Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/23/16

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/23/16


Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: Dylan.

Dylan: I won't be long. I'm gonna get changed and head back to the station.

Sharon: Wait a minute. You're not scheduled to work today -- it's Thanksgiving.

Dylan: You told me to get out. I just assumed that we're not gonna spend Thanksgiving together.

Sharon: Dylan, I'm so sorry. You know, everything came crashing down at once. Sully was gone and then faith wanted to live with nick and I blew up at you. I know that your heart is in a million pieces because of me, and all you've tried to do is help and understand, and it's a miracle that you don't hate me and haven't walked away from me. But, Dylan, I can't lose you, too. Do you think that you could forgive me?

Dylan: Happy Thanksgiving.

Sharon: We're gonna get through this, won't we?

[Doorbell rings]

Nikki: Happy Thanksgiving, sweetheart. Hey, Sharon.

Dylan: What's going on?

Nikki: I know it's going to be a hard day for you, so I thought we could spend some time together.

Sharon: Up at the main house?

Nikki: Certainly not here. The whole family is gathering.

Sharon: Is nick bringing Christian?

Nikki: Actually, yes, he is. And I would love for you to be a part of this day. Say you'll come.

Sharon: Just Dylan?

Nikki: Sharon! Are you kidding me? After the way you crashed Christian's birthday party --

Sharon: No, we didn't crash. Nicholas invited us to that.

Nikki: And everybody was extremely uncomfortable because you are a kidnapper, so do me a favor and stay away from my family.

Jill: Hey! Hey! You cannot just walk away from me like that!

Phyllis: What more do you want me to say to prove that Billy and I are history? You want a blood oath? What do you want? It's over!

Jill: Oh, because you love your husband so much.

Phyllis: Yeah, that's right.

Jill: I have watched you for months play the good wife, all the time sleeping with my son!

Phyllis: Jill, past tense. Jack is my future.

Jill: Look how easily you say that -- you're so contrite, so devoted -- but I know you. What would make you believe that I would think this was anything but another act?

Jack: What are you doing here?

Billy: Don't worry about it. I won't stay.

Jack: Yeah, you're leaving.

Billy: Hold on, jack. Listen, I know your holiday shindig is short a few Abbotts, in particular the two sisters that can cook, so I brought you some food. You gonna let me in?

Travis: All right, one more, buddy.

Victoria: Wow, you're really good at that.

Travis: It's a gift. I promise to pass on the magic. I'll teach you to do this all by yourself one day.

Victoria: I'm gonna get the rest of our things together, and then we can be on our way.

Travis: Okay. You want to go sit with your sister?

Travis: It's been a busy morning with the kids, so I haven't had a chance to ask. It's, uh, not like I've been counting the hours since I proposed. Okay, maybe a little bit, but... you haven't given me an answer, so... just wondering, do you want to share what's on your mind?

Chloe: Who is it?

Kevin: Happy turkey day!

Michael: Happy Thanksgiving.

Lauren: Thanks for hosting us.

Kevin: Of course.

Lauren: Hi, sweet girl.

Michael: Good to see you. Mwah! Hey, beautiful! Hi!

Chloe: Oh, thank you! Perfect for potluck.

Lauren: Oh, yes. Smells delicious!

Chloe: Oh, well, that's because Kevin has been basting the turkey all day.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Hold on, hold on. You're in charge of the turkey? Are we worried about this?

Kevin: [Laughs] I would say yes, but I have had some help. Bella here is a whiz in the kitchen, aren't you?

Michael: You are.

Lauren: Well, thank goodness. Then dinner's gonna be perfect.

Chloe: Yes, it will be.

[Doorbell rings]

Michael: Let's get rid of these.

Lauren: Yeah. Definitely.

Christine: Happy Thanksgiving.

Chloe: Hi!

Paul: Happy Thanksgiving.

Chloe: Happy Thanksgiving. Mwah!

Paul: You look beautiful! How are you? Good to see you.

Chloe: Mwah! Great.

Paul: So, um...are Dylan and Sharon still coming, or...?

Chloe: Uh, yeah, I assume so. I don't think anything has changed. [Laughs]

Paul: Well, good. Good to hear.

Nick: Oh! Hey, nick.

Nick: How are you?

Chloe: I didn't know that you were joining us.

Chelsea: He's here to pick up Connor and me. We're going to the Newmans.

Faith: Hi!

Summer: Hi!

