Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/28/17

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/28/17


Episode # 11288 ~ Victoria relishes her new role at Newman Enterprises; Jordan gets the last laugh; Tessa makes a confession.

Provided By Suzanne

Victor: You're sure you're not gonna join me?

Victoria: No, I'm fine. Thank you.

Victor: Well, then I suggest we toast your return to newman enterprises.

Victoria: We've already done that.

Victor: Oh, we have, haven't we? Well, then, why don't we toast to those who attempt to destroy us? And may they be destroyed in the process.

Victoria: I'm not sure if you mean zack.

Victor: I mean everyone, my darling. They won't beat us.

Victoria: They can't go after a corpse, so they're coming after us for the financial link to the sex ring. But they can't prove that we were involved because we weren't involved.

Victor: [ Groans ] There's a little wrinkle in this tragic saga. Apparently the gun that was used to kill that zack fellow... belonged to a newman.

Nikki: It actually looks worse than it is. It's healing pretty nicely.

Paul: Good to hear.

Nikki: So, I appreciate you wanting to get together, but if it's about everything with dina the other night, I'd really rather not. Actually, I wish all the charges were just dropped.

Paul: Well, that's a very generous take on things, nikki, but this has to do with zack stinnett's death. Ballistics came back on the weapon. He was shot with your gun.

Scott: Tessa! Hey! I thought that was you outside. How you doing?

Tessa: I was, um... just about to ask paul if he had an update on my sister. I want her home, but I'm worried the minute they find her, they'll arrest her for killing zack.

Scott: Well, crystal's the reason abby and I are alive right now. We'll remind paul daily if we have to.

Tessa: You have more faith than I do. When you publish the story about the sex ring, if you could protect crystal, I mean, change her name at least...

Scott: I won't be needing any names. The story isn't happening.

Tessa: Why not?

Scott: Because pretty soon, i won't have a forum to publish it in. Victoria newman saw to that.

Abby: Hey!

Lily: Hey. Um, the hashtag site's not working.

Abby: Uh, that's an understatement.

[ Scoffs ]

Lily: Something happen?

Abby: It's a long story.

Lily: Well, I just assumed that the site would cover everything you went through because what I heard about that night is terrifying, and the fact that you've come out stronger for it? My admiration for you couldn't be higher.

Abby: Thank you. Seriously, thank you for saying that. Because all I've heard is what an idiot I am for not realizing that zack was some evil criminal mastermind.

Lily: No, no one would ever think that.

Abby: Oh, people think it. They even give press conferences about it.

Lily: Well, don't be so hard on yourself. You're not psychic. How could you have ever seen through zack?

Abby: [ Scoffs ] Ask my sister. Victoria has the answer to everything.

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[ Cellphone rings ]

Jack: Hilary?

Hilary: Hi, jack. I tried your office, but they said that you weren't reachable.

Jack: Yeah, I'm working out of the house today, one of the perks. What can I do for you?

Hilary: Well, I was hoping that dina might be interested in coming on my show.

Jack: You want my mother on

gc buzz -- why?

Hilary: Well, I haven't had her on in a while, and I thought it'd be nice to get an update on what the great dina mergeron has been up to since selling her company to hamilton-winters.

Jack: She's decided to step away from the public eye for right now.

Hilary: Come on, jack. It'll be a breath of fresh air after all of this doom and gloom that has been in the news recently.

Jack: That's my other line. I got to run. I'll talk to you soon.

Mariah: So, devon and i decided that we should just be good friends, which is probably what we should have been from the beginning.

Sharon: Well, it's always good to take a chance.

Mariah: Yeah, unless you get slapped down and look like a complete loser, then, no, it's not that good to take a chance.

Sharon: Oh, sweetheart...

Mariah: No, no, no. Don't do the "sweetheart" voice. I'm fine. Really. I'm great. Things turned out the way that they probably always should have, you know? I -- I don't have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, for that matter, but, um, I refuse to be a walking pity party.

Sharon: Of course. You know, you've been through a rough time. Self-care is important.

