Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/8/18
Episode #11357 ~ Jack extends an olive branch to Ashley; Abby returns home to chaos; Victoria is on the defense.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Abby: I want you to come see me in paris.
Dina: Tell abby I'll start packing right away.
[ Crying ] Jackie, please, help me.
Jack: Once I am reunited with our mother, I am not taking her back to paris. I'm bringing her home where she belongs.
J.T.: You can't talk your way out of this one. Victor's got the proof that you betrayed him and his company.
Lily: Victoria has been walking all over me, and it's getting worse, not better.
Cane: I'm behind you no matter what you want to do.
Lily: After the way that you belittled and embarrassed me, we have nothing further to discuss. I quit.
J.T.: Victor.
Victor: Yeah. J.T. What can I do for you?
J.T.: Uh, well, look, I'm -- I'm head of newman enterprise's security team. Yeah, I'm the guy who got you the hard evidence that your company secrets were being leaked to jabot. Why am I being taken off the investigation?
Victoria: Thank you.
Nikki: Hi, honey. I'm so sorry to be late.
Victoria: No, no. It's quite all right. I actually got here early. I took the liberty of ordering you a tea.
Nikki: Oh. Well, thank you very much. That's perfect. Mmm! I wanted to thank you for having johnny and katie come over to our house this week. Victor enjoyed it, too.
Victoria: Oh, good. So, still no word on chelsea and connor?
Nikki: Victor's taking it harder than he lets on. That's why, whenever the kids are over, it's a good night.
Victoria: So... you and dad. Things are okay?
Nikki: I'm happier than I've ever been.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Wow.
Nikki: [ Laughs ] What, are you surprised?
Victoria: Yes, I am surprised. But I'm also very happy for you. It's kind of astounding, though, don't you think?
Nikki: What, because of all the fighting we did last year?
Victoria: Well, and before.
Nikki: Same could be said about you and J.T. It's like that awful breakup never happened.
Victoria: I know. It's amazing. Things have been great. You know, I mean, for the most part.
Nikki: All right. What's he done?
Victoria: It'S... it's what I've done.
Ashley: Oh, I'm so happy you're back home! I was so worried about you!
Dina: Worried? Wh-why?
Jack: Well, you're home now, and that's what matters. And mother isn't alone. We picked up an unexpected traveler along the way.
Ashley: [ Gasps ] Oh!
Abby: Surprise! [ Laughs ]
Ashley: Oh!
Cane: Hey, baby, have you seen my, uh -- my tablet?
Lily: Yes. It's right here.
Cane: You are the best.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] I know.
Cane: [ Sighs ] Okay. Um, so, the kids are at school.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Sam's out with the nanny. And you have the whole house to yourself. You have nowhere to go, so you enjoy it, okay?
Lily: What do you think I'm gonna do, lie in bed all day eating truffles, watching julia roberts movies?
Cane: If that's what you want to do, you do that, okay?
Lily: No. What I want is a job.
Cane: Jill is paying me way too much for you to work your butt off for someone who doesn't see you as the asset that you are.
Lily: I appreciate that. I do. But I'm talking about something that I enjoy, you know? Something that's challenging but still fun.
Cane: Listen, there's no rush, all right? You've been working for victoria, and now you've earned some time off.
Lily: Well, I don't think I need it. I just want to get out there and find something. I don't know what that is, exactly, but I think it will be better than sitting around here.
Cane: Okay. Um... is the reason you feel that way because of sam? Oh, manatees. Aka "the sea cow."
Cane: Hey. Um... what I said before about the way you are with sam, you have gone out of your way to be loving and tender with him, and I am -- I'm so grateful for that.
Lily: No, I know. I know. And sam's part of our family now. I just -- I'm not ready to go back to the full-time-mom thing, you know? I think it's important for me to have a career where I accomplish my own goals. And I think it's essential to me living my best life.
Cane: Okay. And I want that for you, too. I just don't want you working somewhere where they don't value you, that's all.
Lily: No, I know. And newman was not a good fit, you know, but I'm not upset I took the job there. I took away something very valuable.
Cane: Ooh. I hope it was one of those really expensive printers that victoria loves so much.
Lily: No. It was something up here. You know, even though the last few weeks with her were unbearable, I still showed up on time, and no attitude, and I gave it my best.
