Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/21/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/21/16


Provided By Suzanne

Nikki: [Sniffles]

Victor: Morning, sweetheart.

Nikki: Hi.

Victor: Baby. What is it? I hate to see you upset any day. But the day before Christmas? Come on.

Nikki: It's just -- [Sighs]

Victor: What?

Nikki: I ordered this wooden train months ago.

Victor: Yeah?

Nikki: The kind you pull with a string. It came today, and it's gift-wrapped and tagged... ...for sully.

Victor: Oh, sweetheart. Christian will love it, okay? And he's still here.

Nikki: I know, thank god he's here. But with a new name. New family, new faces.

Victor: And his real father. You know that's a blessing for both of them.

Nikki: It is.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: It's just so much change for a baby. And for Faith. I mean, her whole life has been nothing but change lately. That poor child doesn't know where she's gonna be one moment to the next.

Victor: Sweetheart.

Nikki: That is not the way our grandchild should spend Christmas.

Victor: Don't you worry about her. We're gonna make it a very cheerful Christmas for her, all right? In fact, we'll start with a pony ride. She's getting dressed right now.

Nikki: You were so sweet with her last night, out in the barn for hours drinking hot cocoa.

Victor: I know, I know. Broke my heart when I came into the stables and I saw her hide behind two bales of hay, tears in her eyes. I sat down next to her, and then she and I talked all night. [Chuckles]

Nikki: Well, she obviously needed someone, and you were there for her. But today, it's back to reality. No matter what happens, somebody's not gonna have a happy Christmas.

Victor: I don't want you to be unhappy or worried about any of that, all right? It's the day before Christmas. Let's have a great time. Okay?

Nikki: I love you.

Nick: Hey, Amy, thank you so much for watching Christian. Just call me if you need me. All right, thanks.

Noah: How's Faith?

Nick: Uh, you know, she's still at your grandparents' house. My mom thinks she needs some more time there to decompress.

Noah: Makes sense. So, what's the plan now?

Nick: The plan is Christmas Eve. I'm gonna pick her up before dinner.

Noah: Does Mom know?

Nick: Does your mom know it's Christmas Eve? Yeah, I would hope she does.

Noah: That your taking Faith back to your house.

Nick: Well, she ran away from your mom's house, so it would make sense she should come home with me.

Noah: Uh, I mean, she didn't really run away from mom. She ran away from the fighting. And she didn't exactly run straight to you.

Nick: [Sighs] Yeah, well, it's my job to take care of your little sister, and I'm gonna do that.

Noah: By cutting Mom out?

Nick: I'm just trying to make this easier for Faith.

Noah: Or easier on you. I mean, look, too bad if Faith needs her mom. Faith needs both of her parents.

Nick: Look, I appreciate that you are concerned about her, but I got this, son. I promise.

Noah: But I know from experience what Faith is going through. I lived it. I'm still living it. Even today. In between two parents who are at each other's throats.

Sharon: Hey. It just never feels right when she isn't here. I should be used to it by now. Faith's entire life, she's gone between my house and Nick's. But still, I just feel an ache when she's gone.

Dylan: She's safe. No matter what, we have that right now.

Sharon: She's hurting. She needed to find a place to hide from me, from all of this. That didn't change just because she's staying up at the main house.

Dylan: I know, but... now we know how rough all of this has been on her. And we need to make sure that she never feels like she has to run.

Sharon: I don't know, it might not be up to us. We might have the chance to be with her and make her feel safe.

Dylan: Look, if she needs more time, we got to give her more time. But she won't stay away forever.

Sharon: I want her back. Christmas is about family. And our son -- yes, he was, he really was our son -- he's gone away from us now. And Faith -- now she might leave us, too.

Esther: And then, the reindeer, they landed on the roof. And they need some carrots to nibble on, right? And then Santa's gonna drop off some presents. Of course, he needs oatmeal raisin cookies with some flax seed, for omega-3.

Chloe: Oh, yes, because Santa Claus loves flax seeds. True story!

Esther: Well, it's never too early to learn healthy eating habits, right?

Kevin: What? I was raised by wolves.

Esther: I am taking treats, you know, to Michael and Lauren's house.

Kevin: Mm.

Chloe: Oh, great. Well, let's pack some up and let's scoot on over there.

Esther: Well, specially made treats, and they aren't ready yet.