Abby: Hi!

Summer: Hi.

Victor: Happy Thanksgiving.

Summer: Happy Thanksgiving.

Abby: Happy Thanksgiving. Mwah! Ah, my little fashionista, faith, you look so cute.

Faith: Thanks!

Victor: Isn't that something? Look at that. So, did you all bring your appetite?

Abby: Yes.

Faith: And Esther's pies?

Victor: Ooh.

Faith: Where are they?

Abby: Well, the pies -- they kind of got eaten when we were with jack.

Victor: Jack Abbott ate our pies?

Summer: [Laughs] I'm sure there are plenty of back-up pies around here somewhere.

Victor: I'm sure there are. We have nothing to worry about, right? The fact that all of you are here with me, under the same roof, and we'll listen to your laughter, listen to all of you talk, that makes me very happy. Come here.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Sharon: We have plans. Chloe invited us.

Nikki: Oh, well, that doesn't mean that Dylan can't spend time with his family.

Sharon: I am Dylan's family.

Nikki: You have brought both of my sons to their knees through your lies and your selfishness, so you are not invited to my home. Why Dylan is even staying here, I don't even know.

Dylan: Nikki, please. Nikki.

Nikki: I'm sorry, darling. I just wanted to extend the invitation. And let you know that I'm here for you today and every day.

Sharon: Oh, please, Nikki! Will you get real? You act like you're on Dylan's side now, but we all know when it comes down to it, you're gonna stand with victor and nick!

Nikki: You know what? I would never choose between my sons.

Sharon: Dylan, it's up to you. Do you want to come with me and be with people who are actually happy to see you, or do you want to go to the main house and get dumped on? But you're kidding yourself if you think victor will be fine with you being anywhere near his family or his new heir.

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Dylan: This is something Sharon and I need to try to work through on our own.

Nikki: But the way she lied to you for months --

Dylan: She was wrong. I'm not making any excuses. But she loved our son and she loved our family and she didn't want that to end.

Nikki: But it did end. And I know you love that little boy like your own.

Dylan: Yeah, but he's not mine. And that's -- that's why I'm not coming up to the house. It'd just be really awkward, and I don't want to have to say goodbye to him all over again. It's not how I really want to spend my holiday.

Nikki: I understand. I love you so much. If you need anything -- anything at all -- I am here for you.

Dylan: I know. I love you, too.

Nikki: Okay, well... when I sit with my family today, I'm gonna be so grateful that I have such a courageous and loving son. I'll see you.

Sharon: Is it safe?

Dylan: Yeah, it's all clear.

Sharon: I know I shouldn't have gone off like that. It's just Nikki is always on the attack.

Dylan: I know, I know. You guys don't get along. I'm not going up to the house. I just, you know, I can't do it.

Sharon: Okay. Oh, um, the Brussels sprouts! Why don't you get dressed and then we'll go.

Victor: You know how happy this makes me, to start this day with all my favorite girls?

Abby: Well, this favorite girl's gonna check out what's going on in the kitchen.

Victor: Okay, my sweetheart. Thank you.

Summer: Hey. I bet patches would love some Thanksgiving carrots. Do you want to go down to the stable with me?

Victor: What's the matter, sweetheart?

Faith: Do you think my mom knows that I love her?

Victor: Of course she does. Why would you ask that?

Faith: Because I want to live with daddy.

Victor: Sit down here. You know, you're a very smart girl. You have a big heart. Your mommy loves you, you love her, but sometimes, we have to make choices in life, and you made yours. And we are all in support of that.

Faith: But what if my mom thinks that I hate her?

Victor: No.

Faith: I mean, I'm mad at what she did, but I still love her.

Summer: Of course you do, faith. She knows that.

Faith: But she looked so sad at Christian's birthday party.

Victor: Oh, sweetheart, she knows you love her, okay? But she also knows what all of us know -- that right now, you know who needs your big heart and your love? Your daddy and your brother. Okay?

Faith: I love you, grandpa.

Victor: Come here. I adore you, okay? You're a sweet girl.

Victoria: I'm sorry I'm making you wait. I love you. And this is a really big decision. It's one that I wasn't expecting to make.

Travis: Yeah, I did spring it on you.

Victoria: Yeah, you did. It was quite a surprise. I just need some time. That's all.

Travis: Okay. I won't push. I promise.

Victoria: Okay.

