it to her the way you did me. What happens to women who are about to be released from prison but there's no place for them to go because there's not enough halfway houses? I think this could be a stand-alone special. Or a week-long series. We can break it up into segments. It works with our mission. You know -- empowering women and exploring the issues that matter to them.

Devon: Absolutely. Let me show you the, uh, inspiration for the idea. I have a picture here somewhere.

Hilary: Okay. Oh, my -- is that you? Is that you and sam?

Devon: Yeah. I forgot that was in there.

Hilary: No, no! Wait. Wait. I want to see. Look at you guys. Look how cute you are. Look, it's like you guys are playing peekaboo with the rattles.

Devon: I don't even remember, to be honest. Mm.

Hilary: Oh, yeah. Right. You two look so happy. You playing with your little nephew. It's okay, devon. Just because you said that you won't help me have a baby doesn't mean that you have to pretend that you don't like kids. Because judging from that picture, it's obvious that you do.

Victor: I'm sure you have work to do, J.T.

J.T.: Well, if this is about ashley, uh, I should stay. I'm involved in that whole situation.

Victor: I decide who is involved, who is not.

Victoria: All right. We're all alone. What is this about?

Victor: Your sister came to me with some interesting information. Jack abbott's cellphone bill. All the numbers highlighted in yellow are calls he made to you, and calls that you made to him. So you've lied to me. Repeatedly. Oh, manatees. Aka "the sea cow."

Hilary: Or we could do it as an exposé. Peeling back the onion. Getting to the heart of the issue. We would be doing it with a straight-up piece of investigative journalism. But, looking at the story from both sides, going back and forth between them, that could --

Devon: Let me stop you right there. I want to go back to something that you said earlier.

Hilary: Um... about featuring multiple points of view?

Devon: No, no. I'm not pretending like I don't like kids 'cause you and I had one awkward conversation. I was trying to be sensitive to you, 'cause I know that you really connected with sam early on, and that's kind of out the window now.

Hilary: Because cane and lily saw that video of me and juliet.

Devon: Yeah.

Hilary: It's kind of you, devon. To be mindful of my feelings. But you don't have to downplay your connection with sam for my sake.

Devon: Still, I'm sure you miss the little guy.

Hilary: Desperately. But seeing pictures like that of the two of you, it makes me realize that you love him, too. You know, and I don't get to see that side of you, uncle devon. Not too far off from "daddy."

Devon: Okay. I knew you'd try to steer the conversation that direction.

Hilary: Okay. You -- you turned me down, and I have accepted that, okay? But I still think that you would be a magnificent father.

Devon: Do you? 'Cause I remember, when you pitched me the idea of helping you get pregnant, you said i could just walk away, and there'd be no fatherly input necessary.

Hilary: Are you saying that you would consider it if I gave you a bigger role? Because, if so, let's -- let's talk.

Devon: You literally just said that you'd accepted the fact that I turned you down.

Hilary: What can I say? I am flexible.

Devon: Yeah.

[ Cellphone rings ] It's lily.

Hilary: Oh, well, you should take it.

Devon: You sure?

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Hello? Well, that doesn't sound good. Yeah. For sure. I'd be more than happy to. I will wrap up the meeting I'm in right now, and I'll head right over. You got it.

Hilary: Something wrong?

Devon: Sam's nanny has a family emergency, and cane and lily have to be at the school for some parent-teacher thing, so she asked if I could watch him.

Hilary: Don't let me keep you, then.

Devon: Look, I'm sorry.

Hilary: For what?

Devon: Well, I can tell you'd like to come along.

Hilary: I only have myself to blame. Not coming clean with cane and lily, being barred from spending time with sam is my just desserts.

Devon: Well, I should get going.

Hilary: Can you tell sam hi for me?

Devon: Yeah. Of course I can. I'll see you tomorrow.

Victor: You need more proof?

Victoria: Fine. You got me. I could say that ashley and abby manufactured that, but I don't want to lie.

Victor: You mean not anymore.

Victoria: I won't apologize. I went after ashley, yes. I wanted her out. With good reason.

Victor: Insecurity about your position in the family business is not a good reason. Nor is your reluctance to cooperate and share responsibility with others.

Victoria: Not trusting that woman to do what's best for our family business at the expense of her own family's business is a good reason.