Mariah: This is me we're talking about! I am the queen of self-care. I mean, I got up this morning and I showered. And now since I have all of this free time, I was thinking about getting into a hobby. Maybe scrapbooking.

Sharon: You're deflecting.

Mariah: All signs point to maybe.

Sharon: I don't want to push, okay? I'm just happy to have company.

Mariah: So, what is on the menu for your schmancy dinner with scott?

Sharon: Well, roasted salmon, baby potatoes, asparagus, and a tarragon sauce.

Mariah: Yum. Evidently, it pays to be trapped in a storage locker.

Sharon: Look how good we both are at changing the subject. I'm so proud of us.

Mariah: And you just changed it right back.

Sharon: I did.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: I know it hurts right now, mariah, but try not to shut down, try to stay open. Surprises happen. You know, the right person will come along when the last thing you're even thinking about is romance. That's what happened for me and scott, and look at us now.

Abby: And just like that,

hashtag gets the ax.

Lily: Well, I mean, victoria is pragmatic, and it sounds like it was a business decision, so i know it's not easy to swallow, but sometimes it's necessary.

Abby: Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Look, I'll admit, I don't get it, but she's coo now, you know? It's our job to back her up.

Abby: Yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to automatically become good little corporate soldiers.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, I do like having a paycheck.

Abby: Even if it's not the same paycheck or title you used to have? Yeah, I heard.

Lily: Look, victoria said that it was out of her hands.

Abby: And how does that work, exactly, for the coo? I mean, she either has the power, or she doesn'T. You can't have it both ways. Just like she thinks it's my fault that I didn't know what zack was up to, but when she was at brash & sassy, she had no idea what billy or cane or juliet... I'm sorry. I -- I shouldn't have said that. I'm really sorry.

Lily: No, it's fine. Don't worry about it. You're not wrong, okay? I will admit that victoria does seem different now that she's back at newman. I feel like there's more shades of victor coming to the surface.

Abby: Well, to you, she seems different. To me, she's exactly the same.

Victoria: I still don't understand how it was mom's gun that crystal used to shoot zack.

Victor: Well, I haven't talked to your mother about this. I mean, I don't know if she took her gun when she moved out of the ranch.

Victoria: Regardless, it had to have been stolen, right?

Victor: Your mother's gonna make it very difficult to distance newman from this scandal.

Victoria: Abby dropped this scandal on our doorstep.

Victor: Sweetheart, all she was trying to do is prove to me that she could attract a cutting-edge business.

Victoria: She attracted illegal and illicit instead.

Victor: Oh, she didn't do that intentionally. Come on, now. Be a little bit more forgiving. Okay? I mean, she went through hell and back with that zack guy.

Victoria: So, the newman guns are kept in a safe. Is there any way that abby could have access to the combination?

Victor: What do you mean? You mean she took it?

Victoria: One of our firearms was found in the motel room. I'm just following the bread crumbs here.

Victor: Wait a minute. Abby was locked up in a storage facility. Before then, she was at a party. She wouldn't take a gun to a celebration. And if she had had a gun, that zack guy would not have been able to lock her up in the storage facility.

Victoria: Regardless, abby may have had access to mom's gun.

Victor: What are you suggesting, that she killed zack?

Victoria: How else to explain this weapon? Abby was victimized by a sociopath. She was scared for her life. He had his own gun. No one would blame her if she shot him. The press would be sympathetic.

Victor: Wait a minute.

Victoria: Just hear me out. With all of that sympathy on her side, the fact that she brought zack into newman would lose some of its heat, don't you think?

Victor: So you think this is the stand the company should take?

Victoria: Of course.

Victor: I don't think abby will see it that way. So what's our next step?

Tessa: I'm -- I'm sorry about


Scott: And I'm sorry we can't publish that story. It was meant to help crystal and other women like her, and I know you both were counting on that.

Tessa: Even though I wasn't there, all I can think about is crystal in that motel room, feeling like she had no other option except for pulling a trigger and killing a guy.

