Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/14/16
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: Ouch. Didn't the ice help at all last night?
Mariah: Yeah. No, it definitely did. You can barely tell that I faceplanted in front of the world.
Sharon: Do you want me to do your makeup for you?
Mariah: Do you have a trowel or maybe a paper bag that I can put over my head?
Sharon: Stop. Let me.
Mariah: And maybe after we're done, we can surf the internet for any cool new names that they've come up with for me. Like miss fall fashion or my personal favorite, hell of heels.
Sharon: Which is why no more surfing until all this is over. Just let the public turn on someone else a little while. And you know they will. People who want to be hateful, they're always looking for fresh meat. And you were very brave, by the way.
Mariah: Oh, God, please don't say that. That makes it worse. Like I survived a war. You know, Dylan is brave. Stitch is brave. I'm just the idiot who tripped in front of millions.
Sharon: [Gasps] Oh, gosh. Dylan! Are you okay?
Dylan: [Sighs] I don't know how that happened.
Mariah: Really? You just pulled a prat fall to make me feel better?
Faith: No! It was real! See? It could happen to anyone.
Dylan: That's right. Ladies, I'm the new klutz in town.
Mariah: [Scoffs]
Lily: Well, Mariah did a great job. The web loves her. She's even a meme now.
Devon: Oh, believe me, I was relieved when I read the comments online last night, but the truth is, people are still laughing at Mariah and the GC buzz. It's not vicious.
Lily: Well, "not vicious" is a novelty for GC buzz.
Devon: Still, I need a host and a show that people take seriously.
Lily: True. People took it seriously when Hilary was trashing people's lives, but I would take a laugh over that nastiness any day.
Devon: I completely agree with you. I wasn't happy when Hilary was dishing out dirt like that, but there has to be some kind of happy medium.
Lily: Yeah, with a different host. Hilary has shown that she's not interested in a happy medium. She's not an option.
Devon: I know that. And if you're worried about me hiring her back, don't be, because she's barely talking to me right now.
Lily: Of course. That's a game that she plays. She acts like the victim when really she brought it on herself. Don't fall for it, Devon. Hey, I mean it. Do not let her get her claws back into that show.
Jack: Good morning.
Hilary: Is it?
Jack: It appears that coffee isn't the only thing that's steaming today.
Hilary: Did you see GC buzz yesterday, or did you catch it online this morning? Because Mariah Copeland, she is hero to the masses because she took a header on national TV. Is that how low we set the bar now? Fall on your face and you, too, can be a star.
Jack: Yeah, I saw it. It wasn't pretty. I take it you and GC buzz have parted ways.
Hilary: No, we didn't just part ways. My husband fired me. Yeah, he fired me. Me, his wife. Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Jack: Do I know anything about difficult marriage/work situations? Hmm. Yeah. Look, Devon will come around, won't he?
Hilary: He was just so smug and self-righteous and pleased with himself. He finally found someone that he could control to host the show. And you know what she does? She embarrasses herself and
GC buzz. You think that he would come crawling back to me by now.
Jack: I take it he hasn't done that.
Hilary: No. And trust me, I have done everything that I could to make that happen.
[Door opens]
Nikki: Oh! Oh, my gosh, did we buy too much.
Victor: Is there ever too much for Christmas?
Nikki: [Chuckles] Oh, new York is so beautiful this time of year. Just like a postcard and all the shopping and restaurants and theater and having dinner, just the two of us. And you didn't even have your cell phone out. Now, that is true romance.
Victor: [Chuckles] If ever I gave you the impression that my cell phone or work or the business is more important than you, then I'm sorry, baby. Nothing is more important to me than my family and my wife.
Nikki: Well, after a weekend like that, you say it, I believe it.
Victor: Do you?
[Doorbell rings]
Nikki: Ah, and back to reality. I'll get that.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: [Gasps] Well, what a handsome pair!
Victor: Oh, my goodness. Look who's there.
Nick: Oh, no, he is asleep, but trust me, this kid can sleep through anything. I mean, including me yelling at the football games on TV.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Nick: Did you guys have a good time?
Victor: We had a wonderful time.
Nikki: Oh, it was the best.
