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Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/29/16
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Provided By Suzanne
Cane: It's just like our wedding.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Hilary: Wake up every morning to the delicious scent of croissants du chocolat and café au lait, prepared freshly by your own personal chef...
Nikki: What are you up to?
Victor: You'll see.
Hilary: ...Heated swimming pool, lush gardens, luxurious spa, and its very own winery. Relax on the terrace after a day of pampering with a decadent glass of wine, made with grapes grown in the very fields which you gaze upon. The winner of this amazing package will share in the secrets of these magnificent vintages created by the frémaux family for many years. You'll enjoy a guided tour of the vineyard and the cellars, capped off with your very own private tasting with acclaimed enologist Gerald Duchaussoy. Stroll through the picturesque grapevines, but be careful that you don't slip and fall flat on your face because someone yanked one of those vines, like I did to Mariah on live TV.
Devon: Hey, what the hell did you just do?
Mariah: It's time everyone knows the truth about who your wife really is.
Neil: Hey, hey. I'm sure everyone can't wait to bid on this incredible getaway. Um, why don't we eat, drink, be merry...
Hilary: How dare you do this to me?
Mariah: Payback's a bitch, am I right?
Hilary: You changed the copy in the teleprompter to humiliate me?
Mariah: Just like you humiliated me when you made me trip in the fashion show!
Hilary: I made you, what? What are even talking about?
Mariah: Oh, don't even --
Devon: Hey, hey, hey, this is a big misunderstanding.
Neil: Wait a minute. What are you doing? Go! Go in there. Let's go somewhere more private.
Lily: Please tell me I didn't just imagine that Hilary admitted to making Mariah fall.
Cane: Well, it sure sounded that way. I just can't imagine that Hilary...
Lily: What, you can't imagine that she would actually make her look like a fool?
Cane: Oh, I know she's capable of that, I didn't think she was capable of confessing.
Kevin: Hilary tripped Mariah?
Chloe: I don't know!
Kevin: Well, you were there the night she fell flat on her face.
Chloe: Yeah, well, all I saw was her working the runway. She was doing great, and then... she went splat. I mean, you saw the video.
Kevin: Yeah, along with the rest of the world. Hilary messed with the wrong woman.
Chloe: Yeah.
Ashley: Did you have any idea?
Jack: No! None!
Ashley: Well, when that video went viral, it definitely looked like an accident, but I would not put it past Hilary to do something like that. So do you think she's responsible?
Jack: I don't know what to think. I'm just hoping this is a misunderstanding and we can get back to the business at hand.
Neil: What the hell is going on here?
Mariah: I think Hilary said it all in her confession.
Hilary: I didn't confess! Mariah is a pathetic loser who is jealous because I took back my job at GC buzz, so now she's sabotaging me.
Mariah: Devon, I never wanted to be on camera, you know that.
Neil: Is this true?
Mariah: Yes, it's true! Hilary is so insecure that she made sure that I would never take her place again!
Hilary: Oh, see right there? So it's your revenge. Mm.
Mariah: No. Consider it my resignation. If it takes being sneaky and tacky and low to get to the top, you can have it. And guess what? You can have her. Good luck.
Neil: Hey.
Hilary: [Scoffs]
Devon: Neil, can you give us a second, please?
Chelsea: Wait, wait, stop. Stop.
Nick: Yeah. Yeah. Uh...
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Nick: I'm -- I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry.
Chelsea: No, don't be sorry. All that matters is that we did stop. That's all that matters. That's what's important.
Nick: Yep. Yeah. We stopped.
Chelsea: You know, it was -- it was the champagne, nick, and it's, um... you know, it's new year's, and we just got -- we just got caught up in the moment. That's all it was.
Nick: Yeah. Just -- just the moment.
Chelsea: Uh, you know what, I'm just gonna grab my shoes, and --
Nick: A-are you gonna leave?