Victor: You're rationalizing.

Victoria: I am stating a fact. Ashley is not an asset to newman enterprises. She is a liability.

Victor: Don't you think that's my call to make?

Victoria: Then why didn't you make it? When it comes to ashley, you have blinders on. You convinced yourself that setting up this competition was gonna be good for this company, but it's not good for this company, and I had to fix that. You hired me to make these tough decisions, and that's what I did.

Abby: I shouldn't have left dad's office without hearing what he planned to do. I am gonna pin him down and make him tell me if he plans to reinstate you.

Ashley: Bad idea.

Abby: Mom.

Ashley: You know your father. If you corner him, he's just gonna double down backing victoria just to maintain control.

Abby: Well, I know you weren't a big fan of me going to him in the first place, but --

Ashley: Since you have, let's not sabotage your effort.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: Hi.

Traci: Hello!

Abby: Hey, aunt traci.

Traci: Hi!

Ashley: Aren't you up bright and early this morning.

Traci: [ Laughs ] Yes, I was. I grabbed some breakfast, and I wanted to swing by the bookstore, and I wanted to get mother some new memory games.

Abby: Oh, that's very sweet of you.

Traci: Yeah, I'm gonna just take them up and put them in her room for later, shall I?

Ashley: She might be sleeping.

Traci: At this hour?

Ashley: Yeah, she had a little bit of a rough night last night.

Traci: Oh, I'm sorry. Um, so what about you? Have you heard anything from victor?

Ashley: No. I'm gonna give him till the end of the day. If I don't hear anything, I'm gonna call tony kingsman.

Traci: Well, I hope it doesn't come to that.

Ashley: It might.

Traci: Hiring attorneys and suing people, it just leads to animosity and frustration --

Dina: [ Giggles loudly ] Hey, gals, would -- would one of you please help me with my dress? John will be here any minute, and I don't want to keep him waiting. This is the winter formal, after all. (Cat 1) friskies world...

Devon: You and I lucked out, 'cause your mom and dad are in a boring meeting, stuck, and you and I get to live it up at the club.

[ Sighs ] What? Listen up. I have a favor to ask you. But first I need to know how well you can keep a secret.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hello. Where are you?

Devon: I'm with sam.

Hilary: Well, good for you.

Devon: Yeah. We grabbed ourselves a table here at the club. A nice little spot to people-watch. You never know who you might see walk by, you know.

Hilary: You're downstairs? I thought you'd be hanging out at the house.

Devon: Well, that was the original plan, but I was craving a mochaccino, and you know how good they make them here. Actually, come to think of it, you really like those, don't you?

Hilary: Yes, I do.

Devon: Well, that worked out very well. What do you say to some company, huh? But no mochaccinos for you. I'm sorry.

Victoria: You can't just leave.

Victor: Victoria, I don't think you want to hear my response. I'm "blinded" by ashley? I can't make a decision without you backing me up? Are you hallucinating?

Victoria: I'm sorry if you misunderstood.

Victor: I didn'T.

Victoria: My point is about ashley's worth, not about your abilities.

Victor: I don't know how you expect to run my empire when you're so threatened by other executives who are very talented. I'm disappointed in you.

Victoria: So what's next? What are you gonna do now that you know the truth?

Ashley: So, where is this dance, exactly?

Dina: Oh, walnut grove, of course. In the high-school gymnasium, just like all the others. Well, aren't you girls going? I mean, you should be getting dressed. But no one dances with john tonight except me.

Traci: No, we wouldn't dream of it.

Dina: Oh, good. Well, you all have dates, of course, don't you?

Abby: Oh, please. This much perfection? The boys were fighting over us.

Dina: Well, listen, girls, I would be totally understanding if you were the teensiest bit jealous after the remarkable game my beau played last friday.

Ashley: What game was that?

Dina: Oh, walnut grove versus wilmot union high. And john was the star quarterback and made all the best plays.

Ashley: Oh, that sounds so exciting.

Dina: Yes, it was.

Ashley: I'm gonna make sure I get to see the next one.

Dina: Okay.

Abby: I was in the bleachers, and john was the star, no question.

Dina: [ Giggles ]

Traci: You are so lucky to have him as your date tonight.