Victor: You know, I bet you have a lot of presents there for little Christian.
Nick: Well, that would be awesome, but right now Christian needs something else.
Victor: What?
Nikki: Name it.
Nick: He needs a little grandma/grandpa time.
Victor: Oh.
Nick: Yeah, uh, I need to go to the underground, and Amy can't come over right now, and she's the only person I trust to watch him.
Nikki: Well, I would be thrilled to watch him.
Nick: Cool.
Victor: How are things at the underground?
Nick: You know, honestly, I don't know. I mean, I handed the thing off to Noah. Um, it's been Christian 24/7, but, you know, I'm starting to get the hang of things, so I figure it's time to go back to work.
Victor: How do you do it? I mean, how do you work the late hours and then come home, spend time with your children?
Nick: I don't know. Uh, I'm gonna make it work.
Victor: I have a solution, you know. Regular schedule, you're home in the evenings, dinner with your children. Just come work at Newman enterprises.
Dylan: I swear I tripped, Mariah. Things like this happen sometimes.
Mariah: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Things happen when you stage them for other people's benefit.
Faith: Okay, maybe it was planned.
Dylan: Faith!
Mariah: I knew it.
Faith: But it was funny, and you did smile.
Mariah: Yes, I did, and that is a feat. I only break out the smile for very, very special occasions.
Faith: I know! Mom, my riding lesson's soon, and dad forgot to bring my favorite riding pants.
Sharon: Well, your dad has a lot on his hands lately.
Mariah: Hey, squirt, I know that you've got an extra pair up there somewhere. Do you want to come find them with me?
Faith: It's not the same.
Mariah: Yeah, neither is my face. Come on. Let's go.
Sharon: Poor faith. You know, it's tough sometimes not being the youngest kid anymore.
Dylan: Nick's been forgetting a lot of things. It keeps happening.
Sharon: Hey, would you mind bringing faith up to the main house for her riding lesson? You know, just the idea of going up there, the way they stare at me --
Dylan: Actually, uh, I can't. I got to check in at the station. I mean, maybe Mariah can go.
Sharon: No, it's no problem. I'm an adult. I can handle Nikki for faith's sake, so just go. Text me later.
Dylan: I will.
Faith: Aaah!
Sharon: Faith?
Faith: [Panting]
Sharon: What's wrong?
Mariah: I don't know. She ran down here and she screamed. I think my makeup wore off.
Faith: No! It's Mariah! She's trending!
Sharon: Uh, okay, faith, I don't want you looking at the phone right now.
Faith: No, no, it's not like last night. They're being nice now. Mariah's got a fan page!
Mariah: What? Wow. Would you look at that?
Sharon: Let me see.
Jack: Okay, you're obviously devoting a lot of your energy to being angry at Mariah, when the truth is there's nothing you could do to her that gravity hasn't already done.
Hilary: It's just that Devon knows that that girl is not TV material. When he fired me, he said that because he's the boss, he needs to stick to his word. A reasonable boss would be able to admit that he made a huge and disastrous mistake and then come and beg me to come back to the show.
Jack: Just maybe not in those terms.
Hilary: I'm just -- I'm so sick of how judgmental he is. He's always telling me how to behave, how to act. He makes all of the money, so he calls all of the shots.
Jack: Well, I'm sure Devon doesn't see it that way.
Hilary: Yeah, only because he doesn't want to.
Jack: There is one obvious option.
Hilary: Yes, there is. I'm gonna ignore him for a week.
Jack: You could do that, or you could work for someone else, someone who hires you to do a job and then gets out of the way so that you can do it -- no family complications to get in the way of business, no worry about emotional manipulation or hurt feelings.
Hilary: Are you saying that you have a show that you want me to host?
Jack: Sorry. Not exactly my business.
Hilary: See? There you have it. I have nowhere to go.
Lily: GC buzz tried destroying every single person in our family, and I think that you did an honorable thing taking it over. You know, you're trying to make it light and fun instead of dark and cynical. But instead it's still the same old, same old. And guess what? Hilary is a part of that.
Devon: Yeah, but she's not that bad.
Lily: Yes, she is, and you know it.
Devon: She lights up when she's in front of the camera.
