Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/6/18

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/6/18


Episode #11355 ~ Billy makes a confession; Nikki lays down the law; Hilary sets her sights on Devon.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: He's moved in with sharon?

Nick: Thanks for everything, for me and christian today.

Victoria: And this is your solution? Moving here?

Hilary: You know, maybe this is a sign that there's only one right way to do this, someone that you know.

Jack: If it isn't someone like devon that you're looking for, what about devon?

Victoria: It's proof, dad. Ashley's been funneling secrets to jack. It's a terrible betrayal, but she's left you no choice. You have to fire ashley.

J.T.: Well, that's quite a look you got in your eyes there. Should I lock the door?

Victoria: I want you to tell me again how you lifted jack's thumbprint and managed to find the papers that ashley slipped him.

J.T.: Well, it was beat... ...by beat.

Victoria: That's perfect. Now, I'm gonna tell you how I'm gonna redecorate ashley's office for newman's head of security.

J.T.: Oh, you think victor's gonna let me have ashley's office, huh?

Victoria: Mm, I say you can, and I'm the C.O.O. Besides, you know, it's fitting.

J.T.: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Ashley was caught because of you, because you're a terrific investigator. She betrayed newman enterprises, and my father knows how to handle traitors.

Ashley: Well, jack, make sure you call me as soon as you land and as soon as you connect with dina. I'm very concerned. All right, keep me posted.

Victor: Well, good morning!

Ashley: Oh, hello. Don't tell me your fired your assistant. You're fetching your own coffee now?

Victor: [ Chuckles ] Well, I haven't fired anyone since I let go of my entire pr team. Hopefully I haven't lost the touch.

Ashley: As I recall, you've always been swift and to the point, kind of like a guillotine. Do you do this often?

Victor: From what i understand, this is the place where they trade whispers and rumors and innuendos.

Ashley: I didn't think you went for that kind of thing.

Victor: Well, you know, information is a very valuable currency.

Ashley: Well, have you heard anything about me?

Victor: Maybe I have. Maybe I haven'T. Only you would know if you've done something or said something that is worth whispering about. Have a nice day.

Nick: Hey, mom.

Nikki: Well, how nice of you to answer.

Nick: Yeah, uh, listen, i don't have a lot of time. Can I call you back when I do?

Nikki: What a novel request. Unlike your other texts. Like, for example... "can't talk now. Call later?"

Nick: Uh, yeah, mom...

Nikki: Or "putting c down, will can when I can."

Nick: Yeah, I know that i haven't exactly been..

Nikki: "Dad is driving and can't talk right now. This is faith. Hi, grandma! Love you!" Really, nicholas, getting your daughter to do your dirty work?

Nick: Look, I'm on my way to rainbow gardens. I'll call you when I get there. Okay?

Nikki: Where are you now?

Nick: Uh, I'm at home.

Nikki: Really? I was just there, and nobody answered when I rang the doorbell.

Nick: Yeah, uh, I wanted to talk to you about this in person. It's not a big deal, but I moved out of the penthouse.

Nikki: So, where are you living?

Nick: At sharon's place. I did it for the kids.

Nikki: What?!

Nick: I got to go. We'll talk soon.

Devon: So, all these new ideas, like remote location shoots and weekly panel discussions, that all costs money, right? And we can bump the budget short-term if it guarantees new eyes on the show long-term.

Hilary: Yes, that's -- that's a yes.

Devon: Okay. I'm gonna get back to the office, but if you have any ideas, you can e-mail me.

Hilary: Wait, wait, you're leaving?

Devon: Yeah. I have a full schedule today.

Hilary: Um, there was -- there were some things that i have to -- I have to say, issues to discuss.

Devon: [ Sighs ] About business?

Hilary: You could call it that.

J.T.: Did you order delivery?

Victoria: I did. I did. You didn't have to bring it in, though.

J.T.: Well, the guy just dropped it off. Wait, you're gonna eat this stuff?

Victoria: Yeah, I am. Not while it's in your hands.