Dina: Oh, thank you. But he is so lucky to have me. Now, I've got to get ready. Help me get dressed, because I don't want to keep him waiting. I just don'T.

Ashley: Okay. Well, you know what, let us help you with the finishing touches.

Traci: Yes, you're going to be the envy of every girl at walnut grove.

Dina: Oh, thank you. But I already am. [ Giggles ]

Abby: We knew that.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Ashley: Excuse me. I'll be right there. Yes?

Victor: I owe you an apology.

Ashley: An apology? Why? You believe abby brought you the evidence as the truth?

Victor: Victoria admitted what she did to you.

Ashley: Victoria's actually being honest. How refreshing.

Victor: I let her know how displeased I was with her actions. I realize that she put you in an untenable position.

Ashley: So that's it? One mea culpa and all is forgiven? I don't think so, victor. You think he got my message?

Abby: [ Chuckles ] You were awesome. Brava!

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Laughs ] Oh, you won't believe this. For my constipation,

Devon: You really are a natural, you know.

Hilary: If you had asked me a year ago if babies were my thing, I would have said, "no way." But there is something about this little guy. Oh, I think he's hungry.

Devon: Yeah? How do you know?

Hilary: When sam's attention starts to wander, he starts looking around like that, pretty good bet that he's looking for some chow.

Devon: Really?

Hilary: [ Chuckles ] It's dinner time. I think uncle devon's got it covered.

Devon: I really do. Your dad packed plenty of formula for you.

Hilary: Can I see that? Hm? Okay. I'll take that for you.

Devon: Hm.

Hilary: Oh, do you want me to hold that while you take him out of the stroller?

Devon: Why don't you do the honors?

Hilary: Uh... no. No, you should -- you should feed him. We just happened to run into each other, remember? You don't want anyone to get the wrong impression.

Devon: Okay. All right. Let's go. Oh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Here we go.

Hilary: There you go.

Devon: You ready? Here. Some of that?

Hilary: Oh. He's so adorable.

Devon: Oh, look at him go. I think you were right. He was hungry.

Hilary: I could watch the two of you all day.

Devon: I guess I'm a natural, too, huh?

Hilary: I think that goes without saying.

Victoria: Hi. It's victoria. You've reached my voicemail. Please leave a message after the beep.

[ Beep ]

J.T.: Hey, it's me. I'm at your office. How'd it go with victor? Call me back, okay? I'm a little worried.

Abby: Okay. I'm here.

Victoria: I wasn't sure you'd show up.

Abby: Are you joking? I wouldn't miss this for anything. I know dad let you have it for what you did to my mother. So now... it's my turn.

Ashley: Abby had to leave. She had a, um -- a work emergency.

Traci: Does this have something to do with your situation?

Dina: I just love this dress! Ooh! You know, it fits all my curves, and in all the right places. Oh! How do I look?

Ashley: You look stunning.

Traci: I second that.

Dina: Oh, thank you so much. Although, you know, I'm a little worried about my makeup, though.

Ashley: You know what? Let's see what we can do with that. Have a seat.

Dina: Oh, thank you.

Ashley: Have a seat.

Dina: Oh, dear. You're so sweet. Thank you.

Ashley: Of course. I think what we should do, maybe, is start with your cheeks.

Dina: Okay.

Ashley: All right. There you go. Do you know that you used to do this for me when I was a little bit younger? You said that a little bit of makeup would be so nice, that it would make me look more glamorous. It used to make me feel so special.

Dina: Really? You did?

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Dina: I like that. Thank you.

Ashley: Hmm. And now why don't you face me just a bit?

Dina: Mm-hmm.

Ashley: Look at you! What a beauty. That's better.

Dina: Oh, thank you. Uh, does anyone have a mirror? I want to see how I look.

Traci: Oh, yes. I've got one right here.

Dina: Oh, goody! Thank you.

Traci: Here. Here.

Dina: Thank you. Mm. [ Chuckles ] Oh, this is the year, girls. The year that john and i become king and queen.

Traci: Well, I have no doubt in my mind.

Dina: But what on earth could be keeping john? I mean, it's just not like him to be late.

Traci: It is still early.

Ashley: Yeah. I bet he's on his way.

Dina: Well, I'm gonna call him right now and find out when he's going to be here.

Traci: Don't you think we could give him just a few more minutes?

