Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/7/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/7/16


Provided By Suzanne

John: It's been such a long time since I felt like this.

Ashley: Well, you'd better get used to it, daddy, 'cause you look right at home in that chair.

John: I feel right at home.

Jack: I would like to propose a toast. To dad. Never far from our thoughts, never far from our hearts.

Ashley: To Daddy.

Hear, hear.

Jack: And to my two beautiful sisters, who have no idea how many times I've dreamed of just this, the three of us sitting at this table together.

Abby: Ah, that smells delicious!

Ashley: It does, and I'm famished.

Abby: It feels like it's been months since I've had something really good to eat, so this looks so good. Thank you.

Mrs. Martinez: With avocado, just the way you like it.

Abby: Oh! You're the best.

Mrs. Martinez: I know!

Abby: [Laughs]

Ashley: Well, hi, sleepyhead.

Jack: What's going on here?

Ashley: Three guesses.

Abby: And the first two don't count.

Jack: You two are always welcome to invite yourselves over. You know that. I --

Traci: Actually, I invited them. [Laughs] Good morning.

Ashley: Hi! When'd you get in?

Traci: Hi. Mwah! Late last night. Late, late, late. I was lucky to get out of JFK. There was weather the whole way here.

Ashley: Oh, I'm glad you made it in one piece.

Traci: Thank you. Me, too. [Laughter] And thanks again for the hospitality, Jack.

Jack: Hospitality? This place is not the Abbott house without you in it.

Traci: That's so sweet!

Ashley: I know!

Jack: I mean that. This house is every bit as much yours as it is mine.

Abby: Oh, here, aunt Traci, come sit by me.

Traci: Oh! Oh, sure. If you insist.

Abby: Yes.

Traci: Ooh, the treatment.

Abby: I'll trade you plates here.

Traci: Thank you very much. Thank you.

Jack: Okay, somebody want to tell me what's really going on here? This is starting to feel like an intervention. Something I definitely don't need. Lord knows I've had enough divorces. I know how to pick myself up and move on.

Ashley: [Laughs] Well, we're a little worried.

Jack: There's no need to worry. I'm doing fine. Life is moving on, the business is doing well, I'm staying busy. I'm even rejoining the Abbott-winters foundation.

Ashley: Wait. You're coming back to the foundation and putting our name on it again?

Abby: Whoo-hoo!

Jack: Neil convinced me it was the right thing to do.

Traci: Oh, this is fantastic news. All right, I guess we can call the intervention off, ladies. [Laughter] Only you would think we need ulterior motives to get together.

Ashley: So, um, how long are you gonna stand there?

Abby: Yeah, your frittata's getting cold.

Ashley: Come on, when was the last time we had an Abbott family breakfast, huh?

John: Well, you two sure know how to make a father feel proud.

Ashley: We love you, daddy. We've missed having you here so much.

Jack: It's been much too long.

Ashley: This is so good.

Abby: Delicious.

Ashley: You're gonna love this.

Traci: Okay.

Victor: [Exhales sharply] Do you know the judge's ruling regarding visitation rights is in every section of this paper?

Nikki: Oh, it's online everywhere, too. [Sighs] There is no privacy anymore. I mean, this is our family. It's our business. Nobody else has an idea about what we've been going through or what this decision means to those of us who love Christian.

Dylan: [Exhales sharply] I didn't know you were gonna do this today.

Sharon: I didn't, either. I just got out of bed and decided I better make a start at this, getting the house ready for Christmas.

Dylan: You know, I could have done that for you. I could have brought all this stuff down from the attic.

Sharon: The only reason I'm doing this is for faith's sake. After what happened in court, the last thing I feel like doing is setting up a tree or baking more cookies.

Dylan: Sharon --

Sharon: You know, I tried to brace myself for the worst, but when the judge handed down his decision, and he wasn't giving us any visitation, I -- I felt like I got hit with a brick. His words were just so final.

Dylan: I know. I felt sick to my stomach. You know, how is cutting us out of Christian's life the best thing for him?

Sharon: It isn't. And I'm never going to believe that.

Dylan: And we've tried everything. We tried every legal route possible. And we lost. We just have to find a way to move forward.

[Doorbell rings]

Victoria: Oh, hey!

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: I figured you'd be at home, celebrating your Victory.

Nick: Nah, Christian and I are just making the rounds. Here, you want to pull him in here?

Victoria: Oh! Yeah, sure. [Shudders] Here we go.