Cane: That's because that's who you are.
Lily: Yeah. And I learned how important that is for me to be centered and fulfilled, and make me a better mom and a better partner.
Cane: You could not be a better partner if you tried.
Lily: Well, I will keep trying. But I also don't want to get hung up on how things went to hell with victoria. You know, I just want to find something better and move on. Does that make sense?
Cane: That makes sense. Sit down.
[ Sighs ] Why, uh... why don't you come and join me at chancellor?
Lily: [ Scoffs ] What?
Cane: I'm serious. Why don't you do that? I'm on a very special headhunting expedition that's only for today. And, let's see, I have two jobs that you might be perfect for.
Lily: Oh, okay. And what position did you have in mind?
Cane: Well, there is the V.P. Of beauty and brilliance, and then there is the executive consultant in whatever your heart desires.
Lily: Oh, the goofy titles aide? Okay. Well, I am very appreciative of the offer.
Cane: Okay, but why do i think you're gonna turn me down and say no?
Lily: Well, because of all the ways it could go wrong.
Cane: You are skilled, and you are smart. And jill and billy, they love you. Nothing will go wrong.
Lily: No. It's not just that. It really isn'T. Working with J.T. And victoria, I saw the constant pressure that situation can put on a couple. And I don't think them working together at newman is doing their relationship any good.
Cane: We're not them. We're not them.
Lily: Yeah, but we were back at brash & sassy, and that did not turn out well for either of us.
Cane: And I can't argue with that.
Lily: And, hey, if we don't spend our workdays in the same place, think how much easier it'll be for you to cook up all those surprises you have for me.
Cane: Hmm. This is very true.
Lily: Mm-hmm. And... how much sweeter quitting time will be when we can finally do what we've been daydreaming about.
Cane: Like what?
Lily: Like... like that.
Cane: I like that.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Cane: I don't want to go, but I got to go, 'cause I have this meeting --
Lily: I know. Get out of here.
Cane: If I don't go -- all right.
Lily: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Cane: [ Sighs ] Oh. Oh! All right. Um... you're gonna be here when I get home, right?
Lily: Yes, I will.
Cane: Promise?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: I love you.
Lily: Love you, too.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Ah.
[ Both laugh ] I love you. Bye.
Cane: I love you. All right. Bye.
Victor: My reasoning is quite simple. I need someone in charge of the investigation who is objective.
J.T.: And I'm not?
Victor: You're living with my daughter.
J.T.: Victor, I can separate personal feelings from work. Believe me. That's why I was hired. I'm a professional.
Victor: You know this is a very sensitive matter that may affect my daughter directly.
J.T.: What, you think victoria was behind this?
Victor: I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is that I need a neutral party to lead the investigation.
J.T.: She is devoted to you and this company.
Victor: And this company will consider every possibility.
J.T.: If she hasn't convinced you, I'm not gonna try. But I can assure you of this -- she's also devoted to me. And even if she had shared secrets with jack abbott -- who, by the way, spent the last year of his life trying to ruin her -- she would have told me about it. You can count on that.
Victor: She could compromise the investigation, you see, if, as you claim, the two of you share everything.
Nikki: Well, I'm gonna have the fiesta scramble. How about you?
Victoria: I'll just decide when they take our order.
Nikki: Well, I probably don't say this often enough, but I hope you know how incredibly proud I am of you.
Victoria: Thank you. I'm proud of you, too. I should probably tell you more often.
Nikki: Oh. I am not fishing for compliments. I know how hard you've worked to be the incredible businesswoman that you are. And I know it's important for you to put on a certain face for the public, you know, so that they know that you are confident and decisive. That you can take anything that's thrown at you.
Victoria: Am I -- am I slipping? Does my image need an overhaul?
Nikki: No! Honey, just the opposite. It's good to give your public face a rest for a change, you know? You need that. And you can tell me anything. I'm not gonna tell anybody. Especially your father.
Victoria: I have been keeping something from J.T. And I hate that I'm doing it. I hate that I'm such a hypocrite.
Nikki: How? Since we got back together, I've -- I've been demanding full disclosure and complete honesty about everything.
Nikki: Well, then, why can't you feel that you can tell him anything? Do you think that your relationship is not strong enough to handle it? Because that says a lot.