J.T.: God, there's nothing but empty calories and carbs in here.

Victoria: J.T., I --

J.T.: No, no, no. You're gonna eat lunch sitting at your desk? You're the boss. You can, you know, leave the office for a decent meal.

Victoria: I know I'm the boss. I have a ton to do.

J.T.: Yeah, and you're gonna fuel up with this? You might as well throw a hot fudge sundae on top of it.

Victoria: All right, yeah, grab an extra spoon and I'll share it with you.

J.T.: Victoria, I'm serious. Your body deserves better than this, you know? You can afford a nutritionist or a meal delivery program. Anything but this garbage.

Victoria: Why is everybody so horrified about how I eat? Billy used to give me a hard time about it.

J.T.: Oh, now you're comparing me with that guy?

Victoria: No, I'm not. You're very different, actually.

J.T.: Yeah, that's right because I don't think billy would hold your food hostage until you agree to call a nutritionist.

Victoria: Uh, no, he wouldn't dare. Okay, fine, listen. I will. I promise. The second after I eat that.

J.T.: Is that you wanted? Is that it? All right.

Victoria: Thank you.

J.T.: You will thank me.

Victoria: Who are you calling?

J.T.: Employee assistance. Hi, uh, I'm calling on behalf of victoria newman. She would love to meet with a nutritionist.

Victoria: J.T., I said i would call.

J.T.: Yeah, consider me your full-service man. Whatever you need, I'll make it happen.

Nick: Hey, sharon, it's me. Give me a call. I need to talk to you and give you a heads up about something. All right, bye.

Billy: Hey.

Nick: Hey.

Billy: Listen, nick, I know we haven't talked much lately, but, uh, let me just say, I have a pretty good idea of what you've been going through lately, and I'm sorry to hear about chelsea. It seemed like you two had something good.

Nick: Yeah, I thought so, too, but I guess a con never changes.

Billy: You gonna track her down?

Nick: No. That's my dad's thing. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care if chelsea ever comes back. I'm just glad she didn't take christian with her.

Billy: There are things that I know that I wish that i didn't, and I feel like an ass standing here, pretending to be oblivious about it.

Nick: What's that supposed to mean?

Billy: I know about christian. And adam. Phyllis told me.

Nick: Of course she did.

Billy: Don't be mad at her, nick.

Nick: It's my business. It's not hers, it's not yours. Who else did she tell?

Billy: Sharon, me, and you. That's it. It was driving her nuts, okay? So she vented to me, but that's it. Nobody else knows.

Nikki: Where is he?

Sharon: Oh, you must have heard nick moved back in.

Nikki: Well, he didn't want to tell me. He's obviously not proud of that decision. For good reason.

Sharon: Nick needs support.

Nikki: Oh, yes, and I'm sure you're willing to give him all the support he can handle, right, sharon? I was worried that he was gonna rebound. This is ridiculous.

Sharon: You think that nick and I...

Nikki: I think that you smell opportunity, and you're going to take advantage. Well, let me tell you, I am not going to sit back and watch that happen. Not a chance. Hot pockets.

Devon: Sorry, that was one of our strategic partners.

Hilary: And you felt the need to leave the room? Next time, put it on speaker. I'm sure that I will have plenty to contribute.

Devon: Is that what you wanted to talk about? Establishing a bigger role in the company? Because you've already made that play, and I've seen steamrollers with a lighter touch.

Hilary: Subtly is overrated. You don't ask, you don't get.

Devon: So, are you asking me a question? Because let me be clear before you do. I respect the fact that you're mentoring that young girl, and i think you're a fantastic host here...

Hilary: Okay, I get it. Boundaries are important. But they should also be flexible.

Devon: Mm. Mm-hmm. You know, your best skill is hearing "no" and pushing till you get a "yes."

Hilary: Exactly. It is called tenacity. That's how well you know me. And it is that knowledge that makes this such a logical idea.

