Y&R Transcript Friday 12/9/16

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/9/16


Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: Mornings are so quiet now. I heard you up last night.

Dylan: Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up.

Sharon: No, you didn't. I was already awake. I couldn't sleep hearing the judge's voice in my head, "no visitation rights."

Dylan: We knew it was a long shot. At least we tried. You know, at least we have all these memories of Christian. We had him here for a year. He's with us. Nobody can take that away.

[Floor creaks]

Dylan: [Sighs]

Mariah: Hey. I heard about the judge's ruling. I-I wanted to talk to you last night --

Sharon: Oh, did you? Or were you trying to avoid us because of Dylan's GC buzz interview? I didn't want to believe that you would let them do that to us.

Mariah: I-I wouldn't. Look, I never thought --

Dylan: You convinced me that Hilary wanted to tell the story the right way.

Sharon: Nothing even close to the truth went on the air.

Dylan: I sounded like a jerk. It made your mom look like -- they had no business making this about her illness.

Mariah: I know! Hilary screwed me over. Us. She did it to all of us.

Devon: [Sighs] You look beautiful, honey.

Hilary: Aww. And it's all for you. It's amazing how a good night's sleep can put everything in perspective.

Devon: Who slept?

Hilary: [Laughs] I'm proud of us. You know that? We never let nonsense get between us. We always put our marriage first.

Devon: Right. Honey, I don't want you to think that --

Hilary: Shh. I don't want you to think, either.

Michael: Does this count as our walk of shame?

Lauren: [Laughs]

Michael: I can't believe it. It does. Look, I know the day is packed for both of us, but I'd like to do something special later after my deposition. And what's wrong?

Lauren: Hmm? Oh, no. Nothing.

Michael: Except it's not nothing. Ah, ah, ah. For better or worse, remember? What is it? What's wrong?

Chelsea: What do you peg the audience at for this show?

Chloe: Like how many people? Well, between TV and social media, I'm gonna say about a bazillion.

Chelsea: Huh. It's pretty awesome of Hilary to do this for us. I mean, it's quite the platform. We should be grateful.

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: No, I'm -- I'm serious, Chloe. We need to be grateful.

Chloe: Um, are you trying to give me a warning or something?

Chelsea: I just think it's not really fair. I mean, people have been going after Hilary lately and --

Chloe: Oh, I get it. Because Hilary went after Sharon and I'm clearly on Sharon's side, you think I'm gonna go after Hilary and ruin the show for us? Is that what you're saying?

Lily: Hey, I still can't find that game that Charlie wants.

Cane: You mean the one that goes [Imitates explosion]

Lily: Yeah, I know. I'm actually hoping that it's sold out because that noise will haunt my dreams.

Cane: Well, since I'm home all day, I'll order it online after the physical therapy session, okay?

Lily: Look, I know that you hate missing work, but you need physical therapy.

Cane: I know.

Lily: And I know you don't like doing it at the office, so your therapist is coming here.

Cane: All right, okay.

Lily: Did you like him?

Cane: Who?

Lily: Jessie. Your therapist.

Cane: Oh, Jessie. Okay, um, see, here's the thing I need to tell you about Jessie.

[Knock on door]

Lily: Oh, he's here. Are you ready?

Jessica: Hi. I'm Jessie. Here to see cane Ashby.

Cane: Okay, uh, Lily, this is Jessica.

Lauren: Let's get one more latte for the road. Can we get two lattes to go, please? Thanks.

Michael: Or maybe you'd like to tell me more about that, uh, phone call with the bank. Is that's what's on your mind? Or was it the dozen other phone calls this morning?

Lauren: You know, I should have turned my phone off. I'm really sorry. Our anniversary only comes once a year.

Michael: Hmm. Nah. Business is in your blood. And it's not going as well as you'd like.

Lauren: It's just the season, you know. You always hope that Christmas sales will put you in the black.

Michael: Fenmore's is in the red?

Lauren: No. No, honey. I just meant that, you know, profits will peak, and you know how I love profits.

Michael: Yeah. But not for profits sake. You love them for your father and your team and all those people who count on the paychecks you sign. It's a lot of pressure on those gorgeous shoulders.

Lauren: [Chuckles] I can handle it.

Michael: I know you can.

Lauren: Thank you.

Michael: But clearly it's troubling you right now.