Lily: Of course she lights up. She loves hurting people.
Devon: No, she likes the ratings. That's what she likes.
Lily: Listen, Hilary will drag us down in the mud if we give her the platform to do it, so don't. You're the one in control here.
Devon: What am I really in control of? Not my marriage, not the show. Mariah walked away, and I had to work very hard to get her to come back last time, so she's not gonna do it again, which means I have no host, which means the syndicators are airing reruns. And the thing about gossip -- it's not exactly a rerun business.
Lily: Devon, this is not just about business. This is the kind of energy that you're putting into the world. And what do you want? Kindness or cruelty?
Devon: This actually is about my marriage, and the ratings for which are dropping faster than my actual TV show.
Nikki: I love buying for babies. Look!
Victor: Look at that.
Nikki: Look, Nicholas!
Nick: Yep.
Nikki: Is that sweet?
Nick: It is. More clothes for Christian.
Nikki: Well, among other things I bought, too. And your father and I want to take faith to new York when she has a break from school. I'm gonna take her to as many shows as she can stand.
Nick: Well, she would love that, mom. Thanks.
Nikki: She has a beautiful voice. I mean, she could be on Broadway herself someday.
Victor: You never know.
Nick: You never know.
Victor: Wouldn't that be something? Now, son, how you gonna handle all this? I mean, if you were to come to Newman, that'd be childcare, and you could put Christian, you know, near your office and you could see him all the time.
Nick: Yeah, I appreciate that, dad, but, you know, I have my own business to run.
Victor: You know, I thought about that. Why don't you hand that over to Noah? He's a young buck. He can stay out to all hours. You're free to be home for dinner with your children. I think that's very important.
Nick: Uh, yes, dad, but I think you're forgetting that us, you know, at Newman together just doesn't work. That's a fact. We both know that.
Nikki: So, how long do you think Christian will be napping?
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm talking to our boy about coming back to Newman.
Nikki: Darling, he's made his decision.
Victor: But you don't have all the information. Neither does he.
Nikki: Are you talking about how the two of you always clash and how long it takes to get over it? Look at us. Things are going so well right now, and Nicholas doesn't want to come back to Newman.
Victor: Because we have arguments and we have fights. Isn't that right, my boy?
Nick: Pretty sure you're making my argument for me.
Victor: Mm-hmm. What if I were to step back, no longer run Newman?
Jack: So...?
Hilary: So...?
Jack: Could you see yourself on another show?
Hilary: Yeah. Absolutely. This is what I'm meant to do, Jack. I-I want it. I do. I want it badly.
Jack: Okay, so ask yourself why.
Hilary: When I... when Devon first asked me to host, I didn't know the answer to that question. But when I came to town, I lost so much of my history. I hid myself for so long, and I was... so angry about everything. Then things changed. Suddenly I was -- I was just grateful to have people in my life that cared about me. I was so grateful that I didn't expect more, I didn't ask for more. So I went from hating the world to being a doormat.
Jack: Oh.
Hilary: But I think somewhere in the middle, I found myself. I wasn't a doormat. I wasn't hateful. It was just me. And in a weird way, I think that GC buzz did that.
Jack: I get that. I really do. So ask yourself what was it that happened at work, what went on there that made you feel like yourself?
Hilary: I found myself. Just me and the camera. And the audience. It felt like I was gossiping with friends over coffee.
Jack: [Chuckles]
Hilary: And it wasn't meant to be hurtful, no matter what Devon thinks. I would sit in my chair, and I would put my mike on, and it just -- it just felt so right. Or I would catch a glimpse at the cameraman and he would -- he would nod and smile like I was nailing it. And I don't know. Okay, I'm gonna admit it. It felt -- it felt good. And the viewers. [Sighs] The fans. I-I had actual fans who would turn on their TVs and their computers and their phones just for me, to watch me. And to have that kind of support, not -- not from one person or two, but from millions... I don't know. It just... I'm just not ready to let that go.
Jack: Even though those people don't really know you? Even though their approval is not based on who you are?
Hilary: No, it's -- I know. It's based on how I do my job, but -- but I was good. I was so good. Even -- even if a lot of the people, they thought that I was just there because I was married to the owner.
