Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/17/16
Provided By Suzanne
Traci: Oh. Hello, Phyllis.
Phyllis: I didn't know you were in town.
Traci: Yes. I'm actually here to add my congratulations to all the praise for the new jabot makeup app! And spend the holidays with my family, of course.
Phyllis: Of course. Yeah. So.
Traci: So?
Phyllis: I assume this is where you're gonna let me have it. For driving a wedge between your brothers, breaking jack's heart with the affair. I understand the pain that I caused. Ashley is right down the hall, and, believe me, she never misses a chance to remind me what a horrible, despicable person I am.
Traci: I have no speech. I have no agenda. Whatever happened is your business and Jack's. And not mine.
Jack: Thank you, Sid. We would love for jabotgo to be featured on your network. I know better than to turn down any chance of that kind of exposure. Okay, someone will be in contact to work out the details. Her name is Phyllis. Yeah, that's the one, only your information is out of date. She's my ex-wife now. Yeah. [Exhales sharply]
Ashley: What were you thinking?
Michelle: I wasn't thinking. It was very much a heat-of-the-moment sort of thing. You know how it is.
Ashley: Yeah, I do, and I also know that Travis is living with a woman who has children and all sorts of history with my brother! You need to do the right thing, Michelle! You've got to walk away!
Michelle: I can't.
Ashley: I was right. You came to Genoa city specifically to see Travis, didn't you? You wanted to see if there were still sparks.
Michelle: And there are.
Billy: Another drink isn't gonna save you from this conversation, Travis. I know you've been in contact with your ex -- you know, the married one who cost you your job on wall street. That ring a bell? Come on, man. You should know there's no secrets in this town.
Travis: It's not a secret, Billy.
Billy: Is that right? So Victoria knows? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Travis: It's really none of your business.
Billy: The hell it isn't.
Victor: You have some nerve crashing my grandchildren's birthday party.
Nick: Dad, did you see us walk in together? They're not crashing anything. I invited them to come.
Victor: To my home, son. While I have sympathy for Dylan, I have none for Sharon.
Phyllis: Can I offer you anything while you wait for jack? Some coffee or tea or...?
Traci: No, no. Thank you, I'm fine. Thanks.
Phyllis: How about a gold star? You are the sole member of your family who doesn't think I should be branded with a scarlet letter A.
Traci: [Laughs] Well, I've been called many things in my time, but "puritan" is not one of them. But look, you're still here, so obviously you and jack have found a way to coexist.
Phyllis: That's one word for it.
Traci: Well, whatever you're doing is working because look -- jabotgo has put the company back on top.
Phyllis: Purely Ashley's vision and jack's unerring instinct. Almost unerring.
Traci: So, working here is good for the company but maybe not so good for you?
Phyllis: Jack hasn't made it easy. It's not just my closet office. It's how he pretends that he doesn't care.
Traci: You think he still does.
Phyllis: I know he does. That's why I won't walk away from him or jabot.
[Footsteps approaching]
Jack: Traci? Why didn't you tell me your trip got moved up?
Traci: [Laughing] Well... surprise! [Laughs]
Travis: You know, I can't believe I actually thanked you for having my back.
Billy: You hold on a second. Now, I meant everything I said to Victoria. I thought you were just another one of Victor's victims, and I'm not saying that to be condescending because I've been there. And in light of that, I asked Victoria to give you another chance. That was before I found out that you were lying.
Travis: I'm not lying.
Billy: A lie by omission still counts, Travis.
Travis: I just don't see the point upsetting Victoria for no reason, okay? There is nothing -- nothing -- going on between Michelle and me.
Billy: Then why is she still in town?
Travis: How the hell am I supposed to know, Billy? Now, can we drop this, please? Victoria and I worked our way through it. We're in a good place now.
Billy: And you'd be a complete idiot to screw it up, right?
Victoria: Dad, today is about the kids. Remember.
Abby: Yeah, we don't want to ruin our super-fun party, right?
Victor: You tell that to our uninvited guests.
Nikki: What Sharon did was despicable on every level, but if Nicholas wants her to be here, then we need to respect his wishes.
Nick: Look, I know this is your house, but it's my son's party, and if we have to, we can move the party somewhere else.
Nikki: No, no, no. That won't be necessary. Will it?
Victor: She can stay.
Sharon: Nikki, thank you.
Nikki: Oh, you think we did that for you? The only reason we are allowing you to step foot in this house is for my son. Because Dylan shouldn't have to suffer for your sins.