Travis: When you're ready, you're ready.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: Geez. I'm sorry. I didn't know you already ate.

Jack: Yeah, Abby and summer decided to deep-fry the turkey.

Billy: Did they leave with all their hair and eyebrows?

Jack: Barely.

Billy: It just proves most Abbotts shouldn't be anywhere near the kitchen. What have we got here? Come on, I didn't make the cut? This is art, brother. Let me just slide this right there. It's a beautiful thing right there.

Jack: Okay, you redecorated, you delivered the food. Now you can leave.

Billy: So you can spend Thanksgiving alone?

Jack: I was finding things rather peaceful until now.

Billy: I knew you had the game on. What's the score?

Jack: You can watch the game somewhere else.

Billy: Jack. It's already the second half. It'll be over by the time I get anywhere to watch it.

Jack: Suit yourself.

Chloe: So, you are going to the Newmans? 'Cause last I checked, we were having Thanksgiving here. Together.

Chelsea: I know. I'm sorry. But, you know, this is about Connor. He should be with family on Thanksgiving -- you know, his grandma, his grandpa, his aunts, uncles, cousins.

Chloe: Well, and then there's that other thing -- you don't want to disappoint nick.

Chelsea: Uh, well, sure, I mean, I think it's important to him that I'm there.

Christine: Oh, my gosh. How cute are they? They're like best buds already.

Lauren: They bring such joy, don't they?

Paul: Yeah, they certainly do. So, you got big plans at the ranch, I hear.

Nick: Oh, yeah, you know, my parents, they go all out on Thanksgiving.

[Christian laughs]


Mariah: Hi!

Chloe: Hi!

Chelsea: Happy Thanksgiving!

Mariah: Happy Thanksgiving. I brought bread and wine, and I went all out this time. It's a real cork and everything.

Chloe: [Laughs] Oh, great. Well, here, let me take it from you. I'll put it in the kitchen. Join the others.

Mariah: I didn't know nick and Christian were gonna be here.

Kevin: Mariah, come join us!

Mariah: Hi, everyone. On second thought, I'm gonna take these to the kitchen myself.

Nick: Hey, Mariah. Happy Thanksgiving.

Mariah: Hi. Happy Thanksgiving. And happy Thanksgiving to you, too, little man! Don't eat all the sweet potatoes, okay?

Nick: [Chuckles] Uh, you ready to go?

Chelsea: Uh, yeah, I am.

Nick: All right, well, happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Chelsea: Bye, guys.

Nick: Don't overdo it on the turkey.

Michael: Have a good time.

Paul: Have a good one.

Nick: All right, let's do it.

Sharon: Um... sully! Look at you. I-I'm sorry. I mean -- um, happy Thanksgiving.

Dylan: Yeah, we should get out of their so they won't be late.

Nick: Happy Thanksgiving.

Chloe: Wow. Okay, well, that was the hard part, and it's all good now.

Kevin: She's into that.

Michael: She loves that.

Lauren: I thought we were gonna have a problem there for a minute.

Michael: I think everybody could use some wine. A lot of it.

Kevin: I will start pouring.

Lauren: Great idea.

Michael: I will help you.

Lauren: I will have some girl talk with Bella!

Paul: Hey, I know that was a rather rough landing, but, uh, I'm glad you're here.

Christine: We all are.

Dylan: Thanks.

Paul: How are you doing?

Dylan: Uh, you know, today, I'm gonna focus on being thankful I get to spend the day with you guys.

Chloe: Here, why don't I take your dish and put it in the kitchen?

Sharon: You know what, I have a better idea -- why don't I take it into the kitchen and then stay there all evening?

Chloe: Had I known that nick was gonna be here, I would have given you a heads up. I'm so sorry. But you handled it just fine.

Sharon: Why, because I didn't completely embarrass myself?

Chloe: You're doing great.

Sharon: Well, it's nice to know I have friends -- at least one -- by my side. And that I am thankful for.

Phyllis: Do you know what I'd be really thankful for right now?

Jill: What, Phyllis?

Phyllis: A big, fat turkey leg to jam into your mouth.

Jill: Ha! Because I'm telling you the truth.

Phyllis: You're being ridiculous.

Jill: No, no. I saw you and Billy with your heads so close together, like you were the only two people in the room.

Phyllis: You know what we were talking about? We were talking about jack and how worried I am that he's gonna be spending this holiday alone.

Jill: Yeah, like you really care about jack, huh?

