Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/7/18
Episode #11356 ~ Phyllis crosses the line; Lily makes a power move; Ashley points the finger at J.T.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Billy: I just want to be grateful for what we have.
Phyllis: You're not screwing this up. I'm not gonna let you.
Shauna: She's my mentor. Hilary's been helping me out for a while.
Devon: Why didn't you tell me you were involved in a youth mentoring program, hilary?
Hilary: I want you to be the father of my child.
Ashley: You found these in jack's office? How did you get them? I've been set up.
Victoria: It's a new feature for our in-house website where employees can post confidential feedback about their co-workers. It can be critical or positive, as long as it is constructive. I started checking the anonymous feedback site that I created for newman employees. I didn't realize that a lot of people here hate me.
J.T.: Ah! "Employee appreciation day." That is, uh -- that's catchy.
Victoria: Yes. It's to combat all the negative attitudes around here.
J.T.: All because you read some unfavorable comments about yourself?
Victoria: About how ridiculously hard I am to work for?
J.T.: Okay, well, not the feedback you were expecting.
Victoria: Look, there's nothing wrong with showing my staff how much I value them, even though I know that I can be a bit demanding at times, but it's because I know how capable they are.
J.T.: And you think "rah-rah" posters and doughnuts are the way to go about it?
Victoria: Well, I have to start somewhere. I can't have my employees fearing interaction with me and being afraid to speak their minds.
J.T.: Was it just the gossip you read about your management style that brought all this on?
Victoria: That and the fact that ashley's getting away with murder. My father has plenty of information that she's a mole for jabot and, yet, he still hasn't fired her. So I want him and I want everyone else around here to know that I'm the one that they can put their faith in.
Lily: You think jack and victoria are framing you?
Ashley: I know they are. I gave victoria very sensitive newman documents with my watermark on them, and they ended up in jack's desk. I'm sure the goal is to make me look like I'm a spy so victor will have to fire me. What jack's getting out of it, I don't know, maybe just payback.
Lily: Wow, first, dina goes missing, and then this. But, ashley, I have to be honest. I don't see victoria going this far.
Ashley: You're defending her? You know how badly she wants me gone from newman, and she's been pretty nasty to you, too.
Lily: No, I'm not ignoring any of that, but victoria conspiring with jack? That's like me scheming with hilary.
Ashley: Desperate people do desperate things, lily. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary with her behavior?
Lily: [ Sighs ] I mean, she was a little weird when J.T. And I were having a friendly conversation, but that's more personal.
Ashley: Maybe, maybe not. I mean, she did make J.T. Head of security. And if they're involved with this together, and I think they are... maybe she was afraid he'd slip, or something.
Lily: Okay, ashley, no offense...
Ashley: I know you're skeptical, I get that. But I think it's an angle worth pursuing, so maybe you could talk to J.T. And, I don't know, just try to learn something.
Lily: Are you asking me to spy on a friend?
Ashley: Of course not. That's not spying. I just want you to talk to him.
Lily: Okay, ashley, I really love working with you, I do, but I don't want to get in the middle of your war with victoria.
Ashley: Lily, you're in the middle and you have been since the minute I joined newman. I know you want to be switzerland. It's too late for that. Victoria crossed the line. Now you have to pick a side.
Cane: Hey.
Devon: Hey.
Cane: What brings you by?
Devon: Um, I know that the kids have a half-day of school today, and I was hoping I could get my superstar intern charlie to come help me organize some demos later.
Cane: Uh, I'm sure he would love to, but he can't because lily's taking half a day off of work. She's coming home and we're gonna have some family time.
Devon: Oh, well, that'll be nice for you guys.
Cane: Yeah, because ever since, you know, we saw the video of juliet telling the truth, lily and I have gotten closer, so I want to say thank you. I'm grateful for it.
Devon: Absolutely. I'm glad that it helped.
Cane: It still proves that hilary hasn't changed. She's just as self-centered and manipulative as always.
Devon: I do understand why you'd say that, but I'd have to disagree with you, actually, because since that whole episode, hilary's turned over a new leaf.
Cane: Well, there's nothing you really can say that's gonna convince me of that, so...
Devon: Well, what if I told you that she's involved in a program for mentoring at-risk youth? And she's already changed the life of a young girl named shauna?
Cane: Uh, I'd ask you when the media blitz is gonna start.
