Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/15/16

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/15/16


Provided By Suzanne

Billy: Pardon me.

Jack: Can I help you?

Billy: Yeah, you can tell me what you're doing with this -- an eviction notice. Really, Jack?

Jack: I gave you a lease. I'm terminating it.

Billy: No, you're breaking it.

Jack: Happens all the time.

Billy: Not like this, it doesn't, Jack. It's days before Christmas, and you want us out by the end of the year?

Jack: I need the space to expand production. Strictly business.

Billy: Oh, don't give me that.

Jack: If that's all you're here for...

Billy: No, Jack, if you're gonna pretend this has anything to do with business, it doesn't. This is about keeping your little brother in the corner. Well, guess what? This time, I'm not letting you get away with it.

Cane: You can't be serious.

Victoria: How much more serious can it get, cane?

Cane: Oh, no, no! Jack's the one who signed the lease. He can't just rip it up on a whim!

Victoria: It's not a whim. It was cold and it was calculated.

Cane: This is because of Billy. You know that, don't you?

Victoria: It's also because of brash & sassy! Jack probably realized we were getting very close to developing our new product line, and this is what he's doing.

Cane: Yeah, and what a better way to throw a wrench to the plan than to leave us homeless!

Victoria: No! Do not give up! Okay? Please. We're gonna get our products to the market on time.

Cane: Oh, really? What are we gonna do, run this from our living rooms? What do you want to do?

Victoria: Let Jack do his worst. He has no idea who he's messing with right now.

Ashley: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. [Gasps]

Farrah: Aah! Are you kidding me?!

Ashley: I'm so sorry.

Farrah: Look at this mess! What are you thinking?!

Ashley: Well, excuse me. In my defense, you could watch where you're going.

Farrah: Want to know where I was going? To show a $3 million listing. That is, until you doused hot coffee all over my new suit!

Ashley: Well, as I said, my apologies.

Farrah: This is custom couture, and it's ruined! And you probably cost me my commission, too!

Ashley: Shut up. You know that? Be quiet. And you know what else? Have a nice day.

Farrah: What a bitch.

Ashley: Bitch.

Devon: Let me get back to you, Barry. So, you have an agent?

Hilary: Oh, yeah.

Devon: Just says my wife, like that's normal.

Hilary: [Scoffs] What's the problem, Devon?

Devon: It's just a lot of questions running around in my head, like -- why?

Hilary: Like, "why did I hire him?"

Devon: Well, no, why am I hearing it from this guy instead of from you?

Hilary: Oh, well, I didn't want to say anything until I knew he was legit. I mean, if it wasn't gonna work for me, then why bother?

Devon: Oh, I don't know, because I'm your husband?

Hilary: Oh, yeah, I know. So, what did he say?

Devon: Well, to hear Barry say it, he's received several serious offers.

Hilary: Job offers? For me?


Hilary: Wow. He works fast. He is just as good as Jack said.

Devon: So that's the connection?

Hilary: Oh, yeah. Because, unlike my husband, Jack believes in me. He actually trusts my instincts.

Devon: So much so that he recommended you to one of the top talent agencies in the country.

Hilary: Oh, Barry, he saw my reel and he was blown away. Why do you seem so upset, Devon? I thought that this would be mutually beneficial. You get to keep me away from "GC buzz," and I get what I want the most.

Devon: Fame?

Hilary: A successful career. Who knows, Devon? This might be the best thing that's ever happened to us.

Ashley: Hold on. Please. A peace offering. The last thing I want to do is get into a cat fight.

Farrah: Well, we wouldn't want that now, would we?

Ashley: Definitely not. In fact, why don't you let me pick up your dry cleaning bill?

Farrah: Even though the collision was my fault?

Ashley: Well, it was kind of my fault, too. You know what? I'm gonna throw in a trip to Fenmore's boutique. You can buy a new outfit for your showing on me.

Farrah: That's not necessary. My company will pick up the tab.

Ashley: Farrah Dubose, real estate by Farrah. I've never heard of it.

