Y&R Transcript Monday 3/5/18
Episode #11354 ~ J.T. plays with fire; Victoria makes a move against Ashley; Sharon comes to Nick's rescue.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Dina: Jackie, please! Help me!
Ashley: Dina was gonna be in bordeaux for a couple days visiting an old friend?
Jack: What? Alone?
Ashley: No, she had her nurse with her, jack. Apparently, they got separated at the train station.
Jack: She could be anywhere!
Ashley: We have no clue how we're gonna find her.
Victoria: That watermark signifies that you could have only gotten that information from one person -- your sister. My father will have no choice but to fire the traitor.
Jack: Everything is handled on my end. My interview comes out tomorrow.
Victoria: Let's hope that the editor kept in the quotes about newman. Otherwise, I'll have no way of making it look like ashley's spilling company secrets.
Nick: You know, if the offer still stands, I think I'll, uh, take you up on it.
Sharon: Of course it still stands! You can move in tonight if you want to!
[ Doorbell rings ]
Phyllis: Nick? It's me.
Sharon: Welcome home!
Nick: Oh, thanks. Hope you're ready for us and all our stuff.
Sharon: Wait a minute. You have one bag?
Nick: Well, that one is mine. Christian's got like 20 more in the car.
Sharon: Oh!
Faith: You're moving in!
Nick: Yeah. You happy about that?
Faith: It's the best! I get to see you and christian for breakfast and dinner and before I go to bed. You're home. [ Squeals ]
Nick: Yep.
Ashley: Abby. Stop blaming yourself. You've done everything you can. You've spoken to the nurse. Okay, well, at least try to close your eyes. I love you, too.
Jack: What's that about the nurse?
Ashley: She's back in paris from bordeaux.
Jack: Oh, good, I'd like to talk to her, find out how a licensed professional could leave an impaired elderly woman alone in a train station.
Ashley: Abby has already questioned her extensively, as have the authorities.
Jack: And they've determined what?
Ashley: They arrived in bordeaux. The nurse went to go get a porter to get their luggage. She told dina to stay put. She came back a few minutes later, and dina had disappeared.
Jack: The nurse left her alone! Our mother has alzheimer's! What was she thinking?
Ashley: It could have happened to you or me!
Jack: No, I would not leave her alone!
Ashley: You know how mother is these days, jack. One second, she seems totally competent and in control, and then the next... abby said the nurse is so upset, she can't stop crying.
Jack: Well, you will forgive me if I find no comfort there. Our mother is lost and alone in a foreign country. We don't know if she can remember her name, much less how to get in touch with us. Ash, what if...
Victor: Sweetheart, are you expecting someone?
Victoria: Just making sure that ashley's not lurking around.
Victor: Ashley won't be in today. She's dealing with some family emergency.
Victoria: Mm, spilling more of our secrets to her brother, no doubt.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Victor: Excuse me.
Victoria: Is it something urgent?
Victor: No, this is my chief investigator. He's hiring more detectives trying to find chelsea and connor. Nicholas may have given up on that search, but I haven'T.
Victoria: Dad, I know that you had high hopes for ashley, but this article is just proof that she was sent to newman to spy on us for jabot.
Victor: Sweetheart, isn't that reaching a little far?
Victoria: Is it? She has a huge blow-up with her brother. She's so angry and she's so outraged that she quits working for her family company. But she continues to live in the abbott household. If she's so mad at jack, why would she continue living under the same roof?
Victor: Because jack and ashley are both looking out for their mother.
Victoria: Who is long gone, happily residing in europe. Dad, it's not as if ashley can't afford to move out. Well, what do you think of the article?
Victor: It's an article touting jack.
Victoria: And ashley, and blundon's, that brash & sassy acquired, thanks to her.
Victor: A couple of mentions about similar products that jabot has.
Victoria: Our acquisition is not public knowledge.
Victor: You know how it goes with leaks.
Victoria: Dad, who else besides ashley would have leaked this to her brother?
Victor: Well, anyone in legal or some assistant who was aware of the purchase.
