Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/8/16

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/8/16


Provided By Suzanne

Jack: What the hell?

Billy: That's what I'm saying, what the hell. Where's the frittata?

Jack: Get out of my house!

Billy: Oh, no, Jack. Our house, okay? You don't get to be the arbiter of who's an Abbott and who's not. We all have the same father here.

Traci: Can we just calm down?

Jack: You don't want to be a real part of this family. You've already proven that.

Billy: No, see, dad didn't think you were any better than me, and he proved that by the way he dished out the inheritance. Like a frittata. Is it in the kitchen?

Traci: Okay, this is ridiculous. Ashley, say something.

Ashley: Stop it.

Jack: You are not welcome here!

Ashley: Jack, stop it!

Billy: You think changing the locks is gonna keep me out?

Ashley: That was an oversight. We can have you another key made just like that.

Billy: He knew exactly what he was doing. It goes directly against our father's last wishes, because he left this place to me, too. It's just as much my house as it is yours.

Traci: Yes, honey. Of course it is.

Jack: It was. Until you walked out not looking back.

Billy: You want me to move back in? Legally I could go pick out a room right now.

Ashley: Okay, you're really gonna start talking about legal things right now, Billy?

Jack: Is that what you want to do? Try it! You will lose.

Billy: Jack, you know, you pretend to have all the clout and the -- the cunning that dad had, but you don't. Not even close. You're no more john Abbott than I am.

Victoria: Aren't you gonna say something?

Victor: I'm not surprised, okay?

Victoria: Well, I know you're not surprised. You promised not to say "I told you so."

Victor: Oh, I won't do that. Just gonna tell you that I think if you had married Travis Crawford, that would have been a bad mistake, so I'm relieved.

Victoria: That's it?

Victor: Yeah. Well, I'm disappointed for you. You know, I even tried to like the guy for your sake.

Victoria: Yeah. I know you did, didn't you? [Chuckles] [Sighs]

Victor: Come here. I'm sorry, my sweetheart. How are you?

Victoria: I'm just starting to believe that having a successful marriage isn't in my skill set.

Victor: Sweetheart, that's nonsense. You just happened to have been involved with two morons. You're charming, you have a good heart. I adore you. The right man will come along. I promise you.

Victoria: You know, dad?

Victor: What?

Victoria: For the first time, I'm starting to realize that I don't want or need a man to complete my life.

Victor: Oh, come on now.

Nikki: Well? Look what I've got.

Jack: I will freely admit I am not the man my father was, but I can't believe you have the audacity to measure yourself against John Abbott!

Traci: Okay, this has gone too far.

Ashley: Traci's right. Okay, separate corners. Jack. Go.

Billy: You know what, Jack? Jill's my mother, and Dina's yours. That doesn't make me any less an Abbott than you are. And you think changing the locks and proclaiming who gets to come in the house and who doesn't is gonna change any of that? No, it's not, because I'm John Abbott's son just as much as you are.

Jack: You are an embarrassment to this family!

Traci: Jack!

Billy: And you're a saint? Huh? You seem to be forgetting the affair that you had with my mother, the one that caused our father's stroke.

Traci: Okay, stop this, both of you!

Jack: So that's what you're using to justify what you did to me?!

Billy: Horrible what I did to you. But at least I own it, Jack. Yet somehow what I did is so much more unforgivable than what you did, sleeping with your own father's wife.

Traci: Okay, back off, both of you! Stop it! What is unforgivable is that both of you are forgetting who your father was! He would not want this going on! You're dragging each other through the dirt like this! And if he were here, he would be utterly ashamed of you both!

Jack: Traci, get him out of here.

Traci: Come on.

Jack: Please.

Traci: Come on, you and me. Let's go. Let's go!

Billy: We're still brothers, Jack. We're always gonna be brothers. Can't change DNA.

Jack: I am sorry I put you and Traci through that. I cannot deal with that, not in this house! Ash? Ash, what is it?

Ashley: I'm less of an Abbott than Billy. Are you gonna lock me out, too?

Lauren: That can't be right. No, no, no, no, no. You check those numbers again.

Michael: [Growling] [Chuckles]

Lauren: Uh, could you review that data and text me the updates? Thank you. Bye. Well, this is a nice surprise.