Chelsea: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what, I'm just gonna wake up Connor, and then we can go back --
Nick: Chelsea, don't. Please don't go.
Nikki: It's been such a lovely evening. I only wish we had gotten to bid on that trip to France.
Victor: Well, I got to tell you that I made a preemptive bid and bought the trip, you know?
Nikki: For me?
Victor: Mm.
Nikki: So, you essentially paid for the same trip twice.
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: You sure you want to do that?
Victor: Yeah. I bought it once for the foundation... ...and once for my baby. Nothing pleases me more than to make you happy.
Nikki: Oh. No matter what else the new year brings, promise you'll never stop surprising me.
Hilary: Mariah is out to get me, okay? Look at the damage that she just did to the foundation. That one auction item, it could have went for --
Devon: She did not just trip and fall, did she?
Hilary: Well, she shouldn't have been hosting that event in the first place.
Devon: So you're basically saying that she was asking for it.
Hilary: I didn't have some major plan to take down Mariah, okay, Devon? I just -- I wasn't thinking. I lost my temper.
Devon: Why you lying to me?
Hilary: I'm not lying to you.
Devon: Yes, you are lying to me. You lied to me so that I'd hire you back.
Hilary: Okay, we've already been through that.
Devon: You lied about your agent setting up job offers. You tricked me into making you executive producer.
Hilary: I earned that position, you --
Devon: I bought you a penthouse. Actually, I bought you an entire building so that we could start a fresh life together, build trust and respect.
Hilary: We have that, Devon. We do.
Devon: That's the biggest lie of them all.
Hilary: Okay, Devon. Devon. Come on, please, can we just -- can we just forget about what happened? Can we just try and start over?
Devon: This didn't just happen, you made it happen. You made Mariah fall on purpose, and you know what I call that? Evil. What if she had gotten hurt?
Hilary: I wasn't trying to hurt her, okay? I wasn't -- I wasn't thinking, okay? I am sorry. I truly am. Okay? Can you just -- can you just try? Can you try and understand where I'm coming from, please? Just -- [Sighs] Just... I'm sorry, okay? Do you forgive me?
Devon: I was wondering when you were gonna do this again. You're gonna throw yourself at me and try to manipulate me by using my love for you.
Hilary: That is not what I'm doing...
Devon: And all for what? Just to be in front of the camera again?
Hilary: I can't believe this. You are siding with Mariah.
Devon: The only reason that Mariah was on the show is because I asked her to be. She didn't want your job. She was doing me a favor, and then you went and did that to her. You made a fool out of her intentionally. How heartless could a person be? And for me to turn the other way and ignore what you've done now would be just --
Hilary: It would be kind, okay? And it would be forgiving, and that -- Devon, that's the type of man that you are.
Devon: The type of man that I am is a stupid one for being with you.
Hilary: Devon, please. Listen! Listen to me! Please just listen to me, okay? Can't you just listen to me for one second? We have been through more than this, Devon. Please! Please! Please! No, no, de--
Neil: Let him go.
Hilary: Let me -- Devon! Devon!
Kevin: Huh. Remind me never to cross you.
Mariah: I'm holding off on the victory dance.
Kevin: Why, are you feeling guilty?
Mariah: Well, feeling grimy for sinking to Hilary's level.
Chloe: Never feel bad about making sure that justice is done.
Mariah: [Scoffs]
Michael: Oh, wow! Wow, wow, wow!
Lauren: Spectacular.
Phyllis: It would look a lot nicer if it wasn't in the Newman building.
Lauren: Now, now.
Michael: Well, maybe some champagne will help.
Lauren: For sure.
Phyllis: Excellent solution.
Michael: Yes, sir. Thank you very much.
Lauren: Thank you.
Michael: Hey!
Lauren: Hi!
Michael: Oh, I hope we're not late for the auction. I was looking forward to out-bidding victor on that French trip.
Kevin: Oh, you already missed it.
Chloe: Oh, yeah. You missed the fireworks.
