Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/29/16
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: [Sighs] What do you think of my outfit?
Dylan: It looks good.
Sharon: No. I mean, is it right for court? I want to project the right image.
Dylan: Maternal?
Sharon: Exactly. Maybe I should just put my hair up.
Dylan: No, we just have to be truthful. We got to speak from our hearts, and we got to tell that judge how much we love that little boy and we just want to spend some time with him.
Sharon: I'm really praying this works out. It was so hard leaving Christian at Chelsea's the other day.
Dylan: Leaving him? What are you talking about?
Chloe: All ready for court, I see.
Chelsea: Yeah. I want Nick to know he can count on me.
Chloe: Well, I'm just hoping he can find it in his heart to come to some kind of compromise. Let Dylan and Sharon be a part of Christian's life... because, when you think about it, a child can never have too much love.
Chelsea: That's beautiful. It's a lovely sentiment. But it still doesn't the change the fact that you put me in a really terrible position yesterday. You forced me to lie to Nick.
Chloe: You didn't lie, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Well, I didn't tell him the truth, either. He had a right to know that Sharon spent time with his son without his knowledge.
Victor: Dylan and Sharon taking you to court for visitation is absurd, okay? No judge is gonna rule in their favor. You have nothing to worry about.
Nick: We have to do it this way. I need an official decision from the judge. I can't have a casual agreement. I mean, someday, Sharon and Dylan could decide they need to spend more time with Christian. This way they'll have all the rules. There will be a structure in place.
Victor: All right. I agree with that. I think it's a good thing we get a legal document to keep them away from Christian. I think that's a good idea.
Nick: Well, the judge could also rule in their favor -- grant them visitation.
Victor: No judge is gonna grant them visitation. I promise you. Ain't gonna happen.
Nick: What did you do?
Devon: Now, how soon can we have the editing suite installed? All right. How 'bout, um, one week instead of three with a 5% bonus? That sounds good. If you have any other questions, our producer's name is evan. No, thank you. All right. Take care. So, the new equipment should be installed sometime next week.
Hilary: That is fabulous.
Devon: Yeah.
Hilary: But I am -- I am just focused on today. Brother against brother, battling it out in court with the woman that they were once married to at the center of it all.
Devon: Hilary...
Hilary: It is a killer angle.
Devon: ...No. It is a deeply personal family matter with a child involved.
Hilary: [Scoffs]
Devon: Okay? There's a little innocent boy in the center of all this, and I think the facts are compelling enough without you having to sensationalize everything, the way the old "GC buzz" would, all right? We're past that.
Hilary: We are on the same page, Devon, okay? I'm gonna let the facts speak for themselves, let the public be the judge.
Nick: Thanks a lot.
Victor: Thank you.
Hilary: Shoot. I forgot all of my notes upstairs. You know what? You just go ahead. Go to the courthouse. I'll meet you there.
Devon: Okay. I love you.
Hilary: I love you, too.
Hilary: Nikki. Uh, did you have a sec?
Nikki: For what?
Hilary: I just wanted to get your reaction on today -- your two sons facing off in court over a baby that they both love. Whose side are you on -- Dylan's or Nick?
Lily: Okay. Anything you need before I go to work?
Cane: No, I'm set. I got the remote, and the kids put the Sudoku app on my phone, so I'm good.
Lily: All right. Look, I know that you hate being laid up like this, but the best thing for you to do is rest. Don't overdo it. Love you.
Cane: Love you.
Lily: Have a good day.
Cane: You, too, Lil.
Jill: So, how's the patient today?
Cane: Rarin' to go.
Jill: You are supposed to be taking it easy, cane. How's your knee?
Cane: Don't worry about my knee. I'm okay. I'm full of energy. I'm ready to work from home.
Jill: And is that you talking or your doctor?
Cane: [Chuckles] That is very funny. Um...so, I'm calling to see when you're scheduling that marketing meeting so I can conference in on it.