Kevin: Oh.

Esther: Dylan's letting me use the oven here because mine's on the fritz.

Chloe: What do you mean, letting you? You work here.

Esther: Not anymore.

Chloe: Wait, what?

Esther: Read this.

Kevin: He pink-slipped you with an embossed note card? That's classy.

Bella: Over here! Over here!

Chloe: Wait one second, babe. Listen. "The scrooge with the wandering hands is staying in chi-town."

Kevin: Here, sweets.

Chloe: "Come back. Or not. Doesn't matter to me."

Kevin: That's...sweet?

Chloe: No. It's gibberish.

Esther: No. Unh-unh. It's Jill begging me to come back to the chancellor mansion. And the scrooge with the hands is Colin. And chi-town is Chicago. And he's staying there from now on. So I can go back to the chancellor house.

Chloe: Wait, to live?

Esther: To live and to work.

Kevin: And you're excited about that?

Esther: It's my home. And I want Bella to know Mrs. C.

Kevin: Well, except she can't.

Chloe: Yeah, okay, mom, you know, she's -- are you okay?

Esther: Yes, and you know, I know Mrs. C.'s past, but she's still in every room of that house. And Bella can swim in the pool, right? And you can just have tea parties in the play house. Isn't that good? And you can pick flowers in the summer and you can make snow angels in the winter.

Chloe: That is kind of adorable. Just don't put on the uniform for Bella's sake, yeah?

Esther: Oh, no. This is for me. This is for us. And it's for Mrs. C. And won't Bella just love this? Mwah!

Chloe: You know, you are pretty great as grandmothers go. Bella's very lucky. Okay, fine! I'm a very lucky daughter. Love you.

Esther: I love you, too, honey. And I love you!

Lauren: So, what are the projections?

Michael: Merry Christmas to you, too! [Laughs]

Lauren: Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay, what about east coast sales? [Gasps] Oh, my god! That's so fantastic! Yes! Thank you, Remy. And, uh, keep me posted, all right? Any updates. And merry Christmas! Bye. [Laughs] What's this?

Michael: What was that? You're smiling.

Lauren: I am smiling. Sales are solid. I mean, no final tallies yet, but...

Michael: You seem relieved.

Lauren: I'm not alarmed.

Michael: Oh, you --

Lauren: So, what is this?

Michael: Oh, special delivery. Perishable.

Lauren: Did fen send us some mutant fruit basket or something?

Michael: Scott sent us the world's largest ham.

Lauren: [Laughs] Well, come on. Let's open it up.

Michael: That's why I have scissors.

Lauren: Well, wait, wait, wait, careful! I mean, what if it is fruit?

Gloria: Whoo!

Lauren: [Screams]

Gloria: [Laughs] Deck the halls, everybody. Gloria's back.

Gloria: Oh, come on! Get me out of this thing! Come! Come, come, come! [Squeals, laughs]

Michael: Uh, Gloria, this-this-this...

Lauren: Quite a surprise.

Gloria: Of course! Well, I couldn't leave my handsome sons alone on Christmas.

Gloria: You and Kevin are my life. Nowhere else I'd rather be.

Michael: I'm sure that was pleasant news for Jeffrey.

[Both chuckle]

Gloria: Oh, you should have seen the look on your face. Didn't know how limber I am, did you? Stunned. I would be, too. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to borrow your powder room because that box wreaks havoc on my hair. And when I get back, we'll celebrate the spirit of the season.

Michael: Gloria.

Lauren: Gloria.

Michael: For Christmas.

Lauren: How did you get on Santa's naughty list?

Michael: Gloria...I mean... are you nervous, 'cause I'm -- I'm feeling very nervous.

Lauren: It's okay. It's the holidays. We're gonna get through this.

[Doorbell rings]

Michael: No, no. What if it's Jeffrey in a box?

Lauren: I'll get the scissors.

Kevin: Merry ho-ho-ho. Who ordered the elf?

Michael: Hey.

Chloe: Hey!

Lauren: Oh, Kevin.

Kevin: Wait, what's wrong?

Michael: We have news.

Chloe: Who died? [Laughs]

Gloria: Kevin! Kevin, I thought I heard your voice. [Laughs] I guess I did miss a lot while I was gone. Kevin. That precious little dumpling looks just like you.

Dylan: [Sighs] Christmas come no matter what.

