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Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/28/16
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Provided By Suzanne
out on time and the food comes out on time, just picking everything up. That'd be great. Thank you.[Cell phone rings]
Hi, Lily Ashby. Yes, all of our guests are informed of the venue change.
Abby: Oh, hey!
Chelsea: Hi!
Abby: Happy new year!
Chelsea: Same to you.
Abby: Ooh, is this the gown that you created for the auction?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Abby: Do you think I could get a little sneak peek?
Chelsea: And ruin the surprise? No way. Plus, you might want to bid on it later.
Abby: I might just do that.
Chelsea: Uh, is there a place that I can hang it up?
Abby: Of course, yes. Follow me.
Chelsea: Great.
Ashley: [Gasps]
Neil: Wow. Look at this. It's beautiful.
Ashley: Hard to believe that 24 hours ago, we couldn't even find a dive bar to host us.
Neil: The volunteers worked their butts off for this. Good job.
Ashley: Is this amazing, Jack? I mean, can you believe they did all of this in such a short amount of time?
Jack: I am very grateful to everyone for their hard work. I got to say this -- it sticks in my craw that I owe that man anything.
Abby: Hmm, if you're talking about my dad, he saved your bacon.
Neil: Ooh, she's got you there, Jack.
Abby: Yeah, I mean, he gave you this primo location when your first one fell through so you didn't have to cancel, refund tickets. I mean, without my dad, there would be no benefit.
Neil: She's got you there again, Jack. Didn't charge us a nickel, did he?
Jack: Oh, trust me. Victor got his pound of flesh.
Victor: There.
Nikki: Thank you.
Victor: Look at that.
Nikki: Oh, as many times as I have seen you in a tux...
Victor: Really? I hate to put this damn thing on, but it's for a good cause, isn't it?
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: But you, my darling, look gorgeous.
Nikki: Thank you.
Victor: Yes.
Nikki: Well, I'm glad you think so, because you did pick out this gown.
Victor: I did?
Nikki: Yes.
Victor: I forgot.
Nikki: [Scoffs] So, I've been meaning to ask you...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: How did Victoria react when she found out that you're the reason why brash & sassy! Isn't being evicted?
Victor: I have not spoken to her about that.
Nikki: Well, you came to jack's rescue and hers. Why wouldn't you want her to know that?
Victor: I was concerned that she would assume that I thought she wasn't capable of solving her own problems.
Nikki: And she would have a point.
Victor: No, she would not have a point because I have the utmost confidence in her abilities. But this was an opportunity that presented itself, and I couldn't pass it up.
Nikki: You've always had such a generous heart. Even if most of the world can't always see it.
Victor: [Chuckles] I'm glad you feel that way.
Nikki: I do.
Cane: You almost done?
Victoria: I'm going as fast as I can. There's a lot to back up. We don't want to leave behind any trade secrets when we vacate the building.
Cane: You mean, before Jack locks us out at midnight?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: Just call me when you get into the lobby. I'll give you the security code for the elevator.
Victoria: Please tell me you found a moving company that's willing to work on new year's eve.
Cane: Yeah, and hopefully, they'll charge us triple time and we can send your brother the bill.
Billy: I've got something else planned.
Victoria: Billy, we need to be out of here on time.
Billy: The guy I just talked to is from the chronicle. He's with the online breaking news team, and he's sending a team to film the drama.
Cane: Oh, the "drama" of us leaving with our tails between our legs, right?
Billy: No. The scene I'm about to make, calling on my "philanthropist" brother for the petty, vindictive, hypocrite he really is. You're welcome.
Hilary: [Scoffs]
Devon: I thought you'd be dressed by now, honey.
Hilary: Hey, how do you pronounce this? It's from the trip to France that we're auctioning.
Devon: Mm, they didn't teach us a lot of French in the group home, sorry.
