Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/6/16

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/6/16


Provided By Suzanne

[Knock on door]

Nick: Hey, Dad.

Victor: Hi, my boy. Listen, what is this I hear from our security team that Christian was taken to the hospital by ambulance?

Nick: Yeah, uh, sorry if you feel like you were out of the loop.

Victor: How is he?

Nick: Dad, Christian's fine. He's upstairs. He's asleep. He just had an allergic reaction to strawberries.

Victor: Why didn't you tell your mom and me about that? We would have gone to the hospital.

Nick: Well, dad, there wasn't really anything you could have done, and frankly, if you were there, you would have just made things worse.

Victor: What happened? Who was there?

Sharon: Hey. How was your run?

Dylan: I think I'm famous, and not in a good way.

Sharon: Oh. Because of the famous butchered GC buzz interview?

Dylan: Yeah, people kept looking at me. I don't even know why I would trust her, anyway.

Sharon: Well, you were only trying to help.

Dylan: And I just made things worse. Any update on Christian?

Sharon: I haven't heard anything from Nick, and I think he would call if there were a change.

Dylan: Well, I'm just grateful we got to see him, see him with our own eyes that he's okay.

Sharon: Hi, sweetheart. Look, you're just in time for breakfast, and I made all your favorites.

Faith: I don't want breakfast. I want to go back to dad's.

Stitch: Just remember, it'll be six to nine months before you get your full mobility back. Too much too soon could tear the ligament graft.

Cane: I understand. I got you. Six to nine months. Okay.

Stitch: Great. I'd like to see you back here in a couple weeks for another look, if that's all right.

Cane: Okay, all right.

Stitch: Okay.

Cane: Hey, uh, thanks for seeing me at the last minute like this. I appreciate it, okay? Anyway, I got to get back to work, so...

Lily: Um, I have a question. Is it possible that he could be pushing himself too hard?

Cane: I work in an office. It's not like I'm playing basketball. I'm okay.

Lily: Is it possible that he could be doing too much to where he causes permanent damage?

Cane: Doc, can you help me out over here, please?

Stitch: Okay, look, the key is to pay attention to your body. If you're in pain, stop.

Cane: Okay.

Stitch: And always remember rule number one -- be honest with your doctor. That's the only way I can help you.

Cane: All right. Always be honest with your doctor. I got you on that. All right, it's all good. Thank you. Hey. Why'd you have to go and do that for?

Lily: Because I love you and I think I'm allowed to ask questions.

Cane: Right, but it's like you're not getting the answers you want, so what's going on here?

Travis: You got all that? Read it back to me. The bigger, the better. That's right. The brash & sassy offices in the jabot building. Okay, and make sure it's delivered to Victoria Newman personally, okay? Thanks. Abby.

Abby: You're a jerk.

Travis: [Sighs] I am.

Abby: Victoria dumped you. So what was that all about?

Travis: That was about turning things around.

Victoria: We're gaining good traction in the southwest market.

Billy: Yeah, I think it's good. It's from a solid holiday bump. We just need to keep it through the new year.

Victoria: What the hell?

Billy: I'm gonna assume that these are for you. "I love you. I want you. Please forgive me. Travis." I'll give it to him. He's not giving up easily. 

Abby: Victoria's had her heart broken too many times. She was afraid to make any sort of commitment, but she believed in you. She took that leap, and then what did you do? You go and sleep with some ex that blew into town?

Travis: I screwed up, okay? And I know it was in the worst possible way.

Abby: And you think that flowers will help change her mind?

Travis: No, but it's a start. And I'm not gonna stop. I'm gonna keep finding ways to let her know how sorry I am. Now, whatever it takes for me to make things up to her, I'll do it.

Abby: Bull, coming from someone who obviously didn't care how she thought or felt when you jumped into bed with -- I'm sorry. What was her name? Michelle?

Travis: It's indefensible, okay? But when I did that, I thought things were done with Victoria.

Abby: And the first sign of trouble, the man who's never gonna give up goes and hops into bed with his ex. Yeah, you're a real stand-up guy, Travis.

Travis: You know what? You just judge me all you want.

Abby: And I will.