Sharon: With Faith up at the main house.

Dylan: She'll come down, you know, she'll unwrap some presents, she'll empty her stocking by the fireplace, and... who knows? We'll probably all eat too much and fall asleep watching a movie that Faith knows by heart.

Sharon: That sounds like the perfect Christmas. Except...everything changed last night. Nick's so angry that we asked to have Faith stay with us over the winter break, victor thinks that he's a hero because he found Faith in the stables, and Nikki's...Nikki.

Dylan: And Faith is Faith. You know, she was upset. She took off. That's what she does. You know it's not the first time. Remember when I found her in the woods? Back when you and I were just friends? Sometimes she needs to be alone to think. But then she comes home. To you.

Sharon: Do you really think this is up to Faith?

Dylan: I mean, who would it be up to?

Sharon: I know the Newmans. I know how they work. I know how they think. They always find a way of getting what they want, and Nick insists that he's nothing like his father, but when it comes to Faith, he's got all that money and power behind him.

Dylan: Yeah. You have me behind you. This time, they're not gonna win.

Nick: [Sighs] You know, bud, I grew up just like you. I can remember so clearly being shuttled back and forth between my parents' houses, the constant arguing, always feeling like I'm caught in the middle.

Noah: So then you understand. This is no way for a kid to grow up -- stuck between two fighting adults. That's just not fair. I mean, look, I wanted to divorce you and mom when I was kid, like Faith. When I got older, I followed Eden off to France just to get away from all the drama. It was endless between you two.

Nick: Well, I mean, we definitely didn't do you any favors. Your mom and I, we...

[Scoffs] We got together and broke up so many times, it was crazy. And you're right, it wasn't fair. But Faith isn't gonna have to deal with that. You know, your mom and I, we understand that we cannot argue with each other in front of her, you know, we can't bad-mouth each other, and we're trying.

Noah: Well, you need to try harder. Because what happened backstage at Faith's play -- that can't happen again.

Nick: It wasn't that bad, all right? I mean, it was mostly contained.

Noah: Well, you know what you forget? You forget that Faith -- she can read you guys now, you know? She knows when the two of you are angry with each other, so she has to feel the responsibility of that? On top of everything else? Like I said before, it's not fair.

Nick: Seems like you've thought a lot about this.

Noah: It's just that this was a huge chunk of my life. You know? And, sure, I made it out the other side, but you know what got me through that? It was knowing exactly how much you and mom loved me. So we need to do the same thing for Faith.

Nick: I appreciate you telling me this.

Noah: Whether you want to hear it or not?

Nick: Nah. Why don't you, uh, help your old man out? What do you think I should do for Faith?

Noah: Well, I know the go-to position for a Newman is usually court.

Noah: Mm, no. Nobody wants that again.

Noah: Well, then, you and mom need to figure out how to get on the same page. Just the two of you. And do something now. Before it gets worse. All right? Just do it for Faith.

Nikki: The house is always brighter when a child is in it, but... I wish Faith were here under better circumstances.

Victor: Well, she's gonna have a wonderful and care-free Christmas. I will not let anyone ruin that for her.

Nikki: Well, now, what do you mean when you say anyone?

Victor: Anyone.

Nikki: Because if you're talking about Sharon, I totally agree, but if you're throwing Dylan in there, none of this is his fault.

Victor: Sweetheart, the only really blameless person in all of this is Faith. I mean, even Nicholas bears some responsibility. You know how hard it is for her, for that little girl to choose between two parents she loves?

Nikki: I know. It's difficult enough for an adult, but for a child...

Victor: Yeah. So we have to find a resolution because you and I know that whatever one's experiences are in childhood, they just don't fade away, you know?

Nikki: Yeah.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Faith: Morning.

Nikki: Well, good morning. How you feeling?

Victor: Are you ready to go for a ride? A pony ride? Once you've eaten something.

Nikki: Or if you'd rather go home, we'd understand.

Faith: Which home would I go to?

Sharon: I'm so glad I can count on you.

Dylan: Always. No matter what.

Sharon: You know, we have to be prepared for the worst. Faith might not want to spend any part of Christmas with us. She might not even come down here for her stocking or for anything else.

Dylan: No, she's upset, but I got to believe that she's gonna get past it.

Sharon: Can she? Can you imagine being that little girl, trying to wrap her head around the fact that I hid Christian from her father, that I hurt her father that way?

