Y&R Transcript Monday 12/19/16

Y&R Transcript Monday 12/19/16


Provided By Suzanne

Ashley: Oh! Hold the door, please! I don't have a free hand! Oh! Thank you.

Jill: Of all the arrogant, pigheaded, underhanded moves, not to mention criminal --

Jack: Jill, don't be so hard on yourself.

Jill: You breaking brash & sassy's lease on what can only be considered a whim is not only unconscionable, it is illegal.

Jack: I understand your being angry.

Jill: Don't you condescend to me.

Jack: I'm agreeing with you. My seemingly unwarranted attack on your company blindsided you, and it wasn't fair.

Jill: Exactly. All right. Since you've seemingly come to your senses and admitted you were wrong, might I assume that you're gonna honor our lease?

Jack: Don't be ridiculous.

Victoria: I should be doing that.

Billy: I'm almost done.

Victoria: [Sighs] Where did cane go?

Billy: I don't know. He took off. I guess he's in full panic mode, which is very unbecoming. Oddly, I'm the only one keeping their cool here.

Victoria: I should never have allowed myself to lose control like that.

Billy: Look, Vic, relax. It's not that big of a deal.

Victoria: I should've never thrown a tantrum like that at work. I mean, who does that?

Billy: Me, for one. I do. And this -- this is nothing.

Victoria: "Nothing"?

Billy: Nothing. Come on. You're frustrated, you're angry. It's pent up, and you needed to release it.

Victoria: I took it out on a bunch of a beakers and test tubes.

Billy: Yes, you did, and there's more where that came from. And what's important here is that you let it out, right? That's a good thing. And I'm sure it felt amazing. Come on. Tell me it felt good. Open your mouth, move your lips. "It felt good."

Victoria: No, actually. You're wrong. It didn't feel good. It felt great.

Billy: [Gasps] Yes.

Victor: Uh, would you kindly press the button for brash & sassy? I'm so used to going straight up to the top, I nearly forgot.

Ashley: Oh, that's a good one. You know, under the circumstances, why don't you press the button for me?

Victor: Oh, my goodness. I forgot to be a gentleman. Of course I shall do that. Here we go. So, how long did it take your brother to evict my daughter from his building without forewarning?

Ashley: You know, look at it this way. Now you can offer them space in your building and show up my brother in the process. How fun.

Victor: Too easy to show up your brother. But you know what he did is not only unacceptable but possibly illegal. Hello.

Ashley: Could you please remember where we are, victor?

Victor: I beg your pardon?

Ashley: Remember where we are.

Victor: Oh, I know where we are. It's no secret, all right? Unlike your brother, I know how to separate the personal from business.

Ashley: [Laughs]

Victor: [Chuckles] That funny?

Ashley: That's funny. And just so you know, this decision my brother made was strictly business. It wasn't personal.

Victor: Oh. I'm so glad that you're standing up for poor Jack. Although you damn well know he is wrong.

Ashley: Mm.

Victor: Nice chatting with you.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. You too. Next time, I'll take the stairs.

Nick: Seems like everybody had a good time.: Yeah. Hey, listen, I will be happy to clean up here if you need to go.

Nick: Eh.

Phyllis: I know that dad of the year has got daughter number two's event to attend.

Nick: There's plenty of time to get to faith's play.

Phyllis: Really?

Nick: Yeah. I mean, I got to clean up and stuff.

Phyllis: Or maybe there are so many ex-wives you can deal with in a day?

Nick: Let's just say some are easier to be around than others.

Sharon: Oh, Dylan, can you help me finish wrapping these?

Dylan: Uh, I'm sorry. You're gonna have to go alone.

Sharon: You're going to work?

Dylan: Yeah, Paul just called. He's assigning me to a new case.

Sharon: But you're gonna miss faith's play.

Dylan: I know. I'm gonna try not to, but if I do, I'm gonna make it up to her. I don't want to go in right now, but this is kind of my job.

Sharon: Okay. Call me later.

Dylan: [Sighs] I can help you finish.

Sharon: So, this new case you're on, is it murder, robbery...?

Dylan: Uh, well, the only detail I could get out of Paul is that it's gonna be really busy. It's undercover work.

Sharon: Sounds kind of dangerous.

Dylan: More like tedious. You know, a lot of sitting around in the middle of the night, observing bad guys.