Lauren: I've been thinking a lot about my dad lately and what Fenmore's meant to him. [Chuckles] He took this one little store and turned it into something so big.

Michael: And you nurtured it. All over the country. Fenmore's is a cultural touchstone. Who hasn't shopped there? You did that. You.

Lauren: You are a lovely man. Have I told you that lately?

Michael: Well, not in so many words, but I think I got the gist of that last night.

Lauren: [Laughs] I tried.

Michael: Listen to me. You're the smartest woman I know. You'll figure out a way to get through the season.

Lauren: You know, I think I already have.

Michael: Oh, well, then you're already halfway there.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Mariah: And so I start thinking, "wow, maybe Hilary isn't a complete hack," and maybe this is the right way to get the real story about what happened to you and Christian out into the world. And the interview went great. Dylan was amazing. You would have been so proud of him. I even went to get Hilary dinner afterwards, and then when I came back, she'd gone all Edward scissorhands on the piece and cut it up into bits. She'd sliced it and diced it and turned it into one long lie. So I told her that she sucks, and I quit.

Sharon: You quit?

Mariah: Yes, I had to. You would have never spoken two words to Hilary if it wasn't for me.

Dylan: It's not your fault. I made the decision to talk to Hilary.

Sharon: Hilary knows how to work people. She worked me for a time. You know, I thought maybe she was capable of some honesty, but I guess she's not, obviously.

Dylan: But you are. And I know you had nothing to do with that edit.

Mariah: Well, I picked a pretty bad time to start seeing the best in people, but I'm over that, and it won't happen again.

Dylan: Well, maybe you can find another show and get back on track.

Mariah: No. Gosh, no. I'm over that, too. TV can bite me.

Dylan: [Chuckling] Okay. Well, um, I got to get to work.

Sharon: Okay.

Dylan: We all got conned. It wasn't your fault.

Mariah: What now? Back to slinging drinks at the underground?

Sharon: You'll find something. But I'm not sorry you're getting away from Hilary. She's a sadist, and she likes to inflict pain and misery on people. We've all had enough of that.

Chloe: So you think that I would ruin our premiere just to take a shot at Hilary about Sharon? Is that what you're saying?

Chelsea: Chloe, you don't exactly hide your opinions or your feelings. Not to mention I don't think you have the best track record when it comes to fashion shows.

Chloe: [Sighs] But that doesn't mean that I can't suck it up, so I can make sure that GC buzz does a good show about us.

Chelsea: Okay. Good. Great. We're fine, then. But we do need to finish those looks.

Chloe: Great. Good. And yes, we will. And just for the record, I can suck it up because I actually watched GC buzz last night.

Chelsea: [Gasps] Me, too!

Chloe: It wasn't awful.

Chelsea: It was hilarious! It was so bad, but it was so good. You know, you got me into that stuff.

Chloe: [Chuckles] Yeah, blame me. Go ahead.

Chelsea: Well, you did. But I have to say, after work, a long day of work, there's nothing better than some juicy gossip and a nice glass of wine.

Chloe: Uh, juicy gossip, wine, and ice cream.

Chelsea: Ice cream! I forgot the ice cream. What?

Chloe: I miss this. I miss us.

Hilary: Are you looking for something?

Devon: Yeah, I'm looking for my phone. I have some meetings to get to.

Hilary: I just need to fix my makeup quickly. I can be camera ready in two minutes. We are launching Chelsea's new collection today.

Devon: Honey. You're not going on camera today. I meant that yesterday, and I mean it today. You're still fired.

Cane: All right, am I sitting or...?

Jessica: Yeah, take a seat.

Cane: All right.

Jessica: So, today's just so you know the routines so you can do the workouts on your own besides our sessions.

Cane: Okay.

Jessica: You'll do the heel slides -- 30 reps three times a day.

Cane: All right.

Jessica: Then you'll do the hip work with the bands -- 20 reps of each abduction, adduction. I'll send you an e-mail.

Cane: Sounds like a full-time job. Okay, all right.

Jessica: You get out what you put in.

Cane: Hey, what's this?

Jessica: A muscle stimulator.

Cane: What does it do?

Jessica: It's designed to send electrical impulses directly into the knee.

Cane: Okay.

Jessica: It's gonna fire up your muscles.

Cane: My muscles already feel fired up, though.

Jessica: I'm flattered. You're quite the charmer, cane.

Cane: Well, I suppose I have to be good at something.