Victoria: No, neither anyone in legal or any of our assistants were privy to the plans that jack talked about in that article. There were only three people that had access to that information -- myself, you, and ashley. I didn't leak that information to jack. Did you?
Victor: J.T., Kindly come to victoria's office, okay? I've got an assignment for you.
Faith: Ta-da!
Sharon: Oh, wow! That is just a beautiful sign, sweetie.
Faith: It's a surprise.
Sharon: Yeah, I can see that, and I had no idea.
Nick: I definitely wasn't expecting that.
Sharon: When did you have time to make it? We just found that your father and christian were moving in last night.
Faith: I knocked it out right after school today. Do you like it, dad?
Nick: Faith, I love it.
Sharon: And I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment. You and christian are welcome to stay as long as you need.
Mariah: Hey, guys! Hi, christian! I'm so glad to see that you're moving in. Nick, please don't be a bathroom hog.
Nick: I will try and restrain myself.
Mariah: Well, I guess it doesn't matter 'cause this is just temporary anyway. So, where do you think you're gonna move after here? A house or another condo?
Sharon: They just got here.
Nick: No, it's fine. We don't have any plans, you know, just trying to make an easy transition for my kids.
Mariah: I'm really sorry about chelsea taking off with connor. That must have been really hard.
Nick: Thanks. Yeah, but, you know, we're pulling through.
Sharon: Um, faith, will you show christian around a little?
Faith: Sure!
Sharon: Yeah.
Faith: Okay.
Mariah: You sure you're okay with the munchkin moving in with you?
Faith: Yeah!
Sharon: And you understand what we discussed? Your father and I are just friends, it's not like last time.
Faith: I got it, mom. You guys are not gonna be sharing the same room. What am I, like, 5? Come on, christian.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: Our little girl is not so little anymore.
Sharon: Sadly, no. So, um, what do you want for dinner?
Nick: Uh, I don't know, whatever. I mean, we could even order pizza if you don't want to go to any trouble.
Sharon: Um, you know what, i enjoy taking care of people, you know that.
Mariah: Well, if nick doesn't want to do a big huge meal, you know, we don'T...
Sharon: No, it wouldn't be huge or a big deal, you know, just something comfortable and homemade.
Nick: Well, that actually sounds great.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, sorry. It's a work thing.
Sharon: Oh. Is everything okay?
Nick: Yeah, it's not a big deal. No, no, no, no, no! Hey. Leave that. I'll, uh -- I'll move that when I get the rest of our stuff out of the car.
Sharon: Oh, it's no problem. Here.
Nick: No, no, sharon. Come on. You're letting us stay here. I don't want you to go to any extra trouble. Just leave it, okay?
Sharon: Whatever makes you happy.
Mariah: So, how did you convince nick that moving in was a good idea after all?
Sharon: He made that decision all on his own, and it was a good one. This works really well for all of us.
Mariah: Yeah, but it's, uh... it's sending weird messages to faith. And to you.
Sharon: What kind of weird message would it send to faith to have her father and her brother living here? Besides, nick and I have worked very hard to become friends again.
Mariah: And that's it? You have no expectations beyond that?
Sharon: [ Scoffs ] Why would I? We've been divorced for years. This is as simple as a friend of mine who's in need of support.
Mariah: Okay. Keep telling yourself that.
Sharon: Helping people is what I do, you know, it's what i study. That's why I volunteer on the hotline. It's who I am.
Mariah: Which is why this is dangerous for you. Because you lead with your heart, and then you get all giddy and sappy, just like faith is right now, and... "yay! Daddy and christian are coming to live with us!" But that glow of hers, that's gonna be gone as soon christian fingerpaints on her favorite boy band poster.
Sharon: Okay, we'll deal with that if and when that happens.
Mariah: Yeah, and you're gonna make it work, no matter how bad it gets so they'll stay here longer and longer, and you'll get more invested, and you'll get into that role of being christian's mom again and nick's shoulder to cry on, and then you're gonna start doing weird stuff, like stalking his new girlfriend. Okay, to be fair, that last part was kind of more me than you. But you get the point.