Sharon: Okay. So why can't Paul just dump it on somebody else? I mean, just for one night. I was looking forward to going to the play with you, and faith is gonna be... I'm sorry. I know I'm not being a very good detective's wife. I know this is the job.

Dylan: I know. You know, I feel bad about missing faith do her thing, but... what's really bad is that I'm gonna be gone a lot of nights for the next few weeks.

Sharon: Christmas? New Year's?

Dylan: I'm not sure. I mean, maybe Mariah could spend more time here.

Sharon: Well, she's putting in more hours at the GC buzz, not less.

Dylan: You know, I was thinking, maybe you could talk to nick tonight. Talk to him about getting more time with faith during her holiday.

Sharon: Mm. I don't know.

Dylan: I mean, faith can be here when I'm not here, and the house won't seem so empty.

Sharon: I think I should ask nick if I can have faith for Christmas Day.

Dylan: I think maybe you should ask for her whole time off of school. It seems reasonable to me.

Paul: I understand that. We need that warrant. Make it happen. Okay.

Nikki: Hey.

Paul: Nikki, hi.

Nikki: Hi.

Paul: Can I help you?

Nikki: I was just poking my head in to see if Dylan was around.

Paul: Oh. Well, he's not now, but he will be soon. Do you need something specific?

Nikki: Well, just basic contact would be a good beginning. I'm starting to feel that our son is avoiding me.

Sharon: It looks like nick and I have the Christmas break pretty much divided down the middle.

Dylan: What's -- what's wrong with being flexible, you know? He's got Christian full-time, he's running his bar full-time. How much time does he actually have to spend with faith while she's off from school?

Sharon: Mm, not much, probably.

Dylan: Well, it's the holidays. Obviously, she's gonna see nick. She's gonna hang with her baby brother. But what she really wants to do is...

Sharon: Is ride her pony and have playdates with her friends.

Dylan: No, she wants to hang with her mom. And you never know. You might be doing nick a favor.

Sharon: I don't think he'll see it that way.

Dylan: Yeah, well, this is an important time for faith. You know? All the upheaval about Christian, it's been really tough on her, and I just -- look, I think she needs her mom. I think the less stress for her, the better.

Sharon: Well, she's been doing really good lately. She hasn't been angry. She's actually been spending a lot more time over here. She chooses to.

Dylan: Yeah, I know. For a reason. A few solid days of you two hanging out together could cement that.

Sharon: Well, I'm really touched that you put so much thought into faith's feelings.

Dylan: I love faith, and I love you. And I just think there's way too much upside not to try. So, you'll talk to nick?

Sharon: Definitely.

Dylan: Great. I'm gonna head in to the station.

Sharon: Okay. Be careful, detective.

Dylan: Mm. Yes, ma'am. And if I do miss her play, just tell her to "break a leg" for me, okay?

Sharon: Okay.

Jack: Who you calling now?

Jill: I am trying to decide which lawyer would most enjoy suing you on my behalf. It is a plumb assignment, you know.

Jack: I like you, Jill.

Jill: You are so full of it, Jack!

Jack: I like you so much, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna save you the mega bucks per hour in legal fees you're about to shell out by telling you what any good lawyer would tell you -- your case is a loser.

Jill: You are so deluded. My lease is ironclad.

Jack: Do you honestly think I don't know what goes into every single lease and contract that I sign? Be grateful that I gave your company till new year's eve to clear out.

Jill: Oh, I know. And you even offered to move us. You're so considerate.

Jack: What can I say? 'Tis the season.

Jill: I've said it before, I'll say it again -- thank God there's only one of you.

Jack: You know, it's funny. I wake up most mornings and think the same thing myself.

Jill: So, where'd you go?

Jack: Well, let's see. You name it, I went there. You know, I actually did think of you in the Riviera. You know, they have all those topless bathing suits there.

Jill: You thought of me?

Jack: I couldn't help thinking how intimidated you'd be.

Jill: How reassuring to know that you haven't lost your talent for ingratiating yourself.

Jack: Well, you know me, Jill -- always trying to think of something nice to say. Though, I must admit, in your case, it is a little challenging.

Jill: You know what, Ashley? I would've expected nothing better from him, because he is a man in perpetual need of proving himself. But I really expected you to have better sense.

Ashley: Well, good evening to you, too, Jill.