Victoria: It says a lot about me. And that I am capable of --
Nikki: Of what? Tell me what's going on. You'll feel better about it.
Victoria: I'm sorry, mom, but it's better if you and J.T. Know nothing about this. For your own protection.
Ashley: This visit couldn't have come at a better time. How long can you stay?
Jack: That's an excellent question.
Ashley: Are you gonna answer it?
Abby: How does "indefinitely" sound?
Ashley: [ Gasps ] Are you saying...?
Jack: Yep. She's home for good.
Ashley: [ Squeals ] This is the best day. Oh, my -- this is the best day I've had in so long.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Dina: Jackie -- j-jackie, where am I? Why am I here?
Abby: Uh, you know what, dina, you and I and uncle jack, we all flew here together on a -- on a private jet. Everyone who loves you lives in this house.
Ashley: That's right. This is your home.
Dina: Where -- where's my bag? I-it -- it was right here. I know it was.
Jack: Wait, wait. What bag?
Dina: My purse!
Jack: Okay. Did she bring a purse?
Abby: I'll find it.
Ashley: I'm not sure.
Dina: Oh!
Abby: Okay. Let's see...
Dina: She took my purse.
Jack: No. No, no. Ashley would never do that. I promise you. Ashley is our friend.
Dina: Ugh.
Abby: You know what, you had us up all night partying. Um... you and I, we both deserve a nice long nap.
Dina: Well, I agree. But I don't trust her. But in the meantime, I want some ice cream! I want some absolutely sinful, delicious, american ice cream.
Abby: Which we always have in the freezer.
[ Dina giggles ] Come on. Let's go get some.
Jack: I know mother can say some hateful things, and they can seem intentional, but remember what the doctor said. She's saying them to someone else in another decade, in a context that has nothing to do with the reality we're living.
Ashley: I know that, jack.
Jack: You can't let it get to you. You can'T.
Ashley: Stop.
Jack: Okay, look --
Ashley: Don't touch me.
Victoria: Thank you.
Nikki: Well, it was a pleasure. I wish we could do this more often.
Victoria: No, I mean thank you for understanding, and for not pushing.
Nikki: You said you wanted to drop the subject, so I did.
Victoria: Well, and also for not making me feel like it was a mistake to keep anything from my partner.
Nikki: Well, I don't feel that way. It's not important to share everything.
Victoria: But?
Nikki: But if J.T. Is really your partner, he should be your ally when you need it. It's important to realize before you get any deeper.
Victoria: Well, J.T. Is completely on my side. He's always open and honest with me. He doesn't hold back, even if it's not easy to hear.
Nikki: Well, how often is that? What does he have to complain about?
Victoria: No. He -- he's not complaining, he's just -- he's helping me to overcome certain issues that I have.
Nikki: Like what?
Victoria: Sometimes I can be a little bit abrasive to the people that work underneath me. And I-I am sometimes hypersensitive to criticism.
Nikki: Well, that sounds mean.
Victoria: No, no, no, no. He's just... he's just saying what everybody else was thinking. I-I set up an anonymous-feedback forum, and it really opened my eyes. Too bad that it wasn't in time to keep lily from quitting.
Nikki: Well, if he's helping you, I guess that's a good thing.
Victoria: He just wants every aspect of my life to be the best that it can be. Without me undermining myself in ways that I'm not even aware of. Well, mom, for example, my nutrition. Um... he called me out on my diet. It was terrible. He was right. I mean, I'm always going after the junk food, it seems.
Nikki: So that's why you had a tiny bowl of fruit for breakfast.
Victoria: It's better than a doughnut, wouldn't you say?
[ Chuckles ] Mom, I love how much he cares about me. It's more than anyone has in a long time. Or dared to.
Nikki: I get the appeal of being with a man who's equal to you, who challenges you. But don't be too hard on yourself just to please him. That's a trap.
Victoria: No. No woman should have to live that way.
Nikki: There is a reason why your father and I are so strong again. I let him know exactly what I want.
Jack: I can set myself up in the study, work from there, if you'd rather be alone --
Ashley: I'd rather hear what's happening with mother.
Jack: Well, it was pretty much as you saw it. Her grip on reality is deteriorating. She's going downhill pretty fast.
Ashley: She needs 24-hour professional care from this day forward.