Jill: Oh, it's been canceled. Victoria wanted to support Nick in court today.
Cane: Oh, that's right -- the visitation hearing. It's all over "GC buzz."
Jill: So, while she's gone, I'm conducting an interview.
Cane: Oh, yeah? What, a new supplier?
Jill: No. Travis Crawford wants a job.
Cane: [Chuckles] What, are you, uh... gonna replace me or something, huh?
Jill: Don't be so stupid. I'm only doing this out of consideration for Victoria.
Cane: So, you have no intention of hiring this guy?
Jill: Oh, cane, of course not. Don't worry. I would never give your job to anyone. You know you're indispensable.
Cane: Says who?
Jill: Says me, darling, and I am the boss. Your job will be here waiting for you when you get back on your feet. Now, you just focus on doing what your doctor tells you.
Cane: Okay. So, when are you gonna schedule that marketing meeting?
Jill: Unh, unh, unh. Don't worry, and I will call you later, I promise. Mwah!
Victoria: So, let me take a look at you. Uh...
Travis: Crooked tie? Something in my teeth?
Victoria: No. Just your pocket square. I'm thinking more old school to set off your suit.
Travis: I thought it would clinch me the job.
Victoria: Well, you know, cosmetics and fashion...
Travis: Go hand in hand. Got it.
Billy: Thought you gave up the corporate world.
Travis: I quit Newman, not business.
Jill: Ah, there you are, Travis. I'm ready for you.
Travis: Great.
Billy: I didn't realize cane was gonna be out long enough to have someone step in.
Jill: Well, I just think we should be prepared for every eventuality. Don't you think so? Come on.
Victoria: Good luck.
Travis: Thanks, baby.
Victoria: So [Sighs] Your defense of Travis, telling me to give him a second chance, was all just an act, wasn't it? You really don't want this to work out for me at all.
Kevin: You've got your work cut out for you today.
Michael: [Sighs] Today and every day.
Kevin: This is gonna be tough even for you. Getting the judge to grant Sharon and Dylan the right to see Christian?
Michael: Here comes the cavalry.
Kevin: Hey.
Mariah: Hey. I didn't expect to see you here.
Kevin: I thought you could use a friend today, unless you're here to work.
Mariah: No. God, no. My mom needs somebody in her corner.
Michael: That she does.
Kevin: Well, Hilary gave Sharon all that air time on "GC buzz," which obviously was a mistake, but now it's like she's out to get her.
Mariah: Hilary is out for Hilary and for ratings.
Kevin: Must be tough, working there now.
Mariah: Well, Devon's trying to keep a lid on it, as best he can, anyway.
Kevin: But, still, it could lead to a conflict of interest.
Michael: Or perhaps just a conflict.
Dylan: Chloe let you see Christian?
Sharon: She was babysitting him, and she called me. I just wanted to hold him. It was very compassionate of her.
Dylan: Sharon, this is exactly why we're in this position. We're fighting for a small part in this boy's life, and you're sneaking behind nick's back.
Sharon: I wasn't sneaking around. It was nothing like that.
Dylan: Then what -- what's it like?
Sharon: Chloe called me over there like a fake emergency.
Dylan: When we were meeting with Michael?
Sharon: Yes. I had no idea that Christian was there.
Dylan: Why would Chloe want you to see Christian in the first place? Why?
Sharon: Because she knows what it's like to have a child taken away. She wanted me to have a chance to hold him and be with him.
Dylan: This is gonna undermine everything that we're trying to do if Nick finds out.
Sharon: He won't. I swear.
Dylan: You don't know that, Sharon. This is exactly why Michael thinks I'm better off on my own trying to do this.
Sharon: You mean you'd get visitation without me? You'd be allowed to see Christian and I wouldn't?
Chelsea: So, I let Sharon spend a few minutes with the boy that she loves like a son. I mean, what is the harm in that? Is Christian gonna be scarred for life? No! You were smart not to say anything to Nick.