Devon: That was my first thought, too, that she's just doing it to boost her image, but she actually signed up for the whole thing by herself without telling anybody. I wouldn't have even found out about it unless shauna showed up to the studio to thank hilary.
Cane: Oh, really?
Devon: Yeah.
Cane: And how much did hilary pay this girl to say nice things about her?
Devon: You don't have to be so cynical.
Cane: I'm only cynical when it comes to hilary because when she acts like a saint, it's because she wants something. Because she is a user, and users like her don't change, and you need to see that and open your eyes before she screws you over again.
Hilary: So, I have made an important life decision, and before I act on it, I want to get your reaction.
Phyllis: Okay. Few things in life I love more than giving my opinion.
Hilary: Well, I'm counting on that. So, devon isn't keen on fathering my child, but he's the man that I want. So I am determined to make this happen.
Phyllis: Okay. Just how determined? What is it you're planning on doing? Oh, manatees. Aka "the sea cow."
Victoria: Oh! Taylor. Hey! How's everything in accounting? Um, are you having any problems with your month-end close?
Taylor: Nothing major.
Victoria: Ah. And today is your flash meeting, right? Every fifth business day? Excellent! That's wonderful. Um, well, have a doughnut! It's -- it's, um, in honor of employee appreciation day.
Taylor: Uh, sure. Thanks.
Victoria: Did you see the look that he just gave me? What was that about?
J.T.: You know, it's like i said, it's not gonna help your cause if you come on too strong.
Ashley: Really? I mean, this is how you think it's done?
Victoria: What do you mean?
Ashley: Um, getting in good with the rank and file? I'm gonna give you a little tip. It's gonna take more than a box of doughnuts and a sign to make your staff love you, victoria, or to convince your father that you're dedicated to running the company.
Victoria: Are you done?
Ashley: No, I'm not done. You leaked confidential information to jabot and you blamed it on me. Do you really think your father's gonna believe such an amateurish attempt to discredit me? Honestly, he knows how insecure you are. The whole thing is so incredibly sad.
Victoria: You know what's really sad? Is that you got caught red-handed, but instead of admitting it, you're just trying to shove the blame on others. You know why my father hasn't fired you yet is because he doesn't want to admit that he made a mistake in hiring you. But, to protect the company, he will. And when that happens, he's never gonna trust you again.
Cane: I'm only trying to look out for you, you realize that, right?
Devon: I know you are, okay? I know you're entitled to your opinions, too. I just -- I think that I know hilary a little better than most people, all right?
Cane: Okay. Listen, she made that recording with juliet a long time ago, right?
Devon: Yes, and since then --
Cane: Okay, all right, so hilary can basically justify, you know, keeping quiet as much as she wants, but if she really changed and became a better person, she would have confessed that she instigated this terrible lie, but she didn'T. You know why? Because she didn't think that she was ever gonna get caught.
Devon: So the same could be said about you sleeping with juliet, right?
Cane: [ Sighs ] No.
Devon: I'm not looking to fight with you on this, I'm just saying. I don't need to be lectured by you, either, you know? I think you're pretty damn lucky to even be in this house right now after what you put your family through. And lily's forgiven you and she's given you a second chance, so how are you gonna stand there and judge me for giving hilary the benefit of the doubt?
[ Door opens ]
Phyllis: I am very glad that you're not planning on getting pregnant by devon, all right, without his permission.
Hilary: No, I've done some crazy things in my life, but, no, I wouldn't -- I wouldn't do that to devon. I just -- I need to convince him to help me out with this.
Phyllis: Big mistake.
Hilary: Why? Devon is the perfect candidate.
Phyllis: Because he was very clear with you that he doesn't want to reconcile and start a family.
Hilary: Well... he doesn't have to, okay? All I want is his dna, just a small donation so that I can conceive a child and that's it.
Phyllis: Hilary, you can claim that all you want, but devon is your ex, the love of your life.
Hilary: Okay, we are friends now, we're business partners.
Phyllis: A child bonds you guys together for the rest of your lives.
Hilary: And I have no problem with that.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ] I'm sure you don'T.
Hilary: I have no romantic expectations, either.
Phyllis: Listen to me. I know that you want to believe that this is gonna happen because you are so desperate to have a baby. But speaking from experience, it is a lot harder than you think.
Hilary: You have a daughter with nick, and you two -- you guys get along great.