Lauren: Fireworks? They're supposed to start at midnight, right?
Michael: Yeah.
Kevin: Well, tonight, they started a little early.
Lily: You know what, Hilary, I underestimated you.
Hilary: Lily, not now.
Lily: [Laughing] Oh, there could not be a more perfect time. You know, I knew that you were ruthless, but your desperation is off the charts. You will do anything to get what you want. You even tripped poor Mariah on live TV.
Cane: We should get back to the party.
Lily: Why don't you do us a favor and stay away from my brother? He's better off without you.
Jack: Hey. Hey. You okay?
Hilary: Yeah, I am -- [Sniffles] I am terrific, Jack. I have got skills, don't you think? I was able to take down my marriage and your foundation benefit, one fell swoop. Quite the achievement.
Jack: Let me take you home. Come on. I'll drive.
Hilary: No, no, I'm fine. I'm gonna get a cab. I'm sorry, Jack.
Victor: Jack, if you don't mind my saying so, I don't think you and your foundation can save everyone, nor do I think she is worth the effort.
Nick: Thanks. Faith's still asleep. It's another year where she misses the countdown.
Chelsea: What about the boys?
Nick: Both old cold.
Chelsea: Kids. Life is so simple for them.
Nick: Maybe it's the so-called "adults" that make things complicated. You know, what -- what happened here...
Chelsea: It won't happen again. I mean, we kissed, nick, you know, a-and, um... you know, we came close to...
Nick: Yeah, uh... yeah, I think -- I think we both just miss Adam and sage. 2016 was pretty brutal for both of us, and this time of year, you get lonely and you turn to...someone else.
Chelsea: What makes it wrong is us turning to each other. You're my friend, nick. I need you in my life, you know? I need you in Connor's life.
Nick: I feel the same way. I'll never forget the promise I made to Adam -- to look out for you and Connor. That didn't include... sorry.
Chelsea: No. Nick, we're both learning to live life without our partners. And you -- you're just beginning to adjust to having this amazing blessing of having Christian back. The last thing either one of us needs is more...complications.
Nick: You mean feelings.
Chelsea: Feelings have consequences. And the more you feel, the more you open yourself up to getting hurt. I can't handle getting hurt again. I don't think you can, either.
Victor: Must be exhausting being that woman's champion.
Jack: What, are you happy that she's upset?
Victor: Listen to me. Given all the dirt that woman has dished out with GC buzz, I'm glad that a lot of it is falling back on her.
Jack: Hilary doesn't create the scandal, she reports it.
Victor: With help from her friends like you who feed her ammunition.
Jack: Ooh, is that an accusation?
Victor: Jack, just because this foundation carries your name doesn't mean that your hands are clean, does it? You were about to evict my daughter from your premises to get even with your idiot brother.
Jack: We have a deal. I plan to abide by it.
Victor: Good to know, Jack. Now, you and your brother can embark upon the new year with a clean slate. Thanks to me.
Billy: Ugh. You know what I'm not looking forward to? Being grateful to your father to keeping us in our office space.
Victoria: Well, do you prefer giving Jack the satisfaction of seeing us evicted?
Billy: Mm, do you ever wish you were an orphan? You wouldn't be a Newman. I wouldn't be an Abbott.
Victoria: Then what would we fight about?
Billy: Well, maybe we wouldn't fight.
[Cell phone rings]
Victoria: It's the sitter. Hey, Hannah. Does he have a fever?
Billy: Is he okay?
Victoria: Okay, I'll be right there. I have to go.
Billy: I'm gonna come with you.
Victoria: No, stay. It didn't sound that serious.
Billy: Come on, he's my boy, too, and to be honest, I would love to get out of here.
Lauren: [Laughing] Okay, missy. What's going on in that mind of yours?
Phyllis: That some things are meant to be and... ...some things aren't.
Michael: You sure about that?
Phyllis: Absolutely, positively, completely.
Ashley: Hey.
