Y&R Transcript Friday 3/9/18

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/9/18


Episode #11358 ~ Victor cleans house; Billy helps Ashley clear her name; Devon expands his empire.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Shauna: My older brother clayton O.D.'D on pills. The doctor said he's gonna need to go to rehab. I just found out. Hilary's paying for it.

Hilary: Why don't you join me the next time that I meet up with shauna? I mean, you would be a wonderful role model. There are so many things that you can teach a girl like her.

Lily: Please accept this as my formal resignation. I quit.

Lily: I just want to get out there and find something, and I don't know what that is, exactly.

Victor: I have considered all the information and talked to everyone involved in the investigation, and I'm pretty confident that I have come to a conclusion about who colluded with jack abbott. Thank you for coming.

Ashley: Sure. So, I'm assuming you want me to tell you my plans for revamping brash & sassy.

Victor: Why don't you have a seat?

Ashley: [ Sighs ] I think I'll stand. What has victoria said and done now? These games and machinations of hers are such a waste of time for you and I both, and I'm really tired of dealing with it.

Victor: You won't have to anymore.

Ashley: I'm happy to hear that.

Victor: I completed my investigation into the corporate espionage situation. I found no evidence of a frame-up. However, I did find evidence of you colluding with your brother jack.

Ashley: Okay, that's ridiculous. Documents that I handed to your daughter were found in jack's office. That's on her, not me.

Victor: You know, I had such high hopes when you came on board, ashley. You're extremely gifted. You're one of the best in this business. However, you are an abbott. You feel loyalty to jabot and jack, not to me and my company. You're fired.

Phyllis: Oh, I didn't get a swirly picture on my latte. I feel like the barista's over me.

Billy: That's because you changed your order from your almond milk-half caf-double shot thing.

Phyllis: Meaning I push too hard?

Billy: Phyllis...

Phyllis: I'm kidding! We were talking about me pushing too hard. I was making a joke to show that we are perfectly fine right now.

Billy: Yes. We are.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Billy: You looking for sharon?

Phyllis: She's probably at home. Baking cookies and darning nick's socks. I -- it's another joke! I don't care where sharon is right now!

Billy: I didn't say anything. I was just trying to figure out what it meant to darn a sock.

[ Groans ] I should go.

Phyllis: Now?

Billy: Yeah, well, cane just walked in. If he sees me, he's gonna want to talk about work.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Sure. Okay.

Lily: Okay, I just texted you the twins' schedule along with the bill we have to pay this week, and then I arranged for groceries to be delivered, but don't worry, it's all easy stuff. Thank you.

Cane: All right, listen. Okay? Thank you. The twins and I aren't gonna fall apart while you're gone, okay? And sam, well, I talked to him, and he promised he's not gonna have any diaper blowouts 'cause he's gonna wait for you to come back and do that. Hey. Go. Relax. It's only a few days, okay?

Lily: Yeah, with no notice.

Cane: Well, that's how it works, all right? They needed a gorgeous model A.S.A.P., And that is you. There's not gonna be a problem this time, next time, or the time after that.

Lily: Yeah, but who knows how often I'll have to leave? And with no warning. I mean, there's no way to set expectations.

Cane: Can you just roll with this, please? Okay? You are the model that everybody wants, so don't unpack your bags.

Abby: Wait! You're leaving just when I got back?

Lily: Oh, my god! It's so good to see you!

Abby: Hi.

Lily: I missed you so much.

Abby: I missed you. Hi!

Cane: Hey.

Abby: And why are you leaving me?

Cane: Because she just got a new modeling job.

Abby: I heard you left newman. I hate it, but I don't blame you for it.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, you know better than anyone how awful that place can be.

Abby: Mm.

Cane: On that note, I'm gonna let you guys talk, and you can tell her about all the buses and the billboards you're gonna be on. Oh!

Abby: Ooh!

Cane: We should get one of those billboards and just put it outside the kitchen window.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Cane: I love you.

Lily: Bye.

Abby: Bye.

Lily: Come. Sit.

Abby: Huh. Oh, yeah, you look super happy about this. Forget about being on the side of the bus. It looks like you'd rather be underneath it.

Victor: I had legal draw these up.

Ashley: You're actually doing this.

Victor: Now, there's no reason for any acrimony. No charges will be filed. You will simply resign, citing "creative differences," you know, family obligations.

