Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/20/17

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/20/17


Episode  #11304 ~ Lily questions Hilary's motives; Cane receives promising news; Billy and Phyllis examine their relationship.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nikki: It was me! I embezzled the money from your father.

Victor: I can make all this go away if you come back to this house and our marriage.

Hilary: I'm sorry that lily's having a hard time coping. I know she'll come around. Just give her some time.

Abby: You're gonna follow through with the divorce?

Lily: I think I have to.

Traci: I vote jack stays.

Phyllis: I, too.

Lauren: I vote that jack stays.

Abby: No confidence.

Billy: No confidence.

Ashley: No confidence.

Jack: I knew he would come through.

Traci: Kyle?

Jack: No confidence.

Gloria: You've been voted out, jack.

Phyllis: Don't do it.

Billy: Don't do what, make our house all festive for our first legitimate christmas together?

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Yeah. No. That's not what you're doing. I know you're wondering how you can sneak some coal into my stocking.

Billy: Sneak coal into where?

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Look, I know you're acting all "ho, ho, ho," but I know it's eating you alive that I actually believe jack is the person to lead jabot. That's exactly why I voted for him.

Billy: Okay. All right. We're gonna do this, aren't we?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Billy: Okay, let's do this. I think the reason for your vote, and I'm just spitballing here, is not so much about your faith in jack's mad skills but more about this underlining guilt you have for falling in love with his sexier younger brother. That's really why you threw your ex a bone that he doesn't deserve.

Phyllis: It really bothers you that I think jack is good at what he does. Okay, I have some guilt lingering, okay? But you, my love, you have some jealousy lingering...

Billy: No, no. Phyllis, it's not about that.

Phyllis: Yes, you do.

Billy: No, it's not. You heard ashley in there, okay? Jack is overextended. He doesn't have his priorities straight, and we're not gonna just walk away. We're gonna have to -- unh-unh! Nope! No, no! No! I'm not doing this. I'm not -- I'm not gonna argue with you.

Phyllis: Because you know I'm right.

Billy: No. No. It's because I'm not gonna allow anything outside that door, whether it's work or family or anything come in here... and mess with what we have.

Phyllis: No. No, we're not.

Jack: Kyle, it's dad again.

[ Sighs ] Listen, I just want to talk to you. I want to know why you voted against me. I'm gonna keep trying to call, so call me back, okay? Take care, son.

Ashley: Looks like you've been busy. Jack. You know, it's okay if you just took a step aside and not worry about the files. Focus on yourself. Focus on our mother. I understand. It's got to be very difficult for you to accept, but now that the board voted no confidence, it means you're not C.E.O. So why don't you just --

Jack: Just what? Let it go? Just let it go? Is that it? That's not gonna happen, ash. As far as I'm concerned, it's business as usual.

Devon: Hey, thank you again for letting me use this place.

Sharon: Of course!

Devon: I really wanted the toy drop-off location to be somewhere that was warm and festive and put people in the giving spirit, you know?

Sharon: Well, that's what it's all about.

Devon: This is gonna make a difference for a lot of less privileged kids.

Sharon: I'm happy to help. Let me know if there's anything else I can do.

Devon: Well, I appreciate it. I know we're gonna put a lot of smiles on people's faces christmas day.

Hilary: You most certainly are.

Devon: Hey! She comes bearing gifts.

Hilary: Yeah, I heard about what you guys were doing, so i picked up a few things.

Devon: Geez. Sure you didn't buy the whole store?

Hilary: Well, I'm just doing my little part, and -- oh! To get the word out, I also posted about the toy drive on the gc buzz website. I sent a blast out to all of my followers, and I'll be promoting it later today on my show.

Devon: Wow. You're really going all out.

Hilary: Well, it's a feel-good story. That's our thing, now that we're partnered with jabot.

Sharon: Very lucky for the kids. And lucky for you, because this will no doubt give you the positive publicity that you so desperately need.

Hilary: There is nothing wrong with that, right? As long as it's in the holiday spirit.

Sharon: If you say so.

Hilary: But why is it so impossible for you to believe that I can think of someone other than myself?

Cane: Yeah, I just saw the updated projections. Hey, talia, that's my other line, all right? I have to call you back. Doctor? It's cane ashby here. Is, uh... is this about sam? Is he okay?

[ Doorbell rings ]

Victor: I've been expecting you. Welcome back.

Hilary: And there we have it.