Billy: Look, you're right, this is your business -- your kid, your family, your life -- and trust me when I say that i wish I didn't know. But I do.

Nick: Yeah, because phyllis couldn't keep her mouth shut. She has no respect for what this means to me.

Billy: Not true, nick. This was driving her nuts. Knowing this information, trying to figure out what the right thing to do was. She's ferocious when it comes to you. If she could find chelsea, drag back in town, and then chase her back out, she'd do it.

Nick: Yeah, well, here's the thing. This has nothing to do with phyllis. She had no reason to ever know.

Billy: Well, she does. And that's not gonna change. She's not gonna breathe a word of this to anybody else. And neither will I. If anybody finds out about christian, it'll be on your terms.

Nick: Here I am, getting promises from you about me, about my son, about my family's future when you broke every promise you ever made to my sister. What the hell am I supposed to do? I mean, what choice do I have, huh?

Sharon: Nick is an adult making his own decisions, and here you are, in my house, throwing around accusations.

Nikki: Yes. My son is suffering, but what do you care? You've always wanted to have nicholas and christian here with you. It's your dream come true! How long do you think it'll be before you call that child sully?

Sharon: Do you think that i wanted nick to be in this much pain? What, are you jealous? Is that what this is about? Because nick didn't run to you, and he didn't want to live with you and that maniac you call your --

Nikki: No, what? Say it. What, sharon? Are you choking on your own tongue?

Sharon: I don't want to fight with you.

Nikki: Oh, honey, this is not a fight. Trust me, you would know if i really came at you.

Sharon: Fine. Then we can both tone it down and behave with a degree of calm and decency.

Nikki: Says the woman who's constantly throwing herself at my son.

Sharon: Stop! No more. We have proven that we can behave like rational adults, and that's what we're going to do. Over tea.

Nikki: Tea?

Sharon: Tea.

Ashley: May I join you?

Victor: I'm done. You're too late.

Ashley: I didn't come here for the sea bass, victor. I need to talk to you.

Victor: Why didn't you call my assistant?

Ashley: Because this conversation needs to happen away from the office.

Victor: Or away from victoria?

Ashley: You wanted me to read into something that you said to me in the break room earlier, and so I'm here for clarification. It was either a warning or an accusation.

Victor: You sure you want to hear it?

Ashley: What has victoria said about me?

Victor: That's irrelevant. This is between you and me.

Ashley: What do you think you know?

Victor: Let me ask you something. How is it that sensitive newman enterprises documents with your watermark on them ended up, of all places, safely locked away in your brother jack's office?

Sharon: Oh, for goodness' sake. Honestly? [ Scoffs ]

[ Slurping ] See? No arsenic. Just tea.

Nikki: Mm. At least I didn't whip out an umbrella in case you decided to dump milk on my head.

Sharon: You know, nikki, you and I have been fighting for too many years, and what has it ever gotten us?

Nikki: I will tell you. I see you for exactly who and what you are. And I came to make myself clear to you.

Sharon: That I'm some kind of a threat to your son, that i have an agenda?

Nikki: Sharon, you always have had one, and you always will. I mean, you have claimed to love adam and dylan -- oh! And scott grainger, even. But you always circle back to nicholas in the end.

Sharon: Well, you see, nikki, the problem here is you're living in the past. Meanwhile, I've lived a lifetime since nick and I were a couple.

Nikki: Are you referring to the lifetime where you held christian in your arms and let nicholas think he was dead? And yet, nicholas is still here! Again! Because that's what you want.

Sharon: You know, one thing that I've learned at school and working at the crisis hotline is I feel useful when I can make someone else's life a little bit better and easier, a little less awful. Yeah, I know that I have caused a lot of pain in my life, but all I can do is admit to my past mistakes and do better. Now, I know that you're always going to see me the same way, and there's nothing I can do about that. But I'm asking you let nick off the hook. Don't make him feel guilty for needing to take this time and have the space to get over his heartache.

Nikki: I'll say this. You sure know how to sound sincere.

Sharon: Thank you?