Michael: Hmm. Maybe not so nice. I have some bad news about tomorrow.

Lauren: Tomorrow?

Michael: Our anniversary.

Lauren: Oh! Honey, I'm so sorry. I'm still in work mode. Uh, what about it?

Michael: I'm sorry. Um, I'm gonna have to cancel our dinner plans. I've got to -- I've got to be at a deposition all day tomorrow.

Lauren: That's okay. Look, things are crazy right now anyway. Let's just -- we'll celebrate it another time.

Michael: No, I wanted to make this special.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: What? What's wrong?

Phyllis: It's somebody's anniversary!

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: [Chuckles]

Lauren: Excuse me. Yes?

Phyllis: What's with her?

Michael: Fenmore's. Same ol', same ol'. It's just one of those days.

Lauren: Sorry, guys.

Phyllis: Michael filled me in. He said things are a bit stressful at Fenmore's right now?

Michael: What? I know when you're having a bad day.

Lauren: [Scoffs] Delivery issues, you know. It's always a pain between black Friday and Christmas.

Michael: She'll handle it.

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: My wife, the world's smartest retailer. Oh, wait. Okay, it looks like it's my turn. Talk amongst yourselves.

Lauren: Will do.

Michael: Hello?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Phyllis: Why do I get the feeling things are not as rosy as you're making them out to be?

Lauren: Fenmore's sales, they go up and down, and right now we're down.

Phyllis: During the holidays?

Lauren: There's still time. We will recoup, and we always do.

Phyllis: Yes. You always do.

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Nobody can get through the biggest buying seasons without going to the mall or Fenmore's. My mom at Christmastime, she would take me and my sister to shop. And you are not doing good. Lauren. How bad is it?

Lauren: I'll admit it's, uh, it's a little rough right now. But you know what? We'll get through it. We always do.

Jack: No more awful talk like that. Of course you're an Abbott.

Ashley: You started it.

Jack: That wasn't aimed at you.

Ashley: It's the truth, though, Jack. I mean, you're talking about Abbott blood. Because of our mother's affair, I don't have --

Jack: You are my sister in every way that matters.

Ashley: Well, this, uh, family breakfast seemed like a good idea at the time, you know. We were worried about you and thought you needed it.

Jack: I appreciated the gesture.

Ashley: I think we made things a lot worse.

Jack: No, no, that's not true.

Ashley: I'm gonna get going.

Jack: No, no. Let's clear this up first. Billy had that coming. Ash, if I was insensitive to you, I am sorry. I'm sorry.

Ashley: It's just the way you said it, Jack. Like bringing up Billy's mother and his birthright, like you're the real Abbott and we're not real Abbotts. Is that how you feel?

Jack: No, no, no, no. You? Not you. Not -- not ever! I went after Billy because of what he did to me and to this family, not because of who his mother is!

Ashley: But you still said it.

Jack: I have never loved you one iota less because of who your biological father is. You know that.

Ashley: I know, I know! I guess it's weird, isn't it? I'm a fraud. Isn't that strange that Billy and Traci don't even know?

Jack: It shouldn't matter at all to you or anyone. Ash, it wouldn't have mattered to dad.

Ashley: He didn't know.

Jack: It wouldn't have made a difference.

Ashley: Jack, we're never --

Jack: No, I do know that. Ashley, look at me. You were his favorite.

Ashley: [Chuckles tearfully]

Jack: You were! If he was alive right now, he'd want you running the company! He trusted you a lot more than he trusted me, God knows! I'll tell you something else. He would have been over the moon about JabotGo.

Ashley: It's the hottest downloaded app. [Sniffles]

Jack: You don't have to tell me about that. You have single-handedly re-ignited our business and given brash & sassy a run for their money.

Ashley: What are you thinking?

Jack: I'm thinking maybe it's time to make a change, starting with getting our building back. I think it's time to throw brash & sassy to the curb.

Ashley: What you're really saying is that you want to punish Billy some more, isn't it?

Nikki: Oh, honey, I am so sorry. If I had known the wedding was called off, I never would have picked this dress up.

Victoria: Mom, it's okay. You didn't know. It's fine. I just... the good news is, I won't have to be wearing one of these things ever again, so maybe I'm just gonna burn it.

