Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/20/16

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/20/16


Provided By Suzanne

[Knock on door]

Sharon: Faith? Sweetheart?

Faith: Go away!

Sharon: You were so amazing onstage. Tonight was your night. I'm so sorry that your dad and I spoiled it by fighting. Can you forgive me?

Faith: [Sniffles]

Sharon: Faith, will you open this door so we can talk about this?

[Footsteps approach]

Sharon: [Sighs] She won't even talk to me.

Dylan: Sharon.

Sharon: What was I thinking, asking nick to give up his time with Faith in front of her friends backstage. She was right there to hear us bickering. I couldn't have picked a worse time.

Dylan: Come on, Sharon. This isn't your fault.

Sharon: Really? Whose fault is it, then?

Dylan: Look, you were calm and reasonable. Nick's the one who escalated things.

Sharon: I-I just should have waited.

Dylan: Well, that could have helped. It might not have helped. We don't know. But nick should never have gone at you like that.

Sharon: He's still angry with me. What other reason does he need?

Dylan: Exactly. He's still caught up in being wounded and he's not thinking clearly. He's not thinking about Faith and what's best for her, which is spending more time with her mom.

Nick: What the hell is her problem?

Nikki: Where shall I begin?

Nick: Faith has been looking forward to this night for months, and Sharon destroyed it by demanding for more time with Faith, wants to change the visitation agreement just before Christmas? I mean, how selfish is that?

Nikki: What would you expect from the woman who kept your child from you? She'd still be pretending that Christian was hers if she hadn't have been forced to tell the truth.

Nick: You know, I don't trust Sharon for a lot of obvious reasons, but we have to do everything we can to make sure she doesn't try and pull anything with Faith.

Nikki: And you know she will given the chance.

Nick: I want our lawyers all over this. Dad, I assume you're way ahead of me on this?

Victor: You know, son, normally that's the route I would take, but I don't think we should do it this time.

Christine: I have been after this guy for years. Never able to get a conviction. Either the evidence disappeared or the witnesses suddenly changed their mind about testifying.

Paul: Right, I know. I know the history. I want to nail this guy as badly as you do.

Christine: And I can't afford another acquittal. I need this case airtight.

Paul: Right, and for that to happen, Chris, someone has got to go deep undercover and infiltrate the organization and bring in evidence that's not gonna unravel. That's gonna take a lot of man hours and total dedication.

Christine: Yes, and a willingness to put himself in danger. You know what these people are capable of.

Paul: [Sighs] Okay, ask your question.

Christine: Are you sure that Dylan is right for this case?

Paul: I am absolutely positive. He is the best man I have.

Christine: What have you told him about the assignment?

Paul: Okay, not all the nuts and bolts, but, uh, he is up for the challenge.

Christine: [Sighs] Gosh.

Paul: [Sighs] Do you have a problem with this?

Christine: [Sighs] What worries me is that you don't.

Michael: Yeah, look, I'm just about to walk into a meeting. Shoot me an e-mail, and we'll touch base in two or three days, okay? Thank you. Right. Good night. I am so sorry I'm late. You have my undivided attention.

Jill: How wonderful.

Michael: [Sighs] So, on the phone, you said you need some legal advice.

Jill: Yes, Michael, but not your average "call up any lawyer in the phone book" legal advice. I need a ruthless, unrelenting bastard of an attorney. So, can you help me?

Michael: [Inhales deeply] Waiter! Drink, please.

Sharon: Thank you.

Dylan: Better?

Sharon: At least now I know not to push this. You know the last thing that I want is to upset nick.

Dylan: That doesn't take much these days.

Sharon: Well, that's for sure. And it's really hard on me and on Faith and you. As much as I want to spend more time with her, I'm thinking we should just leave the schedule the way that it was and not try to talk nick into letting Faith spend every night here during the holidays.

Dylan: You know, maybe it should be more than the holidays.

Sharon: You can't mean...

Dylan: Yeah, why not?

Sharon: You think I should try for full custody?

Dylan: Look, I-I think Faith is at an age where she needs her mom to be a bigger presence in her life.

Sharon: But, Dylan --

Dylan: Yeah, I know. We should just at least discuss it, don't you think?

Sharon: She's locked in her room right now and won't even talk to me. You heard what she said backstage. She wants a divorce from nick and me. Now's not a time to force her in to anything, not when she hates me.