Ashley: Okay, so you want me to lie?

Victor: Of course. For your reputation and for my company's reputation.

Ashley: Thank you so much, i mean, 'cause clearly you're doing this for me.

Victor: You know you have my sympathy. Obviously your brother jack used you to get to me.

Ashley: Actually, he used you to get to me, not the other way around.

[ Intercom buzzes ]

Victor: Send him in.

Ashley: Are we calling security because you don't think I'm gonna give you my badge? I mean...

Victor: Devon, thank you for coming.

Devon: Absolutely. What can I do for you? Hello, ashley.

Ashley: Hello.

Victor: Well, I have rather sad news. Ashley is leaving newman enterprises.

Devon: Really?

Victor: Yes.

Devon: Sorry to hear that.

Victor: Now, we need a press release, and make sure that both parties are shown in the best light. This is all very amicable.

Devon: Sure. I'll get my team right on it.

Ashley: Uh, just to clarify, there's been no resignation. It's termination without cause. Oh, wait! There is a cause. Victoria newman. The spoiled princess who is so insecure, she can't handle real competition. She drove brash & sassy into the ground, and she's going to do the same to newman. You can quote me on that.

Abby: It's strange to meet someone who's depressed at the idea of being a famous model.

[ Chuckles ]

Lily: No, I'm -- I'm grateful for the work, I am, and I love the fashion industry. I just -- I feel like I jumped into the next gig too soon.

Abby: Is this about cane? Yeah, sure, he was freaked out about you going to paris, but you guys are in a good place now.

Lily: No, it's not just this trip, it's all the trips. You know? It's being away from the kids, it's the unpredictable schedule. It's complications, logistics, and then being in front of the camera again, it just kind of feels like "been there, done that."

Abby: Mm-hmm. That's a really long list of reasons to not do something that you're about to do.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: I can totally relate going back to the office. Paris, it was so liberating. Being away from victoria and those eye rolls and that long list of demands. Ugh! And that sigh that she does?

Lily: Yes.

Abby: Like the whole staff is making her life difficult? Ugh.

Lily: But you are going back to the office.

Abby: Mm. Yeah. You know, I have every right to be at newman. And until I am running the show, I'm just gonna suck it up and keep moving forward.

Lily: That's it. That's right. You just gave me an amazing idea.

Hilary: So, over there, we have got the computer for rough edits.

Mariah: I usually bite the inside of my cheek when there's a boring guest, and the editors are amazing. They just cut right around it.

Hilary: There is no such thing as boring guests, only boring interviewers. Now, right down here, we have this team over here -- they're looking at web content.

Mariah: Goofy videos, puppies, gossip, gossip about puppies.

Hilary: And right down the hallway is makeup, of course.

Mariah: You do not want to mess with hilary when she is in the makeup chair. That's when she makes you hold her water while she sips it through a straw -- full diva.

Shauna: So "diva' means running a big show and looking fine doing it?

Mariah: Okay, well, I -- i mean, I wasn't being nasty.

Hilary: This one is smart and fast. You better watch out, mariah. You give shauna a few more years, she might be sitting in your chair.

Mariah: [ Laughs ] That's so funny.

Hilary: So. What do you think?

Shauna: You have everything.

Hilary: Well, not everything.

Ashley: Victoria doesn't want to be C.O.O. She wants to be queen. So why don't you go ahead and have the coronation? Maybe it'll fill the void before she destroys newman with her insecurities.

Victor: You will think more clearly once you have cooled down.

Ashley: I'm thinking quite clearly, thank you. Here's your press release. Daddy's girl throws a tantrum, everyone must pay. Do me a favor, could you add some actual facts to whatever information you're sharing with the world? I'm not afraid of bad publicity. And I'm not going away quietly.

Victor: I would advise you not to make any threats.

Ashley: Oh, I'm way beyond threats, victor. If you can't hold your daughter accountable, then I will. I'm suing newman enterprises for wrongful termination. I'll see you in court.

Devon: [ Exhales sharply ] Well, that was...far from ideal. She seems set to go off.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Well, she's very upset, you know, too upset to think straight.

Devon: Well, she seems lucid enough, and furious, which is a dangerous combination.

Victor: She will weight her options very carefully before she takes action. And we will now become proactive before any more damage is done to our company, okay?