Victor: Oh! Then we'll have a bonfire at the ranch.

Nikki: Victor!

Victoria: No, mom, he's just being honest. You didn't think it was for real, either, did you?

Nikki: Well, honey, I had hoped that it was.

Victoria: Why didn't you just say something to me?

Nikki: I did try, but I didn't think you were listening.

Victoria: Yeah, well, you're probably right.

Nikki: All right, so that's fine. You move on to the rest of your life. I will take care of this wedding dress. I will donate it.

Victoria: Oh, there's a great idea. Thank you.

Nikki: And we can have your father take care of Travis. Where do we find him?

Victoria: He's gone. He checked out of the athletic club this morning.

Victor: Oh, yeah? And probably no doubt stiffed them on the bill, right?

Victoria: Actually, he paid in full, dad.

Victor: Whoa.

Victoria: Travis' moral compass is very selective.

Victor: Well, I'll be damned.

Victoria: He'll cheat on his fiancée but not a hotel bill.

Victor: Hmm.

Nikki: Sweetheart, listen, if there is anything we can do to help you get through this --

Victoria: You know what you can do, mom? You can help me swear off men. That would be nice.

Nikki: You don't mean that.

Victoria: Yeah, I do. Finding out what Travis did and how close I let him become to the children, I never want to go through anything like that ever again.

Nikki: So how did you find out? Did he tell you?

Victoria: Um... no, not exactly.

Victor: Well, who did?

Victoria: Billy.

Jack: Ousting brash & sassy is a brilliant business move.

Ashley: It was my idea weeks ago. You shot it down.

Jack: I should have listened to you then. Look, we don't need their rent money to stay in the black. We shouldn't have the competition this close.

Ashley: Are you sure it has nothing to do with Billy being so close?

Jack: No, Billy could use some space right now, and you've told me you'd like to get back in the lab. Am I right?

Ashley: Okay, you know, this is about you wanting to keep Phyllis and Billy apart and you know it. Just admit it.

Jack: Never crossed my mind.

Ashley: So you're just cleaning house? Guess who should be given the boot? Phyllis. Billy did not act alone, Jack. I mean, how long do you plan on keeping her employed at jabot?

Jack: You know what I realized this morning? Life is too short to dwell on hating Phyllis.

Ashley: What does that mean?

Jack: It turns out breakfast today was a very good idea.

Ashley: Where are you going? Jack. Jack!

Victor: Sweetheart, what I'm not happy about is that no sooner do you evict this Travis Crawford from your life, and who comes dancing back but Billy boy?

Victoria: Would you please stop being so suspicious?

Victor: Well...

Victoria: I want nothing to do with men, all right? And by the way, I can't think of one single relationship that I've ever had that you've approved of.

Victor: Hmm. Let me think about that. I can't, either. But that doesn't mean that you can't spend your life with a beautiful and smart and loyal spouse.

Nikki: Well, thank you, darling.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Victor: But don't settle. Don't ever settle.

Victoria: Don't worry about that because I have completely bailed on that quest. No more endlessly searching for the ideal soul mate.

Nikki: But, honey, living a life alone is --

Victoria: Mom, it's gonna be like a vacation, okay? It is. I'm perfectly happy raising my children and going to my wonderful job. It's more than enough for me. And you know what I realize? I realize that Travis was just a rebound from Billy. I should have given myself more time after that breakup. And, you know, if Billy is the one to shed some light on this, then so be it. He finally did something good.

Billy: I came to the house this morning for breakfast hoping to make amends with Jack, to make peace.

Traci: [Sighs] Well, Billy, you weren't across the threshold for five minutes before you were yelling and arguing.

Billy: 'Cause he's so dug in, Traci. I mean, he's so sanctimonious, he doesn't even listen anymore.

Traci: I know. But if dad were here, he would remind you he's your brother. You're brothers. We're a family.

Billy: Yeah, well --

Traci: You've got to find a way to get along.

Billy: Dad's not here, and it's no use.

Traci: I'm not giving up. I intend to broker some peace on earth and goodwill among Abbott men.

Billy: Well, good luck with that.

Traci: I don't need luck. I got a little Christmas magic. Starting right here.

Billy: No. No way.

Traci: Let's go.

