Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/30/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/30/16


Provided By Suzanne

Victoria: Is it really so hard for you to be happy for me, Billy? Is it so hard to accept the fact that I've moved on?

Billy: Travis slept with another woman.

Victoria: Don't say that!

Billy: It's true.

Victoria: Travis would never do something like that.

Billy: You felt it. When he was on his knee proposing to you in the park, you knew that there was something wrong. I could see it. The doubt in your eyes -- I could see it.

Victoria: What do you mean, you could see it?

Billy: I was in the park that day. I couldn't hear what was happening, but I knew. I could see the hesitation in your body. You didn't trust it. You didn't trust him. And you were right not to.

Michael: Objection, Your Honor!

Leslie: On what grounds?!

Michael: The whole purpose of this hearing is the question of joint visitation of the minor child, and you ask for a restraining order!

Leslie: Mr. Baldwin's clients have demonstrated beyond any doubt that -- my client just testified.

Judge: Both of you, approach the bench.

Nick: Why is this even a question? Dylan just admitted he knew his wife went behind my back to see my son. I can't trust them around Christian.

Dylan: Why are you doing this? You know that's not true.

Judge: [Bangs gavel] Quiet, please.

Leslie: This secret meeting is exactly why Mr. And Mrs. McAvoy shouldn't be allowed to see the boy, Your Honor.

Michael: Facts not in standing!

Sharon: Nick, please don't do this. This is not Dylan's fault.

Nikki: No, this is Sharon's fault, because she lied to him!

Mariah: Would you leave her alone?!

Judge: [Bangs gavel] Order, order, order! I've had enough of this. Everybody out except for the parties in this case and their attorneys. Clear the courtroom.

Billy: You're mad at me, Vick? You think I wanted to tell you this?

Victoria: So you forced yourself for my own good?

Billy: I was hoping your fiancé would be the one to tell you. I was hoping that he would be honest with you.

Victoria: So this is when you decide to tell me?

Billy: You accepted his proposal. I was hoping maybe it would be a long engagement, you guys would work it out, but you set a date for Christmastime.

Victoria: You put a rush on it. Your own countdown to Christmas. You gonna break us up? One less gift that you have to buy?

Billy: You think I want to see the pain in your eyes? No, but you're trying to convince yourself to marry him, ignoring all of your impulses.

Victoria: Because I'm too much of an idiot to make a wise choice about who I marry, so you just jump in. [Sighs]

Billy: I did not want to see you walk down that aisle with somebody that was lying to you.

Before I consider the matter of the restraining order, I want to hear from both sides.

Michael: This is --

Leslie: Through the act of going behind my client's back to see the child, Your Honor --

Judge: [Bangs gavel] Order, order, order! 12 years on the bench, I've never had to bang my gavel at a visitation hearing before. Try to control yourselves. We're here to decide what's in the best interest of the child, not rehash old grievances. Is that clear?

Sharon: Uh, uh, yes, Your Honor, it is.

Dylan: Yes, judge.

Judge: Mr. Newman?

Nick: Yes, sir. I have not forgotten what's at stake here today. There is all about my son.

Mariah: I better get to the press area and tell Hilary what's going on before she accuses me of keeping things from her.

Kevin: Did you?

Mariah: Did I...?

Kevin: Keep things from Hilary, from me?

Mariah: I don't have time for this.

Travis: I was wondering what happened to you. I thought you were right behind me.

Victoria: Um, I was, and then I ran into Billy. So what's going on in there? Did the judge call a recess or...?

Travis: Um, no, not exactly. He kicked everybody out except your brothers and Sharon. What's Billy doing here?

Billy: Ask him, Vick.

Travis: Ask me what?

Victoria: Travis, why did you propose to me?

Travis: I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Victoria, I'm in love with you. What's going on?

Victoria: You love me?

Travis: Yeah.

Victoria: Not Michelle?

Travis: Okay, look, I don't know what Billy told you.

Victoria: You should have told me.

Travis: Victoria. Victoria!

Nikki: I wonder how it's going in there.