Ravi: Hey.
Ashley: How's it going? I warned you, this party could get pretty boring.
Ravi: Oh, not to me. I think it's amazing. Hey, is that victor Newman over there?
Abby: Hi, uh, do you want to meet him?
Ravi: You -- you know victor Newman?
Abby: Dad.
Ravi: Dad?
Abby: Dad.
Victor: Yes, sweetheart.
Abby: Hi, I would like you to meet the best software engineer in the whole wide world, Ravi...
Ravi: Sh-Shapur. Ashley's your mother and Mr. Newman's your father?
Victor: Is you're as good as they say you are, why are you not on my payroll?
Jack: Because he works for me.
Victor: If you ever want to play in the big leagues, you let me know, all right?
Nikki: No more shop talk tonight, darling. Come on.
Victor: We're gonna go dancing. Nice to meet you, Ravi.
Nikki: Good to meet you.
[Engine starts]
[Engine revs]
Mariah: Hi, excuse me, Jack. Sorry. I'm so sorry. I know you're busy and everything, trying to run this event and trying to save the people who can't save themselves....
Jack: Actually, Mariah --
Mariah: It's a great cause and it's very, very important and I really, really wish that I had thought about that before I put Hilary on blast with the whole teleprompter confession thing.
Jack: Mariah, it's okay.
Mariah: No, it's not okay because I ruined everything, an I know you that you actually kind of like Hilary...
Jack: Yes, Hilary is a friend of mine.
Mariah: And I just basically humiliated her in front of --
Jack: Stop! You have to let me get a word in.
Mariah: Sorry.
Jack: You didn't ruin anything. Thanks to Hilary, the auction was a great success.
Mariah: It was?
Jack: And thanks to you, this party is a sensation.
Mariah: It is?
Jack: I don't know if you've seen it -- this thing is trending on social media. That can only raise the profile of the foundation.
Mariah: So what you're telling me is that my ruining everything...maybe helped?
Jack: Yeah. Something like that.
Abby: Just go for it.
Ravi: Wait, you really think she would say yes?
Abby: Sure. Just ask her.
Ravi: Okay. [Clears throat] [Exhales sharply, sniffs]
Abby: Oh, good grief. Mariah, this is Ravi. Ravi, this is Mariah. Go dance.
Mariah: Hi.
Abby: With each other. Now!
Mariah: Oh, okay!
Abby: Do I have to do everything around here?
Mariah: [Chuckles] Hi. So...what's your sign?
Ravi: Uh...pi?
Mariah: Like apple or pumpkin or...
Ravi: Like 3.14159...
Mariah: Right. Well, this is off to a really weird start, but I'm down.
[Both chuckle]
Michael: Come dance with me.
Lauren: Hey, you know what? I'm just gonna go check in with fen.
Michael: Look, our son is a grown man. He is probably ringing in the new year with a beautiful lady friend or two lady friends. Maybe a whole bunch of lady friends.
Lauren: All right, enough of that, enough of that. Or he could be sitting alone in his apartment wondering why the heck we haven't checked in.
Michael: [Sighs] I like my version better. Come on.
Lauren: Honey, please, I -- it'll be quick. I just need to --
Phyllis: Hey, let your wife do her mom thing, all right, and dance this one with me. Might be the only chance I get tonight.
Lauren: Ooh, that is a perfect solution.
Michael: All right, well, give my love to my son and... ...his wives.
Lauren: Ha, ha! Very funny. And save the next one for me, okay, baby?
Michael: Oh, what a great problem to have -- two beautiful women as dance partners.
Phyllis: Ahh.
Michael: [Chuckles] Relax, I'm not gonna step on your feet. [Laughs]
Phyllis: [Laughs]
Michael: Oh! Oh, I am so sorry, Mr. Newman.
Victor: Well, excuse me. Almost poetic that we should ring in the new year together.
Phyllis: "Should old acquaintance be forgot..."
