Y&R Transcript Monday 12/5/16

Y&R Transcript Monday 12/5/16


Provided By Suzanne

Mariah: What did you do to Dylan's interview?

Hilary: [Scoffs] You did not just talk to me like that.

Mariah: I certainly did. We had an agreement, Hilary! You reneged!

Hilary: What I did was make the segment more watchable.

Mariah: Watchable?! You fabricated the entire thing! Hey, could you play back the original clip? The unedited version?

Dylan: It's, uh, no secret Sharon's had difficulty managing her bipolar disorder in the past. But she's come a long way. She's competent, stable, 100% rational, and we have her doctor's affidavit to prove it.

Mariah: Now could you please play the edited version, if you could even call it that?

Dylan: It's, uh, no secret Sharon's had difficulty managing her bipolar disorder in the past.

Hilary: Dylan McAvoy has faced psychiatric challenges of his own after his tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Mariah: You twisted everything!

Hilary: And it works. That's why I'm the boss.

Chelsea: Hey. What are you guys doing here?

Nick: Where's Christian? Is he all right?

Sharon: We don't know.

Nick: What do you mean, you don't know?

Dylan: Stitch is in with him right now.

Nick: Is he alone?

Sharon: They wouldn't let anyone in. Nick, he's gonna be okay. He's got to be.

Nick: I don't get it. How can this even happen? How can Christian just get a rash and start wheezing?

Chloe: What the...? Whoa, what are you doing?

Kevin: Oh, man. You weren't supposed to be home this soon. I wanted it to be a surprise. Oh, well. Surprise! I'm packing you up for the big move.

Chloe: Wait, you went through my closet?

Sharon: Christian broke out in a rash once before. We thought maybe it was the strawberries, but we could never be sure.

Dylan: The pediatrician just told us to look out for it.

Sharon: And -- and he certainly never had a problem breathing.

Nick: You should have given me a heads up either way.

Sharon: Oh, I'm sorry, nick. I guess we were too busy handing our child over to you to give you a full medical history!

Dylan: We didn't know the allergy was so severe.

Sharon: And maybe you should have asked.

Dylan: Sharon.

Sharon: No, I'm serious. Given summer's issues, it would have been an appropriate question.

Nick: Are you blaming me?

Chelsea: I don't think anyone is blaming anyone. We're all just concerned and worried about christian.

Nick: How'd you even know?

Sharon: Faith called me. We got here before you did.

Chelsea: Where is she?

Dylan: Uh, nurse is hanging out with her and gonna bring her back soon.

Sharon: Leah?! Is this some kind of a joke? She tried to sell us out to the

gc buzz.

Nick: What happened to christian?

Leah: I'm so sorry. I took my eyes off him one second. I didn't know about the allergy.

Nick: Makes two of us.

Sharon: Well, you wouldn't know, because ever since the doctor warned us, I haven't had strawberries in the house!

Dylan: Hey, how is he?

Nick: Is he all right?

Sharon: Stitch.

Stitch: The good news is, he never lost consciousness, and he seems to be responding well to treatment.

Sharon: Oh, thank god. His breathing?

Stitch: Has returned back to normal.

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

Dylan: So it was just a run-of-the-mill allergic reaction?

Stitch: Looks that way, but I've run some tests just to be on the safe side, rule out anything else.

Nick: Can I see him?

Stitch: Go on in. I'll be back soon with more answers, all right?

[ Door opens ]

Nick: Hey. Hey, bud. Hey. Come here. Come here, come here, come here, come here.

[ Door opens ] Hey, dude. Man, you scared me. Don't do that again, all right? Daddy's right here. Daddy's right here.

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Leah: Again, I'm so sorry. Please text me and let me know christian's okay.

Chelsea: I will -- I will tell nick, but I think it's best you go home now.

Dylan: Oh, and, leah? You try and sell this to

gc buzz, you better get a lot of lawyers.

Nick: Yeah. You're gonna be all right. You know how I know that? 'Cause we still have so much to do. I mean, our first christmas. Yeah. We got all our sports. The zoo. Oh, man, I love the zoo. And we're literally gonna hit every park in genoa city. You gonna be ready for that? Hmm? You got to get better. And quick, okay? We still have so much to look forward to.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: We, uh, we hope that nick understands that we would like to see christian, as well.

Dylan: That might not be possible.

