Y&R Transcript Friday 11/11/16
Provided By Suzanne
Jack: Come in
Phyllis: Hello. I have some talking points on the jabotgo app, features of the app, how easy it is to use, how Ashley saw the potential right away, and scooped it up. Now, what's exciting is that people can try out all the cosmetics on a selfie, no more ordering a color that isn't yours, see what works and doesn't work from home, office, or anywhere.
Jack: Thanks. It's, uh, that's a good start. I got some ideas of my own.
Phyllis: Yeah. Good luck.
Selena: Selena McKay here for jack Abbott.
[Knock on door]
Jack: Come in. Selena! How are you?
Selena: Just great, jack. And you?
Jack: Oh, can't complain. Before we get started, can I get you some water, coffee, tea?
Selena: No, thank you. I'm just here for a friendly one-on-one, no recorders, no cameras.
Jack: Well, that suits me just fine.
Selena: I'm sure, since the last time you had a camera pointed at you, I think you announced to the world your wife was having an affair with your brother?
Jack: Yes, I think that's true. But we're all moving on, which is why I offered you this exclusive on our new app and the cosmetics line to go with it.
Selena: When I arrived, I saw your ex coming out of your office. I take it Phyllis still works here? How'd that come about?
Phyllis: Hey, Ashley, jack's in a meeting. He's giving an interview.
Ashley: With Selena McKay. I'm well aware.
Phyllis: Is she interviewing you both?
Ashley: Phyllis, jabotgo is my idea. It's gonna be huge for the future of this company and for jack, a future that will not include you if I have anything to say about it.
Hey, man. Let me do a, uh, we'll do a scotch neat, please.
Noah: Scotch neat.
I'm a friend of your dad's. Is he in today?
Noah: Uh, actually, no.
Taking some personal time, I imagine.
Noah: Mm-hmm. Want to start a tab?
Uh, no. I'll pay as I go. So... how's nick holding up?
Noah: He's fine. It's complicated.
Oh, yeah. What's it like, knowing your mom stole your father's son?
Noah: There it is. You're not a friend of my dad's. You're just a reporter, aren't you?
Noah: Let me ask you something. What gives you the right to dig into my family's private matters? What? You gonna say the first amendment? Listen to me. The freedom of the press originated as an instrument for public good. Now, there is good in transparency, knowing what your government's up to, knowing what policies your elected officials are proposing, or, I don't know, what crimes are being committed in the community. But what good is there from this tabloid or ax story that you're writing about my family, hmm? You know what? Forget it. Let's do this. You think about your deepest and darkest secret. And just by looking at you, I can tell it's a doozy, right? Now, do you think there's some public good in the world knowing your secret? I'd think about that. And in the meantime, you want a comment from me? Get the hell out of here, and stay away from my family. That's my comment. [Sighs]
Travis: Michelle. What are you doing here?
Michelle: I'm in town to visit Ashley, and then today she said that you lived here. Imagine that. God. It's good to see you.
Billy: Thank you, sir. The old two-head coin trick. Pretty funny, right?
Victoria: Yeah. Ha ha.
Billy: Ha ha.
Victoria: I should be furious.
Billy: You should be furious that you bought me lunch? I can see how that would tick you off.
Victoria: [Sighs] How do you do it? How do you have me wanting to kill you one minute and then... I'm cracking up the next minute?
Billy: Well, some people have a natural charm about them. Not me, of course. But some people do.
Victoria: Right, well, the evidence suggests otherwise based on the fact that I keep marrying you.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: I mean...
Billy: I know what you mean.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Ashley: You know what? You can take your clothes off at work all day long. It's not gonna further your cause. You want to know why? Because jack's done with you. He couldn't wait to divorce you. And now that I know exactly how low you'll go to seduce him back, I'm more determined than ever to get you out of his life.
Phyllis: We explained what happened with the blouse, Ashley.
Ashley: Oh, I know. Ooh, the coffee. How convenient. For you. I never want to walk into something like that again. Are we clear?
Phyllis: If there's nothing else, I have a lot of work to do.
Ashley: Yeah, you do that. Go earn that paycheck that we're forced to give you. You know, in fact, I have a brand-new assignment for you. Why don't you check the jabotgo downloads, see how the public is responding to our new app, and then bring me back the numbers?