Sharon: Yes, I do. And thank you for looking out for me. Now, if you want to be a really big help, you will go to crimson lights and get us a yummy dessert.
Mariah: You're ignoring me.
Sharon: I am reassuring you that everything's gonna work out.
Mariah: Okay, fine, but if you get that big heart of yours busted up, I'm gonna have to hurt somebody.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] I love you, too. Nick likes peach pie.
Mariah: Really? Okay.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: Victoria thinks that ashley has come to our company to spy for jabot.
J.T.: Because of what jack said in this article?
Victoria: While I see dad's point that jack could have received that information from someone on the inside, ashley is his sister, and she's still living with him, even though they're supposed to be estranged.
J.T.: Well, it is suspicious.
Victor: That's what I think, yeah. So why don't you do some investigating and then apprise only me and victoria of the results, all right? Under no circumstances do I want ashley to get wind of this investigation, okay?
J.T.: You sure about this?
Victoria: We need answers.
J.T.: Even if it means declaring an all-out war with ashley?
Victoria: I'm aware that you think I can be paranoid.
J.T.: Yeah. When it comes to ashley, yeah.
Victoria: But I'm not wrong about this. That information was leaked, and ashley is the only possible source, and you're gonna confirm that. And if it means that ashley and I go to war, then I don't plan on losing.
J.T.: Okay, then I'm with you. I'll start my investigation right away.
Jack: Let's work together and try to get inside mother's head to figure out what she's thinking.
Ashley: Okay. We know this much -- abby's been really busy in paris at the brash & sassy offices --
Jack: Yeah, too busy to look after her own grandmother.
Ashley: Jack, that's not fair!
Jack: I'm sorry. So mother is bored and restless in paris.
Ashley: Mother told abby that she wanted to see more of her beloved friends, so abby okayed a two-day trip to bordeaux.
Jack: What are her favorite places in bordeaux?
Ashley: Assuming strolling the river and walking the vineyards. Abby's already given her complete itinerary to the authorities.
Jack: Yeah, a fat lot of good that's done us.
Ashley: You know what, you've got to stop blaming abby. Dina had her primary nurse with her. Abby arranged for local nurses to be available on-hand if needed in bordeaux. This whole trip was planned out carefully, thoughtfully!
Jack: Unless you're dealing with a disease that plays by its own set of rules. That's what alzheimer's does, and none of us, including abby in whom we entrusted our mother's care, can afford to forget that.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Ashley: It's from abby.
Jack: Do they know where mother is?
Ashley: Checked the entire train station. The police say they can't find her anywhere.
Jack: And?
Ashley: Apparently they think she could have gone on another train, jack.
Jack: Where? Do they have security camera footage?
Ashley: It's gonna take a while to find that out because, from bordeaux, the trains go off all over europe, so she could be in madrid, she could be in rome, she could have gotten on a train and she's on her way back to paris.
Jack: So she's not just lost in bordeaux. She could be anywhere in europe.
Victoria: You found something?
J.T.: So, I used some software to access ashley's computer remotely. But there's no indication that she's passing secrets to jack.
Victoria: Well, ashley's smart enough to cover her tracks and not leave a cyber trail.
J.T.: Right, so I went to jabot's computers, tried hacking into them, but I couldn't get past the firewall.
Victoria: There's no surprise there, either. They recently had a situation where billy was spying on jabot for brash & sassy.
J.T.: Your idea?
Victoria: Well, let's just say that jack's beefed up his online security since then.
J.T.: Well, that leaves me out of cyber options.
Victoria: All right, well, then I guess you're gonna have to spy the old-fashioned way.
J.T.: Oh, ms. Newman, are you suggesting that I...?
Victoria: Ah, ah, ah! The less I know, the less I can testify to.
J.T.: Like I would ever get caught. You wound me. Prepare to be impressed.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Jack: Uh, this isn't a good time.
Victoria: I just wanted to make sure you're not in your office right now.
Jack: I'm not. Gloria would be, though.
Victoria: Well, can you send her home?
Jack: Uh, I'll text her right now.