Travis: I know I messed up. But I love Victoria, and I'm gonna win her back.

Abby: Good luck with that. You have one hell of a mountain to climb.

Victoria: Take this one, too.


Victoria: I want every single flower out of here.

I can totally do that.

Billy: Okay, you know what? I think he's reached his limit here. Why don't you cruise before she starts throwing them?

Victoria: Just take them to the hospital. Donate them to the patients. I don't care. I just want them all out of this office!

Billy: Thank you. [Clears throat] You know what? I don't think Travis knows you very well if he thinks a bunch of tulips and a sappy note's gonna do the trick.

Victoria: It's not a tulip. Let's get back to work.

Billy: I --

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: I know this isn't easy on you, Vick, okay?

Victoria: We were discussing the southwest sales figures, I think.

Billy: Okay. Um, our demographic has expanded because of the, uh, bare product launch, so we just need to make sure we follow through with all that.

[Vase shatters]

Billy: You feel better?

Victoria: Yeah. Much. Where were we?

Billy: Optimizing and building off the brash & sassy bare numbers.

Victoria: Okay, let's get started, then.

Billy: Okay.

Sharon: You know, I made your favorite granola and thought we could make some more Christmas cookies. I have a new recipe.

Faith: Can I take the granola with me to dad's?

Sharon: Sure. Why you in such a big hurry to go over there?

Faith: Dad texted me. Christian is home. I want to see him and make sure he's okay.

Dylan: I'm sure he's doing fine.

Faith: If I just paid attention...

Sharon: No, sweetheart. We've gone over this. In no way is it your fault that Christian ate some strawberries.

Dylan: You are the greatest big sister ever, and that's why he loves you so much.

Faith: And I love him so much. Oh! I have to finish his drawing before I go.

Sharon: Okay.

Faith: Mom? Is it okay if I spend the night here tonight? Can we go back to our regular schedule with dad?

Sharon: Absolutely.

Faith: Cool! And... when I go see Christian, I have to go alone, don't I? It's still not okay for you guys to be there?

Dylan: Uh, yeah, you're right, kiddo. Nothing's changed. We still can't be around Christian.

Faith: Okay. Well, I'll give him a big kiss for you guys.

Dylan: That means a lot. Thank you.

[Knock on door]

Faith: I'll get it! Hi!

Michael: Hey. Aren't you bright and shiny this morning.

Faith: Because we have good news. Christian is gonna be okay.

Michael: [Chuckles] Uh, that makes me very glad. Thank you.

Faith: You're welcome. Excuse me.

Michael: Sure. Right, so, um... before we get to your insanely misguided GC buzz interview and your nonsense solution to the situation, which I hope you talked her out of, um, who'd like to explain this good news about Christian?

Nick: So Sharon and Dylan were at the hospital when I got there.

Victor: But, Nicholas, you're the boy's parent. How come Sharon and Dylan were even near him? They're kidnappers and liars.

Nick: He was sick, all right? He was in an unfamiliar place. If Sharon and Dylan could give him any comfort, then I was all for it.

Victor: I know you're doing this in the best interest of your boy, but, you know, you broke the rule. I mean, you set a precedent. Now they no longer take seriously the restraining order.

Nick: It was a one-time deal. It's not happening again.

Victor: Okay, well, by the way, why did Sharon not tell you that your boy had an allergy to strawberries? I don't get that.

Nick: That's a very good question. Let's just be thankful. I mean, this could have been so much worse. I wasn't even here when it happened. Faith was so freaked out. She's blaming herself for it.

Victor: I'll bet she was.

Nick: What matters going forward is I'm gonna be very vigilant, all right? I'm more committed than ever to winning this case. I don't want either one of them having any visitation.

Victor: I'm glad to hear you say that, okay? But there may be a problem.

Michael: So Christian's fine?

Dylan: Stitch assured us that he's 100%. Just got to keep him away from strawberries.

Michael: While we keep you away from granting interviews to GC buzz.

Dylan: Okay, I know it was a mistake. I just wanted people to hear our side, and Hilary said she'd be fair, but she lied.