Phyllis: That wasn't always the case. Believe me. And just look at nick and sharon and all of the bizarre cycles they go through.
Hilary: Yeah, mariah's telling me that they're housemates now for the kids.
Phyllis: Yeah. It's a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad idea, which is gonna wind up hurting nick, only he can't see it. Now, I would give anything to yank him out of there and knock some sense into him.
Billy: Really? Anything? Hot pockets.
Billy: Me jealous of nick... are you hallucinating?
Phyllis: Not lately.
Billy: Well, in one word -- no. I'm not. Three words.
Phyllis: Good, because you don't have any reason to be. You're the guy for me.
Billy: Okay, but now it's your turn to answer my question. You two have been divorced for quite some time now. Why are you so invested in his personal life?
Hilary: Okay, I think i should just let the two of you talk in private...
Phyllis: No, no. Sit back down. It's no big deal. Honest. We don't have secrets. Nick and I share a daughter, which means I will always be concerned about him and connected to him, and he is in a very unhealthy situation right now with sharon, and I don't understand what the issue is.
Billy: Well, maybe if you hadn't pushed chelsea so hard, made her feel like the only choice she had was to skip town, you wouldn't have a reason to worry about nick's current living arrangements.
Phyllis: Are you serious right now?
Billy: Well, it's just -- it's true, right? I mean, you helped create the very situation that you're trying to save him from. It's just a little bit more than ironic.
Phyllis: Well, I can tell that you have a lot more to say about this, but I know that you have a meeting, so I --
Billy: Actually, my meeting got canceled, so I'm free. And I'd like nothing more than to continue this little... discussion.
Lily: Victoria?
Victoria: Yes, what is it?
Lily: I, uh, finished the report that you requested, and I sent it your way. So if there's nothing else, I'll just be heading out.
Victoria: Heading out where?
Lily: Uh, I'm leaving early to spend time with cane and the kids. I sent a request for half a vacation day to hr last week, and I e-mailed you personally to let you know.
Victoria: I'm sorry, it must have fallen through the cracks. I've had a lot on my plate recently.
Lily: Okay, then it's fine for me to take off as planned, then?
Victoria: Actually, no, it's not ideal.
Lily: Why?
Victoria: Look, I really need you here to attend a meeting about my new employee relations plan. I sent out a memo a couple of minutes ago.
Lily: Oh.
Victoria: I'm hosting a series of meetings addressing small groups one at a time. First up is everyone who works on this end of the floor. And that includes you.
Lily: Well, that sounds great except for the timing. We already have the day planned.
Victoria: I'm sorry that you made plans, I really am, but this is important, and it's for the good of everyone here. You understand that, right? Good. Now, if you don't mind, I have a lot to do here.
[ Intercom buzzing ] Yes, nathan? Uh, the refreshments? Yes, yes, I'm gonna e-mail you my requirements. Okay, great.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Cane: [ Sighs ]
Ashley: Hello.
J.T.: You do have an office, right? Or are you gonna make off with the rest of those doughnuts and take them to jack?
Ashley: That's funny. Actually, I wanted to talk to you.
J.T.: Yeah? Why's that?
Ashley: Because victor never told me how those documents supposedly wound up at jack's office. So I was wondering -- did you maybe break into his desk and then deliver them to victor yourself?
J.T.: Not my place to discuss any of that with you.
Ashley: Why's that? You afraid you're going to incriminate yourself? It's too bad you won't talk to me. I have so many questions. Why don't we just say, hypothetically, that you were involved, okay? Did you go to jabot and sleuth around? Or did victoria simply hand you the documents so you could later say that you found them in jack's possession?
J.T.: First you claim you were set up, now you're wondering if I'm involved? You're so transparent.
Ashley: Am I?
J.T.: I mean, you think if you keep playing the innocent victim and selling your lies to victor that he's gonna believe you? You're wrong. And you can't talk your way out of this one. Victor's got the proof that you betrayed him and his company.
Allergies with sinus
congestion and pressure?
Billy: Look, I'm sorry, all right? I shouldn't have ambushed you in front of hilary like that.
Phyllis: No, it's -- it's what we were discussing when you walked in. You couldn't help what you overheard, you know. I was talking about my ex again. I would have reacted, too.
Billy: Thank you for understanding.
