Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/29/17

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/29/17


Episode # 11289 ~ Chelsea jeopardizes her relationship with Victor; Sharon is suspicious of Scott and Abby; Hilary is exposed.

Provided By Suzanne

Noah: How many times you gonna read that thing?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] You know, I specifically told scott hashtag was shut down, and yet, here is it, up and running. Add to that abby hijacking the newman press conference with her own agenda, it just leaves me scratching my head, wondering why they would think that these were good ideas.

Noah: In abby's defense, you and grandpa did jab first. She was defending herself, right?

Victoria: She agreed to take one for the team, and she went rogue. You know what, I know what abby's problem is. She does not know how to separate personal from professional. That's all there is to it.

Noah: Oh, you don't think that it was personal, you wanting her to take the fall for her deceased boyfriend's deviant behavior? You can't really blame her for wanting to set the record straight.

Victoria: You don't say.

Noah: You know what threw me, though, was the way that she talked about scott, the way they're like this dynamic duo, or something. I mean, I thought she hated the guy.

Victoria: I'll never understand why abby does what she does, but one thing is for sure. She needs to be dealt with.

Sharon: Peyton's parents are taking both of the girls over to discovery world in milwaukee.

Scott: Oh, a sleepover and a day of science? That's a nice little break she's got going on there.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Scott: Actually, uh... I had a nice break of my own last night. In the sense that you gave me a warmer reception than I expected or deserved.

Sharon: Once again, abby drags you into the middle of her drama. Aren't you getting a little tired of her reckless behavior?

Scott: I'd go with bold rather than reckless on this occasion.

Sharon: Grandstanding.

Scott: Her family was trying to make her the scapegoat. She stood up for herself and brought a much-needed attention to the sex-trafficking story.

Sharon: And that story needed to be told. I'm not begrudging you that. But we had talked about using other outlets. The way that you've gone about it, you've put yourself in the middle of victor and victoria's crosshairs. Newman battles have a way of escalating, and abby, she's a magnet for drama. I'm well aware of everything that you two have been through together, but maybe taking a little distance from your partner in crime wouldn't be a bad idea.

Scott: Yeah, I understand your concern, and I realize that what abby I did affected the plans you and I had made. And I'm sorry I missed the dinner you prepared.

Sharon: Oh, it's no big deal. You came over after anyway.

Scott: It was a big deal. You went through a lot of trouble for that, and I -- I saw the food in the fridge. The salmon, the potatoes, the asparagus, some kind of sauce...

Sharon: Tarragon.

Scott: Sounds fancy, so it was probably a lot of work. Look, I'm sorry I ruined your special evening.

Sharon: I did make a special stop over at the farmer's market.

Scott: Well, then, tonight I'm gonna make it up to you. I'm taking you to top of the tower for some dinner, dancing -- the works.

Sharon: That sounds amazing.

[ Giggles ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Abby: Hi, neighbor! I hope you don't mind me dropping by. I'm here to see scott.

Charlie: What you looking at?

Devon: Hey. Nothing.

Hilary: Are you sure you don't want to think about it for a couple of days? It is a big decision, pulling all of your commercials from "the hilary hour." Judith. Judith, come on. You've been with our company from day 1, okay? You -- you think what? That's absurd. Why would I post nude photos of myself on my own website? You know what, no. No! Never mind!

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] You must be so embarrassed, having all of your naughty bits exposed for the entire world to see. Oh, my god. I mean, if it was anybody else, I'd have sympathy, but...

Hilary: No, I'm not ashamed. Those pictures, they're hot. I look good.

Chelsea: You can drop the act. You're mortified. I mean, you went from semi-respected journalist to amateur porn star with the click of a mouse.

Hilary: Those pictures are not pornographic, they're artistic.

Chelsea: Okay. But props to jordan for such A...spectacular and public retaliation for what you did to him. And to me. It's nice to see that people sometimes really do get the justice they deserve.

Paul: Thank you.

Nick: So what didn't you want to tell me over the phone?

Paul: The fire at the underground was not your fault.

Nick: Well, thank god. I mean, the longer this investigation went, I was really starting to doubt myself.

Paul: Well, the inspector had to be thorough.