Sharon: Well, he needs to make that possible. We love that little boy in there. We're standing out here like we're strangers. No!

Chelsea: I know this is hard for you. I really do. But the fact is, you're already in violation of the restraining order.

Sharon: Faith called me in a panic, chelsea. She was terrified for her little brother. What were we supposed to do? Say, "thanks for letting us know, honey. We hope that works out"?

Chelsea: No, of course not. I think it was -- it was smart of you guys to come here, actually. I really do. I'm just saying if you push this, nick will have every legal right to call security.

Dylan: That's true.

Sharon: He can call whoever he wants. I'm not leaving. Not until I know christian's okay.

Nick: That's my guy. You're my guy, right? You're gonna be just fine. I promise. I promise.

Mariah: We had an agreement, hilary.

Hilary: An agreement which i stuck to.

Mariah: On what planet?!

Hilary: I gave dylan a chance to tell his side of the story, didn't I?

Mariah: You know it doesn't count if you completely twist his words, right?!

Hilary: Oh, but they're still his words.

Mariah: Sliced and diced by you to turn everything he said into a complete lie! And what's even worse, it's completely warped and a total slam to my mom!

Hilary: I'm sorry if you're disappointed.

Mariah: Yeah, no, you're not. And disappointed doesn't even begin to cover it! Do you have any idea what this will do to my family? There are innocent children involved, hilary.

Hilary: You think that I was unfair because I didn't go with dylan's slanted version?

Mariah: It's not slanted! It's his! It's his experience, which is what you asked for!

Hilary: Well, how do you think nick newman would feel about that?

Mariah: You know what? If nick wants to tell his side of the story, by all means, invite him on the show. But this, what you did, it is out of line, and you know it. Re-edit the interview before it airs. Wait. W-what did you just do?

Hilary: It's called an executive decision. The show will air as planned with my edits.

Mariah: You selfish, manipulative bitch!

Devon: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Knock it off!

Kevin: I'm sorry if i overstepped.

Chloe: Well, it's an invasion of my privacy, kevin.

Kevin: Privacy? It's your closet. I don't understand. What are you looking for?

Chloe: I am looking to see what you packed since I didn't give you permission.

Kevin: I was trying to help! Bella was taking a nap. I had time on my hands. I thought the goal was to get you out of here as soon as possible.

Chloe: Well, I'm sorry. I don't like people going through my stuff. I'm particular like that.

Kevin: Since when?! Our bedroom used to look like a tornado hit it! I would wade through your junk all the time!

Chloe: Okay, yeah, I get it.

Kevin: Well, I don'T.

Chloe: Well, I used to be an unorganized slob, and now I'm not.

Kevin: Chloe. Chloe!

Chloe: What?!

Kevin: I think there's something else going on here. I think there's something in your closet you don't want me to find, and I think I know what it is -- bella's father.

Chloe: [ Scoffs ]

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Oh, god.

Kevin: It's not funny.

Chloe: Hmm. I think it is. I think it's very funny, actually, to think that I'm hiding a human being in my closet. I mean, like I could --

Kevin: The identity of bella's father. You knew what I meant.

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, I did.

Kevin: Okay, so what do you have stashed up there that you don't want me to see?

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Kevin: Letters? A picture? A birth certificate with his name on it?

Chloe: Why are you obsessing about this?

Kevin: I'm not! I hadn't even though about it, hand to god, until you freaked out!

Chloe: [ Scoffs ] I'm not freaking out, and i think I know a little about freaking out.

Kevin: That is not funny. I thought you wanted to move in with me.

Chloe: I do.

Kevin: Maybe you think you do but you don'T. Maybe I jumped the gun.

Chloe: Kevin, no --

Kevin: No, maybe this was more about you cooling things off with chelsea than about you wanting to live with me, and -- and maybe now you feel backed into a corner.

Chloe: Kevin, stop. It's --

Kevin: Okay, look. Be honest with me. We've come too far to keep things from each other.

Chloe: I agree.

Kevin: Okay, good. So here's where I stand. When you said that you wanted to live with me, I took that as a major step forward, an opportunity for us to be a family again -- you, me, and bella. But if that's not what you want, if that's not how you see your future, then you have to tell me. Now.

Devon: Would you guys like to tell me what the hell is going on?

Mariah: I thought my description of your wife was very clear, actually.

Devon: No, it was inappropriate, actually, especially in the workplace.