Sharon: Let's hope your giving mood is contagious.

Hilary: Um, I'm gonna head out, but before I go, can I get a skim milk peppermint latte to go?

Sharon: I'm gonna get right on that.

Hilary: Mm. Just so you know...

Devon: Yeah.

Hilary: I made it very clear to all of my staff and my crew that I expect all of them to donate, as well. So between them and my loyal viewers, I think you'll have a lot more presents coming in.

Devon: Well, I really appreciate that, and I know the kids will, too.

Hilary: And you should always let me know when you're doing stuff like this, okay? Because I can let my viewers know. I ask them, they deliver.

Devon: You got it. Look at you, getting all worked up about doing nice things these days. I don't know if it's because of jack and the new direction of the show, but it's a nice fit for you, this positive energy.

Hilary: Well, thank you. And thank you for not assuming that I have ulterior motives. Okay? Sometimes it feels good, you know, to do something nice for someone else. Okay, I guess -- I guess I am selfish because I like the way it feels.

Devon: There's nothing wrong with that, though.

Hilary: And I know that this is a really important cause for you because of how you grew up and everything.

Devon: Yeah, I mean, for me, most christmases came and went because the people I was with either couldn't afford it or didn't care. Which is why I want to make sure that these kids know that there is somebody out there looking out for them and their hardworking parents. I don't know how many people we're gonna reach, but we're gonna try like hell.

Hilary: So they feel the magic, like santa picked something out just for them.

Devon: Exactly.

Sharon: Here you go.

Hilary: Thank you.

Devon: That's on me.

Hilary: Thank you.

Devon: Sure.

Hilary: Okay, well, I have to run. I have one more gift to drop off to a very special little man. Sam.

Sharon: Cane's son.

Hilary: Mm-hmm. That one is -- he's such a charmer. He's so tiny, but he's so precious, and I swear to god, i had no idea how tiny little baby fingernails are. What?

Sharon: Nothing.

Devon: I'll get the door for you.

Hilary: Okay. Merry, merry, everyone!

Ashley: The board has made its decision, and you are no longer C.E.O., Jack. Now, obviously you're still gonna have a major role to play in the company, but as far as being its leader, you've got to stand down.

Jack: It's my company.

Ashley: It's not your company. It's never been just your company, it's a family company.

Jack: And who the hell has been running this company all these years, making a success of it?

Ashley: Oh, news flash -- jabot has been successful in the past without you as C.E.O., And it will be again.

Jack: You seem awfully certain of that -- I'm not willing to take that risk.

Ashley: It didn't work. You couldn't pull it off. You couldn't run the company from home and take care of mother. It was impossible.

Jack: According to you.

Ashley: Well, and the majority of the board, okay? Something had to give, jack.

Jack: So, what, I'm supposed to just shove mother aside or just forget about our father's legacy? That's not gonna happen.

Ashley: The board made its decision.

Jack: Yes, because you forced the issue. And why? Was it jealousy, or just more resentment?

Ashley: It didn't work, jack. It was too much for you.

Jack: Who the hell are you to decide that? I have been running this company for years without anyone looking over my shoulder. I will continue to do that, thank you very much.

Ashley: It's too late. What you need to do now is allow jabot to have the leadership that it deserves.

Jack: I'm not having any part of this conversation. Oh, you're in charge of mother.

Ashley: Where the hell are you going?

Jack: Anywhere you're not.

Ashley: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: So, I've been playing phone tag with victoria, but we haven't connected yet. This isn't really the kind of news one can put into a text.

Victor: You mean that you're home?

Nikki: Mm. And why. That would be key.

Victor: Well, victoria's on a business trip. I'm sure she'll be very happy to hear that her parents have gotten back together.

Nikki: Well, that's a very generous way of putting it.

Victor: How else would you put it?

Nikki: Well, I'm not sure, considering the choice was either prison or the ranch.

Victor: That's one way of interpreting it, yeah.

Nikki: You are enjoying this.

Victor: Well, you should enjoy it, as well, you know? I mean... you came here for the tree lighting and for thanksgiving, and now you don't need an excuse to be here for christmas.

Nikki: How thoughtful of you to plan ahead. And kind of you to not have me arrested.

Victor: Yes, well... you embezzled funds, you stole from me. I could have thrown you to the wolves, but I prefer to have you here.

Nikki: Yes, it's much more entertaining for you to keep me on my toes, isn't it?