Victor: I just hope that Leslie is showing no mercy whatever to either Sharon or Dylan.

Nikki: What? Nicholas merely asked Dylan if he knew that Sharon had seen Christian.

Victor: And Dylan did know, so he's culpable.

Nikki: Not in the least.

Victor: What do you mean?

Nikki: [Scoffs] The judge hasn't heard the whole story, and neither have you. So I'm sure Dylan has a reasonable explanation.

Victor: Yes. Dylan has admitted that he and Sharon were in on everything from the very beginning.

Nikki: That is not true. Sharon lied to him. She is the one who led him to believe Christian was his son. He is merely being loyal to his wife.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. Warms the cockles of my heart. After everything that woman has done, are you kidding?

Nikki: Well, now that you mention it, being loyal to you is something that I have always tried to do during our marriage.

Victor: My dear girl, I have been loyal to you in spite of everything that's come our way, okay? So, having said that, let me just reiterate that Dylan is no innocent bystander. He isn't.

Nikki: What are you talking about? How can you say that? [Sighs]

Victor: How can I not say that? He admitted that he was involved with her from the beginning.

Nikki: You don't know that that is true, and he hasn't contrived to do anything.

Victor: Listen to me. He admitted that Sharon contrived to meet our grandson without Nicholas' knowledge. Who knows what else they have done?

Nikki: You don't know what you're talking about. Dylan hasn't contrived to do anything.

Victor: Why do I get the feeling that you're defending Dylan more than our own son, Nicholas? What's the matter with you?

Nikki: I am not.

Victor: Yes, you are. It's obvious.

Leslie: Your Honor, who's to say Mrs. McAvoy won't just "drop by" the next time my client goes out for a run or goes grocery shopping? Mr. Newman shouldn't have to live in fear that his son will be taken away from him.

Michael: All right, this is ridiculous. Sharon had no idea that Christian was even going to be at her employer's apartment.

Judge: Is this true?

Sharon: Yes, Your Honor. Um... Chloe -- that's my coworker -- she asked me to come over to Chelsea's house on a work-related matter. Nick had left the baby with Chelsea and Chloe. When I got there --

Leslie: Conveniently, neither my client, nor the friend with whom he left the child --

Judge: Chelsea?

Leslie: Yes, Your Honor. Chelsea Newman, Mr. Newman's sister-in-law.

Judge: You left the boy with your sister-in-law?

Nick: Yes.

Judge: Was she instructed to keep Mrs. McAvoy away from the boy?

Nick: Not directly, but Chelsea knew.

Leslie: It just so happened that when Mrs. McAvoy arrived, Chelsea was conveniently away from the home. Obviously this was a conspiracy perpetrated by the McAvoys.

Michael: Your Honor, please!

Judge: Try to subdue your moral outrage and stick to the facts, Ms. Shelby. Mrs. McAvoy, had you made some previous arrangement with your coworker?

Sharon: Chloe.

Judge: Did you set this up in advance with Chloe? And while we're keeping this casual, you are under oath, Mrs. McAvoy.

Sharon: Yes, I know that, Your Honor. Um, the truth is, no. Chloe was just trying to be kind. She thought I deserved to see Christian and hold him.

Nick: It wasn't Chloe's call to make.

Dylan: You're right, Nick. It wasn't. But Sharon walked in and she saw the boy that she raised for the last year. What was she supposed to do? She's the only mom that he's ever known.

Nick: Because she kept the truth from me.

Dylan: Because we believed that he was ours!

Leslie: But he's not.

Dylan: He's not! Do you think right now this is not affecting him?! You don't think he's confused that we just disappeared from his life suddenly?

Nick: That is not my fault.

Dylan: I know it's not your fault! You have the power to fix this. Come on, Nick. We -- we are not a threat. We're not a threat to Christian. You know that. We love him. That's why we're here. We want the best for him.

Michael: Your Honor, this is exactly why Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy should be given visitation rights. Nick and Sharon and Dylan were all victims. By keeping Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy out of the boy's life, you are just making that child another victim.

Leslie: Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

Nevertheless, I have heard enough to render my decision.