Hilary: Thank you.

Devon: But I want to know what incited it.

Mariah: Oh, well, hilary sandbagged dylan's interview after the fact.

Devon: And what does that mean?

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] It means she changed his take on everything, edited the piece to make it look like dylan came here to throw sharon under the bus, which we all know was the exact opposite of what he wanted to do.

Devon: Is that true?

Hilary: It was a snoozefest, devon, okay? I just -- I made the piece a little more interesting, and...

Mariah: The truth was a snoozefest, so you livened it up with lies. So much for turning over a new leaf. Clearly you learned nothing from your charitable thanksgiving episode.

Hilary: [ Scoffs ] I have learned plenty, honey, including the fact that my husband only keeps you on staff to be my watchdog. Oh, yeah. I know all about that.

Sharon: I refuse to let a piece of paper keep me from being here for my -- for christian. I need to know that he's okay!

Chelsea: I understand, but --

Sharon: Do you really understand, chelsea? You keep saying that, but what if this were connor?

Chelsea: It's not the same, sharon, at all.

Sharon: No, it's not, because you're still with the little boy that you raised from birth.

Dylan: Hey, come on. It's okay.

Sharon: No, it's not. It's not okay! Nothing's okay!

Chelsea: I understand that you want to be in that room. I really, really do. But barging in there right now, it's only gonna be a bad thing for the both of you.

Sharon: I don't care. The only thing that matters right now is christian and that he's healthy.

Dylan: And I think that's something we can all agree on.

Chelsea: Absolutely.

Faith: Mommy!

Sharon: Baby, hi! Sweetheart, how are you?

Faith: [ Sobbing ] I'm scared!

Sharon: Oh, my goodness, baby. You know what? We're all scared, too, but your brother, he's gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be okay.

Faith: I'm so sorry.

Sharon: What do you have to be sorry about?

Faith: I saw the strawberries in the bowl. I should have said something to leah, but I wasn't thinking. I didn't know he'd get so sick, mommy.

Sharon: Of course you didn'T. It's okay. Hey, listen to me. This is not your fault. It's not your job to look after him and make sure he's safe. You're not the parent.

Faith: I still feel like it's my fault.

Sharon: Okay, well, it's not, all right? This was an accident. No one's to blame, you hear me? Especially not you.

Faith: I'm really glad you're here.

Sharon: Me, too.

Stitch: Nick?

Nick: Yeah? Okay. Here, little buddy. I'm gonna go right outside, okay? I'll be back.

Dylan: How do the test results look?

Stitch: Christian is fine.

Chelsea: Oh, thank god.

Nick: Really?

Stitch: No markers indicating otherwise.

Sharon: Thank you.

Stitch: Given his reaction was stronger this time, you need to be vigilant when it comes to strawberries.

Nick: Yeah, uh, now that i know, I'll make sure he steers clear.

Chelsea: So can he go home now?

Stitch: I'd like to keep him under observation a little longer, make 100% sure it's out of his system.

Dylan: That sounds good.

Sharon: It's better safe than sorry.

Nick: Come on. Let's go see your little brother.

Stitch: I'm sorry, mac. Immediate family only.

[ Door closes ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Kevin: Just be straight with me. I promise I'm not gonna break -- much. Are you getting cold feet?

Chloe: My feet are the temperature they're supposed to be. Here. You want to feel them?

Kevin: You are not gonna joke or charm your way out of this.

Chloe: What's with all the pressure?

Kevin: What pressure? Have I demanded to know bella's bio-dad's name? No. Have I investigated him at work, which I could so easily do, and find out his identity in like a second?

Chloe: And you wouldn'T.

Kevin: No, I wouldn't, because that would be invading your privacy for real. Chloe, I'm not trying to make you do anything you don't want to do. That's why we're having this conversation. If moving into my place is gonna make you uncomfortable --

Chloe: It's a big step.

Kevin: Yes, it is.

Chloe: But I'm not doing it out of convenience. I would never uproot my child's life just to make it easier for me. Okay? I... I just want a home for us. A real one.

Kevin: But something is stopping you. That was clear the second you walked in and saw those boxes. Whatever it is, tell me. I can handle it.

Chloe: Okay. Okay, I'll tell you.

Devon: [ Sighs ] Hey, can I talk to you in private?

Hilary: Private? Like you and mariah? And don't you even try to deny it because I heard you on the phone with her. For a spy, you're pretty pathetic, by the way.