Victor: Well, we are starting a new chapter of our lives, and redefining our relationship. All you have to do is accept the new normal, and everything will be fine. My dad'S.

Cane: All right, your timing is perfect because I just got great news, and I want to share it with someone.

Hilary: Okay.

Cane: I spoke to the doctor, and he said that sam is gonna be coming home before the new year.

Hilary: Oh, cane, that is fantastic news, and poetic, as well, because it's a new year, and it's the start of sam's new life at home with his dad. What? Why do people keep looking at me like that today? As if I have two heads.

Cane: You know, um, when you think about it, it's kind of -- it's interesting that, you know, you're here cheering me on, and I'm grateful for it, you know? It's bizarre, but it'S... it's kind of bizarre in a good way.

Hilary: I guess life is full of surprises.

Cane: Yeah.

Hilary: Just like...this bag.

Cane: Mm. And what is in this bag?

Hilary: Presents for sam.

[ Chuckles ]

Cane: Really?

Hilary: Yes. I wrapped it all separately so, you know, I still have time to return it if there's anything that you don't approve of.

Cane: All right. Oh!

Hilary: Okay, see, that one i wasn't too sure about because it's preemie size, but how long are they officially a preemie?

Cane: It's adorable. Ah!

Hilary: And they say it's never too early to start reading to babies.

Cane: This is very true. Okay.

Hilary: And those, I just -- I loved the colors. So you need to take pictures when he's playing with them, okay?

Cane: Well, uh, you know that he won't be playing with these for a while, right?

Hilary: Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, I know. I know. [ Chuckles ]

Cane: Uh-huh.

Hilary: How long is a while?

Cane: Months. Actually, uh, quite a few months.

Hilary: I'm sorry.

Cane: No, no. It's all right. When he does and I have my camera there, I'm gonna take pictures, and I'll tell him -- "see these rings? They were given to you by our good friend hilary."

Billy: You and jack are all good and you wanted to give me the good news?

Ashley: Yeah, not exactly.

Billy: Oh, come on. That's a shame. I wanted to come here and sing "jingle bells" wearing matching sweaters and drinking hot toddies. Can I still get a hot toddy?

Ashley: Mm, maybe later.

Billy: Gonna hold you to that.

Ashley: Okay, but you have to be serious now, okay? Because jack's not here, traci's not here, and mother's upstairs resting, and I need to talk to the only...sibling that I have that will listen to me.

Mrs. Newman? Where would you like these?

Nikki: Oh, uh, one of the guest suites, please.

Victor: In fact, it's the second suite on the left, all right? Everything has been freshly made up for the lady.

Yes, sir.

Nikki: Well, you have thought of everything, haven't you?

Victor: Oh, yeah. You didn't think that I would share a bedroom with you after all that you've done to me.

Nikki: Victor, you are so unpredictable, I really didn't know what to expect, but I'm happy to see that we're on the same page, where this matter is concerned.

Victor: I think we have to discuss a few things, talk about our new arrangement.

Billy: How you holding up?

Ashley: Oh, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?

Billy: Is that how we're gonna do this?

Ashley: [ Sighs ] No. Do you think that I'm selfish?

Billy: No. Next question.

Ashley: Do you think that i am power-hungry and overly ambitious and destructive?

Billy: Where is this coming from?

Ashley: I don't want you to think that I was pushing for jack to be replaced as C.E.O. As some kind of a power play or that it's some kind of a secret ambition of mine. I'm honestly just trying to safeguard the company, and I'm looking out for jack's well-being because he has spread himself too thin. He thinks he can be all things, billy, to all people. He can't! He can't run the company from home and take care of our mother. It's impossible. Nobody could do that.

Billy: I'm with you, ash. Me and my vote. Look, I understand why you went to the board, and I understand that was a very difficult decision. So why are you questioning yourself now? Because that's what you're doing, isn't it?

Phyllis: Look who's here. I just had a meeting. What's your excuse?

Jack: Do I need one?

Phyllis: I can't imagine it's pleasant at home.

Jack: Well, that's a nice way of putting it.

Phyllis: And yet you're sitting at a bar, alone.

Jack: I'm not alone. The bartender's right over there.

Phyllis: And you're telling him about the jabot vote and how your sister wounded you?

Jack: Why do you think he walked away from me?

Phyllis: Well, I'm here, ready to listen.