Phyllis: So instead of lamenting it, we embrace it, right? Online shopping is here to stay. Let me take a look on your site, okay?

Lauren: Oh, I already know what you're gonna say. We haven't updated our online presence.

Phyllis: Why not?

Lauren: Well, our website, for years, has always been to drive customers into the actual stores.

Phyllis: Okay, but you can't be a loss leader. It should generate revenue just all by itself.

Lauren: I understand that, but to do that, it's gonna take a complete overhaul.

Phyllis: All right, maybe not.

Lauren: Really? Do you have an idea?

Phyllis: What if Fenmore's becomes a digital platform for fashion? You increase online sales, you drag more traffic to the stores, and you build brand loyalty.

Lauren: Amazing.

Phyllis: Let me put together a detailed proposal for you.

Lauren: I would love that, but, I mean, don't you have a current job?

Phyllis: You know, I don't see a long-term future at jabot, and I think --

Jack: Sorry for interrupting, but, uh, I have a proposition to make.

Phyllis: Well, that sounds promising.

Lauren: And I will leave the two of you alone.

Jack: Actually, this proposition is not for Phyllis. It's for you.

Lauren: Oh.

Billy: How's that? Is this good?

Traci: Oh! It's perfect.

Billy: All right. My work here is done.

Traci: Wait, wait, wait, wait! You did not think that this was a one-step operation.

Billy: I don't have time for this.

Traci: What? To decorate?

Billy: I'm -- I'm regretting getting roped into this right about now.

Traci: [Laughs] I'm sure you are. But decorating the tree is gonna make you feel better.

Billy: Yeah, as long as Jack doesn't have me chased off the property by the hounds.

Traci: Oh, don't worry about it. Jack's at work. Besides, you can't leave your sister to do all this work alone. Hey, am I gonna get to open presents with my niece and nephew this year?

Billy: Yeah, um... Victoria and I figured it out. She's gonna have the kids Christmas eve and I'll have them for Christmas day.

Traci: Why don't you sound happy about that?

Billy: Because it was scheduled around her, uh, her Christmastime wedding, and they broke off their engagement.

Traci: Ohhhh.

Billy: Don't say it like that, okay? We're not getting back together.

Traci: [Scoffs] Believe me, far be it from me to give anyone any recommendations about their love life.

Billy: Wow. You're not gonna butt in? Can you teach my mother that trick?

Traci: [Laughs] Um, here you go. I do know one thing, though.

Billy: Here we go.

Traci: [Sighs] Children grow up so fast. And you only get those priceless moments when they are so overjoyed and excited to see what Santa Claus brought them just for a couple of years. I'm just a little sad that both of Katie and Johnny's parents aren't gonna be there for that.

Victoria: Johnny and Katie ask about a thousand Santa questions every day. [Sighs]

Nikki: Well, honey, try to enjoy it, 'cause they grow up so fast.

Victoria: Yeah, that's true. They've also been asking about Travis. They want to know where he is.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Victoria: You know, it's really scary, mom, thinking about how close I came to making him their stepfather. Our marriage wouldn't have lasted. He also became such a constant in their lives, and now he's gone. They're wondering where he went.

Nikki: You really do have to be so careful introducing another person to the kids.

Victoria: I know that. Thanks for telling me now.

Nikki: Honey, I'm not criticizing. I agree with you. Stop worrying. You don't have to control every single thing.

Victoria: Do you have any more motherly intuition that you'd like to share with me?

Nikki: Well, I will tell you this -- I am so proud of the stance you took with Travis. I mean, you didn't allow yourself to become a doormat when he cheated on you. And you knew that if you gave him a second chance, that could not lead to anything good.

Victoria: Yeah, well, I guess I'm able to spot a disaster coming my way after how many marriages over the years?

Nikki: Ah. Who's counting? The point is, you're going to go on with your life and do all the wonderful things that you've always done. Everything will be okay. Oh, my angel, I love you. Don't worry. It'll all be fine.

Victor: Oh, fancy meeting you here.

Ashley: Hi. Thank you for coming.

Victor: You're welcome. So... what's the occasion? Does this have to do with Abby or what?

Ashley: Yes, of course it has to do with Abby. She should be celebrating her first wedding anniversary. Instead she's, you know, ending the marriage.