Farrah: Well, we're new in town.

Ashley: Well, I'm sure I'm gonna be hearing about it a lot in the future.

Farrah: Well, that's the plan.

Ashley: Oh, I, um... I don't have a card.

Farrah: Oh, are you, uh, one of those ladies of leisure? That must be nice.

Ashley: Mm, no. I help run my family's company, so I can afford the dry cleaning bill if you want me to do it.

Farrah: Oh, no, I got it covered, truly. But if you really wanted to help out, why don't you buy a house from me?

Ashley: [Laughs]

Farrah: Or two.

Ashley: Uh, you know, I came in for a cup of coffee and I'm leaving with two houses. Farrah, I think you're gonna do just great in Genoa city.

Farrah: So is that a no? Well, how about just one house? [Sighs]

Devon: Honey. Stay. Please.

Hilary: Now or on the show?

Devon: Both.

Hilary: Why would I do that, Devon?

Devon: Because Jack isn't the only person who believes in you. Okay? And the only reason I even got into this business in the first place is because you convinced me that we could do it together. So can we please put this ugliness behind us?

Hilary: Yeah. It was pretty ugly when my husband fired me.

Devon: Well, you know why I did it. But I would like you to come back.

Hilary: On your terms.

Devon: On our terms.

Hilary: There is no such thing. I know that you're trying to be generous -- I get that -- but... this is just another attempt for you to control me.

Devon: That's not it at all. I don't want to control you, but I do want to bring out the best in you.

Hilary: Why can't you see that I am at my best when I'm Hilary Curtis? Not Mrs. Devon Hamilton, not the billionaire's trophy wife.

Devon: That's not fair, hon.

Hilary: You have more than Katherine's inheritance. You have her undying respect. You have her legacy. And in this town, that is worth more than gold. Do you really blame me for wanting to know what that feels like?

Devon: No. I get it.

Hilary: No. I don't think that you do.

Devon: I -- I do. I understand what you're saying, but let me tell you something. That dignity and that self-worth that you're looking for? You can find it right here. Okay? We can make something great here, something we can both be proud of and create our own legacy. Can you please just give it a second chance?

Hilary: No. I'm sorry, Devon.

Devon: So I'll see you back at home, then?

Hilary: What home? Oh, you're talking about the hotel room that we play house in? Yeah, I'll see you there. Oh, congratulations.

Mariah: For?

Hilary: This. It's all yours.

Victoria: Okay. Would you please just sit down? You're annoying me.

Cane: You know, there cannot be a worse time for this to happen, and I'm saying that to you literally.

Victoria: That's exactly why jack's doing it. Brash & sassy! Is firing on all cylinders. He needs to find a way to slow us down, and this is it.

Cane: I'm not talking about the company, Victoria. Christmas is just around the corner.

Victoria: What are you worried about? Santa's still gonna show up for your kids.

Cane: I just bought this exotic German sports car. It's on its way here as we speak.

Victoria: Would you stop talking like you're out of a job, for heaven's sake?

Cane: You know what we're out of? We're out of our ability to deliver our product to our suppliers as scheduled. That's what we're out of.

Victoria: Okay! Just calm down!

Cane: We have to call Jill.

Victoria: No!

Cane: We have to call Jill.

Victoria: No!

Cane: She has to know. What are you talking about?

Victoria: We are not bringing her into this. It's just gonna make things worse. She's not exactly known for having a level head, you know that.

Cane: Neither does Billy. He's gonna blow a gasket when he finds out -- that is, if he doesn't already know.

Victoria: Focus on your rehab, okay? Trust me. Promise.

Cane: I don't like that jack's playing games with us like this. I don't like it at all.

Victoria: Well, jack's not the only one who knows how to play the game.

Billy: How long you gonna punish me, Jack?

Jack: This is not an effort to punish you, Billy.

Billy: I slept with your wife, okay?

Jack: Thank you. I remember.

Billy: Yes, and I'm sorry about that, okay? It was a jackass move, and I'll regret it till the day that I die.