Dylan: Sharon, she hates the fighting. Not you. That was her way of telling you two to pay attention to what this is doing to her. But the only one keeping this conflict alive is nick.

Sharon: Well, he has a right to be angry with me, wouldn't you agree?

Dylan: Look, I understand, but it's not about him. And he's not understanding that. We need to do what's best for the kids.

Sharon: Yes, but still --

Dylan: Right, so she's using this word "divorce" because that's all she sees around her. Half her friends are from broken homes. And look at her family. Anytime there's trouble, they just -- they leave. They don't even try to work things out because it's not easy. It takes hard choices and it takes compromise on both sides. And it's time somebody made nick realize that.

Victor: [Sighs] Don't you think our family has spent enough time in courtrooms?

Nick: I hear what you're saying.

Victor: What? You disagree?

Nick: I just feel like I need to get out in front of this. I don't want Sharon filling Faith's head with a bunch of crazy ideas, trying to manipulate this situation.

Victor: I understand your concern, but I think it's a mistake to involve lawyers right off the bat.

Nikki: Victor, I don't understand why you're not encouraging Nicholas to be proactive.

Victor: Sweetheart, think about for a moment what it means to Faith to be in the middle of a courtroom battle between mother and father. I don't think it helps matters.

Nick: Well, neither will leaving things the way they are. Faith needs to know that she has at least one stable parent. I mean, who knows what kind of poison Sharon and Dylan are putting into Faith's head about me.

Nikki: All right, now wait a minute. That's Sharon. Dylan would never do anything like that.

Nick: I'm really surprised, dad, that you're not with me on this. Protecting the family -- that's your motive for everything.

Victor: Son, I understand, you know, you having questions about that, but -- and I certainly have used a heavy hand in the past. I'm known for that. But in this case, I honestly think it's counterproductive.

Nick: Faith's upset, and she's confused, and I don't want her worried about what's coming next. I want her to feel loved and safe. I want her to know that her world is rock solid.

Victor: But that's exactly why I suggest we go about it in a different way.

Paul: Dylan is absolutely the right cop to put on this case. He's done the groundwork. It's already in motion. Why are we having this debate?

Christine: I just don't know if he's in the right frame of mind to take on something like this.

Paul: I asked him that question.

Christine: And?

Paul: He said he is fine.

Christine: [Sighs] Of course he did.

Paul: Okay, Chris, what are you saying? That because he's had a rough couple of weeks, automatically he isn't able to focus on the job at hand?

Christine: What he's been going through is a little more serious than a rough couple of weeks.

Paul: Agreed. It is, uh, an exceptional situation. But I think he's doing a very good job.

Christine: Would you treat another officer like this? Would you put him in this situation under these circumstances?

Paul: Come on, Chris. You know as well as I do that at one time or another, every cop on the force has had to deal with a personal crisis, but they still do the job. They're professionals.

Christine: This is a really dangerous situation, taking down the worst kind of criminals. There's so many things that could go wrong, and he's never done this kind of work before! Don't you remember the first time you went undercover?

Paul: I do. It's completely different. I was-- I wasn't even a cop. I was just trying to save my dad.

Christine: God, I remember you telling me so vividly. Carl was framed by the mob. He was kicked off the force. And you were determined to clear his name. So you went undercover to get the answers you needed. But you told me, Paul -- you told me you were so scared.

Paul: I put that completely out of my mind. I had to. And Dylan will, too.

Christine: Okay, but the difference is, Carl didn't know what was going on. If he had, never in a million years would he have approved it, because you didn't have experience!

Paul: The difference is Dylan does have experience. He is a veteran. He has proven to be cool under fire. I trust him implicitly. He's talented. He is resourceful.

Christine: And I am not challenging his competence.

Paul: Are you challenging mine?

Christine: God, you are throwing your son into harm's way! Can you really live with that?

[Knock on door, door opens]

Lauren: Hi. The sergeant said to come in. Oh. Am I early?

Paul: No. No, you're fine.

Jill: Well?

Michael: There's some clever wording, a bit of vague language here and there, but for the most part, it's pretty straightforward. You pay them rent and they give you space to operate brash & sassy.

Jill: Okay, so bottom line -- my lease will hold, yes? Jack can't kick us out of our office space?

Michael: He can try. But he'll lose.

Jill: [Gasps] Yes! I knew it!

Michael: Unless there's more to this.

Jill: What are you talking about?