Nikki: But you are not my son's guardian angel, so i kindly as you to stop acting like you're the only one he can count on! He has me, he has his father. And I can't help nicholas if i don't know what he is going through. So if he has said anything to you, if he confided anything in you, I need to know! Chelsea took off so damn fast, i have a feeling there's more to it.

Sharon: More than being a liar and a thief? Chelsea got caught and she ran. There's nothing more to it.

Billy: You know, when you found out about christian, that he was alive, that he was here the whole time as sully, I'm not gonna lie to you, I went there. I lived in that fantasy for a second. "What if delia came back? What if she was here the whole time?" It was completely irrational. Nothing remotely logical about it. But it happened to you. You're living that miracle right now. I'm one of those people that think about it laying in bed, hopefully drifting off to sleep. And then this news about christian and adam, it feels like a sick joke. But it could be worse.

Nick: Yeah. Christian's alive and he's safe and healthy.

Billy: He's here. With you. If chelsea did one decent thing in this disgusting mess, it's that she left christian with his father.

Nick: Except I'm not.

Billy: Yeah, you are. And I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. It's the same thing with cassie. It doesn't matter what a dna test says. You don't need genes, or whatever. Cassie's your kid, right?

Nick: Yeah, but from day 1, i I knew cassie wasn't my blood.

Billy: Yeah. This is different. Because that little boy's parents are both gone, and his almost-stepmother ran for the hills. So that's it. You're all he's got. So if you turn your back on him now --

Nick: Who said that? Did I ever say that to you?

Billy: Look. That's what I'm talking about. You're about to jump over the table and clock me for even implying that you don't love that little boy because you do. And you always will. Look, nick, it sucks knowing that you got played, but you win in all this. You get to raise that little boy. And he gets loved by the best father that he could ever have.

Nick: That was strangely heartfelt.

Billy: Yeah, well, most days I'm one or two steps away from disaster. Every once in a while, I can come up with a decent pep talk.

Nick: About disaster, uh... and phyllis...

Billy: Are you gonna give me advice here?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Maybe I was just trying to find a way to repay the favor.

Billy: Did I give you advice about chelsea?

Nick: Considering the way things turned out, maybe you should have.

Billy: Yeah. That's true. I think we've gone far enough today, though, huh?

Nick: Agreed. We get any more chummy, then the space-time continuum might bust open.

Billy: Sure. I'm pulling for you.

Nick: Thanks.

J.T.: Hey. I was looking for you.

Victoria: Hey. Yeah, I -- I came in for coffee and I started checking that anonymous feedback site that i created for newman employees. My genius way of staying plugged into the company.

J.T.: You left the creamer out, so clearly you took a pretty deep dive down that rabbit hole.

Victoria: Yeah, well, people were more responsive than i expected.

J.T.: Oh? Did you, uh -- did you get anything good? Any ways to strengthen the company?

Victoria: Right now, it's mostly personal feedback, about me.

J.T.: What are they saying?

Victoria: Well, it turns out that I can be cold and abrasive.

J.T.: [ Chuckles ] So, in other words, you're the boss? Well, glad we got that established.

Victoria: They're not saying these things about the other execs.

J.T.: All right, so you can be a little tough. That's nothing new, is it?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I have unrealistic expectations and I get off on making demands. All of these comments are negative.

J.T.: It's anonymous, you know, people just want to get this off their chest and go back to their memos and spreadsheets.

Victoria: I didn't realize that a lot of people here hate me.

Ashley: This is insane. You found these in jack's office? How did you get them?

Victor: That's irrelevant. I want to know why they ended up in jabot headquarters.

Ashley: You think I did this?

Victor: It has your watermark on it. I mean, these are copies. The originals do. And, by the way, these documents pertain to a deal that we just recently cut on your advice.

Ashley: On my advice. Does that make sense to you, victor? That I would then just so blithely hand them over to the competition? I did not give these documents to jack. I've been set up.

Victor: So that's your explanation?

