Y&R Transcript Monday 12/4/17
Episode #11292 ~ Chelsea struggles with a secret; Abby fights for her job; a crisis unites Cane and Lily.
Provided By Suzanne
Victor: Well, well, well, well, well. Let's see what we've got here.
Reed: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: It reminds me of christmases from my childhood.
Reed: Looks like a department store.
Victor: Oh, like a very exclusive department store. Isn't that beautiful? Look at that.
Sharon: What do you think?
Scott: Oh. Very retro. I dig it.
Faith: It's time to go! Grandpa's party's starting!
Sharon: Oh, um, after I drop faith off at her grandpa's, there's something I want to talk to you about.
Faith: Mom.
Scott: Actually, I want to ask you something, too.
Sharon: Oh. Okay.
Faith: Let's go!
Scott: Bye-bye.
Sharon: Bye. Mwah.
Scott: Bye!
Faith: Bye, scott! Come on!
Scott: Bye! Have a good time!
Sharon: [ Laughing ] Okay, I'm coming!
Lily: Thank you. You're taking such good care of me.
Charlie: Well, you earned it.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Mattie: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Mattie: What happened?
Lily: Um -- oh! Nothing. I donated blood.
Mattie: Oh, is there a blood drive?
Lily: Uh, no, just something I wanted to do.
[ Cellphone rings ] Cane? Hey. Is everything okay?
Cane: No. Not quite. Um... listen, sam's still scheduled for surgery in a few hours.
Lily: What is it?
Cane: I need your help.
Nikki: [ Gasps ] Abby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. You just seemed...preoccupied.
Abby: Well, I assume victoria told you about my job drama at newman.
Nikki: Yeah. She said that your father insisted that she rehire you. I hope that went all right.
Abby: Well, one issue needs to be resolved before I return.
Nikki: You're giving your father an ultimatum?
Abby: A request.
Nikki: Victor newman, who demands unconditional devotion from his family and employees?
Abby: Well, I did that, and i got walked all over, so he either negotiates, or I'm not going back. I mean it this time.
Nikki: As long as you seriously consider everything that you would be giving up. Good luck, honey.
Abby: Thanks.
[ Sighs ]
Nick: Yeah? What do you think?
Noah: Wow. Yeah, it's a little strong.
Nick: Too strong?
Noah: Um...
Nick: Well, you know, I'm working with a new recipe. Some habits never die.
Noah: Yeah, so, what's up with the tree?
Nick: What do you mean?
Noah: The decorations, you know, one side gives you some kind of warm and fuzzy feeling, and...
Nick: Right, and the other?
Noah: Doesn'T.
Nick: It doesn't, does it?
Noah: [ Laughing ] No! Look at it.
Nick: I know. Listen, it's a losing battle.
Tessa: You don't think it's too...
Chelsea: You look stunning. Noah is gonna be speechless.
Tessa: Okay.
Chelsea: If you can peel him off the dance floor, that is.
Tessa: Yeah.
Chelsea: [ Laughing ] What is happening?
Tessa: [ Laughs ]
Chelsea: Hello!
Tessa: Hi.
Nick: Hey!
Noah: Oh, my god. Wow. You look amazing.
Tessa: Thanks.
Nick: You are...wow! Look at this.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Nick: You want to dance?
Chelsea: Well, if you want to show me those moves you were doing earlier, because those were pretty impressive.
Nick: Well, you just need to use these sexy hips right here.
Chelsea: Oh, okay.
Noah: Yeah, it helps if you have a little eggnog in you, too.
Nick: Yeah, hey! Hey, hey, hey! Come on! Come on! No wallflowers in here!
Chelsea: No! You got to spin!
Noah: Challenge accepted.
Chelsea: Oh, I never knew you had such fancy moves.
Tessa: There we go!
[ Laughs ]
Nick: Oh, faked you out on that one.
Victoria: This was a great idea, having a nice quiet family gathering.