Michael: Do you think there's any way Jack could prove that either chancellor or their subsidiary's in breach?

Jill: No. No way.

Michael: Are you sure? Because he obviously thinks there's something he can hang his hat on or he wouldn't incur the legal expenses.

Jill: No, no, no. You are assuming that Jack is acting logically, and he's not, okay? Brash & sassy have been ideal clients according to anybody's standards.

Michael: All right, then what's driving this sudden eviction?

Jill: Well, I would think it would be pretty obvious. It's a vendetta against Billy.

Michael: That's all? Really? I mean, you're not leaving anything out?

Jill: Well, lately he has been making a little bit of noise about wanting the competition out of the building.

Michael: Even though he's the one who approved this lease?

Jill: Exactly. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, he's deeply concerned about corporate theft? I'll tell you what that is. That is code for his brother sleeping with his wife.

Michael: All right, all right, let me get this straight just so we're clear. You're saying that this push to get you out of the building --

Jill: In a few days, I might add.

Michael: All right. This -- this push to get you out of the building is strictly a desire for personal vengeance.

Jill: Exactly. He wants Billy out of his sight. It is a petty act of vindictiveness.

Michael: Let me ask you a question, Jill.

Jill: Okay.

Michael: Is this a fight you really want to have?

Lauren: I cannot believe that Michael isn't here.

[Door closes]

Lauren: We said we were gonna meet at 6:00. Should I call the restaurant? Should I push back our reservation?

Christine: No, I think we'll be fine. Um, just excuse me for one second. I have to make a call.

Lauren: Sure. [Sighs]

Paul: All right. So you see there? That's the reason we don't meet here. There's an argument to meet somewhere like the restaurant.

Lauren: [Laughing] That's for sure. You're singing to the choir. I mean, it's very hard to leave the office at the end of the day, right?

Paul: So tell me. Uh... how are things at Fenmore's?

Lauren: Well, certainly not as dire as the look on your face.

Paul: Oh. Well, that's only because the last time we spoke, you --

Lauren: I was venting.

Paul: Are you sure that's all it was?

Lauren: [Scoffs] Honey, you worry too much. Everything's fine.

Paul: You know you can always talk to me, right?

Lauren: Yes. Business is tough. It's certainly not for the faint of heart.

Paul: You know, I've heard you described a lot of ways over the years. "Faint of heart" ain't one of them.

Lauren: It's a bump. Do you know how many of those I've had to deal with over the years? People scrutinizing me, wondering where my weak spot is, if I'm up to the task.

Paul: What do you mean? Bankers, vendors? Who are you talking about?

Lauren: Your mother.

[Both laugh]

Paul: My mother.

Lauren: She never approved of me, not for one minute.

Paul: No, you're right. You, uh, you had to put up with a lot, I must say.

Lauren: [Laughing] I did. I did. Oh, and what about Mary's signature dish?

Paul: Sauerkraut and spare ribs.

Lauren: Oh! She made that every time we went there for dinner!

Paul: Well, that's because she was under the impression it was my favorite.

Lauren: [Laughing] Oh, no. She did that because she knew I detested it.

Paul: Oh.

Lauren: Do you know to this day I cannot look at sauerkraut without seeing your mother's face?

Paul: Well, I did lead her to believe that it -- it was indeed my favorite.

Lauren: Because you're a good son.

Paul: No, because I'm a good liar. I mean, my mom was a lot of great things, but, uh... a gourmet chef was not one of them.

Lauren: [Laughs] No! Can you imagine what she would have done with a steak? Arson is a crime, you know.

Paul: Yes. And now I'm the chief.

Lauren: Right. [Laughing] Right, right.

Paul: You know, all kidding aside... I know what a fighter you are. And I also know when you're hiding something behind your tough facade that you're not willing to admit. So why don't you just tell me what is really going on with Fenmore's. Please.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Victor: Nicholas. Sharon is pushing your buttons. She has done that before. It's a trap. Don't fall for it.

Nikki: I have to agree with your father. I mean, as much as I want to see Sharon punished for what she's done, we do have to think about Faith and what's best for her.

Victor: The last thing we should do right now is put Faith in the middle of a court battle between father and mother. It's no good.

Nick: I already lost a year with my son. I don't want to give up any time with my daughter.

Victor: Nicholas, you're a wonderful father.

Nick: Faith said she wants a divorce from me and Sharon. Right now I'm not feeling like a very wonderful father.