Faith: Dylan! Do you want to wish Christian a happy birthday?
Dylan: I-I'd love that. Aren't you forgetting somebody?
Faith: Is it okay if mom comes, too?
Jack: Can I get you anything? Coffee? Water?
Traci: Oh, thank you. Phyllis already offered. I'm fine, thanks.
Phyllis: I'll leave you two to catch up. It was nice seeing you, Traci.
Jack: Come on. Sit down, sit down.
Traci: [Chuckles]
Jack: It's been much too long!
Traci: Yes, it has. And, actually, I had a trip planned quite a bit sooner, but I thought maybe I would give you and Billy a little time to... sort things out.
Jack: I take it you've been getting your news from Ashley.
Traci: All I have to do is turn on "GC buzz." And there it is, all over the airwaves -- the affair, the divorce, and the fallout.
Jack: You make it sound like a war zone.
Traci: Well, isn't it? Come on, jack. I'm your sister. I know when you're acting on principle... ...and when you're just acting out. Take, for example, all these rumors swirling around about Newman enterprises. Somebody had to have a pretty big grudge against Victor Newman to have gone to so much trouble...
Jack: Whoever that somebody is should know that he always lands on his feet. He did again.
Traci: And you? How have you landed?
Jack: I'm great. Company's doing very well. This app is terrific. Ashley and I make a good team.
Traci: And...Phyllis is part of that team.
Jack: Not by my choice.
Traci: Ohh, the job is part of the divorce settlement.
Jack: That is the only reason she's here. There is nothing between us. What?
Traci: You are a terrible liar.
Ashley: You need to think about the damage you're doing to Travis' relationship.
Michelle: Think about it this way. If Travis is just going through the motions with his girlfriend...
Ashley: Her name is Victoria.
Michelle: ...Victoria, then isn't it better that it ends now before she gets in any deeper? I mean, the longer they're together, the harder --
Ashley: Nice try, Michelle. Nice try. But if they're really just going through the motions, then why did my daughter tell me that they're actually trying to work things out? And why is Travis at Katie's birthday party right now instead of here with you?
Michelle: Katie. Your niece.
Ashley: Yeah. My niece. The little girl that Travis lives with. Also her brother, Johnny. Who Travis makes breakfast for in the morning and then drives to preschool. It's serious. Travis is now family -- a family that includes my brother and his children. I'm not gonna let you just blow the whole thing out of the water because you're lonely. Get a cat.
Michelle: You know I hate cats.
Ashley: Come on, Michelle. Go back to new York. You're beautiful, you're funny, you're smart. Men are gonna be lined up around the block to date you.
Michelle: I don't want just any man. I'm not leaving town until I speak to Travis. He has a choice to make.
Ashley: He already has.
Nick: Yes.
Faith: Daddy?
Sharon: Um, sweetie, it's okay. Your daddy doesn't have to...
Nick: You know what? It's a birthday party. The job here today is to make this little guy feel special, so, why not?
Faith: Hi! Christian! Look who it is!
Dylan: Hey, little man. You having fun?
Sharon: Happy birthday.
Jill: I really cannot get my head around this -- all these months of lying about the baby and then Sharon is singing "happy birthday" to him?
Victor: Mm-hmm. Nicholas insisted.
Nikki: I wonder what Katherine would have to say about this.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Jill: You know what she'd say? She'd say, "where there's a child, there's hope."
Victor: She's right.
Jill: Yep. So, speaking of which.... hi, sweetheart.
Billy: Hey.
Jill: So, are you having second thoughts about pushing Travis back to Victoria?
Billy: As a matter of fact, I am.
Jill: I knew it.
Billy: Not for the reasons you think.
Jill: Not because you love her so much, you can't bear to be without her for another second?
Billy: Mother, Victoria and I are through. I have to tell you that. But it doesn't mean that I don't want what's best for her.
Jill: So, does this mean that you think Travis is no longer the best thing for her?
Billy: No, I don't.
Abby: Okay, everyone. It's that time!
Chelsea: [Laughing] Oh!
Victoria: It's time!
Nick: Oh! Look at those!
Chelsea: Whoa!
Faith: Happy birthday
All: To you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear Christian and Katie
Victor: Yes, sweetheart.
All: Happy birthday to you
Chelsea: Are you ready?
Victoria: You gonna blow out the candles?
Nick: Yeah! First one, huh?
Victoria: Okay!
Nick: You ready?
All: 1....2....3!
Nick: Blow it out!