Jack: And that makes it all better? You apologize, and -- poof! Water under the bridge.

Billy: No, no, but, Jack, this -- this is hurting Victoria. Brash & sassy! Is her baby. She put her heart and soul into that company --

Jack: I have nothing but sympathy for Victoria, especially after she keeps making the same mistake with you over and over again.

Billy: You'll never make that mistake, right, because you're the good brother -- the trustworthy one, the straightforward one, the dependable one, and I'm the eternal screw-up.

Jack: Your words, Billy.

Billy: You know what, Jack, you can cut me out of the family albums, you can disinvite me from Christmas dinner, hell, you can change the locks on the house. Oh, no, wait, you actually did that already.

Jack: Oh, I guess you can take that one off your list, right?

Billy: Don't pretend this has anything to do with business, Jack. Or upholding the family honor. I know why you're doing this.

Jack: By all means, enlighten me.

Billy: You're afraid of the competition.

Jack: Get out of my office.

Billy: Touched a nerve, didn't I, Jack?

Jack: Better get packing, Billy. New year's gonna be here before you know it.

Billy: Jack, you're just so used to being the alpha male, you don't like to be challenged by a younger, hungrier breed.

Jack: That is absurd.

Billy: Is it? I don't think so.

Jack: I'm not afraid of you. In fact, quite the opposite. You have zero impact on my life anymore.

Billy: Okay, so, if that's true, then why are you kicking me out, Jack? Hmm? I mean, if I'm such a nothing, what's the big deal if I work in the same building as you? Or as far as you're concerned, brash & sassy! Will never compete with jabot, so who cares, right? Except you care, don't you?

Jack: Oh, here we go.

Billy: You don't like the competition in the workplace. You definitely don't like the competition on the home front.

Jack: You're starting to sound paranoid, Billy.

Billy: That's what's happening, Jack. Your position at the head of the table -- that's only your position. Right there. To carve the turkey, to hand out the Christmas presents. You know, God forbid I even consider that my family, or challenge you in any sort of...

Jack: Family isn't just something you celebrate at Christmas! It's all year. You live it. You nurture it. You protect it. You work at it. And you don't betray it by scratching the first juvenile itch that happens.

Ashley: What is going on?

Billy: Why don't you ask older brother, okay, because, once again, he has all the answers. Oh. I'll take that.

Ashley: That looked really intense.

Jack: It's just Billy being Billy. Immature and irresponsible. You know the drill.

Ashley: What set him off?

Jack: They got their eviction notice. Brash & sassy! Will be out of the building by first of the year.

Ashley: What the hell, Jack? What happened to thinking about it?

Jack: There's nothing to think about. As Billy just proved, getting them out of this building as soon as possible is our top priority.

Devon: Mariah, I need you to host again.

Mariah: What? No. No way. Not ever. Not again.

Devon: Can you just think about it?

Mariah: Why, because it seems like I'm so open to the conversation?

Devon: Well, Mariah, you are my best option, okay? And you're also my only option, which is all the more reason I need you to say yes.

Mariah: I am so confused. I thought Hilary would jump at the chance to host again. Lights, camera, ego. And I was very much looking forward to my new role behind the scenes.

Devon: And I promise, you can still be segment producer after I either convince Hilary to come back or I find a permanent replacement.

Mariah: Yes, but you're forgetting what happens in the meantime. In the meantime, I am food for trolls to chew up and spit out.

Devon: Okay. I understand why you'd be a little camera shy after your stumble.

Mariah: Stumble? The red carpet has an imprint of my face.

Devon: Well, despite that, you're still standing, and you're trending in a good way. Have you seen what people are saying about you online?

Mariah: Yeah. Faith showed me one of the fan pages.

Devon: There you go. You have a fan page. Okay? That means people like you. It means they relate to the fact that you fell down and you got back up and you did a great job. And they want to see you. But more than that, I need you. I really need you. And I promise, it doesn't have to be long-term.

Mariah: But that's what you said last time, and then I ended up eating dust bunnies. I'm sorry. It's not worth the emotional trauma.