Michael: E-excuse me, Your Honor. Which decision would that be? The restraining order or visitation?

Good question. Might as well stay where you are. I'll be back in a few minutes.

Chloe: Hey. I thought you weren't going to tell Nick.

Chelsea: I never said that.

Chloe: Okay, well, you didn't say anything to him right after, so...

Chelsea: Well, then I decided he needed to know.

Chloe: [Sighs] Why? I mean, you realize all you've done is just hurt Dylan, hurt Sharon, and poor Christian, who now may not have any sort of mother figure in his life.

Chelsea: You should have checked with me first. You should have asked me.

Chloe: I was trying not to get you in the middle of it.

Chelsea: I'm already in the middle of this. And you didn't check with me because you knew what my answer would be. I never would have allowed that.

Chloe: I just don't understand. What is the big deal? Is it the end of the world if Sharon spends five minutes with the child? When she came into the apartment, she picked him up, she said a nice few things to him, and then everyone felt better about it. You should have just kept quiet.

Chelsea: By keeping quiet, it made it look like I was a part of your plan, like I -- like I supported your lie.

Chloe: You should have stayed out of it.

Chelsea: No. Nick has been lied to enough. He needed to know the truth.

Chloe: Oh, okay. Because now with him knowing, everything is just so much better.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Judge: This case is especially complicated because Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy initially believed the child was theirs. But I believe the three petitioners are deeply invested in the well-being of the child. I certainly don't see any of the parties as a threat to Christian. That said...biological father with all inherent rights, I will grant a temporary restraining order to ease Mr. Newman's mind. I will reiterate that this is a temporary restraining order. Said order will remain in effect while I consider the petitions in the matter of visitation. Court's adjourned.

Michael: Listen to me. Listen to me. Remember what the judge said. This is temporary. It's not over, all right?

Devon: Hey.

Hilary: Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you had business to take care of.

Devon: I did. I averted some crises, but now I'm back. What have you been up to?

Hilary: Well, the judge kicked us out, so me and my fellow members of the press are out here anxiously awaiting the decision.

Devon: There's no clerks or insiders you can interview?

Hilary: Well, there is one person. Listen. Mariah had to have known that Sharon was going back there, sneaking around, seeing the baby behind nick's back. Okay, we could have an exclusive. But my production assistant is holding out.

Devon: Honey, I think it's a bit unreasonable to expect Mariah to sell her own mother out, don't you think?

Hilary: I expect her to help GC buzz succeed, and she is not doing that.

Devon: Honey.

Hilary: That was the argument that you made, that she was an inside source.

Devon: Did you expect her to go on camera?

Hilary: Hardly. Okay, I made it very clear that this is not her lane. But I expect her to give us a fresh take, earn her salary.

Devon: Do you remember Thanksgiving when you didn't have a story and all of her footage made you look like a hero? She didn't take any credit for that, either.

Hilary: Credit for what? It's in her job description to make me look good.

Devon: I'm just saying, I think she's been earning her salary.

Kevin: Want to sit down?

Mariah: Sure. But if Hilary sees me relaxing, she's gonna pounce on me and ask me what I knew about Sharon seeing Christian.

Kevin: What did you know?

Mariah: Nothing. I told you already.

Kevin: Sharon's your mom. She talks to you, and it would make sense she would talk to you about a secret visit.

Mariah: Well, she didn't talk to me about that.

Kevin: Okay, I was just asking.

Mariah: Well, stop asking. I don't know anything.

Kevin: Fine.

Mariah: Fine.

Kevin: [Scoffs]

Mariah: You know, I wish people would stop treating Sharon like she stalked the kid, like she planned this whole thing. She didn't know that Christian was gonna be there when she went to Chelsea's apartment.

Kevin: You sure about that?

Mariah: Kevin.

Kevin: All right, fine. If you say she didn't know, she didn't know. But she made Michael's job a lot harder today, and it would have been easier had she just walked away the minute she saw that Christian was there.

[Door opens]

Nikki: What happened?

Nick: Judge issued a restraining order.