Jill: I will see you in court, and don't you dare worry about my legal fees. Honestly, burying you is gonna be worth every penny.

Ashley: So, how far do you intend on taking this?

Jack: Oh, why stop now when I'm having this much fun?

Victoria: Well, I guess I'm gonna have to write Jill a check for all this wasted inventory.

Billy: On the contrary, this is an investment into your mental health. And if you ask me, I think you stopped too soon.

Victoria: Nope, I'm good.

Billy: Liar. Come on. There's more stomping on that last nerve than Jack kicking us out of here or cane and me getting in a fight. So come on -- let it out.

Victoria: Billy, I really don't need to let anything out.

Billy: You know what?

Victoria: What are you doing?

[Glass shatters]

Victoria: Ah.

Billy: We'll call that one Travis, okay? And here. Go ahead. You can call that one Billy. I will not be offended. Go on. I know you want to.

Victoria: This is silly.

Billy: No, it's not. It's actually cheaper than therapy and probably a write-off, so let's see it.

[Glass shatters]

Billy: Oh-ho-ho! Yeah!

Victoria: You're right. That felt really good!

Billy: Yeah. See? Now, what about here?

Victoria: No, no, no.

Billy: Yes, come on. You can't stop festering all this kind of thing. You got to let it out. So have at it. There's family issues, right? There's Johnny's preschool teacher, that condescending...

Victoria: I can't stand that guy. I'm gonna need two for that guy.

[Glass shatters]

Billy: There you go. Perfect. And dare I say, daddy issues?

Victoria: Okay. A little one for him.

Billy: Okay.

[Glass shatters]

Billy: Yes!

Victoria: And Virgil in shipping.

Billy: Virgil.

Victoria: And Nancy in distribution. And the guy that cut me off on the 173.

Billy: Hate the 173!

[Glass shattering]

Victoria: No, we shouldn't.

Billy: Oh, yes, we should. Come on. We have come too far to turn back now. Come on. We owe it to ourselves. It is a fantastic idea.

Victoria: No.

Billy: You got it?

Victoria: Put it back.

Billy: Nope.

Victoria: No.

Billy: No.

Victor: Well, that's a very interesting...

[Glass shatters]

Victor: ...Approach to R&D.

Jill: What the hell is going on here?

Billy: I convinced Victoria to lay down a carpet of glass. That way, when somebody comes here that we don't want here, you can hear them.

Jill: Oh, stop it! Would you please behave like an adult for two seconds?

Billy: I would love to, but it's kind of impossible with him here. By the way, what are you doing here?

Victor: Offering my beautiful daughter refuge.

Victoria: Oh, thanks, dad. That's so nice of you.

Victor: Darling, why don't you move brash & sassy to Newman tower? You know, I think it's best for everyone concerned. And to hell with jabot. Who needs them?

Both: That's not happening.

Victor: What, are you disagreeing in tandem now? I mean, this is like a stereo.

Billy: Yes, and no, thank you, but we don't need Newman space, because we're not leaving here, because we all know why Jack is pulling this stunt, and I'm not gonna let him get away with it.

Jill: Yes, and I just came from seeing Jack, and I'm in complete agreement with Billy.

Victor: Well, I have a simpler solution.

Billy: Oh, really? I would love to hear that. Please, tell me -- what am I missing, victor?

Victor: Since you seem to be the cause for Jack wanting to evict brash & sassy, why don't you just move along, get the hell out of here? That way, I'm sure Jack will offer brash & sassy a lifetime lease if you are out of the picture.

Nick: You know, you don't have to do that. Noah can handle the rest. Unless, of course, you don't want to leave.

Phyllis: You know what? If I leave... I got to go back to jabot... and see Jack. And wonder if he's gonna compliment me on my hair color... if our hands gonna touch when I give him that report or that memo or fax that I make up an excuse just to see him with. I'm gonna wonder if he will ever love me again.

Nick: Phyllis...

Phyllis: Look, while I am still stalling, I would like you to give this to faith after she takes her bow tonight. It's the only undamaged piece of cake left.

Nick: Hey, for the record, I didn't know Christian was gonna tackle the cake.

Phyllis: Oh-ho! Yeah, blame the toddler. Yeah, classy.

Nick: It's not blame. It's pride. I mean, he went after that cake with true Newman gusto.

Phyllis: No, you're raising him right.