Victoria: Oh. Hey. Please, tell me you brought those and they weren't waiting outside for me.

Nick: Yeah, no, these are from me and Christian. We thought we could use some holiday cheer around here.

Victoria: Oh! Thank you! That's so sweet.

Nick: Sure. What's up with the weird reaction?

Victoria: Uh, I've just gotten enough flowers lately to last me a lifetime.

Nick: Travis. So, is that it? It's really over?

Jill: Wow. Do we have a hit on our hands. The retailer orders are just pouring in. I hope we can make our delivery deadlines, 'cause there's nothing worse than empty shelves just before Christmas.

Billy: Chill out. I got the supply chain all geared up, ready for the increase, like you asked me do a couple weeks ago.

Jill: Yeah, darling, but your life has gotten a little bit complicated lately.

Billy: When has my life not been complicated?

Jill: I still think that we should have a backup plan built.

Billy: The factory's working double-time to make sure that there's a bottle of perfume for everybody that wants one. Two or three, for that matter.

Jill: Mm.

Billy: So you can on your little business trip, serene in the knowledge that brash & sassy! Will function without you.

Jill: Well, luckily, darling, I'm only gonna be gone a couple of days.

Billy: And we will treasure each and every one of them.

Jill: That's not funny. I just hope you will use your time wisely while I'm gone.

Billy: Here we go.

Jill: No, Victoria's very lucky that you clued her in that Travis cheated on her. I assume she's kicked him to the curb by now.

Billy: You know what? Victoria's personal life is her business, but if you need to know, we are fine, okay? So you can stand down.

Jill: And are you and Jack fine?

Ashley: So, Jackie, explain. One week into December and not one speck of tinsel in this entire house?

Abby: Yeah! So much for holiday spirit.

Traci: I've heard of procrastinating, but this is ridiculous.

Jack: No fair, ganging up on me...

Traci: Oh!

Abby: Are you gonna say you're busy, because people all over the world are busy, and they have their decorations up.

Jack: Oh, really? Do you?

Abby: I am all about the holiday bling-bling. I've had my tree up since thanksgiving night.

Ashley: You better get busy.

Jack: Okay. I'll get right on it.


Mrs. Martinez: I asked Mr. Abbott yesterday about ordering a tree and putting some garland up on the doorway.

Jack: See?

Ashley: And what did he say?

Mrs. Martinez: "I'll get right on it."


Jack: Thank you so much, Mrs. Martinez.

Traci: How about this? How about I help Mrs. Martinez, and we'll get this house whipped into shape?

Jack: I would be eternally grateful.

Traci: Consider it done.

Abby: Is this what it used to be like? All of you, together, eating breakfast, granddad at the head of the table?

Jack: Yep.

Ashley: Yes. This was our father's favorite family ritual, right?

Jack: Yeah, he'd scoop up his bran flakes while we all ate the good stuff.

Traci: Oh, Mamie's cinnamon rolls...

Jack: Mamie's cinnamon rolls. Abby, a little bit of heaven.

Ashley: I miss those days.

Jack: Yeah.

Ashley: We'd all be sitting around and talking and checking in with each other.

Jack: Hard to believe dad's been gone over 10 years now.

Ashley: Oh, wow. It's surreal.

Abby: Well, that's why we have to keep up this tradition. It's important to our family.

Traci: Hear, hear, sweetie!

Abby: So, why was it breakfast? Why wasn't it dinner? Who started that?

Jack: [Sighs] Well, when mother took off for parts unknown, dad wanted to be there for us. And with jabot growing rapidly, actually, morning was the only time he could arrange to be here all the time.

Ashley: No matter how successful jabot became, he was always here at breakfast. You know, I just thought that those days were gonna last forever. That they were never gonna end.

Traci: We all did.

Ashley: [Chuckles] And your uncle Jack -- he was a pill when he was a teenager because sometimes he would skip breakfast just to make our father angry.

Abby: Ah, so you were a brat, were you?

Jack: Well, aren't all teenage boys? No, I was the rebel. Your mother here was the perfect one.

Ashley: Well, you did set the bar kind of low.

Traci: Oh!


Jack: And Traci was always the sweet, quiet one with her nose in a book.

Traci: Well, you try to get a word in edgewise growing up in a house with these two.

Ashley: Hey!

Traci: That's why I was so happy when Billy was born. Finally -- an ally, somebody who would be on my side.