Phyllis: You know, I've been so wrapped up in nick and chelsea's lives, I haven't been giving proper attention to ours, and that is going to change. That is going to change right now. Okay? I'm sorry. Okay, let's take this upstairs to the bedroom, okay?
Billy: Hold on a second. I think we need to have a serious talk.
Shauna: Thanks for buying me lunch.
Hilary: Yeah, well, you know me. Always looking for an excuse to take a break.
Shauna: You work harder than anyone I know.
Hilary: You work hard, too, shauna. So, how's the studying going? You're taking the sats this saturday, right? Did the prep books that I bought you -- did they help?
Shauna: They did, and I have been studying, it's just...
Hilary: What?
Shauna: I don't see the point. All the rich kids have tutors and take classes so that they can ace the test. How am I supposed to compete with that?
Hilary: Come on. What is with all the doubts?
Shauna: Even if I manage to get a decent score, I won't be able to afford college.
Hilary: If you are determined enough and you believe in yourself, there are ways. There are scholarships, work study programs, financial aid... that's what I did. And between all of those things, I cobbled together enough money to put myself through school.
Shauna: That's amazing. It sounds so complicated, though. I wouldn't even know where to start.
Hilary: Sure you do. You just call me and you say, "hilary, what is with all this damn paperwork?" And then I say, "don't worry, sweetie, we are gonna tackle this sucker together." It's true. It can feel like they make you jump through all of these hoops. But I can guide you through all of that. You bring the desire to succeed, and I promise I will be with you every step of the way.
Mattie: What do you guys have planned for this afternoon?
Cane: Okay, uh, I got some bad news for you. Your mum got stuck at the office, so we're gonna have to do this another time.
Charlie: Bummer. I mean, it's okay, stuff happens.
Mattie: If she could be here, she would.
Cane: Yes. Well, thanks for understanding.
Mattie: Yeah, I'll use the time to study for the sat.
Charlie: You already took that.
Mattie: I want to improve my score.
Cane: Hey, your first score was phenomenal, okay? But if you want to take another crack at it, I'm more than proud of you. So, what about you?
Charlie: What?
Cane: The sats. I haven't heard you talk about it. What, are you feeling nervous, or...?
Charlie: No, I'm not nervous. I'm, uh, not taking it.
Mattie: What? You have to.
Charlie: No, I don'T. Look, I thought about it. I decided I'm not gonna go to college.
Lily: Does victoria really think that a free danish is gonna make up for wrecking my plans?
J.T.: That's not where she's coming from, lily. Just try and be patient.
Lily: Yeah, that's easy for you to say.
Victoria: [ Clears throat ] Hi, everyone. Please take a seat. Thank you for joining me on this first-ever employee appreciation day. It's the first in a series of company-wide events. I just thought it would be more personal and intimate if we met in a small group, and then later, I will be meeting with members of the team from all over the newman empire. I created this event because i wanted to show each and every one of you how much my father and I value your contributions. Your hard work and your talent are the driving force behind this company's success, and it truly is at the heart of what we do. Since returning to newman, i have introduced a number of changes, and having read the employee feedback site that i created, I -- I realize that i may have ruffled a few feathers. Look, I understand that change can be kind of scary, even if it means improvements for the company at large, which in turn benefits everyone. However, I want you all to know just how much we do value you, so I'm going to take some of your most, um, useful comments to heart, and I'm gonna strive to adjust my management style. My goal here is to improve communication, to make this more of an inclusive two-way street. My office door is gonna be open more often than it is closed, and I'm gonna be issuing spot bonuses for extraordinary efforts and results. Look, at the end of the day, we're all a part of the newman team. My father built this company for his family, and each one of you are a valued member of that family. And that's what this meeting is about. My office is officially declared a safe space, and I want to hear your comments and your suggestions about ways that we can make this an even greater experience for you and for the colleagues that you work alongside.
Ashley: I have something to say. I relish the opportunity to let everybody know exactly how i feel about your leadership. Uh oh.
Phyllis: So it sounds like you and nick had a good talk.
Billy: Surprisingly, actually.
Phyllis: So, why didn't you mention this last night?
Billy: Because you were busy working. And I actually needed a little bit of time to digest it. He's doing pretty well, considering he lost the woman that he loved, lost connor, found out his son isn't really his. There's a lot of pain there, obviously, but he'S...
Phyllis: Yeah. I'm glad you were kind to him.
Billy: Yeah. The thing that's killing me, phyllis, is that he doesn't need to be struggling with this right now.