Phyllis: Happy to.
Ashley: Fantastic.
Phyllis: Hmm.
Jack: Strictly off the record, Phyllis' being here is part of our divorce settlement. There's nothing more to it than that.
Selena: I see. Still, isn't it uncomfortable working together, given the reason you split?
Jack: Selena, dear, if you don't mind, I'd like to stick to business.
Selena: Of course. The new app. Is this Phyllis' project?
Jack: Not at all. As I explained --
[Door opens]
Jack: Here's our expert right now. Ashley can tell you all about jabotgo.
Selena: That'd be just fine. How are you, Ashley?
Ashley: I'm doing well. How are you, Selena?
Selena: Delighted to be here. Jack's been giving me the lowdown on your new approach to reaching your more tech-savvy customers. I think jabot's got a real winner on their hands.
Jack: Well, thank you.
Ashley: Thank you so much. We want to give our customers an opportunity to experiment with our cosmetics in the comfort of their own home, trying out different shades, colors.
Selena: Before they plunk down their hard-earned money. It's a game changer, Ashley. Congratulations to you both.
Jack: Thank you. We're excited.
Selena: Give me a little bit more background for my readers. Who found the app and made the decision to acquire and customize it with your new product line?
Jack: Well --
Ashley: This was all jack. Jackie here was the driving force behind the entire project.
[Knock on door]
Phyllis: Come in! Hey, sweetie. How are you?
Summer: Good. How's it going?
Phyllis: Pretty great. You know, Ashley is on to something here.
Summer: Oh, is it the new app I heard about, jabotgo?
Phyllis: Yeah. You know, it's really neat. You take a selfie, you upload it to the app, and that way you can digitally play around with makeup from our new cosmetics line. Apparently women cannot download it fast enough.
Summer: That sounds really cool.
Phyllis: Something tells me you don't want to talk about business. How you doing?
Summer: Um, I'm okay. You know, I went to dad's house, and sully's there now.
Christian is there now. It's just so hard getting used to, you know? I can't believe that he's really... I'm sorry. You have work to do. Sorry.
Phyllis: Hey. Work can wait. Let's you and me get out of here, okay? Come on.
Travis: Do you want anything else?
Michelle: I'm good.
Travis: All right. Thanks. So, why you pretending you didn't know I lived here?
Michelle: Not buying it, huh?
Travis: My first day at Newman, you sent me flowers, Michelle.
Michelle: Yeah, and I was a little hurt that you didn't even thank me for them.
Travis: I was hoping you'd get the message. I moved on with my life. You got what you wanted back in new York. What's left to say?
Michelle: Don't do that, Travis.
Travis: Don't do what?
Michelle: Pretend that what we had was just a casual fling. I know what you risked so that we could be together and all that you lost because of it. So don't act like our relationship didn't mean anything. We both know it did.
Travis: Michelle.
Michelle: It was more than just about sex. I loved you. And you loved me. Are you really gonna try and deny it?
Billy: You know, if I had to guess, I would say that this situation with your brother nick has you pretty upset.
Victoria: Yeah, well, you would be right.
Billy: Is there anything else that's on your mind or...
Victoria: [Sighs] Why? Does it seem like I'm a serious mess?
Billy: No, not a serious mess. Just in a little bit of a bad mood. You know, if I hadn't used my double-headed coin trick, I would have had to bring out the big guns. You know, my -- [Clears throat] -- Christopher Walken impression.
Victoria: No. No, don't do that.
Billy: [As Christopher Walken] Why?
Victoria: Because it's terrible.
Billy: It's not terrible. Wow. Come on.
Victoria: Billy, stop.
Billy: Why? Stop what? You don't -- [Normal voice] Okay. Sorry. I know you hate it. And I won't get that dramatic. I'm just saying that whoever put you in this mood, or whomever, shall go unnamed.
Victoria: Well, for once, it's not my dad.
Billy: Really? That's a good thing. Well, whoever it is, seriously, they shouldn't put you in this position. You deserve better. You deserve to be happy. Always.
[Cell phone chimes]
Billy: Well [Clears throat] I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like both of our days are about to get a lot worse.
Travis: Why you dragging love into it? We had an affair, blew up in our faces, and you went back to your husband. End of story.