Jack: Hey, we were having a nice time here. Why'd you have to bring him up?

Traci: Jack! [Scoffs] No matter what happens, he is still your brother.

Billy: Are we really gonna do this here?

Jill: Billy. Jack is the only brother you've got. You have to try to make it right.

Billy: Okay, mom, look. Here's the thing. It's not like I don't want to. Okay? But what I did to Jack... he's not gonna forgive me for that, and I don't blame him!

Jill: You miss him, don't you?

Billy: Yeah, of course I miss him. I miss them all.

Jill: What do you mean? Did your sisters cut you off, too?

Billy: No, thank God. No. Ashley's talking to me again. Traci, actually, texted me, invited me over for family breakfast.

Jill: Oh, family breakfast! That was john's favorite tradition -- the Abbott family breakfast.

Billy: Yeah.

Jill: Well, I hope you're going.

Billy: Thought about it.

Jill: And?

Billy: Decided not to put everybody through it.

Jill: You get over yourself. This is your family you're talking about. You have to do everything you can to get right with Jack.

Dylan: Well, at least the restraining order's been lifted, and we don't have to worry about running into nick and Christian and having to leave. And who knows? If we handle things right, maybe nick won't completely shut us out.

Sharon: You're giving him and the rest of the family a lot more credit than they deserve.

Dylan: Okay, I get where you're coming from, especially where Victor is concerned, but through this whole ordeal, Nikki has been unbelievably supportive of me.

Sharon: She's your mother. You love her. But she hasn't extended any kindness to me or our marriage. In fact, she's gone out of her way to bash me.

Dylan: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. But she's been amazing to me. I mean, she really went to bat for me with this whole visitation thing. That meant that she had to be at odds with most of her family.

Victor: Nicholas should never have to share his son with anyone. Especially someone as unstable as Sharon.

Nikki: No kidding. Christian deserves to be raised by his biological parent.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: But poor Dylan is crushed. I mean, finding out that he's lost yet another child.

Victor: I know, I know, I know, sweetheart. And it's putting you in an untenable position, having to choose between your two sons.

Nikki: Thank you for finally acknowledging that.

Victor: I didn't want to make things more difficult for you. I just wanted to make sure that Christian got what's best for him, you know?

Nikki: I know. It's just that, to me, I knew there wasn't ever going to be a good ending because no matter what happened, one of my sons was going to be devastated. And even though Dylan did lose in court, he knew that I was behind him. Nicholas, on the other hand...

Victor: Is a very lucky boy.

Nikki: Well, yes, of course.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: But choosing one son over the other, I never meant for him to feel that way.

Victor: What will you do? Hmm?

Victoria: I dodged a bullet. That's how I feel about breaking up with Travis. But you know what? I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about you. You must be so happy after the ruling.

Nick: [Sighs] I'm beyond happy. I mean, the judge isn't forcing me to lose even more time with my son.

Victoria: You know, I really feel for Dylan, but this is the right decision. They weren't Christian's parents.

Nick: Yeah. [Sighs] You know, you have been amazing, Vick. You and dad have been there for me the whole time.

Victoria: Dad and I, but not mom?

Nick: Mom seems to have been more concerned about Dylan's feelings and his rights. You know? She made me feel like I was selfish for not wanting to hand over my son to him.

Victoria: Well, nick, I'm sure that wasn't her intent. I mean, have you tried to talk to her?

Nick: I just don't get how she could treat me that way. I mean, Christian hadn't been home for a month, and then Dylan hauls me off to court, and mom is there the whole telling me I should back off.

Victoria: I'm sure mom just feels caught in the middle. You know, when it comes to Dylan, she feels like she has a lot to make up for. So many lost years.

Nick: Yeah. Well, I didn't like it. You know, mom made me feel like I was the bad guy.

Sharon: Well, I'm glad that you feel that Nikki had your back.

Dylan: Yeah, she did, and I wasn't expecting it at all.

Sharon: You know, one thing I can say about her -- I've never known her to choose sides, not when it comes to her children.

Dylan: Yeah, I just assumed that she would take nick's side, you know? And what she did, it meant a lot to me.

Sharon: I can see that.

Dylan: You know what? I should, uh -- I should go over there. Tell her in person how much her support meant to me.

Sharon: Sure. Go ahead. Just do what you feel you need to do.

Dylan: You know I love you, right?

Sharon: I love you, too. So much.

Victor: Look at you. You're becoming a big boy. Yeah. Well, congratulations for prevailing in court.