Phyllis: I thought that you said that, you know, you agree that christian should know the truth about where he came from.
Billy: I did, it's just the way that he found out.
Phyllis: Honey, I all but stuck sharon in a closet to keep her from blabbing to nick.
Billy: Sharon couldn't be expected to keep that secret. And I think you should have considered that before you told her.
Phyllis: What are you saying? That you think it's my fault that nick's life is imploding?
Devon: Do you ladies mind if I join you?
Hilary: Uh, no. Not at all.
Shauna: Have a seat.
Devon: Thanks. It's good to see you again, shauna. How is your brother doing?
Shauna: Better. Thanks. He'll be starting rehab soon.
Devon: Oh, that's great to hear. You two were talking about college when I walked in, and i overheard some of it. Is it okay if I offer my two cents?
Shauna: Sure.
Devon: The first thing I want to say is don't be afraid to lean on this woman right here and listen to everything that she says because hilary really does know what she's talking about. I didn't have it easy growing up, either. I didn't know my dad, and my mom was an addict, and I ended up going in and out of foster care and then eventually landed up in a group home, which didn't really keep me out of trouble.
Shauna: Wow. I never would have guessed.
Devon: But one day, my life completely changed when I was adopted by some incredible people who sent me to college. And they supported my dreams. And I tell you, before that happened, I never would have imagined that I'd be where I'm at right now. But it all started for me when i learned to accept help when i needed it, and learned that hard work really does pay off. Because if you want something bad enough, shauna, I promise you that you can make it happen. And don't let anybody in the world tell you that that's not possible.
Hilary: Couldn't agree more.
Cane: "Because I don't want to" and "it's not my thing" aren't satisfactory answers, charlie.
Mattie: I just don't get this at all. Why would you blow off college?
Charlie: Because I want to be a music producer. You don't need a college degree for that.
Cane: Okay, according to who?
Charlie: I researched it online. A lot of them don'T.
Mattie: Since when do you have your whole future decided? Your brain usually doesn't go beyond sports and girls.
Charlie: Doing this internship with uncle devon, it opened my eyes. I want to be in the music industry. Why spend time and money learning things I'll never use when I could be doing what i love?
Cane: Devon has a music degree from gcu because he understands the value of education.
Charlie: But he also understands that not everyone is cut out for college.
Cane: Okay, all right, listen, you are going to college, it's not up for debate, all right? It's final!
Ashley: I believe that there are one or two qualities that are very important when it comes to being a great leader -- transparency, accountability. I think lately some of your decision-making has been lacking.
Victoria: Noted. Thank you for your comment, ashley. Anyone else?
Ashley: I'm concerned about the fairness of your hiring practices, victoria.
Victoria: I don't know why that would be an issue. I've always had an open mind when it comes to that.
Ashley: Really? You hired your boyfriend to be head of security when there were other people more qualified in that department who would love to advance, only they were never given a chance to apply.
J.T.: Newman enterprises is a family business, privately held, not unlike jabot, which has plenty of nepotism to be found.
Victoria: J.T. Has years of experience in the field, both at newman and abroad. He is the most qualified candidate for this position.
Ashley: And I'm sure he's always going to have your back. It's too bad you couldn't have the same trust with your sister.
Victoria: Excuse me?
Ashley: Please. Everybody knows how poorly you treated abby. You looked for every opportunity to marginalize her to the point where she thought it was best just to move to europe and work from the office there so she could have some peace and autonomy. I mean, if that's how you treat your own family, can the rest of us "family" expect any better treatment?
Victoria: I, um... I apologize for ashley's tirade, turning this productive and positive gathering into a platform to launch her own personal grievances. What I'm looking for are helpful suggestions.
Ashley: I have a helpful suggestion. I suggest that you stop trying to get the people that you're threatened by fired.
Victoria: This is absurd. Moving on. Does anyone have anything productive to say?
Lily: I have a question.
Victoria: Yes. Lily. Please. You have the floor.
Lily: Why did you spring this meeting on us with no notice? It was very disrespectful.
Victoria: Well, it's taking place during business hours when everyone would be at work anyway.
Lily: Unless they have requested time off in advance, which was then denied.
Victoria: Postponed. All time off requests have to be weighed against the needs of the business. That's pretty standard practice in the industry.