Jack: You're humoring me. You think I'm running on empty because of dina, that I'm angry and resentful and wound up and stepping over everyone because i can't allow my ego to see that there might be somebody else who could run jabot.

Phyllis: Well, part of that isn't a lie. Hey. It's coming from the best possible place. Yes, you do run on emotion. And, yes, your ego can be a bit hefty. And, yes, nobody but you should be running jabot, including your cold-fish, condescending, self-righteous sister.

Jack: Tell me something. At the vote -- did you back me just to stick it to ashley?

Phyllis: Not entirely, but it doesn't hurt. Let's be honest, I don't think ashley should be calling the shots. I think she's petty. I think she loves to wield her power over the minions, especially of the ones she disapproves of.

Jack: There was a time you would have said the same of me.

Phyllis: Well, that time is not now. C.E.O. Is not a popularity contest. It's focus. It means fighting for what's right. And now that I'm on the board, i can fight with you.

Jack: I have to be honest with you, I only asked you to be on the board so that I'd have support at the meeting.

Phyllis: Oh, and so now you're saying that you don't want my support any longer? Because that would imply that you and I are pals, after everything I put you through? You don't need to forgive me, jack. What I did was unforgivable. But if you're worried that you cannot trust me, and that's why you don't want me to have a voice at jabot --

Jack: I'm glad you're at jabot. Glad you're on the board. Glad... glad you're in my corner. Hi, I'm mike ditka.

Victor: I don't need to tell you that the newman name has been damaged, both in the business world and publicly. And I want that to be rectified. I made that name, I nurtured it. I want it to shine again.

Nikki: I understand what you want, and despite the fact that we will be staying in separate rooms, we will be mr. And mrs. Victor newman again. And I'm assuming to keep that image up, we might have to do a little bit more than the occasional staged photo op.

Victor: Any objections to that?

Nikki: Uh, for the record, no, I have no objections, and off the record, I don't know that I can afford to object. I did take money from you, so...

Victor: [ Laughing ] You took money from me... you stole money from me!

Nikki: Yes, and I put you... in a very dangerous position with paul and christine, and i regret the distress that caused you and victoria.

Victor: Is that meant as an apology?

Nikki: It is an apology. I am very sorry, victor.

Victor: Mm. All right.

Nikki: Now, I have some requirements of my own.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: I would like you to make sizable donations to several of my favorite charities.

Victor: That's no problem.

Nikki: And I reserve the right to take solo vacations whenever I feel the need to... get away from here.

Victor: Again, no problem, because I want to do the same. Now, I don't think we need to, uh, you know, write up some agreement whereby you agree not to malign my name or our family's name or the company's name.

Nikki: A word against you is a word against myself at this point, so, no, we don't need to write that down.

Victor: Good. Now, you enjoy being mrs. Newman again, don't you? I mean, you must have missed the enormous power that goes along with that. Being chairwoman of various gala parties and being in the society pages... all that went away when you moved out.

Nikki: Now I'm back at your side, ready to use your resources to my full advantage.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] I'm sure you will. And to the outside world, we will appear to be a very loving happy power couple.

Victor: As it should be. But behind closed doors, I am not going to engage in the traditional marriage. All I'm concerned about is the newman image. I want it untarnished. I want it to shine again. And I want some transparency and honesty.

Nikki: Hey, as long as that's a two-way street, I am happy to oblige.

Victor: Good. Well, you know, the best deal is always the one that is mutually agreed upon, so I think you and I just made a hell of a deal. Cheers.

Sharon: Top you off?

Devon: Um, no, actually, I'm good. Thank you, though.

Sharon: Uh, it looks like we're gonna have to get a bigger box.

Devon: I know, right? Some of the people that stopped by said that they heard about the toy drive from "the hilary hour." She really turned out to be quite the christmas elf. Didn't see that coming at all.

Sharon: Do you mind if I sit?

Devon: Yeah. Of course.

Sharon: I just want to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable when I was talking to hilary, suggesting that she is...not quite so generous as a rule.

Devon: Sharon, you don't have to apologize. I think most people think that about her.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: Why would you think i care?

Sharon: Well, you and mariah have been broken up for a while now...

Devon: Yeah?

Sharon: And the way you look at hilary, it's as if you're hoping she's what shows up under the tree.

Devon: What? [ Laughs ] No. That'S...not gonna happen at all.

Cane: At the moment, I'm under a little bit of pressure at chancellor.

Hilary: Why?