Dylan: Yeah, but last night was not about Christian.

Sharon: Yes, but it was. It all about Christian. Nick and I were in a good place. Now we're not. That's because I lied to him about Christian. No matter what, it always goes back to that. And victor and Nikki, they'll do anything they can to shut me out of Faith's life.

Dylan: How do you mean? Court? No way.

Sharon: The courtroom is the Newman family's second home. And if a judge does that... if he tells me that I can't see Faith again...

Dylan: Okay, that's -- that's not happening.

Sharon: That's happened before.

Dylan: Okay, well, we need to take control of the situation. You can protect Faith by making sure that you're in her life. So you got to talk to Nick and make him see that both of you working together can help Faith.

Sharon: Nick's just so angry right now.

Dylan: I know, I know it's not gonna be easy, but I know how much you love Faith, and I know you'll do whatever it takes to make this happen.

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: Oh. I got to take this. It's the station. Detective McAvoy.

Gloria: So, you are telling me that she is not my grandchild.

Michael: I think Kevin and Chloe explained it rather clearly.

Kevin: But Bella and I hang out all the time.

Chloe: One compact happy family.

Gloria: Wasn't that nice of the facility to let you out, dear. What is it, a three-day pass? Christmas or something?

Chloe: No. I'm out. Completely sane. Would you like to see my discharge papers?

Gloria: And you came right back to town, to my son, your ex-husband, whose heart you broke. Very interesting.

Michael: All right, all right, all right, all right. We've got mulled wine, punch. Vodka by the gallon.

Lauren: Yeah. Hot toddy. I mean, who doesn't like a good toddy, right?

Michael: Yes.

Gloria: They give me indigestion. Maybe it wasn't the drink.

Kevin: Gloria, Chloe is here, she's healthy, and I am lucky that she lets me spend as much as time with the "precious dumpling" as I want.

Gloria: So, the courts forgave you for trying to take out Adam with a car.

Kevin: That's right. All is forgiven. Chloe's been back for six months, and everything is back to normal.

Gloria: Six months. So, you were here when Adam was blown to smithereens in that cabin.

Kevin: Vodka. Let's go with vodka.

Michael: Of course. Yes.

Chloe: So we've both been locked up. You took off an innocent woman's skin with tainted face cream. Bygones, right?

Gloria: Meow! [Laughs] Guess I hit a nerve. Oh, it's good to know that your time away didn't extinguish your spark.

Kevin: Your mom is on her way, right? She's on her way? Esther's on her way.

Lauren: Oh, I'm so happy your mom's coming. That's great.

Kevin: And she's on her way.

Michael: Say it one more time.

Chloe: You know what, she looks a little flushed. I'm gonna go take her jacket off.

Kevin: What is wrong with you? Could you just...not? For me? For today? For Christmas?!

Gloria: [Chuckles] Oh, sugar plum angel, I'm gonna do you one better. Best Christmas present ever. I'm gonna get that woman and her child out of your hair forever.

Michael: All right, everyone. We've got mulled wine and hot toddies and an apple juice coming up!

Lauren: Ooh!

Michael: Everybody partake, shall we?

Chloe: Yeah. Oh, thank you.

Lauren: I have that for you.

Chloe: Great. Oh, yeah!

Lauren: So, how much booze is in here?

Michael: Not nearly enough.

Kevin: You do not get to decide who is in my life or my house, and you don't get to try and chase Chloe and Bella away.

Gloria: That woman is trying to take advantage of you, Kevin.

Kevin: Oh, really? Is she using me as a sugar daddy, mom? I work at the GCPD. She works for Chelsea 2.0.

Gloria: What?! [Groans] It's like she's got all of you bewitched. What is it, more of Ashley Abbott's thing she brewed up? What is it called? Sex or hex...

Kevin: Mom, where is this coming from? You and Chloe used to get on really well.

Gloria: For your sake, honey. And then she ripped your heart out of your chest and ground it into sausage.

Kevin: Chloe and I are fine. We're better than fine. And you've seen Bella. She's amazing.

Gloria: Yeah, yeah, she must take after her father. Who is the father, by the way? Does she even know?

Kevin: Enough. You may not like it, but you are going to treat Chloe with resp--

Gloria: Love? Ooh! Respect. That's a good one.

Kevin: Just don't torture her. Do not ruin this for me. I mean it. Drink, please!