Devon: Okay, hey. How about I double what you'd make as a segment producer?

Mariah: Double that, and I'll consider it.

Devon: Done.

Mariah: Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Mariah: Oh, my God! I'm a horrible negotiator. I should have asked for more! Okay. One week.

Devon: You're gonna have to give me more time than that to get things up and running, Mariah. I mean, at least until the holidays. Please?

Mariah: Fine.

Devon: Yes?

Mariah: Yes.

Devon: Thank you.

Mariah: Okay, but here's -- here's the deal.

Devon: What?

Mariah: I wear my own clothes -- clothes that I feel comfortable in. One humiliation is enough, thank you very much.

Devon: Okay.

Barry: So, how'd your husband take it?

Hilary: Surprised. He couldn't believe that I had several offers on the table. If only he knew that you were bluffing.

Barry: I wasn't. I mean, I was, but I don't have to be. Any one of those offers could turn out to be legit, Hilary. That's how good you are.

Hilary: Really?

Barry: Sure. You let me do my job, I'll put you out there. You'll see, the interest will come pouring in.

Hilary: Well, I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I think everything is going exactly as planned.

Barry: [Laughs]

Hilary: What?

Barry: I'm just not used to the client telling me what to do. So, how far are you gonna take this? What's your end game?

Hilary: Groveling. I want to watch my husband grovel.

Cane: Victoria, if you have an ace up your sleeve, I need to know what it is.

Victoria: Don't worry. I'll take full responsibility. If my plan backfires, it's on me.

Cane: No, no, no, no. We're in this together. Do you understand that?

Victoria: Yes, we are, but brash & sassy! Was my company to begin with, so I'll do whatever it takes to protect the brand, okay?

Billy: It's no use.

Victoria: Where have you been?

Billy: Swallowing my pride.

Cane: Oh, you saw Jack? What did he say?

Billy: He's still giving us the boot. We got to be out by December 31st.

Victoria: He's not backing down at all?

Billy: If anything, he's more determined now.

Cane: So there's nothing we can do, huh?

Victoria: Yes, there is.

Billy: No, no, no. That's not happening.

Neil: Hi. Whoa, whoa. A little early, isn't it?

Devon: It's 5:00 somewhere, right?

Neil: Yeah, but not here. What's up?

Devon: Oh, let's see. Thanks to your friend Jack, Hilary now has a talent agent. And apparently, "GC buzz" is beneath, and I'm just like, what's next? Am I gonna be beneath her soon? Is she gonna move onto something bigger and better, you know?

Neil: Right, right, right. So, what can I do?

Devon: There's nothing you can do.

Neil: That's the wrong answer. Hi, excuse me. Can I get a club soda with a slice of lemon? Thanks. Okay. Start talking.

Devon: [Sighs] I just feel like I've given her everything that I got. And I'm not talking about money. I -- I believed in Hilary when no one else would. I bought her this damn TV show so she could show the world that she's a star in every way.

Neil: Mm-hmm. But it didn't work?

Devon: Well, no, it did, until we ended up on different pages and she let her worst instincts take over.

Neil: Right, right. You're talking about the Dylan McAvoy interview?

Devon: Yes, I am. And I had no choice. I had to fire her after that. You know? Or maybe I did have a choice. But, either way, I sucked it up, I told her that I wanted to hire her back. She wants to have nothing to do with it and feels like all I do is make concessions for her. And I just -- I feel like -- when is it ever gonna be enough?

Neil: Right, but for most women, it probably would be enough.

Devon: But most women aren't Hilary.

Neil: Well, see, you knew that when you married her. I mean, hell. That's the main reason you married her, isn't it?

Devon: Yeah.

Barry: Listen, what you do in your marriage is your business. You want to make the guy get down on his knees, that's your call. I'll be honest with you. I only met you as a favor to Jack because I owed him one.

Hilary: Oh. Okay.

Barry: But now that I've met you, there's no question you definitely have something. That "it" factor. So, if you ever decide you want to get real about your career, you call me. I'll see you.