Michael: I hear you spared Jack a massive embarrassment in the courtroom. I was ready to wipe the floor up with him for that eviction notice.
Victor: Glad to hear that, but I didn't do it for Jack. I did that for Victoria.
Nikki: Well, speaking of that, I haven't seen her in a while. Did she leave?
Victor: I don't know.
Phyllis: Victoria left with Billy. Well, maybe they wanted to celebrate, you know, your magnanimous gesture, making it possible for them to keep working together.
Victor: Have a nice evening.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Michael: Yeah. Mm.
Victoria: Come on, baby. Let's get you up to bed.
Billy: Oh, come on. Can't go to bed when your stomach's doing somersaults, right, bud?
Victoria: Billy.
Billy: I'm just saying, maybe a little book might help him out a little bit.
Victoria: [Sighs] Would you like that? Would you like your dad to read you a book tonight?
Billy: Me?
Victoria: Yeah, it was your idea. Would that help you sleep, baby?
Billy: All right. What kind of book do you want to read? Something about wizards and dragons and fun stuff like that?
Victoria: How about something about fluffy clouds, because the idea is to get some sleep, right?
Billy: We got out-voted. Okay. "The boy who cried wolf." That'll work. Okay. You want to read? All right, here we go.
Victoria: I'm gonna go check on Katie.
Billy: All right. Okay, ready? "Once upon a time..."
Johnny: Wolf!
Billy: Wolf! There he is. Look at him. Does he look mean? A little bit, doesn't he?
Hilary: Devon? Devon! Devon, come on. We can talk about this. Devon! [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Devon.
Devon: Hey, you've reached Devon Hamilton...
Hilary: [Groans] [Sighs] [Sniffles]
[Rock music plays]
Hilary: I love you so much, Devon. So I'm fighting. I am fighting for us, Devon.
[Music volume increases]
Hilary: I don't understand how you can't see that.
I've been running since I was born
Devon: Listen to me. Lying is not the answer. All right? No more of that. She got you again. When are you going to learn, damn it?!
He has my name and he has my number
Devon: God!
Ashley: I think it was a really smart move to negotiate with victor to get the space, even though it means we have to keep brash & sassy! In the building.
Jack: I admit, if it meant funding the foundation and all the good work we do for another year, it was worth it. Just barely. Look, congratulations to all of us for pulling this off, especially to you, ash. This would not have happened without you.
Ashley: And?
Jack: And you were right and I was wrong.
Ashley: [Gasps]
Jack: And it wouldn't be the first time. Thanks for always being there to rescue me.
Ashley: You're welcome. And thank you. Here's to the foundation.
Neil: Yes, and my gratitude on top of that. Ashley, this evening is absolutely perfect.
Jack: So, do you think Devon and Hilary will put things back together?
Neil: I believe Hilary will land on her feet. She always does. As far as Devon, I watched him leave here. He was so upset, so angry. It's too bad.
Jack: Have you tried calling him?
Neil: He's not picking up.
Ashley: I'm sure Hilary's reached him by now. These kind of fights tend to blow over quickly when you're in love.
Jack: Sometimes.
Lauren: Have you had a chance to talk to Jack about the fact that you're quitting jabot? Oh, God, I want to get Fenmore's website up and running as fast as possible. Something brand-new for 2017.
Phyllis: Okay. Actually, I ran into Jack on Christmas eve and I told him I was ready to move on.
Lauren: Are you telling me that you are available full-time?
Phyllis: I am so available. Count me in!
Lauren: Best belated Christmas present ever!
Phyllis: You know what? The feeling is mutual because you gave me an out. Now, how do we kick off the new year?
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: We let go of the past.
Lauren: That's right, sister.
Phyllis: Right? Boom.
Lauren: [Laughs] I love it.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Victor: Hello, sweetheart.
Abby: Hey, dad.
Victor: [Sighs] Been quite a year, hasn't it? Hmm?