Abby: Mom?

Ashley: Hey, honey.

Abby: Uh-oh. I know that look. What's wrong?

Ashley: Yeah, your father bought into victoria's garbage. He fired me.

Abby: What?

Ashley: Yeah.

Abby: No. No. That's insane. What did he say? Have you seen victoria?

Ashley: You know what, i can't even breathe the same air as these people. I -- I got to go.

Abby: Do you have any idea what you just did?

Victor: Well, welcome back. I am in a meeting.

Abby: You just fired my mom. I'm sure devon will excuse us. How could you think for one second my mom would betray you?

Victor: Don't ever barge in on me when I have a meeting, all right? Now, your uncle jack convinced your mother to give up company secrets.

Abby: Jack might stoop that low, but my mom never would. She was happy to be here, to shine on her own. Out from under jack's shadow.

Victor: Right.

Abby: You gave it to her, and then you yanked it away.

Victor: This is not your problem, my dear.

Abby: No, it's not. It's victoria'S.

[ Sighs ] Be glad this is on voicemail, victoria, and not face to face. You think you've won, but the truth is gonna come out, and it's gonna sting like hell.

At booking.Com, we can't

guarantee you'll find gold

Hilary: These are the cards that we usually put most of our questions on and just help us stay in the mood...

Mariah: Whatever you do, don't joke about hilary to shauna because that girl is not having it.

Devon: Oh, hilary has a new protector, huh?

Mariah: Shauna may be young, but she's fierce.

Devon: Yeah, but hilary's doing a really good job with her, though.

Mariah: It's crazy, right? Who knew hilary could think about somebody other than herself? And kids that age -- to have a role model... I mean, I would have loved a role model, or just someone that wasn't, you know, in a cult.

Devon: Right.

Mariah: Even someone like hilary.

Devon: Really? It's like I don't even know you right now.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] I know. I hardly know myself. But let's face it, hilary is doing a really amazing thing here. Even I can admit that.

Hilary: Devon. Hey. I didn't know you were coming by.

Devon: Yeah.

Shauna: Is it okay for me to be here? I don't want to get hilary in trouble.

Devon: Oh, well, this is hilary's show, so if she says it's okay for you to be here, then it's fine. I actually think it's great that you get to see how everything works. If you'd like, you can come by hamilton-winters and I can show you around, too.

Shauna: That sounds great. Thanks.

Devon: Of course.

Hilary: Yes. Thank you. Turns out you do have some ideas that are as good as mine.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Cane: Hey.

Charlie: Hey. I got to go to my internship.

Cane: I got to talk to you for a minute.

Charlie: [ Sighs ] How about later?

Cane: No, no, no. This is family business, and family comes first. Come here. Sit down.

Charlie: This another lecture about how I'm screwing up my future?

Cane: No, it's not another lecture about your future. Um, listen, it's about your mum's new job, okay? She's nervous about leaving us alone, you know? And I promised her that you and mattie were gonna step up, okay?

Charlie: Yeah.

Cane: Yeah.

Charlie: Yeah, I already said yes to all that.

Cane: Okay.

Charlie: Can I go now?

Cane: Go. Get out of here. Oh, hey! Um, I'm gonna order either chinese or pizza for tonight while we watch the game. What do you want?

Charlie: I can'T. I got to go to a concert tonight for hamilton-winters. Later.

Billy: He fired you?

Ashley: Yes.

Billy: Lurch himself, he fired you?

Ashley: Yep. He sure did.

Billy: But you still believe that victoria had something to do with it?

Ashley: No, I know she had something to do with it. I gave her documents that ended up in jack's office. Now, either she directly handed them to jack, or she arranged for them to be found in his office, but either way, she's behind me being fired.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, honestly, I'm torn because i didn't want you near that slime in the first place, but you wanted to make it work. But victor --

Ashley: And victoria.

Billy: Never deserved you, okay? That whole company is designed to crush the life out of anybody that works there.

Ashley: You know what, I'd love to crush the life out of a couple people right now myself.

Abby: Ugh! Oh! Your ex-wife is a vindictive witch.

Billy: Here we go.

Abby: No, if you have any sort of protective instincts right now, just keep them to yourself. I tried to talk to dad.

Ashley: [ Sighs ] I don't want you to get involved, abby. You just got home.

Abby: And he told me that you've been fired. It doesn't even make sense.