Jack: For what it's worth, I thought you were a natural.
Hilary: Thank you. Thank you. But you are a friend.
Jack: Okay, fair enough. But what if we could find someone who was objective, who knew the business, who knew about talent? Look, I'm not totally naive about this whole thing. I was on "the talk," you know.
Hilary: Ohh, I forgot about that.
Jack: I'm serious. What if I could bring in someone who was completely unbiased to take a look at you and what you do? Would you hear what they had to say?
Sharon: Hello, Devon.
Devon: Hi.
Sharon: Um, I have got to get this one to her riding lesson, but there's some coffee made in the kitchen. Mariah, why don't you get Devon some coffee?
Devon: No, no, no. I'm fine, actually. Thank you, though.
Sharon: Okay, well, we have to excuse ourselves. The ponies are waiting.
Devon: Of course they are.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Faith: Bye.
Devon: Bye-bye. Hi.
Mariah: Hey.
Devon: Looking good there.
Mariah: Yep. I got a shiner.
Devon: How's that pride?
Mariah: Record high, actually. Turns out who wouldn't want a black eye and to watch an endless loop of themselves eating dirt, or, in this case, red carpet?
Devon: I take it you've been online.
Mariah: I have. I have. Some people think that I am pathetic. Others think that I'm adorable. There's this one guy who even suggested that I start a professional wrestling career.
Devon: [Chuckles]
Mariah: Yeah, it's not really my thing, but the paycheck would be nice.
Devon: Well, let me tell you something. Uh, we got paychecks at GC buzz, and I would love to have you back.
Mariah: No.
Devon: I still need a host, Mariah.
Mariah: No again.
Devon: No more live shows and no more red carpets.
Mariah: [Sighs] Let me try this one more time. No. Why haven't you hired Hilary back?
Devon: Well, because I'm not gonna do that, and I just -- I can't, especially after the lecture I just got from lily.
Mariah: [Chuckles] I bet she is so happy that you're on the outs with Hilary. Let me guess. Balloons, skywriting?
Devon: [Chuckles] No, she's keeping it low key, but she is right that we can't go back to the old, sleazy ways of GC buzz.
Mariah: Yeah, but lily is your sister. Hilary's your wife, and she's probably making your life hell right now.
Devon: No, what's hell right now is that we're airing reruns.
Mariah: On a gossip show? How does that work?
Devon: That's exactly my point. And it's why I really need you to come back, okay? And let me tell you, it doesn't have to be long-term.
Mariah: That's what you said last time. And one episode was more than enough. Way more.
Devon: How about this? If you help me out until I find a replacement, after everything's over, I will make you a segment producer.
Mariah: No more getting coffee or delivering files?
Devon: Nope. And a generous bump in pay. How's that sound?
Nikki: Darling, you're talking about retiring, but that certainly wouldn't be now.
Nick: Yeah, dad. Some distant date in the future is not gonna prevent us from butting heads at the office.
Victor: No, I'm talking about now. You know, maybe take a step back from running the company and devote some more time to your beautiful mother and to the grandchildren.
Nick: Are you buying any of this?
Nikki: I think he's still in the haze of a wonderful weekend. And as much as I love new York, as I said before, we are back to reality.
Victor: What? You don't think I know my own mind?
Nick: Dad, you've walked away from Newman like a dozen times, but then you always come back. Then when you do, people -- and when I'm saying people, I'm talking about me and Vick -- that we walk away or we get fired. So we could just save everyone the headache and let it go.
Victor: Fair enough.
Nick: Thank you.
Victor: But I'm serious. I might do it.
Nick: That "might" is pretty convincing.
Victor: Well, it will turn into "certainly" if I knew who was running the company.
[Doorbell rings]
Nikki: The baby. Oh, my gosh.
Nick: Mom, I'm telling you, you can't wake that kid up. He's fine.
Faith: Hi, grandma!
Nikki: Hi, sweetheart! Ooh, look at you all dressed up for your lesson. You look adorable. Sharon, come on in.
Sharon: She needs to stay hydrated.
Nikki: Well, you know, we have water here. And we can take her home when she's finished with her lesson, so you don't need to come back.