Jessica: I'm sure you're good at any number of things. Lay down. I'll see if you're good at this.

Hilary: Okay, I'm lost. I thought we had an amazing night.

Devon: We did have an amazing night. You said you wanted to focus on us and not talk about work, and that's exactly what we did.

Hilary: Okay, well, now I guess I want to talk about work, because you fired me for no reason.

Devon: I had a reason. I released you from your contract because we agreed that the show would be positive and upbeat, and that's not what you delivered to me on air. So I need to find someone who can help me embrace that vision.

Hilary: Okay, well, I'm ready, right? I'm ready to give you what you want. Today it's the ultimate feel-good story. It's Chelsea's collection. A woman-owned business. It's all about empowerment and drive and focus. We can't just drop the segment.

Devon: Who says I'm gonna drop the segment?

Hilary: Okay, so the segment is happening, which means I'm hosting.

Devon: No, you're not hosting, honey, okay? I'm sorry. That Dylan interview wasn't the first time that you told me a segment would be a certain way and then it turned out being completely different, all right? You made your choice. I made mine, which is you no longer host the GC buzz.

Hilary: Okay, this is ridiculous. You made your point, okay, Devon? Now just let me give you a show that we can both agree on.

Devon: What kind of boss would I be if I made a decision and I didn't stick to it?

Hilary: The flexible and reasonable kind.

Devon: Sweetheart, you are creative, you're smart, and you can think quick on your feet. I know you can do anything you put your mind to.

Hilary: But this is what I want to do.

Devon: Well, you need to find something else to do somewhere where you can't damage people's lives and reputations.

Hilary: And what about Chelsea's reputation? You need a host, okay? Unless you plan to do it yourself.

Devon: No. I can find someone else. That's not gonna be a problem.

Hilary: [Scoffs] You really think it's that easy to just walk out there, hit your mark, look into camera, and just make people love you?

Devon: I know I love you, okay? We'll get through this.

[Door opens]

Hilary: [Sighs]

Mariah: All right. I better load up on caffeine and get the job search started. Thank you, Hilary.

Sharon: Mariah. You know, it's easy to blame her, but I'm the one that brought this on. You know, I did this to you and Dylan and nick and faith. Now I don't know if Noah will ever talk to me again.

Mariah: Yes, he will. Faith will, too. They know how much you loved Christian. Everything that happened, it happened out of that love.

Sharon: It's also out of fear, fear that Dylan and I would lose our child, fear that we would lose each other.

Mariah: But you didn't lose each other, because Dylan knows what I know. Everything you do, you do out of love. Even for me. You know, I couldn't handle it at first, the idea of you loving me. Even weirder -- the fact that you wanted me around. But here I am. And you keep putting up with me time and time again, even though I'm the jerk that roped your husband into a horrible interview.

Sharon: Don't talk about yourself like that. I'm not gonna listen to it.

Mariah: See? You're doing it right now. You're -- you're even protecting me from myself. Because that is what you do. You protect all of us. You protect Christian. For a whole year, you were his mom. You were his whole world, and I know -- I know deep down he feels that. And that makes him the luckiest kid in the world. [Sniffles]

Dylan: Hey, chief, have you looked at the Crakowski case yet?

Paul: Hey. Would you, uh, shut the door behind you?

Dylan: What's up?

Paul: Well, uh... we haven't talked, and, uh, I tried to call you after the judge's decision.

Dylan: Yeah, I-I wasn't ready to talk about it.

Paul: Okay. What about now?

Dylan: If I say no, can we get back to this case?

Paul: How are you feeling?

Dylan: Uh, it's like taking a bullet wearing a flak jacket. Impact knocks the breath out of you, but, you know, it's not fatal. And Christian, he's -- he's fine, he's loved, he's healthy, he's around familiar faces. He's gonna be okay. Sharon and I just need to find a way to move on, so...

Paul: I was pretty impressed with her, actually. She was willing to give you up so you could spend time with Christian.

Dylan: Yeah, well, that's never gonna happen. I told Sharon that we're in this together.

Paul: Look, son... I-I just want you to know how sorry I am. I-I... I know how much it meant to you to spend time with that boy.

Dylan: [Sighs] Assault with the intent to kill.

Paul: Okay. Look, I know that being stoic is a really good quality, especially in this line of work. I mean, I know how much I'm hurting, and I was only the kid's grandfather. I really can't even imagine what you must be going through.