Hilary: [Sighs] Okay. "To accompany your wine tasting, you will sample the local cheeses and other hand-crafted delicacies such as chocolates flavored with... "pesh-de-vigigenguh."
Devon: Look it up online.
Hilary: I don't have time! And this is a very sophisticated group of people, Devon. Some of these people might have already been there. I need to say everything just right.
Devon: Sweetheart. Look at me. You're a pro. Okay? The damn spotlight was made for you. I've seen you handle things on the fly. You have a gift for this. You're gonna be fine. You'll be fine.
Hilary: [Sighs]
Hilary: Ugh, Mariah. Poor thing. Are you okay? You have no reason to be embarrassed. Everybody who saw you hit the floor like a dead cockroach, they will all forget. Eventually.
Theo: Hey. Final copy for the auction teleprompter tonight.
Mariah: Awesome. Thank you, Theo.
Theo: Oh, uh, Hilary wants you to proofread every last syllable.
Mariah: You know what? She's right. Why don't I look it over, and I'll see if it needs any last-minute changes. I owe Hilary that much.
Lily: Hey. You okay?
Abby: Um, one year ago tonight, in this very room... it would have been our first anniversary.
Lily: You know, if you need some time...
Abby: No, um, that is very sweet, but we have a lot to do. We have a gala to put on, and I refuse to feel sorry for myself. And we have a new year to ring in. [Chuckles]
Jack: Victor could have helped our cause without any strings attached, but no, he took advantage of the situation, forcing me to reverse a business decision that had nothing to do with him. Now he comes out the hero, and I look like an idiot.
Ashley: Look, I understand how you feel, I really do. I was looking forward to getting my lab back. But in the bigger scheme of things, it's really a small price to pay, don't you think?
Jack: For you, maybe.
Ashley: Jackie, think of all the good that's gonna come out of tonight, all the money that we're gonna raise. The foundation has already helped so many people. We're gonna be able to open up so many more centers, places where people can go that are suffering then go and recover and rebuild their lives. Because of your help. Now, what could be more meaningful than that?
Nick: Hey, mom! You look beautiful.
Nikki: Well, thank you, darling.
Nick: Dad! Sharp-dressed man, as always.
Victor: Right.
Nick: How's, uh... how's faith doing?
Victor: I think she's doing well. She's adjusting. We're very happy to have her here, you know?
Nick: Good. I'm glad.
Victor: Yeah.
Nick: And I'm not.
Nikki: Her spending this time away from you doesn't mean she loves you any less. Just take it slow. You'll regain her trust.
Victor: I think you should listen to your mother. That's good advice.
Faith: What's good advice?
Nick: Well, I don't know. Why don't you give me one of those big hugs you like to hand out, and maybe I'll tell you.
Faith: [Giggles] You're not going to the party, are you?
Nick: What gave that away?
Faith: You're dressed like that, and grandpa's dressed like that.
Nick: What are you talking about?
Victor: Yes.
Nick: Are you trying to say I don't look as good as this guy? I mean, look at me.
Victor: Huh?
Faith: No. Sorry, dad.
[Laughter] So, is it just you and Christian tonight?
Nick: I'm gonna hang out. I think Chelsea's gonna come over, she's gonna bring Connor, and, you know, we'll watch the ball drop on TV.
Faith: You could do all of that here with me while grandma and grandpa are at their benefit thingy.
Nick: Well, you know what, that is the best invitation I've had all year.
Faith: [Giggles]
Neil: This is so great. I can't thank you enough for your contribution -- an original design, a beautiful one, and very, very generous of you.
Chelsea: Oh, it was an honor to be asked. I was happy to do it.
Abby: I feel bad for whoever bids against me because they will have a fight on their hands.
Lily: Oh, you are on.
Chelsea: Well, I hope, you know, the dress makes you a lot of money for the foundation.
Neil: I'm sure it will, Chelsea.
Chelsea: All right, well, uh, I guess I should be going. I hope you have a wonderful time and a happy new year.