Billy: Yeah, it does make sense because jack gets whatever he wants. He doesn't want her working at newman, he wants her at jabot. As long as she's not in charge.

Abby: Yeah, so while jack's in london looking for dina, all of this is going on at home. He's acting all noble while ruining your life.

Ashley: Oh, he did not ruin my life. If anything, he's made me want to fight harder. I told victor. I'm suing him.

Billy: What? No. Come on. No, that's lawyers and depositions and drawn-out court cases. No, we need to hit him, and we need to hit him where it hurts him the most.

Abby: Exactly. And victoria started this, so she needs to pay. Which means we are gonna fight back just as hard and just as dirty. The only match

Shauna: And you have women executives? Like, in charge? With their own departments?

Hilary: Okay, okay. Let's not grill the C.E.O. Right now.

Devon: It's completely fine. If I can't take the heat, i shouldn't be the boss.

Shauna: What about your music streaming service? I'm sure you have a pretty diverse group of artists.

Devon: Well, you can see for yourself if you'd like. Can she use your computer and look through lp's catalogue?

Hilary: Yeah, it's all yours.

Shauna: Thanks. I'll let you know what I think.

Devon: You do that.

Hilary: Well, she put you in the hot seat. [ Chuckles ]

Devon: [ Chuckles ] That young woman is sharp.

Hilary: And no family support. She -- she deserves so much better.

Devon: Well, kids like that just need somebody to talk sense into them. I remember growing up, I never imagined I'd be in college, and then when I got there, I wanted to drop out.

Hilary: I bet neil was not having that.

Devon: Hell no. No.

Hilary: Look at you now. A man in charge.

Devon: Yeah. I'll tell you, though, helping just one kid feels a hell of a lot better than putting out business fires.

Charlie: Well, don't stop on my account.

Shauna: Are you following me?

Charlie: Hamilton-winters owns this whole place, and I'm part of the company.

Devon: It's called an internship. Don't you have some pick-ups to make? And I mean packages.

Charlie: I'm on it.

Devon: Good.

Hilary: Well, that was a dad move if I ever saw one.

Devon: Well, charlie has work to do, and shauna has other things to focus on. And speaking of, are you ready to go on that tour of hamilton-winters?

Shauna: I wish. I'm going to school to meet a friend to go over some sat vocab. Yes, your pep talk worked.

Devon: Hey, I'm very happy to hear that. Maybe afterwards you can come by, we can have dinner at the club, and then I can take you up for the tour.

Hilary: It's good food. And I could help you count female execs at hamilton-winters, hmm? I've been meaning to do that myself, by the way.

Devon: Oh, really?

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Devon: You run this place. You count for, like, 20 guys. You can factor that into your male-female ratio.

Hilary: You make it 100, and then I'll agree. So, you in?

Shauna: Sure. Thanks. I should get to school. And you guys should get back together. Bye!

Mariah: Hey! What are you doing here?

Lily: Hey. I'm looking for devon. And there he is with hilary.

Mariah: Yeah. You know, I might regret saying this, but... maybe, just maybe, this time you could give hilary a break?

Lily: [ Scoffs ] Uh.. are you -- are you kidding?

Mariah: I know. I know she's a mess and she's self-centered and snippy and usually out for herself...

Hilary: Usually? Try 24/7.

Mariah: But there is a human in there way, way, way, way down there.

Lily: Yeah, I think down in the sewer, so... thanks. Devon. Hey. I have to talk to you.

Devon: Hey. Okay.

Hilary: Nice to see you, too, lily.

Lily: Uh, now, please.

Devon: Sure. Sure.

Phyllis: Oh. There you are.

Hilary: Hey. Hey, what's up?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I need a semi-objective person to step in and help me before my life is sabotaged.

Hilary: What? By whom?

Phyllis: It's no big deal. Just me. Again.

Billy: This is jack. It's all jack. I mean, you got to love when he pulls a victor move.

Abby: So, we need to get jack to admit what he's done, even though victoria is just as much to blame.

Billy: Hold on, we're not 100% sure that victoria is involved.

Abby: Except we are.

Billy: Okay, how do we prove that ashley was set up, and how do we burn victor to the ground? Not necessarily in that order.