Faith: Ooh, Christian's here.
Nick: Hey, beautiful.
Faith: I'm wearing different pants.
Nick: I see that.
Faith: [Chuckles] Hi, grandpa.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Hi, my sweetheart. Ooh, yeah. So...
Sharon: I did not know that you and Christian would be here.
Nikki: Well, they are, so excuse us.
Sharon: Well, wait a minute. I need to talk to nick about faith's Christmas show. Um, do you need me to drive her to school, or do you need help with her costume? Because I'd be happy to help.
Nick: I got it covered. Ride, costume. We're all good.
Nikki: There you have it, Sharon. Everything is fine. I'll show you the door.
Sharon: I know the way.
Nikki: Honestly, how brazen can you be? Faith certainly knows her way to this house. You could have had Dylan bring her. I haven't seen him in a long time.
Sharon: There's no need to be dramatic, Nikki. He was just here the other morning.
Nikki: Oh, well, you don't know your husband very well, because I didn't see him. And I would like very much right now to not see you. Goodbye.
Hilary: I really didn't think that I would need a reel so soon, but entertainment is a fast-paced business. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that with your client list. I'm just so thrilled that you were able to meet with me on such short notice.
Barry: Jack and I go way back. I owe him one.
Hilary: Well, I hope that this isn't gonna be a complete waste of your time, Mr. Strickler.
Barry: Oh, please. Call me Barry. You know, you have great on-camera presence. It's magnetic.
Hilary: Oh, well, thank you. You know, that's what I was telling Jack that this is where I feel the most at home. The audience, they really feel like my friend. And I wrote my own copy on every episode.
Barry: It's a selling point.
Hilary: I think it makes it more organic and personal.
Barry: So, why did you leave GC buzz, your husband's show? What went wrong?
Hilary: Truthfully?
Barry: Yeah.
Hilary: Nothing. Yeah, there's no conflict at all. But I did hear the word "nepotism" being thrown around a lot, so I thought that it would be smarter to move on, show that I'm willing to do the work to make it in this business on my own, pay my dues, to an extent, of course.
Barry: And where does your contract with GC buzz stand now?
Hilary: I have none.
Barry: No contract?
Hilary: Well, except for a marriage contract. [Chuckles] But other than that, I am completely free to pursue other opportunities. So, tell me honestly. Do you really think that I have what it takes?
Barry: You're green. But you're smart. The camera loves you, and you have drive. There are places that would jump at someone like you.
Hilary: Jump? So I would have options?
Barry: Plenty of them.
Hilary: That is fantastic. Thank you. I-I really needed to hear this. And, you know, there is someone else who needs to hear it, too.
Mariah: Actually, could you, uh, hold off on that for a second? I just need a minute. Thanks.
Devon: All right. The red carpet is on its way out. No more runways ever.
Mariah: Yeah, great. No more me, either. I can't do this. I can't host the show, Devon.
Dylan: Hey, you okay? You sounded a little rattled on the phone.
Sharon: Oh, I didn't mean to worry you. I just wanted to talk.
Dylan: Okay. I'm here. What's up?
Sharon: Well, um, I went up to the main house to drop off faith. Nick was there with Christian.
Dylan: Did he give you a hard time about being around the baby?
Sharon: No, it wasn't that. Nick was civil. And Christian was sleeping in his stroller.
Dylan: How'd he look?
Sharon: Perfect.
Dylan: So what upset you?
Sharon: Well, Nikki decided to lecture me basically about everything, and she happened to mention that she didn't see you the other day when you went up to the main house. How is that possible? Did you not go?
Dylan: Um, no, I went.
Sharon: Was Nikki not there?
Dylan: She was.
Sharon: Okay, can you explain what happened, Dylan, please? You went to the main house to thank Nikki for all of her support and...?
Dylan: And, uh, nothing. I mean, nick was already there. They were having a big, cheerful family hug like they were celebrating that nick got his son. And I got nothing. And Nikki was with him, and honestly, it kind of hurt. And I couldn't knock on the door and I couldn't face them.
Sharon: Dylan. Look, you know Nikki's not my favorite person in the world at all, but she does love you, and that's very real.