Nick: And it is chocolate, which happens to be my favorite.

Phyllis: He's definitely your son.

Nick: I just can't wait to learn every single thing about him.

Phyllis: You know, look. I know that you are still angry at Sharon, and I do not blame you, but you got to admit, she and Dylan did very good during the time they had with him.

Nick: What? I'm sorry. Did -- did you just say something nice about Sharon?

Phyllis: Well, I really don't want to, but I am looking at the bright side of things for you.

Nick: Well, the bright side is that my son is alive, and he is with me.

Phyllis: No, you're right. I am very happy. Christian is exactly where he belongs.

Nick: Thanks, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Hold on. Um... can you turn your head a little? Just -- yeah. Cake. Are you saving this for later?

Paul: Sorry, Nikki. I've got a new case kicking into gear, and I'm juggling a lot of the details.

Nikki: Oh, no, I understand. I'm just a little anxious about Dylan. Maybe I'm being oversensitive, but after a few unanswered calls and texts -- I don't know -- one starts to feel that they're being avoided. Is he avoiding me?

Paul: Well, Nikki, I can't speak for him.

Nikki: Okay, then. Forget I asked.

Paul: Well, I can tell you that... Dylan is missing the child he raised for over a year, and it just so happens that Christian is living with your other son now.

Nikki: Well, if he thinks that I'm taking sides, I'm not.

Paul: Well, I don't think you are, Nikki, but I can tell you, from my perspective, how much it hurt to lose a grandson. So I can't tell you -- I can't imagine -- what he must be going through.

Nikki: I want to be there for him. I want to comfort him. He won't let me.

Paul: Like you were there for nick?

Nikki: Look, I am trying to do good by both my sons in this horrible situation. No matter what I do, somebody gets hurt. I-I have to go to faith's school. I don't want to be late for her performance. But if you should see Dylan, can you please tell him I was here?

Paul: I can do that.

[Door opens]

Paul: You just missed your mother.

Dylan: Yeah, I know. I was waiting for her to leave.

Paul: She thinks that you're avoiding her.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Paul: You know, Dylan, I -- I thought you didn't want to talk to Nikki about Christian because it hurt too much. But now I'm getting the feeling it's much deeper than that.

Dylan: Yeah, it is deep, Paul. Nikki made her choice, and her choice was nick.

Sharon: Hi. You seen Faith yet?

Nick: No, I just got here before you did.

Sharon: Okay. Uh, well, as long as we have a moment alone, there's something I wanted to run by you.

Nick: Are you kidding me right now?

Sharon: What?

Nick: How many times do we have to do this? I thought you and Dylan were not gonna ask me anymore about spending time with Christian?

Sharon: This isn't about Christian.

Faith: I need you -- both of you! Help!

Jill: We don't need your help with office space, so...

Victor: Don't be so hasty, all right? I gave you damn good advice. If you want to get rid of the problem, get rid of Billy boy. I don't know what the issue is.

Jill: No, you wouldn't. Thank you very much, but I really don't need your advice in running my company, and any suggestions you have about whether Billy should stay or leave -- not needed.

Victor: You know, sometimes I can't help it. Advice just slips past my lips before I can edit it.

Jill: Oh, my God. You know how to edit yourself? That's news.

Victor: Isn't that something?

Jill: Mm.

Victor: So you don't need my advice?

Jill: No, I don't want your advice. In fact, when I have a problem, do you know what I do?

Victor: What do you do?

Jill: I ask myself what Katherine would do, and then I have my solution.

Victor: I'll be damned. You know what Katherine would want? Is for you to make sure that her legacy stays intact and that chancellor industries stays on top. That's what she would want.

Jill: What she would want is family loyalty. That's what you don't understand, and that's why Billy is staying.

Victor: And you understand family loyalty? Wow. I'll be damned.

Jill: So, if you'll excuse me, I have a strategy to execute.

Victor: Well, if you'll excuse me, I have my granddaughter's play to go to. How's that? Bye-bye.

Jill: Have a good time.

Victor: Same to you.

Jill: Playtime is over.

Jack: What is this? An early Christmas present?

Ashley: Brash & sassy's lease. Do you want to go over it with me, and I can show you just how out of line you are? Look, I don't want them in the building any more than you do, Jack, and I'm not a lawyer, but it's pretty cut-and-dry -- you cannot legally evict them.