Scott: A bad guy. Don't forget that. I won'T.

Nikki: Obviously I would have no idea how a gun that is supposedly registered to me ended up in a seedy motel somewhere.

Paul: Mm, so that's it? You're not even gonna try?

Nikki: Okay. You got me. I was in on it. I mean, in spite of the fact that I had just been stabbed, i got in my car and I drove out to some motel god knows where and i shot that zack. And then I begged scott and abby to say that it was one of the victims. That's exactly what happened. So, slap the cuffs on me. Let's get this over with.

Paul: So, the night of the party, at the top of the tower, did you bring your gun with you?

Nikki: You're asking me if i was armed at a newman event? No, I wasn't, but looking back on it, I probably should have been.

Paul: The only reason I ask is someone could have taken the gun from your purse. Or you could have handed it off.

Nikki: None of that happened. I didn't have it, okay?

Paul: Okay, so, you don't keep track of your firearms.

Nikki: Gee, you know, it never occurred to me to do that. No! When I left the ranch, I didn't have the gun with me. I don't know where it is. I don't know when the last time was I had it.

Paul: Maybe I should ask victor, but I already did, and he couldn't say what happened to the firearm, either.

Nikki: What were you expecting, a different reply?

Paul: At this point, I don't know what to expect, but there is one thing I know for certain. Someone is lying.

Mariah: We are so different.

Sharon: Where did that come from?

Mariah: Well, despite our shared genetic makeup, you want to talk about emotions and feelings and relationships, whereas I would rather chomp on glass.

Sharon: Well, talking is less painful.

Mariah: Is it?

Sharon: I don't mean to push.

Mariah: No, you're great. You're doing exactly what a good mom should. You're being supportive and invested. It's just -- you're never gonna really understand how this feels. I mean, take you and scott for instance. All you did was pour him a cup of coffee, and cartoon hearts shot out of his eyes. Boom.

Sharon: That is not what happened at all.

Mariah: I put myself out there this last time, I shared my feelings, and... I got shot down. Hard.

Sharon: And you think I can't relate? I've had my share of romantic misery, and you've been there for plenty of it.

Mariah: I know, I know. I'm sorry. It's just everything seems so solid with you and scott. I mean, that has to make you feel good, right?

Sharon: Except when he goes and gets himself kidnapped, sure. I worried a lot about him when he was gone. But I worry about him now. It seems like he's been a little bit different since he got back.

Mariah: Yeah, but that's not you. It's the trauma.

Abby: I know he's not in yet, but please make sure he gets that. Thank you.

Victoria: Abby, I'm so glad i ran into you. Do you have a moment?

Abby: Uh, only a second. I have a conference call.

Victor: Sweetheart, will you join us? There's something we need to discuss together, okay? It will just be a minute.

Abby: Okay.

Victoria: Mitigating this sex ring scandal is crucial. Neil's doing his best to handle all of the media, but we need to put as much distance as we can between ourselves and this bad publicity, and fast.

Victor: What you have you to know is that I was questioned by the authorities, including paul williams. They're trying very hard to construct a case against us.

Abby: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I know how much the reputation of this company and our family means to you. It means a lot to me, as well.

Victoria: Good, then I assume that means you won't mind giving a public statement. People need to know that newman was never complicit with zack and his criminal activities.

Abby: Okay, yeah, I will start working on one right now.

Victoria: No. No need. I've written one up.

Abby: Oh.

Victoria: And since obviously time is not on our side, we'll be scheduling a press conference for later today, during which we'll need you to read exactly what we've written up here.

Nikki: All right, I'm not gonna take it personally that you just accused me of knowing about this gun, but if you bring it up again, we are gonna have a problem.

Paul: Nik, I am only asking the questions that have to be asked. Like, why do you own a gun in the first place?

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Paul, you know how victor is. He wanted me to know how to operate a gun. He's not home a lot. We live out in the middle of nowhere. He wants me to be safe.

Paul: Right, I understand he wants you to be safe, but you're not alone. You have a full security team, you have a household staff.