Victor: Well, I thought this would be a good chance to get the family together and remember what's important. Devon.
Devon: Mr. Newman.
Victor: How are you, my man?
Devon: Good, how are you?
Victor: Did you bring neil along?
Devon: Uh, no, actually. Neil won't be joining us. He got called out of town last-minute, so I'm gonna be filling in.
Victor: Oh! Sorry to hear that.
Victoria: I see you and your date brought some luggage.
Devon: Tazha is actually our photographer. She works for the company.
Victor: Welcome, tazha.
Victoria: Uh, so our family tree lighting is now...?
Devon: And it still is that. Your dad just thought that this event would be a, uh -- how did you phrase it? -- A golden opportunity.
Victor: You bet. I thought this might be a chance to counter some of the bad press we've been receiving lately. We'll take some candid photos, okay?
Reed: Well, let the family healing begin.
Victor: Exactly.
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Abby: Oh, wow. Okay.
Victor: Don't you look beautiful?
Abby: Thank you. Uh, what's with the photographer?
Victor: Well, just a little damage control, considering the hits the company has been taking.
Abby: Oh, my god, I just got here and you're already dredging up my mistakes?
Victor: Sweetheart, I said no such thing. They're here in order to take some nice family pictures and to counter the bad image that the press has been disseminating lately, all right? That's all. I thought you would be happy to repair that damage.
Abby: As long as we're clear that I'm not gonna take the blame for what happened.
Victor: Who is blaming you? No one is blaming you. That's why victoria was gracious enough to ask you to come back to newman.
Abby: Yeah, about that... look, if you want me back at the company --
Victor: One second, sweetheart, hold that thought.
Abby: There has to --
Victor: There she is. Look! There she is. Hi, sweetheart.
Faith: Hi!
Victor: Oh, my goodness. So happy you're here.
Faith: Thanks for inviting me.
Victor: Yes, you bet.
Devon: Hey, faith, if you wouldn't mind, can we get a couple pictures of you and your grandpa? Then I promise I'll get out of your hair. Just a few. Over here.
Faith: Okay.
Victor: Over there. Right by the fireplace.
Devon: I appreciate it.
Victor: There we go. Come here. There we go.
Sharon: Faith, don't you want to give your grandfather his gift?
Faith: Oh! Yeah.
Victor: Ooh!
Faith: Well, this isn't your real christmas present. It's just a party present from mom and me.
Victor: Well... oh, my. Really? You made that?
Faith: Mm-hmm, we made it ourselves.
Victor: That's beautiful! Let's put it on the tree!
Faith: Okay.
Reed: Where do you want it, faith?
Faith: Oh, I don't really know. It doesn't go with the other decorations.
Victor: Of course it does. It's from you. I love it.
Reed: Right, grandpa.
Victor: Reed will help you put on the tree, okay?
Reed: Here, help me hang it up around this side.
Victor: Sharon, aren't you staying?
Sharon: Oh, well, I would, but scott is waiting for me.
Victor: Oh, well, then call him, tell him to come over. I mean, he's a newman employee, almost part of the family.
Nick: Does this one go on there?
Tessa: You are still staring.
Noah: I'm sorry, I can't help it. You look stunning. I mean, seriously. Wow.
Tessa: Well, we were going for festive...
Noah: Oh, well, it is definitely that. [ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: Yeah, devon and i have been working with her to conceptualize a new image.
Tessa: And it's a whole lot better than a sparkly leotard.
[ Laughter ]
Noah: Well, you're gonna knock 'em dead at my grandfather's party.
Tessa: Ooh, um, do we have to go to that?
Noah: [ Inhales sharply ] Yeah, we kinda do...
Tessa: Well, can we just skip the ranch for once and stay here, where it's more mellow?
Nick: You have impeccable taste, and you can stay as long as you want, tessa.
Chelsea: You can help finish decorating the tree.
Nick: It's gonna be way more fun over here, right, so...?
Noah: I...
Nick: Have at it.