Lily: So what you're saying is, our time is your time, unless you have dinner plans?
Victoria: You know, I think you said pretty much the same thing in your online critique of me.
Lily: I thought this was a safe space, not a witch hunt.
Victoria: Are you denying that you wrote that?
Lily: Victoria, I have been loyal to you. I have defended you when you did not deserve it. But maybe some of ashley's concerns have merit.
Victoria: Well, since you seem intent on airing this in a wider forum, I have my concerns, too, about your performance. You're a fine model, but your work is a little lacking. In fact, I think you could benefit from my new performance improvement initiative. It helps employees who have fallen behind get caught up to company standards.
Lily: "Fallen behind?"
Victoria: When I ask you to dig deep and you turn in something that's superficial --
Lily: You know what, I am over you and your constant criticism. I'm out of here.
Taylor: Ms. Newman?
Victoria: Yes?
Taylor: That comment you thought lily wrote -- actually, it was me.
Ashley: Well, congratulations. Your feeble attempt to curry favor with your staff just blew up in your face. I mean, it was almost as if you were trying to prove to everybody just how unfit you are to run this company. Also, good job alienating our brand spokesperson. Well done.
J.T.: I think it's time for you to go.
Ashley: You're lily's friend. Didn't it make you just a little angry watching victoria belittle her in front of her colleagues? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Victoria: No, the only one who should be ashamed of her behavior during this meeting is you, ashley. But I'm not gonna let myself get worked up about it because we all know that your days here are numbered, aren't they?
Ashley: I wouldn't count on that.
Lily: Hey. Are the kids home?
Cane: Uh, no. They, uh, went out since we canceled our plans.
Lily: That's fine, I'm actually glad they're not here. I want to tell you what happened at work today.
Cane: Why, what happened?
Lily: I just walked out of a staff meeting. That's why I couldn't get away. Victoria called it out of the blue. It was this command performance and ends up turning into this total bitch session, which accomplished nothing. And then she and ashley go at it, I speak up, and she insulted me in front of everyone, said that my work is slipping.
Cane: Well, that's a lie.
Lily: I couldn't take it anymore. I -- I had to get out of there.
Cane: I don't blame you one bit. I mean, she's been disrespecting you for months.
Lily: I just -- I didn't realize until I actually said my true feelings how fed up I am. I mean, victoria has been walking all over me, and it's getting worse, not better. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm wondering if maybe i should leave my job.
Cane: It is completely up to you, but I'm behind you no matter what you want to do, okay?
Lily: Yeah, but if I resign, we're gonna be a one-income family, and things could be pretty tight.
Cane: I'm not worried about the money. When I was out of work, you supported us, all right? So I can do that now. Because the only thing I'm concerned about is your happiness.
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: I know how much you love being the brand ambassador for dare. So are you ready to let victoria drive you away from that?
Shauna: Thank you both for the advice. You guys make quite a team. How long have you guys been together?
Devon: We're not together. We used to be, though. We're just co-workers now.
Shauna: Really?
Devon: Yeah.
Shauna: Okay.
Hilary: Keep up the studying, okay? Call me if you need anything.
Shauna: I will.
Devon: Take care.
Charlie: Uh, sorry. Sorry. Here you go.
Shauna: Thanks. [ Chuckles ]
Charlie: It's a shame you're leaving as soon as I get here.
Shauna: Places to go, people to see.
Charlie: Well, uh, I come here a lot. Maybe next time I'll be one of those people.
Shauna: You never know.
Charlie: Hey.
Devon: Charlie! What are you doing here, man? I thought you and mattie were hanging out with your parents today.
Charlie: Plans got changed. But I'm glad I ran into you. I figure if anyone will understand, it's you.
Devon: Talk to me, man. Sit down. What's going on?
Charlie: Got into it with my dad today. Tried to explain to him why college wasn't for me, and he wouldn't listen.
Devon: College wasn't for you? I didn't even know you were debating that.
Hilary: Why do you think that college isn't for you?
Charlie: A lot of reasons.
Devon: Charlie, I think you ought to be grateful that you'd be able to go without having to worry about tuition. I mean, most people don't have it that easy. Hilary worked to put herself through school because she knew how important it was and that it would help her for the rest of her life. When you have a fantastic opportunity like this, you don't want to take it for granted, man.
Phyllis: Chelsea stole the money, and she lied. She broke nick's heart, you know, and she betrayed him. How am I responsible for all that? I'm just -- I'm not understanding.