Michael: Let's just not make that mistake again. But at least you're still around, which gives me hope that that other brilliant plan is now off the table.

Dylan: The divorce?

Michael: Yes.

Dylan: It's not gonna happen.

Michael: Thank God for that.

Sharon: My husband can be very stubborn sometimes.

Michael: Let's talk about you and your husband skipping off to the hospital to see Christian.

Sharon: My daughter called. She needed me.

Michael: Sharon, even though you knew that if you were anywhere near Christian, it would be seen as a violation of the restraining order, and not your first.

Sharon: Okay, my child needed me. A piece of paper is not gonna stop me from being there.

Dylan: Michael, there was a little bit of tension, but everybody's priority was Christian and what's best for him.

Sharon: Yeah, we were very respectful. We didn't make any demands. It was Nick who allowed us to go in and see Christian. It was his idea.

Dylan: Wait a minute. So if he offered, then violating the restraining order is a non-issue, right?

Sharon: Or have we totally blown our chances?

Michael: You have a few strikes against you.

Dylan: Did going to the hospital make it worse?

Michael: Uh, no. On the contrary. I think it provides us with an excellent opportunity.

Nick: I was just about to go Christmas shopping with Chelsea. Uh, and the babysitter called. She said they were at the hospital and that my son had had an allergic reaction.

Leslie: But he's okay?

Nick: Yeah, he's totally fine.

Leslie: That's good to hear. Um, but you -- you let Sharon and Dylan spend time with him?

Nick: Well, faith had called them. They were already there. And I thought it was important that my son got to spend some time with them. Is that a problem?

Leslie: Um, yeah, uh, that's the least of our worries. You were right to call me. This is trouble.

Nick: Does somebody want to tell me what is going on?

Leslie: If Michael's smart, which he is...

Nick: He's gonna get Sharon and Dylan to use what happened to Christian against me. They'll say I was negligent. They'll use this to win.

Lily: Look at what this says. It says you could get a blood clot, an infection, a hematoma.

Cane: But none of these are applicable to my situation, okay?

Lily: It says the scar tissue may not heal correctly and then you would never be able to straighten your knee.

Cane: Why are you sharing all this doom and gloom with me?

Lily: Because you told me that you were fine yesterday.

Cane: Because I was fine yesterday. Because I was fine yesterday.

Lily: No, no, you weren't fine yesterday. You were struggling. You lied to me because you're so determined to get back to work.

Cane: Because my job is important.

Lily: Do too much too soon, you could have some serious setbacks.

Cane: You don't have to worry about me, okay? I'm fine. I'm fine, all right? Please.

Lily: Just so you know, I'm not the only person who feels this way.

Cane: What is that supposed to mean?

Lily: Billy said that he saw you were struggling and he's concerned.

Cane: Okay, I'll bet he's concerned.

Lily: He thinks that you went back to work way too early.

Cane: You know why he doesn't want me to go back to work? 'Cause he wants me to stay at home, 'cause then he can be in the office on his own and take over.

Lily: It is not like that.

Cane: Okay, will you please, please, please let this go?

Lily: Cane, I know you. I know how hard you push yourself. I'm worried.

Cane: You don't have to be worried about me. You just don't.

Lily: What are you doing?

Cane: I'm getting a cab.

Lily: Don't be ridiculous. I can drive you. It's fine.

Cane: You can't drive me. You have to get to work, and I've got to get to the office.

Lily: Okay, you know what? Do whatever you want! I don't care!

Cane: [Sighs] Lily. Lily.

Billy: The sale figures are strong, but they're not quite as strong as the pacific northwest.

Victoria: Okay, so maybe we do another targeted campaign.

Billy: Or we wait until our soon-to-be-delivered app is here and we can drive up the numbers that way.

Victoria: Well, I don't want to wait around for anything that might not be real.

Billy: This is real. This app is gonna be solid gold. I promise you.

There's another delivery for you, ms. Newman.

Victoria: Who's it from?

Um, uh...

Victoria: Never mind. Just give it to me. He's got to be kidding me.

Billy: Well, it beats flowers.

Victoria: [Sighs] "Sail away with me and we'll find our way together."