[ Laughs ]
Chelsea: So, I'm thinking -- should we come up with some sort of, like, a plan, you know, like a design aesthetic?
Nick: No, we already agreed. A little of me, a little of you.
Chelsea: No, totally, but, um, is it supposed to be such like, a -- like a mismatched thing?
[ Chuckles ]
Nick: I'm rebelling against all the christmas trees of my youth. I'm looking for, like, a, you know, a freeform, kind of a unique one-of-a-king thing. That's gonna be the beauty in all of it.
Chelsea: Okay, I'm not so sure about beauty, but it is interesting. I will give you that.
Nick: Oh. Okay. Good.
Chelsea: So, I'm thinking -- maybe we should apply the same philosophy to our plans tonight.
Nick: What do you mean?
Chelsea: You know, like, do both, you know? Decorate here, but then... head over to the ranch.
Noah: Yeah, see, that's great. I'm -- I'm just gonna feel bad if I don't at least make an appearance, okay? Especially since grandpa did hook me up with the top of the tower job.
Chelsea: Right.
Nick: Yeah, dad just loves it when everybody comes and kisses the ring.
Noah: Dad, it's just a tree-lighting thing, come on.
Nick: Well, you can go, but I'm staying here.
Noah: Why?
Nick: Well, for starters, i wasn't invited.
Noah: So what? You can find yourself a quiet little corner while christian and connor spend some time with their grandfather, you know?
Chelsea: Yeah. He's right. I mean, we could go. It's not a big deal.
Nick: Yeah, well, christian's not going, neither am I, and you're under no obligation to take connor.
Chelsea: I -- I just think that maybe we should consider it, you know? It's the holidays, it'll appease victor, so...
Nick: Why? What's he gonna do, you know? I mean, seriously, if we don't go, what is he gonna do? He can't possibly take anything else away from me. Right? baby's condition earlier, then why didn't you say anything? Did you know?
Charlie: Not until I got here, but, you know, I'm glad mom was here to help, aren't you?
Mattie: Well, did it help?
Lily: In a way, although your dad told me that the hospital wants to bank more blood for the surgery.
Charlie: Why?
Lily: Just a precaution. They might not even need it.
Charlie: Well, is sam okay?
Mattie: How is mom supposed to know that?
Charlie: She knows more than we do.
Mattie: Well, the doctors don't even know for sure. Think about it -- first they asked dad to donate blood, then mom. Mom's the only one who's been a match to him, and she's not even related to that baby.
Charlie: His name is sam.
Mattie: Whatever.
Charlie: Have some sensitivity.
Mattie: Dad sure didn'T.
Lily: Mattie...
Mattie: Did he even consider how much this would hurt you, walking into a hospital, letting them stick you with needles to help a baby that wrecked your marriage?
Lily: Sam did not wreck my marriage. What happened between your father and I is not that baby's fault.
Charlie: Yeah, he's helpless and innocent.
Mattie: Well, you know what i mean. The fact that dad even had the audacity to ask, it's not right.
Lily: Listen, they needed a blood donor, and so i volunteered. I would do that for a stranger. What happened between your dad and I doesn't matter. Sam is in trouble, and I want to help him any way that I can.
Charlie: I'll go with you.
Mattie: Why?
Charlie: 'Cause he's our little brother.
Lily: I know your dad would appreciate that, thank you.
Charlie: Are you coming?
Lily: Okay, well, if we get home late, there's leftovers in the fridge, all right?
Mattie: I'll probably just get something here.
Lily: Do you have any money?
Mattie: Yes, mom. I have money. I'm not 12.
Lily: Okay. I love you.
Mattie: Oh, uh, and if you see dad, let him know that, you know, I'm thinking about him. Let me know how it goes.
Lily: I will. Bye.
Chelsea: See? Look at these. Then you can put this truck on.
Tessa: What are you doing?
Noah: This.
Tessa: [ Giggles ]
Noah: I'm sorry, I just couldn't wait any longer.