Nikki: Paul, I want to help you, but I don't know what to say. I am just as surprised as you are that that gun was involved in that murder -- albeit, the victim himself isn't really a loss to society...

Paul: Nikki, I understand your reasoning for saying that, but given who the murder weapon tracks back to, best maybe not to vocalize that in a public place.

Nikki: Why, because it can and will be used against me?

Paul: Given your history, i don't think it's a really good idea to endorse vigilantism, especially with your own weapon.

Nikki: Oh, my god, so now we're talking about my father, another sicko who took advantage of young girls!

Paul: Okay, you're right, all that is true. However...

Nikki: I would like to help you, but I don't know how I can.

Paul: [ Sighs ] Okay.

Nikki: Paul, believe me when I say that I have no idea who stole that gun.

Paul: Nikki, this isn't going away. Your gun was never reported stolen. So the authorities have no choice but to focus on newman enterprises, the ranch, and victor -- that's it.

Nikki: Well, to think that victor had anything to do with it is ridiculous. I mean, it's absolutely crazy.

Paul: [ Scoffs ] The feds won't necessarily see it that way.

Nikki: Tessa.

Tessa: Nikki. Uh, hi! I didn't want to interrupt you and chief williams.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. He and I are done. You and I are just getting started.

Victoria: Dad and I have some meetings scheduled, so while we take care of business, I need you to consider this the only thing on your to-do list. I need you to be honest and straightforward with plenty of humility. I'll see you later at the press conference, okay?

Abby: No, we need to talk about this.

Victoria: No, I'm sorry, abby, there's just no time. So just deliver this verbatim, and then things should start to go away. Look, you're a team player, i know that.

Victor: Sweetheart, you'll do fine, okay? Now, if you don't mind, victoria and I have some business to discuss.

Abby: Wow.

Scott: Hey. What's going on? You okay?

Abby: Not really, no.

Scott: Care to elaborate?

Abby: Here. Read. Enjoy.

Scott: No...

Abby: Yep.

Scott: Are they serious with this?

Abby: Yeah, this is supposed to be my mea culpa to the world. I'm supposed to play up the fact that I was a victim and should be pitied, and at the same time, make myself look completely pathetic while I announce to the whole world that everything that happened was because of my "inexperience and naivete."

Scott: And this part -- that you didn't share any doubts about zack with your father -- I mean, your his flak jacket, making him bulletproof.

Abby: Yeah! Oh, oh! And look at the bottom. This is my favorite part. "Victoria newman will assume all responsibility for future company acquisitions, and I can assure you that newman business will once again be conducted to the highest standards."

Scott: What they're asking --

Abby: Oh, no, no, no. They didn't ask. They ordered. I mean, how am I supposed to do that? How am I supposed to read it with a straight face? I can'T. I won'T.

Scott: No. No, you should.

Abby: Really? You're gonna have her side now, after what she did to hashtag?

Scott: No. No, no, no. You should read this, though, definitely. All it needs is a little editing.

Paul: Sorry to drop by unannounced, but, uh, I figured you'd want to hear this in person.

Jack: Is it about my mother?

Paul: The battery charge. The da's office has been in contact with a judge to try and set a trial date. I'm sorry, jack, they're gonna fast-track this thing.

Jack: There's nothing we can do about this? I can call nikki.

Paul: No, she wants to let it go, but it's not up to her. The altercation was in public, there were witnesses... dina is very high profile, and the message has to be sent that no one is above the law.

Jack: The message? That's what this is about? Pr for the city? Something for christine to campaign on when she runs for office again?

Paul: Look, jack, I came by as a courtesy, so maybe you could plan, maybe you could strategize and cut a deal. Although I don't think prison time is unavoidable in this situation.

Jack: I -- the whole thing... I'm sorry, I was out of line for what I said about christine. I'm sorry.

Paul: It's all right. I understand how stressful this is. And not just for you, but for the entire family.

Jack: If only it were just the battery charges.

Paul: What -- what are you talking about?

Jack: I think we're going to have add arson to my mother's list of crimes.