Neil: Wait a minute. Wait, you're leaving now?
Abby: You're just gonna go home and change, right?
Chelsea: Actually, um, I think I'm gonna skip the festivities.
Lily: No, you should stay. You'll have so much fun.
Abby: Yeah, you can't skip out.
Chelsea: I'm just not in the mood for a party these days. Happy new year.
Abby: You, too.
Neil: Happy new year.
Victoria: Embarrassing your brother in front of the press -- isn't that just as petty and vindictive as the move that he's made?
Billy: You don't think we're entitled?
Victoria: I don't think this has to do with "we." I think this is between you and Jack.
Billy: It was, until he screwed us all as a way to get back at me.
Victoria: If you go through with this, you're gonna make brash & sassy! Look bad, too.
Billy: But if we all --
Victoria: No, I'm not having it, understood? I'm sure that Jill would agree.
Cane: Yeah, maybe you should call her and find out. You may be surprised.
Billy: Well, well. Dave. Jack send you to throw our stuff down the elevator shaft?
Dave: Official jabot security memo, signed by the boss.
Billy: Holy...
Cane: What is it?
Victoria: Give me that.
Cane: Are you kidding me?
Victoria: So we're not being evicted? Why are we just finding this out now?
Cane: Who cares why we're finding out now? That means we're not being evicted, so you can call off your dogs.
Billy: Yeah, that's fine, but why the last-minute change?
Dave: Don't ask me.
Billy: Always helpful and informative, Dave. I appreciate that.
Victoria: Happy new year, Dave!
Billy: What is this?
Victoria: It's fantastic. There's no other word for it.
Billy: No, but why? Why is this happening? What happened?
Cane: Who cares why this is happening? It means that I get to go and spend new year's eve at the benefit with my wife, and you, if you were smart, you would go and celebrate at the benefit. Good night.
Faith: I can't believe how early he zonked out.
Chelsea: I know. Connor's pretty good about going to bed at his regular bedtime.
Faith: Well, I'm gonna be awake way past midnight, so I can tell him tomorrow what he missed.
Nick: Really? You think you're gonna make it to the big countdown?
Faith: I'm not gonna fall asleep like last year.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Nick: And the year before that, and the year before that.
Faith: I was a little kid then. This time, it'll be different.
Nick: Oh, okay.
Faith: In the meantime, we have lots to do.
Chelsea: Like what?
Faith: Make popcorn, there's like three movies I've been dying to see. Plus, we need to pick out our gear so we'll be ready.
Nick: Wait. Sorry, what? Pick out our what? Did you put her up to this?
Chelsea: [Laughing] No. What do you got here? [Gasps]
Faith: Favors, daddy! For midnight!
Chelsea: Ooh!
Nick: What? Give me one of those pink things.
Chelsea: Cool!
Faith: There you go.
Nick: Boom.
Chelsea: Cute! I'm a princess.
Nick: Oh, beautiful. There we go.
Victoria: The last I knew, Jack was determined to pry us out of here before the deadline.
Billy: So what turned it around?
Victoria: I don't know. Maybe Jill threatened to sue.
Billy: You really think Jack is phased by anything my mother does? This doesn't make sense to me.
Victoria: Who knows, Billy? Maybe he got into the holiday spirit and he had a change of heart.
Billy: [Laughs] Jack, heart? Don't think so.
Victoria: Come on. He's not that bad. You know it. Jack may be a lot of things, but heartless is not one of them.
Billy: What do you want me to say? I've already called off the camera crew. You want me to start singing his praises?
Victoria: Okay, well, since the move is officially called off, I am gonna go to the benefit, too.
Billy: All right, I guess that means I'm hanging out with the kids.
Victoria: Oh, no. No, no, no. Brash & sassy! Bought a table. Babysitters have been booked. If cane and I are going, then you're going, too.
Billy: [Sighs]
Hilary: "Pesh de ven-yay." "Pesh de ven-yay."