Michael: Right. How many?

Kevin: Yes.

Michael: All right.

Chloe: Well, that looked fun. You and Kevin.

Gloria: A mother always cares. You should know that, Chloe. By the by, whose child are you trying to foist on my son?

Sharon: I was just coming over to see you, to talk about Faith.

Nick: And say what? Look, Sharon, we have got to get on the same page. I just had a talk with Noah. He didn't pull any punches. We cannot do to Faith what we did to him.

Sharon: Exactly. I want to find a way to work through this for Faith's sake without every decent moment spiraling into anger and frustration.

Nick: Well, I do have every reason to be upset, don't I? We have to do whatever we can to make Faith feel secure.

Sharon: Exactly.

Nick: Which is why I think it was a bad idea for her to stay here last night.

Sharon: Faith running off the way that she did had nothing to do with where she was sleeping.

Nick: No, I know. It all comes back to Christian and what happened with him.

Sharon: Right. Because it's all my fault.

Nick: Let's just focus on Faith.

Sharon: I would love to do that, but you seem to want to punish me, and I can take it, but I don't think that Faith should have to be a part of it.

Nick: Well, that's what I came to say.

Sharon: You think that Faith should be with you all the time.

Nick: And you think she should be with you.

Sharon: Well, this isn't about us.

Nick: Right. We have to find a way to make this okay for Faith.

Sharon: That's all I want, too.

Victor: That was a great ride, wasn't it? I think patches enjoyed riding with you.

Faith: I think he said he wants another apple.

Victor: I think so, too.

Faith: [Giggles]

Victor: Yep. [Groans] My goodness.

Faith: Can we stay here again tonight?

Victor: Oh, sweetheart. Santa's coming. Besides that, your parents would love to see you. Are you looking forward to seeing them?

Faith: I know what will happen. They'll just start fighting again. They can't help it.

Victor: Sweetheart, you know, parents are just people. I mean, they make mistakes. I know they're trying very hard, but they just sometimes can't help it. They just fight. But that doesn't mean that they don't love you. They love you with all their hearts. They just want to do what's right for you.

Faith: But why do they get to make all of the decisions?

Victor: Yeah, that -- [Laughs] That's a good question. Because they are parents. That's why.

Faith: Kaylee got to talk to the judge when her parents got divorced.

Victor: Well, you know, every situation is a little different, and I got to tell you one thing. You don't want to go to court.

Faith: But the judge listened to what she wanted. Why don't I get to choose where I want to live?

Victor: Hmm. Come here. Come here. Well, let's not talk about that right now. Let's talk about Santa coming, okay?

Nikki: Well, all three of you. That's either very good news or terrible.

Nick: Sharon and I have come up with an agreement about Faith.

Nikki: Really? Both of you?

Dylan: It's fair to everybody, especially Faith.

Nikki: Well, that's wonderful. And I'm very happy to see both of my sons together. Maybe this holiday season will prompt you to find your way back to being brothers.

Sharon: I'd like to see Faith. Is she upstairs?

Victor: Faith is just great, okay? I just came from the stables. She's there with buck, helping him brush her pony.

Sharon: I'll go find her.

Victor: I don't think that would be too good of an idea right now.

Sharon: Victor, she's my daughter.

Victor: Sharon, I'm perfectly aware that she's your daughter, but she feels a lot of tension now because of the continuous fighting between you and her father.

Nick: Well, that's why we're here. We have come up with a schedule at my house and at Sharon's, so Faith always knows where she's gonna be. She won't feel like she has to choose.

Victor: Son, let me ask you something. Have you ever considered asking her what she wants to do before you make decisions regarding her future?

Esther: Thank you so much for having me.

Michael: Oh, sure.

Lauren: We're so happy you're here, and I'm sorry, do I smell banana bread?

Esther: Yes.

Michael: Ooh! Let me see! Let me see!

Esther: And pumpkin bread and zucchini bread.

Lauren: Yes!

Michael: Oh! Here, let me get this.

Chloe: Bella is my daughter, and that is all you need to know, Gloria.

Gloria: Well, you might have hooked up with another inmate who will come after my son with a hockey mask and a machete.

Chloe: Do you really want to exchange daddy résumés? After terrible tom and river? River the con?

Gloria: I got your game, Chloe -- pushing that child on Kevin, stirring up his protective instincts just so you can crush him again under your dainty size 5'S.