Michelle: I went back because I felt obligated.
Travis: Whatever that means.
Michelle: Come on, Travis. The man saved my life. I owed him, not to mention he wasn't well.
Travis: You went back to Henry because of the yacht, because of the summer home in the Hamptons, the winter home in aspen.
Michelle: That is not true.
Travis: Keep telling yourself that.
Michelle: When did you become so cold and cynical?
Travis: You were never gonna give up that lifestyle for me. Why would you? When I lost my job, I lost everything. I didn't have anything left you'd be interested in.
Michelle: [Sighs] You know that's not the case. Deep down in your heart --
Travis: What do you know about my heart, then or now?!
Michelle: I'm sorry I hurt you. I am more sorry than you'll ever know. All I've wanted is to be with you.
Travis: That's a very touching story. Let's try a little bit of honesty now. Why are you here? The real reason.
Michelle: I'm leaving Henry. I found out he met someone else.
Travis: He turned around and cheated on you?
Michelle: It's a relief, frankly. We're getting divorced. Papers are all but signed. So here I am.
Travis: Are you saying you came to Genoa city because of me?
Michelle: Not a day goes by where I haven't thought about you. Really thought about you. I want you back. I want what we had back.
Travis: Meaning because of what I have now? Job at Newman, big salary, nice perks. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?
Michelle: [Scoffs] You make it sound like that's all I care about.
Travis: Michelle, here's the deal, okay? You want to get back together. I don't. When I left new York, I had to put what happened there behind me. I've got a new life now, and I've got an amazing woman who I'm in love with. I'm never gonna give that up.
Billy: Yes, mother, it's a raging success. We are on it right now. Yes, I know. 100,000 downloads in just a few days. Look, we're gonna take -- mom. Mom, listen -- mom. Okay, you know what? I'm putting Victoria on. Maybe she can peel you off the ceiling. My god, please.
Victoria: Jill, hi. Yes, Billy and I are working on a counterstrategy right now. No, cane is recovering from surgery. There's no need to involve him. Trust me, we have this under control. It's gonna be fine. Okay. Thank you. [Sighs] Your mother is trusting us to keep this app from completely annihilating us.
Billy: Wow. That's big of her.
Victoria: Well, I'm glad she clued us in. I mean, it's gonna take some real ingenuity to one-up jabot.
Billy: We're gonna have to dissect this thing and really know what we're doing.
Victoria: I got the app. I uploaded a selfie, and I've been playing around with it.
Billy: And what do you think so far?
Victoria: Well, it's slick as hell. It's fun, it's easy to use. We have our work cut out for us.
Billy: Damn.
Victoria: You know, that counterstrategy that I was talking to your mom about -- what are you doing?
Billy: Thinking.
Summer: I mean, Christian has been alive this entire time. How is that even possible?
Phyllis: I have been following the story on GC buzz, and I cannot even imagine nick or poor Dylan. I mean, this is crazy.
Summer: Yeah. No, what's even crazier is Noah taking Sharon's side in all of this. He's finding ways to justify what she did, claiming that she's the victim, too. I mean, yeah, maybe in the beginning, but once she knew the truth, she just decided to sweep it under the rug. How can he defend that woman after all the lies that she's told?
Phyllis: You know, people, I mean, they do things for reasons that are not clear from the outside. You know, they make mistakes. They hurt people, and they feel guilty about the things they've done, but they wish with all their heart that they could go back and do things differently.
Ashley: Jack is making our family proud by continuing to reinvent the company, keeping things fresh. He's creating a wonderful legacy for the next generation of Abbotts.
Selena: Well, all I can say is congratulations. Both the app and your new line of cosmetics, they're a major milestone in jabot's history.
Jack: You're very gracious.
Selena: And thankful, to both of you. I think this story's practically gonna write itself.
Ashley: I can't wait to read it.
Selena: Jack, Ashley, it's been a pleasure. Thanks again for the exclusive.
Ashley: Thank you, Selena.
Jack: Thank you, Selena. Let me walk you out. Take care.
Selena: Thank you.
Jack: Okay, what was that about, giving me all the credit? Acquiring the app, pairing it with a new cosmetics line aimed at millennials -- that was all your doing. I don't want to steal your thunder.
Ashley: I don't need the credit.