Devon: I think you nailed it, honey.
Hilary: Yeah, with my luck, it's probably gonna be cut out of the teleprompter. You know, whose bright idea was it anyways to donate a trip worth $25k to a place that nobody can pronounce?
Devon: Oh, I think that was victor's idea, actually.
Hilary: Yeah, it figures. Just because he knows half-a-dozen languages, it doesn't mean that everybody else does. [Sighs] Devon... everybody in that room is gonna be judging me. All of the big-shots from Chicago to Milwaukee to Genoa City... the power players. The people that matter. The people that write those life-changing checks.
[Cork pops]
Hilary: Are you even listening to me?
Devon: I am listening, yes, but I would like you to have some of this vintage 2005 Bordeaux because one sip, and you'll be talking like you were born in Paris.
Hilary: That's not funny.
Devon: With two sips, you'll be like Joan of arc, ready to lead the charge into victory. Three sips...
Hilary: Yeah, I'll be slurring my words and no one will listen anyway.
Devon: Sweetheart, you are beautiful, you are charming, and you are intelligent, okay? I have complete faith that you can get through this. Besides, who wouldn't want to buy whatever it is you're selling and be insanely happy with it? You're gonna get up there and you're gonna start rolling and have people eating out of your hands.
Theo: Mariah.
Mariah: Yeah?
Theo: How's the proofing going?
Mariah: Good.
Theo: Want me to come along tonight, run the teleprompter?
Mariah: No, no. It's new year's eve. You can take the night off, Theo. I got it under control.
Billy: You go right ahead, have fun. I'll spend the night with the kids breaking out the Christmas toys.
Victoria: I'm pretty sure the kids are asleep by now.
Billy: Then that's fine because the bulls and the bucks are playing, and I'll watch the second half.
Victoria: Why are behaving like this?
Billy: I'm not behaving any way. Mom bought a table. You're going, cane's going. That's enough. I don't need to see Jack all full of himself and smug. I don't think I can stomach it.
Victoria: You know, there's this saying that the way you spend new year's eve is the way you're gonna spend your whole next year. We've been given a pretty great gift tonight. Are you sure you want to start things off so bitter and resentful? You should think about it.
Chloe: Now, this is a new year's eve date.
Kevin: Yeah, it was super cool of Michael and Lauren to share their table with us.
Chloe: Yeah, and now, if only they would share their checkbook with us for the auction.
Kevin: You know, I might bid on one or two of these awesome items, it's such a great cause.
Chloe: Okay, well, you see that number? That's the least amount that you have to donate just to hold that paddle.
Kevin: Come to think of it, I don't have any room for this garbage in my place, but I will write a check -- a very small check.
Mariah: Excuse me, excuse me.
Kevin: Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Mariah: Hey.
Kevin: Hi.
Mariah: Sorry, I'm kind of busy.
Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, too busy to say "happy new year?"
Mariah: Happy new year.
Kevin: Happy new year to you. What are you so busy doing?
Mariah: Well, I'm kind of producing this whole thing for Hilary. It's time-and-a-half, so...
Kevin: Oh. Good deal.
Mariah: Yeah.
Chloe: Well, you look like you're getting around really great in those heels.
Mariah: Survival skills.
Chloe: Well, you look great.
Kevin: Uh-huh.
Mariah: Thanks. Well, I won't be the one taking a fall tonight.
Neil: Hey, thanks so much for coming. It's great to see you. Happy new year.
Jack: Auction paddles are right around the corner on the piano.
Neil: Thanks.
Nikki: Hello.
Neil: Well, hello.
Jack: Hello.
Victor: What a wonderful evening to raise funds.
Neil: It certainly is, and you look absolutely stunning, Nikki.
Nikki: Oh, thank you. You two look rather dashing yourself.
Jack: Welcome, victor. I hope you brought your checkbook.
Victor: Thank you for welcoming me to my own damn building.