Victor: Oh, for heaven's sake. Well... she's strong like her mother. She knows what's best for her future, I think.

Ashley: Thank you for the compliment.

Victor: It's the truth.

Ashley: Well, still, she's not as worldly as she'd like to believe. You know, she's not gonna just breeze through this divorce.

Victor: She has learned more from you than you give her credit for. But I will make this Christmas for her more special, okay?

Ashley: Really? Even with Victoria getting married and all the hoopla surrounding all that?

Victor: Uh, Victoria has called off her wedding to Travis.

Ashley: How is Victoria?

Victor: Hopefully she'll be fine in a week or two.

Ashley: [Laughs] I never saw this coming, did you? I mean, that parenting would still be a full-time job well into our kids' adulthood?

Victor: Never stops, does it?

Ashley: Never stops.

Victor: No. Don't you have to go back to the office and make sure that you help save your brother from himself?

Ashley: Oh, no, no. I'm perfectly happy just to relax and take a break with you. Yeah. Now that Jack and I have put jabot back on top and everything.

Victor: But you and I know that jabot's back on top because of you, not because of your brother.

Ashley: Hmm.

Michael: Nuts?

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Michael: Why are you over here while Jack is sitting over there with Lauren?

Phyllis: Well, according to Jack, he's propositioning your wife.

Michael: He's a very funny man.

Phyllis: It still hurts.

Michael: Last time we talked, you were so optimistic. What happened?

Phyllis: I don't want it to be over, Michael, but... Jack just... tell me we're gonna work through this.

Michael: I really hope so.

Phyllis: You know, I didn't appreciate what I had. You have to do that, Michael. Always.

Michael: I agree. And you just helped me solve a really big problem. You hang in there. Okay.

Lauren: You want me to be a sponsor of the foundation's new year's eve benefit?

Jack: Not just a sponsor. I want you to be a patron co-host.

Lauren: I'm very flattered, and I know the event is gonna be amazing. And, of course, the cause is very near and dear to my heart.

Jack: Then I can put your name on the invitation and add a Fenmore's shopping spree to the silent auction?

Lauren: You know, I'd like to go back to the patron part. Um, I'm just curious. What do you think that will cost me?

Jack: Like that ever mattered to you.

Lauren: It's the end of the year, Jack.

Jack: Business is good, right?

Lauren: Of course. Business is great. I'm just not as liquid as I'd like to be right now.

Ashley: He is so beautiful. Oh! [Laughs]

Victor: [Laughs] He is very happy. I think he's happy about being where he belongs, you know, finally.

Ashley: Yeah. What a sweet boy.

Victor: [Chuckles]

Ashley: Oh! I can't help but feel for Sharon and Dylan, though. I know what it's like to have a child taken from you. It's not good.

Victor: Yeah. Look at that. But I think he's better off being raised as a Newman rather than a McAvoy. I mean, he will have all the advantages in the world, you know?

Ashley: Yeah. But I don't think I have to remind you that all the money in the world does not guarantee a child's happiness.

Victor: Ashley. Who knows that better than I do? Without a father's love and without a father's presence, it all means nothing, you know? But he's gonna grow up with a lot of money, a lot of power, a lot of chances to change the world. Right?

Ashley: Yeah. He's sweet. On that note, I'm gonna get back to work now.

Victor: You're gonna have to help save your brother from himself.

Ashley: Ohh! Never stops. Never stops.

Victor: [Laughs] Nice to see you.

Ashley: You, too.

Victor: All right.

Traci: Oh. Oh! Look! I loved this ornament when I was a girl.

Billy: Yeah, one of the few unbreakable ones, which is why dad always let me play with it.

Traci: [Laughs] Okay, here they are. Here are the ones with our names. And here's Ashley and Traci. And we have Jack. Billy, where's yours?

Billy: Never had one. I was too young for this tradition.

Traci: What? No, I distinctly remember that there was an ornament with your name on it.

Billy: Traci, I'm used to being the odd Abbott out.

Traci: Look, Billy, just because you were raised years later and had a different mom --

Billy: And nobody really accepted Jill as an Abbott. Let's be honest about that.

Traci: Well, she did not make it easy.

Billy: That's true.