Nick: All right, if it wasn't arson, then what was it? Faulty --

Paul: Well, the thing is, it was arson.

Nick: You just said it wasn'T.

Paul: No, I said you didn't start the fire.

Nick: Okay, it was the person that came in after me, then.

Paul: Yes, the one the kids heard.

Nick: Did you find out who it was?

Paul: We did.

Nick: Are they in custody?

Paul: No.

Nick: What the hell's the holdup, paul? I mean, how are we gonna get this person who torched my club?

Paul: We don'T.

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Abby: Telling the story from natalia's point of view is so moving.

Scott: I wish I could have written about all the girls zack took advantage of.

Abby: Yeah. There were so many. I mean, remember all those immigration visas that we found in that storage unit?

Sharon: Okay. Well, those coffee beans are not going to grind themselves, so...

Abby: You don't mind if we hang out here, do you?

Sharon: Uh, no. No, not at all. That's -- that's fine. Just lock up before you leave. Uh, good luck at newman.

Scott: Mm. I'll, uh -- I'll fill you in.

Sharon: Okay. Bye.

Abby: Bye.

Scott: Bye.

Abby: All right, was it just me, or did she seem a little... tense? You don't think that she suspects --

Scott: It's not that.

Abby: Okay, then what? Because she was radiating attitude.

Scott: She thinks you're a bad influence on me.

Abby: [ Laughs ] Like I could influence that thick, stubborn head of yours.

Scott: Did you invite yourself over here just to insult me?

Abby: No, I came over here to talk about newman, and to get in the occasional insult or two.

Scott: Having second thoughts about the press conference?

Abby: No, not one. I feel great about that. So empowering and liberating.

Scott: Look out, erin brockovich, abby newman's nipping at your activist heels.

Abby: You know, victoria -- she thought she had that whole thing wrapped up in a little bow, but no, I was not gonna take the blame for that sex scandal, and I was not gonna let everyone think that you were some hapless victim.

Scott: Now she'll label me a mutineer and hand me a pink slip.

Abby: Yeah, well, I'm expecting one, too. But I've come up with a plan to circumvent that.

Chelsea: Dina mergeron started the fire at the underground?

Nick: Yep.

Chelsea: Why?

Nick: I guess jack's vendetta with the newman family after all these years finally rubbed off on her. I mean, she stabs my mom, she burns down my club...

Chelsea: Well, is she in jail?

Nick: You want to take this one, paul?

Paul: [ Sighs ] No charges will be filed because --

Nick: Because she's an abbott, and she's got money and power and influence. Does that about cover it?

Paul: That's not the reason.

Nick: You know what, this is ridiculous. This is just as bad as all those times you let my dad get away with his crimes.

Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, you can't just sweep this under the rug. You have to clear nick's name and you have to contact the insurance companies...

Paul: You know what, if you let me finish, I will explain everything, okay?

Nick: Sure.

Chelsea: Okay.

Paul: You will be getting a check for the damages.

Nick: From who? The abbotts?

Paul: The insurance company. They have been informed that you are not the responsible party.

Nick: Won't they expect dina to be held accountable in some capacity?

Paul: They accept there are extenuating circumstances.

Nick: Well, I'm glad someone understands. For the life of me, I can't understand how someone can just destroy someone's livelihood and not be held accountable at all.

Chelsea: Yeah, me neither. So, um, what is that you're not telling us?

Paul: The reason dina won't be facing prosecution is because she has alzheimer'S.

Charlie: Thanks for taking the time out of your day to talk to me.

Devon: Yeah.

Charlie: I know you're probably swamped.

Devon: Oh, dude, I always have time for my favorite nephew.

Charlie: I'm your only nephew.

Devon: That is right. You are very smart. What's going on, man?

Charlie: So, you remember a while back when you gave mattie that internship?

Devon: I do, yeah. What about it?

Charlie: I was wondering if you could do the same for me.

Devon: You want to work for hamilton-winters?

Yeah, but not all the suit-and-tie mess, you know? I want to learn about the music biz.

Devon: Okay. I mean, we can always talk about that. Why do I get the feeling that you might have something else on your mind, charlie?

Charlie: Maybe.