Mariah: Thanks.

Hilary: How dare you ask her to keep tabs on me? It is an insult on every level.

Mariah: But oh, so necessary. I tried, devon. Really, really I did, but clearly she can't help herself. I guess garbage and filth are, like, your natural habitat or something.

Hilary: You want to talk about habitat, you snake?!

Devon: Hey, stop it, stop it. Can you give us a second, please?

Mariah: But I'm having so much fun.

Devon: Please.

[ Sighs ]

Hilary: I cannot believe that my own husband can't trust me to be professional. I'm not a child, devon. I don't need you to keep tabs on me.

Devon: It's not about being professional.

Hilary: Oh, no?

Devon: No, it's not. It's about having a heart and having a conscience, okay? You are ruining people's lives, and you're doing it on purpose.

Mariah: Pick up, pick up, pick up, please. Damn it. Um, dylan, it's mariah. Something is going down, and you need to know about it. Please, please call me back when you get this.

Sharon: Chelsea's in there, and she's not family.

Stitch: Okay, she also doesn't have a restraining order against her, and nick allowed her inside!

Sharon: This is insane! This is our -- that was our child in there.

Stitch: Okay, do you think I'm enjoying this? Having to keep you from that little boy breaks my heart.

Dylan: He's just following the law. But, man, come on. This sucks.

Stitch: I know. And if there was something i could do, some strings I could pull --

Dylan: Well, you pull them.

Sharon: There's such a thing called extenuating circumstances, right? Isn't that this? All we want is some time with christian. We just want to see his face and let him know we're here. Nick's not used to soothing him like we are.

Stitch: I'm sorry. I can'T.

Sharon: What do you think we're gonna do? Abduct christian from his bed with nick standing right there?

Dylan: Of course he doesn't think that.

Stitch: But I can't play fast or loose with this one. The last thing I want to do is end up in court having to testify against my best friend!

Sharon: Well, then don'T.

Dylan: Well, we barge in there, either stitch has to call security or nick's gonna call security.

Sharon: This just feels so wrong. This is so wrong!

Stitch: I am so sorry, okay? But I have to look out for nick, too. It's torture having your kid hospitalized, as you well know. I wouldn't push him into a corner. Not now. It won't end well.

Faith: I'm gonna put a sign on the front door and on the fridge, "no strawberries allowed." That way this will never happen ever again.

Chelsea: I think that's a really sweet idea, faith.

Faith: And we can play whatever you want when we get home. I'll even let you steal all my toys.

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: Yeah.

Nick: You know you are the best big sister in the world, right?

Faith: Not earlier today.

Nick: Hey, you know what happened today is not your fault, right?

Faith: Mom said the exact same thing. She's really worried about christian. Dylan, too.

Nick: Well, they don't need to be worried, right, because he is gonna be just fine.

Faith: They still haven't seen for themselves. Would it be okay if they just came in and gave him a hug?

Chelsea: Faith, you know dylan and your mom aren't allowed to see christian right now.

Faith: Because of daddy, right? Because you asked a judge?

Nick: Yeah, that's right.

Faith: So doesn't that mean you can change your mind? If you made the rule, you can unmake it. And... mom and dylan would be so happy.

[ Door opens ]

Nick: Sharon, dylan.

Sharon: What is it? Is christian okay?

Nick: No, he's -- he's fine. Uh...I think he'd like to see you.

Sharon: Really?

Nick: Yeah. Why don't you go and see him?

Sharon: Dylan?

Nick: Look, I know what you're thinking. This is not a trick. I'm not gonna turn you in.

Hilary: So that's how it is, huh? You're married to a heartless bitch.

Devon: Nobody said that.

Hilary: Yeah, you kind of did.

Devon: Honey, I love you, all right? I love you for the caring, compassionate woman that you are.

Hilary: But?

Devon: But sometimes when it comes to this job, that compassion goes out the damn window.

Hilary: Nice.

Devon: All right? Am I wrong? Am I?

Hilary: Devon, all I was trying to do was be objective.

Devon: No, you're not. You're not trying to be objective. You're trying to get ratings.

Hilary: So, is that a crime? Really, is it?

Devon: When you abandon your integrity? It's not good. How's dylan gonna react when he sees this interview?

Hilary: Yeah, I'm sure he's not gonna like it.