Billy: He's thinking outside the box with a toy boat.

Victoria: I am gonna shut this down before another romantic gesture shows up.

Billy: If he sends a singing telegram, I'll punch him myself.

[Cell phone chimes]

Travis: Hey, Abby? I'm on my way up that mountain.

Billy: What happened to metrics and data and unit projections and all that fun stuff?

Victoria: This won't take long.

Abby: [Sighs]

Lily: Hey! How are you? How was your thanksgiving?

Abby: Other than blowing up a turkey, it was great. How was yours?

[Both laugh]

Lily: Uh, well, we picnicked in the living room. Cane had knee surgery, so, you know, the couch is more comfortable for him. And the kids had fun. I mean, we all did.

Abby: Great, great. Yeah, that's what the holidays are all about, right? Love and family.

Lily: You okay?

Abby: Um... last year at this time, I was planning my wedding, and I was so excited. Now this year I'm waiting for my divorce to be finalized.

Lily: I'm really sorry.

Abby: I thought I was dealing really well, you know? But then I looked at the calendar and saw the date coming up, and, well, mini meltdown.

Lily: Any second thoughts about the divorce?

Abby: No. No, it's for the best.

Lily: Yeah. I get that it's still not easy, especially around the holidays when everyone's so damn cheerful.

Abby: Yeah. Well, sadly, I'm not the only one going through this.

Lily: Yeah.

Abby: Victoria, yeah.

Lily: I heard of Victoria. Yeah, the engagement is off, which is such a shame, though, because I thought that she and Travis were so in love.

Abby: Yeah, well, I guess it's better to find out that Travis is a lying, cheating jerk now rather than later, right?

Lily: You're right. I'm just such a sucker for true love, which I thought they had.

Abby: Well, Travis thinks that he can win Victoria back, but I don't think he understands how stubborn she can be.

Lily: Oh, God, I know all about stubborn. When you try to force someone to see reason and they just keep fighting back. Even though you know you're right and they're completely wrong.

Abby: I don't think we're talking about Victoria and Travis anymore.

Lily: Cane. He pushed, and I pushed back harder.

Billy: Hey. Where's your chauffeur?

Cane: All right, listen. Don't talk to lily about my recovery, okay?

Billy: What?

Cane: Don't "what" me. You know what I'm talking about. Don't do it.

Billy: I only said something because it looks like you're still in pain, cane.

Cane: Yeah? Well, that's my call, so stay out of it.

Billy: All right. Sorry to act like a concerned friend.

Cane: All you're doing is causing trouble between her and I, and please stop with this "concerned friend" thing. I know exactly where you stand.

Billy: Look at you all defensive. Like it's a bad thing when somebody cares about you.

Cane: I am more than capable of doing my job, okay?

Billy: Yeah, you are. And nobody said you weren't.

Cane: Really? Since day one you've underestimated me, okay? Victoria's been doing it, Jill's been doing it, and you have been doing it?

Billy: Me? No, no, I haven't. Okay, maybe a little bit. That's all in, you know, friendly competition, right?

Cane: All right, so let's end the friendly competition. I can do this. I'm up on it. Don't worry about me. Are you serious? "Tori"?

Billy: It's a typo. It's supposed to read "titanic."

Travis: Hey.

Victoria: The flowers and the little toy boat, all that -- just knock it off. It's ridiculous.

Travis: I just want to let you know how sorry I am. I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you.

Victoria: The last thing that I need right now is gifts. If I want flowers, I'll get them myself. The one thing that I did need, past tense, was someone in my life that I could count on, and I thought that was you. So whatever gifts you have or whatever tricks you have up your sleeve, they're just gonna remind me of how wrong I was.

Travis: You're ignoring my texts. You're ignoring my calls, okay? I had to find a way to get your attention.

Victoria: So flowers solve everything?

Travis: No, I don't expect roses to convince you of anything. I just... I want this, okay? I just wanted a chance to talk to you.

Victoria: You want to talk?

Travis: Yeah.

Victoria: Okay, we'll talk. But I am gonna do the talking.

Michael: And Nick was not at home when Christian had his allergic reaction, hmm?