Devon: I know a lot's been going on with your mom and dad lately.

Charlie: Yeah.

Devon: Um, you know, sometimes it's nice to bounce stuff off of somebody that's not right in the middle of everything. I just want you to know that I'll listen if you want some advice.

Charlie: I just hate the way things have gone down. It's like one moment, we're a perfect family, sitting at the table, laughing, cracking jokes, and then -- blam! Mom kicks dad out, juliet dies... sam's born.

Devon: What, um... which part of everything is, uh, weighing you the most?

Charlie: Well, they all are, but right now, it's sam. Not because he was born or anything, it's just...

Devon: How is sam?

Charlie: He's gonna be in the nicu for a while. He's so tiny, no one can even hold him. Little dude can't leave his incubator. He lost his mom, and now he's fighting for his life.

Devon: Well, is that what you're concerned about? Sam's condition?

Charlie: No. Well, yeah. Yeah. That's -- that's not what's bugging me.

Devon: Well, tell me what it is, man.

Charlie: I feel guilty when i visit him. It's like I'm dissing my mom by supporting my dad.

Devon: Oh, dude. Don't feel like that at all, charlie. First of all, your mom would never want you or mattie to feel like they have to choose sides or have any less of a relationship with your dad. If anything, you know, your mom would be proud of the fact that you're showing your little brother love and support. Right?

Charlie: Yeah.

Devon: I know it doesn't get bigger than what you're going through right now, but hear me when I tell you that you -- you'll make it through it.

Charlie: What makes you so sure?

Devon: Well, for one, you're a smart kid. You're here right now, you're talking to me, you're not just keeping your emotions bottled up. And, you know, you have people in your life, too, who can help you and support you. I'll always be here to support you.

Charlie: Cool.

Devon: Yeah. And do me a favor, man. Just try not to let what's going on interfere with the key things in your life, like your school and your sports and just growing up and being a good man every day. Because when stuff like this happens to people, it can really shake their character. And as long as you're choosing every day to be the best that you can, I promise you that that will pay off in ways that you can never imagine.

Charlie: Yeah.

Devon: All right?

Hilary: Can I get a refill and a cobb salad?

Sharon: I'll have the chef whip that right up.

Hilary: Just the coffee, then.

Sharon: Should I leave you the whole pot? You look a little tired.

Hilary: Yeah, I've been up all night trying to figure out how to deal with A...personal problem.

Sharon: Yeah, I saw the photos that were posted on your website.

Hilary: You and everyone else with a phone or a laptop. You know what, before you say anything, feel free to keep your opinions to yourself, okay?

Sharon: Wait.

Hilary: [ Groans ]

Sharon: You don't get to talk to me like that in my place of business, and you're damn well gonna hear what I have to say. What happened to you is wrong, and I'm so, so sorry for what you're going through.

Nick: Paul, I was out of line. I'm sorry, I never should have pressured you to prosecute dina.

Chelsea: We had no idea that she wasn't well, but sadly, it explains a lot.

Paul: I'm sure the abbotts will appreciate you understanding. It wasn't easy for jack to tell me, but he stepped up and he did the right thing.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Nick: The last thing he needs to deal with is the added stress of legal matters. I'm really glad the police aren't pursuing charges.

Paul: If you need any help with the insurance company, let me know. I'll be happy to give them a word.

Nick: Appreciate it, paul.

Chelsea: Bye. Oof. Well... did not see that one coming.

Nick: I don't think anybody did.

Chelsea: You okay?

Nick: I'm just trying to imagine how awful it must have been for jack to realize what his mom had done.

Sharon: Just thought you could use that, on the house.

Hilary: Why are you being so nice to me?

Sharon: I admit, I have a lot of issues with some of your behavior, and you don't exactly make life easy for my daughter...

Hilary: Well, she gives it as good as she gets.

Sharon: I, um, worked with scott grainger on taking down a sex-trafficking ring, and I saw the horrors those girls endured, so I can't help feeling for anybody who has been taken advantage of and exploited that way. Like you were.

Hilary: Is that a chocolate chip cookie?

Sharon: It's fresh out of the oven.

Hilary: Thank you.