Chloe: Maybe you don't know this, but I sent Kevin divorce papers when I was in a psychiatric facility. I wasn't really in a position to be married to anyone.

Gloria: You blindsided him.

Chloe: Which I regret.

Gloria: You don't regret breaking Kevin's heart. You regret being called out for it. Well, you listen to me, cupcake. Mommy's back. I got my eye on you.

Nick: So, what exactly did you say to Faith?

Sharon: Other than trying to turn her against her own mother?

Victor: I didn't say a damn thing to Faith, okay? I listened. She talked. And she talked about a girl called Kaylee.

Sharon: Oh, her parents were divorced this year...

Victor: And about the fact that Kaylee was allowed to choose what parent she wanted to stay with. That is more than any of you have done for Faith.

Dylan: Meaning us.

Nikki: Look, victor is not taking sides. He just wants to make sure Faith feels safe.

Dylan: Where are we going with all of this? To Faith saying that she wants to be with Nick 24/7? Because, victor, you wouldn't push this idea, and we know whose side you're on.

Nikki: I'm on Faith's side. I agree. It's been horrible for you and Nicholas. It's not fair. But you're adults. You have coping mechanisms. She's a child. She needs our support.

Sharon: I agree with Dylan. All of this is to shut us out.

Nick: So, if Faith doesn't want to be with you, it's because she's been brainwashed, not because she knows what you did to me and Christian?

Victor: Will you stop all of this? All you're doing is you're feeling sorry for yourselves. The schedule you came up with is meaningless. You're gonna continue to argue, and you're forgetting about the most important person in all this. That's Faith.

Nick: What are you saying? Faith should make this decision on her own, where she wants to live?

Victor: Listen, she needs consistency, she needs predictability, she needs security. And wherever she thinks she can find that, that's who she shall stay with.

Sharon: And you don't know where that is? I don't buy that.

Victor: I don't give a damn whether you buy it or not. I never talked to her about it.

Nick: Faith doesn't need you confusing her any more than she already is.

Nikki: Nicholas, your father is trying to tell you how Faith feels, and you're being too stubborn to listen!

Victor: I am not confusing her about a damn thing, and don't you accuse me of that. Would you rather go to court and settle this?

Dylan: Nobody wants that.

Noah: Grandpa's right. All Faith wants is for somebody to listen to her. You know, she wants a vote in her own life. That's what I would have wanted.

Sharon: That is such a huge decision.

Noah: You should let her do this, mom. She needs it. You too, dad.

Nick: Fine. We'll listen.

Noah: And you're gonna respect her decision and mean it? Don't say you're gonna hear her out and then say you don't like what she said and continue fighting about it. If you want her trust, prove you deserve it.

[Door slams]

Faith: I could hear you all outside. You don't think I can decide. But I have.

Nikki: About where you want to live, sweetheart?

Faith: I know what I want. But... I don't know if you'll let me do it.

Michael: Mwah.

Esther: Gloria, it's so nice to see you again. What wonderful timing, back for Christmas.

Chloe: Fun, fun, fun.

Gloria: Yes! Looks like I got here just in time.

Lauren: So, Gloria, tell us about your travels.

Michael: Yeah, when are we gonna see good old Jeffrey?

Gloria: Do not mention his name to me ever. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to know it. And if I could wash my brain clean of his very existence, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Kevin: So, things aren't great, is what I'm hearing.

Gloria: I left that leathery gasbag in a French racetrack in Deauville.

Michael: So I take it that very expensive racehorse didn't place.

Gloria: I wouldn't know! Didn't stick around to find out. No. It didn't.

Chloe: Bummer.

Gloria: So, I came home to be in the bosom of my family.

Esther: Isn't it wonderful to see Kevin and Chloe together again?

Gloria: Oh, yes. Just peachy. Couldn't make me happier. Every mother's dream to see her son with a lunatic.

Chloe: [Scoffs]

Esther: Is there a problem?

Gloria: If you have an hour or two, Esther, I'll be glad to explain to you very slowly.

Esther: Now, one minute. I don't like your tone.

Chloe: Esther! Uh, will you help me find Bella's shoe? I think she lost it.

Esther: It's on her foot.

Chloe: It's a glove. Can you help me find the glove?

Esther: Okay. I'll help you find it.