Jack: I guess it's a good thing for all of us you sidestepped that legal career. You'd be awful at this.

Ashley: The contract is binding.

Jack: Contracts are made to be broken. Everyone knows that.

Ashley: I don't know that. That's why we sign our names to them. We're promising to uphold the terms that we've agreed upon.

Jack: In some ideal dream world. I function in the real world, where real business gets done, and where our lawyers are two floors down right now finding any loophole they can for me.

Ashley: They're finding any loophole?

Jack: I know what I'm doing, ash!

Ashley: You know... let's just put all this aside, okay? Is this really necessary, all this drama? Is that the best way to use our time, Jack? I mean, JabotGo is doing so great, we're scaling up to meet demand, Ravi is working his buns off -- Christmas is upon us!

Jack: And now is the time to assure that the success we're about to enjoy is secure. You created JabotGo. It's your baby. Look what it's done to jabot's bottom line. Think what you could create if you had your lab back. You miss it, don't you?

Ashley: That's beside the point.

Jack: There is nothing arbitrary about the timing of kicking brash & sassy out to the curb. It is necessary. What doesn't make any sense is putting out all this blood, sweat, and tears to put jabot on top while our competitor resides a few floors down, trying to undercut us.

Ashley: You can say his name. It's Billy.

Jack: Billy... you're right. I don't trust him. I've been given good reason not to. Wouldn't you agree?

Phyllis: Am I interrupting?

Phyllis: Here's that marketing report I promised you.

Ashley: You couldn't e-mail it?

Phyllis: I did that, too, but I thought maybe you'd want to take a look at the hard copy before it's distributed.

Jack: I'll take a look when I have a chance.

Phyllis: Terrific.

Ashley: Changed your hair, huh?

Phyllis: Yeah, it was time for a change.

Ashley: I guess we heard the last of that nickname of yours. I'm not gonna miss it. Are you?

Phyllis: Goodbye.

Ashley: Oh, my God. She's so obvious. She changes her hair, she has to drop off reports in person -- it's all ploys to stay in your head.

Jack: That's why I didn't comment on it. I wish you hadn't, either. I have moved on. And if I don't engage with Phyllis, she'll do the same thing.

Ashley: So, on a brighter note, about that lease --

Jack: Could we argue about this over dinner? I'm starving.

Ashley: Fine.

Sharon: Look, you know Nikki's not my favorite person in the world at all, but she does love you, and that's very real.

Dylan: But, look, I'm not one of her kids, really. You know what I'm saying. I didn't grow up with her. I know she cares about me, but when push comes to shove, she's a Newman, and I'm not. And that makes all the difference. [Breathes deeply]

Paul: Excuse me.

Dylan: What -- what are you doing? I thought you wanted me to go over this case.

Paul: Do you think you can come in here and drop a bomb like that about your mother, get busy with work, and pretend like you never said anything?

Dylan: I'm not pretending. I'm just doing my job.

Paul: Dylan, you've got a personal life, too. It doesn't go away when you walk in the office.

Dylan: I just -- I don't know what you want from me right now.

Paul: In my office. Close the door. So, you think that Nikki is choosing nick over you.

Dylan: Okay, Nikki is focusing on her family, and I'm gonna follow her lead, and I'm gonna focus on my family, whatever that takes.

Paul: You are Nikki's family.

Dylan: Can we not go over this again, all right? Not right now.

Paul: All right. Consider the subject dropped.

Dylan: Thank you.

Paul: You have it in your head to focus on your family? Case can wait.

Dylan: Come on, Paul. Honestly, I could -- I could use the distraction right now.

Paul: You already have one. From what I understand, faith has a performance tonight.

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, she does. But I thought that we were gonna go over this case.

Paul: I don't want you using this job as a way of hiding from your personal issues, especially when it causes you to miss events like this. Dylan, kids grow up fast -- faster than you think. This case can wait. Do I have to make it a direct order?

Dylan: No, that's not necessary. Thank you.

Nick: Here we go.

Faith: Is it almost done? The show's about to start.

Sharon: Almost.

Nick: Safety pin...

Faith: Hurry!

Sharon: Okay...done.

Faith: You saved my life. You are the best mom and dad ever.

Nick: Oh.

Faith: Oh, grandpa's here!