Ashley: Guys. I don't want you involved in this. If a line has to be crossed, I'll handle it. And come on, billy, you're talking about her father here. Could you practice some restraint? Unless, of course, you've been hanging out with phyllis for too long.

Billy: Hold on a second. Could we just leave phyllis out of this, please? Can we do that? Yeah? Good. Okay, we can exercise some caution, we can consider the fallout since I'm all about reacting in proportion nowadays.

Ashley: Thank you.

Billy: It's a new thing, I'm getting used to it. However, this is you life, okay? Fine. This is your call. But let me just say this -- victor got those documents out of jack's office, which means somebody played dirty. So when it comes time for somebody else to play dirty in return, I'm your guy.

Ashley: Gotcha. Thank you.

[ Sighs ] And you, you poor thing. Once again, you're stuck between your mother and your father.

Abby: Oh, I'm not stuck. Dad screwed up and uncle jack screwed up. And victoria -- don't even get me started on her. You are the only thing that matters to me in all of this.

Ashley: You probably wish you were still in paris.

Abby: Of course not. This is my home, and I'm so used to being next to dina and near her. It would be weird if I wasn'T.

Ashley: It's still so much to deal with.

Abby: Yeah, but I can handle it. And I can go through uncle jack's papers.

Ashley: No, no, no, no, no. I don't want you to do that. No.

Abby: Why? What? Who's gonna stop me? Uncle jack is overseas, and mrs. Martinez, I will just tell her I'm looking for a paper clip.

Ashley: Abby, this is not happening.

Abby: Oh, this -- this is nothing compared to what I have already done.

Ashley: What are you talking about?

Abby: Look in my bag and see for yourself.

Feel the clarity

of non-drowsy

Phyllis: Yes, I have been focused on nick lately, but...

[ Sighs ] Look at him. I mean, it's like the guy just has no killer instincts. None. He needs protection. And of course billy can't understand because billy doesn't think he needs anyone to protect him.

Hilary: No, there is nothing wrong with caring about your ex. It shows an open-mindedness and maturity, okay? No one should fault someone for that.

Phyllis: It took you two minutes to make this about you and devon. Two minutes.

Hilary: What? What? No, no! I am here, I am focused. On you!

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Hilary: Okay, um, that -- what you did with chelsea, that was -- that was heroic. You -- you revealed her crimes just in time.

Phyllis: In time for what? You know, nick is spiraling from all this news, and the proof is that he moved in with sharon. Sharon! Which is a disaster. It's insanity. And I am the one that drove him into that...whimpering puddle of tears.

Hilary: Okay. Between you and me, no judgment, no one else... do you want nick back?

Phyllis: Ugh! Right back to you and devon! No, I don't want nick back! I am with billy, and I adore him, obviously.

Hilary: Okay, then why are you pushing him away by obsessing over nick?

Phyllis: I know it looks like that, all right? I know it does. But it's not the truth. I want to keep billy. And I want to stop worrying about nick.

Hilary: Well, like I told you, there is no judgment here. Because sometimes in my life, a little obsession is absolutely necessary.

Lily: Okay, so, I'm trusting you here. You have to tell me if I'm out of my mind or out of my league.

Devon: Oh, neither. I think you were right to leave newman when you did.

Lily: Why do you say it like that?

Devon: Because of some recent developments that I can't really talk about, but they'll hit the news soon enough. I'm not thinking about them, though. I'm thinking about you and your idea 'cause it's fantastic. It's creatively sound, and i really think it could be a moneymaker.

Lily: Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: So me running my own modeling agency isn't laughable?

Devon: No, it's not laughable at all. You know the business from every angle, you have a name in the industry. And respect and goodwill are key, so I know you're gonna do right by our clients.

Lily: I know, that's how i feel, you know? And I want a diverse roster, too. I want a whole range of beauty. And now jobs or campaigns that are compromising.

Devon: Well, hey, you know i like how all that sounds.

Lily: I know! You and dad inspired me with your hamilton-winters mission statement. But I also need help on writing a business plan to get a bank loan.

Devon: I don't think you want to go about it that way. I have a different idea.

Ashley: Jabot security logs? How did you get your hands on these?

Abby: You don't technically want to know.

Ashley: I just hope it didn't involve breaking and entering. Please tell me it didn'T.

Abby: Business is all relationships, and I happened to maintain some relationships with some key people at jabot who happen to have access to those logs.