Dina: No, I do not. Wait a minute. Wh-where -- where's the dial? What are all these buttons for?

[ Doorbell rings ] Oh, my god! It's him! It's him. Oh, yes. Oh, john, john, john. I'm coming!

Traci: [ Sighs ]

Dina: I'll get the door, darling.

Victor: Well.

Dina: You're not john. Wh-what are you doing here? John's supposed to take me to the dance, and I'm sure everyone's at the school by now.

Victor: Yes, well, uh, john told me to tell you that he regrets that he can't make it tonight, but he sent me in his place. I'm victor.

Dina: Hello, victor.

Victor: I think this is going to be my lucky night. Today, we're out here with some surprising facts

Hilary: You having a nice time with your nephew?

Devon: Yeah, I'm having a nice time in general.

Hilary: What are you thinking about?

Devon: I was thinking about how we're both creative types. 'Cause you work in television and I work with musicians. But this baby right here, this -- this baby is real creation. You know? Cane and lily, they're gonna put love and devotion and a million other ingredients into him, and then one day he's gonna be this special, unique person. And with support, you can have a baby of your own. Maybe sooner than you think. And that's bigger than having good ratings or making a hit record. 'Cause it's real.

Hilary: Devon, um... what are you saying?

Devon: I know what I said to you the other night. But ever since you asked me to "make a donation" to help you conceive a child, I haven't been able to get it off my mind.

Dina: I was so looking forward to going to the -- to the dance with john.

Victor: Mm.

Dina: And then to be stood up for a second time!

Victor: Well, I'm so sorry.

Dina: Oh!

Victor: Now, john's teacher gave him a last-minute assignment.

Dina: He did?

Victor: And john will have to work all night to finish it.

Dina: Oh.

Victor: He regrets terribly not being here with you. He was so looking forward to taking you to the winter formal. But, you know, he needs to keep up his grades if he wants to be a success in life, and if he wants to give the girl of his choice what she deserves.

Dina: Did john really say that?

Victor: Oh, yeah. Word for word.

Dina: He did?

Victor: Yes. And he made me swear to treat you like royalty, which I intend to do. I'd be honored to take you to the winter formal.

Dina: Well, I did spend a lot of time getting ready.

Victor: You did?

Dina: Mm-hmm.

Victor: You know, one would never have known. I think you're a classic beauty.

Dina: Oh, go on with you!

Victor: I mean it.

Dina: Really?

Victor: I never say anything I don't mean.

Dina: Oh! Forgive me, but what was your name again?

Victor: My name is victor.

Dina: Victor.

Victor: Yes.

Dina: Oh, you are so nice. Isn't he the loveliest man?

Abby: So, tell me. When dad laid out the proof that I brought him, how did you react? Hm? Did you defend yourself? Did you come up with a bunch of excuses of you vilified my mother? Or, uh, did you just go to the old standby, "I did what's best for the company," hm?

Victoria: I did what I felt i had to do.

Abby: Ooh, a variation on a theme. Hmm. You're not even original.

Victoria: You know, you can strut around here being outraged about ashley. You can put on a big show if you want. Do whatever makes you feel good. But I think you and I both know it's a tad disingenuous.

Abby: Meaning what, exactly?

Victoria: Meaning this was never about your mother. It's about me. It always has been. I'm in the way of your lofty ambitions. Well, you might as well get used to it. I was here first. I put in the time. I worked my butt off since I was a teenager to get where I am today. So earn what I have, and then you can talk to me.

Abby: Oh, I've earned plenty. What I don't deserve is for my own sister to speak to me this way.

Victoria: Well, maybe that's because it feels like we're sisters in name only. Yeah, I get it. You wanted to defend your mother. But you didn't hesitate to put the screws to me, did you? Not even for one minute. You probably even enjoyed it.

Abby: Damn right I did.

Dina: Oh!

Ashley: Oh, look at her. Mother's so excited to be "here at the dance."

[ Traci chuckles ] Kind of breaks your heart, doesn't it?

Traci: Well, one could say that she was having a really bad day because she's so confused about what time she's in --

Ashley: Or she's having a really good day because she's having such a marvelous time.

Traci: Yes.

Ashley: Cheers to that.

Traci: Cheers.

[ Sighs ] At least she didn't automatically assume that I was part of the hired help this time.