Devon: No? I think that's an understatement.

Hilary: But dylan didn't want to be objective. Dylan wanted to make his case against nick.

Devon: That's his right.

Hilary: But we all know where that leads, devon. Attack a newman, become a target. Really, really think about that. Do you really want to make victor newman an enemy again?

Sharon: Oh!

Dylan: Hey!

Sharon: Hi, sweetheart. Look at you. Color in your cheeks, sparkle in your eye. We are so, so happy you're okay.

Dylan: Yeah, all of us are. I think he wants to come over here. That's okay. Especially your dad.

Sharon: Hey, you want to know something really cool? All the people who love you the most are right here in this room.

Dylan: That's right. Come on, you're way too tough to let a strawberry get you down, huh? You're my little slugger. That's who you are. Nothing can stop you.

Sharon: Christian. Baby, if you thought that we left you, we never did.

[ Voice breaking ] If you thought that for one second...

Dylan: It's okay. We're right here.

Sharon: We're always going to be.

Dylan: Always.

Sharon: I don't know how we walk out of here.

Dylan: I don't know. We're gonna have to.

Sharon: I can'T.

Dylan: Sharon, don't push it, okay? He needs to get his rest.

Sharon: Okay.

Dylan: Okay.

Sharon: Okay.

[ Sighs ] We love you so much. Get better, my sweet boy.

Dylan: That's right. We're gonna see you real soon, okay?

Sharon: Yeah.

Dylan: Oh, yeah. That's right. Real soon.

Sharon: Okay.

Nick: I, uh, I hate to ask you to do more than you've already done, but would you mind taking faith home?

Chelsea: Of course. No problem.

Nick: Good. I don't think I'll be here too much longer.

Chelsea: Don't worry about it. I got it.

Nick: Thanks.

Chelsea: You about ready, kiddo?

Faith: Actually, I want to go home with mommy.

Sharon: You do?

Faith: Is that okay?

Sharon: I would love nothing more.

Nick: I think that's a great idea. Go spend time with sharon and dylan.

Sharon: You'll let us know how christian's doing? Faith will be worried.

Nick: Yeah. Love you.

Faith: Love you, too.

Chelsea: Bye.

Kevin: Listen, when you say you're gonna tell somebody something, it's customary to then...do that.

Chloe: Okay. Well, you can thank my lovely stay at the psych facility.

Kevin: You don't talk about your time there much.

Chloe: That's because I don't want to remember it. Most of it, anyway.

Kevin: It was that bad, huh?

Chloe: Well, it was worth it in the end. It helped me see what I had to. Finally find some peace.

Kevin: Well, awesome for peace, but still not seeing the correlation.

Chloe: These boxes. I mean, when you -- when you check into a place like I did, all of a sudden you're an exhibit. I mean, every move that you make, every pill that you pop, every flinch, every twitch. They're watching you, looking for a sign of some violent outbreak.

Kevin: Did you ever...?

Chloe: No, of course not. I didn't hurt a fly. But that did not stop them from ransacking my room and -- and frisking me for weapons. So I'm sorry, but I've -- I've changed. I'm just a little bit more guarded.

Kevin: I'm sorry. I am. I should have known, and i didn'T.

Chloe: How?

Kevin: [ Sighs ] Chloe, if it's a part of you, then I want to know about it. So if you ever want to talk about your time there --

Chloe: No, I don'T. I don't, because I'm better. I finally feel like myself, and you are a huge part of that.

Kevin: Well, thanks.

Chloe: So, can we please get a move-on? A move-on for the move-in? See how I did that?

Kevin: Yeah, it was very clever.

Chloe: Why don't you finish packing up bella's stuff, and i will go upstairs and finish the rest of my room.

Kevin: Sounds like a plan.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Kevin: I am very excited to show you your new room. I think you're gonna love it, just like your big sister did. And you can paint it whatever color you want. Delia always had a thing for pink, but, like, hot pink, not pastel. She always wanted to make a statement. But you, I don't know. I think you might be more of an earth tones kind of girl -- yellows and greens. Well, we can figure it out together. Bella, we are gonna have so much fun in this house. I promise you we're gonna fill it with laughter and memories. And the best part is, your mom... what? Are you waiting for me to follow that up with something? That's all I got. Your mom. She's just the best part of everything. Hey.

Chloe: Hey.

Kevin: I didn't hear you come down.