Ashley: Yes, it's my explanation! Victoria has wanted me -- out of newman since the moment that you hired me. And I saw her and jack here not very along with their heads together. What does that say to you?

Victor: Well, they've had a cordial relationship.

Ashley: Please. I gave this information to victoria. Obviously she ran right to jack and he took it. I did not give this information to jack.

Victor: So, then, I'm gonna have to have a talk with your brother jack.

Ashley: And he will lie. He's also out of the country.

Victor: How convenient.

Ashley: No, it's not convenient. Our mother had an emergency and jack had to fly to england.

Victor: I'm sorry to hear that.

Ashley: You know what, you go ahead. Please go ahead and ask jack all the questions you want. I'm not worried about what you will uncover. But you should be. It's not fun to find out that your family's lying to you. I speak from bitter experience.

J.T.: Since when do you let what other people think of you get to you? Come on! You're tougher than that.

Victoria: These are my staff members. I see them every day. They smile to my face and they're thinking this crap?

J.T.: Look, I posted a note or two telling nathan to ease up on the cologne.

Victoria: Listen to this. "It gets so you pray she has dinner plans." I guarantee you lily posted that because I catch her fighting a sigh every time I mention maybe working late.

J.T.: I don't think lily's the type of vent online.

Victoria: It's obvious that she's pissed off because her job description changed when newman bought out brash & sassy. And ashley just feeds her ego, makes me look like an ogre by comparison.

J.T.: Or maybe ashley just respects her work ethic.

Victoria: I'm sure it's a mutual admiration society, and I'm sure that lily would rather see ashley in charge. Well, you know what, too bad. Ashley will not last the day, i guarantee you that.

Victor: Am I interrupting something?

J.T.: Uh, what can we do for you?

Victor: I need to speak with my daughter. Alone.

J.T.: Well, I'm sure whatever you need she'll just bounce off me later. So we can skip a step and just get right to it.

Victor: I'm sure she wouldn't be so tactless and careless as to pass confidential information to you.

J.T.: So this is confidential.

Victor: Isn't that what i just said? This is way above your pay grade, J.T. So if you don't mind... am I not making myself clear?

Victoria: Dad. Did you really need to belittle him?

Victor: I spoke with ashley.

Victoria: How did she handle being fired?

Victor: She isn't fired yet. She's a newman employee.

Victoria: Dad, she was trading in corporate secrets.

Victor: I don't have enough facts yet to establish that.

Victoria: You have all the facts. Her papers were in jack's office.

Victor: We'll find out once this investigation proceeds.

Hilary: Business is important.

Devon: Yes, it is, which is why I need to get back to mine.

Hilary: But personal relationships, they are key, okay? You can't work with someone that you don't -- you don't trust, you don't like.

Devon: Sometimes you have to settle for less within reason.

Hilary: Right. But personal connections, it's key to a deal that both sides can accept, and not just accept but feel good about.

Devon: I don't know what we're talking about, I'm lost.

Hilary: With any arrangement or transaction, expectations need to be clear.

Devon: I'm still lost.

Hilary: There are upsides. There will be upsides, and they don't have to be the same. Or equal. One side could have more than the other, and that's okay.

Devon: Is this about your maternity leave?

Hilary: What?

Devon: Well, I know you didn't get pregnant on your first attempt, but you're not one to give up.

Hilary: Um, yeah, no, that -- that is very true.

Devon: If you're worried about us screwing you out of your maternity leave, you have nothing to worry about. I give you my word that's not gonna happen. Hr is on top of that kind of thing. And I'm not gonna slide mariah into your spot here. This is your job.

Hilary: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Devon: You're very welcome. Now, are we done? Can I go?

Hilary: I want you to be the father of my child. Uh oh.

Nikki: Nicholas, you're letting in the cold.

Nick: Right, uh... what is this, exactly?

Sharon: I missed your call, but I think I know what it's about.

Nick: Mom, you didn't need to come out here.