Sharon: He was out Christmas shopping.

Michael: Ah. So, Nick left his child with a babysitter and neglected to tell that babysitter information that is vital to Christian's wellbeing.

Dylan: That was an oversight.

Michael: Which could have had a very different outcome. Thank God Christian's fine. But what about next time?

Sharon: There's not gonna be a next time.

Michael: Who's to say? Nick is still grieving his wife, Christian's mother. It makes sense he's distracted. He could be looking one way when he should be looking the other.

Dylan: Yeah, but that's not Nick.

Michael: Then there's this. Nick's a new father.

Sharon: Okay, but it's not his first child, and he's a great dad.

Michael: But it's the first time he's raising a child on his own, and it may be too much for him.

Dylan: Okay, I'm not sure I like where this is going.

Michael: Hear me out. I'm not saying nick's a bad parent. I'm just saying he needs help, expert help, and why not from the people who have raised and loved this little boy from the start?

Dylan: Okay, so we get visitation and the world thinks nick's a lousy father who can't raise his own child?

Michael: All right, all right, I see why you might go there. The hard truth is, in law, sometimes you need sharp elbows to get results.

Sharon: That sounds pretty extreme.

Michael: And wanting a quickie divorce isn't?

Sharon: And there's faith to consider. You know, painting Nick as a bad father -- that could hurt her.

Michael: And then there's Christian. And that's what this is all about. How badly do you want it? And what are you willing to do to get it?

Faith: I finished my picture.

Sharon: Ohh. Let's see.

Dylan: Wow!

Sharon: Christian and patches and --

Dylan: And Santa Claus. He's gonna love that.

Faith: I hope so.

Sharon: Oh, your granola. I'll go grab it.

Faith: Yes.

Sharon: Okay. Have fun at your dad's.

Faith: I will.

Sharon: Here you go.

Faith: Thank you.

Dylan: All right.

Faith: Bye.

Dylan: No, no, you're forgetting something! Get over here!

Faith: Sorry!

Sharon: Kisses.

Faith: Bye!

Michael: I'm leaving, too. I'll walk you out.

Faith: Okay! Bye, guys.

Sharon: See you tonight.

Michael: It's a lot to think about. So talk. Take your time. I'll be waiting to hear from you. All right, let's go!

Dylan: [Sighs] We aren't seriously considering this?

Nick: Sharon and Dylan would really use this, wouldn't they? I mean, Sharon's a woman who lied for months about my son being alive, so she would try and portray me as an incompetent parent to get what she wants.

Leslie: They have the ammunition.

Nick: And I gave it to them.

Victor: Leslie, would you give us some time to sort this out?

Leslie: Um, we need to move quickly and be proactive.

Victor: I understand that. Thank you for coming by, Leslie.

Leslie: Thank you.

Victor: You have a nice day.

Leslie: Of course. You do the same.

Nick: This is all my fault.

Victor: Son, don't say that. How the hell did you know that Christian was allergic to strawberries? Sharon should have told you. It's on her.

Nick: Look, we can point fingers all we want, but that doesn't help my case.

Victor: Let's assume Michael Baldwin will proceed with this, which he will. We will gather all the information we have. We go after them with all guns blazing.

Nick: What do we have?

Victor: They want to accuse you of being an unfit father? Do you remember the interview that Dylan gave to GC buzz, where he admitted that Sharon had mental illness and that Dylan had an issue himself? Who started all this? What lie started all this? Sharon kidnapped the boy.

Nick: Yeah, but is that gonna be enough? The truth is, dad, if they want to say I was an incompetent father, they'd be telling the truth.

Dylan: It just doesn't seem fair to Nick.

Sharon: Well, it's not fair to you that you don't have Christian in your life.

Dylan: Yeah, so what do we do? We drag nick's reputation through the mud? I mean, he's not the villain in all this.

Sharon: Well, when we were at the hospital, Nick could have called security. He could have screamed for his lawyers, but he didn't. He did what was best for Christian in the moment, so maybe he'll see reason.

Dylan: No. We're back on opposite sides of the fight. I don't think we're gonna win.

Sharon: Unless we do this?