Tessa: You really like this new look, huh?
Noah: Like it? It's kind of driving me crazy.
Tessa: Mm.
Noah: You know, you're lucky that I'm a secure guy and not one of those jealous types.
Tessa: Whoa, where did that come from?
Noah: It's just that, uh, you know, you're gonna be on the road soon, playing all these venues, dressed like this. Every guy in the place is gonna be fanning all over you.
Tessa: Well, they don't know what I look like when I wake up.
Noah: That's true.
[ Laughs ]
Tessa: Or, uh, the train wreck that I really am.
Noah: What are you talking about? Where did that come from?
Tessa: I don't know, I'M... going to christmas parties and changing my look and my sister is...running for her life, wanted by the cops for murder, and I just -- I can't help but feel a little guilty about that.
Noah: Listen to me. You can't blame yourself for what crystal did, all right? She was just trying to protect herself and abby and scott from zack. All right?
[ Doorbell rings ]
Nikki: Hi!
Nick: Hey! How'd you know? I was just about to text you and harass you to get over here.
Nikki: [ Laughs ] Oh, wow! It looks like everybody's having a wonderful time.
Nick: Best tree-decorating party in town.
Chelsea: Yeah. So, how do you like it?
Nikki: Well, it is... unique.
Nick: That is exactly what we were going for!
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Noah: Hi, grandma.
Nikki: Hi, sweetheart. Oh, my goodness, tessa. You look amazing.
Tessa: Chelsea did it.
Nikki: Well, you wear it well.
Nick: Can I get you anything to eat or drink, mom?
Nikki: Oh, no, you know what? I can go do it. Tessa, why don't come with me and we'll catch up while I make some tea.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Tessa: Sorry, just one second.
Nikki: Something important?
Tessa: It's just devon. His company is doing a pr thing, and he wants me to make an appearance.
Nick: When and where?
Noah: The ranch. I just got another text from victoria. I guess the tree-lighting is turning into a pr thing, so we should probably go, at least for a little bit. I'm sorry.
Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, of course you should. Tessa can have an opportunity to show off her new look.
Noah: I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out with you, grandma.
Nikki: Oh, well...
Tessa: Well, this was fun.
Nick: Hey, if it gets too, uh, you know, too much drama at the ranch, you can always come back to party central.
Nikki: Do you really have to go this second? Because you and I really need to talk about --
Noah: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, grandma. Really.
Tessa: Um, well, I had a great time. Bye, everybody.
Chelsea: Bye.
Noah: Bye, you guys. We'll be back.
Nikki: All right.
Tessa: Thanks.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone vibrates ]
Victoria: Hey! Where you going, honey?
Reed: Um, I spilled something on my sweater.
Victoria: Oh, well, put some club soda on it.
Reed: Right.
Victoria: [ Laughs ]
Sharon: Victoria. I haven't seen you since your promotion at newman. Congratulations.
Victoria: Thank you.
Sharon: Now lay off my boyfriend.
Charlie: Hey, dad.
Cane: Hey.
Charlie: Mom told me what was going on.
Cane: Did you go to the lab? They're expecting you.
Lily: Yeah, we just came from there. I'm sorry, they wouldn't let me give blood again. They said it was too soon.
Cane: That's okay. All right, they'll just have to use the blood I donated. I mean, it won't be as beneficial as yours, but, hey, it's the best we can do.
Charlie: Well, maybe not. I might have the same protein thing in my blood as mom.
Cane: Are you sure you want to be tested?
Charlie: Yes. It's my little brother we're talking about.
Cane: Come here. You want me to come with you?
Charlie: No, you should stay here just in case sam needs you.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Okay, go back to where we were and start on the paperwork, and I'll be right behind you.
Charlie: Okay.
Lily: Uh, mattie wanted me to let you know that she's thinking of you.
Cane: Doesn't mean she's gonna drop by, right?
Lily: I just don't think that she's ready to accept all of this.