Nikki: What, out to your new home? What strikes me as so interesting is that the tack house, apparently, was too close for comfort, but this place is fine!

Sharon: Well, I own the house so victor's not nick's landlord, which is probably why he --

Nikki: May I talk to my son alone, please?

Sharon: I think I need to see if christian has enough blankets.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Well, at least I know why you avoided my calls.

Nick: I just needed some time to get settled in.

Nikki: Really? That's all it was?

Nick: Okay, you're right. I didn't want to feel like i need to explain myself to you. This is the best move for christian and for me.

Nikki: Honey, I'm not judging.

Nick: But you have an opinion.

Nikki: No, I have concerns. I want to make sure that you know what you're walking into.

Nick: Yeah, I got the same speech from phyllis. She even brought in victoria as a backup.

Nikki: Your sister knew?

Nick: So I've now heard three times that I'm making a very big mistake. All very passionate arguments, but I'll still here.

Nikki: Well, your father hasn't had a chance to chime in yet.

Nick: If you, vick, and phyllis didn't make a dent, he doesn't need to bother. I mean, there's no way I'm listening to him.

Devon: This is your business deal, is that you want me to make a baby with you? You know that we're divorced, right?

Hilary: Well, this isn't about love or romance.

Devon: It was like a month ago you were talking about getting back together with me.

Hilary: Okay, maybe I did. But maybe I was overwhelmed with wanting a family. Okay? That -- that is my true constant. Having a child.

Devon: With me?

Hilary: Not as much with you as by you. Okay, every time I thought about the qualities that I wanted in a donor, it sounded like you. Brains, heart, common sense, and good looks don't hurt, either. Devon, come on. You are special. You're the type of man that any woman would want to be the father of their child. And I know that. I know that not from a piece of paper. I know that from knowing you. And from admiring you and --

Devon: You don't have to keep complimenting me.

[ Sighs ] You haven't even asked me if I want to be a father.

Hilary: Well, you won't be a father, okay? Not really. You'd be a donor. Okay, once I get what I need, we can go our separate ways. No obligation. It would be a business arrangement, not a relationship. Oh! To make it official, I could even pay you the going rate.

Devon: [ Sighs ] Wow.

Victoria: I checked your office. They said you left. You didn't answer my texts.

J.T.: What, you want me to clock in and out now, maybe, uh, maybe run my schedule by you?

Victoria: No, I -- I didn't say that.

J.T.: Well, it makes sense, i mean, you know, you're the big exec, the woman in charge, and your last name's newman, so by all means, whatever you say goes.

Victoria: I'm sorry, okay? I know my father's tone was off-putting. You know how he can be.

J.T.: [ Scoffs ] That is a hell of a defense. No, your father's a condescending jerk because he's a condescending jerk. So I'm glad we cleared that up.

Victoria: Come on, it wasn't personal. I know -- I know that he respects you.

J.T.: No. No, no. Your father doesn't respect anybody. Least of all not the man in his daughter's bed.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Don't make it sound like that.

J.T.: And, by the way, he doesn't respect you, either.

Victoria: That's not true.

J.T.: Then why did he hire ashley? Because with abby in france, he needed somebody to pit you against. That way, you're always second-guessing yourself, and he can control you. See, he's got you freaked out that he's gonna replace you with ashley. Well, hell, he can get you to do whatever he wants.

Victoria: That's not how it is.

J.T.: You think you see victor for who he is, but you don'T. That's why you're always gonna be "daddy's little girl" and not a real C.E.O.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Victoria: I'll get that.

Ashley: The next time you stab somebody in the back, use a sharper knife.

Victoria: I don't know what you're talking about.

Ashley: He knows. I told victor that I gave you those documents. That's the chain of evidence. Me, you, jack. Now, I know that jack went along with it, but I'm damn sure it was your idea. Victoria, when this blows up in your face, and I know it will, I'm going to stand up and cheer.

Hilary: Take a minute.

Devon: I'm fine.

Hilary: I know that it seems like a crazy idea.