Nikki: Against Sharon and Dylan?

Nick: Yes.

Victor: Well, that's good news. That means they don't have visitation rights.

Nick: The restraining order is temporary. Judge still hasn't decided on visitation yet.

Nikki: So there is still some hope.

Victor: Leslie, what is it the judge doesn't get?

Leslie: Just one step at a time. We got the first Victory, and if Sharon or Dylan violate the restraining order, it's over. Visitation will be off the table.

Victor: Great. Good to know.

Hilary: Counselor, can I get a statement for GC buzz?

Leslie: I am confident after today's ruling that my client won't ever have to share his son with anyone again.

Dylan: You still think we have a shot?

Michael: We have to be patient and smart. You can't do anything to further antagonize Nick.

Dylan: [Sighs] Thank you. Hey, you ready to go?

Sharon: I did it to you again.

Dylan: Look, what happened today --

Sharon: Wasn't your fault. Your mother knows that. Deep down Nick knows that. We know that, Dylan. It wasn't your fault that I went and saw our little boy without nick's permission. Now the judge wants to take visitation away from you. You know, if I had just never told you --

Dylan: No, no, I'm glad you told me. No more lies, right?

Sharon: It's just not fair. Whether I lie or I tell the truth, somehow you always end up getting hurt.

[Door opens]

Chloe: Sharon. [Sighs] I just want to apologize.

Sharon: Chloe, you set up that visit. That was your idea. And then even after I hid from Chelsea and I went through all that I went through just to make sure that she didn't find out, you tell her! Why?!

Chloe: It -- it slipped out, and -- [Sighs] Chelsea didn't say anything to Nick that night, and I thought that she never would.

Sharon: Well, you thought wrong about everything.

Chloe: You're blaming me? I'm the only reason why you got to see Christian at all.

Sharon: It may be the last time I ever see him. You not only hurt me, Chloe, you hurt my husband, too.

Nikki: Okay, great. Thank you. Baby's fine. He's sleeping, so if you want to take your time before picking him up, that's fine.

Nick: Yeah, I got a few other people to see. I'll just come by and get him as soon as I'm done.

Victor: It gives me a chance to spend some time with my grandson, okay?

Nick: Thanks, dad.

Victor: You pick him up?

Nick: Yeah.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: I'll see you later.

Chelsea: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Chelsea: You must be relieved. I heard about the restraining order.

Nick: Yeah, it's a small Victory.

Chelsea: Yeah, but it's a Victory nonetheless. You must be starving. Do you want to grab a bite or something?

Nick: I don't think I can do that.

Chelsea: What's wrong?

Nick: Chelsea, what's wrong is you waited an entire day to tell me that Sharon went and saw Christian.

Hilary: All we have are these pictures from the courthouse and that sound byte from Leslie.

Devon: Well, that's all good.

Hilary: It's the same thing that everybody else has. There's no breaking news.

Devon: You'll figure it out, hon.

Hilary: Yeah, if my assistant ever decides to show up.

Mariah: I'm here.

Devon: She's right there. I'm gonna make some calls.

Mariah: So, where do you need me?

Hilary: What I need is an exclusive on the story.

Mariah: Clearly you think I have some inside scoop on Sharon's visit with Christian. I don't.

Hilary: She's your mother.

Mariah: Yeah, and I stay out of her business, so she stays out of mine.

Hilary: Mariah, whatever it is that you know, I wouldn't want you to feel like you're betraying Sharon in any way.

Mariah: Thank you. So do you need me on copy?

Hilary: First, coffee. Mariah. Today should serve as a cautionary tale. Sharon's secrets are gonna come out eventually, and this is your last, and it might be your only, opportunity to tell Sharon's side. Don't let it blow up in her face like it did in that courthouse.

Mariah: Leah, what are you doing here?

Leah: Hilary. [Gasps] Love you! I'm a GC buzzer!

Hilary: Um, do you know her?

Mariah: Yeah, her name is Leah. She's probably here to see me. She's a huge fan of the show. I think she just wants to see where the magic happens. You know what? I'll give her a quick tour, and then I'll get her out of --

Leah: So excited. I'm here to sell -- tell my story.