Sharon: I volunteer at a crisis hotline. I have access to resources if you need help.

Hilary: I am nobody's victim, okay? I have everything under control.

Sharon: I'm sure you do.

Hilary: [ Scoffs ]

Charlie: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: So?

Charlie: This is tight.

Devon: Yeah?

Charlie: The hook is killer, man. It's gonna be stuck in my head all day.

Devon: Well, I'm glad you like it, very glad. Next time we have a studio session, you can sit in.

Charlie: Seriously?

Devon: Absolutely.

Charlie: Oh, I got to text my boy, jason. He is not gonna believe this. Dang. Oh, man.

Devon: What's wrong?

Charlie: I was supposed to meet him at crimson lights 10 minutes ago.

Devon: Oh, all right. Let me drive you.

Charlie: Yeah?

Devon: Yeah.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, hang on one second. Sorry. Uh, hey. How are you doing?

Hilary: From your tone, i take it you've seen the, um...

Devon: I have.

Hilary: Well, just so you know, I'm not sweating it.

Devon: Is there anything that I can do for you?

Hilary: Yes, actually, there is. Can you meet me? I have a proposal for you.

Scott: [ Exhales sharply ] Ready to face the loud music of condemnation?

Abby: [ Laughs ] Well, how do we decide who goes first? Rock, paper, scissors?

Scott: No. Alphabetically by first name?

Abby: I guess it doesn't matter.

Scott: True. I think it's safe to say we agree on the best strategy for dealing with victor.

Abby: And as long as we stick to the plan, there should be no problems.

Victoria: Well, it's nice to see you're both punctual.

Abby: Great to see you, too, victoria.

Victoria: Shall we?

Abby: I thought scott and i were meeting with dad.

Victoria: No, not anymore.

Scott: Why? What changed?

Victoria: Well, he's out of town on business, so I'll be handling things. Abby, you're up first.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: Your impromptu speech last night has started a fire that's been difficult to put out. You were supposed to use your time behind the podium to take responsibility for your misguided actions -- actions that have damaged our family company, but instead, you colluded with scott.

Abby: Oh, save your breath.

Victoria: I'm not finished, abby.

Abby: Well, I'm done listening. I thought I'd be courteous and let you get some of that off of your chest, but we all know where this is going, and I'll save you the trouble of firing me. I quit!

Nick: I mean, that was the best dinosaur-versus-stuffed-bear battle ever. Did you see their faces?

Chelsea: I sure did, and I'm glad that they were able to boost your spirits.

Nick: Their little laughs are enough to refill my tank.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Hey, talk to me. What are you really thinking about?

Nick: [ Sighs ] When I went to see dina to ask her about that picture of brent davis that was left behind at the underground, I mean, jack was so protective over her. I mean, he practically kicked me out of his house.

Chelsea: Well, yeah, I mean, he didn't want her saying something that was gonna implicate her.

Nick: And now we know why. You know, but at the same time, you hear about this happening so often to other families these days. It's hard for me to not put myself in his shoes. I mean, what if it was my mom or dad who was diagnosed with alzheimer's? I mean, my mom has a pretty rough go of it with the M.S., But what if it was something that affected her mind? My dad, too.

Chelsea: Listen. [ Sighs ] Try not to let the negative feelings overwhelm you. I mean, the worst is most probably not gonna happen.

Nick: Yeah, I never thought that my dad and I would be estranged like this. But it happened, you know? And I... I can't stand him right now, but... I still love him.

Chelsea: Are you having second thoughts about cutting things off with him?

Devon: Hey, sharon.

Sharon: Hey there. Uh, can I get you anything?

Devon: Yeah, can I get a coffee, please?

Sharon: Coming right up.

Devon: Thank you. How is mariah doing?

Sharon: Uh...she's good.

Devon: Yeah?

Sharon: You?

Devon: Um, I'm the same. Thanks.

Sharon: Um, listen, even though your relationship with my daughter didn't work out, you always treated her well. You made her feel special. You're a good man, devon. I'm really glad that you were a part of her life, and I wish you nothing but the best.

Devon: Thank you, sharon. I really appreciate you saying that. It means a lot. And I always wanted the best for mariah. Still do. Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Hilary: Hello.