Lauren: Ah, the business of fashion.

Chelsea: Lauren, hey! What are you doing here?

Lauren: I have a proposition for you girls.

Chloe: Well, as much as I love being propositioned, uh, we're kind of sprinting to the finish line right now.

Chelsea: Yeah, GC buzz is debuting our new collection, so...

Lauren: Oh, good. Well, you can add this hype to this episode. Let's announce that Chelsea 2.0 will be carried exclusively at Fenmore's.

Chloe: Uh, exclusively?

Chelsea: The whole collection at Fenmore's?

Lauren: It's the perfect marriage, right?

Chloe: Uh, you know, as much as I love Fenmore's... what's in it for us?

Cane: Okay. All right.

Jessica: That wasn't so bad, was it?

Cane: That was weird to start, but it's good. My muscles are now stimulated. [Chuckles]

Jessica: That didn't hurt at all?

Cane: Unh-unh. You, uh, you look disappointed.

Jessica: Well, pain isn't fun, but it can tell us if we're pushing too hard. That should have hurt a little. Did you take a pain pill before I came?

Cane: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did.

Jessica: Better to get by without them if you can. I've seen too many people use meds as a crutch. How long have you been taking them?

Cane: Uh, a couple weeks.

Jessica: Are you sure you still need them?

Cane: Well, my knee hurts a lot, and I'm in a lot of pain, but, you know, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not gonna get addicted or anything, so...

Jessica: People get hooked before they even realize it.

Cane: Well, I'm not most people, so don't worry about it. I'm good. You can trust me.

Jessica: Wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask.

Cane: Well, I appreciate it. Thank you. Look, here they go. Gone.

Jessica: Three pointer.

Cane: All right. So, uh, I'm feeling better already. What now? We done or...?

Jessica: No. Now for the fun part. Face down on the table.

Cane: Ohh. Bring on the pain.

Lily: Yeah, as soon as possible, please. Thank you.

Neil: Hey, hey, hey.

Lily: Hey. Do you have foundation business?

Neil: I do, indeed, with a very intelligent, charming, beautiful young lady I happen to call my daughter.

Lily: [Chuckles] Oh, now you're buttering me up.

Neil: All right, look, uh, the foundation's new year's eve gala, we're -- we're hoping to have it here.

Lily: Oh, uh, we would love to, but I wish you asked me six months ago. The conference and ballroom have been booked since then.

Neil: Really?

Lily: Yeah.

Neil: Oh.

Lily: Do you, uh, want another day?

Neil: Another day? You're funny. No, uh, I wanted to have it here, but I guess we're gonna have to find another venue.

Lily: I'm sorry. I wish I could help you.

Neil: No, that's okay. I understand. I found the perfect host, and I'm just hoping that she's gonna say yes when I ask her.

Lily: Why? Who you gonna ask?

Sharon: It would be so nice if I could just keep all of the supportive people close and push the haters away. But what people are saying online about me...

Mariah: They don't know you. They don't get a vote.

Sharon: People who I have never even met, they honestly hate me.

Mariah: Okay, stay off of social media. Boycott GC buzz. I mean, that show is supposed to be smart and funny and only lightly seasoned with snark, not nasty and mean-spirited. And, you know, as awful as it is to say, what Hilary did to us, what she did to our family, it wasn't even personal. She would gladly do it to anyone because we're not actually people to her. We're just this week's story. And you are still you. And you're pretty great.

Sharon: Thank you.

Mariah: For what?

Sharon: For reminding me that I am still me and I control my own life. No one else does.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Okay. So you're leaving?

Sharon: I'll call you later.

Mariah: All right.

[Door closes]

Devon: Hey.

Mariah: Oh. Devon.

Devon: You have a minute?

Mariah: Uh, not really.

Devon: Mariah, I would really like you to come back to GC buzz.

Mariah: Now I really don't have a minute.

Devon: Can you hear me out, please?

Mariah: Look, your wife is a human wood chipper. I don't ever intend on working for her again. So thank you for stopping by.

Devon: Hilary no longer works with GC buzz because I terminated her contract.

Mariah: You fired your own wife?

Paul: Come on, Dylan. Talk to me, please.

Dylan: But there's nothing to talk about. It's nick's call who gets to see his son. That's it. The court's not gonna do anything about it. I have to accept it. It is what it is.

Paul: What it is, is incredibly tough.