Dylan: And thanks to GC buzz and the court of public opinion, I'm a damaged veteran and you're crazy. It's gonna hurt us, and we need something.

Sharon: Well, faith has just forgiven me. If we do this and we go after Nick, faith's gonna be in the middle of it, and I don't want that. I don't want to hurt her.

Dylan: I agree with that. Absolutely.

Sharon: You know, how does this happen? All of these people who love this little boy so much, and we can't find enough love to make this work? The divorce is still on the table.

Dylan: It's not gonna happen. I need you in my life.

Sharon: You need Christian in your life, too. If we don't do this, Michael's thrown us a life preserver. As hard as it would be to go through with it, we also can't just dismiss it.

Dylan: And if we do this, we have to accept that we're probably gonna lose.

Abby: Please tell me that you and cane are okay. I need to know that at least one couple in my life is living the happily ever after.

Lily: You know, there's one thing I learned about happily ever after is that it doesn't just happen. You have to work at it. I mean, cane and I a year ago, we were so far apart. It was miserable.

Abby: But look at you now. You're fine, right?

Lily: Yeah, we're fine. We're more than fine. We just -- we disagree on his recovery. I want him to rest and follow doctor's orders.

Abby: And he wants to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Lily: Exactly. And the more I push for him to go slow, the more he just tries to power through it. So anyway, things got tense, and I stormed out when I probably should have been more patient.

Cane: Hey, we're gonna have to call that sales rep for Fenmore's. There's something wrong with these numbers.

Billy: Yeah, you don't have the updated figures on there.

Cane: Well, do you have them?

Billy: Yeah, I do.

Cane: Well, why wouldn't you e-mail them, copy me on them?

Billy: It must have just been an oversight, cane.

Cane: Okay. 'Cause I was conveniently recuperating at home, no doubt, right?

Billy: It's not a big deal, okay?

Cane: You know what? It is a big deal, Billy, 'cause I'm doing this thing called a report. To do it correctly, I have to have accurate numbers.

Billy: Okay, I'll get you the binder.

Cane: No, I'll get the damn binder -- oh! Oh!

Billy: You all right?

Cane: Don't, don't, don't. I'm fine.

Billy: Yeah, it sure looks like you're fine.

Cane: Just let me get to the couch. Just give me a second.

Billy: Look, I don't think the couch is the right thing, cane. The risk of you throwing something at me, I think you need to go home and get some rest.

Cane: [Sighs] Damn it. [Groans]

Billy: I'm gonna call lily, all right?

Cane: Don't call lily. I'll get a cab. I'm okay.

Victoria: Have you ever been cheated on?

Travis: No. But that doesn't mean I don't under--

Victoria: Just please let me finish. I have many times. And after awhile, you just start to build up a wall and you start to expect the worst from whoever you're with. I thought you were different, actually. I thought you were better. I guess that's why this hurts so much.

Travis: I'm sorry.

Victoria: I let my guard down around you, and I actually trusted you.

Travis: I let you down, and I broke your trust, but I swear to you --

Victoria: No more apologies, all right? No more promises. I've heard it all before many times. I know it by heart. And you know what? It never sticks. So no more, Travis.

Nick: I should have been there. I wasn't.

Victor: Nicholas, you got to stop that. You're the best of fathers. Don't let them make you doubt that.

Nick: I get my son back, and barely a month later he's in the hospital. If I'd done things differently...

Victor: How could you have done things differently?

Nick: I should have gotten all the information I needed about Christian's medical history, you know, to ensure he was a happy, healthy baby.

Victor: He is a happy and healthy child.

Nick: Sage would have known to do that. She would have asked every question, and she would have gotten every detail. Her instincts to be a mother were amazing. What if I don't have that?

Victor: Son, why do you say that? Look at Noah. Look at summer. Look at faith. They're wonderfully healthy children. They're happy because of your love and your attention. Christian will be a happy boy just like them.

Nick: Say what you want about Sharon and Phyllis, but they were there, you know. They -- they helped me raise those kids. With Christian, it's just me. I'm doing this by myself, nobody to tell me if I'm doing it right or wrong.