Chelsea: Well, Nick is going to court today to defend his rights. He's already lost his son once. He doesn't want that to happen again.
Chloe: But it's never going to happen again because this is a visitation hearing. No one's talking about custody.
Chelsea: I feel like you're not even trying to see nick's side in all this.
Chloe: Well, I feel like you're not trying to see Sharon's.
Chelsea: Well, you're right. I'm not. Chloe, Nick trusted me to watch Christian, and then you, like, maneuvered things around, and now I've broken that trust.
Chloe: Chelsea, she watched that kid for a year, and then they just took him away from her!
Chelsea: Oh, stop! Yeah, because of her own actions, Chloe, and she could have come forward when she learned the truth. She didn't.
Chloe: The outcome would have been the same. She still would have had to give up the baby. Listen. I'm sorry if you felt like I put you in a bad position.
Chelsea: You did put me in a very bad position.
Chloe: But there is nothing unsafe about Sharon spending some time with a little boy that she loves so much. It might be the last. He is a Newman.
Chelsea: What does that mean?
Chloe: Even if the judge allows Dylan and Sharon to spend time with him, you know that Victor isn't gonna let it happen because that's just what he does. You know that more than anyone. It's not fair. She loves that little boy.
Chelsea: None of this matters. He's nick's son, so it is not up to you or me to decide what is best.
Chloe: You're right. It's up to the judge. So please stop feeling guilty. What Nick doesn't know won't hurt him.
Nikki: This is a private matter, Hilary -- a family matter.
Hilary: The Newmans are a highly respected family, but they are being reduced to a punch line.
Nikki: Punch line? Well, if that is true, it's due to people like you.
Hilary: I believe that you deserve better, Nikki. I want to tell your whole story. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through, seeing your two sons forced to fight over a child that they both love.
Nikki: My sons were not at fault in this. They were both victimized by Sharon Newman. Now, good day.
Victor: We don't need to resort to extraordinary measures, okay? Just keep a hard line and don't open the doors to the opposition.
Nikki: Thank you.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Nikki: Well, that's fine with Sharon, but what about Dylan?
Victor: Dylan is lucky that Nicholas is not pressing charges against him.
Nikki: Oh! For what?!
Victor: What do you mean, "for what?" For kidnapping!
Nikki: Oh, my God. That is utterly ridiculous.
Victor: Either he lied right along with Sharon or he was willfully ignorant. In both cases, he's complicit.
Nikki: I cannot believe this! I am not listening to any more of this nonsense.
Victor: You know what's apparent to me? You're taking Dylan's side over our boy's side.
Nikki: I am doing nothing of the kind.
Victor: Yes. Of course you are.
Nikki: Nicholas... consider why Dylan is pursuing this, knowing what he's up against. He's doing it because he loves that boy, and now losing that child is like... is like... having a piece of himself torn away. He's devastated. Listen, as his brother and as a father, I hope that you'll show him some compassion. Because Dylan shouldn't have to suffer more because of Sharon's lies and manipulations. Please, son.
Lily: Hey. I can't believe I forgot -- what do you think you're doing?
Cane: I have to get to work.
Lily: No! You just had knee surgery! You're not going anywhere!
Cane: They're gonna give away my job.
Lily: What? Who would give away your job?
Cane: Believe it, okay? Her name starts with "j" and ends in "ill."
Lily: Oh, come on. Jill would never do that.
Cane: She's interviewing my replacement right now as we speak.
Lily: What?!
Cane: Look, Jill bought the company to try and put Billy and Victoria back together. She brought me in to be the workhorse, okay? If I'm not there, she can't protect her investment. So I call her earlier. I ask how she's doing. She says all the right things. But I know her. Trust me. I know her. So, I'm gonna get down there, and I'm gonna tell her and I'm gonna show her that I can do the job and I will do my job. [Grunting]
Lily: Fine. I'll take you. You shouldn't be driving. Let me do it.