Nick: Thanks, dad. Maybe things will finally settle down.

Nikki: I hope so, too.

Nick: Hey, mom.

Nikki: Hi, sweetheart.

Victor: Your mother has been very anxious to see you.

Nikki: I have so many things to tell you. I-I hope that you'll hear me out. Maybe I can make you understand where I've been coming from.

Jack: Either hotel will be fine. It's just a quick in-and-out thing. Thank you. I hope that's Traci you're texting to tell her that you'll be right over.

Billy: I'm not just gonna show up at the house when everybody's sitting around, waiting.

Jill: Oh, you mean the house you were raised in? Besides which, Billy, you were invited.

Billy: Yeah, I wasn't invited by Jack, mom.

Jill: [Laughs] Traci has every right to invite you to a family get-together.

Billy: Okay, time out. Here's what you don't understand, all right? When I mess up as bad as I just messed up, the first feeling that I have is that I don't belong, that I'm the other Abbott kid, the one that -- the odd man out.

Jill: Baby, here's what you don't understand. You are Billy Abbott. You are john Abbott's son, the same as those kids from his first marriage. And I don't care what's happened. You and Jack are always gonna share that bond.

Jack: I hope you're all free for new year's. The foundation is planning a big benefit, and I want you all involved.

Traci: Ooh! Count me in! And I am loving seeing you in this charitable mood. I certainly hope that it extends to your family.

Jack: I know where you're going with this. I'm no longer interested in discussing "the brother who shall not be named" this morning.

Traci: Well, you might just have to, Jack.

Jack: Why?

Traci: I took the liberty of inviting him to join us.

Jack: You did what?

Ashley: That might not have been a great idea.

Jack: That was a bad idea! You should have discussed this with me before you made that offer to him!

Traci: Well, is this my home, too, or isn't it? What'll it be, Jack?

Ashley: You know what, it's moot anyway, 'cause it doesn't look like he's gonna show up.

Jack: Yeah, Billy's smart enough to realize he's no longer welcome here.

Traci: [Sighs] Jack. How long are gonna go on punishing him by excluding him from the family?

Jack: How does the rest of his life sound?

Traci: Jack, if you could just make a little effort -- you know, call him and tell him it would be all right!

Jack: It's not all right! Under any circumstance.

Traci: Jack, I'm not asking you to sit down in a room with him and hash everything out. I -- I was just hoping we could all sit down, you know, have a little bite to eat together, be civil to one another.

Jack: I said no, Traci. What about that --

Traci: Jack! We just got through talking about how important this tradition was to our dad! Our father, who loved us and accepted us no matter what we did, and -- dad would want you to find a way to forgive Billy and make him feel like he's a part of this family again. Are you just gonna sit there in dad's chair and tell me that you refuse to do that?

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: Hey. How you doing?

Victoria: Uh, well, as you can see, I'm fine. I haven't been crying for three days straight, and I didn't burst into a million pieces or anything like that.

Billy: I'm glad to hear it.

Victoria: Anyway, look, you don't have to -- you don't have to worry about me anymore because Travis is gone.

Billy: Has gone where?

Victoria: I don't know and I don't care. Next question?

Billy: What's your plan?

Victoria: Enjoy the holidays. Focus on work. The latest projections for bare are supposed to come out today.

Billy: Yeah, um, I ran into my mom at the club, and she had them.

Victoria: Okay. Great. How's it looking?

Billy: Everything's trending upwards. Across the board.

Victoria: That's excellent news.

Billy: It's great.

Victoria: Yeah. I suppose you had to tell Jill that Travis and I are done.

Billy: I did not tell her, no. It's not my news to share.

Victoria: I know you're gonna say "no, you don't," but I feel like -- I feel like I owe you an apology.

Billy: No, you don't.

Victoria: I shouldn't have tried to strangle the messenger. I should have said thank you for stopping me from marrying a lying and cheating jerk.

Billy: Well, thank you for not saying "yet another lying, cheating jerk" because I gave you...many reasons.

Victoria: You were right to tell me, Billy.

Billy: I didn't want to tell you, Vick. But I didn't want you walking into a marriage with a guy that you didn't really know. Especially because he was gonna be our kids' stepfather.

Victoria: That is another excellent reason. Thank you.

Billy: Anytime. But let's not do this again, okay? Hey. On the bright side, I think I finally did something your father would approve of.