Victor: You're part of our family. Your siblings, your mother, I, we will all help you. What are you talking about? Whenever you need help, we'll be there. Remember, we Newmans are strongest when we fight for each other and together against enemies, okay? Don't you forget that.

Nick: Like you'd ever let us.

Victor: [Chuckles] That's true.

Faith: Hi!

Nick: Hey.

Victor: Look who's here!

Faith: Grandpa.

Victor: My goodness. Hi, sweetheart.

Faith: Hi.

Victor: What have you got there?

Faith: It's for Christian.

Victor: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. He is one lucky boy to have you as a sister. Wow.

Nick: What are you doing here so early? I was gonna come get you later.

Faith: Well, mom and Dylan were kind of busy. Michael said they had a lot to think about.

Stitch: Thanks. Hey, you.

Abby: Ben. How are you?

Lily: Hey. Oh. What are you doing here? Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Billy: He wanted to take a cab, but I didn't want to listen to him whine while we waited, so I drove him myself.

Lily: What happened?

Cane: I tweaked my knee a little bit, but I'm okay, baby.

Billy: If you ask me, he's faking the whole thing.

Cane: [Chuckles] Love you, Billy.

[Door closes]

Lily: Cane, I... I called your office to apologize, and they told me that you came home. But I didn't know that you were hurt. I'm sorry.

Cane: You don't have to apologize to me. I'm sorry, okay? I know you're worried about me and all you want to do is take care of me. I love you. I'm sorry.

Lily: I love you, too.

Travis: Victoria, wait. Okay, no promises, no apologies. Just this. I love you. And I miss you. And I know you've been hurt too many times and you're done with it. But you can't just fold yourself up in bubble wrap the rest of your life. Things are gonna happen. They happen to you, they happen to me. It happens to everybody. But wouldn't you rather be with someone who loves you, someone you can lean on when things are hard?

Victoria: Not when that person is the one responsible for making things hard.

Travis: Don't go for the easy comeback.

Victoria: Easy? There's nothing easy about this. I thought you were the one.

Travis: I still believe I'm the one. How do you know I'm not? We haven't reached the end yet.

Victoria: I actually thought I was right. But I'm wrong again. I'm wrong.

Travis: Victoria.

Victoria: Just do me a favor, okay? Just say goodbye and walk away.

Travis: Victoria, please do--

Stitch: So, how you been?

Abby: Good, um... you know, work and the holidays have been super busy. I'm behind on my shopping. You?

Stitch: I haven't started shopping, but everything else is good. I'm seeing max this weekend.

Abby: Oh, great. Um, will you give him a hug for me?

Stitch: Yeah. I think he'll appreciate that.

Abby: Ben, um, are you really okay? I hope so.

Stitch: I'm getting along. How are you? Really?

Abby: Some days are better than others.

Stitch: I know what you mean.

Abby: Oh, thank you. You know, I really should probably get back to work. I have a ton of e-mails to answer, so, um...

Stitch: Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Abby: Take care.

Stitch: Hey, Abby. Merry Christmas... if I don't see you.

Abby: You, too.

Cane: [Chuckles]

[Doorbell rings]

Dylan: What are you doing here?

Victor: You're going after Nicholas, aren't you?

Dylan: You need to leave.

Victor: I don't need to do a damn thing. This is my place. Do I need to remind you? I know what you're up to. Michael Baldwin was here, wasn't he? You intend to use what happened last night with the little boy to force a visitation deal. Aren't you? Making Nicholas look like a bad father? And you. Kept his son from him. Now you want to attack him?

Dylan: That's enough, Victor.

Victor: It's not enough!

Nick: Dad.

Victor: Tell me I'm wrong!

Nick: Dad, I got this. You came to the hospital. I let you spend time with Christian. I chose to do the right thing. But it just wasn't enough, was it?

[Cell phones ring]

Nick: Hello?

Sharon: Michael, what is going on?

Michael: Sharon, get back down to the courthouse. Court is in session. The judge wants everyone there.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Jill: You are John Abbott's son! You and Jack are always gonna share that bond.

Traci: Dad would want you to find a way to forgive Billy and make him feel like he's a part of this family again.

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