Devon: I got to admit, I was a little surprised when you called me. I have no idea what this proposal could be about, but I, uh -- I did cancel a meeting to be here.

Hilary: Oh, so I better have something interesting up my sleeve.

Devon: Don't you always?

Hilary: Oh, I promise... it will be worth your while.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Scott: How'd it go?

Victoria: Scott, your turn. I assume that you and abby have decided to take another stand together and that this meeting is gonna end the same way that hers did, with you quitting.

Scott: Correct.

Victoria: All right, then. Here's your last paycheck. We've been very generous and given you a severance because you did everything you could to protect abby from zack, and we appreciate that.

Scott: I don't need to be paid for doing the right thing, but I'll accept it in exchange for the article I wrote, the kind of journalism newman should have been proud to back.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Victoria: Hold on one second.

Scott: Everything okay?

Victoria: This is victoria newman. He's with me now. Why?

"The young and the restless" will continue.

Devon: So, you want hamilton-winters to sponsor your show.

Hilary: It's not that big of a leap.

Devon: How do you figure that?

Hilary: You invest in music, you made lp the hottest streaming service on the market. Why not add a television back into your growing media domain? After all, gc buzz was yours to begin with, and now "the hilary hour," we have national exposure, so I can book your recording artists as guests and they can showcase their talents. It will be a mutually beneficial relationship.

[ Laughter ] Devon, it's okay. Don't -- just leave it.

Hilary: Please, can you just --

Charlie: Come on, man.

Devon: What are you guys looking at? That's what you're doing? You're just sitting over here, laughing right at her in public, embarrassing her like that? You think that's cool, charlie? After the conversation we just had at the club.

Charlie: It wasn't even my phone. I was just checking it out --

Devon: I don't care whose phone it is. Did you know that these photos were uploaded without her consent? Women aren't objects, man. They're people who deserve to be respected, and when you support stuff like this, that's disrespecting them. That makes you just as bad as the person that posted the photos. You need to stand up against stuff like this. You should have shut your friend down. Listen, why don't you guys take off so she doesn't have to sit here and be even more embarrassed, okay?

Charlie: No, but we didn't --

Devon: Charlie. Please.

Charlie: [ Sighs ]

Devon: I'm very sorry. He is too old to be acting that immature.

Hilary: It's fine. It's fine. So? Can I count on hamilton-winters to add my show to their roster?

Devon: Hilary, you, uh... you make a very compelling proposal, but I think we're gonna have to pass.

Hilary: Is this because we're divorced? Because a lot of exes work together. If jack and phyllis can --

Devon: No, no, no. It has nothing to do with our relationship, I promise you. Okay? We just acquired a pr company.

Hilary: Yeah, power communications.

Devon: Exactly. That means that our slate is very full right now, so taking on something like this is just -- it's not in the cards.

Hilary: Devon. Devon, no. You wouldn't be taking anything on, okay? All you would have to do is write a check.

Devon: [ Laughs ] Well... also, "the hilary hour's" slant on gossip and "gotcha" journalism doesn't really fit our core values and mission statement, hilary.

Hilary: So I'm not good enough for your company? Well, you and neil better check yourselves, talking down to me, throwing my mistakes in my face over and over again! You two have enough drama to go around, so don't even try with me!

Devon: Hey.

Hilary: No. Get out of my way.

Devon: Hey. Wait! Wait!

Hilary: [ Sobbing ] Get out my way, get out of my way!

Devon: It's okay. It's okay.

Hilary: [ Sobbing ]

Devon: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's okay. It's okay.

Abby: Hey! I just cleared out my office. I brought you a box. Victoria was more than happy to accept my resignation. She even offered me a considerable severance.

Scott: Well, that's what you wanted, to walk away on your own terms, right?

Abby: Yeah, but she didn't have to be so eager to accept them.

[ Chuckles ] Here. Come on. I'll give you a hand.

Scott: I, uh... I don't need it.

Abby: Oh, I guess if my office was as messy and disgusting as yours, I'd leave it all behind, too. [ Laughs ]

Scott: That's, um... that's not the reason.

Abby: Okay, then what is?

Scott: Newman did a 180. They're not getting rid of hashtag, so I'm staying.