Nick: Good job!
Jack: You want the truth, I'll tell you the god's honest truth -- Phyllis and I will never be together again.
Traci: Well, then, jack, explain to me why you have her kept on here at jabot. Why is she still working here? And don't give me a story about how it's the divorce settlement. You and I both know you could have found a way to work around that.
Jack: How? If Phyllis got what she wanted...
Traci: What she wants is you.
Jack: Believe me, I'm all too clear on that. Every time we're together, she looks at it as an opportunity.
Traci: And...?
Jack: Am I tempted? Does my resolve sometimes falter? Yes. That's why I wanted to move her to the new York office.
Traci: Ooh. How did that go?
Jack: She threatened to sue me for half my stake in this company. That's the only reason she is here.
Traci: She's tough. I have to admire that.
Jack: No, you don't. And I'd like you to have my back on this.
Traci: Jack, I will always have your back, no matter what happens. [Sighs] All right. I, um... I'm going to be staying at the club if you need me.
Jack: Why don't you stay at the house?
Traci: I know I can. Listen, are you going to Katie's birthday party?
Jack: I sent a gift. Victor's hosting, Billy's gonna be there.
Traci: Jack. It is my greatest hope that over the holidays, we can build a bridge between the two of you.
Jack: That bridge is burned, Traci. It's never gonna be rebuilt.
Traci: Why won't you ever listen to your sister? [Chuckles] Never say never.
Chelsea: Are you all right?
Sharon: Yeah. I-I'm fine. I mean -- no, I'm terrible. No one wants me here.
Chelsea: That's not true.
Sharon: You think I'd be used to it by now, Victor and Nikki. Who cares about a jab from them, right? Bring it on. But when it's your own husband and daughter...
Chelsea: Dylan loves you, Sharon. So does faith. It's just, you know, it's gonna take them a little bit of time to get used to their new normal. They're still getting used to it.
Sharon: Yeah? Guess what? So am I.
Chelsea: I know. I know, and look -- nick is happy that you're here. He wouldn't have invited you otherwise. And I'm happy you're here, too.
Sharon: Are you sure about that?
Chelsea: Okay, I know I came off a little harsh the other day...
Sharon: Yeah, you called me reprehensible.
Chelsea: I don't think those were my exact words, but I -- I know I took it too far, and I'm sorry. I don't hate you, Sharon.
Sharon: Okay, well, that's good because that would be awkward for us at work.
Chelsea: Work? No, forget about work. You made a mistake -- a really big mistake -- but no one denies that you loved that little boy and you took wonderful care of him. He was lucky to have you in his life, and then to experience that kind of devotion -- a lot of kids don't get that. Christian has so many people around him that love him, and the best thing for him is if we can all just get along.
Sharon: Christian. That name.
Chelsea: You still think of him as sully?
Sharon: I still think of him as my son. Every time I see him, I just want to scoop him up in my arms and take him and tell him mommy's here and we're gonna be together from now on, but I can't say that because it's not true! I am never gonna be his mother again.
Victoria: No, you won't.
Chelsea: Now's probably not the best time.
Victoria: I want to make something really clear, Sharon. I stopped my father because I didn't want him upsetting the kids, but in no way do I think you should be here right now.
Chelsea: Victoria.
Victoria: Do you have any idea what you did to Nicholas? When I think about the heartache that you caused him... honestly, Sharon, one word. One name. That's all it would have taken to fix things. But you're a coward and you're weak.
Chelsea: Stop it. She is hurting, too.
Sharon: I have to go.
Chelsea: She is tortured.
Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah. Okay, I know. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but I can't help --
Faith: You're missing the best part! Come on!
Victoria: Okay.
Victor: I have not forgotten your present, so don't you worry, okay?
Abby: A seat on the Newman board of directors!
Victor: Not so fast. All in due time. All in due time.
Billy: Just what every girl needs -- fancy jewelry for her birthday.
Victor: Look at this.
Victoria: Dad, this is so sweet.
Victor: Isn't that pretty?
Victoria: Well, you add one on every year for her birthday until she has a full string of pearls.
Victor: Yes.
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: You know, this is as pretty as you are. And beautiful.
Nikki: Is it pretty?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: It's very pretty.
Victoria: Thank you. She's gonna love that forever.
Victor: Isn't she?
Victoria: That was so sweet. Mwah!
Victor: So adorable.
Billy: Everything okay?
Travis: Yeah, it's, uh, just something I need to take care of. Hey. I, uh, left Katie's gift at home. Yeah.