Jack: Okay, there, we're on the same page. I have short-listed several nursing-care specialists. We can interview them, hire as many as we need to give her 24-hour care.
Ashley: Finally.
Jack: I really had no choice. Her confusion is making for some anger issues. I'm sure it's very frightening not to know where you are or who you're with. But she's now paranoid and lashing out.
Ashley: No kidding.
Jack: Hey, what you saw was merely a sample. We saw her go off on a waitress, on an airport-security guy, on a flight attendant. It was pretty awkward. You should be happy you weren't on this trip.
Ashley: [ Laughs ] Because I've been partying, like, 24/7. I mean, just -- whoo! -- Having the best time of my life, you know -- defending myself against allegations at newman.
Jack: What are you talking about? Did something happen?
Ashley: Oh, yeah.
Jack: I'm serious. I don't know what --
Ashley: Okay, yeah. I've been accused of spying for you and -- and jabot.
Jack: Is that what victor thinks? I will be more than happy --
Ashley: Could you please just stop? You framed me. You and victoria.
Abby: What does she mean?
Jack: I have no idea.
Ashley: You are such a liar! You set me up, and you know it. You set me up! Your own sister! I didn't think you could go any lower, but you managed to, didn't you?
Jack: Okay, whatever newman has put in your head, whatever theories --
Dina: I am cold! I'm freezing! I think -- I think I misplaced my sweater.
Jack: You must have left it in the kitchen, mother. I'll help you find it.
Ashley: [ Scoffs ]
Dina: Oh, thank you, jackie.
Jack: Here we go.
Dina: Oh, thank you, dear.
Abby: Mom, are you sure about this?
Ashley: Oh, I'm sure. Did you see how fast he ran out of here? You couldn't be anywhere close to this conversation because you know it's the truth!
Allergies with sinus
congestion and pressure?
Victor: I appreciate your input. But until I know who is conspiring with jack abbott, I want you to back off. Is that clear?
J.T.: You know, victoria has proven herself over and over again. She -- she's won her position here by winning your trust.
Victor: I will still do what is best for the company.
J.T.: You know, and for the record, from the minute ashley got here, she's made it clear she wanted victoria's job, and I don't think that that bothered you or surprised you at all.
Victor: Is that so?
J.T.: Yeah.
Victor: Huh.
J.T.: So of course victoria dug in and she made moves to protect herself. But for her to go that far with jack abbott, of all people, I mean, how can you think that about your own daughter?
Victor: Because I know her better than anyone, J.T.
J.T.: Do you? Because the victoria I know would never hand proprietary information to a competitor. She has killed herself to please you, even after all the crap you've put her through.
Victor: Be careful.
J.T.: I apologize. That was out of line. But I love victoria, and I believe in her. I want what's best for her.
Victor: So do I, J.T. Let's leave it at that.
J.T.: Fine.
Victor: He's leaving.
Lily: Yes. Please tell barry that I'm available, and I would love to hear from him. Thank you. Bye. Jack.
Jack: Lily!
Lily: Hi.
Jack: Hi there.
Lily: Good to see you.
Jack: Thank you.
Lily: Do you have a minute?
Jack: For you, I got two minutes. Have a seat.
Lily: Oh, thank you. I, uh -- I spoke to abby before your flight home, and she told me about your mother. I'm so sorry.
Jack: Well, thanks. We're all getting used to the new normal, thought it's anything but. How are things at the dark tower?
Lily: Oh. Uh, one word -- toxic. I... I actually quit yesterday.
Jack: Oh, then I'm the one that's sorry. Um... anything lined up?
Lily: No. I haven't had time or energy to even think about it.
Jack: So, come back to jabot.
Lily: Oh, that's so generous of you.
Jack: No, that's not generous. I want to snap you up before somebody else does.
Lily: Thank you. I appreciate it. But I don't know. Things happened at newman so quickly, I haven't had a chance to think about my next move.
Jack: Wherever you land, I know you're gonna nail it. But keep my offer in the mix. There's no expiration date on that.
Lily: Okay. Thank you. I will.
Jack: And you'll be surprised to hear this out of me, but I applaud you freeing yourself from newman enterprises. I wish ashley would do the same thing.