Jack: But somehow I do?
Ashley: What did you want me to do, jack? Tell her the truth? That you've lost your way? That you're so busy leaking Newman documents to gossip sites that you didn't have the time to make a meeting with an app developer?
Jack: I told you why I didn't make that meeting.
Ashley: Yeah. More stupid, ridiculous excuses that I'm not buying. Jack, if the press is gonna be talking about our family, the Abbotts, I want them to be focusing on our accomplishments, not on your sad, misguided attempt at retribution. Jabotgo is gonna be incredible for this company, and I want you to be focused on our business where it belongs!
Jack: What about you? Your legacy? And don't tell me it doesn't mean anything to you, 'cause I know it does. You want to be recognized as a formidable businesswoman, an innovator, the creative force behind everything we do at jabot, right?
Ashley: Oh, is this the part where I'm so flattered I forget that I'm upset with you?
Jack: The only reason you would pass on credit here is because you want something else. What is it?
Ashley: I want you to fire Phyllis!
Michelle: [Sighs] I'm glad you're happy. It's all I've ever wanted for you. I'll admit it's hard for me to hear you talk about another woman that way.
Travis: Victoria. Her name is Victoria.
Michelle: I hope she knows what a lucky woman she is. It really is wonderful to see you. I wish you all the best. I mean that, Travis.
Travis: Likewise.
Michelle: [Sighs] Um, I'll be in Genoa city a few more days, staying at the athletic club, if you want to have a drink before I go.
Billy: You are not kidding. This thing is hip, it's user-friendly.
Victoria: I know, right?
Billy: Whoever acquired this for jabot is doing a great job. What do you think? How's that look?
Victoria: [Laughs]
Billy: Do I look cute?
Victoria: It's very cute.
Billy: You know what? We need to do this. We need to do something like this for brash & sassy. We use everything we have to offer, everything across our color palette, right? And then we have people upload it onto the phone so it makes it interactive for them.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, okay. So, like, making it more of a social-media experience.
Billy: Exactly. We mix and match like our customers do so when they walk into the store, they know exactly what they're looking for.
Victoria: I mean, it really is a phenomenal app. Nothing that we have even comes close to this.
Billy: So you like the idea, then?
Victoria: Definitely. I still have some, uh, contacts in the tech world, so why don't I make a couple of calls?
Billy: I think the only call we need to make is to Newman.
Victoria: Why?
Billy: Because one of the world's best coders is working there as we speak.
Victoria: [Sighs] Ah, yes. I assume that you're talking about Natalie, but there's one little snag. She already has a job.
Billy: She's answering phones.
Victoria: Yeah, well, we both know that's just a cover story. If I had to guess, she's probably acting as my father's personal firewall.
Billy: Could be true.
Victoria: And besides that, she's worked for me before and I got burned. And I don't want to poach on my father's turf.
Billy: Are you kidding me? As if your father wouldn't poach on yours.
Victoria: Okay, listen, let's just think about this a little bit more. I have contacts that are working on some developing of new apps. Perhaps if we see what's in the pipeline, it will spark some new ideas for us.
Billy: Okay. I still think Natalie's the call, but we'll start here.
Victoria: Okay. Thank you.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Appreciate it.
Billy: What are you doing? Are you taking off?
Victoria: Yeah, actually. I've got to start planning Katie's birthday party at the ranch. Would you like to, uh, help me?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, no. I'd love to. Hold on.
Noah: Travis, what'll it be?
Travis: Hey, man. Tequila, straight up.
Noah: That's my grandfather's drink.
Travis: Bourbon. Make it a bourbon, then.
Noah: Honeymoon is over, huh? I can relate. Victor? Tried to work with him once or twice. Frankly, uh, I'd rather pour drinks for a living. [Chuckles]
Travis: I can understand that.
Noah: It's just the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes, the way he talks about my mother, after the things that he's done.
Travis: Hmm.
Noah: It's unbelievable, man.
Travis: Hit me again. Pour one for yourself.
Noah: Thanks. I appreciate it. But I got to stay sharp. Running the place for my dad. He's got a lot going on right now.
Travis: Yeah. Yeah, I read about that. It was your mom raising your father's kid, yeah?