Devon: That's because it is a crazy idea.

Hilary: But when you think about it, I mean, it makes sense.

Devon: No, it doesn'T. It doesn't make any sense. You and I work together. I'm your boss, okay? And don't try to say that we're partners or colleagues or anything like that because it's not the case. You get paid by me. And we were married, and we had an ugly divorce. And there's a reason why people use anonymous sperm donors. So it keeps things uncomplicated.

Hilary: There is a reason why people would rather ask someone that they know. And respect.

Devon: You respect me?

Hilary: More than anyone i know.

Devon: And you think that i could father a child and just walk away from it?

Hilary: Not in a bad way.

Devon: The only way I would ever father a child is if i could actually be a father, all the way. You're asking me to just help you get knocked up and forget i have a kid in the world.

Hilary: Not in those terms.

Devon: You really don't know me at all. And, for the record, I'm not doing this. It's not happening.

Hilary: I am going to have a baby.

Devon: Well, I wish you luck with that.

J.T.: What the hell was ashley talking about? Why does she think you set her up?

Victoria: Ashley's just panicking. She's trying to deflect. She got caught engaging in corporate espionage. Of course she's gonna blame me because I'm the one person who's not under her spell.

J.T.: Wait, so victor is letting ashley stay on?

Victoria: For now. You know my dad. He wants more proof.

J.T.: Wait, victor throws people out the door for just looking at him the wrong way.

Victoria: Ashley could sue us for god knows what. We have to be cautious.

J.T.: No, there is no "we." This is victor, okay? He needs more proof? What, he's not willing to take his daughter's word for it? This is what I'm talking about. That's not respect, that's not trust. That's victor treating you like a pawn on a chess board. And ashley and me! You know, he throws around the word "family," but it means absolutely nothing to him.

Victoria: I don't blame my father for wanting to be cautious.

J.T.: You keep defending him, but do you think he's doing the same thing for you? Victoria, this is not how family acts. I'm your family. Me. I'm the one that you can count on. And the sooner you stand up to your father, that's when our life together will begin.

Nikki: So, you would tell me if you had any news on chelsea and connor, right?

Victor: Of course I would. She is cagier than I thought she would be, you know. The trail is cold.

Nikki: You're not giving up?

Victor: No. That's my grandson. He needs my protection.

Nikki: Yet you have no problem with christian staying with sharon.

Victor: Because he is staying at the ranch and we can keep an eye on him.

Nikki: Again, he's with sharon. Who would love nothing more than to have him call her "mommy."

Victor: That's not gonna happen.

Nikki: What about nicholas?

Victor: Well, nicholas is staying at the ranch, as well, so I think that he, uh, may need our protection, as well. He may not like it, but I think he now does more than ever.

Nikki: What do you mean?

Sharon: Oh, no! I didn't get to tell nikki goodbye.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I really did want to give you a heads up first, but she beat me here.

Sharon: Yes, she did, and she just marched right in.

Nick: And you guys had tea?

Sharon: Well, we start going at it, and I am so tired of the fighting, so I boiled some water and, yes, we had tea.

Nick: So, there's a truce, then?

Sharon: More of an impasse. She didn't change my mind, and didn't change hers, but we didn't break any china, so i guess that's progress.

Nick: Yeah, everyone's got an opinion on this. Mom, vick, phyllis... I'm sure I'll hear from my dad soon. You know, maybe I should just move out before my dad bulldozes this place.

Sharon: You can go if that's what you feel you need to do. There's no pressure either way. This is your choice.

Nick: You know, this morning, I went into faith's room, and she was just hanging out on her bed, laughing with christian, you know, chatting. Christian was sort of chatting. But there was this sense of relief, you know? I mean, yeah, his life's been turned upside-down, he's lost a lot, but not everything, you know? He still has faith. He's got me.

Sharon: And you have us.

Nick: You're a good friend. We've been through a lot, but we're here.

Sharon: We are.

Nick: That's what my mom doesn't get. After everything... we can be friends.

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