Hilary: And who are you?

Mariah: She babysat for Sharon a few times.

Leah: While the whole baby thing was happening, I was there.

Hilary: Oh!

Jill: Hmm.

Billy: Don't you have your own office?

Jill: [Chuckles] I'm here to go over these mockups with my team, and what do you know? No team.

Billy: Cane's laid up, and Victoria's at nick's hearing.

Jill: Ah. Fair enough. Okay. So, go over these mockups with Victoria, and then call me when she gets here, okay?

Billy: I'll video conference with cane. It'll be easier.

Jill: Why not Victoria?

Billy: 'Cause... what difference does it make?

Jill: You're being evasive again.

Billy: Mom, not now.

Jill: All right. Something happened between you and Victoria.

Billy: Can we just once just stick to business, please? I took your advice. I told Victoria about Travis.

Jill: Thank God. It's about time, darling. Why don't you look happier about it?

Travis: So Billy dumped some stuff on you about me, the man you're about to marry, and you just walk away without talking to me about it?

Victoria: I was not about to have this conversation in the middle of the hallway at the courthouse. The babysitter's out with the kids, so if you want to talk, talk.

Travis: You know, you get engaged and you think it's gonna be about you and the woman you love. But I'm not just engaged to you. I'm engaged to your ex. I'm engaged to your father, to your ex's mother, to all these people who exert some kind of control over you. They want to keep you right where you are. And in order for them to do that, they need us to fail, and you're letting them do that! What is it you want from me?!

Victoria: I'm only interested in one thing, Travis. I want the truth.

Jill: Oh, God. I was right, wasn't I? You did know something. So, what was his ugly, little secret? Drugs?

Billy: Can -- can you wipe the smile off your face, please, and show a little compassion?

Jill: Why? Is Travis ill?

Billy: No, Travis is obnoxiously healthy.

Jill: Well, why should I have compassion, then?

Billy: Compassion for Victoria, mother. She's heartbroken, all right? It's bad enough what I did to her.

Jill: But now Travis has done it

Billy: I guess that's the one thing about divorce. At least I never have to see that look in her eyes again, that kind of hurt and disappointment that I saw today.

Travis: All right, that day, it was just one battle too many, Vick. This endless hassle with your family and with Billy. [Scoffs] Billy. He's never stopped trying to stir up trouble between us. It's not enough that he's in your ear at work. He's always inventing reasons to come by.

Victoria: You can't put this on Billy. He defended you when you showed up here drunk!

Travis: Oh, come on.

Victoria: When the kids were here. He told me to give you a second chance. He told me to trust you.

Travis: He's the whole reason we got in the fight! Then he plays the boy scout and you fall for that? You kicked me out for him. I started thinking it was really over between us.

Victoria: Yeah. And then you walked out of here.

Travis: Yeah.

Victoria: And where'd you go?

Travis: I went to the club to see Michelle, to talk.

Victoria: Yeah? What'd you talk about? Did you talk about what a wonderful person your fiancée is? And this talk that you had, did it happen before or after you slept with her?

Mariah: Leah only watched the kids for Sharon and Dylan a few times. Do you really think they were spilling dark secrets around her?

Hilary: Well, you never know. And it might be nice to get a new perspective from someone who isn't burdened by family ties.

Mariah: Ah, okay, yeah. I got that. You know what? You're busy. Why don't I do the pre-interview, and then I'll send the notes along to you?

Hilary: No, I'll do this one. Besides, I always have time for a GC buzzer like Leah.

Mariah: Great. Devon. Do you know what your wife's about to do?

Devon: What?

Mariah: Do you know what your wife is about to do?

Devon: She's interviewing the nanny.

Mariah: Babysitter. And she was only hired by Sharon a few times. The point is, she is starstruck, looking for her 15 minutes of fame, and will say anything to get on TV.

Devon: If there's only 15 seconds of useable footage, Hilary will find it.