Victoria: Oh, my God. Mom and dad still don't know that the engagement is broken off. I can just hear him now. "I told you I was right about that Crawford person. The guy's a punk."

Billy: But I don't think that's how it'll go down.

Victoria: Really?

Billy: Look, no matter what I think about the guy, he loves you. And I think Victor actually got what he wanted, which is Travis gone and you protected from being hurt worse than you already have been.

Victoria: Yeah. I guess you're probably right.

Billy: That's what family is. They want the best for you. Always.

Nikki: If I made it seem like I was favoring Dylan over you... I apologize. That was never my intention. [Voice breaking] And I know that I've hurt you, and...and that's just tearing me up.

Nick: Apology accepted.

Nikki: Oh, thank you, son.

Victor: That's very gracious of you, my boy.

Nikki: I know how much you love Christian. And you will do your very best in raising him. I just don't want you to think that I wanted to take that from you and give it to Dylan. I just -- I just felt so bad for him, you know? I mean, he's been through so much. He's lost the parents he grew up with, he lost Connor... I just wanted to help him. Maybe I wanted to try to be the mother that I never had a chance to be when he was growing up.

Victor: You understand your mom's dilemma, don't you?

Nick: Of course I can.

Nikki: [Cries] I'm so sorry. Thank you.

Nick: It's okay, Mom.

Jack: Traci, I know you mean well. You're probably right. Dad would want me to straighten things out with Billy, but I can't just pretend we're back to the old times and everything is forgiven. I can't do it.

Ashley: I don't think Traci's expecting that, Jackie. She pretty much just wants there to be a start to something, you know? We don't condone what Billy did, Jack, but he's our brother!

Traci: Ashley's right. I'm not expecting miracles. At least not right out of the gate.

Abby: Civil. That's the word she used. You can do that.

Jack: No, I can't! And I won't. So stop asking me, okay? Look, I know you all love Billy. I'm not asking you to choose sides. If you want to spend time with him, do it without me! There aren't gonna be any heartfelt reconciliations under my roof.

Traci: Jack --

Jack: You know what? I'll give Billy this much. He can accept what none of you seem to. He knows better than to show his face around here again!

Victoria: I happen to agree with Jill. I think you should get over to the house and patch things up with Jack. Look, your sister's handing you this golden opportunity, and you're just gonna waste it?

Billy: Oh, she's fantastic, isn't she? Traci? She's got this big old heart. By the time I came along, she was already in new York writing novels, but I heard so much about her. How she would take care of these baby bunnies, little birds that fell out of their nest. A lot of cardboard, a lot of hot-water bottles... a lot of tears when they didn't make it.

Victoria: Yeah, she's always been a kind, big-hearted person.

Billy: Yeah, baby birds and baby brothers. Same difference. She wants to mend the world. She wants to try and put our family back together in time for Christmas. And I appreciate that, you know, her always looking for a happy ending.

Victoria: You don't think that can happen, do you?

Billy: Not this time.

Victoria: Well, how do you know if you don't try?

Billy: I have tried. I tried at thanksgiving, and it was a bust.

Victoria: Well, maybe today won't be. It's up to you, Billy. Jack's not gonna make any overtures. You know, you're gonna have to be the one to set things straight.

Sharon: What are you -- is that -- Dylan, no.

Dylan: We already had this conversation. There is no more sully.

Sharon: He isn't dead.

Dylan: I don't see the point in getting all sentimental, not when we're trying to heal from this.

Sharon: Throwing away the special ornament we had made for sully's first Christmas won't help me heal.

Dylan: Okay, fine, then keep it. Put it on a box. Don't hang it from a tree where we have to see it every day and be reminded of our loss. Isn't it bad enough that we had to say goodbye? Why prolong the agony?

Sharon: I don't want to erase him from our lives like he never existed.

Dylan: We have to let go.

Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. Have a good day at the office.

Victor: I'm glad the two of you get to spend some time together, you know?

Nikki: Me, too.

Victor: Okay? I'll be back. Tonight.

Nikki: All right. I'll be here.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: You really are so good with the kids. You're a great father.

Nick: I try. You know, I feel like I owe you an apology, too. For raking you over the coals. It's just -- I've been so out of my mind with this whole visitation thing.

Nikki: Honey, I understand. No apology necessary.

Nick: I just feel so incredibly blessed to have Christian back in my life. I can't tell you how happy he makes me. But, at the same time, I got to be honest. This whole single-parent thing is pretty overwhelming.