Sharon: Okay. Why don't you go say hi? Your dad and I have to talk.

Nick: Actually, I'll go with you, faith. Come on.

Faith: Hi, grandpa!

Victor: How you doing?

Nikki: Where is Dylan? Is he coming?

Sharon: What do you care, Nikki? Nicholas is here, otherwise known as the son who counts.

Nikki: That's not true, and you know it. I did everything I could to keep Christian in Dylan's life.

Nikki: As long as I was not involved. I know, Nikki. You're more transparent than cellophane.

Nikki: Oh, and you're about as deep as a cookie sheet. How both of my brilliant sons got mixed up with the likes of you I don't know.

Victor: I have a feeling that I'm gonna see the best performance I've ever seen.

Faith: Maybe not.

Victor: Why?

Faith: What if I forget everything?

Nick: What are you talking about? You have spent so much time memorizing and rehearsing. You're gonna be amazing.

Faith: But I'm so nervous.

Victor: But, sweetheart, I have spoken with thousands of people -- I still do. Everyone gets nervous. That's normal. It's okay.

Faith: But how do you make the nervous feeling go away?

Victor: Hmm.

Victor: Well, I have a secret. Do you want to know what it is?

Faith: A secret? Yeah!

Victor: Come here. What you do is this. You look at the crowd, and you pick just one person. You don't think about anyone else, don't look at anyone else, just that one person, and you try to look at them and convince them of your performance. Okay?

Faith: Just one person?

Victor: Yeah, one person.

Faith: Who do I pick?

Victor: Well, you'll figure it out. Okay?

Faith: Thanks for giving me your secret, grandpa.

Victor: You're welcome, my sweetheart. Good luck. Wow.

Faith: It's time. The show's about to start! Eee!

Jack: Next time you suggest a new restaurant, pick one with better service.

Ashley: Stop complaining. The food was decent. Got some work done.

Jack: Yeah, once you agreed that I was right to terminate brash & sassy's lease...

Ashley: I didn't agree to anything like that at all. I just said I'd put it aside so we can get some other things done.

Jack: Damn. I thought I got that one by you.

Ashley: What, you think I like harping on you all the time? I'm trying to keep you from making a huge mistake.

Jack: If it's a mistake, it's my mistake to make. I'm getting sick of you questioning everything I do. If they sue us, they sue us. That's why I have a team of lawyers two floors down. I've got this, ash. Can we please drop it?

Ashley: No, we can't.

Jill: And the lipsticks?

Billy: I have the numbers here.

Victoria: Mattes are outselling shimmers, as expected. I just shot you the latest stats.

Jill: And the European market?

Billy: I think we're --

Victoria: They're leading with the darker shades. The data's on page 5.

Jill: Good. Well, I'm glad to see that our numbers are steady, because our attention will be elsewhere occupied for quite a while. Stopping this ludicrous eviction by Jack will be our number-one job. So, I hope both of you will bear that in mind the next time you get the urge to destroy expensive office equipment.

Victoria: Okay, look, I don't need a lecture on what's important.

Jill: Oh, you don't?

Billy: No. No, we're very clear about what we have to do about Jack.

Victoria: Jack is trying to toss us out at a critical time because he wants to hurt the company.

Jill: Well, I'm glad to see that you both know what the stakes are here, okay? So get together with cane and find out how to beat jabot at their own game, because I am done playing around.

Faith: Dylan!

Dylan: Hey!

Faith: Hey! You came!

Dylan: Yeah, I ran in just as the curtain came up. I had to stay in back, but I loved every minute of it, and you were awesome.

Faith: Thanks.

Dylan: Congratulations.

Faith: Are those for me?

Dylan: Yeah.

Faith: Oh, I love flowers. I was thinking maybe I'd want to be an astronaut when I grow up, but now I like show business a lot more.

Sharon: Honey, you were so great!

Faith: Thanks!

Sharon: Wow! I thought you couldn't come.

Dylan: It was too important to miss.

Faith: It was almost awful, but mom and dad saved me 'cause they fixed my costume. Otherwise, I would've been a total wreck.

Sharon: Faith, don't sell yourself short. Your performance tonight was a great success because you put in all the sweat and the hard work and the dedication it took to make it that way. You have a lot to be proud of. This is your night, faith.

Faith: You're the best. Oh! I have to tell grandpa something. I'll be right back.