Nikki: We plan to make a very generous donation.
Neil: Nikki, victor, you already have, and we thank you immensely for it.
Jack: If you will excuse me, please.
Victor: Of course. Neil, how have you been?
Devon: This place is jumping.
Hilary: Yes, the energy is fabulous.
Jack: Yeah, so I'm told. If you'll please excuse me, I need to speak with your wife for just a moment.
Devon: Sure, Jack. Yeah.
Jack: Thanks, Devon.
Hilary: Hey.
Devon: [Clears throat] Hey.
Mariah: Hey.
Devon: Hilary is, uh, having a few jitters.
Mariah: Really? I'm surprised.
Devon: Well, she's never used a teleprompter before, so I just came over to make sure that everything's on track for tonight.
Mariah: Yeah, you can tell her to relax. The machine is ready to go -- I triple-checked it myself -- and the copy is word-for-word what the foundation approved.
Devon: Great.
Hilary: Speaking of the teleprompter, can I take a look?
Mariah: Yeah, of course. You want to go up there?
Hilary: Yeah.
Mariah: Okay. All right. Look at the monitor. And this is your introduction. So see how easily it scrolls? So you just set the pace, and I will follow your lead.
Hilary: Okay. Wonderful.
Devon: Hey, Mariah, thanks again for the taking the night to produce this for us.
Mariah: Yeah. Of course. "Overtime" is the magic word.
Devon: Everything's gonna run like clockwork, honey.
Hilary: Okay, can you point me to the bar because I think I need another glass of wine.
Devon: Sure. Can I get you anything?
Mariah: No, I'm good.
Devon: Okay.
Abby: You're the guy who did all the tech for tonight.
Ravi: Yes. Is -- is something wrong?
Abby: Quite the opposite. Everything is great. I'm Abby, by the way.
Ravi: Ravi. Pleased to meet you.
Abby: Um, I haven't seen you around Newman before. What department do you work for?
Ravi: Oh, no, I'm a software engineer for jabot.
Abby: Oh! So you know Ashley Abbott then.
Ravi: Yeah! Well, I report to Ashley.
Abby: And she's the best boss ever, right?
Ravi: The best. Ever.
[Abby laughs]
Ravi: You know her?
Abby: I do. Quite well, actually. I've known her since the day I was born. She's my mom. Well, um, it was great to meet you, Ravi.
Ravi: Uh...you, too. [Sighs] [Clears throat]
Billy: Thank you.
Jack: What are you doing here?
Billy: Just here to enjoy the swingin' party. Brash & sassy! Got a table, so...
Jack: Yes. I'll well aware.
Billy: Look, Jack, however you feel about me, I believe in the foundation and its cause. Is that actually why you, uh, took back the eviction? Peace on earth and goodwill toward an errant younger brother?
Jack: Errant -- now, there's an interesting word.
Billy: Okay. Either way, I'm grateful.
Jack: Well, you may not be once you find -- you know what? I'll leave it there. I think I'll just sit back and watch.
Victoria: [Sighs] Sorry I'm a little late, but at least I come bearing good news. Jabot is not gonna kick us out of our office spaces.
Victor: Really?
Victoria: Jack mysteriously changed his mind. Isn't that incredible?
Victor: That's wonderful news.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. It's incredible. I'd like to thank him. Is he here?
Nikki: Well, if you want to thank someone, you should thank your father. He is the mysterious reason why you still have an office to go to on Monday.
Victoria: Whoa. Wait a minute. You did this? How did you pull it off?
Victor: I did nothing nefarious.
Victoria: Really?
Victor: No.
Nikki: There was some problem with the original venue, and your father allowed the foundation to use this space in exchange for your lease.
Victoria: Wow. Thank you, dad. I'm sorry I misjudged you.
Victor: You're forgiven.
Victoria: But just for the record, you know I could have handled this on my own, right?
Victor: Of course you could have.