Victoria: Oh.
Travis: But I'll be back before you know it, okay?
Victoria: Okay.
Travis: Bye.
Victoria: Bye. [Sighs]
Jill: Wow. For a man in love, he seemed like he was in a real hurry to get out of here.
Victoria: He left Katie's present at home.
Jill: Ahh. Okay. But if that were me, I would have just given it to her later at home, huh?
Victor: To my grandchildren. And all those who are here who love them. And to the people who cannot be with us, but who will always be in our hearts.
All: Cheers.
Dylan: Hey, do you know where Sharon went?
Chelsea: She left. I think this whole thing was just too much for her.
Dylan: Yeah, when I first got here, my instinct was to turn and run, but... but then I saw him.
Chelsea: He is a special little boy.
Dylan: Yeah, he is. Hey, how's the birthday boy doing?
Nick: I think he's having a blast. You know, he, uh, pointed across the room to you.
Dylan: Really?
Nick: I think he wants a hug.
Dylan: I don't know. I mean, you know, you don't have to --
Nick: Ah, come on, Dylan. Give him a hug for his birthday.
Dylan: Hey, buddy. I know you're not gonna remember this... there's gonna be a lot of things you're not gonna remember, but I need to tell you that, um, you have a very special place in my heart. And if you ever need anything, or anybody, you just let me know because I'm your guy, okay? Happy birthday...Christian. Thank you. Thanks for, uh, including me, but I -- I got to go.
Nick: Yeah. See ya.
Nikki: Wait, son. I just want to say I've always known you've been brave, but today you showed true courage. I couldn't be prouder of you.
Dylan: Thanks for sticking up for me.
Victor: Now that he's finally leaving...
Chelsea: You won, Victor. Isn't that enough? Christian will be raised as your grandson.
Victor: But Christian is my grandson.
Chelsea: Then raised by nick, I mean. You got what you wanted.
Victor: Chelsea. Nicholas can't do it alone, you know? And Adam's last wish was for Nicholas to look after you and Connor. Maybe you can return the favor. Adam certainly would not have minded if you looked after Nicholas and Christian.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: You okay?
Victoria: Yeah, I'm great.
Billy: Where's Travis?
Victoria: He ran to grab Katherine's present. Although, your mom made it sound like he couldn't wait to get out of here.
Billy: Now, when have you ever worried about what my mother says?
Victoria: Could you maybe talk to her, just talk some sense into her, you know? Just let her know that you've come around about me and Travis. That'd be great. Or not. Billy, what's wrong?
Ashley: Hey, Travis. Hey! I thought you were at Katie's birthday party.
Travis: Yeah, um, I just came by here to pick something up.
Ashley: "Meet me at the club. Now." Look, I don't blame you for not recognizing the number. In fact, I was kind of counting on it. So, what were you planning? A quickie with Michelle, then going back to Katie's birthday party?
Travis: I don't know what you're talking about.
Ashley: I've known Michelle for a really long time, and she's always been an over-sharer.
Travis: I made a mistake, okay? And I came here to tell Michelle that what happened can never happen again.
Ashley: Well, I've got news for you. Michelle thinks the two of you belong together.
Travis: Well, that's ridiculous because I'm in love with Victoria.
Ashley: Well, then I think you'd better do something about that.
Travis: Is that a threat?
Ashley: No. It's a reminder.
Travis: [Sighs] Well, it must run in the family, then, because your brother gave me a not-so-subtle reminder at the party.
Ashley: Mm, well, he would know. He's trying to recover from his own scandal. And you know what, he's doing really well.
Travis: Mm. Yay, Billy.
Ashley: I would like it to stay that way.
Travis: So, what, you think I can help with that?
Ashley: Yeah, I do. If Billy thinks that Victoria needs protection, he's gonna do whatever he has to do to provide it.
Travis: So?
Ashley: Victoria will resent it like she always does, and then she and Billy will be at each other's throats. Everybody will suffer, especially the kids.
Travis: This is all a moot point anyway because Michelle's leaving town, okay?
Ashley: I don't think you believe that any more than I do, and the longer this goes on, the worse it's gonna get. If Victoria's really the woman you want to be with...
Travis: She is, yeah.
Ashley: ...There's only one thing you can do. You've got to come clean. You've got to tell her everything.
Travis: [Sighs] Or...?
Ashley: Or I will. And that's not a reminder. That's definitely a threat.
Ashley: [Gasps] Traci!