Cane: All right. Sorry.
Travis: Well, I could tell you my greatest strength, my greatest weakness, I can tell you what I had for breakfast, but I'd rather talk about you.
Jill: Hmm.
Travis: You've done a very impressive job with brash & sassy! Since you took over.
Jill: Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Travis: What?
Jill: Travis, you are wasting all that charm on me, because, darling, there's no way on god's green earth that I'm gonna hire you.
Travis: Really?
Jill: Yeah, really. I mean, don't get me wrong. I have this very strong instinct that you are a kick-ass executive, okay? And I don't hold this latest little ploy against you, either. I just wanted to get you in here and tell you face to face... Billy and Victoria belong together.
Travis: I can understand why you want such a wonderful woman to be with your son. But Billy had his chance, more than once, and it didn't work out. Now Victoria's accepted my proposal, and we're getting married.
Jill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but not immediately and not without reservations, right? So, if I were you, honey, I wouldn't assume that all is well there.
Victoria: You know, I totally believed you when you insisted that I give Travis a second chance because you care so much about me. Then yesterday you did a complete 180. You left me standing there, thinking the worst of him, like he's hiding something from me.
Billy: Well, maybe those are your instincts. Vick, maybe you should listen to them.
Victoria: I don't know what you're talking about.
Billy: You didn't throw your arms around the guy and scream, "yes!" When he asked you to marry him, right? You didn't do that. So maybe you're second-guessing. Maybe you should take some time and think about that before you rush off and get married.
Victoria: Oh. I do know him, and I do trust him. And I've already second-guessed him enough, based on my history with you.
Billy: Vick, listen to me.
Victoria: No, I want to marry him, okay? And I'm gonna start a beautiful life with him. God. I can't believe you actually pretended like you were doing this because you care about me.
Billy: Where are you going?
Victoria: I'm going to court. My family needs me.
Mariah: The judge decided to ban all cameras.
Kevin: I'm sure the Newmans were down with that.
Mariah: Hilary won't be.
Michael: All right, listen -- this is just a hearing. It's not a trial. The judge agreed that it was in everybody's best interest to keep this as low-profile as possible -- keep the parties calm, reasonable.
Kevin: That'll be a feat, with or without cameras.
Michael: Going in.
Kevin: See you inside.
Mariah: Hilary is going to be irate. "Calm and reasonable" does not bring in viewers.
Kevin: I'm sure she's gonna find a way to stir things up.
Mariah: That's exactly what I am afraid of. Hilary is a master at pulling out her phone and recording people without them knowing it.
Kevin: I will keep an eye on her -- how's that? -- Make sure she doesn't make you a part of the story.
Mariah: I am scared every day for what could happen if Paul found out that I helped keep my mom's secret.
Devon: Hey. I come in peace, you guys.
Mariah: You do, but your wife?
Devon: Hilary has promised to be impartial and take a much more even-headed approach.
Mariah: Right. Yeah.
Devon: Hey.
Dylan: Michael said a judge would be more likely to grant visitation... if I petitioned solo.
Sharon: Well... makes sense, I guess.
Dylan: I told him no. I said that you love Christian as much as I do... and we're gonna have to do this together.
Sharon: Thank you. Dylan, I would have never gone over there if I'd know that Christian was there, but when I saw him... all I could think about is how confused that little boy must be, wondering what happened to his mommy and why his daddy isn't around anymore. Should I have just walked out of that room? Is that what you would have done?
Dylan: Well, hopefully after today, Christian won't have to wonder anymore. We can be a part of his life again. [Sighs]
Sharon: That little boy has been in this house for months, with Dylan and I believing, with us knowing, that this was our baby. We devoted our lives to him!
Dylan: Look, I love that kid, Nick, and he loves us.