Victoria: Of course.
Victor: Happy new year.
Victoria: Happy new year.
Victor: Congratulations.
Victoria: Thank you. Oh! Hi, Billy. You made it.
Billy: Yes, hi. I just came to hang out at the party. Hello. Hi, Nikki.
Nikki: Hi, good to see you, Billy.
Billy: You, too.
Victoria: You're never gonna guess who persuaded Jack to let us keep our offices.
Victor: You may thank me, as well, Billy boy.
Jack: Could I have everyone's attention, please? Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. We'd love to get started. Thanks. Hello, I am Jack Abbott, and this is my dear friend and colleague, Neil winters.
Neil: Thank you, Jack.
Jack: It is our pleasure, along with that of the Abbott-winters board to welcome you to the first annual new year's eve Abbott-winters benefit gala.
Neil: There it is.
Jack: There you are.
Jack: Special thanks tonight is due to victor Newman, who very generously provided us with this beautiful venue. Please join me in giving him a hand.
Jack: And we would also like to thank Devon Hamilton. He's the owner of the Genoa City athletic club and the lovely Lily Ashby. She's the general manager of the GCAC, and she is responsible for donating all the food and all the drink that we're having here tonight. So, come on. Clap it up.
Jack: Neil and I are both so grateful that you are all here tonight with your credit cards and checkbooks, but the truth is, you've already contributed so much to our program with your mere presence. Tonight is a celebration, though, and we are very eager to introduce you to this evening's host.
Neil: Let's welcome foundation board member and executive producer of "GC buzz TV," Mrs. Hilary Hamilton.
Hilary: Whew! Okay. Well, good evening, everyone. Wow, look at you! You guys are a ridiculously gorgeous group of people. You all know that, right?
[Chuckles] Thank you, Neil and Jack, for that wonderful introduction. I am delighted to be here, spending my new year's eve with all of you. We have a very exciting evening planned, so I hope everybody had a chance to look at all of the spectacular items that we have up for auction, and don't worry, we will get the fun started shortly. But first, we invite you to take a look at this short video presentation showing some of the outstanding work that the Abbott-winters foundation has done in the very short time that it has been in operation, demonstrating why every tax-deductible dollar that you give here tonight is so very vital.
Neil: Jack and I created the foundation with a global vision to provide a support system around the world for those who need it.
Jack: Our first endeavor was local. We set out to provide inpatient treatment and outpatient counseling in the immediate area for those suffering...
Ashley: Might want to slow down, champ.
Billy: What are you talking about? Didn't you hear? We're supposed to be celebrating.
Ashley: Billy, I'd think you'd be in a better mood. You just got a great reprieve today.
Billy: Oh, I'd be in a great mood if I didn't have victor to thank for it.
Neil: ...Reaching out to the people who need us most...
Hilary: [Exhales sharply]
Neil: ...Who haven't always had access to high-quality care.
Devon: Hey. Honey. You're doing fantastic. Can't even tell that you're reading a teleprompter.
Hilary: Mariah, she's doing a pretty good job, too.
Devon: Yeah, she is. She's doing great. She's taking it way better than I thought, too.
Jack: But it doesn't come cheap.
Hilary: Ooh. That's my cue.
Devon: Get 'em, baby. Mwah.
Hilary: Thank you. Wasn't that inspiring? Someone very near and dear to me when I was growing up had a very serious problem with alcohol. It is one of the main reasons why I am involved in such an important cause. Like Jack and Neil and everyone else on the board, I am deeply proud of all of the work that we have done. And I hope that you are, too. So, without further ado, let us cut loose, and who is ready to start this auction, hmm?
[Cheers and applause]
Hilary: Whoo!
Chelsea: Oh, you know, I never get tired of that ending.
Nick: Me, either. The big twist. They all end up super happy.
Chelsea: I know, why can't real life be like that?
Nick: Wouldn't that be nice? All right. What are we watching next? I know you said we were doing a full marathon. Faith?