Victor: Faith loves you. If there's a contest between you and Sharon, there is no contest. You're the one she can count on.

Nikki: Honey, she has already chosen to live with you. She has already said where she wants to be.

Victor: Son, think about it for a moment. Right now you are in the driver's seat. You have the power. If you go after Sharon, attack her, she'll become the victim. That's counterproductive. That's a mistake.

Nick: Well, who knows what's going on in Sharon's head. I mean, for her to ask me to give up the entire holiday season with Faith? Why would she think I would do that for even a second?

Nikki: She wasn't thinking, obviously, as usual.

Nick: If Sharon gets desperate enough, I wouldn't put it past her. She may try and undermine me with Faith, make her think that I'm just too busy with Christian and I don't have time for her or make her feel like her little brother means more to me than she does. [Sighs]

Nikki: Honey. Being a parent, especially when you're on your own, is a juggling act. And I know, because I've done it. But you happen to do those things extremely well.

Victor: Your kids have always come first with you. No one is more involved with his children than you. Everyone knows that. So does Faith. So if she wants to spend a few miles with Sharon, let her. She will always come back here, because she knows this is her family. This is her home. And who would want to miss all the fun at Christmas at the Newmans'?

[Blocks clatter]

[Container thuds]

Nick: Thanks, both of you.

Nikki: Wait. Where are you going?

Nick: I'm going to get my daughter.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Michael: Jill, how well will your team perform if you insist on staying in enemy territory? 'Cause I promise you, if you fight this eviction and win, Jack is gonna turn that high rise into a battle zone.

Jill: If you're trying to talk me out of suing Jack, you're doing a lousy job.

Michael: No, look, he's offered to pay movers to relocate you.

Jill: Oh!

Michael: It's a gesture. Jill, look, surely the jabot building isn't the only available office space in Genoa city.

Jill: No, Michael, but it is the only one with a state-of-the-art r&d lab in it, and I'm not willing to give that up because Jack is behaving like a horse's ass.

Michael: Well, for good reason, don't you think?

Jill: You know, this thing between Jack and Billy is theirs, okay? They can handle it on their own time. I am not gonna let it negatively affect my cosmetics division. Now, in any case, you asked me before if there's any chance that Jack could pull a rabbit out of a hat and prove that we've been bad tenants. Well, there isn't. There is our documentation for our case. It's all our canceled checks that prove we paid on time. It's proof that we complied with the building's regulations, including the ridiculous insistence by Jack that Billy be accompanied by security at all times.

Michael: [Chuckles] Security. Why is that?

Jill: It's not funny. It's not funny.

Michael: Why?

Jill: My son is a shareholder at jabot. He's a member of the board at jabot. He had the audacity to walk up to the jabot floor on personal business one time.

Michael: Uh-huh. "Personal business." Is that perhaps a euphemism for Phyllis?

Jill: [Sighs] Jack threw a tantrum, okay, and he banished Billy from the building, and then he went and hired a guard to accompany him at all times, even on our floor.

Michael: I see.

Jill: You know, he has created a hostile working environment. I could sue him for harassment. Please feel free to tell his lawyers that.

Michael: [Sighs]

Jill: Ugh! I don't want to think about it. Okay, put these away. Now, let's you and I have another drink, and we can talk about more pleasant things.

Michael: Well, as delightful as that sounds, I'm gonna have to give you a rain check.

Jill: Boo. Why?

Michael: Lauren and I are having dinner with Paul and Christine.

Jill: Well, just a quick drink. Waiter, please, another round.

Michael: Jill --

Jill: Thank you. So, tell me about yourself. Oh, how was your anniversary?

Michael: It was...pretty amazing. I mean, for the most part.

Jill: Mm-hmm. "For the most part"?

Michael: It's the Christmas buying season. Lauren's busiest time, as you well know. There's always some crisis brewing. I mean, she was fielding phone calls all night.

Jill: Hmm. What kind of a crisis?

Michael: You'll have to ask her.

Paul: You know, you don't have to deal with this all yourself. If you're afraid I'm gonna tell the wrong person, scout's honor.

Lauren: It's not that.

Paul: Well...

Lauren: You know I trust you.

Paul: Okay. Then talk to me.

Lauren: [Sighs] It's been a challenging year.

Paul: Oh, there's progress. [Laughs] Challenging how?