Chloe: Thank you. Come here, sweetie. Come here. Come here. Come with mommy. Come on.

Kevin: Woman, what did I say? You will not ruin this holiday or anything else for me.

Gloria: Me? Never, my angel. You were supposed to be your brother's keeper. What did you do to him? Leaving him out like a piece of meat for that she-wolf.

Michael: Look, if this is about you being upset about Jeffrey, I --

Gloria: Uh! Uh!

Michael: Ooh, okay. "He whose name must not be mentioned..."

Gloria: Yes. Speaking of unspeakables, why won't Chloe talk about who the father of that child is? But not to worry. I will find out her secret. And I will save Kevin from her and that child.

Lauren: I think it's going well, don't you think?

Michael: Yeah.

Sharon: We're so sorry, baby.

Nick: Yeah, what happened at your performance...

Sharon: We should have never behaved that way. We just love you so much that the idea of not being with you...

Nick: You know, it makes us a little crazy. But we're not gonna let anything like that happen again.

Faith: Yes, you will. You always do.

Nick: Not anymore.

Sharon: No, we -- we've made a schedule, so there's no more discussion. You'll always know who you will be with on what day.

Nick: Yeah, there's nothing to argue about now, okay? You have our word.

Faith: Back and forth. Mom's house, dad's house, mom's house...

Sharon: Well, that's the way it's always been.

Faith: And you always end up fighting anyway. So what's the difference?

Victor: Sweetheart. I told both of your parents that you would like to make up your mind about where you want to stay.

Nikki: You know how much everybody loves you, right? Your mother, your father, Dylan.

Noah: Me, too. Look, I know that it's tough. I do. Going back and forth between houses. You know, when I was a kid, it used to tie my stomach up in knots. But you're a lot tougher than I was when I was a kid. So you just tell them what you need, and I promise, I will do my best to make them listen.

Faith: I don't like this schedule. It's not what I want.

Nick: Okay, uh, you know, whatever you want, I'm in, 100%.

Sharon: Um, yes. If this is how we can help you, then that makes us happy, too.

Noah: It's up to you, Faith. What's your decision?

Faith: I don't want to live with mommy. And I don't want to live with daddy. I want to stay here. With grandma and grandpa.

Faith: Yeah, I knew they wouldn't listen.

Nick: No, we -- we're definitely listening.

Sharon: You just caught us by surprise, that's all.

Nick: I never thought that you wouldn't pick, you know, your mom's or to live with me, and I guess I'm just wondering if maybe you didn't make this decision yourself.

Victor: What are you implying, son? This was Faith's decision. I had no idea what she was thinking.

Faith: I didn't tell grandpa. I didn't tell anybody till now.

Nick: Do you know what this means? You living here full-time?

Faith: I know it means nobody fights. Nobody gets mad.

Sharon: Sweetie, of course you love being here with grandma and grandpa. It's always fun. It's pony rides and play time. But, you know, rules are important, too. Bedtime and screentime and homework and eating your fruits and vegetables.

Faith: I have to do all of that here. Sometimes they're even stricter.

Sharon: Well, we are your parents, and if you had wanted to live with your father, I could understand that, but I didn't agree to you staying with anyone else.

Noah: You said you'd respect her decision. It would be the same rules as mom and dad's, right? I mean, it wouldn't be like a permanent vacation?

Faith: No.

Sharon: It's not going to be a permanent anything.

Dylan: It's just for now. Faith needs to know that she has some control. Isn't that right?

Faith: Mm-hmm. I didn't ask grandma and grandpa, though. They might not want me around all the time.

Victor: Of course we do, my sweetheart.

Nikki: We are so happy that you feel safe with us. You're welcome to stay as long as you need.

Faith: Okay. Then I guess it's a deal.

Nick: Okay. I'll go get your stuff.

Sharon: I'll go get your things, too. But, you know, if you want to come back home, or visit... or -- [Voice breaking] You know we just want you to be happy.

Faith: I will be. Here.

Victor: Come here, my sweetheart. Come here. Come here.

Nikki: Oh, honey.

Victor: It's okay.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Gloria: I'm going to stay with you and Lauren for as long as you'll have me.

Jack: You're really at the point where you're ready to walk away?

Phyllis: You were right. It's what best for both of us.

Traci: Just stay long enough to spend some time with your sisters on Christmas Eve, please?

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