Phyllis: It's the truth.

Jill: The truth flows so easily from your mouth, too, doesn't it?

Phyllis: All right, you know what, let me ask you a question since you seem to know all the answers.

Jill: Mm.

Phyllis: Am I with Billy right now?

Jill: Oh, don't be a smart ass.

Phyllis: Where do you think he is?

Jill: I think I sent him out for forks.

Phyllis: Well, there's that. But maybe he is mending fences with his brother right this minute.

Billy: Oh, come on. That's interference!

Jack: And there's the flag. So, why are you bothering me and not your own kids?

Billy: Kids are having dinner with Vicki and Travis and the many, many Newmans.

Jack: How you dealing with that whole Travis thing?

Billy: Well, Vicki's happy. Trying to be supportive. Between you and me, Travis asked Vicki to marry him.

Jack: How you handling that?

Billy: What can I say? It's not my place.

Jack: I think you're on the right track. Stay out of Victoria's business.

Billy: What are you saying, I would mess with Vicki and Travis?

Jack: Do I think you'd enjoy the challenge of stealing another man's wife? Gee, I don't know.

Nikki: Aren't you two absolutely scrumptious?

Victoria: Yeah, we actually make it over here with our shoes tied and no juice spills.

Nikki: Hey. That's pretty good.

Victoria: I know.

Victor: Well, now, who do we have here? My goodness! [Laughs]

Victoria: Hi, dad. Happy Thanksgiving. Mwah.

Victor: Hello! Oh! You look adorable! Hi, sweetheart.

Travis: Happy Thanksgiving, victor.

Victor: Thank you. Hey! Where'd you get this jacket? What a neat jacket. Do you know what I'm gonna do?

Victoria: Huh?

Victor: Make sure that the stuffing is the right stuffing, okay?

[Laughing] Hey! You're adorable! You're just adorable. Okay. See you in a minute.

Summer: ...Very picky about the stuffing.

Travis: And who sits at his table.

Summer: Don't worry, you have plenty of friends here.

Travis: Thanks. That's very kind.

Summer: Well, that's not gonna stop me from trying to steal the wishbone from you. Just so you know.

Abby: These stuffed mushrooms are amazing.

Faith: [Gasps] Johnny! Katie!

Summer: Hey, guys! Do you want to go with us to help feed carrots to faith's pony?

Victoria: Oh, that's a good idea.

Summer: Yeah? Let's go!

Faith: Come on!

Nikki: May I offer you some champagne?

Travis: Absolutely.

Nikki: Good!

Travis: Let me help.

Nikki: Ah! It's right here.

Abby: Well, that is a very naked finger. You still haven't given Travis an answer yet?

Victoria: [Sighs] I have no reason not to. I mean, I love him and he loves me and the kids.

Abby: It's okay to not be sure. It hasn't always been smooth sailing for you two, no pun intended.

Victoria: [Scoffs] No, I know. We've had our problems, but, you know, who doesn't? We've worked through them, and... Travis is amazing. He puts up with my crazy family. For the most part. [Laughs] And the kids -- he's so good with them. And Billy's good with the relationship, too.

Abby: And yet, you're not jumping up and down screaming "yes!" So...

Victoria: I know. It's just fear, you know? It's just -- I've had a string of some really bad marriages, and I just want this to be it. I want this to be the happy ending.

Abby: Well, maybe all the happy ending needs is a little leap of faith.

Victoria: I just wonder if I can do that before Travis gets tired of waiting.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: How'd you know I'd be alone? What, did Traci put you up to this?

Billy: I didn't talk to Traci.

Jack: Then how did you know she wouldn't be here?

Billy: My mother and I were feeding the homeless at crimson lights, doing --

Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You were doing charity work?

Billy: Oh, yes. I have a heart. It's tiny and needy, but it's there. Phyllis was there. Volunteering her time.

Jack: Wait, Phyllis sent you here?

Billy: She didn't send me, but she told me that were alone.

Jack: She has no business telling you anything! She has no business being involved! We are divorced! My private life is none of her business!

Billy: Come on, jack. The hell it isn't, okay? She loves you, all right? If you would just get over yourself and open your eyes, you would realize that she would do anything for you, that she would do anything to make it up to you.

Jack: Was she telling you how much she loved me when she was naked with you on this sofa?

Billy: You know you'd be crazy not to give her a second chance.