Paul: What are you saying?

Jack: The underground. In all likelihood, my mother started that fire, and she's not doing time for that, she's not doing time for what she did to nikki...

Paul: Oh, wait a minute, jack, if you think I can make this go away, I can'T.

Jack: No. I can.

Paul: What is this? Have you already seen a lawyer?

Jack: Not exactly. That is my mother's medical file.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Tessa: You think I stole your gun?

Nikki: Drop the act, tessa. And before you come up with some ridiculous lie, I want you to remember all the kindness and generosity I gave you.

Tessa: I am grateful for everything you did for me.

Nikki: That gun was under lock and key for a reason. You gave it to your sister crystal!

Tessa: Okay. Okay, yeah, I did it. I took the gun. But I didn't know it was yours.

Paul: All this is accurate?

Jack: Alzheimer'S. And not the early stages.

Paul: How long have you known?

Jack: Ash and I just found out. Mother has apparently known for some time now.

Paul: Well, this changes things.

Jack: Paul, I am no expert on alzheimer's -- yet -- but I know this. There is no way my mother knew what she was doing when she stabbed nikki, or when she did what she did at the underground. It wasn't until after a conversation with nick that i realized what had happened. When I confronted my mother, she had no recollection whatsoever. When I jogged her memory, when she finally admitted that she'd been there, that she might be responsible, I wish you could have seen the devastation on her face. Paul, you can call her doctor, you can visit with him. We had no idea what we were dealing with until the night of ashley's party at top of the tower. We know now. We can be more vigilant now. Nothing like this could happen again. You have my personal guarantee. No one could prosecute her for this -- not christine, not a jury...

Paul: I understand. I am -- I am sorry. I can only imagine. You hear friends talk about situations like this, and i guess every situation is different but in some ways the same.

Jack: Yeah.

Paul: And as far as the charges go, um... I can't see that the da's office will see an upside to prosecuting someone in dina's condition. I will send in my recommendation as soon as possible that all criminal charges be dropped.

Jack: Thank you, paul. I owe you big.

Paul: It's not a favor, jack. It's the right thing. I mean, dina and your entire family are going through a lot. It's not gonna get any easier.

Jack: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: The main thing that I want to get out of this press conference is for people to realize that abby is relatively new to serious business, but we should play up the sympathy angle regarding her mistakes, I think.

Lily: Um...

Victoria: Lily, is there something that you want to say?

Lily: Yeah, I just wanted to know what abby's reaction was when you and victor asked her to speak to the press.

Victoria: Abby realizes that we need to put the company first.

Lily: Well, you know that she would never intentionally hurt the newman image, right?

Victoria: No. No one thinks that she did this intentionally, not for one minute, but the damage has been done, and that's what we have to fix. Excuse me. How did you get in here? How did you get past security?

Hilary: I'm press.

Lily: [ Scoffs ] Barely.

Hilary: And I heard that there was a press conference, and I'd like to stream it live on my website.

Victoria: That conference isn't public knowledge yet.

Hilary: Well, it pays to have excellent sources. Now, I haven't been able to confirm the topic yet, but I can only assume --

Victoria: Leave now.

Hilary: That's not the way it works.

Victoria: You don't get to dictate the rules because maybe you didn't notice on your way in here -- the newman name is on the building. So that means you have one of two choices. You can escort yourself out, or I can have security throw you out, but there's no way in hell you're staying for this press conference, not after you ambushed me at the club the other day.

Hilary: I was giving you a platform, an opportunity to refute the allegations that newman was involved in zack's little side project. If anything, you should be thanking me for exposing jordan. You would still be employing a con artist if I hadn't lifted the veil on his grifter ways.

Lily: Jordan? What are you talking about?

Hilary: [ Scoffs ] You don't watch my show, do you?

Lily: No, I'm sorry, I have a life.

Hilary: Okay, well, I won't spoil it for you, but let's just say this -- your biggest fan, he's got some major issues. Go on, check out the archives. Juicy stuff.

Abby: This part just sounds so...I don't know.