Sharon: Okay.

Dylan: Bet that hug felt good, huh?

Sharon: You have no idea.

Faith: Well, thanks for coming.

Nikki: Thank you for such a wonderful evening.

Victor: You were wonderful. Okay?

Faith: Because I used your secret.

Victor: Oh, you did? What'd you do? Who'd you pick?

Faith: It was you.

Victor: Oh! I love that. I love that. I love that.

Nick: Hey, uh, sorry, earlier, jumping the gun, thinking you wanted to talk about Christian.

Dylan: You asked?

Nick: Asked what?

Sharon: Well, we were talking about faith's schedule for winter break, and we thought, since you're gonna have your hands full with Christian and the underground, it might just be better for everyone if, uh, we changed it up a little and faith spent the majority of those nights at our house.

Nick: Absolutely not.

Billy: Don't worry about my mom. She lays it on thick sometimes. It's just part of her charm.

Victoria: Oh, shut up, will you, Billy?

Billy: What'd I -- what'd I do now?

Victoria: No, it's not -- it's what we did, okay? I never should've gone along with your suggestion to break beakers and test tubes. What did it get me, huh? Did it get me some deeper epiphany or some greater understanding of myself? Hardly. I looked like a total goofball.

Billy: And what's wrong with that?

Victoria: Because it was humiliating, and not just in front of Jill, in front of my father, of all people.

Billy: You don't care what he thinks, Victoria.

Victoria: I have worked too hard creating something special with this company to let people think that I take it like a joke. I'm a professional. I have credibility, or at least, I -- I had credibility. Until you started in with your childish antics.

Billy: Okay. Well, I apologize. It's no excuse. I'm just trying to make you laugh a little bit.

Victoria: There is no excuse. My work is very important to me. And I created this company from scratch, and I am gonna do everything to make damn sure that it stays on track. Jerk.

Ashley: You know, Jack, I've been excited about working with you again. We're doing great things. Actually, amazing things. And I know sometimes in business, of course, obviously, you have to be tough. You're morphing into somebody I don't like very much. I understand, what happened with Billy and Phyllis -- I mean, it changed you and not for the better.

Jack: I'm not going to be a doormat anymore. What they say about nice guys is true. I am not going to finish last again.

Ashley: So that's how you see it? That's how you're gonna justify your callous and, frankly, extremely ugly behavior?

Jack: I will say this once again. The choices I am making are for the good of this company.

Ashley: You know what I see? What I know? This bitterness is gonna eat you up if you let it, Jack. You're better than that. I don't want that for you.

Nick: I think it's astonishing that you don't think it's insensitive at all that you're asking me to not spend Christmas or new year's with faith. It's her entire vacation.

Sharon: It's not her entire vacation.

Dylan: It's a legitimate request. Families do it all the time.

Nick: Well, not this family and not this time.

Dylan: But it could be better for faith.

Nick: What, for me to ignore my daughter over Christmas?

Sharon: That's not what we're saying. Wouldn't you like some time alone with Christian where you don't have to also take care of a 9-year-old? Just be in that baby bubble for your first Christmas with your son?

Nick: I love how you two are selling this, like it's some benefit to me. But you would be the ones who would get faith for two weeks straight.

Dylan: That's not even close. You're gonna have Christmas at your dad's. You're gonna see her then, you're gonna see her each and every day at the ranch. All we're really talking about is having her sleep at our place.

Nick: You know, Dylan, I don't even want to talk about this with you, all right? This is between me and Sharon. The custody agreement is in place.

Sharon: And we're not suggesting that we should change the entire --

Nick: I really wanted to spend Christmas with my son and my daughter. Do I have to remind you that I lost my wife? I'll be without her over the holidays?

Dylan: We know you suffered a loss, okay? We suffered a loss, too.

Nick: Did you just go there? Do you expect me to feel sorry for you? You stole my son from me. I'm not agreeing to this. You're just gonna have to live with the agreement that we already made.

Faith: Stop! Why are you guys always fighting? You're always ruining everything. I hate it! I want a divorce!

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Christine: You are throwing your son into harm's way. Can you really live with that?

Sharon: I don't want to fight with you about this!

Nick: I don't want to fight, either!

Dylan: Faith's not up there.

Nick: Where is she?

Victor: My granddaughter Faith is missing. I want you to search the grounds immediately, all right?

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