Traci: There she is!
Ashley: Hi! [Laughs]
Traci: Hello!
Ashley: Oh, I knew you were coming. I didn't know it was gonna be so soon!
Traci: Well, you have yourself to blame. I couldn't wait one more second to congratulate my brilliant sister, give you a huge pat on the back for jabotgo.
Ashley: Oh, no, come on, that was all jack's doing. Don't you read the trades?
Traci: [Laughs] Well, it was very nice of you to share the spotlight with our brother.
[Both laugh]
Ashley: Did you see him?
Traci: I did. Just now.
Ashley: Yeah? What was your take?
Traci: Well, I think he's lost. I think he needs all the support he can get.
Ashley: Mm, what he needs is to get Phyllis out of the company. I can't believe she's still on the payroll, Traci.
Traci: Well, to hear jack tell it, he has no choice.
[Door opens, knock on door]
Jack: I've got the papers all signed here.
Phyllis: It was a nice surprise to see Traci.
Jack: Always nice to see my sister.
Phyllis: I was so touched by her compassion and understanding -- a welcome change from the rest of your family.
Jack: Traci's always had a lot of heart.
Phyllis: Yeah. She didn't seem to mind that I still work here.
Jack: Doesn't hurt that jabot's doing so well.
Phyllis: Nah, I don't think that's all it. I hope that her spirit of generosity is contagious. We're a much better team when we pull together. So. What's the next step?
Jack: The next step for me is I'm heading up to the cabin, by myself, to get ready to spend the holidays with my family. You can do whatever you want. Have a nice holiday.
Billy: I was just thinking not many divorced parents get to share their kid's birthday together, as a family.
Victoria: Yeah, that's true. And on top of that, we -- we also get to work together.
Billy: Are we crazy?
Victoria: Probably.
Billy: Probably. But it works, doesn't it?
Victoria: Yeah, it works. Mostly due to you, putting aside your ego and encouraging me to be happy. Even if it's with someone else.
Billy: That's what I want. I want you to be happy. Always.
Jill: I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?
Victoria: I am gonna go find Katherine and I'm gonna load up her obscene amount of gifts, and I have to find Johnny, too, so.
Billy: Nap time, huh?
Victoria: Yeah. For all of us.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: [Sighs] Thank you for coming, Jill.
Jill: Oh, it's okay. I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Billy: Don't go there.
Jill: Honey, I won't have to. Not if you get there first.
Billy: [Sighs]
Victoria: Well, thank you so much for today. Katherine had the best time. I just don't know how I'm gonna get her out of here.
Nikki: I think I do. Presents. I had them all put out in the car, but Travis wasn't here to help.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, well, you know, he had to take care of something, and we're gonna meet back at the house later.
Victor: Okay. Drive safe, honey.
Victoria: I will. Thank you.
Nikki: I'll walk you out.
Victor: Okay.
Faith: Hi!
Nick: I hate to break up the party, kiddo, but I got to get you home to your mom's. It's her night.
Faith: But I don't want to leave. One more hour. Please?
Abby: I have an idea! If we leave right now, then maybe we can stop by the stable and feed whiskers?
Faith: His name is whisper.
Abby: Um, yep, that's what I said, so, uh, [Laughs] What do you think?
Faith: I say yes.
Nick: All right! Come on. I'll take this guy.
Faith: Okay.
Nick: Come on, dude! Oh, there's my big boy!
Faith: Bye, daddy!
Nick: See you, beautiful.
Faith: Bye, Christian! Happy birthday! Mwah!
Abby: Let's go.
Nick: Yeah.
Chelsea: You did it! You made it through birthday party number one! Yeah!
Nick: Yep!
Chelsea: Yeah, you did!
Nick: Only a lifetime more to go.
Dylan: Everybody was worried when you left the party.
Sharon: By "worried," I'm sure you mean "relieved." Look, I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm used to being the town pariah, but... I hated seeing you have to put up with those stares and the whispers and people wondering how you can stay married to this monster.
Dylan: At this point, who cares what anybody thinks, anyway?
Sharon: Yeah, you know what, I don't care. I don't care what anybody thinks. Except you. Dylan, are you ever gonna be able to forgive me? Are you ever going to be able to understand? We should have just taken him.
Dylan: What?
Sharon: We should have just grabbed sully.
Dylan: I-it's Christian.
Sharon: Okay, not to me.
Dylan: Yeah, well, it has to be, Sharon, because sully is gone.
Sharon: Don't say that!