Chloe: Well, that's because I'm stealth like that.

Kevin: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: So, ready to get this show on the road?

Kevin: Yeah. Our adventure begins all over again.

Chelsea: Can I get you anything? Food, coffee?

Nick: I think I have everything I need right here.

Chelsea: How's he doing?

Nick: He's doing better. I think I saw him smile a little while ago.

Chelsea: Really?

Nick: Yeah. I mean, I'm pretty sure it was for the nurse, but I'm, uh, pretending it was for me.

Chelsea: Listen, whatever works. You know, you surprised me before, when you didn't call security.

Nick: On sharon and dylan?

Chelsea: It would have guaranteed you a win against them in court.

Nick: [ Sighs ] It's not what this is about. I mean, the whole visitation and restraining order -- I mean, that's about what's best for christian. The problem is, we don't agree on that. Sharon and dylan think they know what's best for him. I think I do. That's for the judge to sort out. But right here, right now, that little boy, he needs everyone who loves him around him. And whether I like it or not, that includes sharon and dylan.

Chelsea: You're a good dad, nick.

Nick: I'm trying.

[ Sighs ]

Devon: I get that there's issues with the christian newman story.

Hilary: Yeah. Big ones.

Devon: Right. Issues that we should take into consideration. But has it ever crossed your mind that if this story is so difficult to tell, maybe we just shouldn't tell it?

Hilary: And just ignore the biggest scandal in the city? That is a great idea. That won't look strange at all.

Devon: Honey, you need to stop caring, first of all, about what people think about you.

Hilary: We will lose all credibility, devon!

Devon: I disagree.

Hilary: Of course you disagree!

Devon: Look at the thanksgiving episode. It was well-received, no scandal. Just good, honest storytelling, right? Is that not why we bought this place -- to get rid of all the ugliness?

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: Okay.

Hilary: But that was a holiday episode.

Devon: No, we can be entertaining and make a difference at the same time. This show can be a place that provides hope for people. We can educate people. We can literally take a real stand on something.

Hilary: See, that's the difference between you and me, because in my mind, we're already doing that.

Devon: And how do you figure we're already doing that when we present people and their situations in false light?

Hilary: [ Scoffs ] You know what? The show is about to start, so why don't we let the viewers decide? Hi, there. I'm hilary curtis, and do I have some buzz for you.

Sharon: I have an idea.

Faith: What?

Sharon: Let's go old school and do family movie night.

Dylan: Yes.

Faith: Yay! Do I get to pick the movie?

Sharon: Duh.

Faith: Yay!

Sharon: And you know what? We're gonna have popcorn and hot chocolate.

Dylan: We can order some pizza.

Sharon: Yeah, my mouth's watering already.

Faith: Dylan, you're on tv!

Sharon: Oh, you know what, sweetie? I don't want you to watch that show.

Dylan: I-I think it's okay.

Sharon: It's okay? It's gc buzz.

Dylan: Yeah, but she can hear what I said. It should be okay.

Sharon: Okay.

Hilary: After the break, are these really two people who should be raising children in the first place? Hear from dylan mcavoy's own mouth.

Dylan: My wife has a history of mental illness.

Hilary: Let's see what that's all about when we come back.

Dylan: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: Um, faith, will you go upstairs, please? Right now.

Faith: But --

Sharon: Right now.

Mariah: [ Thinking ] "These people are a couple of baby stealers." "This dude and his wife should be locked up." "She needs therapy, not a baby."

Hilary: Now you be the judge. And as always, keep on buzzing, gc.

Sharon: You know, it's hard to believe we used to be friends.

Dylan: That's not what i said. I mean, it is what I said, but I-I followed up with something positive on how great you're doing, what a great mother you are. I was just trying to be honest, and -- and she manipulated the whole thing.

Sharon: Does mariah know about this?

Dylan: She has to. But she said nothing like this would happen.

Sharon: Well, all bets are off when hilary's involved. She probably couldn't do anything to stop hilary.

Dylan: I know, but it's all out of context, sharon. I defended you.

Sharon: I know you did. You know, but maybe this is a lesson. Maybe what I've done is indefensible in the eyes of the public and the law. You see now? This is why we have to get a divorce.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] What happened?

Mariah: Everything.

Kevin: Why don't we start with one thing?

3Mariah: Well, dylan hates me.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] What happened?

Mariah: Everything.