Phyllis: Jack is up at the Abbott cabin by himself. I would love nothing more to share this day with him, but I know that I am the last person he wants to see right now.

Jill: So you sent Billy instead? Oh, my god. Do you know they could destroy each other and the cabin and the woods for miles around?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm, or maybe, just maybe, he could actually get through to him. It's Thanksgiving. Today is the day that people take time out from the crazy in their life and see what is important and what they are grateful for, and what better day than today for them to repair their relationship?

Jill: God, do you really think that's possible?

Phyllis: Yes, I do. Billy needs his big brother in his life. And for as much trouble as Billy has been, jack needs him just as much. Oh, you're gonna tell me I'm full of it. I can feel it.

Jill: No, Phyllis. This time, I believe you.

Victor: Well, my goodness. Look at the two of you. Am I a lucky man or what?

Nick: Sorry we're late.

Nikki: No, no. Your timing is perfect. Dinner is about to be served.

Nick: Good.

Victor: Chelsea, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you and Connor decided to spend Thanksgiving with us. It means a lot to me.

Nick: Well, what do you say we lose all these coats and get a prime seat at the table?

Victor: Yes.

Nick: I'm starving.

Victor: You go inside.

Nick: Thanks.

Nikki: Well, you couldn't have looked more please when those four arrived.

Victor: Couldn't be happier. You know, Nicholas and Chelsea have gone through so much, lost so much, and I'm very happy that they are finding comfort in each other and in Nicholas' son, you know?

Nikki: Well, there's someone else who would have loved to celebrate with Christian, too.

Victor: Oh, yeah. I didn't see a place at the table for him. Did he turn down your invitation?

Nikki: He did.

Victor: Well, I'm glad he did because I think if Dylan had shown up, it would have caused unnecessary tension between him and Nicholas -- you know that. I respect Dylan's decision. I really do.

Mariah: Seeing my two favorite people together is all of the holiday spirit I need. And it beats last year when you were in fair-- I'm so sorry.

Dylan: It's all right. It's fine.

Mariah: You know what, I'm gonna get some food to put in my mouth so maybe my foot won't go in.

Dylan: Yeah. Food is good.

Sharon: Thank you for being here and being by my side.

Chloe: Okay, well, everyone, I should let you all know that my mother is serving dinner at the coffeehouse to the homeless, and I promised her that I would hold off on dinner until she got here, so, please enjoy all the appetizers.

Kevin: Well, but make sure you save some room for the awesome turkey, because that's what it's gonna be.

[Laughter] I'll take her up.

Chloe: No. No, no, no. You -- come on, nugget! Yeah! You have to work on making sure that that turkey is perfect because it is the main course.


Michael: You're starting to look like a real family.

Kevin: Yeah, it's starting to feel like that, too.

Lauren: Excuse me for a minute. Hey.

Mariah: Hi.

Lauren: You okay?

Mariah: Oh, with -- with Kevin and Chloe? Yes. Yeah.

Lauren: Yeah.

Mariah: I'm definitely good. Yeah.

Lauren: Really?

Mariah: Chloe is it for Kevin. She's the one. He's still my best friend, and I'm happy for him. Yes.

Lauren: All right. We'll go with you being okay.

Mariah: [Laughs]

Lauren: So, would you like a refill to go with your okayness?

Mariah: Yes, I would, thank you very much.

Lauren: Let's go.

Sharon: Christine. I just want to thank you for dropping the charges.

Christine: Yeah, I just hope everyone who was involved can move on and there's no more trouble.

Sharon: Well, I'm not looking for trouble. But if you're asking me to pretend like I don't wish Christian were in my life every day, that's not possible.

Christine: I just mean it's a volatile situation. You and Dylan were victims, and, uh, do I think you keeping nick's child away from him was commendable? No. But --

Sharon: But loving a child is not a crime.

Christine: No. It's not.

Paul: Listen, I know how tough this day is on you. I wish I could, you know, wave a wand or something to make it all go away. This must be Bella's, huh? Cute little guy.

Dylan: No, that's sul-- Christian's. Nick must have dropped it.

[Sighs] I gave this to my son.

Sharon: Isn't there something we can do?

Michael: Time would be good. For healing, for you and others.

Sharon: Yeah, I understand that, but... couldn't we maybe sue nick for visitation?

Dylan: What are you doing?

Sharon: These are just possibilities. These are just all the options I was looking at, right, Michael?