Dylan: I'm not worried about you. You see that guy? Your uncle Nick? We're gonna be trading places. He's gonna be your dad, and I'm gonna be your fun uncle. Nick's an honest guy. [Voice breaking] He's gonna love and protect you as much as I have. Because I love you more than anything. [Crying] I do. Don't forget about us all, okay?
[Footsteps approach]
Nick: [Sighs]
Nikki: Nicholas!
Nick: Hey.
Nikki: What -- what are you doing? We're gonna be late to court. Your father's waiting in the car.
Nick: Yeah, yeah. I'm coming.
Nikki: Well, what's going on? What are you doing?
Nick: [Sighs] Honestly, I can't stop thinking about Dylan. You know, it's a terrible situation. He didn't deserve this. He's tried to do it the right way. He's been up front and transparent and honest. I just feel like he deserves some credit for that.
Nikki: So you are taking my advice. You're going to give Dylan some visitation rights?
Nick: I'm definitely considering it. I know if the roles were reversed, he would do the same for me.
Nick: Of course he would. This is great news. I'm so proud of you, honey. You are able to see past Sharon's deceit and do the right thing.
Nick: Well, don't celebrate yet. It's not official.
Nikki: Well, you've made up your mind. I mean, what, at this point, could possibly change it?
Nick: I don't know. But if I've learned anything from this whole ordeal, it's that you can't count on anything.
Billy: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be recovering at home.
Cane: Yeah, while you're trying to sabotage my career? I don't think so.
Billy: What are you talking about, cane?
Cane: Don't deny it, Billy. You know that Jill is interviewing Travis and you're behind it.
Billy: Do you really think I'd be angling to have Victoria's fiancé work here? Give me a break. It's all Mom. Go talk to her about it.
Cane: Yeah. I'm going to.
Cane: Hey, hey, hey. Whatever she's offering you, it's not gonna happen, okay?
Jill: Cane, what in the world are you doing?
Cane: I am perfectly capable of doing my job. I don't need a replacement, all right?
Travis: Cane, Jill's made it very clear that you're invaluable to this company. This was just a courtesy interview. It turns out there's no opening after all.
Jill: Thank you, Travis, and I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding.
Travis: It's not a problem at all. Thanks for your time, Jill.
Kevin: Did you hear about the judge's orders?
Hilary: Yeah, no cameras in the courtroom.
Kevin: Such a shame.
Hilary: Oh, it'll be a challenge. Visual images are always powerful. But I'm just gonna have to be more creative -- work harder to tell the story properly.
Mariah: Yes, what you do best. A word?
Hilary: So, I ran in to Nikki when I was leaving the club. Now, that is a fascinating take. The mother of the two men at the center of the story? Now I'm just waiting for Sharon. And before you say anything, I get it, Devon. I really do. Okay? These -- this is a group of people. It's a family. And they're in a very terrible situation. There are no good guys or bad guys.
Devon: That's right.
Hilary: Sharon. How are you feeling? What do you think your chances are of getting visitation of with Christian?
Sharon: No comment.
Hilary: My viewers, they just --
Sharon: Hilary, please.
Hilary: How about you, Dylan? Have you really forgiven Sharon, or is this show of unity -- is this just for the judges' benefit?
Dylan: My wife and I are very confident we'll get visitation.
Kevin: Hey, Hilary?
Hilary: What is it?
Kevin: You got to come check this out.
Hilary: No, not now.
Kevin: You have to. Come -- come here.
Hilary: What is it?
Victor: What, no Sharon with you?
Dylan: She's inside.
Victor: Which confirms what I've been saying all along. You've been in on this with her from the beginning. And now you take this to court?
Nikki: Please.
Victor: Lot of nerve.
Nikki: Can we not do this in front of the press?
Nick: Let's go find Leslie.
Victor: Let's do it.
Nikki: Listen, I've talked to Nicholas, and I think I have convinced him to let you have visitation -- not Sharon, of course. But I do believe that you will be reunited with Christian.