Abby: You're what?

Scott: I'm staying, and I got a bonus.

Abby: I'm sorry, you got what?

Scott: A bonus for writing the designdate article.

Abby: No, we made a pact! I quit, you quit! Does that sound familiar?

Scott: I did. I did.

Abby: Doesn't sound like it.

Scott: Just hear me out. Before I could walk out the door, victoria stopped me. She got a call from power communications, and they told her about all the hits on hashtag, as well as all the comments on my article. And it...

Victoria: Comments were 85% positive. Apparently, people are commending you and newman enterprises for exposing and helping to bring down the sex ring.

Scott: So what are you saying?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'm being advised that it's in our best interest to keep hashtag up and running.

Scott: Victoria agreed with her pr team, and just like that, I was back on the newman payroll.

Abby: Well, was my name even brought up as you were getting patted on the back?

Scott: No.

Abby: I was as much a part of that story as you were, and you get a raise while I get booted by my own sister?

Scott: Technically, you booted yourself.

Abby: No, we were both supposed to boot ourselves!

[ Scoffs ] But you double-crossed me. And I will never forgive or forget what you've done.

Noah: Wow! Mom!

Sharon: What? You don't recognize me without a pot of coffee or a textbook in my hand?

Noah: Well, it's really nice to see you out on the town, looking all snazzy.

Sharon: Thank you.

Noah: What's the occasion?

Sharon: Um...

Noah: Oh! I see! It's date night.

Scott: Hi.

Noah: Well, I'll tell you what, you two take any table you want. I will make sure that the chef and the staff take extra care of you.

Sharon: Thank you, honey.

Noah: Yeah, anything you guys want or need, I got you covered.

Scott: That is very considerate.

Sharon: See, the perks of dating the manager's mom.

Scott: [ Chuckles ]

Noah: You two have fun, all right?

Scott: Thanks. You are beautiful. Let me a 360-degree turn.

Sharon: Oh, my god.

[ Giggles ] Oh, my gosh. People are staring. They're staring.

Scott: Yeah, as they should. All eyes deserve to be on you tonight.

Sharon: You're looking pretty dapper yourself.

Scott: Oh? Thank you.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Scott: Uh, shall I twirl for you?

Sharon: Oh, no, there's no need. I'm gonna be watching your backside as we walk to the table. After you.

Scott: Okay.

[ Clears throat ] If you're, uh, finished objectifying me...

Sharon: You know, since you got a bonus, I'm thinking about ordering all the most expensive items on the menu.

Scott: Anything you want.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] Okay.

Scott: It's a celebration. We should live it up, full on.

Sharon: Then let's start with champagne.

Scott: Okay. Give me just a quick minute. I, uh, want to speak with abby. We didn't part on the best note earlier.

Sharon: Uh, yeah. Sure. No problem. Um, I get to watch you walk away, again.

Abby: Uh, this seat's taken. Actually, they all are.

Scott: Look, we didn't get a chance to finish our conversation we started earlier.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] Actually, there's not much left to say, is there, benedict arnold?

Scott: I'm on your side here.

Abby: Oh, yeah, you have a hilarious way of showing it.

Scott: I'm serious. It's inexcusable how victoria treated you. You should have been rewarded every bit as much as me, and in fact, I think you should march right back in that office, rescind your resignation, and tell your sister you're not going anywhere.

Abby: Are you crazy? I have way too much pride to go crawling back. And, besides, victoria would rather die than have me back at newman. I have played right into her hands, and no doubt, she's thrilled about it.

Hilary: You held my hand the whole way here, you joined me for a drink to calm my nerves. You've got above and beyond, okay? Even mother teresa would have bailed by now.

Devon: Well, I sure wasn't gonna let you come back here alone tonight. I mean, it's not often that you let your guard down and get emotional like that.

Hilary: I guess things have a way of...building up and spilling over.

Devon: You know, when I told you that I broke up with mariah, and you said that you were genuinely sorry to see me so upset?

Hilary: Yeah. Yeah. I was.

Devon: Yeah, well, the same goes for me in this situation because I know that this is hurting you more than you've been letting on.