Ashley: Now where are you going?

Jack: Meeting.

Ashley: Jack, come on!

Jack: Can we please drop this?

Ashley: No! Victoria and Billy are gonna fight you on this.

Jack: Then we're just gonna have to fight back harder, aren't we?

Ashley: Is that what you want? A war with brash & sassy!?

Jack: This is business.

Ashley: Yeah, that's what you keep telling me.

Jack: And you keep questioning it.

Ashley: I'm wondering if maybe it's more personal, yeah.

Jack: Oh, is this about Phyllis? That's what Billy just said. That I'm ousting him from the lab to prove my point, to teach him a lesson.

Ashley: Right. Are you?

Jack: You're the one who told me we would need more space with these new hires.

Ashley: Oh, don't do that. I said I needed a couple offices, not an entire floor. If you took Billy out of this equation, you think...

Jack: Do I want Billy out of my life? Yes. Am I ever going to forgive him? No. But this is not some devious plan on my part.

Ashley: Really? This is all for the good of jabot?

Jack: Space is key here. But security is also an issue. Having the competition this close was never a good idea from the beginning. Secrets are easily overheard at a very pivotal time in our company.

Ashley: Okay. I hear you. I just -- I'm sick and tired of the two of your being at each other's throats. I miss my family.

Jack: So do I. But the fact is I can't trust Billy. I made that mistake once, and it cost me dearly. I'm not gonna make that mistake again.

Victoria: What are you doing? Confiscating my phone?

Billy: No, I saw who you were gonna call and I stopped you from doing it.

Victoria: Well, what do you suggest that we do?

Billy: I don't know, but we're not gonna call your father to bail us out, okay? I mean, do you remember how miserable you were working at Newman enterprises?

Victoria: I won't be working at Newman enterprises. I'll be working at Newman tower.

Billy: It's the same thing. In that building, under your father's watchful eye, being indebted to him, okay? We have a lease. Jack can't break it just because he's having a temper tantrum.

Victoria: What do you want to do, Billy? You want to call your mommy?

Cane: That's my vote.

Billy: No. Jill can't know anything about this.

Cane: What are you talking about, Billy? She owns the company. She has to know.

Billy: We need a plan first, cane.

Cane: New year will be here before you know it, okay?

Billy: Yeah, I know.

Cane: Deal with it.

Victoria: So, what are you thinking?

Billy: I'm thinking that Jack is in control. That's not gonna change. But Ashley, she's always been the conscience of that company. Maybe she can talk some reason into him.

Cane: Hang on a second. You're hedging this on a "maybe?"

Billy: That's all we got right now.

Cane: Okay.

Billy: You ready?

Victoria: Oh, crap! Santa.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: Okay, yeah. Go home and get the kids and meet me at the north pole.

Cane: You know I'd say you're crazy dealing with this right now, right?

Billy: But you have kids so you know the drill.

Victoria: Phone.

Billy: Right.

Cane: Uh, can you please tell Santa what I want for Christmas? All we really need a miracle.

Devon: You know what? I'm sorry because this is probably the last thing that you want to be talking about.

Neil: What, "this" being Hilary?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: You know, I think I'm the perfect person to talk to. I mean, who knows better than I do why you fell for her? Man, when she walks in a room, no one else exists, right?

Devon: Mm-hmm. And it's not even how beautiful she is or how smart she is. It's just -- there's something about her, this fire, this...

Neil: Yeah. It's called a wild fire.

Devon: She just has this burning desire to be somebody. And her passion and dedication for it is just --

Neil: What, all contagious, right? Makes her almost impossible to resist. A, she's not a door prize, man. You can't put her on a shelf or hang her on a tree. That's your wife.

Devon: I know that.

Neil: Now, see, that heat that you're talking about doesn't have to cool off, per se, but it can't blaze all the time, or else it's...

Devon: Everybody's gonna get burned.

Neil: Right. You want a nice healthy glow. That's more sustainable. You know? Like a fireplace. You keep that warmth alive in your marriage and your home... that's the business.