Michael: They are, but there are certain factors you need to take into consideration.

Dylan: Why didn't you discuss this with me?

Sharon: Because I wanted to get the answers first. I didn't want offer hope if there wasn't any.

Dylan: Like you did with sully?

Michael: If you'll excuse me.

Sharon: I saw the look on your face when you saw Christian and when you were holding his toy. We loved that little boy. We raised him for a year.

Dylan: But he's nick's son. He's not ours.

Sharon: That does not mean that Christian should be cut out of our lives. That's not fair to him, it's not fair to us. Why shouldn't we fight to keep him in our lives?

Dylan: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset your Thanksgiving. I got to go.

[Door slams]

Victor: You know something? I think the two of you are going to be friends. Like two brothers.

Nick: Just let me know when you want me to start a good food fight.

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Nick: It's my specialty.

Chelsea: Is it?

Victor: I just want you all to know that I am very touched by the fact that we're all sitting at this table together. You know? We have gone through a lot the past year. We've lost sage, we've lost Adam. I know that touched a lot of you deeply. But we have come together to help each other, and I think it has helped many of us to bond with each other. And, in some cases, to actually love each other. And now comes the fun part, where we will each talk about what we are grateful for. Why don't we start with my beautiful wife?

Nikki: Well... I am grateful that my husband is finally back at the head of the table where he belongs.

Nick: Yes.

Victor: Oh, do you think so? What?

Nick: I guess I'll go next. I am always very grateful for my beautiful daughters who I love more than anything, and you make me laugh and you always keep me on my toes. I'm talking to you, tiny dancer.

[Laughter] And for this little guy here.

Victor: Yeah.

Nick: It's a miracle he's back in my life. Sage's son.

Travis: I'm so grateful to have this amazing woman in my life 'cause being with her and making a home with her is... it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Victoria: [Sighs] Well, um, I'm very thankful for the patience from the man that I love. But he doesn't have to be patient anymore because I have an answer for him, and the answer is yes, I will marry you.

Nikki: [Gasps] Victoria!

Victoria: [Laughs]

Nikki: Oh, my goodness!


Abby: Wow! Congratulations!

Jack: You know what? Play time's over. You can leave now.

Billy: What I did to you was unthinkable, jack. You're not gonna forgive me. I understand that. But Phyllis --

Jack: Enough!

Billy: You love her. I know you do. Deep down, you want to forgive --

Jack: Don't you dare presume to tell me what I'm thinking.

Billy: You push her away. You do all these things. You make me work life miserable, and what does she do? She keeps trying. She keeps trying because she loves you, because you're the love of her life. So why don't you just get over yourself and see what's right in front of you?

Jack: If you leave right now, you can see the last quarter of the game at home. Or in some dive bar.

Billy: So, what are you gonna do, jack? You're gonna sit here, watch the football game, eat some charred turkey? And then what? Just be miserable? You deserve to be happy. And I know somebody that would love to see you today.

Sharon: And I was so hoping that this would be a good day for Dylan.

Paul: [Groans] No answer.

Sharon: Well, all I did was ask Michael about the possibility of visitation.

Mariah: Oh, boy.

Sharon: You know, I had no idea that Dylan was gonna react this way.

Paul: Come on, Sharon. Maybe you should have discussed your plans with your husband before plowing ahead on your own, especially with something so sensitive. Right?

Sharon: I think I'm gonna go look for him.

Mariah: No, no, no. Please. Just give me some space like he asked. He's gonna come back to you when he's ready.

Nikki: Oh, I am so happy for you, my darling.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nikki: And I know you will take good care of my daughter and my grandchildren.

Travis: You can count on that.

Summer: Okay, so, when did this happen? How?

Victoria: Yesterday at the park.

Nick: And you made him wait?

Victoria: Well, you know, it's a big decision. I just needed some time to think about it. Then I realized what a wonderful man he is and how much I love him and I just had to wonder what I was waiting for. So I hope you don't mind me telling you in front my entire family.


Travis: Oh, no. You kidding? It was perfect. Thanksgiving is officially my favorite holiday.


Victor: You know, Travis, it is tradition to ask the father for his daughter's hand. Were you afraid to ask?

Travis: With all due respect, it's a lovely tradition, but it's bit old-fashioned, and I want to marry Victoria, not you.

Victor: [Chuckles]

Nikki: Well, that is very good because he's already taken.