Lily: Yeah, I wouldn't count on it. I mean, she seems very committed to her job. Even looking to expand her role. So I can't really imagine her walking away.
Jack: A fella can always hope.
J.T.: Should have seen it coming. I knew victor would eventually try to freeze me out.
Victoria: Yes, I will talk to dad and remind him that he can totally trust you, and make sure that you have free reign to do yourob.
J.T.: Oh, your father's never gonna full trust me with anything. And the feeling couldn't be more than mutual. You know what really make me mad is his attitude towards you. Thinking you could -- you could lie to both of us about this. I mean... the arrogance.
[ Knock on door ]
Victoria: Excuse me for one minute. Come in.
Cane: Hey. Um, lily was gonna clean out her office, but I asked her to skip it.
Victoria: Oh. I wish she would have come.
Cane: Why? So you can get another dig in? Is that what it is?
Victoria: No --
Cane: Now, listen, she worked her ass off for you for over a solid year, okay, and she deserved to be treated better than the way you did, all right? Not that you really give a damn.
J.T.: Hey, cane, come on --
Victoria: No, no, no. He's right. I -- I was really unfair to lily.
Cane: Yeah, you were.
Victoria: It's just that we've had some security issues lately.
Cane: What, and you think that she has something to do with it?
Victoria: No. No, no. It's just that things have been a little tense. And J.T. Mentioned and pointed out that I have been a little hard on my staff lately. And I thought that lily was targeting me on this anonymous-feedback site, and I thought she was trying to undermine me, and...
Cane: How long have you known her?
Victoria: I know. I know. I know I handle it the wrong way, and I would like to apologize to her.
Cane: Well, that's a pity, 'cause she doesn't work here anymore, and she doesn't want to speak to you.
Victoria: Maybe you would pass along a message for me and ask her to reconsider and come back to work.
Cane: You know what, I can save you the time and basically tell you that that is not gonna happen. Try nivea essentially enriched body lotion,
Abby: Okay, so you think victoria got those secret newman documents to uncle jack.
Ashley: Only three people had access to them -- me, your father, and victoria.
Abby: Okay, well, the whole victoria part makes sense, but why would uncle jack go along with it?
Ashley: Revenge for me going to newman? Motivation to get me to go back to jabot.
Abby: Is that what he wants?
Ashley: Oh, yes. Enough to offer me my job back. And to get rid of that obnoxious blood-abbott-only clause, which is good, in case you want to run jabot someday. You know what I can't believe? Is how jack thinks that I would just forget how much he hurt me. I had to walk away. I had no choice. And he hates it so much that he's trying to destroy me at newman.
Abby: And force you to work with him at jabot. Yeah, and he calls dad a puppet master.
Ashley: Yeah, your father and your uncle are very similar. They both think that the end justifies the means. But I am nobody's puppet. And unfortunately jack's gonna have to learn that the hard way.
Abby: I cannot believe this is all happening while dina is just getting worse.
Ashley: I'm sorry that you're coming back to this. But I am so glad that you're here.
Abby: Me too. Um... listen, I have some work things that I need to take care of. Are you gonna be okay with dina here alone? It's a lot tougher now. You saw how her moods can swing.
Ashley: Honey -- well, she's sleeping now, so...
Abby: Okay. Well, just in case, if she wakes up and you can't calm her down, here.
Ashley: Okay.
Abby: The doctor in france prescribed those.
Ashley: Oh, great.
Abby: I won't be gone too long.
Ashley: Okay, honey. I love you.
Abby: I love you.
Ashley: Just take your time.
Abby: I love you. Okay. You sure about this?
Ashley: Yes, I can handle it.
Abby: All right.
Ashley: Bye.
Abby: Bye.
Dina: Hello.
Ashley: Well, hello.
Dina: [ Giggles ]
Ashley: Are you hungry?
Dina: No, dear. I just ate.
Ashley: Well, that was just a little ice cream. Did they give you breakfast on the plane?
Dina: A plane? Wh-what -- what plane? What are you talking about?
Lily: That sounds perfect. No, thank you. Bye.
[ Sighs ]
[ Lock turns, keys jingle ] Hey.
Cane: Hey. How was your day?
Lily: Uh, it was short. What are you doing back so early?
Cane: Well, you see, I, uh, couldn't stop replaying what you said earlier about thinking about each other during our day and looking forward to those reunions we were going to have at night.