Lauren: Oh, I don't want to bore you with all the stuffy accounting stuff.

Paul: Bore me.

Lauren: Suffice to say that a good Christmas, it's gonna turn it all around.

Paul: Have you talked to Michael about any of this? [Sighs] Why not?

Lauren: He has enough on his plate. I don't need to worry him needlessly.

Paul: He's your husband. That's what we're for, remember?

Lauren: Yes. And as my ex-husband, you have been filling in very nicely.

Paul: [Chuckles] It doesn't feel like it. I want you to feel comfortable to talk about --

Christine: Looks serious in here. What did I miss?

Lauren: Oh. [Chuckles] Nothing important.

[Cell phone rings]

Lauren: Excuse me. I'm sorry, guys. I need to take this. Hi, Andrew. What's up? Okay, I'm on my way. Thanks. I'm sorry, guys. I have to go to this meeting quickly with my regional manager.

Paul: Is everything okay?

Lauren: Yeah, everything's fine.

Christine: You want us to call Michael? We can cancel, change.

Lauren: No, no, no. No, no, no. Uh, it's not a big deal. Won't take long. I'll meet you there, okay?

Paul: Okay. Sounds good.

Dylan: Hey. Faith's got to be hungry. She went upstairs without dinner.

Sharon: Okay, I'm gonna take that up to her.

Dylan: Uh, let me. Neutral party.

Sharon: You're right. You're good with her. Maybe she will talk to you.

Dylan: Yeah, let's hope.

Dylan: Isn't this something?

Sharon: The artwork you did there, it's -- I mean, it's dazzling.

Faith: Thank you.

Dylan: And complete with a "D" for Dylan.

Faith: "D" is also for "Daddy," which is what you are now to Sully, and kind of to me, too. Right, Mommy?

Sharon: Right.

Dylan: No one can replace your dad. But I couldn't be prouder to be like another dad to you.

[Pounding on door]

Sharon: Nick.

Nick: I came to get Faith to bring her home.

Sharon: Did she call you?

Nick: No.

Sharon: I don't understand. Why are you doing this?

Nick: Because Faith needs stability and continuity.

Sharon: She's still very upset about what happened earlier, remember?

Dylan: Hey, Faith.

Sharon: She needs to calm down.

Dylan: You okay?

Nick: Well, she can calm down at my house where I know she's the most comfortable.

Dylan: Hey, come on. Open up. I got some food for you.

Sharon: She's already settled in her bed. If you try to drag her out of here now for no reason --

Nick: There is a reason. I already told you what it was.

Sharon: You're just gonna make things worse.

Nick: Faith won't see it like that, me dragging her out of here, unless you put that in her head.

Sharon: Don't do this. Just let her spend the night here. We can talk about this tomorrow.

Nick: I am through talking.

Sharon: Nick, please! I don't want to fight with you about this!

Nick: I don't want to fight, either! Faith!

Dylan: Faith's not up there.

Nick: Where is she?

Paul: Yeah, I'll get these back to you as soon as I can, all right?

Christine: So when I walked in earlier, um, it looked like Lauren was trying a little too hard to pretend like everything's okay, or am I just imagining that?

Paul: Uh, no, you're not.

Christine: So what's going on? Or are you sworn to secrecy?

Paul: No. I wouldn't keep any secrets from you, and Lauren wouldn't expect me to.

Christine: No, I'm not trying to be nosy. It's just Lauren's my friend, too, so I was concerned.

Paul: I got the impression that things at Fenmore's are pretty rocky at the moment.

Christine: How bad?

Paul: Well, she didn't go into specifics. Just that she's dealing with a whole hell of a lot.

Christine: I'm really sorry to hear that.

Paul: Yeah, me, too. I wish she would talk to Michael about it. He could offer her some support. I mean, it's obvious she could clearly use some.

Christine: Michael doesn't know?

Paul: No, uh, not all of it. Maybe not even most of it.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Uh --

Michael: Hey.

Paul: Hey there.

Michael: I am starving. Are we all ready to go? Where's Lauren?

Lauren: [Indistinct] Thank you.

Jill: Hi.

Lauren: [Gasps]

Jill: [Chuckles]

Lauren: You scared me.

Jill: Who was that? He looked really familiar.

Lauren: Did he? Really? That just happens to be Fenmore's Midwest regional manager, Andrew.

Jill: Ohh. Didn't look too happy.

Lauren: No, it's the holidays.