Cane: 'Cause jill wants to sell the company.

Hilary: Are you serious? No. No. She can't mean that.

Cane: Yeah, she does, and the only problem is that we're in a good place, but I have to now convince her that she's making a mistake.

Hilary: Well, six months ago, it would have made sense for jill to sell. You were in no position to help the company or yourself. You would have tanked chancellor just like you did brash & sassy.

Cane: Uh, thanks for that. That was -- I appreciate it. Thank you.

Hilary: But now look at you! You are a classic redemption story. And when you came on my show, the fans -- oh, my gosh, forget about it. The mail that we got, the proposals, the propositions... and just plain props for lifting yourself up out of the muck.

Cane: You know, you should be careful with these compliments 'cause they're gonna go to my head.

Hilary: I'm just saying that you're not the same person that you were, okay? And selling now, it would be the wrong move.

Cane: Well, I know that. I just, uh, have to convince jill.

Hilary: Good luck.

[ Doorbell rings, cellphone rings ]

Hilary: Okay, you get your phone, I will get the door for you.

Cane: Okay.

Lily: The holiday decorations are gorgeous. When did cane have time to decorate? I mean, he's been so busy, he could barely say hello to me when I walked in.

Hilary: Yeah. They wanted the place to look at as festive as possible. Cane thought that sam would be home by now. Esther obviously did, too. But the good news is that the doctor thinks that sam will be home for new year'S. I think it'll be incredible, as long as jill doesn't yank the company out from under cane. You know that she wants to sell, right?

Lily: No, I didn't know that. She can't do that. Not now.

Hilary: Yeah, well, jill does whatever she wants. In some women, it's appealing. In her, it's just annoying.

Lily: Well, I'm happy that sam is coming home.

Hilary: Well, at least you wasted that lie on me, not cane.

Lily: Excuse me?

Hilary: Come on, when you talk to cane, you need to fake it just a little better.

Lily: I'm not faking anything. I'm genuinely happy sam's coming home. I just don't want to get an update from you, of all people.

Hilary: Okay, fair enough. The world's basically turned upside-down. Cane and I, in his words, are friends now.

Lily: Oh, I bet you are. Exactly what kind of game are you playing, hilary?

Billy: Look, ash, I get it. We're family. You hate conflict. And there's some guilt in there.

Ashley: Some guilt? Try a lot of guilt.

Billy: Well, trust me, I have my fair share. It wasn't that long ago jack reached out his hand and pulled me out of a burning building. We're like buddies again, and I like that. Yet I voted against him. But that vote wasn't about jack. It wasn't about my brother. That was about a C.E.O. Who unilaterally decided to buy chancellor without a business plan. He's messing up deals because he's refusing to delegate. Look, if he wants to take care of his mother, I respect that. That's a good thing. But he can't steer the jabot ship from here while he's home taking care of his mom.

Ashley: Well, but she's my mother, too, billy. Doesn't it kind of look like I'm punishing him for taking care of her, like I refuse to?

Billy: No.

Ashley: I mean, it seems like I'm kind of heartless.

Billy: I don't see it that way.

Ashley: Jack is so angry with me. He's not really treating me like a sister now. He's kind of treating me like the enemy.

Billy: Hey, don't go there, please.

Ashley: No, you know, he's known longer than the rest of you that I'm not really an abbott.

Billy: Yes, you are, damn it.

Ashley: Okay, okay, that i don't have abbott genes. But he's never looked at me differently until now. Now he looks at me like I am an outsider, like I'm somehow taking away something that belongs to him.

Billy: But that's just not true. I mean, look at the way he treats me. I'm not talking about after phyllis. My whole life. I mean, I'm the guy he exiled to hong kong, and then, you know, before you know it, we're bffs again. It's just the way it goes. We ping-pong back and forth a couple times a year. It has nothing to do with blood, ashley. That's just...family. It's messy and it's complicated. You are the one that said that he is trying to be everything to everyone right now, and it's just not working. Yet you're the only one that puts up their hand to say, "hey, there is a problem here," okay? And the truth sometimes, ash, is hard to hear. It can be really painful, especially when it comes from someone who you love.

Jack: I think of ashley standing in that board room, listing all my failings, which in turn means I failed my father... and, worst of all, my own son voted against me.

Phyllis: God knows what ashley said to get him on her side.

Jack: No, no, no, no. This was all kyle.

Phyllis: No.