Kevin: Why don't we start with one thing?

Mariah: Well, Dylan hates me.

Kevin: [Sighs] What happened?

Mariah: Everything.

Kevin: Why don't we start with one thing?

Mariah: Well, Dylan hates me. If he doesn't yet, he will. Sharon and I were supposed to have dinner tonight, but fat chance of that happening. Basically I just shouldn't go home.

Kevin: Whatever it is, it can't be that bad.

Mariah: I got their visitation petition sabotaged, and I earn a paycheck while doing it. So not only is it that bad, it's worse. Are you headed home?

Kevin: Actually, I --

Mariah: Could I crash in my old room? I-I promise it'll just be for tonight.

Chloe: Hello. One celebratory drink, sir.

Kevin: Thank you.

Chloe: Cheers.

Mariah: What are we celebrating?

Kevin: Um, Chloe's moving back in.

Sharon: Hilary was able to manipulate your words and turn us both into villains because of me. This is my fault.

Dylan: Come on, Sharon. Stop.

Sharon: It's true. But it doesn't have to be this way. You still have a chance to see Christian, to have him in your life. You can watch him grow up. You just have to cut me out.

Dylan: Stop. Stop. You're not going anywhere.

Sharon: But I'm hurting you.

Dylan: Okay, I've said it once. I'm gonna say it again. We're in this together, okay?

Sharon: Are you positive?

Dylan: Yes, I'm positive. I'm not cutting you out. We're not getting divorced. We're just gonna have to go at this another way.

Sharon: How?

Dylan: I don't know. But that interview is not the end of our fight.

Sharon: I love you.

Dylan: I love you, too.

Hilary: Hey. Check this out. #Showstopper. #Bestepisodeever. And, oh, #hilarystingslikeabee.

Devon: Sounds like they like it.

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Devon: And they've also never seen the original interview, so they have no idea they're being played.

Hilary: Okay, played? You're being a little dramatic. If it was up to Mariah, we'd be manipulating the audience in the other direction, swaying everything in Dylan's favor, and I'm sorry, but there is no way that I let that traitor use me again.

Devon: Hang on a second. Did you mess with Dylan's words to try and get back at Mariah?

Hilary: No, okay? Of course not.

Devon: Well, here's the deal. Next episode, there's no scandal involved at all. Honest and upstanding the whole way.

Hilary: Are you insane? No.

Devon: I'm not insane, but are you refusing to do that?

Hilary: Um, yeah, decimate my whole show? Yeah, I'm refusing.

Devon: Okay. Well, then it's not your show anymore, 'cause you're fired.

Chelsea: Okay, I know you said you weren't hungry, but I just couldn't help myself. It's a mom thing.

Nick: All right. Thank you. That's, uh... what is this?

Chelsea: I'm not entirely sure. It was kind of slim pickins in the cafeteria, so...

Nick: Okay, well, we're just gonna set this right over here.

Chelsea: You know, we'll save it for later.

Nick: Yeah, that sounds delicious. I can't wait.

[Both laugh]

Nick: Eeh. Thanks, uh, for everything. I mean, after yesterday, I didn't think I'd be laughing today.

Chelsea: Well, look at you now.

Nick: You keep me calm, Chelsea. That's not an easy feat.

Chelsea: Nah, you do that all on your own. I am curious, though.

Nick: About what's actually in that food container?

Chelsea: [Laughs] Yeah. No. Yes, actually, that, and, um, I don't know, has today changed anything? It seems like maybe you've softened where Dylan and Sharon are concerned.

Nick: And you want to know what that means for the visitation lawsuit.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Nick: Sorry.

Chelsea: It's okay.

Nick: That's weird. Somebody sent me a link, a video link.

Hilary: Please help us understand how you could stand by your wife, who lied to you. Maybe you're making allowances for Sharon because of her history with mental illness.

Dylan: Sharon has bipolar disorder.

Hilary: And you stand by her?

Dylan: I could. But I won't.

Chelsea: That doesn't even sound like Dylan at all. Why would he talk about Sharon that way?

Nick: Who knows what game they're playing. You asked me earlier what changed? Nothing. I'm not handing my son over to anyone.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Faith: I don't want breakfast. I want to go back to dad's.

Travis: I know I messed up, but I love Victoria, and I'm gonna win her back.

Billy: We just need to keep it through the new year.

Victoria: What the hell?

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