Cane: Do you think she ever will be?
Reed: Hi.
Mattie: Hi! How did you get out of that thing at your grandfather's?
Reed: I didn'T. My mom thinks I'm in the kitchen getting a stain out of my sweater.
Mattie: Oh, you can't stay long, then.
Reed: No, but I wanted to see you and give you this.
Mattie: [ Chuckles ]
Reed: In honor of our first christmas together?
Mattie: You bought this for me? That's so sweet.
Reed: Well, it's not so sweet. I, um... I actually took that off my grandfather's tree. What? It was just sitting there, lost and unappreciated.
Mattie: [ Laughs ]
Reed: I hoped it would get that response.
Mattie: Well, I promise you, I will definitely appreciate it, and you.
Nikki: Kids. I brought some ornaments for connor and christian. You want to put them on the tree?
Nick: Should we put them on?
Nikki: Let's see! They're pretty.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Chelsea: Excuse me for just one second. I'll be back.
Nick: Yep.
Chelsea: Hello, victor.
Victor: I wondered when you and connor would arrive.
Chelsea: I'll bring connor by for a visit tomorrow, okay?
Victor: That's unacceptable.
Chelsea: Nick and I, we had already made plans. I'm hosting something here at my home. I can't just leave.
Victor: Why in the world would nicholas prevent adam's children from attending this beautiful event?
Chelsea: You know what's reassuring, victor? Knowing that you will always do what is best for your grandchildren.
Victor: What is good for connor is to come here.
Chelsea: Connor is already missing out because his father is not here for these very special moments, and I'm really glad that christian doesn't have to suffer in the same way. You should be glad, too. Merry christmas, victor.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Victor, huh?
Chelsea: How'd you guess? He's been hounding me to take connor over to the ranch for the tree lighting, and I -- I don't want to leave nick, and I think it's really unfair for victor to put me that position and make me choose.
Nikki: You know what, I think I have the perfect solution.
Victoria: Sharon, I really don't understand your attitude. I gave scott a bonus.
Sharon: After you fired him and shut down his digital magazine. You know, he nearly lost his life pursuing that story for hashtag.
Victoria: Well, we re-evaluated our decision. I don't know why you're involving yourself in something that doesn't concern you. I'm sure scott can fight his own battles. Hi. I'm very pleased you could make it.
Scott: Well, I wasn't going to, but...
Sharon: Then victor made it clear how much he wanted scott to be here.
Scott: So she texted me, and, uh, thanks.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: I'm so glad it all worked out.
Scott: [ Sighs ]
Abby: Hey. I need your help.
"The young and the restless" will continue.
Cane: You know, you don't have to stick around. It could be hours before sam's out of surgery.
Lily: Hey. How'd it go?
Charlie: Hey. I'm not a match for sam.
Cane: [ Sighs ] Hey. It's okay.
Charlie: We might have another shot at this. I left a message for mattie. Since we're not identical twins, she could have different blood.
Cane: But I don't want to make mattie do anything she doesn't want to do, so...
Mattie: Just show me where the lab is so I can make this happen.
Abby: Hey, um, can you distract anyone who wants to talk to my father?
Scott: Like, run interference?
Abby: Yeah, so I can finish my conversation with him, make my demand.
Scott: Will do. Good luck.
Abby: Thanks.
Scott: Yeah.
Abby: Dad.
Victor: Yes?
Abby: When we were talking before...
Victor: Mm-hmm. You were going to advise me on your condition for returning to newman enterprises, right?
Abby: Right.
Victor: Okay, what is it?
Abby: I report directly to you, not victoria.
Victor: Sweetheart, there's a chain of command that will not be circumvented. That causes confusion. So you report to victoria.
Abby: Only if I can appeal any decisions to you.
Victor: Okay. That better? Okay.
Devon: Hey, how about we get a couple of shots of just the two of you guys, huh?
Sharon: Oh, I don't know.