Dylan: I'm not one of her kids, really. You know what I'm saying. I didn't -- I didn't grow up with her. I know she cares about me, but when push comes to shove, she's a Newman and I'm not. And that makes all the difference.
Lily: So, the caterer made sure there are a few vegan options.
Jack: Sounds good.
Lily: And then I also feel horrible that we couldn't host the benefit, so I came up with some suggestions for decor, which are right here. Now, this will work at whatever venue you end up using. And I'm also waiting for the final cut of the video of the foundation's accomplishments. Jack?
Jack: Huh?
Lily: If you're preoccupied, I can come back.
Jack: No, no, no, I'm sorry. Family business.
Lily: Oh. Uh, jabot family business or family business?
Jack: Sometimes family and business are one and the same.
Lily: Oh, yeah. I have seen that up close. Sometimes it's great.
Jack: And other times?
Lily: Ugly doesn't even begin to cover it.
Jack: Isn't that the truth.
Devon: The other day was not a normal day, okay? It was a live show. There was a runway. And it was your first time hosting, which you pulled off like a champ.
Mariah: It's not me, Devon. It's not what I want. You want somebody who can come in here and stand in front of the camera day in and day out and look at it as a fun, exciting challenge, not a pathway to humiliation. I'm out. For real.
Hilary: Hello, beautiful people. Ugh. Mariah. Poor thing. Are you okay?
Mariah: It's weird. You know, I keep telling people that I prefer my face this way. Yeah, I think it adds character.
Hilary: Well, that's the spirit. And you have tons of character. Loads.
Mariah: I also have a promotion. Segment producer.
Hilary: Oh. Well, that's good. Congratulations. You must be very pleased.
Devon: Honey, um, do you mind if we have a word for a minute?
Hilary: Yeah, yeah, of course. But, um, Mariah, you might still have time to put some ice on that, because no one needs that much character.
Sharon: You're not alone, Dylan. You're never going to be alone. You've got me. You've got Paul. Mariah loves you. Faith -- she thinks you hung the moon. Remember when you two got to know each other and you gave her that little tool belt and she shadowed you forever after that?
Dylan: Yeah, I'll always be grateful for that. Maybe I just expect too much from Nikki. I mean, terry and Penelope were the parents that I knew most of my life, and most people only get one set of parents.
Sharon: Well, you're not most people. And Nikki does love you.
Dylan: Yeah, I know, but nick and Victoria are her priority, and that's okay. I mean, that's the truth. But I have my own family. And I know how lucky I am.
Sharon: We are lucky in our own way.
Dylan: So we just move on together. You know, we don't -- we don't have sully, but there's a whole world of things to focus on out there.
Sharon: And we will do that.
Dylan: Yeah, we will.
Faith: Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
All: Hey!
Faith: Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh hey!
Victor: Hey!
Faith: [Chuckles]
Nick: Look at that.
Victor: What a beautiful voice you've got.
Nick: You crushed that.
Victor: You have a wonderful voice.
Faith: Thanks.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victor: Come here. That's so sweet. My God.
Faith: Grandpa?
Victor: Yes?
Faith: Is it okay if we skip my riding lesson? It's so cold out there and cozy in here and Christmas-Y.
Victor: Oh...
Nick: I mean, she is working you.
Victor: Well, I know, and I love it. Yes, we'll stay inside, okay?
Faith: Yay!
Victor: Shall we do that? Come here. So...
Faith: Ooh!
Victor: Oh, my goodness.
Faith: Oh!
Victor: Oh, my goodness.
Faith: What's in this one?
Victor: I don't know.
Nikki: Look at him. Other people look at him, they see a mogul. I look at him and I see a man who turns into mush with his grandchildren.
Nick: Mush? Has he ever heard you call him that?
Nikki: Mnh-mnh. That's our secret. But I am right, aren't I?
Faith: Grandpa, what was your best present ever? When you were a kid, I mean.
Victor: Well, you know, when I was a kid, I didn't get any presents.
Faith: What?
Victor: Yeah.
Faith: But everybody gets presents.
Victor: Well, no, not everybody. You know, some kids grew up in an orphanage, which I did. We had no presents.
Faith: Like orphan Annie from the play?