Chelsea: Down for the count.
Nick: I mean, this kid -- it's even earlier than last year.
Chelsea: [Laughs] Aww, so sweet.
Nick: Oh, man.
Chelsea: Aww.
Nick: [Groans] Oh, come on, pretty girl.
Chelsea: Oh, listen, um, I'll go wake up Connor and I'll get out of your hair.
Nick: No, uh... don't go.
Hilary: Congratulations to our lucky winner!
Hilary: Now, our next item up for bid is sure to "get your motors racing," generously donated from Genoa City exotic cars. With its powerful v12 engine and a maximum speed of 217 miles per hour, this racy coupe rockets from zero to 100 in 2.9 seconds.
Hilary: And one very generous person will be driving this baby home tonight. Now, I see a lot of interested people, so let's get the bidding started, shall we?
Hilary: Thank you, sir. $75,000 opening bid. Now, who will give me $80,000? Who would not want to get behind the wheel of this beauty?
Cane: $85,000.
Lily: You just bought a car.
Hilary: Let's get serious now. We can do better than that. The base model of this car goes for well --
Billy: $100,000.
Cane: $150,000.
Lily: Cane.
Cane: I got it. Don't worry.
Billy: $160,000.
Cane: $180,000.
Billy: $185,000.
Cane: $190,000.
Billy: $200,000.
Cane: And you're gonna have to let me drive it someday.
Billy: When it needs to be washed.
Hilary: All right, come on, everybody. We can do better than that. Genoa city, dig deep. Somebody in this room is gonna be going home in this beautiful car. Now, Billy Abbott's bid was $200,000.
Billy: [Whistles]
Hilary: Who will give me $225,000? Hmm? Okay. $200,000 going once... going twice...
Devon: $300,000.
Hilary: $300,000.
Hilary: Okay. Come on, victor. You must be tired of that rolls by now, huh? [Chuckles] Okay. Fine, fine. $300,000 going once, going twice... sold to the most interesting man in the room, my handsome husband, Devon Hamilton. I guess this is how we're getting home?
Devon: Works for me.
Devon: Whew. That was intense!
Up next, a Chelsea 2.0 original designer gown that will be custom-fit for tonight's winner.
Abby: Wow.
Neil: Hey. Let me see that key.
Devon: Here.
Neil: You didn't have to do this.
Devon: Oh, somebody needed to kick this thing into high gear, right?
Neil: Uh-huh. No pun intended.
Devon: No, I just -- I also thought it was something that my grandma would have done.
Neil: Yeah. That was Katherine's style, wasn't it? She loved you, man. Here. Here's your key.
Hilary: Thank you, Desiree. Now, who would like to get the bidding started?
Ashley: $500.
Cane: $1,000.
Abby: $1,500.
Victor: $2,000. That dress is made for my lovely bride.
Nikki: Well, thank you, darling.
Hilary: $2,000? I think we can do a little better than that. This is a Chelsea Lawson original that will be custom-fit by the designer herself.
Ashley: $2,500.
Abby: $2,550.
[Both laugh]
Cane: $5,000.
Hilary: Now, that's the spirit, brother-in-law.
Ashley: $5,500.
Victor: $6,000.
Ashley: $6,500.
Victor: $7,000.
Abby: All right, guys. No fair. I need a new dress.
Cane: Yeah, well, so does Lily, so $7,500.
Ashley: Okay, it's all yours, my friend.
Jack: Quitter.
Ashley: [Gasps] It's my birthday in April, Jackie.
Jack: $8,000.
Hilary: Now that's the spirit.
Abby: $8,584.67. That's all I have in my purse.
Ashley: Okay, what the hell? $8,600.
Abby: Mom, I thought you were out!
Victor: $9,000.
Ashley: I'm just trying to get your dad to, you know...
Abby: Oh.
Cane: $10,000.
Victor: $11,000.