Devon: Well, according to Hilary, we don't have a home. She says we're just playing house here.

Neil: Yeah, that's, uh, a little over the top, but, technically, she's right. I mean, look at you. Where are you living? You're living in a hotel. I don't care that you own this hotel.

Devon: What are you saying to me, I need to growing up?

Neil: No. What I'm saying is you're not a bachelor anymore, right? So stop living like one, son.

Mariah: Aaaah. Even my butterflies have butterflies. Is that normal?

You're gonna be great.

Mariah: Yeah, just like last time, except maybe without all the injuries.

Just deep breaths. Last time we went live. This time, it'll be taped. And today is just a --

Mariah: Rehearsal. Rehearsal. I know, I know. I got this. I got this. Not a big deal. Except why do I still feel like I'm facing a firing squad? Can I see another rundown, please?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

Mariah: Can I see it? Okay. Okay. A lot of good old-fashioned holiday cheer.


Mariah: How to make spiced apple cider. I can do that.


Mariah: Cookie decorating contest. Great! I love it. It's perfect. Wait, are we really gonna decorate the whole place like the north pole?


Mariah: That sounds great. That'll be awesome. As long as I don't have to wear one of those, you know, stupid Christmas elf costumes.

Oh. [Laughs]

Mariah: So dumb.

Just deep breaths. You're gonna be amazing. You were born for this.

Mariah: [Inhales sharply]



Billy: Here, we got to put a little bit more in there, you know?

Katie: Tastes like broccoli.

Billy: Broccoli? No! This is like the best hot chocolate and marshmallows ever. See? You got to get more.

Victoria: Definitely teach our kids the fine art of cramming more sugar into their bodies.

Billy: These are things that they need to know, Victoria. Tell mom. Say, "mom." "Yes, mom, I need to know this."

Katie: Yes, mom.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. Okay.

Billy: "I need to know this."

Katie: Yes, Mom.

Billy: See?

Victoria: So, Katie, you were on Santa's lap for a long time.

Billy: Yeah. That guy behind you, the little boy was giving you stink eye. He started stomping his feet when you took too long.

Victoria: The one with the blue candy cane.

Billy: I was about tell him what he could do with that blue candy cane...

Victoria: Okay, so back to our pg conversation. What do you ask for from Santa, hmm?

Billy: Everything? Like everything on your list, top to bottom? Uh-oh. We need a bigger tree.

Victoria: Definitely need a bigger tree.

Billy: What about you, buddy? Were you a good boy this year?

Johnny: Yeah. Have you been a good boy?

Cane: Hey.

Ashley: Hey.

Cane: Hey, uh, I was just coming to your office to talk to you about this eviction notice. Listen, Ash, there was no discussion about this. We've just been ordered out by January 1st.

Ashley: I know, and I'm really sorry. Jack's decision, and what he says, goes.

Cane: Look, I understand he's the C.E.O., which means he has the power. I get that. I do.

Ashley: Yeah, it's part of his job description, actually.

Cane: Okay, but, you see, Billy says that you're the conscious of jabot.

Ashley: Oh.

Cane: So I've come here, I'm standing in front of you, and I'm trying to appeal to your conscience that this -- this just isn't fair.

Ashley: Honestly, cane, I hate to say it, but I wouldn't put too much stock in what my brother Billy says.

Cane: Well, usually I don't, but, you know, this is kind of a special case.

Ashley: [Sighs] Look, he sees himself as the black sheep of the family. Jack's the patriarch, Traci and I are the "heart and soul" of the family, apparently.

Cane: Which sounds accurate, right?

Ashley: It's a little bit more complicated than that. I'm sure you understand family dynamics.

Cane: Which is very similar to business. You know, it's only boiling down to, you know, right and wrong, black and white. You know, unless you want this to have a war that continues on indefinitely. Which, in that case, it's gonna destroy your business, my business. Is that what you want?

Ashley: Obviously not.

Cane: Okay.

Ashley: I want my family back together.

Cane: Okay. Then stop this eviction.