Victor: That's right. Bye-bye.

Nick: Brave man. But a lucky one. Take care of her.

Travis: You got it.

Abby: Looks like you were ready to take that leap after all.

Phyllis: Jack.

Jack: I thought you were volunteering at crimson lights feeding the homeless.

Phyllis: I'm just taking a break. I thought you were up at the cabin. What are you doing here?

Jack: You mean, why am I not still with Billy? You shouldn't have sent him up there.

Phyllis: I was worried. I didn't want you to spend the holiday alone.

Jack: I come to like being alone.

Phyllis: Not in the cabin. Not today.

Jack: I'll let you get back to your coffee, okay?

Phyllis: Jack -- a lot of people in need this year, you know. We could use the extra hands. You want to come back with me?

Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I think I would.

Jill: It's all right, Esther. I got this. More hot drinks coming up.

Jack: Here you go. Happy Thanksgiving. Hey. Happy Thanksgiving.

Henry: Happy Thanksgiving to you, sir.

Jack: Tell me your name.

Henry: Henry.

Jack: Hi, Henry. I'm jack. Enjoy your food. Plenty of seconds, too.

Henry: Thank you, sir. Thank you.

Jack: Hey. Happy Thanksgiving.

Lauren: These are really delicious.

Chloe: Oh, I didn't make those.

Lauren: You didn't?

Chloe: No!

Michael: Who did?

Mariah: Still no word?

Sharon: No. Nothing.

Mariah: Well, do you want some cheese puffs? Nothing fills the void like holiday food if it's fried, as well.

Sharon: I think I'm just gonna get going.

Mariah: You can't.

Sharon: Yeah, I'm gonna wait for Dylan at home. We can talk this all out.

Mariah: Do you want some company?

Sharon: No, you stay. Eat some turkey. Have fun for me, okay?

Mariah: Okay, but call me if you need anything, all right?

Sharon: Okay. Have a good time.

Mariah: Okay.


Sharon: Um, I'm gonna get going, everyone, but I hope you have a really lovely dinner. Chloe, could I have a word with you?

Chloe: Yeah. Of course. Okay, well, here. I'm sorry that you can't stay.

Sharon: You know, I think it'll just be more of a party without me, but I do have a favor to ask you.

Chloe: Okay.

Sharon: Could you talk to Chelsea for me?

Chloe: About faith? I -- I don't know if that's such a good idea.

Sharon: You know, I really blew it the other day. I overreacted, and I've been doing a lot of that lately, but this is about Christian.

Chloe: Oh. I mean, that's a very sensitive subject.

Sharon: Yeah, that's why I need your help. You know, nick -- he listens to Chelsea. Maybe you can talk to her and she can get him to keep more of an open mind about Dylan and I spending a little more time with Christian.

Chloe: Uh, yeah, I just feel like emotions are really raw right now.

Sharon: I mean, you saw how much this is affecting Dylan. That little boy is his heart, and I broke it, and I just -- I can't just give up. Chloe, please, this would mean so much to me.

Chloe: Okay, I'm not gonna force the issue, but if the opportunity arises, I will -- I'll do what I can.

Sharon: Yes. Okay. Thank you.

Chloe: Yeah.

[Door closes]

Billy: Okay, how are my favorite little pilgrims, huh?

Victoria: Well, they have just enough room left for sugar.

Billy: Oh, perfect. You take after your daddy. Everybody's all about turkey. We're all about pumpkin pie, aren't we? Hey. Okay, I will drop them off tomorrow morning, all right?

Victoria: Well, before you go, there's something that I -- I need to tell you.

Johnny: Mommy's getting married.

Victoria: [Laugh]

Katie: Mommy's getting married?

Billy: Wow, um, that's -- that's some news. Congratulations.

Victoria: I hoped that you'd be happy.

Billy: Yeah. I'm happy for you. Happy for both of you. You're a lucky man.

Travis: Thanks.

Billy: Enjoy the rest of you day. Come on, guys. Let's go. Okay. Come on.

Dylan: Is nick still here?

Victoria: Yes, but he's --

Billy: Okay, let's go.

Nick: Come on.

Nikki: [Gasps] There it is!

Dylan: Hi. Hey, you got a minute?

Nikki: Hi.

Dylan: Hi.

Nick: Uh, yeah. What's up?

Dylan: [Sighs] Um, I just want you to know that, uh... I'm suing you for visitation.

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