Noah: Yeah, but she didn't know that or make the switch. No, somebody else did that. And then... suffice it to say, there's a lot more to it than the press would have you believe. It's just this big complicated mess, man.
Summer: How are things between you and jack?
Phyllis: Well, you know, it's been a saga lately.
Summer: Uh-oh.
Phyllis: No, listen, I knew what I was signing up for.
Summer: You mean when you decided to stay on at jabot and let jack think that you were helping him go over victor?
Phyllis: You didn't tell anybody about that, did you?
Summer: No. I promised I wouldn't, and none of us want the two of them going into another war with each other. And I know how important it is for you to find another way to get back together with jack, so...
Phyllis: Yeah. There are moments that I look into jack's eyes and I know he is feeling what I'm feeling, that there's a connection, you know? And then other times, it's just the little things.
Summer: Like what?
Phyllis: He just remembers how I like my coffee and he mentions that I used to beat him in chess.
Summer: I didn't know you guys used to play chess.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Strip chess.
Summer: Oh!
Phyllis: In front of the fire on a cold, wintry night. Yes. You lose your pawn, you have to take a sock off or something.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: You lose both rooks, off come your pants. Now, god forbid you lose your queen, because then --
Summer: Oh, mom, mom. Mnh-mnh. [Laughs]
Phyllis: Sorry.
Summer: [Sighs] Must be kind of hard, huh, just being so near and yet so far away from him.
Phyllis: Yeah. Just when I think we're gonna have a moment... he stops himself. He puts his walls up, and he reminds me that he will never, ever forgive me.
Summer: Do you think "never" really means never?
Phyllis: Oh, I refuse to believe that. Because I think jack will remember what we were, and he will let me in. It's just gonna take a whole lot of patience.
Summer: Mom, is it really worth it? I mean, look, you could have any guy in the world that you want. And why are you gonna put yourself through this?
Phyllis: I love jack. We belong together.
Ashley: You and Phyllis don't belong together, jack! Neither personally or professionally!
Jack: Why are you so adamant? Why now?
Ashley: Because the time has passed for her to be given the boot! She serves no purpose here!
Jack: I can't just let her go.
Ashley: Why not?
Jack: You know why! It's part of my divorce settlement!
Ashley: Please. There has to be a way. Everybody that knows Phyllis knows why she insisted on those terms, jack. She wants to be close to you. She wants to reignite old feelings. She wants to create situations that are intimate, like, "oh, I have to take my blouse off because oops, I spilled coffee."
Jack: For the 17th time, that was an accident.
Ashley: "It was an accident." Please. Aren't you smarter than that? She will do anything she has to do to insinuate herself back into your life!
Jack: I appreciate your care and concern as a sister. You're way off base.
Ashley: I am not off base!
Jack: I have told her repeatedly nothing has changed. There is no hope for us. There never will be.
Ashley: Okay. Look, I love you. I want what's best for you. And for your sake, I hope to god you mean that, jack.
Noah: I do not envy the position that you're in. And I know what you're going through. Woman-wise. Listen, victor interfered in my relationship with Marisa. And she's not the only one. All in the name of protecting the family. That's his go-to justification for doing anything he wants to do. My grandfather, he's got this pathological need to control everyone around him, right down to who they love and how much they should love them. Whether it's real or not. What gives him the right? I can't even imagine what you must be going through, living with Victoria.
Travis: And I thought victor and I, I thought we had a connection. I thought we really respected each other. It turns out, he was just testing me. The whole job was just one test after another. Of course, I flunk every time.
Noah: Been there, done that. It sucks.
Travis: I thought Victoria would be mad on my behalf. I thought she would have my back. But no, she takes his side. It's like victor has the entire family just trapped in his orbit. No offense.
Noah: None taken. We're on the same page, brother.
Travis: You fight to pull yourself out over and over, and you just get -- you just get pulled right back in. It's like there's no escape.
Noah: I think that what's best for my aunt Vicki is that she's with somebody who understands that, someone who can help her break free from victor's influence. I think she'd be a much happier person.
Phyllis: Headed back to Newman?
Summer: Yeah, they've probably sent out a search party for me by now, but it was all worth it, so thank you.
Phyllis: It was just cocoa.
Summer: Are you kidding? You helped save me from freaking out about Christian. You see? I got his name right this time.