Dylan: I know that. I could flip out, punch somebody, punch something. What good's that gonna do?

Paul: It doesn't mean you can't feel and it doesn't mean you can't talk about it. I mean, come on. This is the second time you found out that a child you fell in love with is not yours.

Dylan: That makes me sound like a genius.

Paul: It makes you sound like a man with a lot of love to give. We are here for you. I'm here. Nikki's here. Sharon.

Dylan: I appreciate it, Paul, but the worst is over. I'm okay.

Paul: Are you? 'Cause I'm not. What's wrong? Why won't you talk to me? Why won't you talk to -- to Nikki?

Dylan: Nikki has -- she has other priorities.

Paul: What does that mean?

Dylan: I'm not a Newman.

Paul: Oh, come on. She doesn't care about that. You know that.

Dylan: Nick won, okay? What do you want me to say? He's got his son. Victor has his grandson. They're gonna have birthday parties. They're gonna celebrate Christmas and new year's the way the Newmans do.

Paul: I know. You feel left out. I get that. Nikki loves you.

Dylan: I know that. She also stood by victor through everything, and she's gonna have to stand by him now.

Paul: If she knew that, she'd be here.

Dylan: Paul, I'm -- I'm fine.

Paul: Well, you shouldn't be. And we don't expect you to be fine. And you shouldn't accept being fine. Let us help you.

Dylan: You're worried because of what happened when I lost Connor. You're worried about what I might do.

Dylan: I'm not lying to you. I'm not covering anything up.

Paul: You're shutting down, and that worries me. I mean, your feelings got to go somewhere.

Dylan: I know. You're right. Yeah, but I'm not...

Paul: What?

Dylan: I haven't been shutting down.

Paul: [Sighs]

Dylan: When I -- when I lost Connor... I lost Chelsea, too, and I lost... and I lost everything. But this time is different because, you know, I have Sharon, we have faith, we have Mariah. I got you. You know, I have this job and... [Sighs] Even if I don't get a chance to be a dad again... I'm still a cop. So I'm gonna work hard, and I'm gonna go home to my wife. And tomorrow I'm gonna get up, I'm gonna do the same thing again, because I am luckier than most. Even if I don't have everything that I want.

Paul: So the Crakowski case it is.

Dylan: Yes, sir. That would help.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Yeah?

Michael: Oh. Bad time?

Dylan: No. Uh, actually, I asked Michael to come by.

Paul: Why don't you take my office? I got to check on a case anyway. Have at it.

Dylan: Okay.

Michael: Ah, ah. Before you ask, the judge has ruled. There are no do-overs.

Dylan: If we can't get any new rulings, then I think we should get some answers.

Lauren: Well, first, your brand is so close to my heart in so many ways. I mean, you're made in America. Very important to me. You are for women, by women, which is a huge selling point, and I sort of feel like the godmother of your line. I remember the first jacket you had me sell at the boutique. I'm sure you remember that well.

Chloe: Remember you were just upcycling dresses in your living room, and this was all just a dream.

Lauren: That's right. And there are so many dreams yet to be imagined. So let's do it! Let's dream together and then work like hell to make them pay off.

Chelsea: Well, listen, let's keep talking. I would love to talk about more specifics. Um, maybe just not today since we're so crazed, but...

Lauren: Yeah, sure. Talk is good, and later is fine.

Chloe: You know what? I really need you to check, uh, the zipper on this dress. It's a little wonky.

Chelsea: You got it. Um, thank you for coming by. We'll see you really soon.

Lauren: We'll talk soon.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Lauren: And have a fabulous show, ladies.

Both: Thank you!

Chloe: All right, so it's this guy.

Chelsea: I know, well, because this wasn't steamed yet.

Chloe: Oh.

Chelsea: See? And then you have to -- this guy hooks into that.

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: Once it's -- it'll lay differently once it's steamed.

Chloe: All right.

Lily: How about the underground? That could be fun.

Neil: Hmm, that's not a bad idea. Got kind of a rock 'n' roll vibe. Put that on the list, would you?

Lily: Yeah.

Neil: Oh, hang on a second, would you?

Lily: You are not calling her over here.

Neil: Hilary!

Lily: And you just called her over here.

Neil: Come here.

Hilary: Morning.

Neil: Lily and I were just talking about the foundation benefit, and we're hoping that you could host the event for us, maybe?

Hilary: You were both hoping that?