Jack: Ashley swears she didn't try to sway him.

Phyllis: And you believe her?

Jack: Actually, I do.

Phyllis: Then why would kyle do something like this?

Jack: I don't know. I've asked him. He won't return my calls.

Phyllis: Now, something's off here. When he left for new york, both of you were fine.

Jack: Yeah, I thought so, too. Maybe I didn't reach out enough. Maybe I didn't visit him enough or come up with enough reasons for him to visit me. So much was going on. I got all caught up in it, and now I may have lost my son in the process.

Phyllis: Jack, that's not what's happening here.

Jack: I'm not the father i wanted to be to my son. I'm not the son I wanted to be to my mother. And, according to ashley and the majority of the board, I am not the leader that jabot needed. Maybe ashley's right. Maybe I took on more than i could handle.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Ashley: Thanks for listening. Thanks for talking me down.

Billy: Ash, you have good instincts. Whether it's work, family, personal, I trust you. So just trust yourself.

Ashley: What if I don't know what to do, billy? I mean, jack's not ready to step down, but he doesn't really have a choice. We're left without a C.E.O. Now.

Billy: We have a C.E.O. It's you, okay? You were acting C.E.O. Two minutes ago until jack decided to be a super-exec and gave you the boot. That office, that title, they're rightfully yours.

Ashley: Well, I don't necessarily disagree with you. But the board might. There was so much acrimony surrounding that vote, they might want fresh blood, somebody without so much baggage.

Billy: Talent and experience are not baggage, okay? Look, I know you want the position, right? So just convince the board that you should be in charge.

Jack: So, then my mother told me that I was a constant disappointment to my father and that I would never measure up to him.

Phyllis: You can't let that get to you.

Jack: [ Scoffs ] Kind of hard not to.

Phyllis: I'm gonna be blunt. Your mother has one mean streak. She may be lucid or not, but whatever she told you, it was a lie.

Jack: Well, dad's not here, so I can't exactly ask him.

Phyllis: You don't have to. You know. Deep down.

Jack: Yeah, I probably do. Maybe that's what's really bothering me -- deep down, i know my mother might be right.

Phyllis: You're tired. Jack, you have a bleary-eyed look of someone who needs a break. But you're strong. You are smart. You are not only smart, but you are wily, which is even better. You're two steps ahead.

[ Both chuckle ] If you want to run jabot, keep an eye on dina, then figure it out, find a way. But don't give up. Don't let them pour poison in your ear. Not ashley or dina. Being C.E.O. Of jabot is who you are. Nobody is more devoted to that company. And let's be real -- where would you be without it? And what would it be without you?

Lily: You keep implying that I'm jealous.

Hilary: Um, I didn't imply it. I said it straight-out.

Lily: Well, it's ridiculous.

Hilary: Then why are you looking at me like I'm trying to make a move on your man? Let's get one thing straight. I don't want cane -- at all. Now, I would ask you the same question, but I doubt that you would give me an honest answer.

Lily: You just love telling me everything I don't know about my own...

Hilary: [ Chuckling ] There it is -- your own what? Your husband? Your ex? The love of your life? See, this isn't about me getting the inside scoop from cane about the baby or work. This is about you and how you thought things would be by now.

Lily: Well, cane's moved on. He has a new title, a new baby, you know? Everything is moving so fast.

Hilary: Isn't that what you wanted? No more limbo, no more dragging things out? Oh, but now speed -- it's not all that appealing, is it?

Lily: I'm just trying to say that it's a lot to process.

Hilary: Just admit it, lily. You're having second thoughts. You and cane had something special, and, yes, he screwed it all up. But that doesn't mean that you forget the times when things were better.

Lily: No, I can't forget. But all I am is sad because everything is so real and final, and there's no turning aback -- for either of us.

Devon: What is this, uh, project that you mentioned? It sounded time-sensitive.

Nikki: I think that would be me -- or should I say, us.

Devon: Nikki? I didn't realize you were here.

Nikki: I was upstairs unpacking.

Devon: Does this mean that, uh...

Victor: Well, it means that nikki and I have decided that we are much better off together than apart.

Nikki: It really was the best solution.

Victor: We want the world to know that from now on, our family and nikki and I are stronger and more united than ever.

Devon: Fantastic.

Victor: All right?

Devon: Fantastic. Yeah. That's a great thing, and i think that, uh, something like this deserves an announcement.