Jill: Is there a problem there?

Lauren: It's always something.

Jill: Something I can help with?

Lauren: No, it's already taken care of. Listen, uh, Michael and I have plans tonight, so --

Jill: No, I know. I know all about them.

Lauren: You do?

Jill: Yeah, I just met with Michael awhile ago right here.

Lauren: All right, well --

Jill: And you'll never guess why.

Lauren: You know what? I'm sorry. I'm already late.

Jill: No, this will only take a minute.

Lauren: Okay. All right, what, what, what?

Jill: Jack is on the warpath. He's trying to evict brash & sassy from his building. Okay, you remember we took over the floor with Ashley's lab on it?

Lauren: Yeah, I was there.

Jill: Yeah, well, aren't you gonna ask me why he's trying to boot us out?

Lauren: All right, Jill, why's he trying?

Jill: It's all about punishing Billy. He's making noise, he's beating his chest, a big testosterone display.

Lauren: Jill --

Jill: I'll tell you something. No, no, no, no. This is only gonna take a minute. I can make noise, too. Chancellor can make noise, too. If he dares to try to evict us, he's gonna regret it. And I'm sorry. I know you're in a hurry and it's all about me. Tell me about you. Michael said you had a great anniversary.

Lauren: Yeah. It was wonderful. And now I'm gonna go --

Jill: Dinner plans. I got it. And also problem with the business. What would that be about?

Lauren: [Sighs] Nothing for you to worry about.

Dylan: Faith's room was empty. The window was open.

Nick: She must have climbed down the lattice.

Victor: Where else have you looked so far?

Dylan: We split up and searched the area between the two houses.

Nick: She's not at my place.

Sharon: We were hoping she would have come up here.

Nick: Has she?

Nikki: I'm sorry, honey. We haven't seen her all evening.

Dylan: Damn it.

Victor: My granddaughter Faith is missing. I want you to search the grounds immediately, all right?

Nick: What the hell happened? I mean, what did you say to her?

Sharon: Excuse me?

Nick: You heard me.

Sharon: I didn't -- that's not how it happened.

Dylan: Okay, don't start throwing around accusations, all right? It's not gonna help. We just need to stay calm right now.

Nick: Don't talk to me about being calm, all right? My little girl's gone, not that you'd know anything about that.

Nikki: Nicholas, please.

Nick: Mom, he is not her father!

Dylan: Why would you even say that? I treat Faith like she's my own.

Nikki: We know that. We're not even questioning that.

Nick: I am just trying to figure out why this would happen. Why would my daughter run away like this?

Sharon: She locked herself in her room and wouldn't talk to me. She was so upset about seeing us fighting.

Nick: Because you're trying to change the visitation agreement. Or are you going after more than just that?

Nikki: All right, stop! Let's not rehash this, okay? It's very cold outside. The little girl is out there, and we've got to find her! Please. I'm gonna stay here and wait for Faith in case she comes here.

Dylan: Okay. Sharon and I are gonna keep looking.

Nick: Yeah, we all will.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Lauren: [Sighs]

Jill: Lauren, you can't keep me in the dark where Fenmore's is concerned. I have a right to know. I have partial ownership of the company, remember?

Lauren: How could I forget? But let's be honest. I run the day-to-day. I'm the one that makes the decisions.

Jill: Why are you so defensive about this?

Lauren: Oh, would you enjoy being interrogated?

Jill: I wasn't trying to interrogate --

Lauren: Oh, of course you were! You can't even help yourself! You can't even pick our regional manager out of a lineup, but, oh, you have no problem throwing your weight around. You have no idea what I'm up against. None!

Jill: Shh! Calm down. Just give me a general overview. What is your inventory picture? Are you overstocked? What have your sales been like leading up to the fourth quarter? And have you looked at your online presence? 'Cause I did, and it's a bit of a mess.

Lauren: All right, I have been in this business my whole life. It is my life! I know the name of every designer, everything! I know the price of silk in Malaysia! I know what millennials are wearing in the east village!

Jill: Honey, honey, honey, honey! I'm not attacking you or your business acumen or your ability, okay, or your dedication. I'm trying to help you, sis.

Lauren: You know what? I don't need your help or your sage advice. In fact, I don't need you or anyone else, for that matter.

Jill: Oh!

Nick: Mom? Hey, it's nick. Any sign of her? All right, keep looking.

[Door closes]

Nick: Any luck?