Neil: Well, yeah, we were both... look, um, you're a board member. You're a talk show host, a popular one at that. And, you know, you, uh, you got a big fan base.

Lily: Do you really want people to think that's our style is gossip and insults?

Hilary: Well, you don't need to worry about that because I'm no longer associated with GC buzz.

Lily: Oh, what? You quit?

Hilary: We had a parting of ways.

Lily: Wait. Devon fired you?


Neil: What?

Lily: It's a Christmas miracle! [Chuckles]

Mariah: You understand you're gonna have to be celibate now. At the very least, she's gonna key your car or sew dried shrimp into your curtains so you don't know where the smell is coming from.

Devon: People do that?

Mariah: Possibly.

Devon: Well, our personal life isn't the problem, but I do need to keep GC buzz --

Mariah: Oh, please don't say it.

Devon: ...Buzzing.

Mariah: There. You did it. You want me to come back and work for you.

Devon: Yes, I do.

Mariah: No. Thank you for the offer, but no. Hilary is gonna torture you for this, and then she will torture me.

Devon: Well, here's the deal, Mariah. I have a show to run, and you know how it works. And I know that you can do more than make coffee runs. That's why I'm here.

Mariah: You want me to help get a new host up to speed.

Devon: Close.

Mariah: Well, I assume this new host will not have the claws of the last one -- no offense.

Devon: Yeah, well, she has claws, but they're entertaining claws, and I think the people would like her for them.

Mariah: Who is this delight?

Devon: It's you. I would like for you to host the show.

Mariah: You want to put me on TV?

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Oh, I get it. I get it. You want to piss Hilary off as much as humanly possible. That's awesome. No.

Devon: [Chuckles] All right, listen. You are smart, you are quick, and you're witty. And play it as tough as you want it, but you have a natural instinct for human-interest stories because that stuff that you got, that footage for thanksgiving, it's everything the show needed.

Mariah: That was just luck.

Devon: I don't think it was luck. I think that was you. You found that story, and it wasn't the first time that you made Hilary look good. You know that. You're more than just answering phone calls and getting coffee. You can do this, Mariah.

Mariah: [Sighs] You really want to put a mike on me and make me say stuff on -- on camera, on TV? My online avatar is a hedgehog. I don't even take selfies. Why would I want to put my face on TV?

Devon: Okay, fair enough. Listen, how about it's just a one-time thing? I just don't want to cancel today's show because it's the launch of Chelsea's new line.

Mariah: Oh, that's right.

Devon: Right. And we need a host just for today. So if you help us out and then afterwards you're not interested, we'll find somebody else.

Mariah: Maybe the guy who delivers bagels.

Devon: Maybe, okay? And anything that goes wrong, we can fix it in editing. Please? Say yes. Come on. Are you in or am I gonna have to track down the bagel guy?

Neil: Are you and Devon okay?

Hilary: Yeah, my husband and I, we are professional, okay? We had some creative differences, which we need some time to resolve. But until we decide on a direction, my departure will make good ratings. Any press is good press.

Lily: So, what? Are you a lady of leisure now?

Hilary: Actually, I have a benefit to host. So, Neil, when you get a chance, send me the details. I'll write up some copy.

Neil: Sounds good.

Lily: Yeah, I'm sure she will write up some copy now that she has so much free time. [Chuckling] Oh, God. Devon fired her. This is the best day ever.

Neil: Hey, lily. Aren't you concerned about your brother even a little bit?

Lily: Hilary said they're fine.

Neil: And you buy that?

Lily: What? You don't?

Neil: Not for a second.

Lily: You think it's too soon to mention divorce? [Chuckles]

Paul: Well, hey, there. Is that glass in honor of your anniversary?

Lauren: [Chuckles] Hi.

Paul: And yes, I do have an alert on my calendar for special events like these. What can I say? I'm a romantic.

Lauren: [Chuckles] You are.

Paul: So, no groom?

Lauren: No. No, he's not here. This is, uh, more liquid courage than celebration.

Cane: Okay, all right, all right.

Jessica: It sucks, but I got to break up the scar tissue.

Cane: Stop, though. I know. It's starting to kill me.

Jessica: Okay.

Cane: [Groans] All right. Thank you. Thank you for stopping. [Chuckles]

Jessica: Okay. That's it for today. You did great.

Cane: You did, too.

Jessica: Remember, if you need something for the pain, get something over the counter.