Devon: Bad lighting?
[ Laughter ]
Scott: Context. We're not in the newman family, and this is a family event. It should be promoted as such. Right?
Devon: Well, this is also about the newman enterprises family. And if you're willing to get in front of a camera on national tv, I think you can handle a couple photos for your boss, right?
Scott: Point taken.
Devon: And hey, scott --
Scott: Yeah.
Devon: With neil out of town, I'm in charge. So the next time you agree to do a sit-down interview for the media, you're gonna need to run that by me first, okay?
Scott: Look, I get that your company may represent newman...
Sharon: Hey, guys. It's a party.
Devon: Hey, guys. How you doing? I didn't know if you were gonna show.
Tessa: We had another commitment.
Devon: That's all right. You're here now and you look beautiful, so, um, how about we get you guys and take some pictures, yeah? Everyone, how about we gather around here and get a couple shots?
Victor: Noah.
Devon: Let's get in tight.
Victor: There we go.
Devon: Perfect.
Victor: Noah, can I talk to you a moment?
Noah: Sure.
Devon: Perfect.
Victor: Did you know that tessa stole your grandmother's gun and gave it to her sister?
Noah: [ Laughing ] What? No way. Come on. Who told you that?
Victor: Tessa told nikki.
Noah: How did she even know where the gun was? I mean --
Victor: She claims that she was given the combination to nikki's safe inadvertently while she was working for nikki.
Noah: Well, there's got to be some kind of explanation. That's --
Victor: There is no explanation, son. That gun was used to kill zack stinnett.
Noah: Which implicates grandma.
Victor: Which implicates all of us, and newman enterprises and the newman family. You've got to cut this girl loose.
Noah: Cut her loose? Come on. I think we're jumping to conclusions here, I --
Victor: Everything I have told you has been verified.
Noah: Even if it was, it's obvious that she was just trying to protect her sister because the police couldn't, the same way that you would do anything to protect your family.
Victor: Think about it for a moment. That girl was willing to take advantage of our hospitality, of your grandmother's hospitality. That's despicable, son.
Noah: It sounds to me like she was desperate. Not so different from you when you were young and alone and you had to fend for yourself, right?
Victor: Okay, let me tell you something. You better start questioning her motives. Is she with you because you're a newman, because of your money, your resources, or why?
Noah: We're not -- we're not doing this. Grandpa, we -- we love each other, we live together.
Victor: Noah. Don't you understand? That makes you vulnerable to women like that. Come on, now. She's taking gross advantage of it all. Look what she has done. That's unforgivable!
Scott: Did it work?
Abby: I am back at newman. On my own terms-ish. [ Laughs ]
Scott: Good for you, I think. Victoria messed with the wrong people, huh? You and I made a good team.
Abby: Yeah, we, uh... mistletoe. [ Laughs ]
Faith: You're standing under it. That means...
Scott: I see where you're going with this, but there's only one woman I kiss under the mistletoe.
Nikki: Thank you.
Victor: What are you doing here?
Nikki: Well, chelsea couldn't leave nicholas', and I knew it was important for you to have connor here.
Victor: Well, thank you for bringing him by. That's very nice. I will bring him back to chelsea's after the party, all right? And you can leave.
Nikki: Really?
Victor: This is for family members -- invited family members only.
Nikki: Well, it looks to me like this family tree lighting event is for pr purposes, and you're using it as a much-needed boost.
Victor: What's your point?
Nikki: You're gonna need a lot of help.
Devon: Nikki, you look lovely, as always.
Nikki: Oh, thank you.
Devon: I hope that you're staying because tonight's gathering wouldn't be the same without the newman matriarch.
Nikki: Oh.
Victor: Thank you, devon. Okay. For newman.
Nikki: I promise we will get faith home at a reasonable time.
Victor: All right. I'm glad you were able to put in an appearance.
Victoria: Yes, it's important that we work together as a team.
Sharon: Oh, yeah, you say that now.