Abby: Yeah. [Chuckles] One year ago, I was in this room at this very moment and I was getting married. I was sure it was all gonna work out. So, how do you do it? How do you keep going?
Victor: Well, when you fight, you fight. And when you cry...
Abby: You cry?
Victor: No, not me. I just fight harder. But if there's a need to cry, I hire someone to do it for me.
Abby: [Chuckles]
Victor: And then there's a time to dance. And that is what you and I are gonna do right now.
Abby: [Laughs]
Victor: Come on.
Nick: What are you thinking about? How mad you are at me?
Chelsea: I'm not mad at you. But I was serious about what I said. Your friendship is really, really important to me, and I don't want to mess it up.
Nick: That's never gonna happen. And you can guarantee that by opening this.
Chelsea: Looks expensive.
Nick: Eh, depends on your definition of expensive. I mean, it was like...a million bucks. Go ahead. Open it.
Chelsea: I don't know if I should.
Nick: Fine, then I'll open it.
Chelsea: All right.
Nick: Let's see.
Chelsea: Oh! [Laughs]
Nick: Just some, uh, you know, mementos from the evening.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Did you steal these from your daughter?
Nick: Well, she's asleep, so technically, it's not stealing.
Chelsea: Do these make me look smarter?
Nick: You look way smarter than me.
Chelsea: Well, it's a low bar.
[Both laugh]
Nick: That is true. So... [Sighs] I mean, we're good, right? We're -- we're still friends?
Chelsea: Yeah. Still friends.
Nick: Friends.
Chelsea: Um, I -- I am gonna go get Connor and leave before the parties start breaking up, so...
Nick: Yeah. Drive safe.
Chelsea: I will. Thanks for these.
Nick: Yeah.
Billy: So, what's the moral of the story, buddy?
Johnny: Wolves.
Billy: Wolves what?
Johnny: Wolves are bad.
Billy: Wolves are bad. Yeah, that's true. But it's also saying that if you cry wolf all the time, then people stop listening to you. And when you really need somebody, when the wolf is really there, they might not believe you. And then what happens?
Johnny: Eats you.
Billy: Then it eats you. Then it eats you up, it eats you up, and it starts at your leg and it goes all the way up and into your arm and into your belly.
Victoria: Yeah, looks like the story did the trick. He looks really sleepy.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Are you ready for bed, baby?
Billy: Can I take him up, mommy?
Victoria: Yeah, of course.
Billy: Yeah. Okay. You want to take your nice, cozy blanket with you? Come on. Ready? Come on.
Victoria: How's he feeling?
Billy: Cool as a cucumber.
Victoria: All right.
Billy: Say bye to mommy.
Victoria: Good night, baby. Love you. Oh, Billy, uh, you know, if you look under his bed and in the closet, he'll sleep a lot better.
Billy: Oh, yes, we'll make sure there's no wolves. No wolves in your closet or underneath your bed or in your top drawer where all your socks are or in your closet where all your games are and toys are.
Victor: Everything will be all right. I think next year's gonna be wonderful for all of us, especially for you, okay?
Abby: Well, if anyone could guarantee to make that happen, it would be you.
Lauren: There you are.
Michael: Hey! Ooh. I thought you didn't talk to Fenmore.
Lauren: I didn't.
Michael: Then what's got you so happy?
Lauren: [Chuckles]
Michael: You're in about 1,000% better mood than after that call.
Lauren: Well, let's see. Is it this party? I mean, it's nice, but no.
Michael: Mm.
Lauren: Could it be my shoes that are crushing my toes right now?
Michael: I'm guessing not.
Lauren: No. Must be you, baby. [Chuckles]
Nikki: Well, you certainly improved Abby's mood.
Victor: That is what I intended to do. And now what can I do for you?
Nikki: Hmm. You mean besides taking me on that fabulous trip to France?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Well, you could accept my apologies for every time I reprimanded you for interfering with the kids.
Victor: What brought that about?