Cane: Okay. Hey, uh... hey. Thank you.

Jessica: Yeah.

Dylan: I need to understand why the judge ruled against us.

Michael: It was a complicated case. There are precedents for contested adoptions or hospital mix-ups, but this... well, one party was aware of the deception well before it was revealed.

Dylan: What do we know about the judge? I mean, I'm just saying, you know, it wouldn't be the first time victor greased palms.

Michael: It's true. Victor has exploited his position before.

Dylan: That's right, and so he could have done it again. So let's just look at the situation, because I'm seeking visitation with his grandson --

Michael: There's no reason to believe that the judge was influenced by anything other than evidence and testimony.

Dylan: Well, then maybe we should have gone after nick with the fact that Christian ended up in the hospital.

Michael: Why? Why, Dylan? Because a babysitter you and Sharon used before accidentally let him have a strawberry?

Dylan: Because he didn't ask the right questions, that's why.

Michael: You and nick have that in common! You want to know my answer? You seem to think it will change anything! It won't! And along with nick, you're not asking the right question.

Chloe: Hi, Sharon. What are you doing here?

Sharon: I just came to ask Chelsea something.

Chelsea: Okay, Sharon, look, if this is about nick or the judge's decision --

Sharon: I didn't come to talk about my personal life. I came here to work. That is, unless you've decided not to keep me on. In which case, I will just turn right around and not darken your door ever again. But I think I have something to offer, and I know I can help out here, so... do I have a job here, Chelsea?

Chelsea: Grab this dress. Grab a steamer. We've got work to do.

Michael: It was never gonna happen.

Dylan: There was never a chance that we would get visitation?

Michael: You were never going to imply that nick was an unfit parent.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Michael: Because nick is a good dad and you're a good man. You can't fight that. It's who you are. It controls everything you do. And you should be proud of that.

Dylan: Yeah, at least I still have my pride, huh?

Michael: [Chuckles] You have your decency. Lots of people don't have that. You should be glad you're you and not them.

Lauren: I'm having some challenges with Fenmore's lately.

Paul: Well, aren't there always challenges?

Lauren: Yes, exactly. You know, I thought it was just part of the business cycle, but there is no upswing. [Sighs] And I didn't do anything to encourage a bounceback. And this online presence, it's so crucial right now, but I have been concentrating on all my long-term relationships.

Paul: Which you're very good at, so that's good.

Lauren: Well, yeah. Thank you. And all these vendors and the designers and the marketers, they're very, very important. But this internet...

Paul: Oh, yeah. That's like another universe.

Lauren: Right. And I need a rocket ship to get there. And I've already spoken to Phyllis. I've met with Chelsea. But nothing is locked down now, and, uh... [Sighs] My nerves are shot.

Paul: Well, you don't need to panic. I mean, how does Michael feel about all this?

Lauren: You know Michael. He's so wonderful and supportive and... there's just no reason to worry him about this right now, you know? He would say the same thing. That this is just a blip, and a very strong holiday season is gonna make everything better. [Chuckles]

Lily: Cane!

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Hey.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Wow. You look refreshed.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: I thought I'd find you in a heap on the floor.

Cane: Uh, it wasn't that bad.

Lily: No? Jessica took it easy on you?

Cane: Uh, no, actually. She gave me the, uh, full-service treatment. But, you see, you're married to a beast who is impervious to pain, and... I only cried twice.

[Both laugh]

Lily: Well, that's good news.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: But guess what? I have better news.

Cane: Ooh. Let me guess. You love me more when I was sweaty?

Lily: Oh, no, that's old news. I have new news.

Cane: Okay. All right, what is it?

Lily: Hilary finally got what she had coming. Devon fired her.

Devon: Try it again, Mariah.

Mariah: Because this is gonna be so much better than the last seven times.

Devon: Come on.

Mariah: We're so glad you could join us tonight on GC buzz. I'm your host, Mariah Copeland.

Devon: Boom! That was it! That was great.

Mariah: [Chuckling] Okay.

Devon: Seriously, you got this.

Mariah: All right.

Devon: Not so bad, right?

Mariah: [Chuckles]

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: Is this the best place for you? Jack's office is right down the hall.

Phyllis: Way ahead of you.

Chloe: Are we ready to slay, ladies? Fist bump.

All: Boom!

Hilary: It will be a disaster, so I suggest that you just walk away now.

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