Victoria: After she leaves, is there anyone else who might be around?
Jack: The place will be empty. Got to go.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Sharon: Did mariah leave her phone here?
Faith: No, it's dad'S.
Sharon: Oh. I wonder who's calling.
Faith: It's phyllis. I'll take it up to him.
Sharon: Oh, sweetie, just, uh, send it to voicemail. Your dad's upstairs unpacking and getting christian settled in.
Faith: Okay.
Sharon: Yeah.
Phyllis: Mariah. Hi. I'm looking for nick. Do you know where he is?
Mariah: Why are you asking?
Phyllis: Well, I went to chelsea's, he's not there, and he's not returning my phone calls. Where's sharon?
Mariah: Home.
Phyllis: Why is that woman never around when I need her? But if there is anyone who would know where he is...
Mariah: Hang up. Nick and christian moved out of the penthouse.
Phyllis: Where to? Okay, if you think you're gonna spill some great secret, you will not. I will track him down.
Mariah: How?
Phyllis: Process of elimination. I know that he would not move back in with his parents. There's too much victor in that equation. Same goes for moving back into the tack house. He wouldn't give his father a chance to toss him out again. He's not gonna stay at victoria's 'cause she's got a full house right now. So that leaves the athletic club, so... I imagine he checked in there. Am I right?
Mariah: You're thinking more logical and sensible. You need to aim for... something more catastrophic.
Phyllis: Sharon's?
Mariah: Mm-hmm. She invited him and christian to move in with us. Even though I tried desperately to talk her out of it.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] And of course she did not listen.
Mariah: Nope.
Phyllis: Well, she will when she hears what I have to say.
Mariah: What --
allergies with sinus
congestion and pressure?
Ashley: Jack, maybe we're overreacting. She called us. Mother still has her phone.
Jack: If she hasn't had her phone stolen yet.
Ashley: Jack! Maybe it ran out of battery! And you know how impatient she is about those things.
Jack: Oh, yeah, she can't stand for that.
Ashley: She would grab somebody and say, "plug in my damn phone!"
Jack: Or get her a new phone.
Ashley: Yes, and then she would have called us and demanded first class passage back home.
Jack: Ash, I know you don't want to hear this. What if she's so far along she doesn't remember what a phone is for?
Ashley: No. I don't accept that. No.
Jack: We have to consider that possibility.
Ashley: I don't think she's that far gone.
Jack: She's alone, she's frightened, she's confused...
Ashley: Our mother is still strong, and she's still fierce, jack.
Jack: She was anything but fiery in that video call yesterday. You heard her, she was scared. The last words she said were, and I can't get these out of my head... "jackie, help me." I know you're trying to be positive, I --
Ashley: Our mother has always been so independent. Now she's in this hell. We're all in this hell with her.
[ Sighs ] God, jack, when she came back to town, I -- I didn't expect it, but I didn't expect her to be bringing this horrible disease with her, either, jack. I thought at this time in my life, I'd be worried about my daughter or my grandchildren, not helicoptering my mother.
Jack: And, somehow, here we are.
Ashley: Yeah. Parenting our parent.
Jack: You know, with kids, at least there are stages, you know? Teething, crawling, walking. There's a system. With alzheimer's, you don't know where her mind is gonna go next. I mean, she's scared and confused and in some ditch? Or are all the synapses going off and she's counting cards at a blackjack table in monaco?
Ashley: There's a lot of good people out there, jack. Maybe somebody's gonna help her.
Jack: That's what we're left with, depending on the kindness of strangers. You know, I'm tempted to just gas up the company jet and head there myself.
Ashley: And, what, scour every inch of europe on your own?
Jack: I'm gonna do whatever it takes.
J.T.: [ Clears throat ]
Victoria: Oh! I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. I thought you'd be, you know, wearing a turtleneck sweater and a knit cap.
J.T.: Well, that's because you're an amateur. Although, I do intend on getting in and out of jabot without anybody seeing me. But just in case, you know, a security camera or something picks me up, I'll look like i belong there. But if you want me to wear a burglar outfit when I get home, that can be arranged.