Scott: Okay. Well, how about this?

Abby: Yeah. I like it. Hey, you know, I'm -- I'm sorry about hashtag. I think it was a huge mistake for victoria to shut it down. That sex-trafficking story, it wasn't just important for the victims and for law enforcement, but for everyone out there. They need to know that things like that, they actually happen.

Scott: Well, who said it's shut down?

Abby: Uh, the coo of newman enterprises?

Scott: Abby, I've been held hostage, interviewed dictators, dodged bullets, and manage to deal with you on a regular basis. I think I can find my way around a few it guys. But right now, let's focus on your statement. So, how about...this?

Abby: Mm. I don't know. I was thinking more like... that.

Scott: Better, except for the fact that you can't spell.

Abby: Oh, my gosh, I can totally spell! You just can't read cursive!

Scott: Not when it's illegible.

Abby: If you're just gonna judge me, then why are you even helping me?

Scott: Because. Because, um, I think this could benefit both of us.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Abby: Um, sharon.

Scott: Oh. She's, uh -- she's making dinner for me. She probably wants to know when I'll be over.

Abby: You should reply.

Scott: I'll get back to her when we're done here.

Abby: Haven't you put that woman through enough? You at least owe her some common courtesy.

Scott: I know exactly how much I owe her. Besides, I think we're making some really good progress here.

Abby: You know what, um, i think I got it. Thank you for your help, but you really should get to dinner.

Scott: No way. I'm not letting you go to that press conference by yourself. No backup?

Abby: [ Chuckles ] You think I can't handle it.

Scott: I threw some big words in there.

Abby: Only so you could sound smart.

Scott: [ Scoffs ]

Abby: You know, it's funny how your ego and insecurity are the exact same size. Hmm. Let's see here...

Jack: Hello, victor.

Victor: Jack, I would stay and chat, but I have a press conference to attend.

Jack: Uh-huh. I assume this has something to do with your company backing an organized sex-trafficking operation?

Victor: [ Chuckles ] This has to do with my company having been blindsided.

Jack: Boy, I'm glad I'm not dealing with that.

Jack: You tell your mother to stay away from nikki.

Jack: Oh, that won't be an issue. Nikki and I are no longer seeing each other.

Tessa: What I did was for crystal's sake. Zack had natalia murdered like she was nothing. All I could think was my sister was next.

Nikki: When I brought you into my house, I didn't realize you were a safe-cracker.

Tessa: It's not like that. I had the combination.

Nikki: How?

Tessa: From you.

Nikki: I think I would have remembered that.

Tessa: It was during the benefit, when things were crazy. It was on a stack of papers you handed me, and I tried not to look or care, but... I guess it stuck in my head. My curiosity got the better of me. I opened the safe and saw two guns. Look, I didn't know who they belonged to. I just took the smaller one because I thought it'd be easier to hide.

Nikki: Well, now paul is grilling me for owning a gun that was used in a homicide. The police are very curious to know how it got into crystal's hands.

Tessa: Are you gonna tell them it was me?

Nikki: You used to live in my home and crystal is your sister, so my guess would be that they already know! You know, you could get into a lot more trouble than this. You could be an accessory, even worse!

Tessa: I -- I didn't mean to. I... what did I do?

Nikki: The next time your sister gets a sex trafficker off the streets, you tell her not to drop the damn gun.

Lily: What the hell?

Jordan: I'm guessing you saw hilary's takedown.

Lily: Yeah, I heard about it, and it was disgusting, conning lonely women like that...

Jordan: A long time ago. Hilary's bitter. She has to tear apart anyone who gets on her bad side. This week, it's me.

Lily: You know what kills me is your hypocrisy. You never pass a chance to take a shot at cane, acting like you were so good and righteous.

Jordan: I told you I'd done things that I wasn't too proud of.

Lily: You never went into detail, you kept things vague. But you always made sure to be by my side, acting like you were so much more decent than my husband.