Mariah: Devon, you are paying me to keep an eye on Hilary and to clue you in if she's headed for a scandal.

Devon: And I appreciate you doing that, but we don't know if that's the case right now.

Mariah: I am telling you --

Devon: Leah may have something pertinent to add to the story, so I'm not gonna have my wife not air something just 'cause it may be unflattering to your mother.

Mariah: Right. Got to maintain those high ethical standards.

Hilary: Although I love hearing how awesome Sharon's wardrobe is, I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about things that you may have actually seen or heard in the McAvoy home.

Leah: Post-psych ward, Sharon was totally obsessed with that baby.

Hilary: Was she? You know, I was actually hoping that you could tell me a little bit about Sharon or Mariah. Have you ever overheard them talking?

Leah: Sure. I'll say whatever you want me to say.

Nick: What has me upset, Chelsea, is you waited till the last second to tell me that Sharon went and saw Christian. I had to address the issue there in the courtroom. I mean, if Dylan hadn't told the truth...

Chelsea: But he did tell the truth.

Nick: You needed to tell me this as soon as you found out.

Chelsea: Okay. I'm -- I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.

Nick: Why didn't you?

Chelsea: I don't know. I-I mean, I didn't want to upset you unnecessarily. I mean, it was over, it was done. It had happened.

Nick: You know what? That's not good enough.

Chelsea: Nick, this hearing was happening regardless. Dylan and Sharon want visitation with Christian. That wasn't going to change. The important thing here is that it's not gonna happen now because of what I told you.

Nick: You shouldn't have kept this from me.

Chelsea: Okay, I got it. And I'm sorry.

Nick: Yeah, I know. And I'm sure you are. You look really sorry.

Chelsea: All I have tried to do is help you. So I am -- I'm actually truly sorry. I'm truly sorry you can't see that.

Nick: [Sighs]

Jill: Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy. You need to tell me what Travis did. If one of my execs is about to be sidelined by her personal affair-- oh, he didn't.

Billy: Yeah, he did.

Jill: He cheated on -- they've been together for about a minute and a half. What woman could be that tempting?

Billy: His ex.

Jill: His old boss's wife.

Billy: Michelle.

Jill: [Gasps] She cost him his job once. Now she's about to cost him a whole lot more.

Billy: Listen to me, all right? I only told you this so you don't go digging and you don't try and figure out a way to use this, okay? This is not about you.

Jill: Darling, I'm thinking of you.

Billy: No. No, no, no. And you can stop with this whole "happy ever after" for me and Victoria, all right?

Jill: No, I'm sorry. I can't do that. But don't worry. Don't worry. I'm not gonna upset Victoria. I mean, obviously she's just found out that Travis is not the man she thought he was. I feel awful for her.

Billy: Yeah, so do I.

Jill: I have to tell you, though, I am so proud of you that you told her the truth, even though you knew how she might react.

Billy: She accused me of not wanting her to be happy. Which is all I wanted.

Victoria: Your ex shows up here, the love of your life.

Travis: I don't love Michelle.

Victoria: You wanted her from the minute she landed in Genoa city. You would make any excuse to go see her!

Travis: Don't put that on me! I was angry and I was drunk, okay? It was a stupid impulsive decision! You've been there, Victoria!

Victoria: Me?!

Travis: Yeah! You went your whole pregnancy with Katie not knowing who the father was because of one drunken night with stitch!

Victoria: [Sighs exasperatingly]

Travis: Let's finish -- Victoria. Look, I screwed up, but I never stopped loving you, okay?

Victoria: This is not about you sleeping with Michelle. This is about you lying and -- and proposing to me out of guilt!

Travis: It has nothing to do with guilt! You're sexy and you're beautiful and I'm crazy about you! We're good together, Victoria! I love you. Victoria!

Victoria: Go see Michelle.

Travis: What the hell are you doing?!

Victoria: She's waiting for you.

Travis: I don't love Michelle. I love you.

Victoria: No, you're talking yourself into loving me. That's what you're doing.

Travis: No.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, because I am the good choice and I am the smart choice. But guess what? I've been talking myself into marrying you!