Dylan: No.

Nick: Where could she be?

Dylan: Well, nick, if I knew...

Nick: I mean, Faith is going through hell right now trying to make sense of everything, like how her mother could keep my son from me. Now Sharon has the gall to ask me to give up time with my daughter?

Dylan: She's Sharon's daughter, too.

Nick: You really want to do this right now? Do you think that'll help?

Dylan: You know what? Part of me thinks it's good that Faith overheard everybody arguing. You're getting a good look at how you're hurting her.

Nick: How I'm hurting her?!

Dylan: Look, you said it before, okay? I'm not Faith's dad. But that gives me perspective. And right now, that little girl needs her mother, something she couldn't tell you because you've decided to make Sharon the enemy! You'd rather go on punishing Sharon than do what's best for your own daughter!

Nick: You want to talk about irresponsible?! Considering what Faith is going through right now, Sharon should have never left her alone and kept a better eye on her.

Dylan: If you believe that, that's ri--

Nikki: Stop it! Both of you!

Victor: Faith? Sweetheart? It's Grandpa. Sweetheart? Oh, my goodness. My baby.

Faith: Shh.

Victor: Okay. Okay. My sweetheart.

Lauren: But what about the store in Denver and phoenix? Oh, my God. They're down 17%? How can this be happening? I know what the projections were. Ann, because I helped establish them. But we're still off 8% to 10%. Okay, all right, all right. What -- what about the southeast and Atlanta and Charlotte? We're overloaded with inventory. Do you realize that we're gonna have to mark it all down and hope that we move it before the end of the next quarter, otherwise... okay. [Stammering] Ann, thank you. Thank you. I know. I know you're doing the best that you can. Thank you. [Sighs]

Michael: I'm not surprised Lauren took off to a meeting. There are not too many people more dedicated to their work than her. I mean, sometimes I look at her schedule. I feel like a slacker.

Christine: [Chuckles] She's been putting in long hours, huh?

Michael: Not only that, you should hear how her employees talk about her. I mean, I'll show up at those corporate events, and they'll make a point of coming up to me to tell me how well Lauren takes care of them, how much they love working for her.

Christine: And that's wonderful, but not at all surprising.

Lauren: Hi.

Paul: Whoa! You're here, thank God! Michael has been bragging about you insufferably.

Lauren: Oh, really?

Michael: Sue me. I'm a fan. Mwah! Mmm! You okay?

Lauren: Yeah, of course. I'm fine.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Lauren: You ready to eat?

Paul: I am ready to eat.

Christine: I'm starving.

Michael: I'm starving.

Lauren: We're all starving.

Victor: Are you okay, my baby?

Faith: I'm cold.

Victor: Yeah, I bet you are. I'm sorry.

Faith: Are you mad at me, grandpa?

Victor: No, sweetheart. Why would I be mad at you?

Faith: For running away.

Victor: Oh, sweetheart, no. But everyone is looking for you. Okay? They're worried about you.

Faith: I'm not ready to go back yet.

Victor: Okay. You don't have to, all right? You're with grandpa now. You don't have to. You're a sweet girl.

Nikki: I love both of you, but I am not going to stand by and watch you attack each other! We need to focus on what is important right now!

Dylan: My only concern right now is Faith.

Nikki: Yes.

Nick: And Sharon.

[Cell phone rings]

Nikki: Oh, it's victor. Yes? [Sighs] Yes, I will tell them. She's fine. She's fine.

[All sigh]

Dylan: Oh, thank God.

Nick: Where is she?

Sharon: I need to be with her.

Nikki: No, victor said not to worry. He's with her. And we should just all take a deep breath and try to relax.

Dylan: Yeah, well, that's a tall order.

Nikki: Yeah, well, do it anyway. I'm gonna make us some tea.

Sharon: Nikki. Do you need any help?

Nikki: I can manage.

Nick: What are we doing?

Victor: Nice and cozy. There. Are you cozy now? Hmm? Nice and cozy now? Okay.

Faith: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Okay, my sweetheart.

Faith: [Sniffles]

Victor: You're safe now, okay? You're with grandpa. You're safe.

Faith: [Sniffles]

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Lauren: Come on. Let's open it up.

Gloria: Whoo!

Lauren: [Screams]

Gloria: Deck the halls, everybody.

Victor: Sweetheart. I told both of your parents that you would like to make up your mind about where you want to stay.

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