Victoria: That's so sexy.
J.T.: Yeah?
> Victoria: Yeah. [ Giggles ]
J.T.: All right, well, if we keep doing that, I'm not gonna be able to finish my job, so...
Victoria: Are you sure that you can get past jabot's security guards and their alarm system? Because if you're nervous at all or if you're having second thoughts or any doubts, then let's just not do this, okay?
J.T.: Oh, come on. I live for this.
Victoria: All right, then. Stick to the plan. Stay invisible.
J.T.: Yeah, well, if anybody sees me, they're just gonna think I own the building anyway. Okay, so all I need from you...
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
J.T.: ...Is some champagne and some more of those kisses when I get back.
Victoria: Okay.
J.T.: Okay.
Victoria: Looking forward to it, in more ways than one.
J.T.: Mm-hmm. Wish me luck.
Christian: That squirrel's not gonna fly.
Nick: Yeah.
Mariah: Hey, guys. I brought dessert. And a guest.
Phyllis: Hey, nick. I've been trying to reach you.
Nick: Oh, hey.
Mariah: I'm gonna go put this in the kitchen.
Faith: Hey, phyllis.
Phyllis: Hi! How's everybody doing?
Sharon: Oh, we were just relaxing with a movie.
Nick: Yeah, uh, sorry, we were just getting settled in here -- did you call?
Faith: Yeah, she did. But mom told me to send it to voicemail.
Sharon: I completely forgot about that. Sweetie, would you take christian to...
Faith: To wash his hands for dinner?
Sharon: Yeah.
Faith: Sure. Come on, buddy. Okay.
Sharon: Nick left his phone down here while he was bringing bags upstairs, but there's no need to worry. As you can see, everything is great here.
Phyllis: Hey, can we talk for a minute?
Sharon: Actually, we were just about to have dinner, and i would invite you to stay, but i didn't make enough for guests.
Phyllis: That's all right. I don't really have an appetite.
[ Oven timer dings ]
Sharon: Oh! Dinner's ready.
Nick: Okay, I'll be there in a second.
Sharon: Okay.
Nick: Hey, I really am sorry I missed your call. What'd you need?
Phyllis: Yeah, I was just checking on you. From what I'm seeing, I was right to be concerned.
Nick: We're fine.
Phyllis: Look, I get it, you know, having to move out and assess things after chelsea took off with connor, but, I mean, this... moving in here? I mean, that's like a huge mistake. Chelsea's been gone for five minutes, and you move in with your ex-wife?
Nick: Look, this move is not about me, okay? It's for my kids. It's good for faith, it is great for christian. I'll worry about fixing myself later, okay? If the only thing I accomplish today is to provide a warm and happy, healthy home, courtesy of sharon, then I'll take the victory.
Sharon: Sorry to interrupt, but since the idea was for you to get to spend more quality time with the kids... dinner's ready. It was nice seeing you, phyllis.
Nick: See ya.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Victoria: I'm in the middle of something. I'm gonna have to call you back.
Phyllis: Don't hang up. This is about your brother.
Victoria: Is nick okay?
Phyllis: Well, he nearly went from marrying a con woman to shacking back up with his ex-wife.
Victoria: He's moved in with sharon?
Phyllis: I know that he has had a tough time, but this just takes selective amnesia up a few notches. It's like nick has forgotten that sharon is the one who kept christian away from him for all those months.
Victoria: You spoke to him?
Phyllis: I did my best to convince him that this is not the way to go, but he wouldn't listen to me. So I'm hoping he will listen to his sister.
Victoria: I'll give him a call later.
Phyllis: If you give sharon a few more hours to sink her claws in... it won't be good. You need to get to nick now.
Victoria: I don't know...
Phyllis: Whatever it is you're doing, it is not more important than looking out for your brother.
Gloria: Yeah, no, I really was going to be on time for once, mikey! You know how much I enjoy being treated to dinner by you and lauren. But I forgot my reading glasses. Now, how can I order the most expensive thing if I can't read the menu? Just -- mikey, just order me a drink. I'll be there in a flash.