Dylan: Hey, thanks for backing Hilary off.
Kevin: Yeah. You've got enough to deal with. Being hounded by the media?
Sharon: That is something we don't need.
Dylan: I got to talk to Michael before we get started.
Kevin: Okay. Sharon, look, I know Mariah helped you out. She could get in a lot of trouble for that.
Sharon: You're right. She could.
Kevin: Hilary suspects it. She can't prove anything -- not yet -- but she wouldn't hesitate to throw Mariah under the bus if it's gonna goose her ratings.
Sharon: She's not gonna hear anything from me.
Kevin: That's good to know.
Sharon: I am just praying that this will all be over with after today -- that the public will forget about it, that this will fade away.
Chelsea: I'm gonna go say hi to Nick.
Chloe: Okay.
Chelsea: Hey, there.
Nick: Oh, hey.
Chelsea: You sleep okay?
Nick: Next question?
Chelsea: Is everything all right?
Nick: I'm in kind of a dilemma.
Chelsea: How so?
Nick: My dad really wants me to play hardball.
Chelsea: Yeah. That's no surprise.
Nick: But my mom...
Chelsea: Is rooting for you and Dylan.
Nick: Yeah. She makes a pretty compelling case to give Dylan some sort of visitation.
Chelsea: With or without Sharon?
Nick: Oh, without, but I don't know if Dylan's gonna go for that. You know, I feel bad for the guy. He's a victim in this, too. It's just hard, you know, after all the lies.
Chelsea: Yeah, I know what you mean. [Clears throat]
Nick: Chelsea, you all right?
Chelsea: Um, I have to tell you something. It's about Sharon.
Dylan: According to Nikki, Nick might be willing to give me visitation.
Michael: Without Sharon?
Dylan: Nick's still pretty bitter.
Michael: That's probably not going away anytime soon.
Sharon: What's not going away? Is there something I should know?
Michael: Oh. It looks like the judge is ready to start.
Billy: See you later, Travis.
Travis: [Sighs] It would have been strange, you and me and Victoria all together in the same office.
Billy: "Strange" isn't the word I would have used.
Travis: I like to think we could have made it work. You weighed in with Victoria on my behalf before, but Jill's not feeling nearly as generous.
Billy: No?
Travis: She's made no secret of the fact she wants you back with your ex.
Billy: Yeah? Well, my mother's a one-trick pony that way.
Travis: You don't find it a bit weird, how involved she gets in your love life? I mean, you're a grown man. You can make your own decisions. I do admire her loyalty, though.
Billy: The Abbotts are a little bit weird when it comes to family loyalty, but make no mistake -- Victoria is still my family. She's the mother of my children. So if you hurt her --
Travis: You can save the warning, Billy, okay? I know how lucky I am to have her.
Billy: Do you?
Travis: Yeah.
Billy: Because in my experience as a degenerate gambler, the luckiest ones don't realize it -- until their luck runs out.
Travis: If this is your way of telling me there's not gonna be any more endorsements, loud and clear, okay? Message is received.
Billy: Okay.
Travis: In a few more weeks, it's not gonna matter.
Billy: Why is that?
Travis: We're having a Christmastime wedding.
Michael: Mr. McAvoy, please tell the court what you're seeking here today.
Dylan: [Sighs] Uh, first, I want to say that... I'm deeply sorry... for every moment my brother Nick was kept away from Christian, because I know how painful it is since he learned that his boy was alive, because it's only been a few days, and I miss him so much, and it hurts.
Michael: As a father myself, I have no doubt.
Leslie: Objection!
Judge Carlson: Counsel will refrain from editorializing.
Michael: Yes, Your Honor. You were saying?
Dylan: In every way that mattered... I was a father to that child for the first year of his life. When he said his first word, he said it to me. I'd look into his eyes, and I would plan our future together as father and son. I would lay my life down for him.
Leslie: Judge, Mr. McAvoy has yet to respond to counsel's question.