Scott: Uh, we -- we got to run. Thank you very much. It was a great night. Thank you. Thank you.
Victor: Thank you for coming.
Sharon: Victor, thank you.
Scott: Good night.
Nikki: Good night.
Sharon: Nikki.
Nikki: Good night, sharon.
Victor: Well, I am going to spend some time with connor now that he is here. Excuse me.
Nikki: So, how you doing, sweetheart?
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
Nikki: With everything going on at the company, after zack and designdate, you really got thrown into the fire after taking on that position.
Victoria: Well, that was easy in comparison to other things.
Nikki: Oh, your father?
Victoria: [ Sighs ] He gave me full autonomy. He said he completely trusted my judgment, and then he went off on me when I accepted abby's resignation, as if I forced her to quit, which I didn'T. And then I can't make any major decision without looping him in.
Nikki: Honey, you have worked with him before. You shouldn't be surprised.
Victoria: You know, for someone who's cut ties with the man, you sure have been spending a lot of time at the ranch lately.
Nikki: I have my reasons.
Noah: Why didn't you tell me? Why did I have to hear this from my grandfather?
Tessa: Victor told you about the gun.
Noah: I still don't know what to think.
Tessa: Nikki wanted to keep it quiet.
Noah: That gun is now part of the murder investigation. My family's involved.
Tessa: I'm sorry.
Noah: Look, I get why you did it. Why didn't you trust me? Why didn't you tell me? Why are you even with me?
Tessa: What?
Noah: My grandfather thinks it's about money, access. I don't believe that, but, you know, I'd be a fool not to wonder.
Tessa: Must be hard. The money. Not knowing if that's why people want to be close to you. And it makes me sad that you have to wonder with me, but i get it. I stole the gun to keep my sister alive. I knew someone would eventually see that it was missing, and I knew that they would figure out it was me who took it.
Noah: Why didn't you just tell me?
Tessa: So you could have deniability. So you wouldn't get hurt by my past -- mine or my sister'S. I didn't tell you because it's hard for me to growing up the way I did. Not knowing why people want to be close to me.
Noah: I haven't proven to you how much I care about you?
Tessa: Do you know how much I want to trust what I feel from you? What I see in you? But I understand, you know, if you don't want to deal with all the crap that I've been lugging around my whole life, or if it's not worth it.
Noah: Stop.
Victoria: Where's reed?
Reed: Um, grandpa sent me to get this.
Victor: Thank you, reed.
Nikki: Aww.
Victor: There we go. Well, you know, this is a wonderful tradition that we started with our children. And then it was passed on to our grandchildren. And now, tonight, connor is gonna do the honor. You're gonna put this star on that tree, okay? I'll lift you up. I missed your daddy adam too many years. And I will not let that happen to you.
Christian: Baby.
Nick: Baby. Yeah.
Chelsea: Hi. Hi, buddy.
Nick: [ Gasps ] What's that?
Christian: Baby.
Nick: Baby? Is that baby?
Christian: Bear. Baby.
Nick: Bear.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ]
Nick: Yeah.
Victor: Well, now, is everyone ready?
Noah: Yes.
Abby: Yes.
Faith: Yeah!
Victor: Okay. Here we go.
[ Cheering ]
Nikki: Beautiful.
Charlie: Your blood has the same protein as mom'S. That's good.
Mattie: Yeah, it doesn't look like it made a difference, though.
Cane: All right, so sam made it through the heart surgery, but they still have to watch him, but for now, this is the best news we could have asked for. Thank you. Thank you with all my heart.
Mattie: You're welcome.
Lily: We're all hoping that he pulls through.
Chelsea: Christian all tucked in?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Little dude was tuckered out.
Chelsea: Aww.
Nick: How are you doing?
Chelsea: I'm -- I'm fine.
Nick: Mm-hmm. You seemed, uh, a little stressed out tonight. What's going on?