Dylan: I won't be long.

Sharon: There's no rush. Take whatever time you need.

Dylan: Thanks. You know, without Nikki, there wouldn't have been anybody in that family on my side.

Sharon: I understand. I'll see you later.

Dylan: Okay.

Nikki: Honey, you have always carried so much on your shoulders -- your job at Newman, the club. You raised summer and faith and Noah. And now Christian. And you will do that just as well because you're a wonderful father. You're a natural.

Nick: Thanks. I mean, I haven't felt that way with Christian yet, but I'm working on it.

Nikki: Oh, no, wait a minute. Are you talking about that strawberry incident, because that was not your fault. Sharon neglected to tell you about his allergy.

Nick: Mom, she didn't keep that from me. It was overlooked on both our parts.

Nikki: Must you still make excuses for that woman?

Nick: Mom, I showed up to their house, I took my son, and I left. We didn't have a conversation. I didn't ask any questions on how to raise him. The truth is, I know very little about Christian.

Nikki: Well, how could you? That's not your fault, either. But he's yours now, and you will find your way. And you'll find it perfectly, and that's very commendable.

Nick: Yeah, until it landed my son in the hospital.

Nikki: Will you stop blaming yourself? That's just not right!

Nick: This whole mess just reminds me, I still have so much to learn about Christian.

Nikki: And you will. You've only had him a very short time. You'll adjust. You always do. No, it's different, mom. My wife died. I'm alone. You know, I'm doing this by myself. I have to be everything to Christian because I'm all he has.

Nikki: Things will fall into place. You'll see. You'll learn everything there is to know about him. And with each new revelation, you will start to feel more and more confident. I promise you. And know this -- your father and I are here for you. Always.

Nick: Thanks, mom.

Nikki: Mm.

Traci: Well, Mrs. Martinez really outdid herself.

Jack: Yeah, she did a fabulous job.

Ashley: It was delicious. We have to do it more often. I guess we better get to --

[Door rattles]

Jack: What was that?

Ashley: I don't know. I thought it was the wind, but I think it's a person.

Traci: Yeah, I'll, uh, see who it is.

Jack: Traci.

Billy: I guess my key doesn't work anymore.

Jack: No. It doesn't.

Billy: Okay, then. Am I too late for breakfast?

Traci: Come in, come in. It's freezing out there.

Billy: Yeah, it's definitely a little chilly.

Traci: Oh, Billy, I'm so glad that you made it, after all.

Billy: I brought you something, Traci.

Traci: Oh? Me?

Billy: Yes. It's an early Christmas present -- a bottle of bare by brash & sassy!

Traci: Oh, fantastic! It's your new fragrance!

Billy: Yes.

Traci: Thank you! Mwah! I'm gonna love it! Oh! I heard it's doing really well.

Billy: So far, so good. Yeah. So I hope you enjoy it.

Traci: I will. I'll love it. I can't wait to try it.

Billy: Good.

Ashley: I think under the circumstances, we can postpone going to the office for a little while. Is there any more coffee anywhere?

Jack: I was just telling our sisters here you had the good sense to stay away. I guess I was wrong about you again.

Ashley: Jack.

Traci: Jack --

Billy: I come in peace, Jack. And, actually, I was invited.

Jack: Not by me. You got a lot of nerve showing up here. I told you before -- you are no longer an Abbott. What part of that don't you understand?

Victor: Yes? Come in. Sweetheart. What's the matter? I didn't expect to see you today.

Victoria: This won't take long, but there's something that I need to tell you, and I don't want you to say "I told you so." I just want you to be my father.

Victor: [Exhales sharply] But, baby... I'm afraid this part of being a father includes having to say "I told you so."

Victoria: But I don't want you to say that. I just want you to support me. Can you do that?

Victor: Of course I can.

Nick: Sorry I got to take off so soon.

Nikki: Well, you can bring Christian by any time. You're never imposing. I hope you know that.

Nick: Thanks, Mom. Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it.

Nikki: I love you so much.

Nick: I love you, too.

Nikki: Mm. Well, I hate to say goodbye, little man. Yes, I do.

Nick: Say "Bye-bye, Grandma."

Nikki: Bye-bye, sweetheart. You be a good boy.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Nikki: Look what I've got!

Jack: Obviously we're not Michael and Lauren. Funny you should mention that. I was just thinking of their wedding -- you remember that? You left that night with nick Newman. Funny how history has a way of repeating itself.

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