Billy: I'm not saying you're responsible, I'm not. Just -- okay, this is not exactly how i intended this to go, phyllis.
Phyllis: When I said that i needed to look for proof of chelsea's con, you said, "go for it, do it."
Billy: I know. I do. I realize that. But when things started to proceed and we realized what was at stake, I asked you to pull back because people's lives could be wrecked, including yours, but you didn'T. You just became obsessed with it and you just wouldn't back off.
Phyllis: So you're resenting me right now, that's what I'm seeing.
Billy: I don't resent you, no. Do I wish you listened to me? Yeah.
Hilary: I appreciate the things that you said about me to shauna and charlie. After we talked yesterday, I, uh, didn't think that you liked me very much.
Devon: Well, you kind of threw me, asking me to be a donor so you can have a baby.
Hilary: Yeah, I could have handled that a little better.
Devon: Me, too. I shouldn't have walked out on you like I did.
Hilary: It's okay. I understand.
Devon: Well, now that we know where I stand on that, um, I'd like to move on to other things, like your work with shauna. I really want to help that girl, and I think I can write a check that --
Hilary: Devon, devon, that is very sweet, but shauna's family situation -- it's pretty complex, okay? I'm paying for her brother's rehab, but money alone is not gonna fix their issues. Shauna is -- she is such a smart young woman. All she needs right now is encouragement. She needs someone to show her how to get from where she is to where she wants to be, and I'M...attempting to do that.
Devon: I think you're doing a really great job, actually. Watching you guys together reminded me a lot of some of the talks that I've had with neil. I can relate to what she's up against.
Hilary: Yeah, I know you can. Hey, why don't you join me the next time that I meet up with shauna? I mean, you would be a wonderful role model. There are so many things that you can teach a girl like her.
Devon: Mm.
Hilary: It would be very gratifying.
Devon: I think it would be, too, actually.
Billy: Some of this is on me, okay? I should have done more to try and stop you from going down that path. The other part of me knew that you weren't gonna listen to me anyway.
Phyllis: Gee, thanks.
Billy: I don't mean that as a dig, I just mean that... you go to the extreme. You fully commit, and sometimes you don't realize the consequences until it's too late.
Phyllis: Oh, and you don't?
Billy: No, I do. I do. I mean, I can be impulsive, i can be reckless, but right now, we're talking about you. The way you went after chelsea by not letting it go, even after lauren asked you to back off... it ended up hurting a lot of people -- most importantly, those kids who have no idea where their family has gone. I just think that maybe we can learn from this, maybe just, you know, learn to let things go.
Phyllis: By "things," are you referring to nick and sharon?
Billy: I just mean in general, phyllis. I'm just worried one of these days, you're gonna go too far.
Phyllis: And if I do? What then? This is who I am, billy. You know, in my soul, I feel things passionately. You knew that about me.
Billy: I know that. Listen to what I'm saying this time. Please.
J.T.: Where the hell does ashley get off talking to you like that when she's nothing but a traitor?
Victoria: You know, I needed a little more anger from you. You barely said two words during the meeting. I wish you would have stuck up for me more.
J.T.: I tried, but you just barreled right over me.
Victoria: That's before things got ugly. I needed your support, J.T. I needed you to generate some enthusiasm and maybe help people figure out how to constructively problem-solve, but you did nothing -- nothing!
J.T.: Because it would have looked like I was siding with you because we live together. Look, this was your meeting, okay? Handled the right way, it could have been a positive experience for everybody, but you lost your cool. You let lily and ashley get to you. Instead of listening, you got defensive, you overreacted, and you went on the attack. It's like you forgot the whole conversation we had about how come across to people. Now, look, I am sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted it to, but you got to take responsibility for your own actions, you know? Stop blaming other people. You made some mistakes today, but you -- you got to own them.
[ Knocking on door ]
Victoria: Come in.
Lily: Oh, um, can I speak to victoria alone, please?
J.T.: Yeah. Sure thing.
Victoria: Please, have a seat. I'm glad you came back. I was hoping that we could resolve things.
Lily: I just came here to deliver this.
Victoria: Listen, i understand that you're upset. If we could just talk --
Lily: After the way that you belittled and embarrassed me, we have nothing further to discuss. So please accept this as my formal resignation. I quit. Thank you.
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