[ Sighs ] Ugh.
[ Cellphone rings ] What is it now, mikey? A martini, of course. No, no, no. Make it a dirty one. No, I haven't found my dumb glasses. You know something, maybe they're in jack's office. You know, sometimes when I'm updating his calendar, I, uh -- or I, uh...
[ Chuckles ] I found them. Oh, mikey, I'll be right there.
J.T.: [ Scoffs ]
Sharon: Uh, so, let me guess. Phyllis.
Victoria: I'm glad she called.
Nick: She's overreacting.
Victoria: Maybe, but it made me curious enough to come and see it for myself. I'm sorry I've been so busy at work.
Sharon: You know what, why don't you two chat? Victoria, stay as long as you like.
Victoria: Thank you. How are you doing?
Nick: It's been a rough few days since my world imploded.
Victoria: And this is your solution?
Nick: I had to get out of chelsea'S.
Victoria: I know, I get that, but moving here?
Nick: Vick, I thought about moving into the athletic club. But ever since chelsea took off with connor, christian just keeps looking for them. You know, if we move into some one-room place at the club, it doesn't solve anything. Here, he's got mariah, faith, people he knows and loves. He's got stability, he's distracted, and not to mention, like, a home-cooked meal.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Oh, well, hello, little man. How are you doing?
Nick: What's going on? Oh!
Victoria: Wow, he is looking more and more like you every day.
Mariah: Hey, victoria, we were just about to get dessert ready. Do you want to stay?
Victoria: Um...
Nick: It's peach pie.
Victoria: Well, that's a little hard to resist, so yes.
[ Laughter ]
J.T.: Victoria? Hey, I got the file, just like you predicted! Victoria!
Victoria: Thank you.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Nick: Ooh, I love peach pie.
[ Laughter ]
Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry, everyone, I'm gonna have to take a rain check on the pie. I got to get going.
Nick: Is it work?
Victoria: No, I got to get home.
Nick: Well, aren't your kids at mom's?
Victoria: Yeah, did she send you that adorable picture with them all making slime?
Sharon: Yeah, that was so cute!
Victoria: Yeah.
Nick: Well, if they're staying the night at mom's, then you don't need to rush home, right?
Victoria: I'm just, um... I'm seizing the day.
Sharon: Quality time with J.T.
Victoria: Yeah, we got to grab it while we can. But this was great. Thank you.
Sharon: You should come over again sometime. You're welcome anytime you want.
Victoria: Yeah, oh, thank you. I will. Definitely. I'll see you later.
Nick: See ya.
Ashley: Do you feel better now that you've got a team of private investigators involved?
Jack: Yeah, maybe between them and the police... we can't do anything more here.
Ashley: Nothing. And abby's been in constant contact with the authorities there. We can't do anything more from here, jack.
Jack: Crazy to think we trusted abby to look after our mother.
Ashley: Jack.
Jack: I should have trusted my gut and never let traci take her to paris.
Ashley: Dina was not happy here, and you saw for yourself how happy she was in europe. We talk to her every single day.
Jack: It goes back to what you said. We're the parents now. We have to parent her. And what's the first thing we did? We sent a woman who's lost her skills for coping halfway around the world and expected abby to do in paris what you and i couldn't do in tandem here in genoa city.
Ashley: We were starting to, jack.
Jack: Did we keep her from hurting nikki? Did we keep her from burning down the underground?
Ashley: No.
Jack: Look, I know abby loves her grandmother. I'm so grateful for that. But we're her children. It's our job to keep her safe, and we failed. I failed.
[ Door slams ]
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Hey. What happened? I was looking forward to you all decked out in your burglar duds.
J.T.: Well, maybe if you'd been here when I finished the job...
Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry. I had to --
J.T.: This was your idea. Is it too much for me to ask that you be here, like you promised, to hear the results? Not to mention the risks I took. I could have been arrested. I thought this was important to you.
Victoria: It is! Look, I had my phone with me. If anything would have happened, I could have fixed it.
J.T.: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: And obviously you didn't have any trouble. What? Come on.