Dylan: Sully is gone! It's Christian. It's nick's son. It's not our son. It was never our son in the first place.
Sharon: That's only because of Dr. Anderson! She set this thing in motion.
Dylan: Yeah, she may have started it, but you finished it. This is all your fault!
Victor: I think it was a nice party. Don't you?
Nikki: Well, not for Dylan. God, the look on his face when he looked at that little boy.
Victor: I'm sorry about that, sweetheart. I am. But, you know, it is time for him to accept the fact that Christian is a Newman.
Nikki: No, he -- he does. He does. It's -- it's just difficult.
Victor: Don't you think he made it more difficult for himself by showing up? I think perhaps he should have stayed home, make a clean break. I think it's best for everyone concerned, especially the child.
Nikki: Well, that's easier said than done.
Victor: Why?
Nikki: Because, Victor -- you can't take something like -- like Dylan's love for Christian and then just erase it overnight.
Victor: I understand. But, you know, he just has to accept that he needs to let go. And thank God he has a loving mother to help him do that, okay? I don't want you to be upset. We had such a nice time. It was a wonderful party.
Nikki: I'm not. I'm not. I know. I'm fine. I'm okay.
Victor: He's a big boy. He'll be okay.
Dylan: I'm sorry. It was the party. Seeing Christian as a Newman, it was like an alternative universe.
Sharon: Yeah. It was too much.
Dylan: I should have just left like you did, but I -- I stayed and, you know, got all pent up, and I came home and I took it out on you. It's just too much pain.
Faith: Someone's hurt?
Sharon: No. Um, we're just -- we're sad, you know. Seeing your brother today, and... we just miss him.
Faith: But Christian was happy.
Dylan: Yeah, and that's -- that's what matters most.
Sharon: What about you? Did you have a good time at the party?
Faith: I didn't want to leave.
Sharon: Oh. Was it more cake you wanted? 'Cause I'm sure Nikki saved you some. She always does.
Faith: No. It's not that.
Dylan: Faith, what's up? It's important for you to be happy, too. What can we do?
Faith: [Sighs] You can let me live with dad and Christian.
Chelsea: All right. I'll be home soon. Bye.
Nick: Everything cool with Connor?
Chelsea: Yup. Christian?
Nick: Already out.
Chelsea: Nice!
Nick: Right? Up top. [Sighs] So. Look at us -- I mean, we're, like, doting, responsible parents. Where are the hell-raisers we used to be?
Chelsea: We could raise some hell if we felt like it.
Nick: Yeah, we can!
Chelsea: Yeah!
Nick: Beer?
Chelsea: Totally!
Nick: All right! Just so you know... it's bottles only in this place. I mean, I don't do frosted glasses, so...
Chelsea: Wow, that's, like, really living on the edge.
Nick: I know.
Chelsea: Huh.
Nick: Mm. What's wrong? Too hoppy?
Chelsea: No. No, I'm just worried that maybe I gave you some bad advice telling you to invite Dylan and Sharon today.
Nick: Ah, look, the more they see Christian as a part of this family... ...the quicker they're gonna be able to get over it. And then I can focus on raising my son. With a little help from some friends.
Chelsea: Ah, ah, ah. Hell-raising friends.
Nick: Yeehaw.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Nick: Do people still say that?
Chelsea: [Laughing] No.
Nick: Okay.
Billy: I'll have what she's having, please, I think?
Ashley: Hey!
Billy: Hi.
Ashley: How was the party?
Billy: Oh, it was -- it was good, I guess, but Katie missed her aunt Ashley. Thank you very much.
Ashley: God, I feel bad that I didn't make it to the party. You know what, I'm gonna stop by later and say hi to her and Johnny, okay?
Billy: Well, hopefully Travis is long gone by then.
Ashley: Why do you say?
Billy: You know, I've really tried -- I've really tried to be a bigger man, to get out of the way and let Victoria be happy, but I am terrified that she's about to get hurt. Hey, this is the part where you tell me it's all in my head, that I'm supposed to get out of the way.
Ashley: It's not in your head, Billy. Travis cheated on Victoria.
Victoria: Travis. How come you never made it back to the party? Hey. Is everything okay?
Travis: There's something I need to tell you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Faith: I love you, Dylan, but I don't like it here anymore.
Travis: My ex, Michelle, is in town, the woman that came into the underground.
Billy: How do you know, Ashley?
Ashley: Because Michelle told me herself. Billy.
Billy: I am gonna kill that son of a bitch.
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