Michael: I'll ask another. The moment you're describing and for some time afterward, you did not know that Christian was not your son, did you?
Dylan: No. I had no idea, up until recently. I had no reason to believe he wasn't my flesh and blood. And when Dr. Anderson placed that baby in Sharon's arms, she believed it, too. And that's why I'm petitioning the court to allow both of us to spend time with Christian.
Michael: To clarify, you are asking for joint visitation, not only yourself but for Sharon, as well. Is that correct?
Dylan: Things happened. I didn't or wouldn't ever condone it. And you know that. And there's things that I'm personally struggling with right now, but Sharon never acted out of malice. And I have to forgive her. And I'm hoping that you can forgive her, too, so we can do what's best for this little boy.
Jill: I am absolutely astonished that you think I would replace you with anyone.
Lily: See? I told you. You're irreplaceable.
Cane: Don't trust her. Don't trust her.
Lily: You see what I'm dealing with?
Jill: How can you say that to me? We are family.
Cane: Yeah. Travis is gonna be family soon. He's gonna be the stepdad of your grandkids, isn't he?
Jill: Oh, lord. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Anyway, I'm not worried about Travis. I'm worried about you. I mean, my God. What were you thinking, hobbling in here so soon after your surgery?
Cane: I can't stand laying down anymore. I feel useless.
Lily: You're not useless. You're healing. And doing this delays the process.
Jill: Yeah, or you could make it worse. You risk reinjuring yourself. What would your surgeon say?
Lily: He'd go crazy!
Cane: All right. I'll go home. All right. I'll work from there. Just please keep me in the loop. I'm going stir-crazy here.
Jill: Darling, we talked about this. There is plenty of work for you to do from home.
Cane: All right. Okay.
Jill: Good. As soon as you leave, I'm gonna sit down at the computer and forward you so many e-mails, it'll make your head spin. You'll be loaded.
Cane: Thank you, Jill. Ohh.
Jill: You take care of yourself.
Lily: Yeah. I'll make sure of it. Thank you, Jill.
Jill: Good, good, good.
Jill: Uh-oh. We're the only ones here. Why are you closing the door?
Billy: Because I want to make sure you have my full attention when you tell me what the hell's going on and why you agreed to interview Travis.
Jill: [Chuckles] You know what they say. Keep your enemies closer.
Billy: Travis is your enemy now, Mom?
Jill: [Sighs] The more you protest, the more I know that you have something on this man I don't know about.
Billy: Yeah? What are you basing that on?
Jill: On the way you're dancing around all my questions all the time.
Billy: I'm sick and tired of being interrogated. Did you ever think about that? I don't know anything. Excuse me.
Jill: Stop it, Billy. All right. If Travis Crawford is not the man he claims to be, don't you dare let Victoria walk down that aisle without telling her. You owe her that.
Sharon: What you did for me in there -- you have no idea how much that means to me, the way you stood up for me.
Hilary: Sharon, can you tell us how it went in there? I'm surprised that you didn't speak on your own behalf.
Dylan: I already gave you your sound bite. Leave us alone.
Mariah: Hilary, would you cut it out?
Hilary: The devoted daughter who stood unwaveringly beside her mother, living in the same house as the little boy that Sharon raised as her own, even after she found out that it wasn't her biological child. Looking back, Mariah, would you say that there were signs?
Kevin: Mariah, I have something urgent to tell you. Come with me.
Hilary: Damn it.
Devon: Honey...
Hilary: [Sighs]
Devon: ...It's a stressful day, okay? Why don't you let the families get some air and set up camp outside with the other reporters for the press conference afterwards?
Hilary: Because I would rather be in here, mingling with all the players.
Devon: Who obviously don't want to talk to you.
Hilary: Well, then there goes my exclusive.
Victoria: How did your interview go with Jill?
Travis: Jill's happy with the current dynamic. I don't think she wants to send cane the wrong message by bringing on another executive.