Cane: $12,000.
Victor: $15,000.
Hilary: Yeah, baby! I mean, Mr. Newman, sir.
[Light laughter]
Cane: $15,500.
Victor: Ooh.
Nikki: Victor. Victor, please. Let cane have it. Lily would really enjoy it, and I mean, look at this beautiful evening she's pulled off. Let her have it.
Victor: I'm gonna get you something before the evening is over.
Nikki: Well, I wouldn't mind the next item coming up, the one that we already donated...
Victor: Oh, I see. Cane, congratulations.
Lily: [Gasps] Yay! [Laughs]
Hilary: Do I hear $16,000, Abby?
Abby: I shouldn't.
Hilary: Yes, yes, you should.
Abby: No, Lily deserves it.
Lily: Yeah, I do. I do.
Hilary: Okay, $15,500 for this one-of-a-kind Chelsea Lawson original. Going once... going twice... sold to cane Ashby.
[Cheers and applause]
Lily: Thank you.
Hilary: Now, thank you to everyone who has participated in the auction thus far. So far, we have raised...
Neil: Uh, so far, we have raised -- get ready for this -- $500,000, people.
Hilary: Did you hear that? Amazing! Whoo!
[Cheers and applause]
Hilary: Give yourselves another round of applause.
Ashley: Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
Hilary: Which brings me to the final item of the evening. I have saved the best for last, folks. This is the pièce de résistance, a true show-stopper.
Chelsea: [Gasps]
Nick: Cheers.
Chelsea: Cheers.
Nick: [Exhales sharply] Well, in 2017, I resolve to find more reasons to celebrate.
Chelsea: Well, gratitude is a good thing.
Nick: Yeah. But I just really like champagne, so...
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Nick: How about you?
Chelsea: Oh, I -- I don't make new year's resolutions.
Nick: Why not?
Chelsea: I don't know, 'cause I never really end up keeping them.
Nick: Mm. Well, faith has resolved to spend more time with her pony, which shows you where I rate.
Chelsea: No. Stop! Stop it. You're an amazing dad. I told you, it's just a confusing time for her. She'll move past it.
Nick: Yeah, I hope so. So, really, no resolutions?
Chelsea: [Sighs] I -- I don't know, um... if I had to say something, I guess I would say, um... I'll try to live more in the moment in the new year. It's not very original, is it?
Nick: I like it. It's one of the better ones I've ever heard. Especially after the kind of year you've had.
Chelsea: I appreciate that. And thank you for having me over tonight. I mean, thank you for a lot of the things you've done for me lately, but... especially tonight. I just... really didn't want to be alone.
Hilary: Bask in the very best that France has to offer with this glorious two-week stay at the Chateau Françoise, located in the heart of stunning Loire valley. Wake up every morning to the delicious scent of croissants du chocolat and café au lait, freshly prepared by your very own personal chef. Your own beautiful estate, which comes complete with a heated swimming pool, lush gardens, luxurious spa, and its very own winery. Relax on the terrace after a day of pampering with a decadent glass of wine, made with grapes grown in the very fields which you gaze upon. The winner of this amazing package will share in the secrets of these magnificent vintages created by the frémaux family for many years. You'll enjoy a guided tour of the vineyard and the cellars, capped off with your very own private tasting with acclaimed enologist Gerald Duchaussoy. Stroll through the picturesque grapevines, but be careful not to trip and fall flat on your face because someone yanked one of those vines, which is what I did to Mariah on live TV.
Devon: Hey, what the hell did you just do?
Mariah: It's time for everyone to find out the truth about who your wife really is.
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Chelsea: You know what, I'm just gonna wake up Connor, and then we can go back --
Nick: Chelsea, don't. Please don't go.
Kevin: Hilary messed with the wrong woman.
Neil: Um, why don't we eat, drink, be merry...
Hilary: How dare you do this to me?
Mariah: Payback's a bitch, am I right?
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