Traci: But just because of that, you were never loved any less. Honey, all these boxes, they're full of your family memories and heirlooms. Yours. [Chuckles]

Billy: [Sighs]

Lauren: The recovery center that you support, it saves lives. I mean, we could have lost fen without those resources.

Jack: Then I can count on you?

Lauren: Who else are you asking?

Jack: Only every other mover and shaker in town.

Lauren: [Chuckles] Appealing to my ego. Smooth.

Jack: Lauren, you inherited an empire. It is only right to give back.

Lauren: You're right. My father believed in that very strongly.

Jack: Is that a yes?

Lauren: [Chuckles] Yes.

Jack: [Laughs]

Lauren: All right. Count on me.

Jack: Excellent!

Michael: All right, Mr. Abbott, no more laughing with my wife. I'm taking her back now.

Jack: I will excuse myself. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: Young lady.

Lauren: Oh. Oh. Hmm. What? Oh. What -- hmm. What's all this?

Michael: That is a preview. Since I'm unavailable to celebrate our anniversary tomorrow night, revelry commences tonight.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Jack: How are you?

Phyllis: I'm okay. Relieved you don't hate me.

Jack: No, I don't hate you, Phyllis. I just don't want to be married to you.

Phyllis: Michael and Lauren have been through rough spots, and they have managed to patch things up, Jack.

Jack: Well, obviously, we're not Michael and Lauren. Funny you should mention that. I was just thinking of their wedding. You remember that?

Phyllis: Jack.

Jack: You left that night with nick Newman. Funny how history has a way of repeating itself.

Phyllis: You know, I'm -- I'm not gonna take this. I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you berate me.

Jack: Actually, that wasn't my intention.

Phyllis: Really? What was your intention?

Jack: What's going on with Lauren? Everything all right at Fenmore's?

Phyllis: How would I know? I work at jabot, remember?

Jack: Yeah, I remember.

Ashley: Wow! I can't believe how much you've gotten done. It looks so festive in here.

Traci: Oh, thank you. I had help. Billy was here.

Ashley: Oh, my God. It's a good thing Jack didn't come back home.

Traci: [Sighs] I had no idea things had gotten so bad between them.

Ashley: It's never been so bad as this, and they're both so stubborn.

Traci: Well, Billy said he's willing to try. We just have to work on Jack.

Ashley: Yeah. Well, if you think we're gonna be one big, happy family gathered around the tree, it's gonna take a Christmas miracle, believe me.

Traci: Well, what's wrong with hoping for a little miracle? You want to see how we did?

Ashley: [Laughs] Sure.

Traci: [Chuckles] Ashley, will you get the lights?

Ashley: Yeah.

Traci: All right. Here we go.

Ashley: [Gasps] Oh, trace, it's so beautiful.

Traci: [Chuckles]

Ashley: So many memories.

Traci: I'm not giving up, Ashley. I think we can still try to do what dad would want.

Ashley: Yes, we can. We will.

Phyllis: Jack, you have got that look in your eye, the one that says you are plotting something.

Jack: I'm just piecing together bits of information. Uh, I've known Lauren a long time now. She never hesitates to write a check for charity, and she just did. But I've got the feeling she's hedging.

Phyllis: Maybe she didn't feel like jumping at your offer.

Jack: No, no, it was more than that. If Fenmore's has had a bad year...

Phyllis: Jack, you are not thinking --

Jack: Poaching her business? No, I'm loyal. She's a friend.

Phyllis: Yeah, she is. I'm gonna head back to the office. I need to work on a proposal, a new venture that I am excited about.

Jack: And what does that entail? How much time we talking about?

Phyllis: Why do you ask?

Jack: Why do I ask? I'm your boss. You work for me.

Phyllis: You know what, Jack? Why don't you get it over with and fire me?

Michael: Closed eyes, closed eyes, closed eyes. Stepping and stepping.

Lauren: Okay, am I still okay?

Michael: Yeah, you're okay. Okay, stop.

Lauren: All right.

Michael: All right. Open your eyes.

Lauren: I can? [Gasps] [Chuckles] [Laughs]

Michael: It pays you money, you take your chances.

Lauren: [Chuckles] [Gasps]

Michael: [Chuckles] I had this all arranged for tomorrow night, so I-I had to make do a little bit.