Chelsea: Um, no, I think it was just a bunch of stuff mixed together, you know, planning the party and then tessa's fitting, wrangling the boys...
Nick: Mm, that's a nice try. What's really going on?
Chelsea: Your dad came to see me yesterday.
Nick: [ Sighs ] What'd he do?
Chelsea: No, he didn't do anything awful, he just...
Nick: So, semi-awful, then?
Chelsea: He tried to guilt-trip me into going to the ranch tonight.
Nick: So that's why you were pushing so hard for us to go.
Chelsea: Well, it wasn't about victor.
Nick: Well, I'm sorry. He had no right to do that, you know? I mean, trying to come over here and control when and where you spend your time...
Chelsea: Stop, stop, stop. Stop. I wasn't feeling upset about the victor stuff. I was more feeling guilty about connor. He's already lost his father, and I just felt like keeping him from his grandfather, it... it just felt wrong.
Nick: Well, I'm not letting him off the hook, you know? For trying to push his way in...
Chelsea: You're still not... you're not getting the point.
Nick: Oh, I'm not?
Chelsea: Mnh-mnh.
Nick: What is it?
Chelsea: The point is, it all worked out. We got our party, victor got to see connor... mm-hmm. And now...
Sharon: Wait... okay, now!
Scott: No way! My very own christmas stocking?
Sharon: I wanted to hang it over the fireplace -- our fireplace. Um... I'm asking you to move in with me.
Scott: Yes.
Sharon: Yes?
Scott: Wait. Faith.
Sharon: I ran it by her. She shrugged.
Scott: Is that good?
Sharon: It's good enough for me.
Scott: Then definitely yes! Hell yes!
Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Wait! I almost forgot -- there was something that you wanted to ask me about.
Scott: Well, you making this commitment to me answered all the questions I had. Come here.
Victoria: You and scott sure did make a cute couple under the mistletoe tonight.
Abby: Well, it's not like we meant to stand there. It was just one of those things.
Victoria: A thing, or a thing?
Abby: What are you getting at?
Victoria: I don't know, you teamed up on the press release together, which means that you can actually have a conversation without drawing blood...
Abby: None of which constitutes a "thing."
Victoria: I don't know, ever since the two of you were trapped in that storage unit...
Abby: Trying to survive.
Victoria: That kind of an intense experience can change things.
Abby: And it did. I decided not to let people take advantage of me anymore.
Victoria: Abby...
Noah: Thank you, sir.
Tessa: Thank you.
Devon: Hey, can I borrow you real quick?
Noah: Oh, we were, uh, just about to head out.
Devon: No, I know. I just want to get a couple shots of you and your grandma and the other grandkids if you don't mind.
Noah: Oh.
Tessa: Nikki will love that. Go.
Devon: Yeah? Cool.
Noah: Okay. Yeah.
Victor: Excuse me a moment. I don't appreciate people who live in my home and then walk away having stolen things. What did you steal around here?
Tessa: Nothing else, I swear.
Victor: Really? What other secrets are you keeping, hmm?
Tessa: None.
Victor: Why do I have a hard time believing that?
Tessa: Well, if you're not gonna believe me, why ask?
Victor: Uh-huh.
Tessa: I'll wait for noah in the car.
Victor: Yeah, well, hold on for one second, okay? I don't want you to do any further damage to this family. I'm giving you $100,000. I want you to take it, find your sister, and then vanish. No more problems done to my family. I don't want you to contact either nikki or noah or anyone else, is that clear?
Tessa: I want to be with noah. I don't care about his money.
Victor: So you claim.
Tessa: And he wants to be with me.
Victor: Really? He'll get over you.
Tessa: I won't give him the opportunity. I'm not going anywhere, mr. Newman.
[ Door slams ]
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Dina: I've been telling you and telling you that this woman has no dignity -- none.
Victoria: Don't sell yourself short. It's you I'm interested in. I'm very interested.
Mariah: Do you know something about tessa that devon and i don't?
Hilary: I most certainly do.
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