Nikki: Dylan. Letting your children go, giving them space is just the hardest thing to do.
Victor: It is, isn't it?
Jack: Ready to do this with me? Come on.
Ashley: Uh, you go ahead.
Jack: You sure? Okay, everyone, I guess you know what time it's getting to be! Time to ring in 2017! So grab a drink, grab a friend, and maybe you can grab a kiss.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Kevin: Whoo!
Jack: The clock is ticking!
Cane: All right.
Ravi: Did -- did he say kiss?
Mariah: Oh, who knows? But thank you for the dance, Ravi.
Ravi: No problem. But about that kiss, are we supposed to find someone, or...?
Mariah: You know, I think you're probably thinking too hard about it, but my friends have something going on over there, so I'll see you later. Hey, guys.
Kevin: So, you and the AV guy.
Mariah: Oh. Ravi's nice enough, but he speaks a foreign language -- math.
Neil: Okay, so, it's time to synchronize our watches, huh?
Ashley: All right, you boys do that.
Neil: Yeah, and then...
Phyllis: Jack, can I have a minute?
Neil: Um, why do we, uh, go get set up for midnight, all right? Come on. After you.
Jack: Tempting though it may be, tonight of all nights, to rehash the year that was, I'm not sure I see the point. Believe it or not, I hope the new year is good to you.
Phyllis: Believe it or not, I hope the same for you. And in that same spirit, I have decided that now is the time to make that clean break I mentioned at Christmas.
Jack: Now?
Phyllis: Would there be a better time?
Jack: No. None.
Phyllis: Good. Then as of this moment, I am no longer working for jabot. Happy New Year, Jack.
Nick: Hey! You're up!
Faith: I set my phone alarm so I'd be awake at midnight.
Nick: That's pretty smart.
Faith: Where's Chelsea?
Nick: Uh, she and Connor went home.
Faith: So, is it just you and me?
Nick: And your little brother.
Faith: Christian can sleep through anything. But I wouldn't miss this! Look! The ball's about to drop!
Nick: Come here. [Groans]
Faith: [Laughs]
Billy: Little man was asleep before his head hit the pillow.
Victoria: Well, I guess you have the magical touch.
Billy: Well, maybe that's because I've never grown up myself. Thanks for letting me put him down.
Victoria: Yeah, of course. It never gets old, does it?
Billy: No, it doesn't. Okay. I should head out. You okay?
Victoria: Yeah, I'm fine. You just -- you don't have to feel like you have to rush off or anything.
Billy: I don't want to crowd you. I mean, you've been keeping your distance lately, and...
Victoria: Yeah, I know. Stress.
Billy: Brash & Sassy! Almost losing the lab?
Victoria: Among other things. It's a relief, though, isn't it? Knowing that we don't have to move out of our offices?
Billy: Things are looking up.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Looks like it's gonna be a good year for the both of us. And our kids.
Victoria: That's what I want more than anything.
Billy: It's good to see you smile again. I know it's early. Happy New Year, Vick.
Victoria: Happy New Year, Billy.
[Doorbell rings]
Billy: Five to one that's your dad making sure the new year's celebration doesn't get out of hand.
Victoria: Reed. What are you doing here?
He says he belongs to you. Is that right?
Reed: Hi, mom.
Faith and nick: 10, 9, 8...
All: Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Mwah! Mwah! Happy New Year! Mwah!
Ashley: Hey, you guys, we might be unattached, but we can still celebrate!
Jack: Yes! To us!
[Fireworks booming]
Ashley: [Laughs]
[Booming continues]
Ashley: Wow!
The fireworks!
Hilary: [Sighs]
[Rock music]
Hilary: I wasn't thinking, okay? I am sorry. I truly am.
[Music volume increases]
Hilary: Please just -- can't you just listen to me?
[Engine revving]
Hilary: Can you just try? Can you try and understand? Devon! Devon!
[Tires screeching]
[Loud crash, glass shatters]
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