Victoria: Oh. I'm really sorry she wasted your time.
Travis: I'm fine. Something will come up. Till then, I don't think your father's gonna be very happy.
Victoria: My father? Why?
Travis: Well, when I quit Newman, he made a point of saying he doesn't want me sponging off you. Hey. You know I won't do that, right?
Victoria: No, of course not, and, you know, it's just my dad being my dad. And I'm embarrassed that he even said that.
Travis: Don't be. It's not your fault.
Victoria: [Sighs] I know the reason that you went back to the corporate world was so that you could prove yourself to me. I know that.
Leslie: We're being called back. Ready to make your statement?
Nick: Let's do it.
Travis: Hey. You coming?
Victoria: Uh, yeah. Go ahead. I'll be right there, okay?
Billy: I can't keep quiet about this anymore, Vick.
Leslie: As Christian's sole parent, what are your thoughts about the petition for visitation being put before this court?
Nick: Sharon knew he was my son, and she kept that from me, and I'm supposed to understand why she did that?
Leslie: But you really don't understand, do you?
Nick: No. And you, Dylan -- you asked me to forgive these things that you wouldn't, that you didn't condone. I'm supposed to believe you didn't know? You didn't have the slightest inkling?
Dylan: You know I didn't know!
Judge Carlson: Mr. McAvoy.
Nick: Well, did you know your wife went behind my back to see my son? She saw Christian without my knowledge or permission. Did you know, Dylan?
Dylan: Yes. [Sighs]
Lily: I guess Jill wasn't kidding when she said that she had a lot of work for you to do.
Cane: That works for me. Thank you so much, baby, for printing these out.
Lily: Yeah, of course. But listen to me. The part about not overdoing it is still in effect. Even superman had to rest.
Cane: [Chuckles] Ohh!
Lily: Ooh! I'm sorry.
Cane: Ohh. No, it's okay.
Lily: I'm sorry.
Cane: No, no, no, no. It's -- it's okay.
Lily: [Sighs]
Cane: You're okay, baby.
Lily: You know what? Look, why don't you just rest, okay? You can deal with this work stuff later.
Cane: No, no, no. I need the distraction. I'm okay.
Lily: Are you in that much pain? Do you need a pill?
Cane: No, no, no. I don't want a pill. I don't want a pill. It's just gonna mess with my head. I'm okay. Listen, you know, I feel bad. I've kept you from work. Go. Go. Go. Go to work.
Lily: Okay. Listen, how 'bout this? I'm gonna leave these... where you can reach them in case you need it, okay? Feel better, all right?
Cane: Thank you.
Lily: Yeah. Call me if you need anything.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Bye.
Cane: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales sharply]
[Indistinct conversations]
Sharon: Michael, I swear, I-I didn't plan on it.
Michael: I didn't plan on it, either Sharon, because I didn't know you visited Christian.
Leslie: Your Honor, based on the plaintiff's admission, we demand that the court issue a restraining order against Dylan and Sharon McAvoy.
Victoria: [Sighs] Look, I'm missing nick's testimony. Would you please just get to the point?
Billy: This isn't easy for me, okay? And for the record, you were wrong earlier.
Victoria: About what?
Billy: I meant every word I said to you -- that I want you to be happy. And I was hoping that it'd be Travis, and I was hoping that he'd be the one to tell you this, 'cause I don't want to be the one.
Victoria: Oh, God. This again.
Billy: Would you just listen to me, okay? I can't sit here and watch you try to talk yourself into marrying the guy. And I don't want to be the one to tell you this.
Victoria: Tell me what, Billy? Just spit it out.
Billy: Travis cheated on you, Vick.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: He knew his wife went behind my back to see my son. I can't trust them around Christian.
Dylan: Why -- why are you doing this?
Judge Carlson: Order, order, order!
Billy: Ask him, Vick.
Travis: Ask me what?
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