Phyllis: It's gonna get easier.
Summer: I know. I hope so.
Phyllis: You're gonna have to stay very strong for your father during this transition.
Summer: Yeah, well, lucky for me I have a mom who taught me everything I need to know about that.
Phyllis: Well, I'm glad something took.
Summer: I love you.
Phyllis: I love you, too, Supergirl.
Summer: Bye.
Phyllis: Bye. Ashley, I -- Ashley wanted me to give her some download figures, so, uh... here you go.
Jack: Actually, I'm interested in those, too. Let me take a look.
Ashley: Hi.
Summer: Ashley, hi.
Ashley: Yeah, I saw you and your mom come in together earlier.
Summer: Yeah, she took a little break to hang out with me, so it was nice.
Ashley: That is nice. It must be difficult for you, watching her go through all this.
Summer: What -- what do you mean?
Ashley: I mean, her insistence on working here. You know, I mean, it's got to be hard on her. I know it's hard on jack. You see that, right?
Summer: Well, what I see is how much my mom loves jack. I mean, she'd have to, to put up with all this stuff.
Ashley: Okay, well, have a nice rest of your day.
Summer: You, too, Ashley.
Jack: This is very thorough. Nice work.
Phyllis: Make sure Ashley gets those numbers, all right?
Jack: Will do.
Phyllis: Is there something else?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah, there is. Um, I want you to clean your office out.
Phyllis: Why?
Jack: I'm promoting you.
Phyllis: Promoting me? That's great. What's my new position?
Jack: You'll be heading up a whole new division at jabot.
Phyllis: That's fantastic.
Jack: In new York. Congratulations.
Victoria: Okie dokie. So, that takes care of the cake.
Billy: Or we do my cupcake idea. We spell out "happy birthday" in cupcakes.
Victoria: What is it with your obsession with red velvet anyway?
Billy: Not everybody's a chocoholic like somebody I can name.
Victoria: Okay, so we do a bunch of different cupcakes all in different flavors.
Billy: Yes! Red velvet with cream cheese, come to papa. I'll spell it out. Of course, you're gonna have to proofread just to make sure.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, of course. Next order of business -- the entertainment.
Billy: Okay. So... last birthday for Johnny, it was cowboys. Right?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: So, um, how about dinosaurs in tutus?
Billy: What? Dinosaurs in tutus? That's a -- that's a thing?
Victoria: Yeah, apparently it's a thing among the 2-year-old set.
Billy: Wow, I am so out of it.
Victoria: I'm out of it, too. How about mermaids and/or princesses?
Billy: No, no, no, no, no. Katie's not a princess kind of girl. What about a circus?
Victoria: Oh, god, no. No. [Chuckling] No.
Billy: What do you mean, no?
Victoria: Well, you remember. Johnny will freak out. Do you remember when the clown showed up at his 3-year-old birthday?
Billy: Took one look at the guy and ran up to hide in his room.
Victoria: And yeah, under his bed, to be specific.
Billy: We should have never had your dad dress up as a clown.
Victoria: [Laughs] That's funny. Well, fortunately the guy was a good sport. Uh, we need to think of something different.
Billy: Okay. Something different. Um...
[Door closes]
Travis: What the hell are you doing here again?!
Travis: What is with you, huh? Always here, just inventing reasons to show up.
Billy: I don't need to invent a reason, Travis. My kids live here.
Travis: Yeah, I think you use that as a convenient excuse to mess with Victoria and me.
Victoria: Listen, I invited Billy here to help me plan Katherine's birthday. You and I talked about this, remember?
Travis: I guess I forgot.
Billy: That's what happens when you day-drink.
Travis: What?
Victoria: How many have you had, Travis?
Travis: Oh, come on. The last person who asked me that was my mother after high-school prom.
Billy: Dude, you really want to go there?
Victoria: I don't appreciate you showing up here acting like this, half-drunk. The children are upstairs!
Travis: Is it any wonder why I would want to drink? Yeah, it's bad enough I got to put up with your father, the way you just fall in line, afraid to stand up to him.
Victoria: I'm not afraid to stand up to him.
Travis: I'm sick of dealing with your ex. I don't know how you stand to be in the same room with this guy after he sleeps with his brother's wife. Now, how do you that?