Lauren: It's perfect. I don't even care that it's not our official anniversary.

Michael: Eh, well, it will be. 'Cause at the stroke of midnight... you will be right here in my arms.

Nikki: Hey.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Nikki: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Victor: Well, you are, but I don't mind it. How was your visit with Victoria and the children?

Nikki: Um, okay. You know, she's still hurting. She's covering, but she'll be all right.

Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that she's feeling a little better. That, by the way, fits right into my plans.

Nikki: Plans?

Victor: Uh-huh.

Nikki: Victor.

Victor: What?

Nikki: The last thing our daughter needs is any kind of interference from you.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, guess what?

Nikki: What?

Victor: This is not about Victoria.

Nikki: Oh, I'm beginning to realize that.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: What's going on?

Victor: You know, we have had such difficulties and many problems the last few weeks and months. And I got you a little something.

Nikki: What?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Isn't this a little early for Christmas?

Victor: I don't need an excuse to buy you a present.

Nikki: [Laughs]

Victor: All right?

Nikki: I guess not. [Laughs]

[Knock on door]

Victoria: Who is it?

Billy: Gho-o-o-o-st of Christmas fu-u-ture!

Billy: So, just wanted to nail down our, uh, Christmas schedule.

Victoria: Yeah, I-I thought we'd already discussed that.

Billy: Yeah, we did. Um, I mean, I know we have the big Christmas concert thing, but I just wanted to see if you wanted to flip the days. You can have the kids on Christmas day and I can take Christmas eve.

Victoria: Have you made other plans?

Billy: No, no, not at all. I just didn't want to hold you to plans that were made before --

Victoria: Before my wedding blew up in my face. Look, I don't need your sympathy or your pity.

Billy: That's good, 'cause I wasn't offering either.

Victoria: Good. Then we'll stick to the original schedule.

Billy: So Christmas alone? You okay with that?

Victoria: I'll be fine with that. I'm a big girl. Why wouldn't I be?

Billy: Okay. Look, I'm alone. You're alone. The kids like us both, which is very cool. I mean, it's up to you.

Victoria: Separate Christmases as planned. It's what the kids are expecting anyway, so...

Billy: Okay. Kiss them good night for me.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Okay. Good night.

Nikki: Oh, Victor!

Victor: Do you like it?

Nikki: I-I adore it.

Victor: You do?

Nikki: But I still don't understand why this couldn't wait till the 25th.

Victor: It's for our trip.

Nikki: What trip?

Victor: The trip you and I will take. The jet is ready. And all you have to do is pick the destination.

Nikki: Darling, we can't do anything like that right now.

Victor: Why can't we do that? Why not?

Nikki: Well, my goodness. We've got the kids.

Victor: They're grown up.

Nikki: Your job.

Victor: To hell with it.

Nikki: And what about Christmas?

Victor: We'll be back in time to trim the trees and deck the halls. So what do you say?

Nikki: Well... it has been a long time since we've done something like this.

Victor: A very long time. And that's gonna change starting right now.

Nikki: Well, in that case, let's pack. [Laughs]

Michael: Hmmm.

[Cell phone rings]

Lauren: Let me just shut that off.

Michael: No, no, no, no.

Lauren: It's a work call. I've been expecting it. Let me --

Michael: Lauren Fenmore Baldwin, you have a lot of people working for you who can handle that. This only you can do.

[Both laugh]

Lauren: That's correct, but...

Michael: So relax and enjoy. Mwah. Ooh.

Phyllis: You're not gonna fire me, you're not gonna let me go --

Jack: You listen to me. Listen to me. And believe me 'cause I am telling you the truth. You need to let go. I walked in here, I saw you over there, the happiness in your eyes, the -- the excitement, the passion in your voice as you talked about your new venture. That's what I want for you. [Voice breaking] Believe it or not, I genuinely want you to be happy again. You need to let go so that you can have that. And I need to be free so that I can find what makes me happy.

Phyllis: This is it. We're not gonna make it.

Jack: Goodbye, red.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Jessica: Hi. I'm Jessie. Here to see Cane Ashby.

Paul: We don't expect you to be fine, and you shouldn't accept being fine. Let us help you.

Mariah: You fired your own wife?

Devon: I would like for you to host the show.

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