Ashley: [ Laughs ] Oh.

Traci: You know, once or twice, I almost felt like she recognized me.

Ashley: I saw that, too.

Traci: I mean, I-I wasn't her daughter. I know that. That's gone. But at least I wasn't a complete stranger to her.

Randall: Good evening, mr. Newman. Nice to see you again.

Victor: Randall.

Randall: And who is this lovely young lady on your arm?

[ Dina giggles ]

Victor: Randall, this is my date, dina.

Randall: Oh. Charmed, mademoiselle.

Dina: Oh! Thank you.

Randall: The item you requested is waiting at your table, sir.

Victor: Thank you, randall. I'll take it from here.

Randall: Enjoy your evening.

Victor: Thank you. I'm sure we will.

Dina: Oh, it's so exciting!

Victor: Shall we?

Dina: Yes, indeed! Oh! You know, the -- the decorating committee sure outdid themselves this year, didn't they?

Victor: Isn't that the truth.

Dina: Oh, yes.

Victor: This is for you.

Dina: For me?

Victor: Yes.

Dina: [ Gasps ] Oh! Ohh! How beautiful! A wrist corsage!

Victor: Yes.

Dina: Oh, that's just so lovely. Oh, my goodness!

Victor: Yes. Let's have a seat.

Dina: Oh, thank you.

Victor: Here we go.

Dina: Ohh.

[ Sniffing ] How did you know orchids and freesia were my favorite?

Victor: Well, a little birdie told me.

Dina: It smells so -- was that little birdie john? Ooh, that rascal! Oh... thank you, uh...

Victor: Victor.

Dina: Oh, yes. Oh, thank you, victor.

[ Gentle music playing ]

Victor: Shall we dance?

Dina: Oh... well, I-I -- well, I thought you'd never ask!

[ Laughs ]

Victor: Yes, with such beautiful music.

Dina: My, my, my, my, my!

Victor: Yes.

Dina: Oh! Now, john doesn't know what he's missing.

[ Giggling ]

[ Music continues ]

Traci: Victor thought of everything.

Ashley: Yeah. He's doing this for me, but still. It's an incredible gesture, creating all this for dina.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

J.T.: [ Sighs ] Hey. Hey, mike. It's -- it's J.T. Are we -- are we still waiting on those bids for the new cameras in the lobby? Yeah. Uh, how much are they apiece? Okay. Do they, uh -- do they work with the existing equipment? All right, great. Yeah. Let's go with the second vendor. I mean, I think they have the best service. And just get the paperwork on my desk and...

Dina: You're a wonderful dancer.

Victor: Well, thank you. No substitute for john.

Dina: Did you, by the way, happen to see us play the panthers?

Victor: I didn't see it.

Dina: Oh.

Victor: But I want you to tell me about it.

Dina: Okay.

Traci: Excuse me, dina. Might I see your corsage?

Dina: Oh, darling, of course! Here, look, look, look, look, look.

Traci: Oh, look.

Dina: It is orchids and freesia, my very favorites.

Traci: Oh, it's beautiful. Can we step over to the light?

Dina: Oh, sure. Sure. Surely.

Victor: I think your mother is having a wonderful time.

Ashley: I can see that. Thank you. Although I'm not sure she has much energy to go on too much longer.

Victor: Well, I understand that. I will bring her home soon.

Ashley: I am sure this is not why you stopped by my house.

Victor: It isn'T. I came to talk to you. You hung up on me before I could ask you if you would consider coming back to newman. And this time, I promise you, victoria will not be a problem.

Ashley: I actually don't need that promise, victor. The only way I'll go back to newman is if you fire her.

Victor: I will take that under advisement.

Abby: If you could hear yourself right now --

Victoria: Oh, god. Don't even think about lecturing me right now.

Abby: You have no self-insight -- none.

Victoria: Oh, really? I don't? That's funny, you don't, either.

Abby: See? There you go again trying to deflect, trying to do anything to avoid taking a good hard look at your own behavior.

Victoria: You know what hurts? Growing up, I would have killed to have a little sister. In fact, it's all i thought about at one time. And then, finally, one day, it happened. And this is what I get.

Abby: Wow. So now it's my fault for not being born soon enough, huh? That's why you treat me like dirt? 'Cause by the time I showed up, you had everything laid out just the way you wanted. You had no interest in sharing daddy. You had become the favorite by then.