Billy: Like the way that you slept with your boss's wife? The same way?
Travis: Yeah, you got something you want to say?
Victoria: Don't. Don't. Come on. Please. What the hell is the matter with you?
Travis: Him always here. What? He can't have Phyllis, now he's all over you again? You can't see what he's doing to us?
Victoria: What Billy's doing? Seriously? [Sighs]
Travis: What are you doing? Who are you calling?
Victoria: I'm calling a car. I don't want you anywhere around the kids in this condition. Tell the driver to take you somewhere you can sober up. I don't care where it is. As long as it's not here.
Summer: Hey.
Noah: Hey, yourself.
Summer: Okay, I came to apologize for going off on you earlier about Sharon. I know that she is your mom. It was just hard for me to hear you defending her after I had just found out what she'd been doing. I mean, she'd been raising dad's son, knowing that he was suffering, while she knew the truth, Noah. I mean, she could have eased his pain, but she chose not to.
Noah: I know. She's in pain, too, summer. They're both victims here, you know?
Summer: [Sighs]
Noah: Listen, when I think about my mom in Fairview with that sadistic doctor pumping her full of drugs, keeping her isolated from her family, telling us all it was for the best... my mom was so happy after all the hell that she'd been through. She finally had the life that she wanted, that she deserved, and I just couldn't stand there listening to everybody dump on her, as if she deserved to have this little boy wrenched away from her. My mom was wrong. I know that. I know that. She should have told dad the moment that she realized the truth. You're right, summer, about all of it.
Summer: I just wish that none of this had ever happened.
Noah: Me, too. And I just keep on thinking about what I'm gonna say to her when I see her, and honestly, I have no idea.
Phyllis: This isn't a promotion! This is an insult! You're gonna ship me off to new York without even discussing it?!
Jack: I thought you would be pleased.
Phyllis: Oh, come on. That is a crock. This isn't you talking. This is Ashley talking. This was all her idea, right? She is the one who wants me gone. Admit it.
Jack: I haven't run this by her, but I'm sure she'd be okay with it.
Phyllis: I cannot believe that you are allowing your sister to get into your head to pull the strings. We work well together. We are getting things done. I have respected every one of your boundaries. This is between us and nobody else!
Noah: My mom made a mistake, and she hurt a lot of people. But she's not the only one, you know.
Summer: My mom? Yeah.
Noah: There's a lot of people that will never forgive her.
Summer: And she has to live with that. She's trying to make things right with jack in her own way, and I don't know if she can, but she's my mom. I'm on her side.
Noah: Guess all we can do is love them both no matter what.
Summer: You know what? That's what Sharon needs to hear from you. That you love her.
Noah: Works for me. Do you think jack will ever forgive your mom?
Summer: You know, I don't think that there's anything two people can't overcome if they're truly meant to be together.
Victoria: [Sighs] So, where were we?
Billy: Theme, entertainment, how to wow a 2-year-old.
Victoria: Right. Yeah. I think we got as far as no clowns. [Sighs] Is it any wonder that I sound like Travis' mother? He acts so immature.
Billy: I'm sorry that happened.
Victoria: Yeah, me, too.
Billy: Look, I didn't mean to cause any drama, all right? Maybe it's better I go. We can -- we can pick this up another time.
Victoria: No, I want you to stay.
Jack: Are you done? Because now it's my turn to talk, and you're gonna listen.
Phyllis: That's fine. Talk. But I'm not relocating to new York.
Jack: I am offering you real work, managing a whole new division of jabot, managing other people, using all of your skills, not to mention a chance to get away, to gain new perspective about a lot of things.
Phyllis: Okay, this is not about helping me. This is about getting rid of me and doing what Ashley wants and doing what she has convinced you to do!
Jack: Listen, I am C.E.O. of this company! Nobody tells me what to do or what to think or how to manage my life or deal with you. Yes, Ashley wants you gone. That much is true. She doesn't want to see me deal with you day after day leaning over my desk with those sultry looks you don't think I notice, that seductive voice you have, hoping for some magical effect. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!
I'm deciding this! This is what I want! What I need!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mariah: You want to go live on GC buzz? That is a huge mistake!
Sharon: I have to do this.
Billy: I get the guy. Hell, I was that guy, and I think you're being a little hard on him.
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