Lily: I know. That'd be really great for us, huh?
Cane: Yeah, see, it was so great that, um... well, I couldn't stay at work. So I had to pretend I had food poisoning so I could get out of there and come home to you.
Lily: Oh, that's so hot.
Cane: Yeah, it's so hot.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Cane: And so are you.
Lily: And I want to hear what else you did.
Cane: Really? You want to talk about that right now?
Lily: Later.
Cane: Later. That's a good idea.
Dina: Oh, my! This smells delicious.
Ashley: Well, this is mrs. Martinez, and she's famous for her vegetable soup.
Dina: Oh, you know, I really like her. Did she do all this just for me?
Ashley: Well, she's out shopping, but she did make it. I set the whole thing up, though. So take a few bites before it gets cold.
[ Silverware clangs ]
Dina: I don't want to. I don't want to.
Ashley: Okay. Um... are you sure? I mean, maybe just one or two bites? Because you must -- you must be hungry.
Dina: I -- I don't trust you.
Ashley: All right, mother. You know, I'm -- I'm not gonna make you -- you take any of this, okay? You can just eat none of it, or just eat what you want.
Ashley: But the rolls are fantastic. They were just baked this morning. Mrs. Martinez made them fresh.
Dina: Yeah. I-I see. Where is she now?
Ashley: She's out shopping.
Dina: Yeah. What did you do to her? What did you do to her?!
Ashley: I didn't do anything to her. What is this?
Ashley: I didn't do anything to that, mother.
[ Dina whimpers ] No, please. Listen. Listen. I can prove it to you, okay? I can prove it to you.
Dina: No. Oh... [ Whimpers ]
Ashley: And then -- I can -- please. I can show you.
Dina: No, no, no, no, no!
Ashley: I didn't do anything to it, mother.
Dina: You -- you -- you stay away from me.
Ashley: Mother, what I'm gonna do is, I can take a bite out of everything, and then you'll see.
Dina: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. No, you stay away from me.
Ashley: Mother, please --
Dina: You stay away from me!
Ashley: I would never try to hurt you, ever in a million years.
Dina: Oh, don't -- don't hurt me! Please don't!
Ashley: I would never. Why don't you take a pill? It'll make you feel better.
Dina: [ Crying ] Don't hurt me, please!
Ashley: I'm not trying to hurt you, mother. I would never hut you. Ever.
[ Pills rattle ]
[ Bottle shatters ]
Dina: I know what you're doing.
[ Pills rattle ] You're trying to poison me!
Ashley: Mother, I love you. I love you. I would never hurt you.
[ Bottle clatters ]
Lily: You said that to victoria? Word for word?
Cane: Yeah. Look, I know it was childish and pointless, and that you can handle your own business. I know this.
Lily: Yeah, that is true. But still, you in watchdog mode? That's, uh, pretty alluring.
Cane: You like that, huh?
Lily: Mm-hmm. And you got victoria to apologize and ask me to come back? You must have superpowers.
Cane: Um, maybe two or three on a good day, yeah.
Lily: [ Giggles ] Wait, and you didn't tell me. How did you reply to victoria?
Cane: I told her that wasn't a possibility. Look, I know that I shouldn't speak on your behalf. I know that, and I'm sorry.
Lily: No, it's fine. I mean, I actually do feel that way, so I'm not mad. But I just kind of want to focus and move on to my new job. Yes, you heard me.
Jack: Thank you, mellinda. You and rosie make promotion a lot of fun. Bye-bye.
Victor: Corporate espionage.
Jack: Uh, "what have you not been charged with...yet?" I'm a little busy, victor. What do you want?
Victor: I am sure you are very busy with all the newman documents stashed in your office.
Jack: Ooh, your intel is grossly inaccurate.
Victor: Hmm. I read them myself.
Jack: Oh, then you're confessing to something you just accused me of. That is, if it's true.
Victor: Only question is, who helped you? Ashley or victoria? They both accuse each other of colluding with you. Both rather convincing.
Jack: Quite the dilemma.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Jack: You know, I like seeing you torn. It only proves to me what a farce your whole "family comes first" spiel really is.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] So you refuse to answer. Is that it?