Victoria: Well, no one stays his favorite for long.

Abby: I'm not blood. I'm competition. All that stuff you pulled with my mom -- it's the same underhanded crap that you've been dishing out on me all along. Minimize abby. Trivialize abby. And we both know why. Because in your eyes, I am more of an abbott than I am a newman. I can be dismissed. Well, guess what? I am through putting up with it and you. This puppy had nothing

Ashley: This was so memorable, right?

Traci: Mm-hmm. Watching mother dance like that with victor, so carefree... this is gonna sound really strange, but it gave me so much comfort. Does that make sense?

Ashley: Of course it does. Mother's moments of happiness are very few and far between. We have to take whatever we can get.

Traci: And in our mother's mind, she was really back in that time. Fully immersed. It was as if all the years that have gone since never really happened.

Ashley: That was so interesting to me, was how specific she was. She was so sweet about daddy. The football game. The attention to detail. It's as if some of her memories are perfectly preserved, and others have just completely vanished.

Traci: Ashley, I've been thinking. I-I really feel like we need to do something to keep her memories alive. I don't know. Write everything down, maybe, or maybe we could make a video with her. Soon, before the memories completely disappear.

Ashley: Yeah, I think that's a great idea, and we have to do it very soon rather than later. What do you think? You think tomorrow she's even gonna remember dancing with victor?

Traci: You said earlier that you thought he was doing all of this to try to impress you.

Ashley: Well, I think we've all seen the side of victor that's ruthless and manipulative. But he can also be very kind, very charming. That's what we saw earlier. I do believe there was more to it, however.

Traci: Well, when I took mother aside -- you know, to give you two a moment -- what did victor have to say for himself?

Ashley: I think it was more what I said.

Traci: What was that?

Ashley: I told him that if he wants me to come back to newman, he's going to have to fire victoria.

Traci: You said that to victor?

Ashley: Now we'll have to see if he actually does it.

Abby: I am done being sidelined. Your time has come and gone. This last stunt, it's gonna cost you. Big.

Victoria: Oh, and I'm sure you'll take full advantage.

Abby: Oh, damn right. You better believe it, lady. I intend to go in there tomorrow morning and stake my claim as a newman. And then my mom and i will become the new family dynasty at newman enterprises.

[ Victor speaking in distance ]

Victor: Kristin. What are you doing here?

J.T.: Well, I, uh, came by to brief you on a few things, and you weren't here, so I was about to leave you a note, actually.

Victor: Uh-huh. Don't you ever walk in here unless you see me. Okay?

J.T.: Yes, sir.

Victor: Okay. What is it you want?

J.T.: Before I get to that, you know, I haven't seen victoria since you two spoke. So I was just curious what was said.

Victor: Well, I'm not surprised she walked out, after what she did.

J.T.: Well, she didn't do anything. That was all ashley.

Victor: There's where you're wrong. But I was wrong, too. I've seen the proof, meanwhile.

J.T.: Of what?

Victor: Ashley was right. Victoria had been scheming all along with jack abbott. When I confronted her, she at least had the decency to own up to it. So she lied to you and to me.

Devon: Okay. That was cane. He said when they, uh, get done at the school, charlie's gonna come by and pick up his brother.

Hilary: I don't mean to push...

Devon: Yes, you do.

Hilary: Okay, fine. I do. Before cane interrupted, you said that you were thinking about my offer?

Devon: Yeah.

Devon: Hilary, I know this is what you want. And I don't know if it's ' cause I'm missing having neil around, or if I've gotten caught up in this whole thing with shauna, but I honestly have been thinking about this a lot, and I feel like I want the same thing you do. I want to be a father and experience the magic of raising a child.

Hilary: Oh, my god, devon. Thank you.

Devon: Yeah, hang on. Hang on a second.

Hilary: Okay.

Devon: Um... I'm glad that you're excited, 'cause I am, too. But I want to lay some rules down.

Hilary: Like what?

Devon: This isn't about you and me getting back together. I will be your sperm donor. But I insist that we co-parent the child, because there's no way in the world that I'll ever walk away from it. But you and I won't be sharing our lives together, 'cause i think that we're past that. We have a deal?

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