Ashley: Then again, maybe jack's right. Maybe distance would be a good thing.

Cane: See, I don't really agree with that, because I think that, you know, if Jack and Billy want to fix their problems, then, you know, they shouldn't avoid each other like this. At least if they're in the same building, they'd have to coexist, and over time, jack's wounds -- they'll heal.

Ashley: You're not playing fair.

Cane: Ah, neither is Jack.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. You're using a family rift so you can hold onto some real estate.

Cane: Right. And jack's using your family rift to push us out of the building. You know, he has never had a problem with us being here before. You know that.

Ashley: Mm, guess what?

Cane: What?

Ashley: I did. I never liked the thought of brash & sassy! Being in this building. The only reason why it happened was because we needed the money when we made the deal, but we don't need the money now.

Cane: Okay. So, this isn't about money, right? Which means it's personal to Jack. It's a vendetta.

Ashley: Look, what exactly do you think I can do?

Cane: Okay. If you can't stop the eviction, can you just buy us some more time? We have to relocate our offices. It'll take us weeks, maybe months. That's all I'm asking.

Ashley: Look, it's not that I don't want to help you. Honestly. This was jack's call, and he made it. I'm sorry. Hey, Jill. It's me. You need to call me as soon as possible.

Jack: Lily did a great job with these menus. Please tell her I appreciate everything she's done. Oh, and on auction items, I assume we're doing well there. If not, I still have contacts that can be persuaded to donate. So, I think that's about it.

Neil: Hey, Jack. It's so good to have you involved.

Jack: Oh, it's good to be back. Oh! Did Hilary mention -- did she meet with my friend Barry?

Neil: Uh, Devon mentioned it, actually, yeah.

Jack: I hope he didn't mind my interfering. Look, she -- she was so determined to stand on her own. I was very impressed, and I wanted to do what little bit I could to help.

Neil: No, no, no, it's cool. I understand why you did it. Devon's having a rough time.

Jack: With Hilary?

Neil: With all of it. They're a crossroads, Jack. It's time for them to pick a direction and make it work.

Hilary: Devon! Devon! I got your text! What are you doing here?

Devon: Hey! You made it.

Hilary: Uh, yeah. What are we doing in nick and sage's old apartment?

Devon: Farrah, this is Hilary. Hilary, this is Farrah. She is a real estate agent.

Farrah: Delighted.

Hilary: Oh! Nice to meet you.

Farrah: So, how do you like it?

Hilary: Um...

Devon: This place has been on the market ever since sage passed away, so...

Farrah: Yeah, so, your husband must really love you a lot to buy you this place.

Hilary: You bought me this place?

Devon: I bought us this place. You said you wanted to stop playing make-believe, and I know you weren't happy living in a hotel.

Hilary: So you just went out and bought a penthouse?

Farrah: Oh, no, honey, he bought you the whole building. You know what? I'm gonna have those papers drawn up and on your desk by the end of the afternoon.

Devon: Thank you very much. Appreciate that.

Farrah: Yeah, and, um, don't hesitate to think of me for any of your future needs, okay?

Devon: Absolutely.

Farrah: Hilary, it was nice to meet you. Congratulations on your new home.

Hilary: Thank you.

Farrah: This is Farrah.

Devon: Honey. This is where our life can really begin. We can live here, we can start a family here. I mean, what do you think? How'd I do?

Hilary: I am really hoping that you can get your deposit back. Because if you're living here, you're gonna be living alone.

Devon: Hey, wait, wait, wait. Honey, where you going? Listen, I know I should have probably discussed this with you beforehand.

Hilary: Oh. Yeah. Probably.

Devon: Hey. You said you wanted a real home. I thought that you'd be happy.

Hilary: First of all, this isn't a real home. This is one of your gifts designed to keep me in line.

Devon: That's not true.

Hilary: And, secondly, how could make such a huge purchase without consulting me? What if I don't like this part of town?

Devon: This is your favorite neighborhood.

Hilary: Okay, what if I wanted a house with a yard?

Devon: Is that what you want?