Victor: Well, why don't we just show up at a number of public gatherings, you know?

Devon: And you what we can also do, is follow that up with some online material, maybe some on-camera appearances or something like that?

Victor: I trust your judgment completely. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make a few calls.

Devon: For sure. Yeah. Do what you got to do. We can pick this up another time. You know that I have to ask you --

Nikki: I do.

Devon: Is this what you want?

Nikki: It solves a lot of problems.

Devon: Well, I'm certainly not gonna question that, but it would help me to know that you are happy about whatever this is.

Nikki: I am quite content with the situation.

Devon: Really?

Nikki: I'm home. I mean, I know that was not the original idea, but in the long run, it's the best thing. And this way, victor and I both get exactly what we want out of this arrangement. Statins lower cholesterol,

Hilary: Okay, um, you know what, cane should be done soon. I'm just gonna go and let you guys talk.

Lily: You don't have to do that.

Hilary: Lily, you know what, maybe you're right. Maybe it's over. But what if it's not?

Lily: Okay, obviously cane is busy, so I have a lot of holiday prep I have to take care of.

Hilary: Are you serious? You're gonna leave now?

Lily: Just tell cane I said goodbye.

Cane: Hey, was that the door?

Hilary: Um, yeah. Lily. She had to go, but she said to say goodbye.

Cane: [ Sighs ] It was just a work call. I should have hung up and got off earlier.

Hilary: No, no. You did what you needed to do. Trust me, you will have other opportunities to talk with lily. Now, I -- I'm gonna go, okay? So...

Cane: Hey. Hey. Thank you for everything. Thank you for thinking about him. I really appreciate it.

Hilary: Cane, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for my part in causing the damage between you and lily. It seems like I've been trying to mess up your marriage since i came to this town, and then for me to do that and stick my nose in juliet's business...

Cane: Yeah, well, I mean, it certainly didn't help, but, you know, I'm the one who screwed up my marriage, you know, by making the same dumb mistake over and over and over, and then, you know... so, hey, it's my fault I'm not with my family for christmas.

Hilary: Well, I -- I really wish that things could be different.

Cane: Me, too. But it seems that lily's ready to move on, and she has been for some time now, so I don't know, maybe I should, too. And it's kind of like what you said, huh? It's a new year and a new life.

Hilary: Bye.

Cane: See ya.

[ Door opens ]

Nikki: Well, I had a nice chat with devon.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: I think I'm gonna go upstairs and relax a little bit.

Victor: Just one second. One second. Before you go, you never explained this to me -- why did you take the money? I mean, did you have a plan, or did you want to make a point, or...? Did you want to leave town?

Nikki: Leave town?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Why would I do that? My family is here.

Victor: So then why did you do it? Did you want to see if you could pull it off?

Nikki: Partly. I guess I looked at it as a rainy day fund, you know, just in case.

Victor: Well, then, uh, let's move it back to my account, all right?

Nikki: I'm afraid that's not possible.

Victor: What do you mean, that's not possible?

Nikki: I used it.

Victor: That's a small fortune. What did you use it for?

Nikki: I bought...a park.

Phyllis: Props to us for not letting this come between us. You know, jack, he's tired, he's ragged, he's emotional. Don't you dare say that's why he shouldn't be C.E.O.

Billy: I can't because ashley's in the same headspace as him. Minus the exhaustion.

Phyllis: The next board meeting's gonna be a doozy.

Billy: Yeah, and you're gonna be there front and center. Which, let's be honest, is a little surreal. It wasn't that long ago jack couldn't stand to be in the same room as you. Now you're on the board.

Phyllis: He and I talked it over. You know, we came to an understanding. It's not gonna be a problem, me being on the board.

Billy: You sure about that?

Phyllis: Why, don't you want me there? We can play footsies under the table, saves it from getting boring.

Billy: It's not that, phyllis. I think jack is on the edge. He's not gonna back down. He's not gonna let go. I think it's only gonna get worse before it get better. If it gets better.

Jack: Checking on mother?

Ashley: Yes. She's fine.

Jack: Good.

Ashley: I'm glad you're back. We need to talk.

Jack: Yeah. I agree.

Ashley: About this whole C.E.O. Thing...

Jack: Look, I think there's really only one logical choice for you here. Go to the board, tell them you want me reinstated.

Ashley: Well, that wouldn't make any sense at all. I'm putting myself forward as the one and only full-time C.E.O.

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