Hilary: Violated. Deeply violated. That's how I feel about jordan releasing these photos. You and I, we both know that i am a control freak, and... when I realized that I -- i can't fix this, it's paralyzing. Now, I erased the photos off my website, but they're out there, you know, for everybody to see. And they're gonna be out there forever. Is it gonna be the first thing that somebody sees when they search my name? And when I have... when I have kids... I'm gonna have to explain to them why mommy has naked pictures on the world wide web.

[ Scoffs ] These are the things -- these are the things that haunt me. But the part that hurts me the most is that I was betrayed by a man that I trusted. I guess some may say that it's the universe paying me back for all the choices that i made in my personal life, how i treated guests on my show. I exposed their secrets, so now, look -- I'm exposed. Well, I hate myself. I hate feeling this way, and i hate that I made other people feel this way, too.

Devon: This could very well be an opportunity to make it up those people.

Hilary: [ Scoffs ] How?

Devon: Well, by making a choice. You make a choice to do something worthwhile with your life and with your show. You can start putting good vibes out into the world, positive ones. If you really meant what you said, then this could be the moment that everything changes.

Devon: Well, I hope that you're feeling a little better.

Hilary: Yes. I'm feeling a lot better. Just a little embarrassed for dumping all of this on you. I'm sorry. It's not your job to take care of me anymore.

Devon: Don't be sorry, and you have nothing to be embarrassed about because I'm very happy I was able to be here for you.

Hilary: Well, thank you for being a friend. We are friends, aren't we?

Devon: Yeah. I think after everything we've been through, it's a pretty nice place to be.

Nick: Is that a christmas card already? Who is on top of their holly jolly game this year?

Chelsea: It's from victor.

Nick: You serious? It's an invitation to a tree-lighting ceremony at the ranch.

Nick: Huh. Oh, look at that -- made out to you, connor, and christian. My name is nowhere to be found.

Chelsea: Nick, I --

Nick: Hey, it's okay. All right? My dad's not gonna change his mind about me. I was the fool for ever thinking that was a possibility. My concern is I don't think his heart is gonna grow three sizes by christmas.

Chelsea: Fine, well, then it goes in the junk pile because if you're not going, I'm not going.

Nick: Look, I really think you should go and take the kids, okay?

Chelsea: Mnh-mnh.

Nick: I meant what I said. I'm not gonna keep my kids from seeing their grandpa.

Chelsea: Absolutely not. They saw plenty of him around thanksgiving, okay? I want this holiday to be about us, so... to heck with victor and his summons. We'll decorate our own tree and we'll have our own party.

Nick: I like that.

Chelsea: Yeah? You like that idea better?

Nick: Yeah.

Noah: Quite a view, isn't it?

Sharon: Yeah, it's something, all right.

Noah: Where's your date?

Scott: At least let me pay for your drink, or drinks, if it's gonna be one of those evenings.

Abby: I don't need your charity. I have plenty of money, even if I am out of a job, which you know nothing about.

Scott: We had an agreement, and I didn't follow through. You have every right to be upset.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Scott: But I didn't go back on my word because I was trying to be selfish or trying to hurt you. I did it because I want to keep telling stories that matter to me, because I want to be able to change things in this world. And hashtag is the way that i can do that. It gives me a platform that i can fight injustice and inequality, to right the wrongs that people turn a blind eye to. And one injustice I'll never be able to fix is the way your family's treated you. And for that, I am truly sorry. I just wish things hadn't turned out this way.

Abby: You know what I said earlier? About not being able to forgive and forget?

Scott: Yeah.

Abby: I take it back.

Sharon: Is it just me being silly, or does abby have a thing for scott?

Noah: I think the thing you're seeing is pure hate. She despises scott.

Sharon: I'm not so sure.

Noah: Well, if she does have any other feelings for him, I'll tell you what, she's in for a world of pain because scott is absolutely crazy about you.

Sharon: Well, then, maybe it's time that I show scott how crazy I am about him.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Lily: What's wrong?

Cane: Sam's doctor. He needs to see me, it sounds serious.

Jack: I am trying to make things a little festive around here.

Dina: Frankly, I could care less.

Ashley: I'm in charge. Deal with it.

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