Jack: I'll give you an answer. It won't be corporate espionage or anything else from the outside that does the damage. You'll destroy your company all by yourself.
Victor: [ Chuckling ]
Victoria: What are you doing back here?
Abby: Really? That's it? No "welcome home, sis. How's your grandmother?"
Victoria: That and when the head of brash & sassy's paris office decides to go on vacation, I would really like to be kept in the loop.
Abby: Oh, yeah. But the thing is, is... well, I'm not on vacation. I'm transferring back.
Victoria: You decided that all by yourself?
Abby: Mm, no. See, then -- then I would be as ditzy as you think I am, wouldn't I?
Victoria: That's not the answer I'm looking for.
Abby: Let me rephrase. Dad approved the move.
[ Laughs ] Oh! Did he forget to tell you? Oh, or maybe he just didn't want to hear you bitching about it. But I'm sure he did tell you how happy he is with my work there. In case you just skim my weekly reports, let me give you some highlights. I signed two of france's top models to exclusive contracts, earned us sponsorship at berlin fashion week... oh, and we will be in the gift bags at the cannes film festival.
Victoria: Yes, I know. I heard. It's all excellent news. So why would you want to come back here?
Abby: To apply my skills here at world headquarters. Right alongside my mother.
Victoria: Oh. I guess you hadn't heard. Ashley might not be with us for much longer. You probably haven't talked to her yet.
Abby: Wrong. We had a fascinating chat. About your desperate scheme to push her out. Did you really think that you'd get away with that?
You wouldn't accept
an incomplete job
Lily: So, I made a few calls, working my industry contacts, including barry.
Cane: The agent who wanted to rep you last summer.
Lily: Yes. Well, I guess he wasn't too mad that I turned him down, because he had a modeling offer for me.
Cane: No way. Oh, baby, that's fantastic. I'm so happy for you. Where is it? What's the job?
Lily: I don't have details, but it's, uh -- it's in new york.
Lily: It's only for a week, okay, but I'm sorry. I should have talked to you about it before I accepted it.
Cane: Hey, don't be silly. I am thrilled for you, all right? I'm gonna miss you, but I am happy for you. Congratulations.
Lily: Thank you. And, of course, we'll be talking and texting constantly.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: And if today was any indication, imagine the homecoming that we'll celebrate.
[ Giggles ]
Cane: Mm. I already am.
[ Baby cries ]
Lily: Oh.
Cane: I'll be right back.
Abby: What a nightmare. I am so sorry. I should have stayed.
Ashley: Honey, don't apologize. It's not your fault. It's that disease. It's just so brutal.
Abby: Whatever you're expecting, you won't know the force of it until it's happening in front of you.
Ashley: I thought I could control the situation. This was just the very first day. How much worse can it get?
Abby: Nobody knows. But you know what, we are gonna take it one day at a time. Together. Right?
Ashley: [ Sighs ]
Jack: I am so happy you will be here for mother and ashley, especially now that i have to head out of town on some emergency business.
Ashley: What are you talking about?
Jack: Manufacturer in europe is having some serious problems. Needs my immediate attention.
Ashley: Well, maybe you should send my replacement. According to the résumé you showed me, she can handle anything.
Jack: Except communicating effectively with a team. For all her background in chemistry, she doesn't seem to have much with real human beings.
Ashley: I guess you'll have to teach her, jack. She's gonna be with you for a long, long time.
Jack: My first concern right now is mother -- making sure she's safe and well cared for.
Ashley: She will be. Goodbye.
Abby: Hey, can you send me those nursing candidates? I promise I will interview them and start setting a schedule.
Jack: Thank you. It's good to have you back. I will e-mail you both as soon as I'm packed, okay?
Abby: Okay. And... one more promise. By the time you get back, my mom's good name will be cleared, and victoria will be paying the price for trying to wreck it.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Thank you.
J.T.: Mm-hmm. Look, cane had no business talking to you like that. It's not gonna happen again on my watch.
[ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Hm. I like the sound of that.
J.T.: Yeah? Well, I know what else you like.
Victoria: [ Laughing ]
J.T.: Come here. Give me your hands.
[ Knock on door ] Hi, dad.
Victor: Hmm. I want you both to know that I have considered all the information and talked to everyone involved in the investigation, and I'm pretty confident that I have come to a decision.
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