Victor: Yeah. You know, my mother was so poor that she -- yeah -- had to leave me at that orphanage so that I would have a place to sleep and to eat, you know.
Faith: And you waited for her to come back, but she didn't?
Victor: Oh, well, it took many, many years for her to come back. You know, we had one last Christmas before she passed.
Faith: It was like a Christmas miracle.
Victor: Yes, my sweetheart, it was. You know, the last Christmas I spent with her, the only Christmas I spent with her, it was very nice. It was the best present I could ever give her.
Devon: I bought this place for you.
Hilary: Yes. And then you fired me.
Devon: Well, because the result wasn't what we agreed on.
Hilary: The show evolved, Devon.
Devon: It did not evolve at all. It actually stayed the same, and it was petty and it was mean.
Hilary: So now I'm petty and I'm mean. Okay.
Devon: No, you are not, okay? I think you just got caught up in the rush of trying to put a new show on air every single day, and I understand that. That's what happens in the media. It's about the competition of finding the best story, and you wanted to keep up. I get it.
Hilary: You do?
Devon: I do. Which is why I think that now we've had time to cool off, you and I can come to a compromise.
Hilary: Seriously?
Devon: I'm very serious. But you are gonna have to be willing to change, honey.
Hilary: So you want me back now?
Devon: If you agree to shift your tone.
Hilary: Oh! If I do what you say.
Devon: That is not what I mean.
Hilary: That's exactly what you mean. Devon, you are still trying to control me.
Devon: Honey, this is not about me trying to control you at all. It's about putting something out there that we can both be proud of.
Hilary: So you're not even proud of me now. [Scoffs]
Devon: It's not you. I keep saying that. It's not you. It's the tone and the subject matter.
Hilary: Both of which I bring to the show. Oh, but it's not me. [Scoffs] Devon, you are tying yourself in knots trying not to offend me. Here's a little bit of advice. It's not working.
Devon: Okay, hey, I'm just trying to do whatever I can to make this work.
Hilary: So you -- you want me back now.
[Cell phone rings]
Hilary: Oh, you should take that.
Devon: We need to finish this conversation.
Hilary: Oh, no, no. I can wait.
Devon: Hello. Devon Hamilton.
Barry: Devon, Barry Strickler. I represent Hilary Curtis.
Devon: Excuse me?
Barry: I'm her agent.
Devon: You are Hilary Curtis' agent? Since when?
Barry: Very recent. Honestly, I wish I'd gotten to her sooner. Now, I understand you've released her from the show. I just want to confirm that there are no lingering obligations, because offers are coming in and we're gonna have to pounce ASAP.
Sharon: Still can't get over how quiet it is. And I have got to stop saying that.
Dylan: It is the truth. [Sighs] It's, uh, way too quiet.
Sharon: No sully. Faith is spending most of her time with nick.
Dylan: And meanwhile you're bargaining for more time with her. I'm worried that nick's gonna shut you out completely, and I don't really think that's fair.
Sharon: Nick and I have had visitation issues with faith her entire life. That's just the way that it is.
Dylan: Yeah, but the difference is she's your own daughter.
Sharon: She's our daughter. She's part of this family, too, this family that we created. And that's not gonna change.
Nikki: Can you believe your father opening up to faith like that? Imagine that happening 10 years ago, even 5 years ago.
Nick: Has he been talking about that a lot lately, his mom, the orphanage?
Nikki: These things are clearly on his mind. So when your father is considering leaving Newman, I think we need to take his word on that.
Nick: And you didn't plant the seed?
Nikki: Mnh-mnh. I know better than that. Anytime I try to influence him at the office, he digs his heels in and it backfires on me. No, he has to make the right decision for himself, but I pray. Oh, how I pray.
Victor: Come here.
Faith: I love you, grandpa.
Victor: You make me happy, my sweetheart. Very happy.
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Ashley: Ohh!
Farrah: Are you kidding me?!
Ashley: I am so sorry.
Cane: Jack's the one who signed the lease. He can't just rip it up on a whim!
Victoria: It's not a whim. It was cold and it was calculated.
Billy: You're gonna pretend this has anything to do with business? It doesn't. I'm not letting you get away with it.
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