Ashley: Did I tell you that i found jack and victoria meeting at the gcac? I told victor, but apparently that wasn't enough.

Abby: Well, it's better in black and white. So, hey, take a look at those logs, see if it lines up with your timeline of events, and meanwhile -- [ Gasps ]

[ Laughs ] Ta-da! Uncle jack's cellphone bill.

Ashley: Abby!

Abby: Yeah. Of recent calls nicely itemized for tax purposes.

[ Gasps ] Wow, and look whose number keeps popping up over and over again. One guess -- victoria.

Ashley: I knew it. I mean, I hate it. But I knew it.

Abby: He calls her as often as I call you. And they are definitely not having an affair, so obviously something nasty is going on.

Ashley: Oh, my god.

Abby: What?

Ashley: According to this security log, there's a request from jack abbott to leave his office unlock because he wanted to come back later in the evening and work.

Abby: Is that weird?

Ashley: Yes, because it's not true! That was the same monday that dina disappeared. The last thing on jack's mind was to go to the office.

Abby: Oh.

Ashley: And that was the next day. That's when victor said to me they found watermarked documents in jack's office.

Abby: Jack and victoria set it up. Jack left his office open, and she sent someone in there to find the evidence. We can nail them now. Both of them.

Lily: I don't know, I'm not sure.

Devon: It's a great idea.

Lily: No, trust me, I can see the upside. I just don't know if this is how I want to start my business.

Devon: It is how you want to start your business, trust me, because most of the time, start-ups are about capital and risks and red tape, and there's nothing creative about that. It's a big drawn-out headache. And this way, you'll be able to be up and running immediately, and I carry the risks.

Lily: No, look, it's great. I get that. But there's so many other issues that come into play. Blurring lines, you know what i mean?

Devon: No blurred lines. All right? You told me that you wanted to do something that would allow you to work independently, be your own boss, and you deserve to have that. So this way, you can just focus on the good stuff, while at the same time, you're helping me grow our family firm. What do you say?

Phyllis: Hey.

Billy: Hey.

Phyllis: I got your text. "It's bad. Meet me at the club." I mean, you scared me.

Billy: I didn't mean to scare you, but it is bad.

Phyllis: Well, what is it?

Billy: Allegedly -- I have to put that in there -- jack framed ashley for corporate espionage.

Phyllis: What? That doesn't make any sense.

Billy: Yeah, well --

Phyllis: How would he even maneuver that?

Billy: Allegedly, victoria was involved and made it look like ashley slipped confidential documents to jabot.

Phyllis: Ashley would never. I mean, she can't even barely look at jack.

Billy: I don't understand victor's logic, but he bought in and he fired her.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] What was in the papers, do we know? I mean, is there any way to turn this against him and use it against -- oh, my god. I'm doing it again.

Hilary: Hello there, fellow mentor.

Devon: Hey.

Hilary: I always knew that you would be a good example for shauna, but I didn't realize how ready you were to step up.

[ Chuckles ] You know, she's already seeing new paths that her life can take. I think that she really looks up to you.

Devon: Oh, well, you're the one she looks up to. I'm just the guy that you let tag along.

Hilary: That's not true. Okay, okay. Yes, it is.

Devon: Hey, I want you to do me a favor and make sure shauna knows that you and I aren't getting back together.

Hilary: Why is that important?

Devon: Because it complicates her perspective. And business is business. She doesn't need to be thinking in terms of romance. Especially when there is none.

Hilary: Well, I will, um... I will see what I can do. Where is shauna? Is she, um, taking a look around?

Devon: No, she hasn't shown up yet.

Hilary: Oh, um... maybe she's studying and lost track of time. Phone's dead. Or maybe nobody paid the bill. Hold on, let me try that contact at her school. Hi, mr. Spinosa? This is hilary curtis, yes, shauna nelson's mentor. I was, um... I was looking for her. I think she might be in the library, but maybe her phone is -- oh. Oh. Okay, I didn't realize. Okay, thank you.

Devon: Something wrong?

Hilary: Shauna hasn't been in school all week, and she even cancelled her registration for her sats.

Abby: We got dates, times, phone calls. This is why you need me on board.

Ashley: Abby, I don't want you involved in this. I will handle this evidence. I want you to step back, and i mean it.

Abby: Well, then you shouldn't have given birth to me -- too late!