Hilary: Maybe I want a pool or a tennis court.

Devon: Well, hey, do you remember? We own the athletic club right down the street. Or I could build you a gym downstairs. I can put a garden on the roof here. I mean, what -- what do you really want?

Hilary: I want a damn say! Okay? This is our life, Devon. You and me. Sometimes, I feel like I am just along for the ride, to smile and say "thank you" while you whip out your checkbook.

Devon: Well, that's not how I want you to feel at all.

Hilary: Then include me in things, okay? [Sighs] You want to surprise me with a watch? Okay, fine. Go ahead. Knock yourself out. But come on, Devon. A home?

Devon: I agree with you. I get your point. And I apologize, okay? But for the record, I did not buy this place for your gratitude.

Hilary: Really? You didn't think that this big surprise was gonna make us kiss and make up?

Devon: Hilary, I bought this place because I love you and I want you to be happy. That's the truth. Now, for two seconds, can you forget about how much of an ass I am and just take a look around and see if you actually like it? Please? I mean, there's more than enough space here for us. And think of all the ways that we can make it our own.

Hilary: Yeah. It has potential.

Devon: Sweetheart. This is in no way me trying to tie you down, okay? If anything, it's me taking a step back so you can be exactly whoever it is you want to be, as long as that person is my wife, my partner, and my best friend.

Hilary: Well, it's gonna need some paint. And some great artwork over there. Minimalist. Something classy.

Devon: So you do like it. It's a yes?

Hilary: I think we've found our first home.

Devon: Yes! [Laughs] Oh, honey. I cannot wait to start a life here with you.

Hilary: Mm, Devon?

Devon: Yes?

Hilary: I hope that you know that this doesn't mean that I'm coming back to work.

Devon: I do.

[Both chuckle]

Billy: What are the odds we get out of here without having to buy that whole plate of cookies?

Victoria: Very, very, very low. Thank you for, you know, leaving the office and coming out with me and the kids. I needed that.

Billy: You just wanted to sit on Santa's lap.

Victoria: Yeah. Who doesn't? [Chuckles]

Billy: [Clears throat] You think those two little elves had a good day?

Victoria: Well, look at them. They've been smiling all day long.

Billy: That's the sugar.

Victoria: [Laughs]

Billy: Yeah, they're happy. Except for when Johnny asked if I was a good boy. [Sighs] Oh, well. There's always next year, right? I've got 365 days to try and turn it around.

Victoria: Absolutely. I have faith.

Billy: Wow. That's one of us. Forget all that, all right? Right now, the most important thing is giving those two the best Christmas they've ever had.

Victoria: It's a deal. Look at them. They're already caught up in the Christmas magic.

Billy: It's hard not to be.

Victoria: Yeah. Oh, Katherine -- she dropped her cookie. You can't eat that, baby. It fell on the floor. [Laughs] Well, grab another one! They're so beautiful! Look at this one. Can I have this one?

Ashley: You're back.

Jack: Yeah.

Ashley: I ran into cane.

Jack: Really? Let me guess. He appealed to your empathetic side?

Ashley: I'd call it my conscience.

Jack: Can't say that I blame him. Divide and conquer -- smart move. What did you tell them?

Ashley: That it was your decision and I supported it.

Jack: Really? Well, thank you. Though, I'm not convinced you're sold. Not that long ago, you wanted them gone, too.

Ashley: Oh, I know, Jack. But under these circumstances, I think the right thing to do is to give them some more time.

Jack: No. It's done.

Ashley: Do you know what I find incredibly unsettling about you sometimes? You are john Abbott's son. And you can be disturbing ruthless.

Jack: Our father was a great man, Ash.

Ashley: Yes.

Jack: He's dead. I'm in charge now. This is who I am. Get used to it.

Next on the young and the restless"...

Jack: It's been decided. This space has to be cleared out by the time you leave for home New Year's Eve.

Victor: I know you're angry with me, son, but I want you to know, should you ever want to come back to Newman, the doors are wide open.

Phyllis: What do you think?

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