J.T.: Well, you know, you, uh, were so anxious to confirm your suspicions about ashley, you haven't even asked me if I found the proof.
Victoria: Well, obviously i want to know. I'm so sorry. I got distracted. Nick was having some drama of his own, and... so, tell me, did you find anything?
J.T.: Hmm...
Victoria: You are amazing!
[ Sighs ] Where was it?
J.T.: Locked in jack's desk drawer. Only accessible using his thumbprint.
Victoria: Wow, you cracked that?
J.T.: It wasn't that difficult. To be honest, I'm a little surprised jack made this file so easy to find.
Victoria: I mean, you're just good at what you do. I would love to hear how you faked jack's thumbprint, but first, show me what you found.
Jack: Thank you, madame ambassador. We are so grateful. Goodbye. The ambassador's gonna get in touch with her contacts in bordeaux. That should help.
Ashley: Unless mother left bordeaux hours ago.
[ Computer pings ] It's a video call.
Jack: It's probably abby. Mother?
Dina: Hello!
Ashley: How are you? We've been so worried about you!
Dina: Why?
Jack: Well, yesterday, you -- never mind. Where are you?
Dina: Well, I'm not sure, but I do know last night I spent it on a bench. But then this very nice man brought me here.
Jack: What man?
Dina: Uh, I'm -- I'm not sure.
Ashley: What language did the man speak? Was it french, german?
Hello there. She's in london.
Dina: Yes!
I'm susan wade. I work in social services. We found your mum on a park bench and brought her here. She's being looked after.
Jack: Thank you.
Ashley: Thank you so much.
Jack: Thank you very much. That is wonderful news.
Ashley: We're so grateful to you, thank you.
Jack: Where exactly are you?
Ashley: And, please, don't let our mother out of your sight for one second.
Dina: You know, you two look awful. You should get some sleep.
Nick: You know, I never thought I'd see the day when mariah volunteered to help faith with her homework.
Sharon: Yeah. It's the routine now. I mean, it took a while, but mariah finally realized we're her family and we love her.
Nick: Nah, you did that, sharon. You earned her trust.
Sharon: Mm. Well, the girls are up in mariah's room, so if christian's ready to go down for the night, they won't disturb him.
Nick: Dude's wired. He's not gonna be down I'd say till midnight.
Sharon: Oh, gosh. Will he sleep in in the morning?
Nick: No, no, he's gonna be up at dawn.
Sharon: Oh.
Nick: Yeah, so we'll be dealing with a cranky, whiny, tired little toddler all day.
Sharon: I might have a remedy for that. When he used to live here, when he was a baby, I would hum to him.
Nick: Oh, like you did with faith and noah?
Sharon: It didn't work quite as well with them.
Nick: Right, 'cause noah covered his ears and faith would cry.
Sharon: I have improved since then. It seemed to calm this little man down. I know he's older now, but it's worth a try.
Nick: Sure. Give it a shot.
Sharon: Hey. Come here.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
how I wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
twinkle, twinkle, little star
how I wonder what you are
Nick: Thanks for everything, you know, for me and christian today.
Sharon: Mm.
Ashley: Call me as soon as you get there. Okay. All right, abby is jumping on the first train to london. I gave her all the contact information for british social services.
Jack: No offense to abby, I'm not leaving this up to her. I just called for the jabot jet. I am headed to london right now.
Ashley: Why don't you just meet them in paris?
Jack: Have abby stay put until I get there. Once I am reunited with our mother, I am not taking her back to paris. I'm bringing her home where she belongs.
Ashley: Okay. Safe trip.
[ Sighs ]
Victor: What is so urgent that it couldn't wait till tomorrow?
Victoria: This. J.T. Found it. It's information on newman enterprises.
J.T.: Watermarked with ashley's designation.
Victor: Where'd you find this?
J.T.: At jabot, locked in jack's desk drawer.
Victoria: It's proof, dad. Ashley's been funneling secrets to jack. I know that this is a disappoint to you. It's a terrible betrayal, but she's left you no choice. You have to fire Ashley.
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