Ashley: Abby, you still work at newman! Come on! Step away from this!

Abby: Dad needs to know that he's being set up by his right hand and his mortal enemy.

Ashley: I will use this, what you found, I promise you, but just not today. I'll use it when I sue newman.

Abby: Yeah, once victor gets his legal team on this...

[ Scoffs ] It's gonna take forever. And court cases, it affects the business, okay? The business, the company, they didn't do this to you, victoria did.

Ashley: And she will be held responsible, I promise you. Please, don't do this.

Abby: Mom, waiting for a court to fix this, it is never gonna work, and they're gonna drag your name through the mud. This has to end, and it has to end now.

Ashley: What are you doing? Where are you going? You're not going! Come here!

Abby: I'm going!

Ashley: Come back here! Abby! I mean it. Get back -- abby!

Abby: Bye.

Phyllis: I just had a momentary blip, all right? I am not the victim of my own worst instincts. As much as I loathe and despise and...

Billy: I got it.

Phyllis: ...Victor newman, i am not ashley. And this is not about me. I'm sorry.

Billy: Actually, this is the one time that I don't mind you going ballistic. Not to send you mixed messages, but I was about to break the law for her today.

Phyllis: I'm not gonna ask how because that would be backsliding for both of us, even though I'd really like to know.

Billy: I stopped myself, like you did just now.

Phyllis: We are the masters of our emotions.

Billy: Getting there.

Phyllis: Although, I'd like you to understand why I'm being so amazing right now. Because I love you, and I don't want to lose you just because i have a very deep need for revenge.

Billy: Admitting you have a problem is always the first step.

Phyllis: I got to keep telling myself that while it is so much fun to lash out, in the short-term, it's bad for me. For our relationship, in the long-term.

Billy: We got this.

Phyllis: Absolutely.

Billy: We're champions.

Phyllis: Yes. Pros.

Billy: [ Sighs ] See? We can do this.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Hilary: Shauna. This is hilary. Can you please call me back when you get this?

Devon: [ Sighs ] I think we got played. She lied right to our faces. And I probably shouldn't have gotten involved.

Hilary: Yeah, that's right. One mistake, just cut her off. Forget about the household that this child lives in, forget about what she's up against every single day. She lets you down -- no, no, let's just write her off.

Devon: I'm not writing anybody off, it's just -- why would she act like she's into this if she's gonna blow us off?

Hilary: I don't know, devon. Probably the same reason why you blew off neil when you were shauna's age. Neil didn't give up on you. And from what I understand, you did a lot more than just ditch the sats.

Devon: All right, sure. Again, though, why is she gonna pretend to be going along with everything if she hasn't even been going to school?

Hilary: I don't know. I don't know, devon. But I care enough to find out why, so... you can just walk away if you want, but I'm not about to.

Cane: This is where the kids are going to be and when. And bridgette's even taking on more hours so she can be with sam, and she's even recommended backup in case there's a conflict.

Lily: Mm, that's great.

Cane: You just deleted my flow chart.

Lily: I cancelled my flight. I cancelled the job. I'm just -- I'm not ready to leave home right now.

Cane: [ Sighs ] Listen, is this my fault? I mean, I thought I was being supportive before, sweetheart. I mean, you have to go to new york and do the job. I want you to go and be happy.

Lily: Listen, canceling my flight and deleting your flow chart, that makes me happy.

Cane: Okay, but if you don't do this job, it's gonna hurt your chances of getting other ones.

Lily: Not if I'm running my own agency.

Cane: What?

Lily: You are looking at a new glamorous branch of hamilton-winters.

Cane: Wow.

Ashley: Well, of course you're not taking my call. But you can avoid me forever, jack. And maybe I lost my job at newman, but after what you did to me... I will never, ever.... come crawling back to jabot.

Victor: Send her in.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] How is it not making you nuts what you did today?

Victor: I know that you're upset about your grandmother. It's a terrible situation. But I'm happy you're back, and i adore you. That is the only reason I put up with your behavior.

Abby: You fired the most brilliant woman in business because victoria threw a fit.

Victor: You want to trust your mother. So did I. But I can no longer put up with her betrayal.

Abby: Did you even try to prove that she didn't do it? Because it took me two hours to prove that jack and victoria set her up.

Victor: That's wishful thinking.

Abby: Oh, really? Okay. See for yourself.

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