Travis: You don't mean that, Victoria.

Victoria: Oh, yes, I do. Oh, yes, I do.

Travis: Victoria, stop, please. Don't do this, okay? This is what they all want.

Victoria: No, it's what I want. Pack your stuff! [Breathing heavily]

Travis: Victoria, I'm not leaving.

Victoria: Yes, that's exactly what you're doing. This is my house, and I want you out by the time I get back!

Travis: Will you please just calm down? Victoria. Victoria, please. What are you --

[Ring clatters]

Hilary: It was a pleasure. Thank you so much for coming in, okay? And, uh, keep on buzzing.

Leah: [Chuckles]

Devon: You were, uh, talking to her for quite a while.

Hilary: Yep.

Devon: For someone who barely worked at the McAvoy household, she, uh, seemed to have a lot to say. When are you planning to put her on air?

Hilary: Never. All she wants to do is be on TV. I'm not gonna waste airtime on someone who has nothing more than gossip and innuendos.

Devon: Well, that seems like the right decision, honey.

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Dylan: I got to get back to the station. Work's piling up.

Sharon: Dylan. I'm sorry.

Dylan: It's not your fault. You know, I could blame Chloe, but she was coming from a good place.

Sharon: All we can do is hope for the best.

Dylan: We have to do more than that.

Nikki: No, it upsets me that Leslie acted as your mouthpiece in talking to the press, insinuating that Nicholas would never have to share custody with Dylan, and that's not what the judge said.

Victor: I don't understand the judge, okay? How can he possibly allow Dylan and Sharon to be close to our grandson again?

Nikki: I really don't appreciate this. I mean, [Scoffs] Maybe Dylan's not a Newman, but he is my son. So I expect you to respect him.

Victor: Sweetheart, how can I respect a man who spends time with Sharon of all people, who has done so much damage to this family and to our son, by the way, okay? You need to respect Nicholas. He is our son, too. You need to do right by him.

Victoria: You must be really proud of yourself right now. Travis is home. He's packing up. He's moving out. You know, what makes it even more perfect, I bet, is that you got to deliver the news yourself. Travis has been cheating on me. I'm sure it was very reluctantly, but somebody had to do it, right? Might as well be you. Say something, Billy. I'm sure you have something to say. You always had an opinion about Travis before, so say something. Say something, damn it!

Billy: I'm sorry, Vick. I'm sorry.

Victoria: [Grunts] [Sighs] [Sobbing]

Chelsea: You know, Nick may never trust me again with Christian thanks to you.

Chloe: You know what? I've about had it with being the Genoa city punching bag today. I was just trying to help.

Chelsea: You call this helping?

Chloe: You have no idea what I've done for you.

Chelsea: What -- what have you done for me, Chloe? I welcomed you with open arms. I gave you your job back. I gave you a place to stay. And this is how you repay me?

Chloe: Well, maybe it's time to rethink things.

Chelsea: What? You mean our living arrangement? Yeah, maybe it is.

Dylan: We're in this together now.

Sharon: But if siding with me keeps you from seeing Christian...

Dylan: [Sighs] We just got to be smart. We got to follow Michael's advice. We cannot violate this restraining order. You got to promise me that you're gonna stay away from Christian. No matter what the circumstance, no matter how tempted you are. Or we will lose any hope of ever having that little boy back in this house.

Sharon: I promise. I swear I won't do anything to jeopardize our chances.

Nikki: I don't have to choose between my sons, Victor. Dylan did nothing wrong. He loved and raised that child.

Nick: He's my son. Why does that not seem to matter to so many people, including you, Mom?

Nikki: Darling, of course it matters.

Nick: I'm getting my boy.

Nikki: Nicholas.

Victor: Sweetheart. [Sighs] Sometimes we have to choose, you know.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: Just one more relationship that didn't work out for me. I'm starting to get used to it.

Sharon: I love Dylan no matter what you believe.

Nikki: Prove it. Set him free.

Jack: It's time for me to start letting go of the things that are holding me back and piece together the things that were broken.

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