Jordan: Look, I don't want to fight with you, lily. Bottom line, I screwed up. In the past. But cane cheated on you and broke your heart. All I ever wanted to do was make you happy. My history does not make that a lie.

Hilary: Well, this looks like fun, hmm?

Lily: [ Sighs ] This is a private conversation.

Jordan: It's a finished conversation. Look, you -- you get off on inflicting pain. You -- from the way you defend cane, maybe you like suffering, and me, I... I'm out of here. I have to lay low for a while.

Hilary: Well, good, because I've been waiting to see the back of you for a long time.

Jordan: I left something for you to remember me by.

Hilary: [ Scoffs ] What does that mean?

Jordan: Stay tuned.

Mariah: All right.

Sharon: Perfect.

Mariah: I think my work is done here, so I'm gonna make myself scarce. But if there are any leftovers...

Sharon: Oh, they're all yours.

Mariah: Good. Did scott text you back?

Sharon: No, I think he must have gotten caught in traffic or work or something.

Mariah: Well, once he walks into this oasis of fine dining and romance, I'm sure all of that will melt away. I hope he doesn't take you for granted.

Sharon: No, that would never happen.

Mariah: Good, because then he'll have to answer to me.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: Oh, abby, hi. Good. I was hoping that we could talk through what's about to happen.

Abby: Okay.

Victoria: Just, uh, you know, be yourself. Keep things short and simple, and if you feel like getting emotional, go ahead. You've been through a lot.

Abby: I've got this.

Victoria: Good. Okay. So, as soon as dad gets back from his meeting, we're gonna start.

Abby: That's fine. I can wait.

Scott: How you feeling?

Abby: Do you want me to word-vomit my anxiety on you, or just say "fine?"

Scott: Let me think on that.

Abby: He's here.

Victoria: Thank you for coming, ladies and gentlemen. Newman enterprises is aware of the current controversy swirling around the recent incidents with the designdate app. Our company is devoted to transparency, so in that spirit, we feel that a statement is in order. Please give your attention to abby newman.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Thank you all for coming.

I've prepared a statement...

Mariah: Hey, why aren't you there?

Hilary: Shh! Shh! I want to hear this.

Abby: Any and all questions

can be directed to

power communications at a later


[ Cellphone chimes ]

Abby: As you all know, i

recently suffered a traumatic


Mariah: Hey, what's going on?

Hilary: I don't know. It's an alert from our website. I didn't authorize any...

[ Cellphones chime ]

Mariah: Oh. Wow. You can scroll. There are...a lot of pictures showing a lot of you.

Hilary: Jordan!

Abby: But now the worst is over, and I've taken a few days to reflect on everything that led to those disturbing events, and I would like to say how personally sorry I am for everything that happened. But there is a matter that i would like to clear up, since there seems to be some confusion surrounding the facts. All of us here at newman enterprises were duped by a master manipulator, a murdering criminal. This man brought me his idea for designdate, and I developed it through my tech incubator project. Newman enterprises then absorbed the incubator and all companies involved. As things progressed, I received support and expertise from my father, victor newman. Side by side we did our due diligence, never knowing that we were being taken advantage of by zack stinnett. That man alone is responsible for everything that happened. My associate scott grainger and I have been portrayed as victims, but that is not how we see it. The way we see it, however, is that we stood up to a violent criminal, never thinking about the cost. We exposed him and his activities when others could not. Some people want to blame me for the impact this has had on newman enterprises -- my father for one, my sister for another, who only recently became coo at newman enterprises after her relative inexperience cost her dearly at her failing company. The details behind designdate's criminal activities and how they are tied to an organized sex-trafficking ring are too extensive to get into here, but you can read all about it firsthand on hashtag, written by mr. Grainger. Take a look. One thing will be abundantly clear. There is no blame on this side of the podium for anything that went down.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: What the hell's the holdup, paul? I mean, how are we gonna get this person who torched my club?

Paul: We don'T.

Devon: Is there anything that I can do for you?

Hilary: Can you meet me? I have a proposal for you.

Abby: I'll save you the trouble of firing me. I quit.

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